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The Goderich Star, 1929-02-28, Page 3
THURSDAY, F'E8. 2Sth, 121'•:9 VW- mer*"""th1Neighborhood NewsNuggets Irvl'�ili severe Reins la der Back tai► tiLo Bret sign of tiny Weal;tte,aa (at pain is the Facie I+oat's Kidney P;al ` Picked From Our Exchanges shoal be taken. They arose remedy for the kiclneya only and make rigiaG F.ngat#ements Announced THE GODERICH STAR a,hing us with the e 'get ed?= er to one anethee ane then bind fes together in the bomb of net- .� deretsnd"ung tired regard, To than ere 4 ' governments Reed t-ailreeds, putties inn, tait•.atione and private eorlaorat7toes, lwotlaeieti institute; aaad andic�clual in evvey wail; of ifs. by their Patti :tie. it patrA i`•.agc 6f 1'redu2ed°In=C'araio pr die »wave -le Beg, e ilio+ WeeTeiwrencefirvalic Culotta Out., e Iil,a> ^attar, v,ores illresss. litre. i'nur,astet't was the f'zradian i>urehasit:g starer. tare, air,: #le engagement oS cora ` his nestle of Industrial- Canada writca:� QyT sullen.' for meaty mouths 5ounge-t (laughter. SArah .Ric"cr., �o.tngcat daughter Q£ the int© Dir, with sewdra, ermine in my back, a a �e , ,i ' of could net teat day or night, seta It lain lark to James Andrew ii oaieal�~, x.1..1 ayia�3d • lSamu.G lertl� ell own' ip, ° build eg tr � oto, rTul story l the i4 .; of .Ler(ion. The ratter/am, to tree:, l�atildinsta> bate1, eonanaeticial' and iaa- n9 ruubitioia to do nything. !where. heti girlhoed was spent, For i dnetrial. which are going np iia .f'an- e "One dayi saw where you ea. •?glace an Alva. 'adn, six Fears :after their marriage Mr. j i y �Sp kl" S y from one end to theother rrlaie&a vestised Dean's X lusty' ea for pains ' Mr. and 'Sirs. J. H. I'aavcll, of Aire-, digiti o Cie growing industrialism of in um back: ants r lost ea time in buy* I ano% announce the engagement nib and biro. Plumsteel livers on the farm • ing a box. T lt4co taken three beae9 their only daughter; Charlotte, to Air. to the London xaad, but since Haat "etcei, ex Gunter, y;aeeet3 sway ena<ly Laughing Ey es for the teat of the tro.rtil•:. J Aciaru of>k>iin^;r a` Sundae t-,;erning, Feb. 17tb,after u Downcast Eyes all of Weeeh err ru9nt:latire ie. ficin* h `tui and na;:►t1A tf" Eyes tell Your Character Bram eves for strength—Btue for genevosit; --Gray eerie for ea ous e ar in eyes in• dime beauty, yea,, and good health, tog 1 Do your. eyes sparkle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow • , <--in leaun an ouvo • eta condition — due to rep so, you ne 9 l the Wes • 4tnd tht: l3evelopnent of the and, faua(i that the dict mo a wonder-Mr. they clave resided in Clinton. •,ky-Terapor tendency in centres such y• Cecil J. Pullman only son of bI �. ;and ° d I3 f so as Toronto, and the fact that a eery fel amount of goon by giving. relief' . Mrs. William Pullman, of I% peel , . The Kate Mrs. John Sto•a art away." large percentage of the materials. us- rightQnt, the marriage ton#tike plta,'q the; There passed ntr ry Carib° ori ,Sunday. Ikea If d constipate cd in thee() developments gra Made in I at all drngglsts or • II morning, February 17th, at, the home! Canada and that the big enterpri,cej' Dayman-Smith of her daughter, Airs. henry Pierceof the country are aiding the Made- i (leases, or mailed 7th line Martis, a former highly eel At 4 in•Canati:a ntavement is very gratdlfyy. ill eat on tocol t of . {'� ruatrimonal event took plate at g y Pave 50e, a box . end of February. p -Wesley P Clinton, Tues f teemed resident