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The Goderich Star, 1929-02-14, Page 7
THURSDAY, ! ES. 14t1a, len Emus Ibr Doom and Healthfulness Full size biscuits thoroughly baked THE GODERICH STAR Arena Riddirk fir. geneex I,tgler L ssiaen the 111,ftiaaei tante groan to 4/aa sage W.Va. cagy are -ewe 'Aetna a„ewer iooa, teen le Clic tQ alta„ tauae .+rrti .:sota:c . bee watt +tae perie .•ay ,tippy as tong as too iiatiia:a uepend an lier Closely! and she has ',;teen c"ans3 to da to ©z© wn f ai she Call. �. - bowlful out when she %etas increased in caps- . �, deity. atter years et tong; experience, %r ins , merry'' for col l -dM t . t when the naembere of her talzuly -,rc-3latlependanir..vr?lat:-ss-.iJetl?.er=.�, Canadian dia'Itti Shredded`1A *heat 4�iptmll Y1Y• 44 • ; do then to keep her hind and hands �uIYWtM*Iq#wt111ANIlYMMIYlt9�i11W��$:�6F'8i'i3�fiEt't�GAi•�p9f��dty.���f198�i,�961�;�661�1t11�,�iM<w► - Sundayc4 fernoo �la ■ ap . 8 44$.22, 1141 047014 Gaderich, Ont. • 1€ maptsyracalcateaa'.aaa eaaiws!:+eProPlo[siVeMEe atio imsag seine•etleseweteggaltaa lintels Ohl what if we are Christ's, Is earthy shame or loss. ? Bright shall the crown of glory be, When <we shrive berme toe : eros.. Enough, if Thou at bast Tho word of blessing give, And lot ue rest beneath Thy feet, Where saints and angels live.° PRAYER May, that spirit be in, us that en. abled the saints of old to fight the • good fight of faith. May we grow daily in grace'ae we grow iri know- ledge of our God land Saviour. Amen. S. S. LESSON bi Olt -,FEB. 24t1, 182J Leeson Topic -Christian . Growth. Lesson Passage -John 1:40.42 ; Matt. 16:1548; John 21'15-19; . 2 1'eter 3:18. Golden t'ente.-2 Peter :3.118. John 1:40.42. Two of the disciples of John the Baptist turned from following hint to Jesus. One of thelri, Andrew, immee diately, a after an interview • with Jesus, went in search of has 'brother and brought him to 'Jiesus. Re was the first -fruits of Christ's disciples— small indeed_ was the beginning of: the Christian chureh but •it was the dawn of the day of greater things. 11Iatt. 16;15' t e We have . related iii these: verses a private conference which Christ had with his. dseiples concerning him- self. no inquived what .people were saying' about his identity- and was It was admitted that he %vas. 'bone great person but because of his mean- t ess o:f appearance, eo different from what they expected, they would not own him to be the Mosel ah... Ile then inquired what they, nee in- timate companlone, thought concern- ing hire. In the reply wbl' h Peter made • wo see haw far they bud ace- vaned in apprehension of their Mas. eters; mission;. from tho day he •collect them to follow him. "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." John 21:1549. The scribed and Pharisees who should have been the foremost to.glve. honor to Christ, were hie worst ene- mies. The children were in the tem- ple, perhaps paying there: The rul- ers had made it a market -place so it is quito probable the children had made it a play -ground. The. Jews' taught their ehildren to carry,; bran- ches at the leastof tabernacles, and to cry Hosanna but here taught of :God they cried "Hosanna to the Son of Davidl"' This displeased the chief priests and they told' Jesus so. 110 quoted what no doubt they knew by• heart, tbouglt they did 'not compre- hend its real meaning; atria then turn- ed and left .them. ' On the morrow, as he returned tel the city, he being hun- gry, went to a fig -tree to gather fides. 'Finding none he cursed it. "Let no fruit grow on thee heneefonward.for-. ever," ' Jesus tomes to manyprofes- sed. followers and finds: nothing but a nage; they bave the formof giant, ness but know nothing of the pourer of it.' He came to the Jews but he found them 'barren. They called o Abraham their father, but did not do the works :of • Abraham; they profes- sed to be expecting the.Messitali, but, when . he came, they did not receive hint. After' they crucified him saying let "His blood be upon us and his children" the nation withered away as did the fig -tree. His disciples and those out of the nation that received` iifin grew