HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-21, Page 7THURSDAY., Fla 2Ist, leati
Your Garden Needs
Steele, Briggs Seeds
Sold everywhere in Canadu
--. . ,... , .
SEND FOR NEW ' ‘1"' :, ii,ir•
, ,„, i 4,1? '
„Q••• 4---\,„---3:1-7---,--:-.. • i
,t ',4' ' •-•,i \ ' iti;%
A„ .,
1, ( ( .4":' '
..e. ,-, ,...a.„,..
\ 6,441
taititiat-iftt Britain ane. ticaelei eatIca tette-.
Thete are mew peesimlets evlia three atstra
eventd have us belene that ceener PeieetinetnttiWail% Empire
than WO an reallee it Gandhi au' hts There ta, a rage on feot, to make
Slitie fellowere will have eztab- maestros rarteatte,,, t„, r,ert tao
licited an Independent anti the wawa attootatto aa tat, piers
Beitieh Freplect rill hare letetenct mutat, aftte. (,,piwation tzz,
ioreatca Tiacy gorgcc. 1.3 cw- pc,zoi of the met 1.
evens that even in Oriental India. dote. araetatt tao aaa,„:,;aa ata„
whiA1 taetrItt w:•th rtillieur3 Peeige Atone. To Ve0i VY,.' aecoteratela I
• tykes° seetd clanding manY ea9°1 meet, n taventh dominion kacizlownl
conspicuone -by its ebeence, there folined eat a eenference Willett la
nre.- toni1 thintleet leaders, vehe tattled for Fetoruaav as„ Lamar the :
rQ1* ze that India'test hope for temporary chairmanship of Colonel
• the future lies in the guidance anti aoratta wetteaveat ataa •
- Met:tent:int 'help vitieli can only be
STELEBRIGGS SEED VI . leetheeraing front the raee of people
"CANADA'S GREAresr sEED House"
the British. Government to receive the t least for the duration of the present chum as Leader of the Co:reeve/we • 1 I am le a ehamPion . ties trtereereA battle, The =lire
of the that watar and titre MG bleat wag canted.
_ • • • h Se t
Resolutton Defeated
• MOM - videb, bee alreedy done co much to The efforts of
certain members of
And when millions Illite
it better it must be
Treitit front the gardens'
cis -
istrinte rietartate---fei Perees. '-' hunting tat in the reglaten eiltateacetitr;
'vet n Pee:. venattal tovar.1 eleninet tto owitte, alit peepertv. The
, the lateatenta daelt at the Ilieteemlitee ttleeer eafd ttitTe WO1 litat the erettet
tree!: anti teen ttiampienshipt at atm alettitt that ate collettor vine &Zee
. I ., . e an 1 fourtficthe nee:tack ' ell in IAN pM1:03' OW raid there WAD.
NEW Salt:ATOP, LEADF.4, elippnate oncellftle of a tesecind :tetra ' nleo the teasettet of the reticallea--
. _ ralee the Indian to a more healtbee the HOLUM of Commons a Ottate.n to
TORONTO-HAMILTaki.WaINIPEG-REGINA-EDMONTCht -I. self-eupporting plane -the British. bring about the restorations of titlee
nuseeeessfei, at .11on. W. II. Willoughby, who late bnen ,itill7enVtitets,,,tv41i14"-It ill iti:ns. Iht• :denizen up the tante% that Vici;i3 tre,
al * It IllUet have been most gratifying to tfor Canadians were
Ork. 1111 Ell' a
general sesston, when the House, by t - •
a vote of 1/4 to CO, refused to allow
::liseittoAti;,ILLItnenitecLvetirtAeirni3het,:l:m...si.42"ir:t.t 'olintevet;,eaTtutritlieerNnastlill'• rsthttbazcertsai
a special committee to reconeider, to - Minister of Pubile Werke tor Itlant. 40.. f) and GO yards. • plant, the), should be :told en Mille &X
any extent whatever. the Canadian -toba, has resigned. Hon. Mr. Clubb- I
maiiiteaaa-saaaaantalatatetasataaaiejaatatataaaettatataiateataseesaataittareawa, repott from Delhi last week that the
le ruling Princes of forty Indian States,
Sti d y Aft es
43 lieu gathered together in one of the
onImportant onferences of its
le 'kind ever held, to express unswerving Parliament's address to His MeieStY's. was eleeted to, the Manttoba Legisla. THE TOWN COI,j1siCIL
eosenuts aim 'mayor 'replied eta et
Alert; 111111 Ile. bfon 'Writing O&M
to the British Crown, and to the Xing,asking the King not to be ture in 1020 and 'WAS appointed to the.;
- ethis. They could oell en bloc tie
1141074TON, Gaderich, Ont. lc- deprecate the attitude a native lead- stow titles upon Canadians. Cabinet as Minister Of Public Work . (Continued from 'lege 5)
;lame at; Ptstrie or William; but seroula'
111111uoisteteleatenatereteemicteepeteraataweatatateatestateettatettareettepeagamattasa ers of British Indut wh6" apparently
were advocating complete independ-
I I v to tread the bellowed courts degrees produce wonderful effects, enee,
.in 1922. His actlonao aatd to have --te
- not get so good a price an if theysta
Flu Takes Heavy Toll been the outcome of the present in.- people.
