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The Goderich Star, 1929-02-21, Page 5
TIfI•.;RSDAY, FEB. 21st, 1929 All the popular CokFand Influenza Remedies GALLAGHER'S PENSLAR CHASE'S WOODS' NADRUCO \VAMPOLE'S COD LIVER OIL PURE A:QI)° FLAVORED VITAMI.D TESTED COD LIVER. OIL SOCIBII'S AND AYERST'S COLD AND GRIP TABLETS. TO BREAK UP A COLD IN ITS EARI;k STAGRS Carnpbell's _.. ue Phone 90 --- Goderich HE TOWN £OiJNC[L THE GODERICH STA gent• ea the /sena QG fc+llowee . ane S+! of Miss Eva Smith fov a rcdettion of • , th, I:t.:+, $1,0411;Sept. let, Y91'9, Don'tBe'i A Slave riut(1©il G1zAsgfs att,�illst rpt 1`�3 on ht, $1,0:5.08. -These paaymuent& are sc, ar- I • • lia,�ricl st, we gee mend that na ae= l ranged as to meet with our financial tD �n 1 estlaa t- , b� taken �4e are getting t Amy Ability to repay the atmcaunt, and we - :pies ane > taken. 4e are fee the CHAS. BLACKS„hope that the town eau assist us to Super Acidity of the Stomach Need- c . lithis _ g ou�ul e4;anal CL an'd cfl.�.3> extent, as they have done in for- Irtsly Spoilt the Eating P1caSure:a E Tie, special eataniatce L' ported p3 suer $cats, w ue i v.41 NI •fiery tu>teh -----'144-11104.431C------ ----Telt-6557g With, rei`eree e to ad cedes A � � i; altpre rated by ate, - b inf; in the C laaarlten fi:lrllalificct l::?a:i �^ LEADING • +a� G p Mr. A. J. Mackay, tepee: eating the Thou=antis of pecpkc nuiicr daily Mari, two rineworeend time the pub- NpubTc library beard, was present to fair the geed things they eat es, et,: ushers be aetitled that tato eounraa „hack tip the tequcyt of the board for are shaven to their deee dere 1 steal will take a portiea of a page protasis std ai oris , an isolate in the asnount to be toted eel-is—living en disagreeable•• diet, F (es tele puhlishere solic=it arat olatain g !to the board this year, front $?e0i3 to afraztl to eat the thing3 they like for else er two intoes from local busiaae39 • PAGE YL%2 $1950. Erreeses were heavier. A fear •of pain to follow. Yet cool, f'©niiuoett on gauge 7) WW furnace had been required at a healthy, painless digestion i9 easy fon cost of 5::50 and the board lad been most folks. for nine -tenths of all met with an unexpected account of stomach misery is caused bO merele M. Allan Wilson left on Satu.- $50 for curbing in front of the proper- an exeess cif add hi the stoumelh day for u 'vied to her daughters and • ty, and improvements to the lighting And a little Ilisuaate i Magnesia, tea- seal, Genie% in Flint. Siieh. system had been made. And the en immediately after, eating, wall in- ` t board used to get $50 from the Indus- stantly neutralize title a,id, stop food 1 Miss Annie Atkinson, of with G. C. trial Classes for use of roam. in an., fermentation, prevent gas and soar- a „ spent the week -end with her ,ewer toquestions Mr. MacKay stated. ness so that what you eat •as'iYl'di est friend, lilacs Ruby Errington. g 1 111r. Percy McBride and Mr. Hare that the board received $260 Trent lust as mature intended it ehould.1 vey 1:rringtonare cutting wood for front the Government and $25 from • You can enjoy your next meal—and 1 Mr. Herb Fisher and other farmer:?. the Bounty. As to the possibility of every meal—if you will get from the Mv. d; pierrle, of 13u1Tsito, anent the using a cheaper . fuel this was not , nearest drugstore a paekago of ills : t week -end with hie brother, ?lir. Herb practical un account of the eonstrue- urgedMagnesia—either tablets er a Morris and family, returning to his tion of the chimney* and the fact that powder. Give it a real Wel and you hone on Monday. the furnace was a hot air one. It may soon he eating hearty meals of I Mee A. W, young is on a visit to would cost about $3000 to install a them • foods vehieh now disagree with Toronto this week, where she will vie• hot water system . i you, without, the slightest fent e£ it with her sister, Mrs. Cool.. and The request from the 'secretary of stomach trouble {other relatives and friends far a time, the library board for this increased t We are pleased to know that Mrs. grant, however, was not before the number uccounts"�v re 8 a council, so that action on the matter approved minita? Bean is borne from Clinton hos, was deferred. i for payment. The •report was