of Blyth, in the per.,ting. . ' 1 roc TliRE It r IOW The Advantage ate" Sulu, Purity is a strong, tkh bur with, teat ez :sndi:n qualities, thio 1 tablespoon less pet cu if your cake recipe cii s for ordinary pastry oe soft wheat Hour. Ifmalk is. called for, use Ulf milk and half water (luke•waxn t) when tlsiogR Purity Dour as luiik alone tends to nuke the cake day'. PURITY Fi.'0UR • 981.1ac• was,, etpt,.k*,-a ¢mentis:, Ktwo gK•V14... PURITY FLOUR price by the T. 1151• ea eY arsanage, on ,'levet burn Co., Limited, d 7: b 5th 1 theBev. A son of Agnes Gray, widow of the into t eoe "'1.e ; Many manufacturing companies day', t. railrY , when Purity Pities' Peary vtie lei eq;'a Pmay ]Cia:ar n.a tcast:;'i '- . t cup atorteninst�. ' , coma tat water. &tux ,taut and pale custom: la tbo rt.:;;ttilag mud the cai,nure is lake lane moot• so% tir2rza:itbiy matt the nater. 1.011 eat thee, 1 toting it sir. This vita mast arms tar two ric:a, i s Cstra rich rusty use hail batter and batt ixrd. • Western Cods 1:101....r 11111* Co. r;:r3ited icrenso chat. Sia' . �. ......x,�...: �; Jelin Stewart, aged 72 -ears and w t �xteiuerestrill have made declarations of their policy A 13 united 'n marriage AErs tt y a PeerdtR " • itad *butt, r. heater Irmo the Eset is • terdals and i Akre Aceceas, A crtuece:r,M Relines ties stn e i a. Toronto, Ont. Catherine Jane Smith. of Hensall, to;months. The lata Mrs. Stewart vias ail Ehe a«q toHamilton s)r e- ?raw . ss i- id erred I a 1 tonto e h u of a d an tt oda ma- . Buffalo, Goderich, Milton and tspend the .. s in the buying C naGalt, llu al : o ,1 Mr. James Dayman of Tuckers►nitli.! \seized kith D stroke of paralysis n a last of such state.. Dundas. Interment was made at Tu- attainder of his days. Wherever Rha G L !'some days previous from which elle sifer;lges�ii, 1tiu.tu"R-ihiOM* tie c°„ meats ,riven in this issue of Indust- tela lloigbta cemeterb', Brantford. lived, he was full of neat for the ad. LEGAL ,...CARDS Mrs. Roht. Gemmill Passes Away,. naked, Toronto • 1 Meaty•waswe the motor cars joined the proses- . vanecment of Christian life, and was F. Re DARROW. Eva Bolt wife of Robert W Gem- 'ref 1 its T d tile. you 18801 • "� owner . W. , �c carsnr ► p.. un in r~ y r ' Goderich Organ Co.. Ltd., Goderich, Bien from Hamilton and many beau- much loved and respeetbd by his bre• Barrister, .SolicItar, Notary Public, Etc. mill, prominent young garage en• 1 wrls married to John Stewart who '""""-� h Huron Ctrunt Lodge o Ont;, as follows; "All our materials tiful iteral tributes were taken to the thrpn in church and lodge. 1 e ienves r , at Thamesvttle, died tit Toronto G tinned away in Janne, 191?. Not ) t: and supplies are purchased in Canada grave. Tate late John Challen 'wag tit. iia., ,.,,.,,w,,.:...:.a ria ..,.., stand - and Successor to J. L.1ci11aranp' where Ito Bible The only urcbase born at Totebill County of Boma Phone A7. Office, The cgytare, Gotiericia..eral Hospital followinf; an operation' .', d 1 N Post Office for Exeter North Huron County Orange Lodge Y l' after an illness of: over a year's era- New os c met at Winghum with the largest at - the �ia lI N E S T M. LEE tion. Mrs. Gement was in her 24th 1 A new past otiice for Exeter is in. tendalace in its history, and a docket the oak lumber and some mechanical grated to (unade •in 1859, settling at daughter and one granddaughter re - On we make in the United States is for England, Dee. 3rd, 18#0. He mi- ing, a truly remarkable record. Ono Year and was a former