HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-21, Page 1Stu Calmer tar 1929 For Every Paid.in-advance Sob. &craw. Ree4W new while the Choice of Calendars is at its Best Tt..• nag rein - berm Tke StarsChjIist Will Sao. You Money. Order Your Daily Paper and ot hen Periodicals through The Star. SEVENTIETH YEAR Sunecription: $2* year in Ceanada $2,50 a, year tet U. S, points, GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 421st 19:29 WALTER NOVEL Pubbert / Deputation to Ottawa Well Received -Portion of Harkor Island to be Cut Out -04205,000 in Main Estimates I OBITUARY RICH HARBOR -eitaneneereneeniiiieeteete,ettetere. • lboard and tbe regular meetings were '$205,000 FOR CODE. 'TOWN 'TOPICS xed for the first Monday nftern00115 • extrva."..onr-,-..,,-, a , GODERICH TOWNSHIP t Canada 1"Goelerieb Cubs" to Be Banquetted &saell Month at 4 ofelock. A sant. ; ; dames-•Mallet, a no Ar.,...2‘f, S. of Milan inlaid well:known mad highly esteemed reel- church mot. this IVO:test-NY after Sun Etta Asturanle Company, o - ple-of the iee in the beirber E.ont. to the Deputation Geee Ottawe to Ask - dent ei• Geaeriebi where he had raced. Imola tbo. newt ee mai, Gee. mate , The members of the Goderielt Cubs ' Itroviecial board for report ts pro- fo Additional Ino k n H time r . . 'cal for the entetetbirty-five years, dind wnini beekey tema ave being, banquet,ted good. fee , et. -one a j on Thuradpy afteenoon of hot week, 3tr. Wm. Elliott has sold hi3 The following letter received this „week from one of our Monday evening neXt atiCiton tenter era 11 b . y tas een turt vete ma le ennetteeeea-eitb CA ell In th nominiim muse tivre ri 115 fioird year. He eves a son of Ibusli to M. Wm. Fuller. Mr. Fuller and following the 'banquet au lifter--rnested frOin the harbornn.I the report 'Mond " policy holders speaks tor_itself: e e• c . - • . 1 IN h . havitig an auction eine of it on Mon. • lesting program is to be given. ".;..ie of tile Provincial Doard ,,ef Health on is a vote of $205,000 for Gaderich fawas horn in Colborne township in 'day lett. "I W1S 1 0 • i * i t icknowledge cheque for fi222.60 dividend on team arc largely the Knox chum 1 Is e n'tinet u tit is stratifying An limbo. Im rovements `the exetition t team whieh played in the town claw& i aPpliestion for a milk license was re. CI a 1 " a Y - ' 1.-- - It I) • 1866. Ile wzie a eareenter by went t The young pimple's society of Tay. of the new elevatar lam" aill "al" nation but recently waa eialigen tir lor's Corners held a Valentine elide!, my polies,. No. - .... The amount exceeds my enneCtatione. , league for a couple of seasons. eelven from Mr.. Geo. C. Ryan. addition week in 'widening tbe deep • Supreme Court Session Was Drier • 'ter channel niongside the ante of it • " I b I ' Death of Prof. Beckett Court at the Coutt House on Tuesdo A disPstelt in today's' Mil and Ent. of the island necessary and a depute- iteeemeni ef Gedeeieht and by three The next meeting will be hal at the aft .hvothers end two sietere. George ikti•-• home of Mr. C. it. °VOWS 00 Friday 1.1 R. LONG, District Agent with met Justice aieBeey veeeiding„ pire. dated at Kingston, refers to the , tiara. left ter Ottawa on Tuesday The session was very brief, no oases death of Prof. Sala. Beckett: of Viol termini to meet the minister of public lphee, of Plymouth, Allan Alex, Mc- evening, Feb. fettnd. f ' goici ato wkon account o health. 'at the home of Mr. David itiodges on e sUrVirei y us wife, velho he. Friday evening, Feb. Inth. A very • the new nonee and cutting out part Tbere was a session of the Supreme fore her marriage AVus Miss Alary pleasant evening was apent • by ulL although the Sun Life has lways done well lot% me. Thank.t.' Phont 115 Huron Investments Ltd. Stock Brokers Bond Dealers Insurance ROYAL BANK BUILDING •!: being tried out, the etises enteren eauveri a member of 13. 