adopt- piand is staking good progress to - CARLOW pec al Orders MEN'S SMART WEAR Grant of $100 Made to Welsh Miners' Fund Out of Town Treasury DEVTJTA"PION 'TO ,OTTAWA • RE HARBOR WORK .Abatement of Smoke Nuisance, Around Harbor Engages Council's Attention—C. P, R. to : Attach Foot Walk to South Side of Harbor Hill Bridge - The regular meeting of the town in the move and it was left to the council was held on Friday evening committee W get in touch with these. last with all the members present Another matter the Mayo. mention- n 'l cd was visit front r - �vit'Ii -the exception of 'Con ca tot sat f f: he rep ese»ta Croft. tive of the Frost "Steel and Wire Com - Mayor �MaeE� esn mentioned tiie re-pany as to a new fence for the front quest of Mr.. Parsons; manager of the of the cemetery. 1The suggestion Goderiele Elevator and Transit Coat- was that the .• town put. up a -certain party, pinta delegation from the town amount #•,.fence year by year till the council to go to Ottawa to. back up work was'` cempleted. This had been the request of the company for addi- done in Conten and they now had Mona? wort, in the harbor, the deepen- their fence complete. The matter ung and - widening of " the channel in was referred 'to , the cemetery and front of the site of the new annex to "parks committee. the elevdtor and the removal of pot- The Mayor also mentioned that set, - tion of harbor Island: The council.oral complaints had been made of the was quite in aceord with giving any smoke nuisance by residents on .the assistance it : could and Councillor banks about the: harbor_ He thought Bailie mpted•,eseeended by Councillor that the Mill, the Elevator and the Sproule, that• the' Mayor, . the Reeve, Railway Companies should be written the Deputy Reeve and the eters, be a to in this connection. The Mill' and deputation. His Worship intimated Elet:•itor Co., it was 'felt, would be that arrangements had been trade for only too glad to provide for the dims the deputation to. 'meet tato Depart- ination of the smoke nuisance end meat on V'''ednesday fellowmg. Coun- possibly . the Railway Companies eillol -Munnings; suggested that Strat-; !could•.•:'dt •?tont thing"', also. ` Deputy ford, Guelph",and Huron County 'Reeve "Craigfe ;laid the W. C. P. M. ...would be all ready to help Goderich Co. Was going to iestali a new beating system . and .the' Mayor' added that - they were. going• to spend a lot of money on their power plant this year. A motion was passed, moved by,Coun- chlor . Bailie and seconded by the De- . • puty Reeve, that the clerk write the elevator and mill- and Lhe railways asking them to investigate the smoke nuisance," A request from Heaton's ' Agency "'"' foi purelase of a copy of the hand - 0 book was ieferrecl to the finance tom= Wretch itl�lra space neat week mittee. A letter from the DistrictV hng.n- for our Clearing Sale of ear's office of Medical District No. 1 Thin Children NE© Scott's Emulsion a Men's and Boys'. Clothing Boots, Shoes. Rubbers and Genfsfl •. . Furnishings M. ROBINS • M =Iced as to the present attitude" of Ith. e town toward the .P xo act for f t h o • con'"trur;tion of a rifle range at Gotten ; rich. "The construction of the range . was postponed during the pass year ,taw"ing to the opposition that was en- countered by this Department to its endeavor to secure firing rights- over !certain. lands owned by the Town of Goderich," the letter stated. This ;was referred to the public works com- mittee. - 1 A letter -from the Ontario Munict- pal Association called attention to the. desirability" of municipalities getting hi touch with their members of the Legislature in connection with any of- ithe resolutions passed at the 1928 convention or any other legislation they might be particularly interested '� tete •-The Old Age Pension. Bill would be forwarded to members as soon as elit • reached the office and member's 1Pl>ione 384' • - were requested to -communicate any .The s�oggestions they may have to make reke Co deRic-- 1 tch SEoC, • to the office suof the Association.