HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-28, Page 2P'AGE'. TWO 1.1 11 1 1 I 1111 THE CODE C STAR Till"il:.. a 9DAT FED. aeatte lege 31i1111&110611*NUME***31E***309MMINIMUNINIMINEMESEMENIMINVENEME IMMIX Read-this-Ad.—and Compare Prices ('f PINEWP4M31124 me RI • 111 NMI ___. Buy No 1 -for' Heart Winter°Mafv Ilin MoneyItZ oroMARCH \_. ;�... at :00 aw mi, and will last fort two weeks only . e must make room for our Spring Goods,by March 15th We are going to clear out our entire stock of Men's and . Boys' Winter Clothing, Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Mackinaws and Rubbers } COST.. BELOW-S'T'. NE 28 Men's Overcoats, ail sizes in lot. Regular prices $16.50 to $25.00. Clearing. at . ... , .:............$7.75 to $12.75 .., • • • - Men's i%lackinawCoats,made of all -wool Mackinaw Plaids, all sues. Clearing at ..$4.45 and $5,75 Men's Sweater Coats, in dark brown or hyeatheyr.`.s, •�LReg. price , $2.50. Clear- ing lear- ing'out�aV..-.1.«.r l.Y.,..,'•.,,•.,_.$1.45 la Police Braces, clearing out at..... , . ,29c' Men'sFleece' Shirts and A aivers, Pen- m n's, Dodd's, York Tinit, and Tiger Brands, all sizes in lot Clearing at ... , .63e and 89c SAM • • Men's Fleece Combinations, all sizes.`Cle+aa�r- 11 'Ig at... 4 . 4 . 40, . i Y • 4.. Y 4 4 4 . 111• , i l,$L29 .i.tlY'IY11-' Agents. for Tip.Top Clothes Ta-yoursfeasure$24.O0 moms•. . Men's Winter Caps, with eaviap, all -sizes. Clearing out at....... .ri...QQc Men's Leather Caps, all sizes, in plain or Jockey style. Reg. X50, Clearing out . . ... ....,i4V Men's Work Shirts, Khali, Blue and C tarn- bray, all sizes: Clearing out at.. ..89c Men's Mackinaw Socks, in brown or heath- er grey. Clearing out at..... 49c Men's Lined Smocks, sizes 86 to 40. Clear-- lug out at... e.,f .,...,.,. t.,$j.1A5 Men's. Overalls in blue; black,or stripe, sizes • 36 to 44. Clearing out at..:.... r 81;39 Smocks to match.. . . .... ... . k ..$1,39 Men's All -wool Sweater Coats, V -reek, sizes - 86, to 44. Clearing out at.. .1 «d9 M.. 1,, Men's Windbreakers, in • fancy all -wool blanket cloths. Clearing out at,$2.45 Men's Combination Overalls, in blue or khaki, sizes 36 to 44: Clearing out at..,.•.. r.. a...i,....i::,:••$2,39 25 Dozen Men's Work Socks. Clearing atn per pair.... .•.,,•.,.'......23c Meo's Horsehide Mitts, wool Tined, regular $1.25. Cleaning at........ ... , ...69c work Gloves, 5 fingers,.' Clearing at per pair . .i.;..i.:.. ,,.,..G9c M'en's all -wool rib Underwear, all sizes in. lot, •reg. $1:75. Clearing out at. ; $1,19. Men's Sheep -lined Coats, ' clearing at $7.75 and $9,50.. Boys' Sweater Coats, in. brown heather and red, Clearing at .......89e and ,$1.45 Boys' Pullover Sweaters,. in blown and heather, all sizes, Clearing at, ...49c Boys'- Fleece=lined Shuts and- Drawers. Clearing at per garment 45c Men's Work Pants, well made, cuff bottoms, Clearing at.. i • . , • , . , .. , .. $1,45 ISE Men's Broadcloth Shirts, in plain white, : cream, grey or stripe, collar to match, ws or attached, sizes 13 to 171/2. Regular prices $1:75 to' $2.45. Clearing ant at ......: .,:'..',.....:$1.19 to $1.79 Nt Men's Working Shoes, in black or brown solid leather, some have Panca soley,, ' sizes 6 to 12, ,.. • ..... .'r .... ! • ._, IiIV /' r,e Men's Working :Rubbers, in lace dr buckled, sizes 6 to 11. Clearing at .$2:65 to $3.25 N 'he Complete Men's Store in G�dcrich.• Alpileni)stygloontni miaimia witliel$1,- i poppripPIONoppoNWP es .that the power transaction oval Or and an increasing demand are awake«!to preside. When the car left town pository, with the -exception of the, countries buying wheat in outsider - corrupt one, was hearing many inter. . ening a new spirit of hope in the Old , ontething seemed to go wrong, and Prince's favorite horse 'Sust pan Idea: ; nble quantities to be tested out by es'ting things to the effect that the. Country, although there is a tendencylrepeatedly, until 11 o'clock,' whenhis which, he retained for sentimental the millers in those countries. This. fern Concerned had mads considerable in some' quarters to regard,the