'went/mown works to Press for the needed addlt Phete,„ of lieayne. Clitaries Me. Ott Sunday, March 3rd, there will Ashfield Amity and *twiner student , timid week, and for an early start ; peece of this loolity, Aire. Libby he a speeial mons eervice in Grace - being either.put over to the non-eury , sittings of the couxt next month or of the Goderich Collegiate Institute.; on the work. Mr. Parsons and Mt. i mean, of, Gedeeieh, and Nee, Ko.te United church, Porter's Hill, at 3 pate. NOTICE settled out of court :mit was tbs The dispatch. is as followe,: "Wi 0. rd ' Fraeer, Mentagr of the Godearlehtinillit ledinentle, of' Plymouth, Mitio There Special music will be furnished by has beep- reeeived at Queens Ulmer,. eater.. and NN eetern Cam a . oui ril-.."'''''.‘iiii.1 iNirriui.i titat i ii -i -eve purchased jury sittings but no- jury wag galled. were no ehildren. Mr. McPhee was a the men% (+eke Ai e.orditil invitation- . the businese er. iiii..i Sing. sitY of the &Atli in Vaneenver ofe •MillseCtie ot •Gaderieln. respectively, member of -Knox Presbyterien Miran Is -extended to ethryone to attend this •littowneae the ituron tirei, and- that, i Canoe -MIA Valentine- At 'Home: - Peer. Semler-L.4i Ileekett, eiseciate were with the deputation and the apt and tile funeral servieee on Saturday .serviee. On tho following Tuestlity win not be responsible torus 11Pht5 fag MeneSetUM conai Club hoe Professor en eel:Moieties in the linivere pointees of the town council' were the were eonducted by Rev, R. C. McDer. +evening, March 0th, a hot supper will incurred by him. an let home en the evening of St. Val- .sty of British' Coluenbia, where- . he .Mityine the Reeve, the Deputy Reeve mite assisted by .Itete, ne. C. Elliott. be served in the basement of the . Ittnett WoNti. 'taught nubile financeentid sociology: and the tOWn elm*, - The pall -bearers woe Messre, A. church, followed by a good programt • pa, .1 e - entinen Day. lThere was a good at ,--.• •tendence end horny time wee. epent, 'Tref. Beekett• was al, ,gtioduate .of The delegation was Introduced by leigitiasete A. .fleudersore Gt Young.' Wateh for partientare leter. . AtelpITIOVS tiEN• • The tables for earde were arranged •teneents. receiving D. A. in 1906. Wellington Hay, lit P. for North and Int l'ellow., The funern1 wee held a., nis wife. Who was Miss Annie S. Perth, and acconapaoying the delega- from hie late Niue, Cambria road. PORT Ala:1E1W . in heart shape. The prize vvinners Learn Draftmg. Quality for 40 to .70 dollars wettely. 1 ram _ , Mactwart aud ma itulaveiFatilititie,i_prituited. from QUM'S tion -wore. ThoS• , ItIeMiliall, ALP., and interment WiiS Made in Colborne. Mies, Clara Willis vieited Mrs. / Ural home tenth' were Mrs. WI G* South Pertb; Dr. W. A. Hall, ALP.. cemetery. M. Geo, McPhee, bvother Ti it i 1 g iet end eln e training.. Pree eutptoemen: Thos. Pritchard. The Blyth °relies- 1 .r" la iwi* toe. og it esti, atm y. - __ South _Witco, And. George Spotton, of the tiecensed, was here leir the -faun , , Ooderich, Ontario eervire. Ancite for informetion. COM- Ira provided excellent musio for the, ea .. a Notes MI and Mte Roy Petrie told fent. - niEROVt. IIINCIElli8t'lMO, .0 -------------------------- which followed the lunch. IAA, North Hirheri, The delegation era, else Mr. NV. D. IlleMilline of Ann LLL.ed th'e. former's pare Phone* 430 and 44-5 Queen 'West, .Toruntu. On Tuesday,. Fele 19. at 8 pm.. the included Mayor . Maeltwan, -Town Alter, mica, ,and Mrs. Van Annan. unda Daughtera of the Empire Had president's skating. Party was bald at niere Ia. Knox; Reeve Robert of Detroit, brother and sister of Mrs, e. 1Viiititie Mont ntiestlY. Goad. year the West St rink by the Literary. So. Turner, Deputy Reeve J. NV. Cr * pi Niro are sori,a1 to hear that Moe • WANTED a selling our Fruit Trees, Derry The Star had in type for this issue eletn-- of the G. 'C. At large turAer Counciller S. lie Croft, C. N. R. ag- • CC Quaid, Ste, has been very poorly and . wits miesent and with many spills and SEPR.--A striking flgure -was re. hope eite will soon reeover, . wsyrtn.-Butflueso van. wishes a ettia,,i4 4p fle h thrills everybody hathea very enjoy. ' - met- C. A. Robertson, M.L.A, North ' ee tee tie moved on :Friday morning last when 31r, Ilart7 'Willis aud Mr. Win. eleaerelet. 