HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-21, Page 311CRSijA , F'ti3, 2t.,•:: ie.•.:.+
Fond Timm" We itinrfel for News Nuggets
. hb000�
u05:14 T,ehta:n?, Qn:3n tsi , Picked From Our Exchanges
` with axe fe Nl .s seer 'ince I sees t
me res, ee l I av fried this eati.;e13 •
of medleisc, Vat mitt' very little °fleet°
rile aaisb fa year Alrsauto 1 elm
naafi relieved others erten ettetleatien sig
3 de.ided to ger deem a trial.
in got a few vials anti thy t'lk ins
a 'scoria. oe good; 1 have not been con- -
stipetet ever since. 1 began taking •
them, and I ran now say 1. feel fine •
again. I t
•Pries 211e. a vitt/ at all druggists en•l,
dealers, or mailed direet on receipt oi'
price esy 'Tho T. (Hilburn Co,, Ltd.,
Toronto, Ont. . ••
„me 1+: R, DARROW.
I ttesleof'.rtli; • ediil:•-TeC dines `;tel ^Jeee 7tate.: leei'eezel, i> , 71,ree fes
%--wader-deed biat:redee of ca••
^eat :i ?inLlte White. cy C: c, ;I >,t• �t . • nese'
4:ho l.a_, IYO:t1 mailing her bol e with 1 tonic, rigs (1- Ona iddere° V : P. /far -
1; ; • Mia, yea% spit -eel ee, O. Te, erste. T',ao °,Seamon, e,e,
Plyth, I'a icE1 anew very readeletal 7 en reafg"L,:<.l t3,r' Iter. T. J. eddy sen.
^►'ic:ine;das morning of las ,etcr, Did Tey OU Radia
b°lie Katt been suiffering feolea a ever,: /-1.7v• 4 on o4 L<Ir, Lwel.
colli fir some slava, but the cause aft itIrr, I, Smith, formerly of Exeter. is
tel e
tan Exeter Old Roy who is being heard
p^" y`ls 'over the radio, singing with the Ter -
Celebrates 64th 'Wedding 4uuivere;ary;.onto Jubilee Quartette over C.F.I.D.
Mr. and Pars. Chas. Hohlbein, of This is tlio Roger's batteryless station
Seaforth, recently celebrated the 04th and Air: Seattle is on the air Saturday
anniversary of tlledr marrlago, being evenings between 8 and 9 o'cloel:. _
the only married couple living in Sea- • Death of Nee. Jahn Mckinnon
forth to hold such a record. Mr. The township of Tnrnberry igst an
Hohlbein is
Hohibein isiii'hdd both6th year anti Aiaro in the en Mrs. old ural highly esteemed r.sident on
83, and Monday morning of last week by the
joyinent of fairly good Ilealtli, death of Mary Kennedy, widow of
Darroch -`Pittard John McKinnon, in leer 70th year.
• The marriage took place in St. She was predeceased by her iiusbanaz
Marys on Saturday, Fob. 9th, of Jan- about. 27 years. Surviving are two
et Florence Willard, daughter ,f. Mr. sons 'and six daughters.
her death is attributed to a otroko of
,d' New Parish Hall at Kincardine
Berri4ier, Sofeitor, Notary Public, 'Ste.
Successor to J. L. I+tlioran
Phone 97. Oflice, The Square, Gotlerieh.
BarrIster'and Solicitor
Dominion Bide., 4i4;t- Bay _$treet
Toronto 2
Telephone Adelaide 4f63.
Barrister, Solteltor, Notary
Public. Conveyancer, Etc.
PROM: 27 iLliiir.;t t)� STItFl T.
DIt "I : J. R. X ons tI IR.
EYE,- EABB. NOSE(, T1HRO;l1t, :_.
Late tierce Surgeon New tort: Or Matilde and Aural Hospital, assistant at.
tatoorefielit's Eye hospital and Golden
Square Threat Hospital, London, Eng.