revival hosts told hire that they were delay- reasons. The le was in' recognition I step is being taken Jointly by the Can- eobtribution • to the Bracken Govern- .as merely temporary, and a result of ing hint on purpose and suggested• by. the Prince of the increased burden adian Department of Trade :iiia Corn- LEIN REVIEWIDS Wiadaltill, Mig imasemmoissalamosaarmattamm Watch: ourr windows for Extra Specials during this Sale. 4 trent,. the C; nsetvatrve Party, and the the cold wave which has swept over that he walked to Strasbourg. M. ofofficial duties which has Palle 111' it Public Liberal Goverrantrnt to .'rouble Ilion. W. R. Clubb, paperer o . . n• upon coerce in order that the widest data, beral Par y and certain rndividuale. the Continent of Europe.S g Daladier managed to et to ' Stras- ` him because of the illness and oca- ' concerning the quality of the now • . urea situation," Sir David eaid, "is bourg in time to make hie Speech iiecite of his father. The' event at -,wheat may be' available. mining 'erode , With• .Sotiet . Discussed betterthaneit n time since h . after the banquet, but only after traeted numerous horse lavers from tests arse also to be tirade b a ;any #toac o � a yt~ ra t in a many les, thot in F`n st ' Smutting p g good y rot i stnua°�r<.. t,,, a hind. ad#an miner's :+, • Can - It wee aettv>.�r_-tn�. to learn tlitiG ut e'n�fxtantr of the ituhr. t>� IDZ3,iti sccilt� ,�.,,., �� hltlt � s-_ .., � .. � ...•a.., Israel hpproxrntaiely the same tante dint almost too goon to be five. During', T11.0 aleatteet lasted full en hour anal' • w• -w.• ea member of the Opposition that -the r petitore hello made SY** `eifbrt to Alarmed by the belief of many al- mounts had been led . away by their . Canadians are the world's great new owners it was found that the sale est tele honeconversationalists.4 Canadian Government ryas. 'consider~- retain the tausiness taken away from dais that the Purple Gang of Detroit, had. ing the tiuestion of renewing trade us during the preeeding pealed efethe' at one time blamed for the .massacre had. rcalixed more than �y21,000. When Cola P. G. Taylor, Leader ofiWorks, tendered their resignations to tete Opposition in •the Manitoba Lei the Premier, but they were not ac- islaturee tlernanded ett inqulry into 'Atilt e»ted until last Friday whena 'atone stairs of the Winnipeg Electric' Co.,,bteke out in the itoitse following the particularly regarding they Seven ;STs- admittance of the two Cabinet Minis- ters Power Site deal, fern people out- Jere of speculating in Winnipeg Mees tide the inner eagle thought it would tele Cantpany stock while the Sevenl protium such .startling ' discoveries ° as Sisters Power Site deal was pending. it did, Following the charges of allege i While the storm raged• hr' the Logs• ed corruption against the I3rueken a lature a Rept Connnlss£on sitting itt Government, boli. + . A. Major, At -;the Law Courts aeross the street itis torney-General of the Province, and vestigating Col. P. G. Taylor's (berg- Pow huxg 10 rat Revolt Master NO *NO �le,+t:4fM+. r epeamoos str40••+,. PUN IW,- AR!Wllw (r* f .QM.ed -.a How ,.adre +m,, awe • -PO .rj.I, N about a0: minutes, a good tiro evert can often make a minor repair which will add 3000 miles or more to the life of the tire. --A hundred Milts for every minute's work, 1)ominian Tire Depot owners are Canada's lading fire ex - pats :-� tcait� in Canada's finest the factory. Y*st are serer for away ftbtui a DOMINION TPRE DEPOT GoasaetCo.... natter Premier Mackenzie XIV infornted 0 the past two r�eax1 liar Lod?, na wbetroit tiling eresses Boracee as ter the last ot the twelve handsome Canadians Great 'Phone Users �. P t I p . recently issued official bulletin with. relations 'with S vier Russia the strike. To do this they• c e telephone statistics discloses that on a rn urrt d loss of seven gangsters in . Chicago, is . 