HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-21, Page 4'ACME FOU11 1111 THE GODERICR STAR happen, to be Itiaatael r=3 a male who, for re* na pert known to himself and to those who confer these title, Special Values ,i r.haw received swift a dist�nctlen, 31y mother, isry wife, my daughter; the mother., the zciree, tiic sisters anti the daughttra cf -my const.itneney We have a number of this seasons ladies' and misses' Coats which we }must dear, as we do not want to carry them over. Various sizes. They are offered at clearing prices. • Special in Fur Coats Three Fur Coats of Persian La,nb and; French Seal. ReguIdx values up to 5265.. They are offered at a discount of twenty-five per cent, ".Belt -Model" Corselettes We have now the new Corselette, called the "Belt -Model." with ,inner belt, elastic panels in the sides, and hose supporters, and made in strong 5 9 $1 brocaded material. All sizes. Regular $230, for •t 7J ,.... . ° Other Corselettes made in silk brocade' materials, with the inner $329• - belt supporta Regular $4.50, for. • Many other lines of merchandise offered at greatly reduced prices to make room for new spring goods. New Dresses We have just received a new shipment of ladies and misses' Dresses in the sprrng s newest styles, shades and materials, A. CORNFIELD "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO. SHOP" WEST SIDE OF SQUARE PHONE 418 GEORGE SPOTTOI�t pe n my coon y . or n t e. pro• all that I ant opposed to any such re . ON TinEs ince of Ontario express .Any desire •.storation. I have been in this hoes _ to return to medieval times. This only ,i short time, but I have neve 1Vorth Huron-Meut;iar 'rakes Mis, loeems to bo an innocent matter when ' seed the leaden of the :idminis. ratien Stand. At ainst ltcc trtrinu Titles of i vi e. are Asked simply to refer the seize with such avidity upon any sug�• serener .in C.'anada question to u committee for consider-' gestion coming front this. side, of the Mien, but there may be leaders of house. I have seen the Prime Min - the . portico who perhaps discern the lesy'- ° later, in my own constituency, smile chalogy of te ,situation. In an o�d.. �blandl d } never shall say that I east toy vete to �place •.then�..in..a •Years: -claw-tizaa lee - ether woman in eels fair Deminieu, It way seem to he an inns ent matter to refer this question to a committee, hut we have a member of ties I:ouse trigging fora4rd =tether ineesent re -- solution. to change the a* } [inion Jack. Da you think, filr. Speaker. 1 could vote for any such recessa>;,ierda- tion and still play fain end he iorzst with the people who elected me? In nay constituency they da not take stage fright even when three, four, or . five cabinet ministers attend a meet- , ing; hi sm.% eases 1eze than fifty pee. title grill turn out. but when a Born- zraoner games along a few nights later the le greeted by &(10, 400 or 500 nee - pie. There has leen some labored argu- jnent about foreign kluge and poten-. gates granting titles to Canadians. I think that matter was fairly dealt with in 101'3, and if the Sultan of Turkey wishes to bestow any little decoration on any member of this . house he can have his sounding brass and his tinklinic cymbal. pleased with the rattle anti tickled with the straw. If they wishato wear thein ,little past master's jewels. about their' necks .1 bave. no objection, but in my consti- tueney, "Jack is as good as his mas- i .ter." I. shall not take up more of the time of this , house, This : is a clues- - tion on which a student of history - night speak for -some time, • but: -in. Canada we have the titles. of • Motor. 'able," and "•Right honorable,", "Mis- ter" and "Esquire," and if the title "Mister" is riot good enough for any _: man he can Ugh "Esquire" After •his name. In the name of the noble • band of men and women in my' eon. stitueney, the descendants of the real makers of Canada,.. the descendants of those early pioneers who fought the great battle of the forest— Those worthy sides who bore . The _dair„�R Srst heat, their toils are o'er, Rude fathers of a rising :and, Theirs was a mission, truly grand. Brave peasants, by the Father God Sent to *claim the stubborn sod, t Wed they performed their work and 1 won Altar and hearth for the woodman's I son— 1 o 1 can only say that until the goo -e- Seven out of Ten Are Victims But r ornment of Canada raises memorials C Writer Tells Hory "ITratabs" 3 • l dd er bl Bother Many Past 40 TJIDRS1�AY, FEB, `!1et, 2. 