411.71,eliate,„,?liriltltest the annual reports of the Maple Leaf comtortable furniehed Toone -with niecein; itunaenee"teineeeitetnapet.,Viiel, tiiittt and Aluneek •Ch tors o the ang - on* 0 L Parsons G er • . - plunders able .eVening. At 9.30narre everybody enentare ic eitine'lly, Ana lee .7a. Teasje, Mr; Ifobert tterr, paned t ' lie Wenn 'spent Sunday with the lettere:1 Imard. 'hi PrlYate l'arall.Y.' N° °L'aer pay rbeen con %lesion rash every ters of the Empire. Both Picea Pie% Wrile l'oniatt• .2. D. SMI -Til ,''''' are annevoidably crowded otit OM; dean, cake and cofree were well serve puny, "ot. Western Canada Inoue Mills Com. elnatntsecona Hospital, in whieh he bail been -for • 'The ehildeen of S. S. No. 1, Ash. year at the Goderieh elate), Mrs. Wm, Stewart* of •Auburn. roomers. Apply Dux le, . STAR 01:- week. Cam aloe. a few more good had 0, very geed year. The reports returned to the eebool •wher ' ..S0NS, Lettere:le Willow., t tai. week on aCcoUnt of unusual demands s. mite weeks, ' Mr. Kerr makes anent. field, held their annnilletilentine Day ed by the exeeutive ntf . the Literarn The Minister informed the denten.- , - t . en breek in the Gotta:etch octogenteriao at the school on Thiunday a • last ' INFORMATION WANTED - . Basketball is ae lin pope ai at e be punlished next week. • tendt to •do tell Wean, NV thin leaser+, be inisamleit future giitherings ofithe were changed around among the ,thil. 'BOY WANTED: On our- advertising' columns, but will Socle Y. • • tion, that the Itederial Government • • • t . eh • • , eittb tied Ins ability an a reeiter will Week anti meny beautiful valeetinea Vey Gd 'I h t • h school atnong the bons at least. In- t make o one t e Dor s ou Por work after school and on Woxiien's Institute Donate $40.00 to tellorm. basketball games are hew ' old folks an -------------------- . n. Their tem:bele Miss Lillian be. He said every effort would be eard at a public .gatheving was the very pretty- valentine. Saturdays.. APPly to Box 33, -Meetil. elitliNtene-intorniationse Wanted Upkeen of 'MacKay Hall once. a "weent Form HID. seemshave to made to initiate the work early hi b' the last occasion wben nis voice was NaeKelmie, preSented them all with a STAR. " coneereine relatives ot isette ateteen- . The •board of manaitement of Mc- .have the strongest team as they seasoll, if Parliament approves the • mings. who etas bore in Tinton. -UMW Y. v Han grO tist no;eciate the doe d feated both 2nd erear Connmereitil tue early hanouet to the masters and engineers The, new Veesot eleCormick, Deer- , and eeethie eueluoe, maloolk luurno was Kit_ t 3 .• a, , - - - . - - - departmental estimates at 'entry Ann corry. Estate t tvr„ write ation of $45.00 frem the Women's le- and Porm but 1.:10.0 not. t Ye-. date.. • • of the winter .fleet at Oucterich on the Mg oat crusher has • errived at the *Tull fart:enters to W, I: COX a Ca ... Ai etitute toward the upkeep of the hall. tackled Form IV. e 1 in's gave it Miltay for the citizens of Goderich, this toming summer, as follows: • Firemen ante ii. - FOR sALt A w tth tile understanding that they look On Thursday evening next, Prof Completion Forest dred ing anti:act g c , seas. and held a nuteter`i4 ter tineAte it Will be a success as it is now sere- r m seeieteinone .white metal. bed i i , e • P P ... "-- g .... ' . t .. e SitY r °- $10)000; completion Jackson Con- from the Doard of iTracie, London, log the demand of the people in We efter runnine ex wises amitenn • to Fred Landon of he Univ r " - Goderich Fire Brigade. • rine good leaelt neer robe.- MateriAliTe, ed. dress m MacKay Hall under the , with =mobs and springe, :thee iwavds the upkeep is gratefully reeeiv- western. Ontario, win e give an ad- struetion Company, dentract on nerth Eng. He was born itt Arbroath, locality. Tbere will also bo two - Tc fill vacancies on • the ' , Auspieee.otthe Canadiart Club. His w ler $22,000 and $43000 on movin Scotland, and started his working life man service in the mill from now on Applicants neuSt litre Witii, . •Colborne.Si. • , tib'e t '11 b " e Stor of John P. he'd; completion Viince Construct- ° as an apprentice. in a shipyard on the and we guarantee lint class serviee F" h.