HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-21, Page 8PAGE /AGR1
OU colt pap'r YOUtr
room in a_$��v hoursCiv a;�'.itl:S. ...... -
peoil 'd up.
iiia, eel Mrs. Men Itch% cff Eon,
sla9tcal seta a es taC C
lass:',.ti ogee Lessee (.c ,aau,
1.7't•sa7, care frice to hese
.(tits teat.
.' 1 jeesee Ane . (-: Zsn,
{ t 17.07/ alar i7 I354' v;cc week ter eons
elre t Cease is.ess . of ma: W a;te-
1`.l•r Ca, (nee Inter! twee the vett—Tee
aar;;zt the s:•celL•esesd ;:itta be. mush:.
. li• i Wianifred D1fi9ze.
Two eleiglalosels (over fe tyt o& on
c f3 ski tMr. 1i m., oz .t se ,
n t�fiaso th,y
;Cry :s?Q�asant time. .
,,young iteogale attended• •Elco poria" :;o-
• 4'r ie °' Crewe ora
L11 t•'cis ceesaasay w lied 1 a
Mrs. J. D. l"art'isla visited friends in
teelesieh bet ";('eek,
�f A I%T1•, IJeiron Ilortota and sisto, itliata
e s Book Store 1 �;•clyn, a int I ttalday with friends a .
, ,Crewe. • '
Bill Greats orad Boerne gotten -were
wESTix' ; ,c1)
Mr. J. L. Spec d:ease spent a Teti.
Eimyal with hie roe, Mr. 11, k`:'•.n•^.T.`ttrc.
of fic'th,
fete wceleend with their fee sit:le, Dir.
Alas? tetra. tial, tifeVrttve.
Airs. Wm, eleHowell pet's Setae,
da5. with iter lrethee, Mr. Wesley
Steel:laouse, o4 irrwceiiel:', ram—nit-1g
to 1,bth Faturdrie night ane eees?ae .
u'.t Seri?stay ziv&�a i:eb Wetter, MIKis J.
Ata ics(.10.
The W. ni. P. a the Westfield Un-
ited ehureb met last Wednesday au
the beeetytent of the church with :i
pod number present. (Rev. W. it.
Alp gave a very isateresting talk on
(°hriatian Science.
At the council meeting held at Bel.
'grove eon Fele i2tb the reprise etative
of the Sawyer-3i'assey Co. of Iianele
ton and the representative of the
Ooderieh Good Roads Co. waited on
the council with regards to purei tee-
ing a atiere crusher. After consider-
able Mailer cion the .council decided in
favor of the Sawyer-hfasaey, by un -
Now is the time to have
Sewing Machine
Parts, Oils,
Belts, Needles, etc,
.tilt_.-.:�_.._,. tilt. ; • -.-�.._.._..-._.T�-.
(ivies Alum Free, R. N. is, nursing
u patient near Ethel.
Me and Airs. James W. Smith were
recent guests at the home of Mr. and
hire. Tilos. Wiggins.
!Jr. F. Uos* who hon been in, re-
t;:rno;l" to his duties as principal of
the public whom today (Thursday).
Idr. Richard Park visited friends in
Wingham on Thursday.. He was etc-
i4ire, a
in Gederieh last (week hunting, ice for "nniween conipanied by his Siwe*; T} 0S.
— 7=0r � ,f!Z ; Bisoat }eras.
• DONNYBROOIC Mr. John Parrish, Ir.,was in Lon- , t
Miss Alice Shackleton spent the don on eVedneaday last attending the 811EPrARDION
week -card at her home in Ashfield.
`proctor Show. SnaN; sira,^a snow.
'Mien Jean Hunter, tit the G.. •C. X. . Wedding hells are ringing.
Mrs. John Chisholm end . lithe
daughter returned on Saturday from.
the Gcderi .h hoepltal to their home
east of Dupgannon.
Iry and 111rs. Thos. Itobinean nntoi- bas been home for the vast week Mrs. Frank Naftin leaves far 1Cen- Mies Mary Anderson, of the Clinton
'ariiaed ea number of their friends last with a bad attack of the flu. ora the latter part of next week. guest at Commerce, was a week -end
'Frriday evening. 1 r. Will Chisholm In busy battling guest at the home of her parents, Mr,`'
Mrs. Albert Campbell and children Quits a few from Sheppardton eel- and Mrs. D. E. Anderson.