We recommend that the to smiler concerns which would nar
.ThoF d•vestigation of the Seven Sisters'•Roy.
b -
chairman of this eommittee be em- -the epachincru. themaelvea instetalher--
enidemie of influenza which has.
where two or three for worshil) but without tame. The seed east in- 'When the Prince of the State, i th t eks, b „mu al CaraMiaahal.* LP t°.• th° t Mg -°- • poweeedeto puvelatee and forward plc. handling it foe resale.
• to the ground will come up and the whose tremendous influence over his ng e Put- "' l'Y a'3 "--- ' trOing to Press Premier jtatin 1.I. raelten p ... eat 1 Ana to the Canadian I _ . _ -
meet' • ' • ' a '- - spread to the British Isles, and the ture oet .c V s . '
' For thither' Christ*Iliniseltresotter aoefer cannot' tell hew it does it; it people cannot be pled:tared in had net accepted the resign:m.0n. Reyalties, Ltd, We recommend that ' -
official returns for the ast week
A d enakee the little band completeis one of the mysteries a nature. So wordsopenly declares That the .m
show that tie we967pdea Is re -Nvtl • m ErancoItalleNaval Rivalry ;the cotumunieation of Jan. 20th feral
h 0 t a ProhibitionI ' h 11
we do not know bow the spirit by the 'time for independence has not yet
Within these walls nay peace abound;
May all our hearts ono agree t word makes a -change in the heart; come and that he places tell his ye -
"great Is the mystery of godliness." eources, loyalty and hopes for the fu -
Where brethren meet, where Christ
The seed in the ground gems grad- ture in the lap of Britain, knowing
found, first the blade, thee the ear, that his trust will never be violated,
May peace and concord ever Tie. uan.Y"
- to, i„qta, -after that the -full writ M the ear." It- satisfies the majority of his people
. „
When itis sprung up, A will go -for- Such an 'act of loyalty must have
PRAYER ward; nature will have its course, and shaken the very foundations of the
We pray our rather, for the Chris- so will glace- Christ's interest, both in pessimist forces and dealt another
tian Church that she may ntronger the world and in the heart, is, rid will death blow to Conintunim.
grow; may her %tame of the heathen be a growing interest, It collies to
nations groping for Ihe light etir her perfection at last. when those that Ontario Liquor Report
up to new endeavors so taat the day receive the gospel teright, have finish- The Ontario Liquor Contra' Board
may soon some when "Jesus shalt ed their course, the harvest comes, tabled its report for the year of 1028
reign wItere'er the sun does his sue- when they shall be gathered as wheat in the Legislature last week when it
t OSSIVe journey run." Amen. into God's barn. , as a shock of corn in was shown that total "sales over the
-- S.S. LESSON FOR MARCH 3rd, 1029 lus 2eason. t
,;...32 of grace as man an its beginnings, net profit over 37.000,000. The official
Lesson PatiSage-Ma 4 '2n
Christian church when it began coin- liquors in Ontario for the last five
Golden Text-liom. 12;5. prised one ' hundred and twenty per- months of 1928 was 846 per cent.