3 Mother 'Parliament in Britain also es amounting in some cases to several a Urge rumber Canada to Cuba 'Plight a per capita basis an average of 2211 ' making for Canada. a 1 ego t heard a few words on The subject, in shillings per ton'. The result is thee'of detectives have gathered on both. A daring dight from vCalkerviile, conversations per per were held b ana�wer to .several Laborite questions are noww in the :ratite weakened post. :aides of the border tit Niagara Palls Ong, Ciba, a distance of approxi• the people of Canada, compared with the British Government's spokesman tion that we were in,. it not in some to be prepared for the visit. mately 1300 miles, was arrotnpl£shed 20114 in the United States', the next ill in the Treace of .fiords,. Lord Linen, eases more so. British coal is now in by George Haldeman on Saturday in highest, and 107 in Denmark, which said ex -edits 'would be refused 'Russia a position to compete, with regard to juot under thirteen hours, flaldeniarr, is given third place. .rtt.:« until the'Soviet Government iceeg.. price, and quality, and tonrpete sue- ,': Great Financier Plead atecotitpanied by J. 1+! Hoyden, a me -Miller's , nizcit Its debts and agreed to pay teesfully, with the pradues:on of Any Canada has lost one ofher g neatest ehar ie, succeeded in his first attempt. Morin iaor�dexe are a •pica• compensation far property it hn.t inn. c�n,etfinUt in Europe. - Cnanciers in the 'death af. fir Vincent He is well known to the world at Emigration on Mg 'Scala , When asked for infonnatian ve- in the press reports originatlug— in the Old Country to the eft&et that 10,000,000 acres of land #n the Peace River district will be colonized by prospective emigrants to by trained by the British Government, Premier - Brownlee had very little to eay en the matter. "Rumors and suggestions t of large colonization projects hare bean eic'eulated from time to time," said the Prernier,attd during the past year it has been nndere±taotl that var- ious interests in England have been, talking and perhaps negotiateeig along that line. but the 'natter has never come definitely before the rt,lbeetta Provincial Gayestment." Meredith, Montreal. Sir -Vincent has lapse as the airman who piloted Ruth objection.Whenwlryen rdirect l ono without th ut- been in ill«health at various timet [ Elder aereas the larger part of the lowed it will not injure thee most deli; sinee relinquishing the Presidency ofAtlantie Ueeau only to fall into lire .i,ate child, an there is nothing of are the clank of Montr•ent in the fall of 'sea a few hundred miles from their 102'7, but ,he remained in Office As destination. injurious nature in its rontpasition• Chaiirauiin of the Board o alirrctars.. . They will speedily rid a child of For the last coven yearn lte.ltad been New Brunswick Legislature opened' worrus, and restore the health of tire' forced to give up practically all artier ., little su0erere whose vitality has be• vitlea Connected with his ,<sortt owing "The industrial expansion ranee- come impaired by the attacks of these° to delicate "health• ale is Burr it7rd by exceed tmea hat ofon t any peee eriod in tl�e will internal tests. • Lady Meredith. • ` • `' tory of the Province." said the Spe'eh A S.oteirman onto took ltis children few Minister of Fiitilieriss ' from the %cone with Which Major- from school because they paid atten- Generat the lion. Iiugh -IL. McLean, tion. Reports from Ottawa state that' this X.C., 'tr.D., Lieut. -Governor, referring ° A pair of tights among Scotch ac•- • English depart' name of Prof. Cares ent of McGill Utterer. to of the the ett s now of naw punt and , robins means a couple of 5eoteh acro• paper netts now under way anti about lapis. sity has been persistently mentioned to be undertaken at fiallrousie, Athol _ _ ..e.,‘,-,........