—This dli«• ma W112 deferred to the special committee. The following letter from the Do- minion Road Machinery Co., Ltd.. tvaq out Rod to the lier$ Ltd.. MOdelea -r with power to tet. It tit+as already 1 +tealt•with by the committee, a.xeeom- mendation being included - in the re - WEEK OP FEB..023•to MARCH 2 port of that committee. ?MONDAY and TUESDAY"With referenee to our bond which matured on Jan. 1st for $3,075.08, we IRENI, RIem.;,dl;ltrtitEY• FERRIS find that the amount of the principal and WILLIAM COLLIER, JR, involved is 32,815.03, . the accrued in - present a holders diem of.Ione and terest amounting to . $259.15. Thie polities. mother and daughter' ver- "bond has been presented for payment, sus father and son with, Cupid 1.13 ref- and at the present time when we have Ca*. .ti our aeae:lent expenditureo formeter- "'WOHtklw '1IiiEY T� isit AB(1• D,f'y sal and labor we find it will be impos- : Bible for us to make payment itt full. MERMAID COMEDY°` Wo would therefore ask if !some ar- ue10OFy Dlit f$,, rang`ement cannot be- made whereby the town e'in take up the bond, and WEDNF.sDAY and TBUR$DAY We Fire enclosing our chegUe mor 51000 to apply on sante ,.the balance to be 'OPENING 1111YG1f'"' " repaid to you wit': littered at 63,0' per 4` pre' cnted by Coluthbkt Pietureea Coe- -� . ' -< ° potation with a sttperla east. Rebind - the semen and r'out front" dnriitg the debut of n new show. CifAlai,IN CHAPLIN COMEDY "01:IsENS Ie;ldWk 'EM" Atat. +�.� MI b i T FRIDAY' and SA'1'tIRDAY aaa� tttultatat lr of et �' ltetieaeNt' at"t �lteM,ttrR C' prtrtet�es MINUS US N, llI 'll 1t�'t i, VIII, ' <'ri ' e,^ad sPawtesa"e+ ''> bele fsrt. 1 %MILTON and JUNE MA,III:OW11 ` +s'.c,ttrcxta ltrtak±eyN;>,t!ehll ! rut dsnepatsee e.»s iatttetra_ tx� ata ra tea t till! Atoka ateet_.l, by taVttiS. SIa w, K. tta+eraey' t guiles, Lct;d thine, A ulama that digs deep 1 1611 Mattel et:, 'te+reete A tato the nit eL ltttraa.,aa etcass"oL1 . ,� -nit 'GRIP OV -THE 1lidN" O x �e+-+aee�t4'08; r_TRH GLOOM c'1, Q :> 75c snd matiitlt e Alt, nt IN rete, Moved •. by Cour}?lox M ,; unnin s I ed, ward complete recovery. , se g The public works committee re- I Miss Hogg has resigned as teacher ee anddb y Reeve Turner,et that the ported aft follows: 'RegardingI letter of No...3,3 Colborne, rn e, on o unt of ill l school boardsand public library hoard ofJan. 23rd. x020: fronhe Godorieh t health folovtrng ,an attack of the gu be asked to send in their 1929 requisl-, Maliufaetering Co. Ltd., with refers and the trustees have engaged' Miss �trona to the' council before March let, eaice to grand stand contract and wire Luella Johnston in hos place. —Carried. tint; •specifications, your committee beg] , Mr. George Penmen, of Wood - Moved by Couueillor Meanings, se- to report that -on Feb. 8th Mr: Rus- stock, visited with his sister and bro- eonded by CouncilIor Bailie, that each sell, the architect, wan here and look -then -in-law; Mr, and Mrs. Allen Wilt committee bring in a report at next ed over the structure: The accounts a son, ;and other relatives here for .a meeting as to the amount of funds for extras including $105 for painting few days last week, returning to his required by each department for the And $130 for shutters; tapering .backs hone on Monday. year. --Carried. ” I,of seats, filling in, etc., totalling I Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Maedel and son, The finance committee reported as , $281.90., have been checked over, and Lawrence, who have been here for the follows; On Feb; Oth the Dominion upon a progress certificate .from the last two Months visiting his parents Road Machinery Co. bond and lou- � architect' dated Peb, •8th, the contra,- 'and Mrs. Maedel's relatives at Dee- pens. amounting to $3075,08 due Jan., for has been paid a further sum of miller, left on Monday morning for 1st, 1929, as guaranteed by the town, . fifteen hundred dollars. As the elec- their home in the West.. • were presented to the town treasurer. tric wiring has not ben done, we re- A few met with Mr. Ed. Lawson on 'for. payment. On Feb. 7th a letter commend that 177 be •dad ,ted from Tuesday afternoon to talk .over file $ u m, wa received' ,tete s fromtheCmad- thecnt•_ Company o a tact price, e p ypt ac , -cite town to have vising that it would be impossible for this iviritig done later. and as soon as II a #�� them to melte payment in full, ene1os- this committee:is satisfied that small 1 