resident of !eluded in the main estimates of the that oacu led the brethren until late rubber supplies which are not made Centreville (now Bealton), ie the main, also two brothers,. Stephen IV Barrister and Solicitor Brussels, homy; n dmap i ter of How. , Hepartment of Public Works tabled in the afternoon. Falloicing aro the in Canada' township of Townsend, Norfolk Coup- of the ,koro a£ Taylor and Mallen, of Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria • and and Airs, Bolt note also : esidents in th Dominion.. House at- .Ottawa " "`�' Telephbnet Elgin`5301 t Fte'W oillems AT`THEMOYAL ALLEYS ty,.:on:the faxrin yrlttclr.ltad lacen;pur-, Birmiegham, Eng'., land our 'esteemed Of filiamesville: Ian Monday. The estimates provide W. M. --Chas. C.'oultes, Delgra , . chased the previous bummer by his Thepresent standing• of the mens 1 1 11 Sr This f DUDLEY E. HOLMES. vc 'ownsn►an, Mr. Newton C. Challen• ' ' - Death 'of Wuwanaeh Pioneer 'for $21,000. fora public: building. D. he..na, V. Haines, Wie ham.. league -is as follows ; father John C la en r t► s stmt Barrister, So11ci#or, Notary An 'Tuesday moraiinr�, Feb eater 1' , While the estimates have not as. yet Chap --•Rev. A V. Walden, Bluevale. Publle,• Coitva 'aacar. Eta. there passed aevay one of the (ticket received the approval of the house Ree. -Sec.- Tt. CopolnnC, SV►nghath. Won bast ed for $GO per acre, the price being ChiTdrtstn Luce Ito- • person of Charlotte Wright, widow of elusion. t s pass e a ie new Fin. -Sec. ---A. V._ Pattison,. Dolgrave. i �• erected ed hi summer. ' comprised -150 acres and was purchase •ne -eke - - -� Originals= Whizz Bangs. „ Go Getters Lions No. 1 - Saltford .......:;. Lions -No. 2 King. Pins - ? paid i Britishld The elderly • 'P `d Challen was reeve of 'Townsend when Y, the county home farm was selected 4 by.Squire Matthews. Ile was a lead: '� 3 er in the campaign which led to its 1 2 establishment, as- he liad .bad some " • • 0 G experience in England in connection tie e e N n o ► ° a 6' b 1 foregone p FEr r o e con- Pdl®nI �7 RAMIE. nix STREET. pioneers of East 'Maw to :sir, do the they ate p aa:tical y a f ra., Treas.--Chas. Stewart, ILandestioro. So Win You ' SPECIALIST DR. le J. D. MUSTER. the late James Martin in le eighty- building. may be e t this r. C hfatshall-eTon. Taman, Blyth. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT' wanosh a bride sixty-four years- ago, O lhaimie and Aural hospital, assistant at lived on the same farm raver since. away after a.brref illness, Mrs.Mary A RER idooreneld's Eye llospital and Golden fifth year. Mrs. Martin c me to. WA- . Mrs, John McKinnon j 1st Lect.: 'Thos. Wheeler, Winghant. On February lith there pa sedr2nd Reed, -«•H. Leishman, Dungannon, Late House Surgeon New York {)ph- .being one of the Srst settlers and has RICKinnon,.relict of the tato John Ate- STORMY WEATHER e as 1 n B in n her ar, t a d nd' N z� no , in 76th HARD 0 Y Ssiusre Throat hospital, London, Eng, Death of Mr. Gordon Thomson' 4 ' - a .. ,,3 Waterloo St.. S. Stratford.'ltt•l The death oeeutred, on •Tliur5u:ay respected resident' of Turnberry. Thi • phone 267. 