53 Waterloo .St., S. Stratford. Tele-
one 267.'
rl• the
eti o
rill'orit God
evening- Hotel thia'd :alonday'of each -month
till the followingday,' Tuesday, at f
1)11. A. N. ATKINS0N..
'Chiropractor and Drunless. Therapist,
Chronle, Organic and Nervous Diseases
Equipped Sidi Diathermy. Electro -
Ma -stair Baths, Electronic Electric
Treatments end Chiropractic.
Oftice hours -2 to.3. and 7 to 9 p.:m..
end by appointment, executing ylooda'y
• and Thursday afternoons .seri evenings.
Mice '(loud --2 to 5 and '1 to 9 p.m.
' 'Ade In Attendance.
Ilesldence• and .O6!eo-•-Corrirr Smith St.
• and Britannia Road.
"". Live Stork and , General Auctioneers,
Elgin Ave.. Goderirh.
.Sales made•everyw�aere and all efforts
made to give you satisfactipq. •
Farmers" Sale Notes disco x.:ted.
Phone 119. • . •
At a, special vestry meeting held at
f• lub F the Church of the Messiah, Kincar-
dine, recently, that congregation de-
eioesn'tdtayouany tided to fill a long felt need by erect -
O Ing .this spring a.PurishJiall at ale ax -w
yol• t`Ce firedpenditure of e4,500, It will be need
as •:t Sunday school room and the
meeting place of the various church
IClinton B. of T: Reorganized.
Although not largely attended, the
meeting of the Clinton Board of
At the end of a day's work, relieve Trade held Tuesday of last week, was
nervous tension before eating. considered •quite a eueee s.._ New.. at,
will refresh and tone you, • 4°0'8 `were ppoin ed ana`the.watrai
up—so that you're ready to enjoy • the year was outlined. -One of the
your food. first things to be done by the' Board
Then, after meals, Wrin y's helps: will be the assisting in carrying the
digestion, cleanses the teeth, removes bylaw for...the establishment of tele
all traces of eating or smolcing-a- new full-fashioned hosiery plant.
stye .tens thebreath. . •
Carter -Damen
A quiet wedding•. took place
parsonage, Barrie, Ont., on
Feb.2nd, when Mr. Henry
P' o ;;hter of M. and Mrs. Sant Dunn' of
RIGLEYS at the
• ._,�,,,,,,,,, � Carter, of
Lucknow, and Miss Lena Durnin, dau
frySt. Helens, were united in arriage
✓J 5o,,�ni
•1e by the Rev. A. E. Baker of the United
thumb, •Barrie. -After a week's hon-
eymoon Mr. and Mrs. Carter returned
to Lucknow. '
. 'conduct sales anywhere.
111y terms are reasonable and 1will try
and give satisfaction. • -• •
Phone Carlow -1311, or addf°ess .It.' fl.
•-4; Ciudericii•. •..•
GeneralConveyaneinrr done Q
,flood. Companies 1leprescnted
Phone :No. 208. Ciodcrieh,-Ont,
alt 1ULT.OP MLI14UAL ?I -UE 'NMI:-
Value of onopca ly insured tap to Jan-
uary 1916 MAK O -i . 973.00. •
OEFi0ERS—jamrs ConnoiiN,',-1'ri'rt-
dealt, tloderielt; Jar Evans. VkcerPrest-
dent, Beechwood; 7. E. (lays, See..
Treas.. Seafortli.
t IRErrrons—D P. :tlrf;:regor, Sra-
torth; J. t:. Grleve, Winthrop; Wm.
.:WVrin. Constanee: George 3fcCarinev,--.
'Cuekeramllh: John Ferris, Ilarlock:
John Ilennewlse. 13roadhagen; .bturray
Gibson. frueeftehl. .