ervo s Breakdown ing a e ieque for $1,000 andasking items as mentioned in the aarchuteet's HEART PAINED HER ' the town to take up the bond and"Ietter of Feb. lith, are completed, we stating' that the Company would ie- recommend that the architect be ask- 1COULD NOT SLEEP pay the town $1,000 cash, $1,000 June ed to .issue final "set•tifieate covering t NOTA LEEP and balance $1075.08 - "on Sept. all accounts and that the amount be � lalany a amen who should be strong 1 et. On Feb. 8th a letter was receiv- maid. With reference to the letter o°f'`. hn uuleaylattiof ll of esfe fand nI 1 energy is ed from the Canadian ,Bank of Com- Jan, 21st from The Godcridi Elevator Sento disease or eonstitutio l na dis- melee advising that .alae. bond and. and Transit Co., Ltd•. advising that turhanee has left its nark in the form coupons were presented to the Dom their proposed annex 'would' encroach J of n weak heart, shattered nerves, int- inion Reed. Machinery Co„ Ltd., for on Wellington street and asking the povcrished blood and an` exhausted eon - payment which has been refused... In coureil; to consider theclosing of this dition of the whole system, order to protect the towns credit we portion of the said street, your cont- lhoee troubled in this way will find arranged to pay the bond and con- puttee has looked, over the ground tu pons, amounting to $3,075.08, and to and find that this i' the only_piece of cash the Company's cheque for $1000 laud that the town has on thisend of and ebarge the balance to' the coin- the harbor front, but, to provide .tor pony's mortgage with -interest 'et 0l'e the construction of the proposed Ole- per cent.. We recommend that no ac- vetor annex., we recommend that if ticn be taken in the matter of cover- ;the Canadian National Railways will ing of pollee and officials lander the exchange pieces•of Iaml with the. town Workmen's Compensation Board. In , steps, be taken to. Aft.. the street to the matter of the petition ask#ng tile" The east, gjvin '-the town street at council to make a grant out of the. least the same frontake on the water, town treasury towards the"help of the and that•further' negotiations be left welsh miners, we recommend that a with the same committees: On Feb. grant; of $100„ -be made, and that this 11th 'your committee niet Mr. Crabbe. committee be empowered to remit the divisional -superintendent, and other amount in the •manner they deem ads oilieials :of; the Canadian Pacific Rail- visabie. • We recommend that a grant 'waw. and looked over the bridge on of $25 be made to tf'e Salvation Army harbor hill street. The rallwav ores towards maintenance of the Women's dais hesitate to construct walks on Rescue and• Children's Homes.,In both sides of their bridge. but erect', the ?natter of the amount of txes early assiered us that if agreeable against the property on the Huron they would build set 9-fe . pedestrian road belonging to Joseph Baechler -as walk on the north' :sttfr`lieirbridge on the tax roll. we "find that we• can- and approaches thereto, Vats: widen - not legally take any action and re- ing the present structure 9 feet, and commend .that Mr. Baechler be so no- if this didnottake care of the traffic tified. With reference to default of the matter of further accommodation" the Artcraft Fufniture Co: we recent- on the 'south side could be taken up mend that the mayor +oto Toronto again in the future, and we recom» and 'interview Mr. Walsh, the solicitor mend,that this ;proposition be agreed and secretary of. the company.. A to. With reference to -the application a remedy that., will supply f ootl for theexhausted nerves; "that will Strengthen the woak heart and invigorate the whole system. Miss Florenea Clark, 299 Smitla Bt., 11ali.fax, N.S.," writes: --4' 1 ant a tele- phone operator, and some months ago had a very bad nervous breakdowu. My heart pained me it, great deal, and my nerves "were so' bad" 1 could not sleep at night.- X tried many medi- cines, but' did not get muck relief until 1 started to take Milburn's heart and Nerve Pals. X only used one box, and X jug have to write and tell you how thankful I am for your wenderfut remedy, °T -Ran nowableto deep soundly, and haven't any horrible pains.'