HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-28, Page 1Printing that Pleases
For prompt service and satisfactory
work Wee your order with 1 he Code -
Star, Minolai2 I1J Wein Stree.t
'Phone 71'
Acivettistni that Pays
Thousands have round that Star M.
Get Recrltr, An Ad M 1 he Gorlerivh
Star reaches the people. 'Phone 71.
SEVENTIFTICKEAR. "quu‘criPti"' Yea""n et"'4•44 $2GODERICHoe
ONTARIO CANADA THUPDAY FFBITARY 2$th 1904 .50464e.tr to Ide tuennAtlit--- __ ..„ ,,, t 4 11 k
_ „--- WALTER MEWL, ei
Work on Goderich Elevator Contract Under Way—Full Gang 'to Start on Foundatio;--aitince.
SUR cleared" L• ife Assuranoe Company, of Canada
d. .
tialte Buechler much suceess. •which the decks were
SIss,-••••S •S
• 7
pletele- overhauled, re,panted mei new At 11 p. xn, Steward Bonny served: JOHN GALT IN iJA,S. CONNOLLY ;, WORN. ON THE NEW Eld
lighting system installeWe wish lunch to 140 menthere and egueste
'and dancing etarted, lasting' till 3
A Pheesant Shot ,• a• in,music being_ supplitd by lettei Goderieh Postmaster Gives Address
been wintering on the bank below Dr.:tenders thanks to Mr. HarreeWataon
14a4tint The ele!)1 Stratford Historical SoeletY
$orne six or seven plieasante haee'Elliott and Mrs.
1 4 Mr E. Dt'ennan for nraees ret.
Because your wife naturally tepende on you to protect ber Taylorn, °I'd the ethez' daY nan'enne"ntliented fa. the oceasion. Pres."Catrb- elr. Joui Galt watt in Stratford la
ana the children in the event of yet* deathshot oue of these birds. In the firstle 11 rn.nei le e 1 1 -"
nork en the eontraet foto tee cen-
t° Godsoeettlyt J;idixues8tripalatiessildatAraliernistiterpat.1 tilreneliodnevoifeemelsameawtosioraegue taste cf,00r.
IGO. 17t1* endwhieh was on the site of the new
ofi house ban' been moved hack tbe
Fridev 'and gave ara addrets to the Tee ndjourned ennuel meting'
o ral nee teach and
of r
ltIS6 o4cc Ie* tl'"t1.1,•aa"d g
s" olatrui er :rt
a; r(teillets-1 alevyj deell;i ri'nt IttlQi ere°v‘av setv itr,C
le evening, telt. than in the towa 'oaten rieeivbithaiiIcntfvariten
ehember, up
with a, good attendance. wupo
of the wires is being provided
er The financial 'statement as audited la ivYin
and when the nevo house is completed " as follows. and in addition- to. th be wires will be carried along tbe
le. bank overdreft of $159,112 there alre side of the elevator as is already done
of a few outstanding accounts. How. past the elevator houses • already
ever, the fair inin very much hotter 1 standing.
• Ibranetal ,eondition than it was a near ! A new marine lee ia to he installed,
y, ago and, President Connolly in his ! which will allow of doubling the speed
n. address raid that it all got topther !with which a vessel can be unloaded
land evorlied together we should have aS ttvo legs Can useit to dip out of •
la. a right good fair this year. • Ha corn.' the same vessel, the new one/ and the
an :plianented the directors, malting spe- " last One instsilled bei»g abed 75 feet; .
0. ciel- nieetion of .the lady directive -1m_ 'anent 111e, babbitt= .the. new
• their Pod wot•k last year, and gave leg has made it. neceseary to tear
w thou all the credit for the succete of down the outer wall of one of the inns
so the shone in the most recently erected house
and tins work is in progreate and it
t 4 di is quite a eontract to tear tlown a'
solid reinforced concrete wall from
nr Grant front town
iS Grant from Government-. i-121 the top to baton. •
tPO 00 The tontractors, the John S. Met.
Grant from 'county
20a U0 calf Co. of Montreal, have sublet the
se Gate receipts he? nontract_for_ the foundation to a Dee,
he Greed' dna Tecebtste...-
75 00 trot firm of • contractote, Mesa%
he. Received feom Midway Spencer, White sta Prentice,, who ow-
, Booth privileges..., - •
scene yesterday with
at noLttelsatitlirst.alitt. '''''''' ' '°°
tenedln osnita,telette and derrich, ete. Tee
dn. Membership •tickets • 40, 00 first shipment of cement arrived on
Rd Children's' tiekets........149 110 MentlaY night, •
rid Once the foundation 18 eompleted
at Ads. in Prize list.. 20 00
the work of ereetin.g the house will
elemb.erships retained from. • •
BecAuse you do not want to have to Word: all your life; you will
want rest runnetime.