1 'y; of third'tiondav of eirh month Thomson of Seaforth Mr sT'hotnson er an unusual incident elle being born Can diens experience during Mee, '.ws •ah weather k of Ai C. G. ]ata i It . McKinnon s birtha rath- este • eat e morndn ..of -last week, �The Merin blustery At Hotel itcdford I;odcrlrli on the gY eti ren n , i , , which a till the following she, Tuesdo;', at i had conducted the oatmeal mills there' on mid -ocean. She spent her' child- I Fdhruary and March is. extremely pare CHIROPRACTIC' 1�RUGI;F.;?3 PRACTITIONER. for several years, and was one of the, hood days in 'Tuckersmith, coining to hard on babies and young children. most able and popular young bust- I Turnberay in the. early eoventies with Conditions make it necessary for tire. N nes:, men of Seaforth. Ile was a son her husband, who predeceased her 27•keep he 1 p mother to them confined .to t of the late Walter 'Thomson, of Mit years Ingo. , house, whose rooms may be overheat- ed �r badly ventilated. The little ones r;, y shell, and a brother. of Mr. J. Hosie DR, A. N APIC .,L). • •Chiropractor and Drat less '.,therapist, Thomson, who was connected with Injured in," Explosion catch cold and their system becomes Goderich him in the milling business. Mr. E. F. H'unnifard, of Leaden, racked. To guard against this a box Chronic, Organic and Nervous Diseases Heads' Chicago Dry Goods Com- formerly of Clinton, was badly burned of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept Equipped .with Diathermy, Electron about the face and hands and had a in the home: and an occasional dost±. Magnetic) Baths; Electronic Electric mission Group Treatments and Chiropractic, The Daily Newa Record, of, Chi- narrow escape With his: life when an given the baby to keep him fit, or if a Office hours--•2to 3 and 1i.to 0 p. en. sago, in. a recant ..issue says: "Wm. explosion occurred in the •Supertest cold suddenly grips hint to restore and by appointment, excepting Monday Gas Plant, in London, early Monday. him to health again . and keep him in and Thursday aafftternoons. and. evenings. H. Covent:tar, of Govenlock & Owner ,'i.a ;.:u6r, of last`:veelr-'khn iiidin good dandified on till the &Tghtoi; • tJilree-initr3 t'a a vola d to r pen. was erected . president, of the associa- „ t C Good Commie- i•w•as de..troyed together with many v:armer-dogs-come eieng.again.. • Ch :" 0 3 with management .of such rt Rome. Last'Thursday the bions No. 1 beat Norfolk was one of the flout counties the Originals 2 to 1. C. Chapman in Ontario to inaugurate such an in - had the Myth. score for the three stitution. John Challen engaged in games for. the Originals, 671, and R. farming for some years, then moved Lloyd highest single, 263. For the to Brantford, where he bought grain LIons. No. I F. Martin had highest, far. the 'Alfred Watts mill there; three games 692, and single 270... On Later he became associated with the Tuesday the Originals took the three ��'m. Buck Stove them and the Cock- - ganies from the -Whizz �13ungs, T. shutt Plow Company.. Ife•then trans- Pritchard. was high for three games ferrel to Hamilton to sell implements '--'-• for the Originals, 847, . and C. Mc- .for Copp pros. and organized the. McDonald single, a28.. For the Whizz Good 'Roads Machinery • Company. • Bangs A. Taylor had the high aggro- Ile went to Goderich with this firm gate, • fa, and R. McGuire the high- under the name . of -the American for one genie, 288. a Road Machinery Company, :That In the ladies' league, the standing town had offered the oontpany certain- . is as follows . - - - inducements to locate there. Ilo're- Cod, heyt '•fllluuckley ;ign The ° first dose don, two things— 'relieves relieves the cough instantly and delights the taste. Aitreeat from all other temsdks for Coughs. Colds, Bronchi, Prevents '110", Pneumonia end all Throat sial Lung bie r gat tree e. Sold