? ) - d r Price a0c abox at I ru ' x a tsE and ld s g0 dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by Tho T. Milburn' Co., td., Toronto, Oat. Vould You be a Magnate On;$216 a Year? net n• r: „t 04 TII! The ReII"`%eIephone Company is owned by 15,300 shareholders and 95 per cent of them live in Canada. Over 50 per cent of therm are women. The average shareholder tkas 27 shares and ;bets -$216 a year on his money. The largest has 1,510 shares, which is less than one-quarter of one per cent of the total. The company has grown from a few telephones to over 700,000, but it has . never split its stock and never departed from its . policy of the best service at lowest asst. rhe monthly retee,peid by telephone sere ix dreierl. and (ttebee today art the 'metal rates ie the world for comparable- eerie*. % 1'ELEPUIOl 7L COMPANY OVCANADA sdvisebility of org_ant.�.su a rte ttee:al- tural society for Colborn .ownehip. Steps were tel;eat to app -.m s vtanva-• sets, who would obtain the stamen of those wishing to been :ac minket. We regret to learn of the passing of another of Colborne's old boys In the person of Mr. James AlePhee. Mt. McPhee was the youngest of as large family .and lived in Colborne until going . to Goderieh some years ego. We extend sympathy to Mrs. McPhee and other relatives and friends in thorn great sorrow, . ': tido Alia Peden, t rte t- , tl the weekly ,eel, y pt.syer meeting and i:fe W. M. S. met in the township hall, when the pro- gram as in ranged by committee, was carried out. Mrs. Wm. Marsh, presi- dent. presided, and was aassisttel by Mies elark. Mrs. l.asyson. Mrs. W. We . Walters, Mrs. Ik'endernon, .Rev R. Calmetlrese, Mr. Walter, Mr. Alex-, Young, Mis. J. Treble, and Mies Yee. to Fisher while Sire. T. Wilson tam menanist. Although not unity weer . out, the meeting wan deeply spiritual and all felt it was worth while Ivor - , in;; the storm to be present. The Friend of All Sulfercrt�.. D : Thomas' Eeleetric Oil is tt valu+abtee t•eeu dy to all those who suffer pais. It holds out hope to everyone and rea-- lizes it by stilling sutrering ov e m trlanie.` It is ca liniment Mit-lien. the blessing of halt a continent. It is are sale everywhere and OR 'be fouudt wherever enquired for. • ADVERTISE IN TOE STAR Con sada ting Profits in Sound investment Securities • There is great satisfaction in the .realization that =' whatever the change in"ma.rket conditions you Rave an 'investment of long=term: income produc- ing, first mortgage securities. For this purpose - the senior; obligations of sound,. svell•eeteblished Canadian companies are admirably suited. EURNS & CO.. LIMITED rtw9 51ct:t> First Mcrtgape 51•'',, Gods .Cue I Jure. 1948 i7 CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES First M,r.tgage 0' i Fends Due 1 October, 1941" . C ENERAL STEEL WARES. LIMITED First Mtrt}age h',°; semis Cue 1 Nctember, 1552 THE HARRIS ABATTOIR CO.; LIMITED nest Mertgnpe 6% Bends Ctue 1 July..194/ LAKE SI JCHN Pow i, 6- PAPER CO... LIMITED First Mortgamb ; ?lends DLO 1 Felruatya. 1947. t'NIT ED CA: u• FUEL COMPANY OF HAMILTON, LIMITED l test Metteage 5L' 9cr.Js Due I Ju'). 1:48 tense l02 102 5./n!e •iO3' 57+;x, 100 0.50', • r. ( e . �9a0 •554,,, DCWSIZTION SEcursiTi s CORPORATION LIMITED • MONTREAL E,tn6t4hed 19ot WiNNIPEO 1.°Nt ON, ENG: E. R. woad, Prc,idcnt VANCOUVER H„j on.: TORONTO, 26 King St: E. -1 E. COULTER: Rcrrearatative. OODERIC1t Ontario Hello Paris It 'a•utl want to sa,'C all the summer glories of the French t ipltltl, 111e storied wonders' of Old London, • the battlefields of Belgium, and n thousand other interesting ' 'things, jointhe Geo. HKing- Tour to Europe 'I'1tc-party will sail June 28tH from Montreal en the S S. Ath''nia, and will visit Scotland, England, holland, fit'lgiuni, Germany and France. to wonderful days for only $455.00 Tourist - $555.00 Cabin Three weeks' extension to Switzerland and Italy, $255.00 - For intormlttlon and ,r sereatican write • GEO. H. KING ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 1129 OUELI ITE AVE., - . WINDSOR, ONTARIO ' - 411111.1111111111111N11111111111111111111111.111110.1111111111, FOR Service and QuallIy TRY SPARK'S GROCERY The Store of Satisfaction HAMILTON ST., GODERICH Phone 146 We Deliver, i -s Town , ....'_9