Because you want your children to start where you leave off,
not where yen started. lessness or wane, There ohould 'De •••• • . 'ode • . - •
1 tine people of rwit& no the event the Stratford Beacon.He
Becauee you want yom- wife to be proud to Answer the questfen* no mere of this sort of thing. venal. e.,,
I mucle Pleased ta learn that Dr. Lionet
that is certain to comet "Did be have life insurance?" , Building a, New Dredge I Macklin is now molting good progress An enthusiastic audience of or
13 untiernvay. The contraetothe effice
place the ditcharge of firearras in the: espeehillY thank the ladies for oesist. Stratford Historical Soniety on t
town limite is illegal and, eipart from ,ing to make the vent a stieeeeS. life of Ma grandfanwie the founder
that, the act is either one of thought- A'Chapterof T the Canada Company. In rcperti
• •
towards recovery. Following his opt Me Persons, members of the Stra
Contractor Bill.Forest Lae a gang eration for appendicitis a few weeks ford Historical Society and th
,Phones: f F see of men a work on the building Of a , ago vonaplications came, starting friends, gathered in the public li
t aesi ence
new dredge on barber island. Mr. I with a, stiteh abscess, but the, young" tary last night to hear the reading
Forest has large dredging contracts rnan, •while dill in hospital, as now
LONG, District Agent
• b Jol G It Cod ' h
and finds a new dredge neressery., ainierentiy making good progress.
TOWN TOPICS Last fall, it wilt beir micynnered) he alasdiazelnyt, wDerr.e and eiedanel.'the life of his grandfather, John (ha
isposed of one of ts redges, the inA•Tolt!: tginedhele.va(s4 re1obeon=dfaor %ene")o)3310
Huron Investments Ltd.
onto during the time of anxiety, re.
Menesetiang." A large slice is to
Curling come off harbor island this summer turned to town on 1Tuesday• night. ing‘of the lIuron Tract
They came part of the way by motor, Dr. S. Silcox, president of the
but uear Preston their ear was forced torineI Society, was the thairm
. . . off the road by a touple trneke throughout the evening, and inte
BeePheY had Pete Zirnmermen, John At -ttut R°3131 llowling Alleys
Rood Dealers Hunter and Jos. SwafileId with him The item about the Bowling League their car Was badly dtunaged in thYe dueed Mr. Galt. Before eginn
On Monday Joe ih:ophey beat C.11. according to expectations.
- Stook Brokers, Humber by a 12 to 11 score. Mr.
and although travelling vex slowly
and Mr, Humber had Geo. McLeod, at the Royal t's-lleets 00Plished 'ditch, nel the h
Y tilt make the re the reading of the paper, Mr. Ga
• insurance 'It, IL WAllis and Malcolm, McKay. pap 0 of this issue was in type for . da spoke a few brief words of prai
New Hamburg Kids Out of it
j y y ' n.
last' week and therefore gives the while thee' T t
•were own regarding the local Historical S
etanding of, the league as they teere' ah
4 It Th t ae In a the misfortune to slip clay. "The Historical Soclety or th
ROYAL BANK BUILDIN Nev Hamburg junior O. IL A. team
ts Balance front 1927.....
on the sidewalk anYenge St., on a town," he said, "is eensuleee3 on
- did not travel very far after beating is is follows: Ladies League-Laven.
Gaderieli, Ontario spot made icy be a drip from a roof the leading historical hocietieo in th
Phone* 430 and At4s It& Goderich "Cubs," losing the rouna der Girls, won 10 lost 8; Sulam Silke• and fell and broke her erne So that part of the Dominion."
with Kitchener by 17 to 5 (7-1 and. won 10 lest 8: Blue Streaks, vroni 91Dr. a•nd Mrs. bliecklin have surelY 'John Galt, whose life stoey iss
i st 9; Niht Hawks, woo 7 lost 1, - • .
10 1) iThe Kitcheper team twee play P. g - - been having a full armor of trort.
mens League. Leona eso. 1, won ir. interwoven with the bistoey 0 t
' Windsor in -the fourth round, Nes a late.
LEGAL NOTICE lost 8; Originals, ever, 7 lost 2; Salt- _ Canada 'Company, was," sate t
rd, won 7 lost 5; White Bangs, wen, Was Born at Goderiele ' 'speaker, "born in Irvine, Ayrehis
Leetureeen Irish ImPressions •fo
I AL •NOTIcit. -Mr. Geo. IL Corson,
'Profeeser Dorland and Prof king. 5 lost 4; Go -Getters, won 4 lost 2;1 Me, John 'Carmen Eden, a promi-4 Scotland„ en May 2, 1778. As a bo
4-4 0 ilistlerIch, Out, will not be res.
ponebto. for any dthte eontraeted in sten ore exchanging elates in the eer. Lions •Club No. 2, won 4 lost 2; Itine, inset Pacific Coast manufacturer and he was very delicate, and did n
ies Of Monday evenin lectures at St ,ns, won 3 lost 9.
iris wane by any oue on arid litter this f, , _ je.p.f s dE - lousiness leader died recently at Se. indulge in the games of his frien
cargos Chureh end to . •erten hein Fisher Wins the Auto Rug 'attic,. Newspaper reports of eis v ------------------.. rby this, feu
eat,. Februare iiihe 10'29. '"
'nen therefore be •here next MondaY tile pia' -off at Drennan's Ree. ing, in giving the 'story of les life. say its outlet in hie love of flowers a
WAN'TED evening to give his "Irish Lannon.
I • • • creation Pallor in the bowling conthst he Was 'born in the town of G-oderieb, ardening, at which he spent a gre
- mous in place of Prof. Kingston.