Mark 4:26-32. . sons and was held in a room. Never higher than for the -corresponding
In these yeeses we have two were Period of 1927.
were there such great things under -
fiscal year amountedqo--tthe enormous
In tha second 'parable, that of the sum of 349,000,000. IThe gross trad-
L e e s o n T o P ic-The Christian
Choral. , mustard seed, Jesus depicts the work ing profit was 80.869.020.12. and the
but becoming great at last. The figures showed that the sale of all
Eph. 1:22. 23; 4:4-6. 11-16,
growth of tee taken by such a small handful, as
nbles setting forth the New Arnty Leader Chosen
that of the cliseipling of the nations
kingdom of God.. In the driit.it is The- final step of the High Gott eil
When the mustard seed grows up ; of the Salvation Army, followingits tomes since the'new ,Bobeean Mum- production of Al etta WWW or
the gradual but 'insensible growth 17 P •
that is referred to. As Jesus so of. lector be requested to makeeevery et-
resolve that General Bramwell Booth ter of War ,took office, it is thought is placed at 489.531 barrels as' cam-
; fart in bie •powerio calleet arrears (et
107 large towns as compared with. In these days when one hears so•
ea, We recommend that the porches. I
652 and 321 for the preceding two much of the so.ealled naval building
ing and installing of new cable in the
weeks,- London alone had 331' fatal competition between the ' United town clock bo left with the haitmnn
ease of the disease as ealaPared States UM Great Britain it is refresh- of tbls -committee andethe clerk.
with 198 during the preceding w.eesk. ifig to learn front the French Press 1 Moved b, Couneillor Sproul, seem.
IThe total deaths from influenza sine° that it is not ihe only one and that ded by Councillor Gould, that the mat -
January let, are now 2,340. • Die French -Italian naval competition ter a preparing estimate:: of rec.eipts
Fight Drug Traffic • is likely to become almost as difileult :ma eaasratiteres far the year ba„v. 1
• . ,
Thirteen nations have • potted a preblein as Anglo-American Meal- i
.. ferred to the finomee committee to 1
forces to fight the drug -evil. N'ego- 17, if Italy persists in carrying out
to Carried.
, bring in a report on the tax vete.-
tiations between the Governments of .her present program. According
- 3 '
the various' couaties concerned were The Temps, the two navies, in 19$Mmed be Reeve Turner, seconded
instituted over a year ago and met will he the f°11°Nvitie' . France' 5114 by Couneillor Munnings, that wine
with prompt acceptance. Arrange- 10,000 -ton cruisers, Italy, the same kind of publicity* be curried on by the
molts have now been concluded and* number, France. three 8.000 -ton men- .Town of Goderich to several yacht ,
information in regard to the traffic in sore; Italy none. but -:instead of thou. !clubs, su-h 44 Chicago, Idilwaukee,
narcotic drugs will be ekchanged ear- Aix 5.000 :ernisersof a. type which .Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Loraine, .
eetly between the enforcement oat- France 110e$ net possess at all: Buffalo.' Rochester, Torontoa(1 ,New
C518 of•the.coutttries concerned in an France. 24 -destroyers of from 4110 2
_,___ i lame dining the next two tes 'three .
effort to impose a strict control over to 2,800 tons. Italy 19,. most. of them !months with a view to attracting the
illicit trade. • , , . ' • new. Against Frances tornede boats ;numerous water tourists to malsteuse
. • • ' • -. . ' ' Italy would be able to put in lane 28..
Bolivia on War Trail 1 . • of our, port •in replenishment of sup.