3 All the well hnown Cough and Cold Remedies, Vnt{,rs, etc. always in stock at the Rexal t Drug Store We carry a complete stock of all Patent Medicines, DrugSundries, e ; Tobaccos anCigars H. C. DUNLOP, Phil' B. THE. REXALI. DRUG STORE BEDFORD- ei25CK PHONE No, 1 meznbere and friends of the Sunday school met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crosier to spend a. social evening. An excellent program, with goatee 'and - refreshments provided abundant entertainment for all pres- ent, who report having hada good time. . It Testifies for Ttse}f.—Dr. Thomas- Eclectrie Oil needs no testimony of its power other tbian itself. Whoever tries it•for coughs or -colds, for cuts or contusions, for sprains or burns, for pains in the limbs or .body, well know that the medicine proves itself and needs no guarantee. ITlhis shows why this pa is in general •use. a er rou es - • to those pioneers, and to the men who Bring Swift, Amazing Relief fought and bled. in Flanders, and to With Renewed Vital force the mothers who spent the sleepless ..--- vigils vigils at home, 1 shall not. be a party; ""1Mo one knows better than: the to rf h p In tate debate in the House on' granting one titular distinctions or horror of joyless days y sen serenely an two men create • y and sls.. less zuotion o!' Mr. Chan to appoint u school book there was a verse which 'seaking from the same platform at Dominibtt f caste atom !n this fair nights. There have beell:tinles wl;en. committee to look into -the .nucstion'read like this: i t o salve meeting, one making a tree I felt hopeless : and helpless—and of ftnalifying, arilending or reaeinai»s� VICC is a monster of so frightful trade speech and the other p1.uhng A URN when my weakness caused me the' the' addtes to His 1lb'. the elle Icing, !foe protection. ' As' far as 1 ism eon- .hire Nelson hili has recently lit most intense hulnihation. Only .those Which evesadopted by the blouse rn ` • .As to obe hated, needs but to be ' eerned f propose that my people shally wy May, 191 0, deelr� with he confer. seen seen:, �' 1 p t, stalled an At�'UV'ateti{ento „for lair. who have pane throughsucii tortures.: know where i stand, d and 1� �- 1not n _h `stofU be ling by Nis lane y of titles hon yet seen too oft, .familiar with !lex• a party to pulls y'''Rice, of the dark,• can. possibly realize my great '•itis= or ;and titular distinctions en His rig the chestnuts out The sacrament of the Lord's Sup -faction when Dr. Southwwrth's LRA- face, Maje ;ty s subjects ill Ganadtt, Mr. • of the fire for this administration. i •i URA. - We first ensure, then it then.. r per was observed in the•United Chureli TABS brought me quick relief; -UItA- George Spotton made a characteristic p y' In 1919, when men were r. ndett embrace; � � . -ng' last Sabbath morning. ; TABS ire truly wonderful, and.I giver: utterance h"tl v h the I rank w 1 t t e have pleasure in These advocates may think that greatest servlet* men could reelerMr. Nelson rill fe in Hamilton this .them. full praise: Such amaz n presenting to our readers, eopied this session we willendo their cordite, and their empire,, this R endure, ser" . week.' • Ile' is attendiii from Musical. Air. Spotton said : 1 house did 'away with `t . g the hardware ev}tlenee serves as convincing proof of I h aloe pity and the third session ent• y t titular dlstine . convention int -that ei , the power•of IJRATA M .ace unanimous - r there be a vote on this resale- 1 lift, °Bradnai`h.`°hits started .