WsenTED- 'nSeachiniete- for melee foe the automobile rug Elgin Fisher Ont. Oct. lette 1804. of Irish -English deal of thee. • Books also claim
I • ea re. en inelair
marine engine vooric. Allied piam t, was 'the winner with a score of 223, parentage. Railway training.in Qin. muoh of Ins time. When he was ui
tang, eioteT Owl radial drill hands.' ' Ward has been received in town of and Bill Johnston wto, the runner -tip, ads fitted him far his early career, He Years of age the family' moved
Apply stating experience =a wages re-, the death yesterday in Cleveland, lit with 222, The ,contest was fpr the went to Seattle in 1902 as trail° Greenock, wherershe event to scho
quiriet to Ilex 7.e Star Officeetiotietech. the ham of her son, Allan, 0 Mrs. eloseet score to 225, In the boWling manager a the Great Northern Rail- Later, when a man ,he moved to Le
Ellen Sinclair, formerly of Goderich. 1 I c t t h D s way, but his vision WaS broader. The don, England, evhere he engaged in
The bOdy is being brougnt to Godetich eague n onnect MI W t rerintans ,
Iron an steel 'business bad attracted business partnership
Recreation Parlor, the following 0 d • with a man wh
ed ' 1929 . at 00 be carried out very repidly, in feet
ne t ,,,,e___ Mr. -Co, says the.woric can be dono in
to • hama 00 three weeks. The new slip forms will
be used. These will be ersaieed by
ol. Bank ovei•draft...... '''' . .. irei 32
11- Outstanding
a • eeeeees„ ... . ,,..m..I.Lia .JastemkusolassptheeedsietrruiennioeLrietelisa,nerniiliotni;
0, ' aettee ete forms by hand and Neill give a melt
he EXPENDITUPES .. tsunrco.ther effeet to the finisbett dew -
Prize money 0 1027 paid....$• 3•52 02 -- • .._ —
, . .
M Prize moeey, 1928 . 024 ;IQ LIONS CLUB. HEARS ABOUT
n anted row afternoon, with servIce in
and the_funeral wdl talce place tomer-
. ,or
Street United Church. 7 lost 2; Falcons, Won 4
Norte is the standing to dates 1k/felines, won
Mat 5; Grant uhalind taundonien 1900 he Went to Chic go, y
year became president in business to fail,
a 11 t •b itis ineompetence, causted t
Business Change lost 1; Dominions, won 2 lost 4i Go- steel eompane- in Illinois and weal- abroad in an effort to rebuild
GederiCh Fire° Brigade
To fill vacancies on the ites, -won 4 lost 8; Itaniblees, won 2 one and a direstor in another iron and After this Galt decided to
• • •
Mr. George 13aeeliter has bought the Getters, evon 2 lost L A prize is be dent of a mines company in New health While on teivel 1
fipplicants must live with
- stock and fixtures of ?dr. 'Graf? and nig offered for tbe closest score to
expects to open out an a few days at ng e. mo a
n 'Prize meney for races ' ' 413 00. WORKING Or GOVERNMENT
e, Attractions .. ..... 405 00 - EmpLgYMENt SERVICE '
Printing and advertising.. 21;2147 ri• The Goderieh Lions. -Club--heard
„.. • ......... • 0 * • • • 0 •
st Straw •.,,.... ..... .. 10 00 About • the working of the EreploY-
in the .iire limits. 221 n de d th ntl Feb 28th York That e s eon experience NtatE,.• Lord Byron at' Gibraltser, and f
to March 28th merely equipping him for greater eon. some time the two men travail
Applications will be re- the corner of Kingston.' $t. and the ' 1
The interior of the store is beiegeoni. Zee Marine Club 'held their altered, attic and organized the Superior time when, after the WAP of 1812,
f One Club poration organization and manage- together about the Mediterrane
teived hy the undersigned equate ev•ite a new stag 0 gioceriea. Doings 0- ' ment, and in 1907 he returned to •ne- Galt and Canada met for the fir
until noon,. MarCh 5th, 1929.
-• social and dance in their
LOST . North St , F b 21 tf 'th 1
hall 01Port1and Cement Company of Seattle, was appointed by the goyiernment
eudges „ ..... • 10 :resent Service of Ontario at their•lurn
he Posting blUs 20 00; chcon last Fridey evening, hir. It C.
es Paid town front grand stand 1 Iludeon, the. general ' superintendent
01 receipts' • 133 00. 0..the :service, being present to .g•iva
and beerune.president send manager or egent for the,claims of Canadians f
Sec. Coderich Fire Dept. •LosT.-A tire eluen.. Finder ete-- number a guests. •hiirst on the pro- ... -
Please grainevasProgressive euchre, And the 'chug 0,000,000 corporationlosses stisteined during that -wen
• knee at Star *Mee. and receive prizes, were won as follows: ladiesei Mre A. R Clirystal Honored by • Then came the. foundatioe 0 t
Constables and gatemen.... 44 80 the addrees 0 the evening'. Ile Wan.