AGE:a7' J, 'V: Yen, Coderlrh; Ssn:iy
'Leitch, Clinton; Wm. Chewy, .Sea-
lorth; R. Ilhtrhley, Seatorth.
Policyholders can pay their assess-
ments ;at Galvin •fult's store. Goderteii:
A, 3. Moorish's. Clothing store, Clinton;
or J. II. Reid's.
mut 1NSUitAlNCl
have it attended to by the
Established 188. -
•' Head Quire: Dungannon, Ont.'
Wan. J. Thompson. Auburn, Prea.;
Wm: Watson, Vire Pres.: James Car-
vin. •Ilon. Director; Directors—Wm.
McQuillan, St. Helena; W, P. WI
R ft. i o 2 Lucknow; Harry i.. Sal-
Lcld. rroderiell; lex. Nicholson, Luck -
now; Tim t►rlflln,11. 11. No. 7. Lneknow+
611tas. Hewitt, Kincardine; Ilobt. David-
son, Dunnannon. •
• itatea=-a2.110 per thousand.
xIIOS. sTor,u n -d, T G. ALLEN,
• Treas.
BroDllu 'roc.
The Lexiirts
humid Directors
i1t Eatbahltrs
also Avolndaace Service
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours -=night or day. We
are the inspectors of anatomy in
and for the County of Huron.'
Phones: Store 120; Residence
It. Wheeler
Funeral Director and -
Goderich, Ontario
� f�A
Al! felts eetee etie,' nCx^ elect teal
clef.' or night;.
Mance" festete 335; Mule acv
—___ t�1►J1._t•s. .WIli �1J��,Y i
�n't suffer needless
pain. . Warza some
rub welt into theaf-
fected parts. You'll expert-
ence• almost instant relief.
For Minard's and pain
- siniplycan't getoatogether... k
The & at White ,t hsbnent
Pepper -Hay-'
° 1 iaea e1e An-e-se,;a 01tees Cr. y ,r.? fee V —e "ev'` .d•
ti =.c+ ll r4ra,
ii c .3 tee -at cesseliCcr.--rc. Asa
ewes Leeleere eco cemeee-7. * see. Cdr
41.4 G:;41w.!a,
5 ate%a the eyes, ,.. sea den
•the shims wee elide Cable a Kcaleete
bleisir tinLe. Tee pirate a yet -
tiny appz3ra h Deltas cot-
; • stipat cn, s usgish liver or bib
ioUaiesY, yell :teed a laxative.
Britt hack your
*one* Vlat, S italtty
oils des sees a • P,::.t:ea sora wag to
c14oetLav-emrirc dt ,
Trio eareler tient
course foe ss chat ' 7,
>t . l•orereaswitt it ergibi t•
sett sbet sway, eiPyo ftict
.Red * eat CNaractu from too Csat k
tam Ac -(os. d*reetnncemtpis,
- Sake 11g111:. klarald F. Ritchie th. Co..
L,ru.d. Toronto tris
paint of residence, lylr. Stephens is
Seaforth's oldett citizen, having re-
sided there for over iia years.. Al-
though long past the fourscore mark,
he is still hale and hearty, is still the
attentive, .courteous• host that he has
always been, and still goes about ev .
ery day with much of his old tinea
Died Suddenly .at MacLeod, AIGettii
Mr. Kenneth MacGregor who with
his wife spent the month of January
with Lucknow and Ashfield friends,
died suddenly at hie Immo at MacLeod
Alberta, —T esdny morning of"`l est
week. Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor had
arrived' at their Alberta home on Feb,
7th, front their visit in the east.
Bonner-Hh -
Miss Nina 1taug'h, daugaughter of Mr.
ie A. V Haugh, of
Mrs. IIs
and A s t) ,
\\'Ingham, Ontario, and Raymond Ar-
onlier,14Ir at
thurl3 , sonof
Mrs. Bonner, of Sherbrooke, Quebee,
were married on Saturday, February
Pith, in St. Paul's Anglican church,
Stratford. Rev. el, W. Snell ofilciat-
I ed. • Mr. and Mrs. Bonner will reside
in Windsor, Ont.