� mew those distressing ailme t; s tion 1 would not `even take ten Juin- „ 1 have ' barber s o • the i e handicap t Your.Ilonor will i t moths who h h 1' ill h v Ilag It p p to hoemiddle life. i a l trio. a order. Mr Speaker if could be sure that b tions• presumably almost # a ity BS to relieve f If rn my remarks I leave the track y In my constituency, Mr. Speakers n so often a y but: rs t a aro given one, ape s in ini . e e.. two, .three four and fivea : ears we aro Navin - an over. su 1 Overworked Sluggish heh I sons for the. P g pP y° 8ttz Kidneys, >lIad- it► o constituency .which 1 represent that ! that it did of r who 1 e ether WO IAA lad The mothers e P qi► a #o #ked' Ger- y tb 1st t t ff' *an not in n position even to flirt withg utea ofthe time of the house, as I Pre i I; remember a New York paper se $peso to do. However, 1 just 'wish .it ,,before the. united States went t empire, and I will never vote that oft'uxbers foi,the size of the village. derWeakness and : Prostate Gland._ to be known to this house and to the the war, sues neptrtil—so neutral..,.. they shall, bow the knee and call Some' z1ir,°Edward. lietwig;is on the sic!: `rouble bring on so many distressing Y - d th d , 1 a • pre atrpny, l th+ero Are men taking part 'wivesan the daughters in my. Con- .blood pressures Hnis. confined to bed loos diseases thtat every sufferer from , su erre from' high' ailments which so often lead to ser. this matter. , in this discussion who are so neutral satuency are ill la tee and they net but I 1 'This question was settled • rn � i b ' � M u we hope he will soap a around'ameneea, Pains a back and down ex shall be placed in a class lower . erby y that thee' do not card .who restores again.' : throe Inlrty in 1910, wind 1 have heard leo" these titles, t must say or^e nld f;,r, than that of some other lady who • During last, titch. the eontinuatiolr iurinat on.�'' Geettinw un-Nscanty 'lihtfreq>xerlt 1 �' p- sh s, .Nee; • -.• usamningsgongagoomillsamilimminis HERE ARE THE FACTS y READ THEM T Many *emote bur without itnvtestbratiorr of facto and on snip or emotional judgment. _ Every year it is eitimUted° a million car" buyers change their id*as on their car after they have had it six months. Consider the following facts before purchasing your next car --and then decide for yourself which car offers Ibir r"rout va l for the sooner, 1. Do pie know' that no car under 82,000 outside of Ford is putting on Houdaille trouble Acting Hy - d Julie Shock Absorbers as standard equipment.? That no car under 81,5o0 except Ford has tri•, • plea shatterproof windshield „lass as standard equip. mein. 3. That Ford is the only car under Buick three•quarter floating aide. 4. That Ford is the only car tinder Buick Torque tube and Radius drive construction. 5. Ford lord is the. ani,• ear under sl,5orr with 1141ring transmission. tt. Titat the New laird has 25 roller and ballbear- ings in its olrr sis. 7. Ford is the only ear under St95ini with three- quarter irreversible steering system. S. That Ford is one of few ears built today that has fivc.st001.spetke. wire wheels as standard equip. Arent. 9. -'1hat l=ord is 1110 eltli' Oar under highest priced tars with silent .b . brak0,` internal expanding all=en- dosed s:,starr. with with five - to. That wrist !tine bl mattes aro e11:htlain0ti tt' .tulto. ani ars oS ilii! tloai2n; here. 1 1, That atuntinuln. alloy liasttn$, are"ba'ianced to • an accuracy Of two grants. t;Thisis the `tinest43a1- race, of any piston in any car regardless of cost, t u. That when car is' traveling 50 utiles per flour —the revolutions per minute of motor is r# 1y,2L 53. • 13. That gear ratio of new Ford is 3.7.- t 4. That tate actual road clearance of New Ford is it;, inches—highest of any American Stock car. - - 1S„ That New Ford car has proven itself in 1eiblii. Hands this past year as one of the finest performhsm cars ever built- .-from standpoint of pickup, 1411- clinmbing anility, speed and riding comfort • 10. That the New Ford car has proven itseifbe- a'ond any .doubt as the most-wonderfui winter' car ever built. It starts easily in cold weather and bucks snow beyond belief—ask 1110 owners. ' 1 a. That servie,e and dealer responsibility behind the New Ford is unequalled by that of any other car built 1.8. That New Ford Milds the road at high, speeds as good as ears being sold at highest prices. 