he Lumber * • . ........ • • • * 12 09; accompanied by Mr. Sperieete who is
W. P. Werke. sesey-treat 100 VV 40 a Government iservice, and has
'er Rent 0 piano., ..... 0 00, pown till now there are twenty-six
to e 00, offices in Ontario. Lists of available
oh Horse:hoe contest
FOR MICE Ott TO IIENT first, Mrs. E. Taylor ; consolation, Maitland Lodge • Canada CoMpenst. due largele teethe
- fGalt, e-oi '3 John Ta W tO waF ma Post'ge, telephone. telegram:4 37 42tin charge of °the office in London. This '
' . ••••••*./...• 1 ' ' IVIrS. D. McLeod; gents e first, Capt. •,,
""-al te E tee 0 NT .• . •
NI}.. Ittl. neeneee,,,e,.... • J4S„ /ttltater; consolation, WineSprouL • r , !Vitt) 3.14ttil ire- AP•leget loYs' itehreeretery. The company was
F fill 'reYa6hetil*bis' eightieth birthday
i on \kiLet_o_rin.,8Ttivet "didt;Tenevotinbioi:outtoweseh pp;
Street. •Apply to • , • , "e• tile business of Juts/ , Sinn,
AKE MIR.% that I bare_ purchased '—,---,-,,, ,-z,_-,. .,-....---
Tuesday and ao it happened that on
ishoetupeurispose a opening the countne
411C1' jail SALES. -• meeting' of Maitland Lodge Was being
C. .W. W011411.1., Phone 475 known as the Huron nede, and :that 1
.. . darid fro'Mallt?iebg°1olvgekrtninhe ungte. ll'il'iglet:11
NvIll not be respoosible for tiny debte ChLki="i1N11' At:441A IN $AT'11.1 °,P Tftl. ) held that eveiAngt after the work of
FOR-Iiii:NT.-:-...tiou ' :no ,rent manes incurred by elm, • .' • evening was over this honored hana•
. ter was fin 11131 granted to the 'co
MIN roAN 4. liottNtl-t V1 ILI, t e
locralon on St, Vineent at. In gooa re. • - • . Proprietor. . •
. • HUGH WoNt;, member of the Lodge was Presented - Guelp.Iiii,l'ehla8!6founded by Galt.,
1st. Beautiful'. and Nalvenlent AND PIGS . • On April 23we 18
pair; prig a= garden- • • ' 'Ain, „MA1171717eittiiikiffir - ''.---•-thitii-Miehoey cane as a mark of • o • a oui o enspection
, ' ' 1 ' '
.. .
- zu; w..tiOsvEr:L. 4 AMITIOLS *-‘ l',N• • will soh by •Poblic !minion at •Loi in esteem and affection by the mernbees
Lon, 2, t.ollmAl ne / I 4. it tt I a s sr i e •. the lodge.. . -Bro. sChr:ystal, was elm einipany's land, and later. pick
1Y Me 'II eth 1900 . 'made •a Mason' in the year 1873 and . ,.
plelt HUNDRED DOLLAIIS-.;-DO YOU Learn iirttfting. Qualify for •40 to 70 , 1:1-.T v,11:
'a' • '0,-.A.Isa IT ? 131.- buying , ibis Stellate' weekly. Practical home Sttld,y- . - 6a '''''''''''' . ' " Et" ' "'
commeneing at 1 °nesse , is . thus in tie fiftw.sixth year as- a
041it' acres of rict and Productive mid shop teaming. •iiree empmement
loan 4'. 1111 4,4) )I1 noturai .and arllilleial to.pilop. write for infoinuttIrM. alNI- (In(' good it .1 1)01livo eow• 9 118, member of the Craft and is 4 very
drainage. • men, meteresque• turation- meleCiAl..ESCINEEIIINC, Suite 100, 37 i old, duo Apell 19th; 1 geed grade nue- mach interested,. And valued' member
one a tbo 'best Ill the VIrIn11Y--.'ort Queen et. 'West Toronto: •
Mill be Draining *this amotutt. Said . --- ,------ strzzisis,?.; sies.gteitolii tgnrettidse ouilizir,Iguno: esiotwiarnilevro.s4f.i of hh,eamand Lodge. . wor. Bro, It J. t - •
faint is 'about tn.° Mlles from Clinton AttAitE MORE' eletnEY. old, dne jono do; I goo,' Holstein cone Megaw was in the. chaigfor the social
on Base Line. linnitinge consist, of Aul. ---.., C 1,-e,tr4 old tine Mareli aothr i good
good house, large ,barn, driving shed, • selling, our Fruit Trees, Derry lloiseein tow, e yeaes 01d, fresh two.
ano • windmill ad reservoir. Censlin puotos hardy Flowering Shrill's. montles; 1 gime ileielten heifer, resin!
(treble bustle Residence in Slates rest- in 1 .., ..h is Tr, 71,• me
son for .sohrihre. For teems: w. , 1,3( nos, •st at i on f soS, . 2 Fears oiii, dneeltily thee; i good Hee
neenoNE,. (name owner .822 south Nvery insine-ow nor Is a ,PrOSPC'el• \4 stein better rising 2 years old, brell
eln St . nay ebentl ern -mission. cu s It every 4'.'. 11 months.; 2 good sit mie fullers,
-----'•?.! 4; " ---• wee): 'Can *lace a few 1110ri, )46.'41 ; yeara old; 1 ob•ers, ritoing 3 years obt,
'REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, e'en. `write te-day. E. ri. Ritrru ,&.. i opoviy, fat; 2 steers, ris,ing• 2 years olds
. WINS, l.pirrEu. Winona, 4.ml. 3 *valves, 1 year old; 2 calves, 3 nfonth.4
THE AinelST4ionel REAL ESTATE. and. — -e------- -- ----- - no; 1 purebred Shorthorn In111, PPP:-
IN.51,111.kNCE. Aon'sGY 1 ' volt RALE . melted. 18 months Ma, a good roan
_ • . 1 ..........40,..;....w......,.....,...,...,........"1%,.....,...".......... an,i h reed go011 bull; 1 extra- P:00,1
:Atzp onnabor a hood hroprrars hoor _pin mi.i.,--inie wane nu•ta I .bed with 4. i
....rors. soW. due to farmw :slay 141.; O.