-1 tiro perebred Hereford t , e„et, nee i e_......, . • ,, . , - • Drown, This will ave reference to h stoonisoCoo,micrna.iny c.onatreBact robrieieoudtrhedpiletr, 0 e on, to 1,Avigation and soon acquired a (Intended for .best vieek). in the lire limits. 'NMI ' Applications . will . be;Awls, from to to It montitS Old: AP°4° ir I Tom until noon, March $th, I 929,.. ji7 E. MUTCH • occasion of the presentation of the mill in Port Albert And has been in- .117es Jacli'son Olvd., Chiraeo, fit As the hall was built by Mr-Rebt. huvgee to the mainer Of the S. S. God- stalled by the Internationainlarvester detells of the proposed eicpenditure • Prof Landon Next.Week ericb Mr. Kerr lied sailed the even ConiPartY or Canada, We trust that Ciede. From ship eitt.penter bit went in both rolling and chopping. 0 . :esti a nuoater r,r thoroughbrea White Star.ding as follows up. to and in- the early daye of the steuggleifor the illa George 'Richardson delivered a niate's certificate. Thep were the Roc, eociorels. F 141011 ItrtriS, R. IL eluding Feb. .20th games: ' . [41)0.1110n of slavery in the United contract ,$5,000; impeove'd dockage Fon, etAtite-A etnei .1trysleti . etosea Bert Price.. ,.,.... 3 2 106, declare zt a most interesting and en- - who have heard it atmceomint;dation, 0,000, and a start daYs oriWtrallinig* ettiesels and...Volt moval of ship island for improving $143,,000 contt•act for n I to tell of the fast peseeges made in ..1 Mrs. Thomas Dottie spent he week- • Kerr bad menY an interesting stoiet INIknedtingdally°14astt McGaw stotion on ' ceived by The undersigned I- • 3,t, , • No. I. lloyinem. Plume 60D r IL . :Won Lost Scorej States, anci-those par la le. ioceeed at villoge ot eultford. Land at. poweat 3 2 ' 98 many in Goderich aaa speaker of ex -I The delegation emphasized the fact inner hat.bor the old days by the China 's Far alaaY Yea" Mr. Re" live° altme I hellie Sunday evenine. en the island to the west of the bar- I A iinb i. . i 0 er rom i re a t et e , tteti 1 1 th . -car, penvilealhc- oew. evairauteed theist Johnston3 2 121 tertaining, as well tie infotimativei ad- CliPPeis. end at her home in Kilian!, returning SeCt .00darieh ire pept, in every. resn'eti. Ab40 44 -sere Terme J. Juck; ..-. 3 2 84 dress, Prof, Lendon iti known to turning basin in the .eonsiets. tit /dad( loam van' kiallable In. J * 1 4 48 eeptional ahllity, and there should ln, S-151°;t°:odeeicii is iia national ane... • „ennot it bor. The funeral WAS held on Moe- le n / ' 0 Olt TO RENT ` aortgreeeng of vegetateee and small , i , allince in Kintall laPt Friday night atul MR SAL • hir Bilazel; " • 2 • 104, a large, number ont te hear • him. • hateling :over . 20008000 bushels of nay. • The services were conducted by • - • • • frulla . New bane e c ten coop an " a e man .d f it all repert n good time, F am nienee--nouse, feyerenie eleeee, netente. Alt toots. ifleholo not cateemee game oe Feb. 13th to be 'There will be no admission fee; every- gthiniyearly. having at whtter fleet let Rev. . eitin , o nox „,„ , 1st:* le•atititia 'convenient •evagon,' 1( 4115 eetienetioneent• norenee- planed .on March 13th.. Next 'game oneete invited to attendfa. collection 22 boats, of. which 16 aro, American eharthi rola' the Pall-hea"" were. Alrg' ‘411"' 6131Y and Mail. 'Lizzie rostee rlid a violt to Itirs. Itolle.rt a:adieu on SI. Vincent St. In pod re- horse U. inner mete 4•1`.'• Alci'llrop,• inadeay Han on pen, 27th. , will -be taken to defray eepenees. and suppilying. larg ti o tee on o Messie. T. G.'Connen. Jos. Porest, J 41. , Goderith Cubs, Got Three. oals • • Western Ontario with grain -fee -00'm. 1*. Malwalii Oliver Johnston and Dr.' Y c di Y. 0 ) • FIVE 1)01414S-4.10 tOti 1311MIDEIl STOV4S, • , Goderich people are happy to.riod IT £4'W Hatub. d * urg • • • • so that the Godenich Elevatoe atul and e •Pdses It Was stated al- WALT. Mr.. Ken had 'a nieee' in Mr. Tbos. Myatt Detroite mot- - Newark and a nephew in Montreal, ot.ed to Goderich last week and vent. • ef.