Vent a couple of days last week with
gravel and motorist for his now house tended the high tea in 1%naxt church, Mrs. R. ,A, McKenzie, who bad been
to be bunt next summer. Godcrich. ug Mrs. James
tritetids at Crewe• visiting hes daughter,
Mrs. Jefferson returned home lust Mrs. Archie Horton ban returned' . Farmers are .busy getting out wood teEachern, of London, rc;ureed on
wxeelt•after la mortth's visit with her borne after having spent .a monthevith for next winter os sleighing is goad Monday to her home in Dungannon.
THURSDAY. PER. 2tst, 11x29
Alt Wool Blankets$4.75
White (frac Ali WW1 illankets, see S(L flak or Hue fancy 113rdirs and
whipped singly. On sale $9.50 pr. or each
Natural woafl.. Sizes 36 to 42, Reg.
S4,5t► per suit, at . $3.95
Soft cashmere finish Prints for dresses,
(aprons, smocks. Dainty patterns in
neat little; rosebud and geometrical de-
signs on light and mid -ground colors.
Warranted fast. Special values, per
yard 2Sc and 35c
New feather proof Tickiu gs,, in dainty
rose patterns, blues, pinks, etc. Yd. 550
54 inches wide, fine qualify, nice
weight for dresses or coats. colors
rose, blues, reds, fawns, etc. Special
--peke, 'per yd ` :., ..$1.25
Printed Silks •3fi inches wide, nice
v's iglieSilk and rayon, in latest French
designs; first showing. Special, - per
UNDERWEAR ti d.. , ; ... 950
Men's all pure wool Red Label extra sHEETING
heavy Underwear. Penman's, Staff-�7__ inch extra heavy Unbleached Sheet -
s, etc. Clearing sale price:, per �.n. fill bleach perfectly'. March
garment • T►ll.'7sale price, yd .. » y .. , ,.......35c
eon mar Slfitrltel'
hoc +laughter, Mrs FttzPatiick, n at present Mrs Robert Davidson returned •on - • ---- ------ -- ----�- ---- _-- - - -» •.: ---- �-- •-•
11irs: a bowie.'of`lltiteitell;`visite cfi x. om. ettat � IMO; disposed o r , , s ma,--• a constant
n f his ole slogs. T•Ie calls them betin a guest with itis sister, 111rs.,A. ;Ga: Alae»,'Wttr..J« Parks, N. li!`., Why- GiiUs; Mr. and Mrs. H. D: $radloy;strain of asthma brings the patient
tilt • M '£ i i ' `" d, d•. f ''fuesdiiy front Elora (ware he had'len Dungannon' . executives -..Thomas stidf• Postmaster and Mrs T.C a Reduced b A th 'fh
Hr: Thos: Welker, of iVtnrtltant,e
, last s ntster., Mrs. l?'earl Thomp- her father, 1Vlr. It Gltd'dan, several ,o itch and hold lee Begot a 3T. Wilson, and Mr. Wilson seises 1 z aid and Thomas Stothers; sec. troas„ Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Walker; Mr, and to: a dreadful state of hapoless ex-
carr, last Saturday. days last week, Mrs, Duddon is still „C ° day, N F. Wbyard,. �nanogeri. Thomas .liirs. E. C.• Symon end Jeanne; Mr, i
Mies Myrtle Siltib, of Dungannon, in Goderielt hospital. „odd figura for one of theta(. lCam , mr,. Frisby : s,..,,a �,,,,:t... ,u_ „,,, ,haustton. Early use should by all.
