HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-21, Page 2--,-••110110001111.•
IN Special Values
Every Day of
Our Sale
•4000600.- •••••••,-,0 d
at 9 a. in. I
•FEB. 23rd K2
- • ottees ....SATURDAY; FEBRUARY'. .23a
Special for one day only 36'inch White Flannelette, reg 25c per yard. Sale price per
yard• • .. • • .. 00.0 • • • ..... 6 60,_. ••••• •••/.••••••••.••••/90"
16 Inch All Linen Towelling, reg. 17c per yarii. Sale price per yd. lac * 36 Inch Striped Flannelette, reg 25c per yard. Sale pride per
yard .... ... 190
On SATURDAY FEB. 23rd we will sell: 35 Inch Unbleached Cotton, close and evenly woven. Sale price
per yard. . .
La ' 11 i n d k os ri t Line . .15c
16 Inch Heavy, Pure Linen Towelling, red and blue border, regular *
25c per yam. Sale price, „ Ago, LadLes' Fti Fashioned
oe SI H e--0 en , Lavender and
36 Inch Unbleached Cotton; heavy qua.lity aud free from dark
Supersilk, regular 8i.95 per pair. Saturday only, per pair
specks, reg. 25c per yard. Sale price; per yard.
NE 64 loch Heavy unbleaehed Table 'Linen. Sale price, per yard 79c 35 Inch Unbleached Cotton, not more than 10 yards to a custonter. 36 Inch White Cotton, regular 18c per yard. Sale price, per.yard..15c
• - Saturday. only, per yard-- ..... . .. .. 13c 36 Inch White Cotton, firm close weave, re* 2$c per yard. Sale
Doz. Lunch Cloths, 50 ins x 50 ins., all linen, with colored borders • , .• price, per yard-. .. .. • . . • ...
On WEDNESDAY FEB 27t1 only 40 .42 and 44 inch Pillow Cotton, regular 40c and 4$c per yard.
. .
Sale price, each ..... ...... - . ... . . 79e
10 ,Doz... Pure Linen Towels._ .etith_Coleted borders, exceptional • • Sate price, per yard. ... ........ .. . _ ........29c
value - at each • .. ,20c
- 38 Inch Flat Crepe, white, black and colored, -regular $1.95 per • 72 Inch Bleached Wabasso Sheeting, regular 60cper yard..Sale n
yard Wednesday- only, yard.... ... ... $1.29 . price, per yard • .. 49c.
4 -
81 Inch Bleached Wabasso Sheeting, heavy quality . regular 69c
5 dozen •All Linen Glass Towels with colored borders. Sale Price 38 Inchlfeavy CriPe-de-Chine, reg. 1.75 pet yard. Wednesday . . •
. y d. Sale price, per yard . .... .
each....•... ...0.4 •11416. ..... • 0 11•••••#••••••••14•611.. per yard . i .. IA' * • ' - . . - $135 5 Dozen Hemstitched Pillow Cases, made from a fine Snglish Cotton.
5 dozen double Satin Damask Napkins, 22 inches square, assorted
On SATURDAY, MARCH. 2nd, only 10 Dozen Fancy Bath Towels1 regular up to 59c each. Sale price,
Sale price, each,. ... .. .. . . . .. • ....... .,.: . ..... .. ... . .45c
' - •4 5 "Orient"-, "Lavender Line" and "Supersities, Full Paihioned Silk each . a . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . It .... 41 • la . •I, . •••• ••••••••••••••190
' patterns, reg. $6.95 doz. Sale price, per dox............ 5 .7
' Hnse regular 81.95 quality. Saturday only, pair. - . . 81.59 31.1nch Heayy Ticking, blue and white gripe. Sale price, yard."...29C --
28 Inch White Flanrielette, fine even weave, regular 20c per yard. 28 Inch mogene Crepe, plain colors and small- floral patterns, reg.
soiled, reg. -up to $1.69 each, Sale prce, each. . . , 98a ..
per Par
.. • .53c
1)ozen Italian cross-stitched Linen TOWelS, slightly crushed, or • .,.
---Saturday"Only; .. . , .,•.. • • •14c-- : 306 _per yard., Sale price, per yard. . # . -24c
• * • .