• W. HOWELL, - Ernest ee'e Appointm nt letirt gionee earid garden.. `• Eartibela'Rek . • • • Wedn t • ftern n • , eteARY ltente mid 4 • e • • G •WeeNe' ny Inning tills • P tine ar.pointment of Mr. Ernest Lien the return mateh at New HAM' -TrOnsit Coinpany intends . spending and•the niece is expected in Codericit friende here Tuesday evertine. ,,ighty acres. of reek and produetba. en 0 Barred. noes. 19e t einele soli of Mr.. and Mrs. C. C. Lee, or . 10,10. With P0011 ,nattural .and nebificlal Comb tPchorns; +lea for t burg on Itriday the Goderieh Cubs UpWard of $3$0,000 thie summer on a • i , • • • Mr. tt in. Dickson, Ruby Ltickaon Ole week lecallon-n, Mauch otni Awn. Rene eine my eoe, onnie a . eeretarei t tice linemen. also pietereeque o le us mtide a better 5howinir than they did. million -bushel annex to its present /mei awe am at Gie / at • land Clara Willis visited Mr. and Aire. • " t' te J ,L N r • will be prating ibis amount. Said fojeyour pore -ease, will tionee 41 sub-' the new auto insuraece raten Ernest scoring three goals. New Hamburg • rn ot the best ie., the viehtity-You s7.00 Rae lf VOn N'IMP 111(' farm H.odgme, comniiss oner te inves nra hos.. Bogie Time ay evonng .9. thle at the inatch heth on Wednesday, elevator capacity. • M. A.: D. D.,. LL.D. w • lie ,hies. coMpleted hie fortieth yeae • . Mtn Ito Pritzley has been under I week. ' farm is. ebout two mites vow °Hilton ieented reeeey.et anal On er- tt native of Gode.rich, and after his had the hest of the play, with eight PEOPLE 'WE liN0 y oe Base Line, Buildings consiet tif wee ego ehleat end. ever. good house. large harn. &lying nhed, „nt preliminary education in. the Goderieh goals, .The line uu of the tennta was ler 70 , . -1,1ISS Edna Marfax•Iiine, 'of Toone), IttlionCshirx (Iasier:eeinivisrliaenognitriatwalitiii; I oirra I the wenther for a few days, We are :irb*sitiewbblude°11..bitnaeentleit'elaZtderiteglil,den rifoteallele astoe re. founts Ili inters. sch.00le, went to Varsit • h r Y w -e -e -a as followe: in.r Able to be around ea, einemea tenue.: ast. . pis° bare it ittineter or nsed toox an honor eoutse ane subsequent. New ifauthavgittaaat, vart name -1; is visiting Miss Edna ItUnt. the Christian Literature Society for in -- wino:en, auntie,. teener 2.2t soum - Brood.,r stows. COnOs. 4'..wil boppers,• ly he attended law school, taking high detente VV. K Ibil i h ' d P. In * , a e se an . tnge- .1 . Mies MaeVicar - is attending the aline. Ws period of aerviee mat * ./2ain' ' I . '01' fortlow Informaa ------------------------ stann. For the paat --- -- mew centre • C. • Does/man; ItAYFIELD . wings. mi:8711,01:::::0:: 01:,c:o. at:iirt: . hreeaslii els: oie$fif: .!eotlifireattutieraiii) oaynnellviiFeow.feletitil it; „1, , c ,40. t akonu % i s 1 ted , f 1. le n (13 II • • V.1() (1I( AtlitNeen. ' . ' . • • Phone iteen. Mr., Xing Will De In Coderich Toronto. sPent the week -end at iter ingeo In . of reticule Is planned to ineltuio re- Men (Dr.) Brady We} ViAiting With • ..,.„-...... . ..........-..:.,-,... ........ Eatiy sn mime* . .. • cognition of Dr. MacOillivrey and his ..,frientle at Sevilla the .pat weelt, colleagitee of the first days in Ironer. • Nesbit WOOt12-1, -of Toronto visited :.,,y terms for payment. ..e.. at Priv prices and niany or, them ' kverliri.itV' ").4 . IMO fists GeO. II. King, whose announcement , . 1 A • . • 4 . I Tteferce-George Karnes, Kiteben- millinery openings, - Toronto this weelc afteinattending Cie Dr. MaeGillivray..one of the tiniver. I hie parents here ever the weelnend. - , ....• ........„--.... freshen 'found elsewhere in this issue. - Mr ' Mr.' Wm. Elliott. of eiew Liskeard,' . • 'aity of Toronto s most noted gifts to i Mina Ploy Edward++ iS visiting with Ansi a few of thew' 1 4. 01 t'NTY Unt-1, 2-YE.111-1 )L11 of Ina' 1029 tutopean trip -will tie ea , .t geed Meek house, bathroom. fights.- 01-iltST2IN 1121F21a4' dria t° In Mareb ana April, will be held nt.Cot I ,. ' • The Cubs itetve put up e nice sea- fa visiting hie sister.. Mrs. David Mc- language study' abroad, bad his oath *nue*. epresent. i . . I friends at Kitchener and 'Watetioa et : it and small barn. immedlite Pals- I. non, 10, w. ta, :knotted,' on , 'King is 4 former otganiiit of North eon's play and while they dia not win training at the Cation& High . .,. iesslon; tine00. • .1 etreet United (then Methodist) the district, were the next best. Dwain, Nene:Tate O.. he having accom- . Bret 'house with .bathroorn, i eee heel . TUESDAY: MALUal 30/ ' i church, and for several years now•he . pinned tee remains of the late Miele nRiErt TowN ircr-oics - Mho; June Reid returned to tee vit. ''''nulal14 a l'4i'91, lua,•••, , I hao been conducting an annual trip neve ea a., yollott Has Resigned MarrialV. 