and ; lourished and great andstrange things cames. to. as tlg R p Jesus is indeed the Messiah, the Light of the World shining more and more unto the Perfect Day.' 2' Peter 3:18 "But grow in grace, end in the. knowledge : of our, Lord . and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him -be glory, both now and forever." Religion in general is often repre- true religion. .Religion is as suscept- jble of cultivation and of growth as any ether virtue of the soul: It Is 'feeble in its beginnings, like the blade of the plant and it increases as it is cultivated There is no piety .in the world which is not the result of cult'. %gation, and which eannot be.� measured by the degree of care. and attention bestowed upon. it. No one, becomes eminently pious, any more than one becomes eminently learned.. or rich,- who does not intend to. If these things are' so. then we may see the p1opriety'of the injunction to "grow in grace 'and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.' 'Then, too, there is no wish more deepv cherished in the hearts of Christians than that. honor and glory should be rendered to the Redeemer and nothing will enter more into their in heaven. Worship h av 31ISSIOt�T For Straight Legs For Baby—Give Scott's Emulsion T. S A . T * and Ilene O a t; Wig u Wr O flack Stablest Bo. Montreal Street jot off the Squame einallene SEVE*AL FIRST.CLA$S AUTOS READY FOR SERVICE—GET YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN YOU WANT -10 GET THERE 'Bones Meet *1{ Triltne and Passeeger•Boats. . Passengers gelled tor loony part of the town ter all train* tat a. T. R. or C. P. R, Depotat. . . Prompt Service and Careful Attendance; our Livery and Hoick Service watt be towed iii-to+dato to every r'erpectt, rte►dgMr Your Potreaaxie Solicited T. SWARTS flume 102 rr toil Street t USE HydroEtetric' THE PEOPLE'S STORE a Cook by • Electricity Web by Electricity tree by Electricity CONVENIENT, =AN, QUICK *mew tbiaw Cod or wood An electric Vacuum neatica removes the Aust; a broom just ,:naves the dust. WVe'::guarantee all If y d t 1 amps fa; 1,500 Iio911 t alk is and t_f,~ t1i:play at' The Hydro Store 5ented as grate, to 'grow in grace' i$ to increase in that whieh constitutes At Cluristnaa time we had a happy surprise when two little. friends -•- Sheila .and ,Michael—ehildren of a British Olfleer, arrived _-evitir their English nurse and to mysterious look- ing "medicine" bottle! "Why carry 40aa1s .to Newcastle?" However the contents of this special bottle turned out to be u "silver -copper" Tonic. The ehildren had been commissioned to bring the bottle to me to be open. ed. All through .previous months it haat received through a Slot at the top all that was given to it, now the time bad came for it to offer up its gifto. Great was 'the interest and the excite - anent as I removed with difficulty the glued sheet that sealed the bottom openinett .but at last amid clapping of heeds and great rejoicing there rain- ed out of the bottle, as 1 &hook it, o- ver rupees,- :matter silver coin and copper Ones, and even a note, making a total of Teepees sixteen, annas twelve. and'pies six, given ahem -fully • e hrist a donation the n is .t. a C i m O dol a ion to th led. nal work. Blessings on the ehildren. They too had learned the spirit of the little girl, who hod been given a shin- ing 50 cent piece by a font! relative. Ilithesto her. gifto had been :coppers usually given -for ehureh anal Sunday €ehool eolleetiona. The observing child (what child is not?) had noticed that the Sunday cchool eo1le tions use natty were niece up of coppru a. When aeked what the was goings to do with - her Oliver piece which had made her iso happy, the seirlir•1ailge happy an. swer Wag given: "I anu going to give it in at tnlnday c heel, as Ged ere telae oa^.ly copper', mod I rant; tsa _ make Him hippy" - Dr. Me/eller hi the !tail 1o,ieln. - Ohildro ar A FaORIALE b �r!!ti rl{ A "s , sappily employed? • Looking forward into the future, every woman should determine, tlrlit of all, that it shall not be (Mani, 'void of usefulness and of .interests, no; Merely marking time waiting for the end, nor