everywhere under teeny-tt:tundedguarsetp., 'W. K. Sadder, Lionel. ;' 112 *utast 81.. Termite s BCax i sls Acts tilts a Ross. • - • ante *IP proves it. wage. I;Gdy "In Attendance.s ion oficaga Dry s ntmi - gallons of gas' but several large oil' Ba byes Own Tablets are just what Residence and Office—CornerSotttli St. lion Men et their amulet Christmas 1 .end: Britannia Road.dinner at Hotel Stevens." Mr. Gov-' in the rear were not touched, the mother needs for her little ones. 1 matter .of thorough 1 xa- although situated only a tte They are t► mild but the o gh a ACCTIONEERIN GG- enlock is an old Seaforth boy and a son of Diri•..'aatad Mrs. J, R. Gnvenlock, 'ten feet or so from the building which five - which regulate the bowels •destroyed ; b 1 ld was sire ten the stomach• 1 ea c up co took three -straight front WAR. — L4,0ig",. Lavender Girls , 10 G Y Blue streaks . CANADIAN NAIO�IAL R_ Supersilks • , .. _ 7 8 Night I•iawks 6 0 Last Thursday the T:avender. Girls TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO Inc Night DAILY EXCEP1 SUNDAY THOMAS CaleSeDRY & SON. North Main Street. • I y Hawks, with. Miss E. ,Reid as ,licit Lee. Goderich 0.20' nem. 2.20 p.m. Seaforth's Customs Office to be Clo cd 1 simple pl fevers • banish constipa high player, aggregate 553 and sin « Clinton 6,44 n tat.�GO Pan. • at su t e e , Death :of Fnriiter I,angside Iicsid�nt tion ,and indigestion add make the- f rt pini, Lire Stone and General Auctioneers, I E. D. Reid,Customs Ofldcei: at Se t- gle 253. Fer the' Night; Hawks Mrs. Seaforth .6.59 aan, 3.08. Elgin Ave.. tiodericd.. '' Dir. Alex. Reid, for ?many years et, forth has received word from Ottawa cutting of .teeth cosy. The Tablets ,Saunders had high aggaegato 4 i0, " -Mitchell '1.21 eau: t1:1"u pm. Sales made everywhere and all efforts resident o Haar, Lanf;side Church, ' 1 be i a►re sold .by medteine dealers • or by and she: and Airs. Moulton tied for Arr. Stratford 7.45 nem. 4.00 p.mn made itoe dive a'au{ satistactinn, passed away at his home in Whife- that :the local tus�iems -ofeee. will , mail at 25e a 1tbx from Tlio Dr. Wil- •h#gh suiglo, I'87 'a tiitchencr 8.40 nem. 5.20. pan. Phone -119. talo Notes Wscoacted.. • . church on Friday, Feb. 15th, at the discontinued after I4larch 1. Closing Hams' Dieddcine Co,.Brockville Ont. " Guelph 4.0.1 a.m. 5.60 p.m. e !tone iia the office will be a severe loss to the ' On Wednesday this wools the Night „ age of 78. He had been in poor health Hawks had two wins out of the three Toronto 10.25 a.m. 7.00 p.m. -IieI EY W. PISMO, AUCTIONEER, for eight or ten years. The late Mr, . town and the Seaforth town council is PATRIOTIC PROGRAM games with the' Supersilks. Mrs. F. Iteturnin,--Leave Toronto i uv aim., tit'itt conduct sales any%.11Crr, rllfeid was.a .son of Peter, Reid, a' pion petitioning the Department to have .it reprint from Industri',' Canada i Saunders had the high: a gregato for 12.55- p.m. and O.O5. p.m, r Ag id••�• b e n off"s� rd 1 retained. t: a liar• e Ar I; q wl rh o• r i t reasonable" big and I wilt tCar Goderich to Tor. ta nCafe G terms;i ) ser settler of Kinloss, and for forty -Parlor c gad give :rttl3faction.:. as position , in the,• customs office in, devoted . to the Produced -in -Canada the winners, 526,and Mrs. R. Lloyd Phony_ (Pignet% 3 di; ""or ac1(iress Ii, 11.. Ove years treasurer of that township. T)uitnville. program. of the Caiuldlan Manu.ae- the highest for no genie, 217. T'or onto nn nisi inir ,taint, and Toronto h' on 6.OG .m. train. No change of cava between Gado. rich and •i, Goderich. Safe in China G 1d W ddi 1 !curing Association.. "Slowly, but. the Supersilks Miss A.. Nairn was Miss ..Caroline Westwood, of Wings • n en a ng . niiai erFar surely;" says L. W. Simms, president high 'both in aggregate and single Toronto. 