'Wail t° ilia lima° i) ber . Saltford nunday eehool will hold a ...• ' A .‘, a ., ittatgZ111 ad tf . ` ot. nVill n'etit ilt)afstaiiirwovitivi.ting Mends ;.ghts, furnace. •tellar. emelt barn, tine 1 . . Main Street. Romeo, Michigan. • • /• . . • 4/1/ 141") eggs. 1114' Pile's yew% he has been practising in Tore taueiy eftueet and eye echeaedert woelc. • 0 REAL ESTikilig AND INSURANCE 611 in""ler8. i'le' . . . . MPB1:3,1'.., (pt*. . st.lbs; 'told ond Miehm. _. , - Goderiell laat week. ' Goderiele-Goal,- We Doak; defense, J. Wood and II. Sturdy; ceotre, W. nloore; wino,. R. Stoddard. and D. • McKay; sub., M. McKay, - . Henan Mission by the United Church , 4101. T"E A")i.svg"No""''AL i'4..11*VII: a"d i I Large nitrite? of good prariertles fee -a AUCTION SALES Not nlr. enaeKeezie King. but Mr. Miss Mary ManVizar returned from ••••••••••.......••••••• ........4 0 • ll L , .. , 1 : ' • I .. ! A . ge • Meek hamee, ale modern equipped.' 111 1411 'MUM. .tuelionat.e. to Eurelte with good Sflee0Sg. Mr. it will be n matter of prefound re- m '4fee. each. santeiti, eon of mi.. toid hmoantiveuneTodtett.. .beking Pale, Saturday,. ettiam heated, not ipolished hardwood' • King, writea thAt. heieeill. lie..1a.Godo, _ gret for the PeOPle of Gielerich te - / T Letnee Oeiviceo will . be held in Leers; wen Planned. with 01410, .0011..1 ,, ircros •14.i.1.3:1 -0V- itonegat na.e. rieh. early in March anti ahy who may . . • . • e et e, a Mre. II. L. '511! 141 who bas been tele. 1101tY eitureit each Thtunday even - 441* 0t i( ij1)4140)1 The roofer monthly meeting of the ilia ite 8 0..1,,ek during intin renienees: fine tearag.e; Owlet' 1(54 111011 Tint lifete and alit Itin at lot 29-.. . be interested in his 1929 tour will no Emote front tee • . • ing the 1928-29 electrieal course at w • . yle.e. 4.5°°. ' - . • • • • i Oen, la ifullett ',township, a 1-2 miles doubt see him then, • painorate of the omen a Hoepitat Auxiliaey will be • Pine Week house. 411 Inuglern utak-, nottliwi.4 or Lotolegboro. on - the•Dominion Trade Schoole; Toi•onto, Harry Baiter, •of London. visited ; etas; bathroom, Rao. ritfil". ;SI-Nil/31 alh Annual Meeting of Ilfue IVater * feet Apill let, which was accented ire : , . - ` 1. in libel/my Hell. . • . hes been smeeeetful • in his neannita- held °n M°ndAY/ Pell' 25thi at 4 Pjn* hie perents here the paett tveek and i ;•14. *3,200. Good .hriek ImOte; eleettec • . Godet felt Paptist ehureb, to talie el.' lie story frame house. good emit. voitinciwiny lit I 0'elook. sharp: • Highway Association • the congregation on Sundey morning bons, hbeing permed with tint clam; , • . ..., : , .• e returned to the eke en MINIAlay. Mamis. ehe p'...sy, "Nothing but the Truth, l• re. John D. Inoodn, who.has been Titeeennteal meeting ok- the. Blue 1* ' el . I 34 ,, Fir tt 1. 11 go to nonors at the head of Ins will be presented by the Aethut. Cir... . . . ion, lights and batiirooni; well Weal- II rse Drown horn, eising 1 venter el. Pricente00i • . hay horn.. itsing 7 years. I i ein poor health titt• past Mx weeke, We Cot(lee-410t1 eow 7 yeare oble fresh Water Highway Assoelation awl) ' ... Innersoll to Iive and. Ittr. Elliott is not .................. Pine lee tdory 1)111 100440(1 house. d 1 t . * i are gory to Day. is not improvhig an AMONG THE CIIURCHFS . ,.eit arranged for eonvenieneewith (mit ;it root; red eow i; years obi. held in Toronto. on eleeleyt m 1., z.11 lay, tinting another pastorate. His health • eating; Just einiehed: eholth Interior do to freshen alay end; refs le ev 5 yes. in conjunction with the Ontario Goon' 3 1, , ( I. 1 : fle'leltUar::::::d tua, nen; :gm, Friday eVenimm, i viol vtn bin, many friend3 wouid ..m.40, ' wee mit the heat befotte he'left Ter- naptija elitireia 'VOL i1ritIlt VA.M. 104 1 11 1 1 Ail .""rating ?mit ithialling; hot and Gold. old, trent, with ra:f at 'foot; red eow 7 Roads Association. iTheie will be a onto to collie ..t? .Goderich. antl Itio hope . ing eurect, "le Anti -0.11.'4 th . t • t IiII , . i ant • St 1. . i mi441011 oil • to see. • +Ate: 010etrio lighten; acted tiellart two vew e years old, due to fresitot to t.;e11... Unt'ileOlt at 12:30 iti the bellow:. Lail .