even &pent in needless "paste tines!," whose only point is to while away, dolt hours. There is so nlueh need in the world, so many underpri- vialegeti people;,-soanany-imper£eetiona at our situations, calling for reforms; so many all and aged and unresilurCe- ful people needingto be cheered, en- tertained and possiblyaroused; that no women .shOnht feel that shefs no The +apron dress is something new. longer needed. or that life may no Ion- t. gerapron may be made of contrast - ger he useful and thrltlinie. :ng materiae ox' be the same as the Itesolite that this shalt ba one of l dress; it simulates the sieovelesa type C,gPYRa sea seeot ra,,ab, Berl crag ee3 tare rat brutied born the ta'i",e until ju et bei.'aie the dessert ec?lrrs,. They are Bien heroin eaI f'nasn coca place by a folded nein kin. onto a plate. i:l.ieEa is field Nae under the edge of the table. Xf)VF R THE CUT END A lemon, orange, or weer reit; vo- posccb to the Mr will tii^e its fine i:a;esh Stayer. To keep the out fruit, pre:.,: a piece of waxed paper firmly o%ee the co e ag :A.•it`t ratbhsi ; head Iet- ttiee, onion er eueumber will keep better if treated in the eain© way. Savo the break wYaFlaere, and keep them in a In convenfeet for such uees,• MY WWII "A littte health, a littre wealth, A little house and freedom, With some few friends for vermin. ends,, But little eauso to need 'etre" A 1UGlt ' , ' ; `epi i,ras Bob are just as ehar'ming as ever, but there are not eo Many o: there aVe are striving now for "sweet dig- nity.” • eceting, winch was F.e.d in the cill'e If Blearier Ag:icaaltural Relireeentan ice (', M. Meet:. lar. Clark was ap- eainted at nate-;L>le of a couu .tree to ,, nteri ie,v the resolution co.atritlee of 'Lo Ontas'sa Faire As ;aci at e:i at the i; Toronto racthlg to Frees the rc. olzt awn ifiat tlae peat nmol eaves intent �4_ 4;ant f ,:a earn fairs 1 increased from $S5,00e to $100.0ea, and Piet the i ;o Branco he inn: aged £rein $td,C©a 'e S1t,0fra %,a.e a it -mole -lure of .na rev cent, At their recedes in 1111 sai;tiry 'ae 1.0 I.,3 it was olio urged that Cie mart be inere ._cel Ent the tosttcr re } „caw," s "em band." c: ten a5 was be 'for tho officials in Toronto. `I;te Tor- 'onto or `onto meeting appeovcd the Looro for increased great%; it venulae to be ,peen if Cie Aeraeement %rill r eke then, lies #1>G a eultieral.. fetie f-Eale lateen, Logan and Ribbert townships, was unanimously elected represontee tivo of District No. 8 at the Toronto meeting and will till the position which Dr. Clark held laza year. Amar Doupe of Kirkton, seeretary- treasurer, wan re-elected to this posi- tion at the sante salary. In his lin- andel report he said that there was a • debit of $4,00, the receipts being *116 aniline expenditures $20, This debt in less then the one. of lant year. I Those present at the Stratford meeting were as follows: Dr. Clark, Goderieli;. Amos Doupe and Sohn Duncan: Eirkten; Jamen Wheaton and Caries Mullond, Thorndale; W. L. Clements and. J. ll. Longfield, Moseley; William. .. -Nutt, fThedford; Thomas Green and Allan McNeill, Mt. Brydges; Barry Stewart, St. Penis; Jacob Ealbtleieeh, South East - hope township; John Elgie, Thorn - dale; J. T.. Lethbridge, :Glencoe;.. K, Douglas, Ilderton; Jannes. Stephen,, St. Marys; W. A. Brock; Sarnia; W. IL Elliott, Exeter; John McClure, Day. • field; Thos. J. Earl, Mitchell; James. T. Malcolm, . Dublin;. Henry Lein - weber, lravistook: J. Wesley Beattie, T. Livingston, Robert Archibald, W. J. Meintosh, Richard A. Arbogast, A. Jamee Malcolm, Dublin, repreoent. your best years so far. Swing out into a bigger and more useful mew. !worn by little girls a generation ago. Daytime shoes are simple, one - Take stack of your abilities, of your • strap pumps with inoderatolg lose taaitt f 511 • your environment, an eeide upon a useful plan of action for your fu - s, o0 needs which appear in heels. Dresses are really growing longer I --like -the hair.