-.. in oMelal eireles es the titan who is and. on the Miratttiehi, opened the �i it ' r 41 likely to be named Minister of Fish,• fourth session of the lath New .Stop Indigett�on itLutS. lfe is a native of Fringe l.dward 1)runciairk Legislature aitreo Csnfed- i Before It Be waw island end maintains * euminer home erat£ott. "As tr direct result of t,"te ! �gi , r there. Itis staid Iron, Jahn E. Sinclair policy of my Government," said llie Dan't emit for sourness, gas and British Ilippa*at% fray' Rabid may appointed to conte oiiieiat' lfonor'a Spayceh from the Throne, ;the grlaov£tal griping pains of Teat f eq-.. When the British vovertiiisent with- r post and resign his seat to make way pulp and paper mills are being mon• '£ort to attack you beforptiner you seek drh�r% her legation from a Generis it far Prof. IrC'aliillatt.. strueted at Dalhousie and at Athol! relief. Stals these things before the:7 in the bounty of ltrytigouehe. Mills; Mart. even the worst stomach auf- is a diad sign. Apparently that is What MAY BE ['!IUIET MINISTER 1!'ratacn•13rigian Treaty t'dabliehrd he% haptaerredt at aT,tXlaanistan. tvhctt,, aA will also•be built at or in the vtee fevers avoid indigestion by forming Sir Francis Irumphrers is head or the , Judge II. A. 'Robson, Liberal leader • The Itttetseb Dagblad, a Belgian pity of Chatham and an the opitrta' the sofa and plea.+.ant practice et telt- British diplomatic mission at leebut.�in Manitoba, who, it is rumored, will provincial paper, has "let the eat but site bank of the Mtrentiehi rtivtl�'tho a tittle Dimwitted iYagrres£ia'--rith�� The diplomatic eeplateat£on is thet,genter the Rraeken Government in a of the bag" by publishing the previ e as well was tt alto to be determined"; t`r tablets or Ate der immediately white no definite explanation wail et, union of terriers and Liberals to aper' leapt of the alleged -ecret Franco. Theference VAI also made to the Irina after every h£d instantly era' fretted en the rtritieh Mistier, it eras the threatened defeat of the MinietrylBeltrian military convention concluded ber industry having enjoyed °a a teas; arra]; tnaliue� e�resy acid Tin the rtom nen, .rerignisnd that it reels melts to aver the Seven Sisters Fall's revels. in $rua_rrle in 1010." The f•trcater," 'enable Successful +• year and to: prevents its further formation end * Legation he Afghanistan time, t ss Published, provide, that the tut "marked activity" aheatn in contttYc� really snakes Kc es Tedi sti'on impor%ible• Teo tong AA ra rt^ognifrel ti,srcleatr,ten"' ~Y _ ��_.;_w tountr£c c +nce[ttld would make rots. tion with theinvestigationof the hood digest% t entvali •. healthfully. rrcr:•ted in theft rountty. t French soeianet 1ratater kldnneeeel mon awe if either' *err. at war with "mineral warts" of the i'rmii'arc b y s a y just as nature intended, giving ttc�' An ttnusuat relent rhntc� trrr±t.�+crmany. es with *ay flapper a%si.utcd the mge-nszstiors of. the Csmadian betty thefull benefit of its ronr-iebing- nehieh kt, tw rtfrt±+hla Tad thew i%�:, whenetie Fitment Mrd t1iee or 1.►alud er, chIN 1'i �!eittrtastl,i of ting he uridtd tluat it Ttetnis h a 13 be l.ept railw ►y.. •.+s `Telt en kr other intoes •qualities. That is srhy' 1'.i•urated Mare eighth *Okla' Pio' 'we hear mach of the terrible r'.�±tellediead S:Telenet Thi* t±f kravwt by'itir)toatoiy-eertt> lee is it ta..nl crcry nay the rvorlt atitl/lta of reliable.) emittttlti% tt►'And twe kiuui mete tvt±e detlered tt!!y f over, by t±te±ty thittt ,±±ei3 of Peewee Testiest Cleat sr ltlatat• tPatel. lil3'erera who now eat whet ilii., watt earl+ an nee weeny �awthority nK Sirtwrre ra.:•littr> CCOrchrit to his ones Piled Kith Ifeeses lent ti±ons<±t±tl t,L+shels of tittatte! frith no n+tee tear of iradtiltr+als""ort. „Mehl Llewellyn. Mattie is $h .rntla.rtor;c he axe met ?,v feet yi+uttK men ''lar r 'nR gable- of the Penile Af wheat, a reK t efadia,_re eatiety pili erttegiets r erraheee ern and re, WO** coal trade. getting on hie feetaat tiarreree, who sand they hoar leen 'make fell qtr the faultier lot satiated l+a the Dominion Gortrnmttat roralad+t,td 11Irtaryatecl 1�taRt+r%M, attd u hod proneoaariwt better day* for 'kit.;eeet to /bass hien to * peer r%1 teems twee Owe ata }±ins lunate *tri •n1d refitted repot -invited Form, parr i� >rdMdt tit+at to plait i'� est. ,timid ' lab crani. A >M►at11r :+errtael�+i arrsitpa +4�t at :�'htaiiw tr�r, at whish Ne % by rlatttirh at the x �ritster Worse dt.• he ehappei to lireet Pritaai,t er,a otheteootteilety,