• • BE4LFAST The t•hoh. 014. .Nnalrewn United :titer etimay; modern. 4 -piece bathroom yealte 011I. frPs11, With ea. 1 ft a I font: roan . . WW1 't flat toe egnter worn tun a pas- woriti-roler near'?" , .:eii Collegiete Inetitute. Immediate with teat ut rout: Meek +env 1 eeare . es; well Pirated: ronvenient, lo Wide -I lot.r: blueearS old. 11' 11 on the second floor of the King Ed-, ward Rota, a which the torate as that Imre involved would be services in. gnox , hureh fleet side. f ' N 1 Lath will be in charge of the nth/later. , Mr. lot Ryon itoomoo. of 01,v0,, , ts.olituirtieul:tiairt.obiyuet.ywithnl'ialeitinvivinuit litieie...,:tilvaeyn. ,,, .sseiision. Price,til.$00. A good liet story feetoom house, peel, 5 yeare oia, due te freshen in Septette.. tad, due to frPRIlett in April t roan r OW win le itert e. e, /tele, ef the 0441 '144* eneeheeeitectie iCial. oW, loWeVer„ r. . io , . fi 1 '1 d 'retie ti+ s i eel to give up tbe active M t 11. tt 'Snide:As of <sermons; 11 eau., , ,, • entitled "The Mystery of St. tepee" a Personal A uthority; 7 nate, The . evil Campbell, “A spent Sunday with hia daughter. Mrs. niter. eit aud tarn, 81.'200. - ibere Doletein cow ...ii wenn teal, nue te Publieity Departracet mei Dr, P. Iti tvork of the ministry, and his aiater in it e - about the Middle of March, dine not „tee good bulidinga Welt inipros.ed: teal phi. ible to freght.n i Wt. lgt; brindle As2oeintion. The annual meeting after lieri(hellea the deal° .2 am% Inhle elassOf; at 3 o'clorle ion to rest it • Mr; David liaeliett, of Luel.now, ' ...I'''4!.‘1. r i r et i iLI .11:in eett c t on eeona ay -Magee-Leine number •Ifettel ter freshen mily 2ottt: It .11.foril conr a yin. Doolittle, the Hoo. President of Gni i Ingersoll toptiree someone o oo e Soren of Sueeeea." Sat bath etliall 4 orlatbly low Drives find eagy 1.1,1111.4 hri cow, pei..11, with VAR at toot; fat Cow; Will take piece immediately niter tun -11/e Goderi,Cil PastOrge. Mr. Elliott A. tieliginfillehoetesa „ten wee heed Moe. Harry Hackett. • spent a few dills with her deughter. f00 dinten bmpitai. ,n44,n, he went -nue, Ii3.200: 80 orree. el.090:' NG 1341.41',' 0 steer++, Estee 2 Vre. old: 3 lieltere ris. e mon ant 1 r a a. i o 111ved ea n•etteller of a ,,,„ „mai In 't actoriat etreet lietted allitieil on . •O lir an Onelilt1011 Ind We are Neve A ft"%' 4j ac2 fat 114'irvr4' l'ill/4 3 YN': 1°111'w a"w; 1 i ti e e re tieveral matt en '1 • be,Meeere. Will anal Crienie Oat, :um : al tf) hear hp jg doing tei wen 139 voulei. 60(); 1OP aereR. n.R00; 100 Om 8i,C4X); lir 0 •%I.,. 11: 14 eteeee rinue o y,•er of importance to dieettes. I exeeP.'"al abilitY and in Ina- en"- Thursday afternoon by -the L.1+1. l'''.. V , iii) coves. F5,000; HO awe, eit,200: 160 old; Vliebare Netter 4 vr, old: Durham . . he ilaa been A Gouree of ettiength to • • . ante Menery have fieished hauling i. ,Aul. About 20 tables were + e i with . roan from recii etuninte• bun, Op V him wen antlin swim ov rgpeeteet mot we how. to twon. Rile ,--, ,.. , N. JI I . •,. • "res. MOO: SO aerein l'i.00.0 and IllallY boll OginIT 3 ..srs, old. - GOderielt lioee Meet for 1029 To De i local movements. . good 'dilates to eat, mad in Legato teuanow for env, Button, Yiere. Asli ahont them. . , . • Iroinn-Vorliegew tine 1,1 farrow men Held Aug. 3th--$2,800 In I arses I 'with St. Valentineti Day. A oplen•lin ,,.........o..... Way 4-•.- " I'l,V all partienlaN Writ% or nee i t GENUINE OPPORTIteITT TO J. W. ARMSTRONG, Milli Yorli ti /v 'hi" J''' f"/*I'' w llaw "/ Goderieli race meet for 1929 prom- ' Returning to China April Int program eameisting of teflon gaol... 110141ESVILLE ' SAVE-DON"Ir OH TOO 'ATLI Reat Estate, ism to.be bigger.and better than ever, I On Snntlav morning laet Mr. Gr..IT. f f i eale; +tow, beit fat: f vlioatg, ahmic 70 t readinge end a -ler di alien.