gull. at low !lathes and ninny or them mattress inel intinge. alto -one gimes pigs, 4 mouths obi; 7 pigs. 2 14 nails.
er-y taunt for paement. • • blank bear ro en M. f ILIUM, Colborne St i obi,
J . f l h • I ----- • --------------•7*--.-----. I TKIIMS."--slii-th t Intel ths' ensile w111
A gond brion house, batiirjoin. ilfeits.• ee
'Tenn teAtitenOrie MildP metal bed lip. giVOn On furnishing approved tolie,
sestion; e.1.500. one good black bear robe. :sr. ctettin, I alit well 14 'r cash. . ,
nriek house with botbroorn. vieeirie Colborne Si. . All Mt; elock Is In goon eonoution,
tights, furnaen cellar. small barn, fine • -e-----" and of g mot quality and will his sled
11. '1(401). Price, $2,000. • - InOli SA1,1 -Three ,perehred II fort
--"e---t, without 'reserve. ' .
Brick house, an modern equipped. ' bulls, from 10 to 14 months ow; . At the sante time lot 10, eoneession I.
steam heated, part 4pollsbed 1141(1'.()()LIalSe a nunVber or. thotelleilheed While ' H. ri„ Oilhorn... will he I rft erect inr saie
floors, well ,planned, with, many eon- Hoek ecekerels. ELLIoTT BROS, It. IL: on muri, •01 (44.4 lotril win ini atmotn„„.,.1
volenersi line gara•ge; cholee location. No. 1, hayfield. Phone 009 r 11. :it time or sat..
Price, $3.u00.
Vino liKeir.
hon ,r full modern equip.IF.,---i,,,,,,,,Quarter eci—it oa---;:k. Maine . m* mi -.01.1"111, T. vr:bsign( .4: SOX.
pee, e5,200. flood brick house; electric ' room uults, 10 Pleres; large 00k PropEetis•- . AttrtIoneer:
lights; bathroom, 432,70). 1 net tee desk, tirst class 'rendition; re -
Ile story. erame house, good eondl. volviter book -ease; rhiffonter; seere- nett' •Or 4.. OXINtitit
weer supply; modern 4-plece hathroom in every respeet. Also ii-aere farm.. 11' \wit e penmen pro/moor.
ALCritthi .... , ,,,,, . ,
Um, RAO and bathroom; weit twat. tary; Ogees, neater: and other fund- el 0 V NTY lam 2-111101-(11,0
ed. Pi IC, I ture 'Mate eL PAllitEIL Box i38,. eat- 1104 ',I IlEIVItitte due to freshen
et in elarch and April, will be held al Let
Fine ile story nine -roomed house. ton, .
. • 4, tem. 10, W. je, Aslifield, Ott
well arranged for convenience and -- - --,...---.---,-
• heating; Just finished; choice interior ri Oh sma .,..t 1928 Ohrysler ermine Ttl.:::,..D..ty, mkt!
tenor:ding aid flnishbfg; hot and eOld ear, Predicant. new, guaranteed ron•Inemtenr et 1.00 p.m.
- E'LLIthhT 'ALUM Atleilulif 0,r.
t t•drti-s.tr, 4 iltfitSES. al -
4:11.. T.1.N. 11414 h-* and FIIKEP, at lot 20.
eon. 93, Itutleft township, 3 net nilo ss
northwest of Londeshoro. on
Htio w NI titr11 AM
Oninall'Oe114: at 1 ntelf)eli sharp:
• • : Paid note In bank.- ..... 109 27 s help In hareems 'Inez are kept at the
eee• efeal tickets; 10 50 ; offices and, employero requiring the
Itte• 'Amu. erships letained44.-.-001 services 0 any particular line of
them and if the help 0 the reindred
• 20 851 help can 'apply to the *nice neared
of . 132,826+ 4.1. I kind is not listed with Orem they, will
0ell Connolly was. positive in ale. send out a card• to all tile other offices
e in e teem town he
founded---Goderich. elining the position 0 president for in the Provinee, and if the help can
after thin trouble Arose be. 1929, on the ground that lie had not not be supplied in Ontario the other
the tins° to give the fair the thought peovincial officea will be eircularized.
tween Galt end the directors of the and time that it should have from its In this way the service becomes a
eompany. They began to annoy him
in every possible way. He Teturned prergeusildreenittisanadbsehniseedroienst teno%ivenhtatevt;tiel
sort. of clearing. house, Not enjoying
.11, monopoly in the emploement bureau
to Fn le d ' 1829, disappointed '
hie effOrtir-ater spending the best , and mr.
tine of the fair. Mr. Ne m. Green 1 buomeos, Mr. Hudson explained, the
period around the festive board and .
read an 'address to Very Won. Bro. yenes -of hie 11f in George' Go*, when aslced if i gernice is more keenly looked ones?
in an attempt to '
Chrystal and made the presentation, further the designs of the company Teri would take the presidency, both t than sonic other Government amigo,
and the recipient, in his modest way, th un that they ex. i The aim 0 the :service io to •seeetre
now turned against him.. He died ten . peeectekid tobe In ° till.: Wdest at the time , employment for the unemplotteti anti ..
eh') 1 bdf d •and whieh had
pleaded Unworthiness of the- honors -
his 'brethren have conferred on bine . hhter a long of the fa*. Mr. W. If: Robertaon. go- • to furnish empleyere with competent
and expressed. 'his sincere thanks. Years later at Greenock,
end painful illness. so declined owing tolielc of time and !help. Mr, Rucks= referred es the
Mr, GnIt's vivid representation of Gundry also tiohlined *s he had , work 0 various , organizotiorr-1 • in •
Two other old members 0 the Craft •
were Mentioned as among those whom . the life 0 his grandfather was highly held the position of president and the ; placing immigrants in positions and •
the brethren lield in high esteem, W.- . . ,• t e eose fair had not been a financial success ; said these organizations find the first
given aehearty. elo.esente of: tand hanials1 during his term.