P says it polys to lseori a good article. 141rs, Ellen 4aluff returned ta. her. Siitthers. nn _
.spent a f v. days (lois weak, with her ... home in Dttrrgg,1nen' nw!FhursdaY$ fnI. • 'ccs of the nfflieers Mrs. T. B. Jewell and Yyonne; 1Vir. ID.Kellogg's Asthma Iiemeeiy rvhicft
-friend, Miss Olive Jefferson. •
Mr. Kenneth •Grubb, of Young, lowing a visit of two menthe with her of ' Crewe united church Sunday and Mrs. J. H. Sumbler; Mr. and Mrs. more than any other accts uiekiy and
Tinder the ausp
`isr..,D •
Mrs. L. Diarrisnn..who '.l.as been sask,, t$ visiting his old home town, daughter, me. A. hi. Straughan; school, a Valentine • social was held on Wagner; Mr. and Mrs. S. E, Tiicke; istirel ,on the sitz passages and brims
visiting her sister. Miss Ethel Brooks, Mr• John 1V1acKay.. has returned R,ptey, an al$a to the triel I of Benmiller. Mr, and Meat: Jos. A. Brown; bit. and
7 home after -81)4)114111g two week$ tat lt'r9cfiay evealtng cast atrthe beautiful blessed help .and comfort. No nota®'•
rtettirned to her home at 131uava a lastas Sheppardtnn and Part Albert. He is bliss delta Pentland •left M ndey' name of Mr, rind Mrs. William P. i lilrs. Ni. Ramsay rind family; Mr, and where asthma is present in the least •
• eek• the soo, visiting. his stater, who h a pramisittg farmer of, the West and far Toronto where alis writ attend the. Crozier 6th concession of Ashfield Mrs. W. V.tenalds; .Mr. nna Mrs. degree s auld be without this eat
The Women's institute held zi sues been seritlusly ilk intends taking a ltfe itartnor back spring ntillfnes:y openings. While u and was attended by aver '100 uests H. Brawn; t to Tamtlyx: Mr; and Mrs: dgreremedy,• h. gr •
mobil euchre party at the home of •
life. Faviler, of Ii nose College; oeeu- wtth httn. the city she will be.�a guest with her •who were received by the hast and.
W. J. Elliott and Beryl; Mx; and lilts:
Mr. John Mason last Taesday even- pled the pulpit in Ashfield Presbyter The articlein our last issue refer- niece, Iths, Hairy Bellamy. hostess. Orvztn Uurnin, as attperin,. W; H. 'Ceasar said family; Mr. and
itan ehut'c!x on Sunday."b Mr. Lorne Mc1 eezie returned' front Mrs.. H. Ryan and family, Godorich; { -
ttg. Diss Mary Boyle was the win•, ring to school matters mentioned the
(indent •of the Sunday school, per- Misses H.
and Franc Mclean Luck-
Tier of the ladies prize and Mr. Gor- Mr. Albert Beckett received the slid discussion on the drop. in attendance Toronto last week bringing with him" formed the dt:ttes. of chairman, the t ,
410n Naylor won the gent's •prnze, news of the sudden death of his ,broom at the school, which took place at the a W Kipp. of sedan of the latest model, (naw;. Miss Annie Polley, Brantford;
......._ .. . their, Rev. S. Beekott, of Vancouver,; -program of the evening consisting of
Luck -
annual mooting on Dec.Dec28th. This hich•is attracting muck attentions( games• and : contests;' •readings, muss Ira. T)avid Giryin a td.Mrs Jean Wil
DON'T THE blie Beckett had been 111 just a few should have been•stated as being in the prosier tune. We understand cal numbers and and a dialogue: Solos tliams, Dunsarition:. t
al4•t►�,1NFORGET days with pneumonia and flu. llie 19 7, not In 1x28; that it has already been sold, were rendered' by Mrs. Watt and Johnt
T sympathy of the community is ex- 31r, and Mrs. William Elliott . and Menery, .Duets tivere also given by.
` " • tended to idi, Beckett and his family Quite a number from here attended` daughter, Beryl, of New Liskeard,
the same singers, also by iiarve An.