19. Lastly—That .the New Ford stands out sup- reme in its tietd.in mechanical design, smitica. How, equ"pnt0nt, quality, an,! pleeisitm 11' Wkltte, 11- *MESti FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES All New Models now on Display at Garage, St. Andrew's Street ORDER NOW FOR PROMPT SPRING DELIVERY F. H. WOOD & SON FIORD SALES and SERVICE PHONE 540 W vous irritability and Lack of Force— should try the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's UURATABS at Yenee l Any good druggist will supply you an_, A guarantee of satisfaction or money theta school in the village was closed *w- ing fo the sickness of the teacher. We are glad to state she is able to attend.'ta. duty again. Tuesday -afternoon . the Wontan's Institute met in the 'Foresters' hall for their regular monthly meeting. There was a good attendance and at the close of the business refresh- ments were served.. lliisselosephine Weir and Miss Ed- na Stoltz were in Toronto last week, trying musical examinations. We congratulate the young ladies, as. both were successful in the examina- tion. • The executive of the school run - fon. had a meeting last Monday evert- ing, regarding certain funds left op !rand. The Women's Institute gain thoni $50, which was returned to them end the balance is te.be devoted to sports on some future occasion. Last Week several in the village procured their summer's supply of ice. Solite was secured on the dam on the rirer. The recent hard frosts made • a good tbieliness this year. , : 'fouling firewood and sawlogs are the I rineip*l occupations at present: The sleighing bas not been better for yearn in this locality. clang Air. Orville tannin was in God,erieh on Saturday last. Mrs. Herb Curren, of the fttli con., visited Mrs. John Men&ry on Satur- day last. • Mn Clarence Clic#nney, of Detroit, visited his sister, Mrs. Uaynzond Fein. i eget), last week. Mr -s. Altel-t Carphelt and family, of Westfield, visited ut.the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Crozier cv fewdays last week. Mr. and Mee, Mat. Shaekleton and son, *neon. spent the week"end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Orly, of Godedch. fen Fritley rrening.last about forty WW1 BEDFOORD. on I'HJJItSDAY,: ]�E1 : 28th .,B. KNIGHT J K IGHT will display a complete line of • ladles' and 'gent's HAIR `GOODS including Patent Structure Advice on all Scalp Ailments and the use of •lnectb Rapid, Phone Hotel•for .Appointment The W. T. Pember Stores • ISntiiel 129 ;YONGE ST., TORONTO, ONTARIO If GODERIICH _r - n►. Somewhere, somebody is • reading• proofs an the .seed catalogues,. - - FORGET THE •" BLLUES'i l i • LEARN Engineering. Auto Mechanise. g^Iertri. col igoitIon, r°Att.. oryor Welding Exports flours 'Wiring, lire klarin` and Pia"tends'. t l,o BarGetlnt Aad Latiicy" noir. dressi.g. • Earn_ as to Sin °I'ar Day row• weeks required to learn. Expert rrtstrnetors, l'racticat Tralnisgr ills Demand. eters NOW for bigger par` and M .. bright future. write orad! for ;special OQer and irreo Books 1Domision. Trade Seconds ie Kir; Steer West Toronto• .r. Cleveland's Bread is a tempting .compelnent to any ureal -.-delicious in itself'. and menu.. lending zest to. the rest of the Tour family ,will demand twice as much of our Bread as do anyso, otheras is�Encouratheniosge .,dhealiemth to fa'! and •it nourishiegt food they. , can take. E. V . CLEVELAND: `Phone"114 '9iWast St V 354 75� LIGHTNING COUGHSYRUP WARD OAF INFLUENZA Thousands are finding relief with Veno's Lightning Cough Syrup. 13EAtiTY EATmE heos - ver �i��pli�o� �. . g�l1!' if' sfff 1. !,r•ilae eel •. set. 119...!.. Keep your stove looking as well .as it cooks! Learn this new and easier way to keep stoves glossily black through years of service. Apply a little ZEBRA, in its new liquid polish form. Let it dry... Polish ... that's ail! Clean and qur<ck.r .e, .,.,irb P„,Irilr,� STOVE POLI$ IN BOTTLES roe 'hog* ipso profos iE, ewe / Os is *till ohfoit+_9!1_.re, Xsr both Peot+k Are! ►,,quid The Seitaatiethe a ef,,t&Jird•(errmeth. l