- ' • 'Dote en. 411o1 11riel1. 011t. iii e ' - -..R:12e1ihrs-"W. CRAIGIE ' eIt,itlo,iT.,„ot.itElnee,Rteait McahiAl,41.- i.,e2-,n,ifa1iie1n.d 4-1rmf, 3eloeeene ltc.hslei.sNn'oftbe.• w teqTliahtmI :1 ;,I eia,atseGrnalaowentha l,ed.,eon dbire .ie Gtiteinoahgnateecasieeln's. ctreaaalukam4ndle3de.e,2d ibhtntietio chkth. th Botiil, subppeetauhemrnewge,e2ao:tomo1e0efr., ctBrI3vneoenulolairttt.7nech rhd.CtoliocMir neOa. ft atbtidorIllt ne(1 4.11 pe nuwafl'ipantiitlti emOo.tff3uni)tAiI-4N1ill*i-2r1 O0n"•-i1II;Af1•t-.e 1ea°A' "P-W-a2I"seos,'"Imnanjrege iint e „ rotneinol'e tween d Wotntaeo mdllinteuolwnl'ad yleth'trela:ie.cfaoI'rna"n-a"w;AltaileTtdnhrheendreereratxe I eavet enuEutibepei(ncSaeceecezroeVourif.een ettMe Lg' adwineeek A • iidll . OmVaeTdtnerid.t'oNoant et IIVI44041 tit 191lh11 4414 be twoae reteeth3 okitiYonallOuutilmei) tchoir kb"n iThe Valentine ot' hhehmust heie lfnMtipAfaiartuhee1r3Neeee-4on hI1l0 'au2pntdrteelmeldrrl• eel eivwoeefrniitytyhe. dp1-1r1 r'1aei,nnWdwigiu:tn cO:ymtrei/ oI ii l .11 5 t 1t p2:7 :919'leicenncded CARD OP yIIAmIliataaiiii..plteethprteen.ilia.citelethe1Themuefor1 aMirnion.nitlihdboi eadigintnee Ointhine win ieal wine/lt a441tintherehI3dmw4. o11evileld peor tohtrou.Eat01ntle4i'ot..o. .oe-r ,eft rrf- - „ Mr. nert Cuttnid Gale. win A pevmantnt vieitor, Min Myatt ii. ii. mad, in. Anminie4t. for a plum*/ ineote, and 00 new etiee,*inee Li Cain% Tim• {AA Win reduced ip tike the ttlIc't. (.)1(° wildc and Mne sinfar.eintendliaNill"rna,nt.eaLlailotroli,e TAint; 1.,t,ilf . „tal.::ii,:ie- ::::::::!:fit,,,/ctililtt:IDI1,,i _tea .- , • ..- ...._ ran for a puree of $500, land the neW . to abont Sat ne tlie result of the even Loon Adeline of 1.9041011, the bat: one , . lttiattata--,e' nee, a tole race to yEavs and under) ; ettaiktia Int the workers bave been re• ''nonee. Tina should be Atil thltElhi.tiky to enteod cooraattattioncl,, 114- I 1.,o(1 0,41.2,.....ej,,u14 .pf ..,!yilpikotity 40E113 iten b.1,70 in thine mile beate, for tendon, witli tile elleent of better , fine 1,141144.11 treat. Mr. and We. John Mulliollaell have Imo. ef ates ii. alit Oa F. CAREY 414 SON, Ltd. 11,1V1:11 (4t '1 ill3ieetalg. oTtilri%gili '*(attgiitt,i6eli6p3latenloriel°t7intehlititliger canei-at'ille'l. :f (-1:1(111thf2113'hilt145111.1.311Cliett 1".1.trf.'1,it !jillt(i:11' , Vrelgftn°C1t1t1:!Iii(Z411:th,1111efttrY?A°70V0111:rveilitt17,1. .11 i i 11 % .,• 0 04. 13Itti711, othe 4 ' IA % . tell ..,1 , . . ma Hetet neeatin eery 111p1437? o1 the :,ae eollown: Il a.m., "Retirement and irilativee. Their dategitter, Muriel. tine .11 it/. e °t"'le' m 'nen ,t/el 4. 115 1'14 rA Telephone 230 !Ititilodit'erich Ice Supply Pare ii inet(4 oli centaur:lei-a ae tieing a large ,!of a Clivintian," One? can...neon nee: The meeting of the Y. P. Leagai. 401 '47,1.,ti'D,;:t'i.,11 hi„ Ai, 1 i, 1 t , L.-, , «milititn aa l tineed be Ito IendentrIattelai ' 7 Pen. :Tile Mill:inn vettiened 4)4131 them. ite • . • . - - .1 .0 , 'Ike inatIgVral meeting ef the filede- ;factor in itatortiner a better feelinn i3 r 10 axe, Melee Sundae Cith: ouleiett • Veid In enerlien 02 bet weeh wee illn eijnietic enee pit,':.;.-iii;',112.,j1,1.2'17'...III .t,4i• AONIC TEMPLE BUIIDIN•tie% Iletal of licaltia for ltwarChina buint tee internalnfor dieetietion"Tee dieecitnetaciee of dee the e idthe eitieenllio , ie enteMS,G , Tied on Mende!' eittetneein -ell the i ten/ iiieke rainier: neceeteney en tee , keiela what the wiatill calla tirti," ini ' voinientee, thee Alta Gind Mt Cain. GOD ICII • ONT0 MED , VOOL'ar-va Vanett 'With no QKG,-Vtica , iteit en tneee eetio no to titirgt. Mr. treektr041 TilV Mr. IL /I, li.'144.;. litinitial.riey otaveinee Tee tope-. petit:inn by %apnea i„ t„,„i,en* ai ete ea , ' of Mie •Fellaefer. MT. A. D. 'McLean eel Ma. Inioth neve Leen 144 Canada Deed end Ciana foe ttirietien neillow.,/iIiti. Joy itnetin 1.1,'41.1 ‘of eta eptitonel .00, no, i in., ete,,, „ melee e, it, a a niterin (teem C4 on the fhe nett el at 0 two end a Leif yeetnei . ne. t n•tabetli reelitttem. recent. . 5431 nee • INVESTMENT'S AND INSURANCE