Saunders -Walker.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place on Saturday evening,' Feb. 9th,
at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and
C lc [l t'r.i 1.11r1, Ater e u -es r..a ` �,
.sn riS +li rt "' •
t �. Gi Ft rir0t Y tQ, i` f.t 2^ ! :��
I� �: 1 z1 Avtit; :'1 car--^ ,u1 .,.,`C'; .. (� {t i I '� 1' R pit .
Vi 72.1* rlala'�r C°y Zt 1<9 •L .` i^ TOL", i f'-4 { �: ani it
• t. ,i iris
• r •t I 1, 4 • '
Jerrie; FtcaFla see 'tlr:•. 5nc, ; �1a at i �`, • to t'; 14 r` 1' 4 •
4 1
„�t'e tAs 1,7`^ t'o�: i) :,r.<:r 1,:"..0 an 1'. •
l.'.'oa2t':,1c:;`:''a 1;i:';;:1!Zip r e:e l nee" ee
1, ' : 'inf"??, EV,,. lltta, its i:i ,
'7., : "ertl q' Ci'�•3Y''t'Tac pm r'r't:;', tS M:1:- I a s
1pu `r:.Ii �4il. tin, i3'i J cc -(i LTe•
t t o ai a. Al*. Ranee.: v.--17;1
deem et B eernasavine. Ont. tli_i ,',r a
1 r;.e pest 61 rare Iaad keen ;a reeislient
sof East \Velvens-set'. She haat always ,:
Ione:Ted the beet oft kealth until leer -
recent illness abeut three menthe nim.
Surviving are two cans and uri
Married Sixty-five Year,
ilir. anal Mrs. Henry MeGavin. well
/mown and highly esteemed residents ;.
of `leuekeremith, had the distinction
tot nttaiuin;; the 05th anniversary of
their niarriago on Friday. Feb, 8th.
Mr. Mcuavin came to Canada 78
years aro from the County of Ferm-
anagh, Ireland, when 17 years,of age
and located in Stanley township. He
wan married 'there in 1804 to Miss
Caroline Graham, of Goderieh. Mr. '•
and Mrs. McGavin are still able to en- a
gage in the activities of life and are
looking forward to eelelarating - their
wedding anniversary some time in the
summer instead of at present. -
John Deitz Pusses .-,.. .
The community around `Kippen was
saddened .on 'Tuesday, February 5th,
by 'the death of John Deitz, . of that
Still the
Beat for
vat; tiers
6Ca a t?aL; eftLe •2
Cal i "fee case eeee tee
Posey Itis ee tc14a aol
r,s1VAll nti.r.;7C:3 ltt S G•"II:
slot 47011% ‘7.14rU23
3•1' 1.:3 I•cceene la as
eleeec t'or ail Ta", -
t}Aisne " fo
A Bating Enpert says;
ot'rrity is d toreyre rltt1
i'sns frith Creat v.4=9.v.4=9.sou qua itzea, .
year caGe rccaCa calls fori"
culinary r33ery neer mo
1 tabii.,treca t^ a;;r cup
r4 i'uriey, nrld it n:e li ti
caltwl ter ttao halt sea@ft
and h.tu mance vette.
mama). as nulk, pieta
tenth to matothe. cakes
' ror gantry that melts
in your mentis, via'tahleapaona icor per e
et Purity New and 1
levet tab.esKo.a, mute of
allot-tenlnat. nen it dry,
For entre richatriz ase
bait butter oral Dalt last'
Purity Flau Flaw y.,
Oar !maw Purity...'slur
ri a i .81s t Mailed jvrAle.