*a.m....a...y.0a.... am*
nrO• Wni• Bailie, who became a Mason : wee The 'meeting nest*. job; the service .finds the jobs afeer •
the same year as V: Won Bro. Chrys- After. the discussion of several busi. 0 teelthe Clendi7 this eras in no way hie i that The growing use than is fremg
ness matters. 0 the society the meet- fault, but he remained ,tirm in refus. I made 0 the service and the increae-
tal and who was one 0 those who
ing the office. iTbe election of other : ing number of offices bear tootionony
made Solna remarks on Tuesday i ad(ourned
offieers waa Proceeded with, Mr. Ne ni., to the usefulnees 0 the eerviee.
Ware initiated in 18081 one year after ' PEOPLE WE KNOW , (iron being elected. hien vice presi-e • Mr, Hudson. bad e ehart With hee
with mattress and springs, also nines: a iliteennt ef per cent, settees', evening, and W. Bro. J. Beck, who
api small barn, Immediate pos.
mete: electric•lighted; good cellar; two :located at village a toaltforti, . Unlit
Icte: well located: eOrivenient to tiode,, eonSist4 of block -loam_ very suitable
enli teillegiate Instittite. Immediate +tor grewing sit vegetablee and small
pettesslon. Price.$1,800. . ' fruits. Ni".': barn, . clilitott leoop wet
A gooti ite etory 8 -room house, good garage. All toner ineltelinn light
0 ear, lot -and barn, $1,200. wagon_ alr'4gliS and' InIfOcV. for 01w.
PAII,NIS.o-letrge 1111111bPr listed for horse imp. Apply NI11,44. sent:, eii•piteit,
e, good buntlines, well improved; re.- calorie ne,
mu re re vs, p ES an easy erms 0, 46........u...e....a.aus • am ay. awast-1-t..i • ••-•—•• • u-sw.cree.........s.
payment. A. Ater: 45 acres, 82.300; 50 TitAlle' (31P,304. IINTaliNo WM:4 apt, llorst•s.--arown horse rising 5 41 44
acres, t43.200; 110 8011-4, $2,000; 100 aeine. " life:one:It STOVEri.
eLseeis 100 elven, e2,800; 100 aeree tte500e • bay hero, rising 7 years.
in) acres. $1000; 100 ;glee. nettle; 1,430. - IL A. se Derrell Becht). tee; Mouth* with e.alf at foot; red row 6 years 0141.
' Cattle.-Ited..row 7 yoarg old, frpolt
'11'..1V4. '‘.1.4)°°. 200 aere5° tika,°99 Mal la",) Gond, White Lealisrns, IFe rp,h, tor due to freslith Ma'. 2nol; red rtAv 3 1,1,4.
(..h,rrc Ash about Diem, - 51 44441 • I 1, if r-• e P' 00 1 `0., Old. freti ). 'With Pair at foot: red row 7
len ali partieuleen \Amite OP al0 ' .71.00 ili.p 100. If von crime, lo MI. tarn& 'Yearb.'011 . ftiqiii. with ealt lit ftwt: r"an
.1. W. ARMST1117)Nri. for Your pureltans 1 will make -a, stib. eow it yeare vise thie to fresheit in tiosp.
' . ' ' d• l• ' •••""1„.4' ' ,,,' 4; Elul Eetetee, a 4; 'ailtifil *duet iiii .61i. tiftg ,7, ,,,b,r,„11 „N. ,teuiqwr; blue few 5 es"ars; old. 114 11
o v. ----e. -th•-•G'ue"--14Latlee'll' 111-1•!:: dir alul2t*stitinilloierliTetaltutagtjose.°It fer t(,, :4; old, Ilne. la frethen in April: re= vow
, with ealf at foot; inaela eon. 7 years
' • ItreoCinle _fu'. i:*, fOlitilS, frePli beppere, 5 yeare oid, due ste fre4ien In Septems
Pte.. I anus filen a lumber of ugell ber: ifol4ein orow S rears 0111. lini. tli
Weeder 'stoves, fuluntg. rirl'..a hoppere, freolten 'May. 20th; Hereford row 5 yrs.
roe further informatitm. reed fop ere,. ord. dire to f eesiten 4 fel, IA; in,hult„
rotnfialt:t.:40,4,141ert:41:itli;e14. and P4M4* and, PriePo eow, tre='11,1vilh "fat at ffir'll tit et"'
.4;. ti.kodlitili?.1.T.. 4 1.4esra. vlsing It N`El. old; 3 beitens rise
2 fat beiterA. rising 3 yin.; ferrety rim.
i'• Auburn. ont. ing 2 ere. old; 11. nteora righte: t Near
ply,n:, in..,,v,. 144. 7 lierfera vrsluir 1 yr. coli1; 110r113111
::...-::::::::_t_ ' -.' _- - _..-..• '.-...-:.,--- bull rising 3 ere. old.