•t s an abbreviation ofthe Mors in this recent bereavement. the entertainment At St. Andrews are guests with the lady's another, dorsal* and Palmer Kilpatrick. • In. •
vhIelte a'bbro atio .ls i atria church at Port Albert Mr,
fists' Telegraph Assn, an immense Tho„ . M. S. hold their monthly Angus Gordon taking 'a load down in Mrs. J. .Ryan. having mitre to be acres- strumental selections by Alden :Hasty tilt ,
.-einseern for the purpose of delivering meeting at the home of Mrs. George • se eat at the funetel of 'the late Mar- and the Misses Francis Crozier ane . l Vi"onieu are seying» Panlzbam s
his •sleigh: All lienar goes to those
Aileen Treleaven were enjoyed very �� «
tiatit+ers to your friends at tt distance• Collinson in Kintail on 'Wednesday ;young ladies and eentlemen who gave garet Ryan, who resided with them at Compound keeps vo fit to db my
V p can deliver to the folio;wing coon• fast, the :president, Mrs. Z<fatltst', flet; I-iskeardi• much. At the close of the program Fork. .l was nervous avian rue
bath time wind talent, rev. Mr, Lim M down:. Now 1 coir better and$lee
tries; Canada, U. S. A.. England,; being in the chats, Papers on miss d laude elk: Able chairman, ':A:' isle; The regulate 41'160111y meeting of lunch was served. A very pleasant tilt ,s p
a Y the Dunganno 'branch : of ' the Wom- feeture of the evenin better= 1{t helped 'mY thirteen
Ireland, Scotland, Wales, sand 38 other sionary work were read by hers, lunch ;vast served uy. ladies of he , . - -n. s w"as the mer>;v
year daughter w -YI taoWsrt be.
countries. We cover nearly" tire: Sim spa `and Mrs'. D. MacLennan. eats InatItute hall be held on••Thut$ sleigh -ride, •Rafal; and returning, the
Whole avorld: All you have to do 4s
to photo or write me and I will et -
tend to the rest.
Geo. Stewart
This being the Presbyterian women's church. The entertainment was a day, Feb. 28t , at the home of Mrs: guests going m four sleigh -loads and
fort and after my baby was born. _
{, r really great success. The proceeds Charles `i t'. Altozr• The xoli ea11'wili as many' eatters.. paining ivory dry:'
day of prayer fox the province, the . of -the evening go. towards purchas- be answered b 'f`hentedles or coin .'
andel• of service for that day 'vas.foie: tsar; of citaira for the .basement.. a y £ The xerasias of Margaret,Sutcliil'e ,,
lowed in the.eseetibg. After the - 'here wilt be zrquestion �frawer, Coni Ryan, daughter of the late Satoh
a close of the meeting a lunch wasaMore elves o£ 'spring.. As da'dde ucted by Hirt. F: °Vosse. Ryan and Mrs. #cyan, were :interred
GODERICH -' served by the 'hostess arra a social buss taking A sun'bath its the fio-nt 141x.• Victor •'t'ringtpn has been in its Dangannon. cemetery Feb. 1Gth;
hour was enjoyeda b all. •parlor he happened: , to look out London during the least weep, being Miss Ryan died Wednesday. morning, .
lime Street Phone 105through' the window and saw some- accompanied' by his 'little daughter, -----.r,.,•: ' �
C g Feb. "10th. at the home of her sister, -...
Lydia E. l'inkhanl's
Vegetable Compound
West Street (I ?stairs)
(OVER 7EIMITT'S !I.•r.RArr rRli )
Phone 239 1•CiR .4FPOI.t".2 VEAir Phone 239
OPEN EVENINGS (by Appointme,i3Oovt.
• thing, fly up which he thought was a Violet, who .underwent an operation isire, , J. Elliott, New Liskeard. af.
- - wird goose. His wife said: she thought for. Mastoid. •4he operation was per- ter a short Obsess of a few days fromtt a crow. "No." he said, "it ,is big- formed on. TheredaY of last week rind pneumonia. The funeral serviees.
ger than •t craw." Son chimed innnd she is • reporti,ii' td•• bu progressing were conducted .at the house and
Said, think i robin, oh li me v bl �i
h tsar o
s , "1 grave by the Rev. J. IL A. Waikor,
a' sparrow. Say dad is a�spatrow as u't'V'het'her it iean indication of an . pastor of United church, assisted by
bit as a goose" "You don'•t know easily spring or not, time will tell, but itev. W. K. Perry, rector of St. Paul's
Our entire sloth of Men's. Women's, Misses' Boys
and Children'. GOLOSHES are now on sale at
• Greatly Reduced 'Prices,
Atte W. Hern's . Shoe Store
what you is talking about" Just some of the re§idents of Port Albert ,Anglican thumb. The pale lteprers Mp q .L1 e..
then Pat, the hired min, (tame in. report having heard a.meaadow lark were W. E. Elliott. Aslifletd; r Mc-.