Western Clulak . Stec
Milts Co. Lia ttetli
'reroute ilia
er .0
•»bice,. whit _passed away after being
i11 for a week. He was in his 67th The • Canadian speed -skating chem
year, being born near iaurieh, on the pioilahips held at Montreal last week
Bronson Line, son of Henry Deits. were a triumph for the Canadian con-
tingent of stars who far outshone the
United . Sta.tea invaders. Every .teene
for event went} to a Canadian and eV* .
More than thirty years ago he moved
to the London Read, Tuckersmith, 111
mile§ north- of Kippen Where -he re-
sided untd a few Years ago, when he ery junior race but one. Ross Rohm -
retired to Kipper'. His wife,
fatmei- son was the big point winner and he
ly Miss Kyle, survives, ono son, [[';1- carried oft' the prouder i•turela in the "--
Scott's Emulsion
Bene Deitz, of London, and one broth- senior men's division,
er, Samuel, of Zurich.
Reeve Trewartha, of •Clinton, last ;
week purchased the egg business- of •
Mr, C. F.' Hooped, Exeter, and .gets llnby's O>vn :Tablets Shopld :be in
possession the first of March. Tice - Es•ery.Honie Where There
brick 'building in which the fiusiness Are Children
is located was erected by Mr. Hooper w
only a few years ago and is thorough- The perfect medicine for little ones .
ly up-to-date. The business . is uni- is found hi Baby's - Own ' Tablets. -
que in thatthe eggs are mostly They are e gentle but thorough leas-
.; D0N�..R�p�E THE FURNACE t
bought direct from the farmers, --ane tive • which regulate the' bowels, NACC- -
shipped direct to the retailer, the sweeten the stomach; drive out cop- PYA CASE THIS iS SIM L o
business being built up .entirely by stip:alon and indigestion; break up
/The :honie of..Mr. and Mts. Janes .Mrs $:.:E. McLaughlin, 65 -')awisville Mr. Hooper 'Awe ur ng e • pas • colds and s nip e over nn ptomo e
Hay, of. the 8th eoneesston of Tuckers l ave., ,r when Neliie' ()oris:'see- twenty years. Mr. 1trewartha will healthful and. refreshing sleep, ''It is
smith, was the scene .ef a' happy event and daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Isaac
on Saturday,,.Feb. 9th. when then eId-."_1 walker, of \['Ingham, • became. the
est; daughter, Helen Janette, was uint-bride of Mr. harry E. Saunders of
ited in marriage to Lorne Elliott Pep- i Toonto, son of the late Mi: and Arra.
per, son of Mr. and (Mrs. :Min E. Pep- Saunders.
per, of Stanley township, The cere-
twinywas performed bye" Rev. W. D.
IlecDonaid, of the Egmondville United
thumb. ••
13oughner-Fee - >•t Passed away at 178 Sauraren' avenue,
The marriage of Miss Margaret . M. i Toronto, on January . 28th, in the
Pee, of Buffalo, youngest daughter ofdeath, of; Mary Henderson, aged 74
lir, and Mrs. Walter J. Fee, of -(len -'years, wife .of Mr. James Hunt, for-
mal, to Mr. Edwin L: Boughuer, of merly section foreman at Wingham.
Chicago, took place on Thursday. Feb 5h 'tiv��'nA i e a
f Morris township
7th, the Rev. John L. Short, of the land uirtil her removal to Toronto 80 --
Kenmore Episcopal church, :oflicdat years ago lived in Wingham Junction,
Ing. After a trip to Louisville, Ken -for in Wingham.
tucker, and other southern points, Mr. Arens -Webster
»id•/lirs. Boughnei will make their Miss Frances, Webster, R. N., of
home in Chicago.
- Lucknow, who has been nursing in
Many Happy Returns • . j Megrotis, Peru, • Soiith America,- was
On Friday, Feb. 15th, Mr. 'Moniasmarried there at the first of the year
Stephens, of The Queen's, Seaforth, 1 to Mr. Edd Arens, of Minneapolis,:
will celebrate, ids 88th .birthday. .In I vvho lead been •at Negrotis with: the
Death of Mrs. James hunt
A former Morris township resident
and at one time citizen of Wingham.