...,r An produdion .. • entice as well as to take the onpertun-
Bolivia is On the war trail again !', l'te°!•- - . ity of viewing our CAVII and its inte
and the inhabitants'. of ethe Chaco .The steedily-grewing importettee -of
*sting surroundings. -Carried. . . • •
area are not a little eoneernear This Alberta's oil..and .gas .fields is shown : •
Moved 1w Couneillor afunitings, ma'
being the first move of the Bolivian in recently published figures. • The I
• . . ••con ec , ar eeve urner,thatle co - .
d I 1 It T ' 0 • 1
ten did in his teachings he does bere. it becomes g.teater Alum ft 1 er s.
Nature' provides the owed lesson, The gospeltkingdom in the world shall was unfit to continue as head of the that it is Bolivia's way of showing „pared with 321,154 barrels In 1927.
taxes forthwith. .
Zike seed cast into. the ground, the likewise increase and spread to the' Atew' was to appoint Commissioner the Officials at Buenos Aires that she Of the 1921t production the Turner
'one-half to threettuerterr of a mill
Yeelp the
Mithright Supper
After 'bridge eq. CA -theatre,
Were your guests with
stenrairg OXO. Its rich•
beef flavour jurt "hit -seta
mot!' Nobother nails*
•••••and no sleepleesnes*
afterwrirds 1 •.
s t' b • 1 •
'Reeve elainted that it was costing
mending Geiteral of the Selvatton• the recent dispute. with Paraguay, tributed 410.623 barrels of
naphtha n pea ing o a me mo ion t •
remotest nations Of the earth. The Edward S, HiggIns of England Com- intends to dictate her owntsolution of , Valley field in Southern Alberta eon -
•good seed of the gospel sown in the
world, and sown to the heat% doth by ° g . g
work. The work of -grace in the soul Ateny's world-wide organization. The -
election of General Higgins, former -
has mighty products, nOte while it is
Scott's Emulsion
A•• its growth but what atilt it be ly Chief of Staff, inarked a new phase
the long struggle to release the
• when it is 'perfected in heaven? T14 in
organization, with its property as -
difference between a grain of mustard
sets, from the control by members of
seed and a great tree, is nothing ta
the Booth family. Of the sixty votes
I much 'outstanding in the Way of un-
Eph. 1:22-28. •
200"1"10106.14.40%.0"0"0",""ovw that the same power 'that supports -
i Ephesus tells .them in these verees the United Statel section of the Ar- .
his hitention to endeavor to establish ;farmers' cooperative maricetnig or.
a elupping line from Galway and adnizations ht Western Canada, where
. I Paid . taxes as • a year ago. The col- „
It is believed at Paraguayan rear- I and 40.734 barrels conung vont tne
extea to carry the unpaid taxes and
guard forts that new clashes may re- ,Wainwright field. The total prod*.
the eonclitioli xis to unpaid text! a he
suit in this invasion into the disputed tion of natural gas for the provinee .
claimed woe not getting any better.
territory of Middle Chaco. lin 1928 is placed at 14.198.959 million I Counei"or
o Bailie stated that the
1 cubic feet as compared with 12,933,- ,
• Famous Pilot 'Retires discussion Ung eta of order. There
1801 million cubic feet in the previous I . , 1 • . . . book
etas a les° ution on the minute
Colonel James Fitmaurice, head of year. 1
that e ween a young eonve on the Irish Free State Air Force, when , extending the time for the retuni
Dolled by the Council to elect the new Nien Haven•t 111onopoly I the roll to Mare!) 1st and he was pre -
earth and a glorified saint in heaven. • t • f . flew across the Atlantic Ocean last I Mete • -
leader, only seven een were in avoi
lea 6 -os. ruulia sail
Timor 4 and 10 Cubes
Oared to deal with the matter
of Commander Evangeline 13ooth, sis. year with the German plane, Bre.: t • Mere' men have not a Inonope:Y• then. It's "Meat and Drink". to You
Re also elaimed that there Arne not ao • • ' • • • • • •'
Paul in writing to the saints at. ter of the late General. •and.leader of men, has_ resigned from office. H is directing large and 'successful
and gaff. Weil
flask Stables, M.
facontraistf **root
jest off the Squere .
'Busses Meet all Trains and
Passenger Boats
Passengers called for in any
part of the town Ser all
trains at 0. T. R. or C. P. R.
' Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance, L
Our Livery and flack Service
wilt be found 00-ee•deell
In every respect.
• 444.0.4w
Your Patronage Solkited
•atostreal Street
4the world, supports the church; is - • 7 Halifax to New York and he is busy there are several sue nclee they
his mystic body, and he will care for
In these verses Paul-exhorLs to
mutual love, unity and concord. Love i
is the law of Christ's kingdom, the ,
lesson of his scheol, the livery of his
family.. We do not walk worthy of ,....
tageyneation wherewith we are called.
if we be not faithful friends to All
Christians and eworn enemies to all
sin. :
la I d leetor had been doing a lot of work IP
'N • at the preeent time trying 'te. interest haven't: The Saslcateltewan &x and
1 . .
1 Here we •see the variety of. *gifts
Christ has bestowed antong Chris-.
tians; and his design is giving gifts "Located in the heart of the
- Unto men. The gifts of Christ vierei 'business district.
C P k
and in order to advance hie kingdom ii A modern fire -proof Hotel.
500 MOM each with -bath,
and interest among men." ' Mutual . Rates: $2s0 and upwards.
hive among Christiana is a great -ii FamouiRestaurapt inut musie
friend to spiritual growth; it is in
various Irish financiers lit the feast- 1 Poultry PFoducers Ltd., with a total -j- The "'Flu"
bility of the projeet. s membership of over 19.000 and doing
a gross annual turnover of •approxi- ,
People Tired of Dictator? , mutely $600,000, wag. organized .hy a I LEFT HER WITH
The people of Spain are tiring of number of farmers' wives leiet than i
1 A VVretched Cough
their Dictator, Primo de Rivera, oe so , three years (ago. The -first president
the Spanish tweet; would have us be- was Mrs. John Holmes, of Aliquith. *ea.
A. Brooks, 1164 Robson St..
Beet. Accenting to reports from the Saslc.. and 'she still holds the office by ..
. ,Franco -Spanish frontier, events of popular ehoiee. Only two of the six. Sr
importance are expected to take place members ef the Board of Directors winter 1 luta the ;slim" twice, and the
- - in Spain this week. If General Pit- f arc men. They .were elected plebe- elaBontghtiniti?etitileelemftedmetolteittahy arilgratelwittled
"''. • mo de Rivera does not decide to leave. bly to prove that there is no eex imp. rae until 1 used .
the Premiership of the .civil dictator- leriority. complex held by ' the over- • e„.. . set_ ___,, .
ship, it is supposed that he will in- 1whelmingly-lorge number of women liff. WWII'
troduce modifications in the fornt of in the women in the Inc:Idiot-shirt of 1, Norway
government and give more liberty to , the Pool., . The Saskatchewan Egg
the Spanish press to conintent on the land Poultry Pool was organized . bo' Plne .
situation. The Dictator's action in : cause thafariners' rivet; regarded the , .. syrup
suspending the full sitting ottlie No -indent of individual selling as MAI -
IDonal Assembly which had been ar- 'tient and under it the full measure of "The first bottle' I Wed seemed to
ranged for the end of February and profits was not going to the producer. relieve it oo much 1 purchased the
the fact that be is not giving out any second one, and, now, 1 end my (sough
semi-official communiquea increase ' . Sport In General • hu eemPletelY left me*
the opinion that he is prepared to re-. Canada neve!) bad a better aminte.. ,i1 shill certainly never be wiblent
tire from the office in which he has •eador in the athletic world than • a bottlw.of 'Pr. Wood'a" Plue Syrup
ruled Spain for more than five years.
Cabinet Minister Resigisle,_
A aurpriaing report comes from track racing field last "veelt and so ; ) Put up only by The T. Milburn fie.,
:Winnipeg that from W. R. Clubb, far the 'results have been one long I Lida Toronto, Oat
intended for the good of his 'ehurch OverlookIneGrand acus .
love that the body edifice itself;
wbereas, "A kingdom divided ;Against
itself cannot stand."
Condensed front Henry's Bible.
also Coffee Shop'.
Hydro -Electric
0 ' .