"'Ah shure there's neither of . yous on the morning of , Tuesday, Peb.. Lean, West Wawanosh, Burton Roach - S UVarice on
sate the baste and I thought ?t was a as laving beeii in that vicinity most loss a sorrowing mother, one brother, of Canada
knows what you're. talking about 1 19th Wild ducks' are also reported J J Ryan
She leaves to mourn her
i',ytg sceutrrel." of.the winter. • harry, of Goderich,`eind three sisters, - tatabeseedl$N, .:
Anncemeement is made atthe of- ° Mrs. W. J. Elliott, New lieskeard ; yew seri, tet; : Wammmo°, ozlt Make one' with 3.11. Vrciolnan.
fleesof the Presbyterian church, Tor- - Mrs, W. H. Ceasar and Daisy, at: • and have your clothes pressed and
500, Eyebreww Dance
under 'auspices' of .
Goderici icemen's Instituto
will be held in
Logs Wanted
Highest Alt price wilL. be paid
for good elm, ash, maple and
basswood logs, delivered in our
Yard, at Thos, -Wallis' bush
farm, lot; 85, 3rd concession; -
Goderich. Township. •
Bayfield.. -
Pt16NE--; °
For Upholstering, Repairing
A,targe range of Simy& Cover -
leis carried •
Nelson Street
onto, that :the itti sbyterY of Malt- home. Among the many floral tri Q. D 1 QONEEY, Agent , - . '. freshened up regularly 'aild you
land, at aitch .Bev. C. 1! McDonald butes . were wreaths, sprays and. will always be; ready tor any eh=
is moderator, has stood at the head 'sheaf's from the following : united` Brame 280
of all. the Peesbyteries of the church 'Church, New Liakeerd; post (aceEteeern Se. :: Commit, O";T. gagetnen#, .
for the
tl air 'alltwo
yoears, n ffar havingdei � � For Exlpert Serriee in
to n greater ectont then any ' other
Presbytery. • ••
An interesting feature of the ser- - Automobile: Owners
i , wa March 1s 1929 vices in .Erskine Presbyterian church
it on Sunday WOO the presentation of : ' Get your Auto Markers, Periuit
I Cards at 8.1ai. Tickets AOc. Bibles for faithful attendance at Sun '
day school during 1428, The ` . Cards, Operators end •Chauf--
y Driver Orchestra presen-
tation was made by the pastor, Bev. fours' I.eneseels.froni
C. H. McDonald, =who, each yea'. of-
fers Bibles to the girl end boy who- . .tV • leenvie.A
attends niost regularly. They were . • ill r v
. awarded for the past year 'to Donulda of Matv'IGAR'S SHOE STORE -
and Bertha Jones, and Allan Reed.
• • The young people of Dungannon P. O. Box. 414. Goderich.
United church gathered to large aunt-
'. hers at the church°on Friday evening.
When a Valentiane.-soeial was held un-
der the auspices of the Mission ' Cir- •
ale. An mellent program was give
en, consisting of Solos, duets,, die.;;
logues and a short play. ellnele'Joe''
Will." in Csddition, interesting series
of slides on (' tada, accompanied by
. a descriptive talk. by ltev..1. A. Walk-
er, proved to be of educational value
• Following the program refreshment:.
` were served. The proceeds of the ,
evening Amounted to $25.
The following extracts are front the •
"New Liskeard Speaker:" "It is
with deep sorrow we report Ote pas.
sin r of one Whom the citizens genes.
. ally, as well as personal friends, will i
sincerely mourn, Margaret Sutcliffe
Ryan, ;what flied Wednesday morning,
Feb. 12th, front nneunianfe. following .
' the 'fitt. For thirteen years the late i
Mimi Ryan ltad:oceu aced the Position
of assistant to 'Postmaster Grills of
a the leeal post afttce. Always at het
post; thoroughly capable and to be de. «.tilt•,■•.