Lea& theltairld ifs .4 o r Gertle
lrte jj
tib.. f
�QCJ®0C144 .°°i. -
SN'p �*1tS
HE ONLY CAR. Vali the newtwo*
with ei eiy uew1929 refinement
will find some of these
important new 19291eatures
On several of the new cars—but
the only new car that has all of
them is the new. Nash "400"!
lade one of these new refinements
gives added pleasure to driving a
car. And all of them together mean
more delightful, carefree, Lund.
ous motoring than you have ever
known before.
And when you buy a Nash "400",
you get all these advantages with.
out a penny of extra cost. Every
necessary accessory , , « hydraulic
shock absorbers...bumpers front _
and rear... dim tire locks ... are
installed ai the factory—hsdisded
in the factory price.
Drive a new Nash "400" today4
Compare what we say about the ear
with what the car says to you. You
will find that although we make
strong statements about the "400"
–=the facts are even stronger!
continue his growing business in impossible for Baby's Own 'Tablets to
Clinton and will also continue to re- harm even the noir-born-babe es they
side there.' are absolutely guaranteed free rrort
Died at Kinistino, Sask.
(There passed peacefuily away at
his honie near Kinistino on Tuesday
evening, Jan. 22nd, an old resident of
Brussels district. in • the pejson of
Harvey . Beam, at the : age of . '78
years, 11 months. -Mr. Beane spent
the greater part of his life in On-
tario, hating moved went about 16
years ago and settled north of° Kin-
istino, where he farmed until about 4
years ago. The Hate Mr. Beam, 'who
was one oi' a faanily of ten children,
was born at : Walpool, . Ont., in the
year 1860, and married Hannah Whit
;m,- of' Mount 'Pleasant, Ont., Brant-
ford township,; in the year 1872 and
-who as well as a family of eight sons
and daughters survive him.. . •
opiates or any other injurious drugr.
Concerning them Mrs. Earl Taytoc, ..
Owen Sound, Ont., .writes:—"l have
four children and have always uee.t • ..,,.
Baby's Own Tablets. I ant never J-"
without the Tablets in the house na
they are the best medicine that r.
know of for little ones."
Baby's Own' Tablets *are oil b, ,
medicine dealers or by mail !at -2:1- •� i -- en ,
cents a box from The Dr. Williams•'
Yon wieuldla't expect a ;,t,tOWn
tfedicine Co., Brockville,
.+...._ Luau to live on milk-. -
Passed to His. Reward •in 'Hi•; 83rd.
Neil M. Richardson, formerly of
Brussels, and,of Manor, Sask., passed'
quietly away at his place of reeidenee; •
Victoria, B.C., on Friday, Feb. let
Born in. Argylshire, Scotland, 1846,
Mr. Richardson came to Canada at
•-; .Arad ;vou: certainly wouldn't. feed :•
`mince pie and pickles. to. the: baby. -
• But yen, expect your furnace -tial •
eat- anything. •
N°e are food. specialists for fur- .
rel. 174-W for Demon
Let us show yon the proper kind
of coal -to feed yours, so that you
'.will get alt tete comfort a n d
•,warmth - and satisfaction that a
we."ll-fed. furnace 'ca `ngive byhuyw
int; good clean Anthracite Coal.
IMSA' P For Good Clean Coal.
Phone 98 Godericl. -
the age of `three and at six moved
with bis parents to whatwas later
Brussels, where he resided for fifty '
years.•In 1004 the. Western Canada
movement claimed him, and with hie •
family he located at Manor where - he ;
farmed till 1925; later moving to • Cie -1 BBritannia Road
toria. ` Decreased is ,survived by Mrs. -
Riihardeon, who was with' hint :vhen
death came. a daughter, Anna ?teethe • .
iens, a son Lyle L., of Wilcox, Seals. 1
a A son, Dr. Graeme Richardson, of
Winnipeg, predeceased him a number
of years ago.