1, The home of Mr, and, stirs. Elijah of the •Association in the opening, an. game, with 470, and 217. The Lavern Wei. B.iILIE. ro Chentu West China, shortly before he seen NOTARY PUBLIC. ETC. J. A. LAWRENCE, • iltgms, Minnie St., Ai ingha , a ttele, and.,with ever ineteasang mo dei Gltls tools tt o to the Blue Streaks Towng haft, arrived at. her destination at ,, m was , v Passenger and Ticket Agent i '1 t ildren brother~ s tt'as high fol the winners its NnT:tRY`PVflLT : - General elonveyanein,; dine Oood 00We:tides Represented. Phone No. 208. ' Goderloh, Ont. - INSURANCE IIeKILlener :i1UTVAI. FIRE 1NSUR- EY,TY INSURED. Chri t • 'A • ut- ' f t t o s nnas. n 'encu aging ea um of the return of the missionaries is the very warm welcome accorded them by the ;Chinese "people. Miss Wellwood is supported by the W. M. S., of the United Church of Canada. Death of Mrs. P. Plumsteel 14th, 1870,, by Effie Rathwell, wife of H. P. Plum- -sant, in the vil e of a very happy event when mentum, the idea is fixing itself in the one the same day, Miss M. Buchan Phone 8 their . faintly, y, gi and h , minds of ail Canadian that to buy anwith 518. and sisters to the number of forty.: goods produeed in Canada keeps Can- and 210, and Miss It, Plante high for gathered on St. Valentine's Day, Fcb.:adian dollars, Canadian .brawn and the Blue Streaks, 560: and 208. 14th, to celebrate the fiftieth•anniver Canadian blains at work in Canada . ' • • '- ---"`-"---"'^'^' sary of their wedding day.' Mr, and. building hones an churches, schools -OBITUARY is. tliggins 'psFc id Feb.nd hibd bidrail- A he late Hey. Mr. Fes- roads - and radios, age of Belntore.phone§;' automobiles r�.!'e,tiarreon e. sps, arns. " d :rges, C HI.I.F.,:V.•-•-•Simeoe - iieformeri4• tools and tele- The funeral of` the late John Chatham! nd aeroplanes, - who passed away on 'Thursday, Feb. 1. 7th. at 121 .Jackson St, Hamilton,. took place -on• Saturday, Feb. Oth.' Rev. Dr.. Iluntley , of Janie:, street: Baptist church, 'offic' xted. The bear - Lem were brothers of the Mnsonic'or:1. • der. Its addition to many Meads of the James street church, of which bee eves a member, there - were relatives and friends present from Simcor, Feller AND IS()T,ATirI) TOWN P11flP- —--�--�'--- CRAY INSI'REia, Value of•nrenerty insured uP to Jan- nary 1A10 •3,0is. 075,00, 0P1:10E11i .James Gonnnllse Presi-• dent, t,odericli: ,ins Evans, Vlce-Perini- dent, • Brechwnotl, q', 1. Bays, See.- 'ri'cas.. 8aafarth. • . i)IRE(7fthfS-•-1). P. McGregor, Sea - tomb; J.' O. Grieve. Winthrop, 'two. 'Wein. Constance: George MM'arinev. trnokersmith: John Perris. llarlortc John Bennetivkr. Broadhagen; Murray Gibson, Bi unsold. AGENTS --..1 W. Yee, Ooderieh: Sorely • Leitch, Clinton: 'aVm. Chesney, Sea - Lath • 11Illnehley, Seaforth. Pollcyhoirlrrs can pay their mases+ 'idents at Calvin Gutted Stere Gotlrrltlt: A J Mooris,h's Clothing store, Clinton; er J 11 'Rclds, •B'tytield LI'tltb 1NSUKANCI Revd It attended to by the ,NEST WAWANO!H MUTUAL ONE INSURANCE CO Estalallshed IRIS ' Head Office: Dungannon, Ont; 'Wm. J. Thompson, Auburn, lyres.: Wm, Watson. Vico lyres.; James illr- vin, lion. 1)lreetor; Directors—WM. McQuillan. St. Wiens: W. P. 