...1.....,-- ^ llogitenreirk 1:1:17.1: due ti I forrew Mar.
K.. I 'Me . frig I y / / t 1 • i '
Real Estate ail Issaraace
confederation. ' dent and Mr, (leo. Gould second vice ; showing the curve 0 emploement
. . : -- Miss Mine Eider is visiting Mentes , precedent, end the following Woro 1 i the 1 t 'f w 1 • n I for.
'KNOX CHURCH, . in Detroit. ' ' . s t Ur lig HIS c yez t 4 II .4
the past four yeero there lino been
HOCKEY BANQUET earned as the directore :
Miss Lucas; has . returned from her From . south a toten, Hese. Sturdy, , a :steady increase. The inonth
and a goodly number of friends in- Miss Grace Strang wag home from Stilkehl.
Fl. Groves, 0. te, 1•elward and Ilarry
The Goderieh Cube, their fathers, visit in London. - • , when empleyment le lowest is el:in-
terested in the team enjoyed a very Guelph for the week end. Hoek um, (... i iiinarymiatundsit.he highest employnient be
September _rind ,October.
ling dinner and entertainment oti ., Mies 'Edith Williams left on Mote. AtP111711enetIteh'.0M.tri•All•si Herb Motels • The low point in the 1929 employ-
VOiday evening in Knox 'char= lee. d f / d• • ii 1 .. i
tire room, the gathering Trumberitig visit for two months. ei and Thos. Wilmer.
. From •Godereh. Towne W" Deass i above the peak of 1927 and the
ay or n ianapo se NV WU 14 he NVI • 4 . i MOM curve (January just past) its
some 160. 174r the team iflace or& 1 :steady • increatet of the employed
!designed by Tom Pritchard, Oneli with Toronto, where she has been attend;
moo wails has returned „iron, Geo. Andrewn, T. Gundry.' Theo.-,
,Broltr, Ins. fl. ReYnnidgy L. L. Ild1(.4 eahows that Ontarinie "aittine la top
i its own personal significance, were Mg the millinery openings. ." en. II. Robertson and Geo. Seliaefere 0 tee world" tie labnItudson pant.
used, adding much to the arriusement. Mr,. teorge little, of Windsor, io and two to be named by the townh ete, splicer ndoo apoe may. '
•teal dinner waa eerved by the visiting at the home••of hei• parent:. e"neeil• '• • Another visitor with the elub on •
•fadiete whese abilitzeo, in, tins elle and Mire. John Johnston. ,Lade Direetorssebtrs, Conies' y, Friday nthet .wan me, le .1. te coe,
line would be hard to beat, and after-
wards a very intereeting proglems was Mr. and •11,1ran joynt, 0 Luclinow, etee Tremblay, etre. (tem. Stewart,
Mrs. Ilowrie, elm. C. A.. Roberteon, ,,,,,%1:itat ,,,tfaeireinte(t1.:Ittor
airireelli°"aitnilt daatugthhteelet,°.•lhuien°afntdh Virr: °It. •y1I,1•111:191., 1115firaS:VvSaVII,3°G"t've%1P:'.MAis.q1i'alrita'13141; elevator for (be Goderich Elevator
'given, ,nev. It C. bleDermid presided. , ',•whicli !menthe contract for the new
. film thine Ross bop.? lied Billy Thump- H. Johnston.
Air. James Thomplion at the piano.
eon gave mouth organ t4eleittians, with ha. atop he , 0 lite lei , 1: anidir0371101arsia.%;ohil)en.ve
breeelt. IL 3Cuthe froin, town (4 Chief Vililis Venter.. the,
and Transit Co. In tee iaboeitee
' Solos- were beautifully„ eendered by 'gentling' a few (la" in
el* 1J 1.• C h 11
Goderieh with. I W Sellseld, J. If. Edward:1 and W.
' ' • ' chair was .mnupied by Lien Dr. Field.
F oon, 1. oug A0 amp e , or hp, etment.,
Mrs. A. J. Mackay And My o• ''''vt Pt ganist of North Street United Church. Auditors. (,co. Holman and IL IL : Ifutovoltealn4d1litifIrn.k5Spve'reei)ra,11613end Itnootrioiirs.*
wee indulged in freely with Mr. Li. London, ; of Lion Rev. J. IL Needillo, seconded
and waa the asoisting tertian:
by Lion Bev. R. ('. McDermid.
onel Pareona lending and Min Major at Mr. 'toughen _Carob:41'o mil ren
t 1 s With thits list of aro et:s and direct.
at the piano. le'peechee were gleelt cital Mot night, a repor of wlich i
Saunders. and tomniunity einging .1ohn G. efeDermid, io up from gona„
ors appem et a new Ma Hitt liaS Inn O , A indiont m•ain, in in prospect for
. hbv Mr. Robertson •and secondchl hy „ the do ten leo.. health. thill hoe.. ite,
Ceihnours0 heti!. until 'after ' Easter s' t'
by Mayor Moot '.an, Investor Bete- held over till ned kale.,
r -on, Mesere. 8. D. Croft, Lionel'Par- ' Mayor estacEtvan and Coon, Mutt- : Me. ir' Meler; t'llat' 'Mi'' 0191C* nt1C...