1110 Cook by Electricy
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
• Cheaper .thart Coed or Wood
An 4eetrie Vacuum Cleaner
temove:3 the &IA:, a broom
jut snows the dust
We.f.;tiarante.o all Hydro
LasUrs tor 1„5vso 11101.i.
Walk' COI
aim cli4ilay at '
The Hydro Store
bedbug it; worse. •
A humbug is bad enough -but a DTROIT.MI•
Percy Williams. 20eyear-old Venom- In the how*. ' .
ver sprinter- and Olympic sprint title Priee $Ife. a bottle; large family *ire
bolder. Perry • entered the indoor 1 OOe. at all &Mills and 401ilerc •
"OOAT OellAWA, O1'.O1'..
eS G acentecrn Tater, Shoe `lite
eta flenreset Letea
eptee r'ettrt'te,
t, Ctetteett, '
laa \NA.:?/
Alimit AGO, Oldsmobile Six created a
ill new type of automobile, designed and
built to meet a demand that bad never been
answered before.
People called it 'lite Pine Car of Low
Price." It had the character, the distinction,
the luxury -die prestige, if you likee-that
ordinarily command such a premium in the
higher priced field -and it Gritted &etc ed.
vanteges bi a car of convenient dee, at a
phenomenally low peke.
Now. as the outcome of this eadintiastic
public :Acceptance and the await abide k
has 'brought, Oldanobile is able to prccettt
a SIN riser Car and a SOU &eater Value.
To a car which teemed to near petfectien
at postible, Oldatiobile Six leas waled fur.
ther refinements . . further tontlzes of tlitt
citation, outside and in .. extra luxuries . ,
deeper comfort . improved qualities of
petfotemete and endurante. Either master
bodattiiiders have contributed new grate
and beauty, enhanced by rich bum coke
And, dunks to increased production and
ceotequetat decreased tette, ibis tail finer
Oldsmobile is now Offered at prate tvea
lower than time sahkb ettablithed anti an
manias taxed of value int year.
Coate and see this finer Oldsseehile, cote
sm display at nue abetment! 0.2C,Zeee
to It- OfitiCT OP 0e P1& it A I. MOTORS .*
SPECIAL t',ALONT StIOTING-February 232d to March 2nd
.' MOlt ANY filleratel.
PgrAVIO. -4:.
• ea '
60.E$ • BMWS.
PIUS. Pomo •tititmot
teitutattsot • SCIAUCA • !MAWS
:50111 NUM A SAGAS MAWS softy
& Afilf1115 61411141dr
4,A._ AS AN
-7.-:-- . __-__•_-_-.7:-_-:-_-1__Iaft- -°"'"
; !
he West Street --
Electrical Shop
We carry ci good dock of
Electrical Appliances
Fixtures, etc.
• -
We Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
Estimates aiven on
Alt Work Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
I • Phone 82 - West Street
I 1.-- --_,-.-_--
__ ..
1....'"7"._17'..r.'ms__:,,....,_. .....,_,`.!....,:..::-!`-- ..77.=..:_.,-.....L-i...r....e.:
.1 max EXCEP 1 Si7NDAII
.,y„...). 6.44.1i,ta 620.1 :ma.
" 1lintE819 0.41 wa. ,‘,.50 nate
•' Feat:elk d.03 alit. nL(5t ala-
i - Mit: bell e as ti.ta.
, Alia. eItratite.1 7. ai aait. on L,Ltz,
1 • '."' Nit. inlier 14.-20 5,112. ;1.00 pr'..
" thwitph tot a.tai, 11.!8 ts..m.,
16.,ro0at.t 10‘.2.1• a.m. 7:11 lee_ea
J' toiatiet laeie. - 'r I! 1 V'
to.'.1 wse
4t' CA, (ii' ti; :4. i., Ti to
[,.,,:l'• se non 'Ante tte 21 ;eel Tctatette
, t , reit,, -.13 64) V..tirt It.,.a; t4a4D... t*::0
te, tett: le ;tea, tate ta-:,„g
'toe eee,
J. t. lieittt nEcr.
'loan Paacentter ate
Phate 14 'I iekot Agee