11.'ed, it. R. No. 2, Lurknow: Harry 1•. Sa1- • lt:id, Goderich: Alex. ivichoi5on. Leek - now; Tim Griffin, Ii. 11. No. 7, i.aut,•noav; Utas. Hewitt, Kincardine; hob,, Davide. ern. Dungannon. Rate -4f2.00 Per thousand. STOTttia11S, T. G. ALLEN, T.xeag. BrFtllitrii■t11u111siintll o3rodnileu Tie L.adiieg Tuinal Directors . ants SeikeIMsrs An Avakikate Service Orders carefully attendees is at all hours --night or day. We are the inspectors of anatomy in and for the County of Huron, Phones: Store 1tO; Residence ' 217. e &. Wheeler r'uneral Director and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario .11 ells areati,ta ' rttelnigra 'ter flag fir night. nooses: Sure aria Noses $SS! ' eerle How Much Money a Year Makes a Melon? The average shareholder in the Bell Telephone Company owns 27 shares, has paid full par value or more for every share, and gets $216 a year in dividends. The mean who bought his shares on the market 15 years ago and has - since taken advantage of every offering, tot, day is getting less than 7 per cent on the money he has paid. This man is typical. The holders of134 per cent of the company's • total stock subscribe again to new shares as they are offered. The telephone company has (never split ifs *tech nor exploited the ,abbe, though it has grown do one 4fihat largest institutions in eneuda. THI NEM TELEPILONS COMPAt °OE CANADA THE GODERICH1 citAtttlf.XS 1 ¶Anklet GeT'HIMWARMATALL( • 1'Nt SURE HE NEEDS A t'st:t - vie. HIM A ow OF HEAT fct TO TAR COAL HIS emu- - You 'know the feeling. Little chills that steal up- your lack and settle at the base of your aerie • 11'avo lumps of ice tdiere your feet used to be. Two clammy frogs hanging at the end of. your arms. , 1 o, you're slot Bice. But you will he if you don't get the I right kind of heat in your house. N Let us tame it i, up for you. CAL THE ' Pot Goad Man Coal • II d 0. R. MUSTARD GOMPAN'Y Rhone 63 t odereck 75c and 40c • Inknever too tuft" e to sleep now Rested naves make all the dfflirence Your doctor .wilt tell you how chewing relieves nervous tension. • .stow the heelthful cleansing action. of Wrigley's refreshes the mouth and tones you up. . Wrigley's dote much -'costs little. RIGLEYS after 0i 13 35� 75 ,.._''ir :os ',r'w a . r',IGHTHiNG COUGH SYRUP For children's bronchial and chest ailments --no finer rel1ef than Veno's Lightning. Cough Syrup -- Children love it. Personal Service *fi 1 Tbornp,oa's _ RAISINS Res 2 fps 23o Z lbs, 19° ulisg*rpore i*,Ic D Pineapple 2 rags 2eite ark 111 or 00( tlION STP, t. ng tie COFFEE PEACHES '115 8wt ebfr.i oflaa:c - ebie. r+,1l u11t 't?enstd • and sup tc,att to maintain our Arch tuudsrd at ori Wye. l'- 0. You enit cr;oy a aur. RICHlitELT.b RLF2l D Iia oaslrl tins only.. ?;Ab.�tha3Se 14b.Ta:ttg: i modeler Wend Cote t,. 45ti', Salaat 1llettd uses lb. opo llifrrceaScb :.ZYe tetete ;isptha LAUNDRY SOAP CMI ran of Q barley :•__trkt. 27! Itruninvieh Try Hoe d'etteer *oven 142. are. 21. - t1 t?litts6'alton 2 ter25e Kant: .• 0 Checno - tier, a APIttter 96104erd WINM H 'leans Tia 23! C'eantotewe arks lanes," it SOUPS 211.0145! Were NOM* Cleaner +340.$. •.Pad Pito 236 .i ii _ Pot Patear<at task : $hIri'U ', IGashua s 3 Mc 2511 chainefir .,. . @l litueltrooftns tai 49• . I Heins *40 SetitiVrin10* ii Powder of a ? 523 - * . Ataw,or., t. ca 7'1 e°3 ` °': 11 Mar Bettis . . nba £ ntrersted Petetthers lb. 1,90 Cooking i1 rigs ' 3 Inc 29_o Diced Ii Carrots 2 mas2,54 Map 3 eaarc.. 24. aim MRs Motttutt* 0 ay. 25 P?!#;d,i ..1.45' ! .