90110, Ed. .Merklinger, Dan O'Brien niriga are attending the annual meet. =lied to reconoider his &Onion and '
and "Buteh" Murney :and "Bed" hip a the Ontario Goon leoado Ariso• )
. to accept the presidency, the direct.:
I at a nis CARD 11)111P,‘T,ITANoKstS: ..., .,
oripledging . e
Sturdy. The gathering was happy in elation arid of the Blue Water High-
wath and Mr. Connolly 1101 PPP!' ..111-.4' , r- l'ili‘:'" 1:1111.air,Vtir.(7,1O ....
•thes extreme cmd the fellowe .tool: to, way Asoociation hi Toronto thin weeh.!15 evtlY
the community singinse with a right lihing to eeern to give the Society the ll'Irtal, rhith,h13' ra,„'1htt,uht,d't " • ' '
Mr. and Alm Georae William, St. throw down, fi 1
g601,1 will. The singing 01 the Na- Vincent St., left on Wedneaday ior „.
tint all Anthem brought the feativities mew yoda where teen veil be iohled.7 A bill for water rateD.W413 referred , hhhhh,,„ 4, ,,..,., he
to a ebee. The grenter pOrtion of the by mr. and eiro. (;. Montaene Wile. to a committee of Mr. 1:100011 and Mr. ' 11 iv. ti.;:i,'. sji' 1141. :!0;; i.„.6.'4
ibanquet • Was arranged a3 a goat of for berbourn on the Ater:lama ost &meowed tee aseteiation wan Quito, riffled iitin.01. ol 1Pl.l.it', Mese', Ist. et
t I '
team belong to Knox church t d tl • Edwarda to take up with the Trottinn et the tin• itebtet sosteton ea., nisi
I 40 of Indianapo in, and will cal▪ l ond Pacine Asoeciation, as it wait un. IA II tch., pl ivy Noir, els, ot
Atit'S fIng .1 am's% t Mil of -congrega iona recognition of the March tot. te I '4' .0 II 4 ,
. - tennis to lee pert as. being only fear.... • i • L. it Nit rim r I IIIE I, 1 II .
gain flow, lea fat: 1 shoats. obeed 70 'good work of the team duriag the, ,
0 Fe CAREY& SONILtd wg.Pacii. • ' : • - • -.' • - • • • •
ii" show. le vitiates ftifii"61 aii4" Letees- "Pa't l'.e3",1!"... _L. .2 .' . - 4 no Gademee etteeeeett teethe, Nee, • The President. secretary, Mr; Gun.
le9. prillehold a special wenn:, onelev Mid Mr. Itobeetnon were appoint- , WALleeniNI '11E:11°1111A31
Il I. 011.114 Illo 111•IP4 Ole $.11V
. ' filet of April, rit''' a 1 Tto reguiny sionthty raeoting of Weilneeday. elareli setil et 11 le ii.o. to, vil 3 vommittee to nok tint town courn: ''''e t'"°, '''''"'n;" Eirlt"e• "4" P eht°1
meet. roos. nth, upb.
INVESTMENTS AND. INSURANCE ter men 2 and a !,,ri.i. otig. Tile:. -e
tlio t-galtford 1108pH...A Atiiilliary will entertain the lire:died ef the Bebe.' ill for a nrant It had been prenniced , we please:it wit Apt. puilito4 tie,
Telephone 230 :1 11immit_..11 munnia. ,4 Wild NII"ja lo, be held at tbe tome of Mrs Win. Stn, kali Aosembly. of Ontatdo.
• plain on •fotettesisitte Cap:W.114,d joInt :litond3 tie Thureilny, Mareir etle at, rlioTitiNG Bin THE Tut Tao
' 1! Met 11 the runty needed it the , ;Ano. ntenente es r, sell.
6 4 :4 (=mutt peed the town foe tete of Use ' lie h.et ,i, ptentstit senile noe
A , W 1- t , f A e ..1 , Ansi thed isolooe. e hie 401,
MASONla TEMPLE BUILDING . WIlintato .11.-4pf.r will' 3 too teed. Gin- tee° hie,
! willlibee Idg'se"ilPstlitn, tnheut Zia II:17V: ;alt3014ItitIti Iliuhdevigedlicti. itrt'echiehtitli41°' , '4,••;-1,ii'le'sllot's,•%Ce. .1'47igtli,1•°t iiisilse t liTt'ettatl.I.
eennt allowt,1 fee eine
-ONTARIO ': 1:1**nihT.:: 'Aill rli'' ''''111 ""141''''' *0'1 14"serw/ E351"‘ It,f"d,LYP Ahga lint ' I ' K Ch 1 I t • n haat liall3PO? via3 Pre38:n2 to Low To I'Lli•,10 1014 IIMIli ',Ei UV' Iteltee Luse
' se 410. .. . 4" 0 la EUX arc t . cc two Veigal CP . u
ilO 11. I:Mgt Drr. tor,:ti,;,,,,t,„_p, ii f'ow thz). Winnenhi fiche:eat natineliarY Treday and Viiday eveningo, Mar.' ter:tred cipthe eociety fat they need. ‘i.v....r t. eitt I442:010,
WILMER tinetsAter, no, eo. 500 fa -al datuc* rolla Gild Ma, Admieflion Cfic and fil6e. 04 no cr.7ptorK0. :-,:',.04 8nt...,4 be tonne ,itell tonefiee