:During:this 'sale :we -will give a 10% discount on "New Sprini Merchantlitie and all: goods:not mentioned in, this advertisement I M
Silks 75 Pair Ladies' All Wo01 Hose, in fawn, and grey and black colors,
reg. 81,00. Sale price, per pair 69c C ngoktiin Rugs
All sizes, at Mail Order House Prices
36 Inch Valencia Silk, in peach, rose,Jawn, green and natural, re • g.• .
$1.95 per yard. Sale Price' per yard... 95c
36.1nelt Heavy Black Duchesi Satin, reg. $1.29 peryard. Sale •
price, ,per yard • . . -980
36 Inch Velveteen, . in rose,' brown,castillion red, putty, green . •
. and black, .regular $1.69 per yard. Sale priee, per yard -81.19
33 hick natural shade. Pongee Silk... Special Sale. Price, per yard...39c •-•
36 Inch Chiffon Velvet in black and green shades, also one dress •
, •.. 'length of Transparent Velvet in honeydew shade, regular -,
• $4,25 and ,85.95 per yard. Sale pride, per Yard . $2.95
oo D d en ressGoo s
54 Rich Dress Flannels, plain colors and fancy decks, regular tip
• to 82.25 per yard. Sale price, per yard . • 95c
54 Ind Heavy All Wool Coatings, Broadcloths and Tweeds, regular .
U p to $4.50 per yard, • . Sale price, per yard • 95c
4 Only Fancy All Wool Dress lengths, reg. up to $6.95 each.' Clear-
. ing at, each
Ladies' Fancy Lisle Sport Hose, reg. 95e per pair, Sale price
Per pair .... • •'• • • * • • • . ^ - • • • • * • • • ' .... . . • • ....... * . 59c 24 Inch Wilton Stair Carpet, fawn ground, regular 82.25 per yard.
10 Pair only Ladies' Fancy Knitted Gaiters, in fawn shades, re* 1 Sale, price, per yard ... - . .. '': . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . .. . . . 81.89 X2
• $1.85 per pair. Sate price, per Pair- ... 95c 46 Inch Shadow Cloth, in several beautiful patterns Sale price, ma
per yard. ....... ..... .... - ...... „ . .. ... ......... 45c M
"Orient", Pull Fashioned Silk Hose, 20 shades to choose from, reg. • We have reteived our spring shipment of Curtain Materials, Silk
draperies (Stinfast); Swiss panels and Swiss Curtains. These will be
$1.50 per pair. -Sale price, per pair....... .. . ....... $1.29
offered at special prices during our ' February Sale. •
Misses' Faney Check Silk and Wool Hose, reg. 69c and 75c per pair
pair. Sale price, per pair 4 Under wearanlingeri e
' 9
Ladies' and Misses' Ail Wool Gloves, in grey and fawn
shades, regular 85c to $1.25 per pair. Sale price, per pair...69c. Lade, ?Aimee end Children's Winter Underwear will he sold at 20% off
during our Sale -
Ladies' Chamoisette Glove& regular $i.00 and 81.25 per pair.- °
Special Prices on Woods "Lavenckr Line," Silk Lingerie:
-Sale price, per pair... - ...... . .......... *. .... .69a
Vests, regular Salepeach, • ..
Ladies' Silk Gloves, in fawn, grey and black, reg. 51.50 per pair.$1.39
Sale price, per pair • ... 98c
French Kid Gloves, reg. 82.50 and 52.95 per pair. Sale price, per
pair. , $1.95
Bloomers, regular 52.50. Sale price, pair. . . .. • . • ... • # • 42019
Slips, regular 82795. Sale price, ead...... 1,•416
Double Slips, 'regular $4:25, each
Gown, regular 52.95. Sale price, per each
. $2.49
• Odd lines and broken sizes in Ladies' GirdldS and Corsets at th Pike
House Furnishings . 2 Dozen Ladies' and Misses Pullover Sweaters and Sweater Coats,
regular up to 86.95 each. Sale price, only.. $2.95 each
36 Inch All Wool Albatross, in plain color, checks and stripes, te r. .
t o Dozen tine Lamin Handkerchiefs with fancy borders Sale price,
price, s1„69 atut 81.80 per !,-ard. Sale priee, per yard* $1.19 Se
36 Inch White. and licru Curtain Materials, in deck and stirpe pat- each. . .
2 Dozen pair Fancy Candles. Sale price, pair 25c
I tern& Sale price, per yard • 39c
20% of Infante and Children's Wear during this Sidc
Hosiery and G oyes 25 Pair White Rutile Curtains, yards long. Sale price. per
4, • •
lSc Table Oilcloth, white and fancy patterns at reduced prices :
. 45 inch, reg. 49c. Sale price, yard 39c
75 Pair of Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose in light and dark shades, reg. 36 Inch RaYou Curtaining in small floral deLigits, reg. 85c per yard. 54 Inch, reg. 59c. Sale price, yard
69c per pair. Sale priee, per pair 49c Sale price, per yard 59c
36 Inch Baby Blanket and Kintona Cloth, blue and pink, with Bunny
patterns, reg. 95c per yard. *Sale price, per yard 69c
ito Pair Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose in several seaSonable IS x 36 inch_Congoleurn Mats. Sale priee, each 40e '
shades, reg. $1.0o per pair. Sale price, per pair.... ...... 60a
Remnants will be cleared out at HALF PRICE
Store Opens
at 9 a. nrs.
FEB. 23rd CREDIT 114-4\‘"
We suggest morning shopping when possible.
••••••••fammee taw
Do not ask