• Vended til, -.o, always eheerful.nand
courteous, . €:egttnigted with 'alt and i R+eu�at�tt�m1 no
loved and itusttcl by all, two make no !,l
whore sant adjoining country regret •
ndstake in Baying the town a:, It w attires
her demise and feel for the sairorv- , art of
ing relatives.',i Ilan
The animatl meeting of the €:tate- )i.
holders of the +Godcrich Rural Tele- ' She ei%re her hieslllnd hobs
pbene Ce.. with headquarters at lion , to set. saXs+rainh'
galleon. was held on Wedne_•das. Feb
2Oth, at that home. of the mantitter, YkWIt aitnerirx was w1'lrier1W '. Shite ee
9 rcetr ianng beth( ..,r•tr'MfnHr. krart
Mt. Thor. Stalkers. with as fair aft - Jet
e• rho iRwtttrrn. Art .rr►r++ ager,
tcndnnce, According to reports re=;; oelGtgirr kernel fseristl , wits smd
c eitst'd the past ,Calc had been a pros,eto ) (;xMame.r;1tesisel Hopermspers coo for the t etnpany. The � h tt,we•4;.•, ii01, taa'tttta i+id'wv
toilettenit oiiW,-ere :Pere elected: Pre -4 RfT0ellw
tN41,441 ma'w a Pilfererdirectors Walilain itilie, tiedetich:f rt,.tt,rhlwst 4rielly s''p!t heck.
proder% Johns lustew, Goderich; j', r,',,fr tlestKiJlrt,W"I"1'ark%Auburnvce 'o'len*e
lho«.re fideelt. Z4Awn; Jeaths biz eq,c, I,nrrteo r•eelotie'rt►oltstm IWI1►1/
(Hite. tailor f1. E. ArVittAur,turn- Il t!foi Liftittke aiha •ntt 'ley ift lrtsr
ureter' +e; Italics(. Medd, AttburaVit. F 'wilily at
Wi se> eh `thee, eitethres t►r.•l T. G. Al. ° I,:sr_tl!helte Weir Stele Chile left
ALMOST every business success is due to some
one individua,'s ability and initiative.
Yet every successful business
man realizes, too, the -value
of help from his bank in the
way of timely credit and de.
pendable business counsel. °
_ 'The Bank of - Montttal iyt cowstand? playing a vital part in the
of many a business success.
TOTAL A3 *TS YN EX.0*Sb illi it$2. ea!/, 410.
E. V. LE,SSLJ%% himnaKer
laoderirh Branch
See the Lovely New
Stamped - Goods
in Bridge Covers, Lunch Cloths,
R:itntters, . Aprons, Pillow
Cases, and the latest Bags.
All designs just out this
Beautiful heads, all ,colors; for;
making bead..flowers.
Boilproof Embroidery Threads,
3 for lot.
Crochet Cottons, all colors Inc
ball -
Smith's Ad rRtwl Gift Stiire
Eget St. - Phone 1911
r Pressing,' Cleaning aid Repairing
Try the
Goderich French Dry CleaningWorks
J. lei. VRO014101 -
Phonc 122 ` . - - West Street
Real Bargains, fn
Dining Room and
Be f room Suites:
Some in Solid .'Wal"
nut and also its Wal..
nut finish.
First comae first served
Hatnilton. St: Godcrich
Plan Your.
New Year
by bung a new piece of
for the Horne •
We are the people for
New and MO Parniture,
On the Droadvray ger Coe i clip ' -
Lake � ria 'a a rtt1 , jib... •• • • . . . • Y .. 1 • Y ...7.7":":717;*—
• . 1y. 15c
19c lic
11Ni'd 1a tt�i•e, 2 for- • . , • • » . .. ,250
Ripe 'I',ottt>attea, Ile. .
I• Lemons, per dozen...,. . • • , .32s8
Dabs, resew, 2 Ibr.' for 210
l dilly Powder', defer 25c
-. Currants, per lb.
Peihs, as.e 5, per tin+►... • ... .. . 'Ile
Hr►ieiitt's �',. 3 tuns 25c
Aylmer Sows Veiistable and Toinato,per tint • 119e
St*, free i and Iodised. 3 for...... • . • < _Ise
Cons flukes, Seger Crisp, 3 for, , ... . , ,2
Relied Oats, SIM. for,.
,..... • ... > .... . ..... . . . 1dte
Erodes. Seam, per '
Frozen White Fish, Ib.