Report of Hog Shinments for
_ Month Endirfg Jan. 31st. 1929
Godeiieh—Total hogs, 62; aelect ba -
eon, 25; thick *smooth, 31: heavies, 5. '
McGaw— Total hogs, 401; select be- I
' con, 136; thick 'smooth, 213; heaylen,
20; extra heavies, 1; shop hog:t, 21. t
Auburn—Total hogs, 259; select 'ba-
con, 151.; thick smooth, 183; ht'ivies,
11: shop hogs, 10: lights and feeders:,'
1. Huron Coe -Total hogs, r.9! 5; sel-
,ect bacon, 2005'; fMet smooth, 30977;
hesvica, 801:. extra heavies, (;: shop
hogs, 163; lights and feeders,. 51. )
• • Recognized as a leading specific for '.
the destruction of wafts Motner
Graven' Worm Exterminator has
proved a boon to sutlerine children
everywhere. It seldom fails.
d; e.
1?irrvttc:-a Laded date a 's Cat. the
dsfaais.o t• in. Too fatter tt.ocrates fti,
the rac•rr Von al)1,5• ta•rau: ov, no pen
Beat 01,osI.r,;ed fa-l'n a n, feztl your
lent a ,141t7 .14o3a1 .
Ek .000
Y taeh :r ttot".'io-1'a.
it 17ata -ser, tp=2t.aa,
.re,5s ”, t:5t rel 11.N11, it:arsons
ra+, a tee fl••••°sn h t7 ..?. Sr tio.,str3
ot[e d.S 911 et; le, l- c sipee catt-4 a::4
C set:^C,:,1"
?data Pooled. edreras:le,l.4d.'remota
Qaality, Value
• gw.Yti SHY mala n t. Y. head
M Hely f.r4,t.s sten. wade
..r ad,.rtiMr.uto sed wL,d.w,
let timely 414,41"
Ii.rnt 's Custard
IPowder ‚‚21.
ihlraUf'a from t,., . New.
11 '.!"--------23e
MIMS Cooked M.J. etas Tit%
1 bpa$b.td •
Bought direct teen the werid s
stestesl tea markets. MAW.
tested end picked as ear own
j plant, these fetus gire yeti the
highest quality at the Jewett
prices. Try one of ter blends
e tedeT, '
I D.S.I.. (e,lvo ib. SSe
▪ Domino Japan Green
i t Ib. 55e
Dornan III, p(.rei e,•,:. ib. 65e
Coidetstt Tilt gig' lb. 85a
i B.lehntallo Blend 1b. 754 .
.. -'� ZIttte Chip 12.os. Jar
Special Values' 11 >trMlaLrsataitade 43•
1 Mare OrangeChrist e a Arrowroot
Marmalade +le:os. Jnr +y e . G' Iiiil„ult* lit 33*
Pry's Pare ar.aklwat l�!Norwegian
Co*** !i•lb. Ms 2,20. 11 8aledinea Tit, 25e
Veno ghat Roto► , Clark's Tamats
i rune epode 2 ihiG 13' i1 Soup Tie leo
l 3
Contort and 6414 Gitaby'a 2'lies
: fitelfP 10 see" 53 ` 11 Sauerkraut 25.
CilrAdtiltie or 1Metitranletk's ; ; tlareatta arena 2 i ss•'Gn*
i ..lianliestl tl itltltb25®, ' L! °T°9sellltll/tSi .i 9.
bonds** grand Victory tweet
Chia now 2 Pais, 15!) ± fl R*lath (fettle 1
-11'. 4,t.n"C :'.:t:.d.lt4.l,•. 1 '-
r itis 8•es, Sot.
1 Uayoi1 ..• 25.
Amertea/t Yeasty
Shrimps m 21•