—not merely in the fo- etal), plate, but on the street. For the evening, they may come to the ankles or longer. Femininity is the note of the new. The "boyish" le passe. The tittle girl, with the apron dress, In the day- time; and the princess in the evening seems to be thedecision of Dame Gundry, Lace is 'very fashionable, Ruffles :abound and sashes are replac- ing belts. But ornament is Held' in cheek and simplicity reigns, as al- ways, in the most chic dresses. ESCALLOPED CELERY Cook .one pint of 'chopped, celery in boiling -water until >.tender. . Pour over it a white sauce made with milk,. thiekened with • flour , and • seasoned with butter, salt and paprika, Beat two eggs, , add to them four table- spoons of grated cheese, and fold into the mixture. Ineke a half hour in a baking • dish set in a pan of -hot water; or bake until its sets, as a custard. WASHABLE GLOVES Washable- suedes and leathers are theWest thing in gloves. Gloves are being worn more commonly then formerly. Once they were a badge of aristocracy. Now everybody's do- ing it. Gloves not only protect the hands from the dementia and give x look of gentility: but they protect the hands from picking up all kinds of germs in public places. They help to keep the bands ,clean. But the gloves "must themselves be kept clean or they will soon beeome• unsightly and will impart • their soil to, the hands. Wash the gloves on your hands, us- ing plettiy of warm soap -snits, Rinse themwell and turn them wrong side ture. There is no need to make rt , too strenuous, ;.t first. As ^ you be- come deeper involved,the temptation will he to allow it tobecome constant- ly more strenuous. u will love. In earlier fife, your task and niche is cut out for you, but in later life, one may more nearly pick and choose.: Do not be ` afraid to apply . for . the task you would like to do or believe If you.I in adetluate for it Oat first, do not heel - tate to go to :thee proper plt}ee to get training which will lit you for". it. If it' is a wot'thy. and .needed work, and you believe you can do it well, do not be timid about asking reasonable pay for it, Sometimes a worker is under appreciated because he underesti- mates his own value, On the other` band, one usually, must begin a new labor "at the. bottom,"' taking a lower eompensation;until he gets the "hong of the ropes." Do not enter a, "blind alley.". Choore a 'work .whieh has a future, whieh will grow, and in which you may eventually."see'k"your levet" Politics; soeial work;' home man- agement, especially' in a group, as -in. oollege or for business people; buy- ing, shop keeping ---these ate oeoup:i- tions which require judgment and .may well be entered by the mature woman whose ' home cares leave her free to seokother field. SLENDERTNG• DOWN It's an i11 wind which :blows nobody good, and. even that gale of the tion which' lips swept the won had one .point in . its favor, women to reduce. Many yY p l hasld,.d It. he,ped fine found out to' their surprise that it c iuld be done, but cutting down on. eating. They found out to their delight, too, that they felt infinitely better • phyai- cally, and proud mentally to have lost a few pounds. If the eliding off of a few pounds makes one.feol so much more youthful and graceful, how gay one would be •if "down' to the desirable weight. .. Lent is a good time to hold one's appetite in rein. It is a time when one wants to let the spirit master the body, when to deny oneself is the spirit of the hour. Why not seize this opportunity, . not only to' out out meat and :other; luxuries, but to es- chew all hearty foods; to cat vege- tables and fruits;' whole grain and bran? Let your motto .be:-. Nothing hearty shall as my laps. Pick out for your menus foods which are bul- ky ,and laxative. If you stick to this for the next six weeks, you will enter sprin; 30 o s1 Y, 'minus "that tired feeling?' If you combine this diet with walot bonding exercises, you will 'become sylph -like attd ready to gambol with the lemb- kion when the fields: grow . green. And won't Amu love to join the Easter parade with that girlish silhouette Weide your new outfit ! BRUSHING CRUMBS' If several courser% are served at a 4.111 • out, washing the inside of the glove with' care. To preserve the glossy sheen,. add a teaspoonful of glycerine and a, little soap to the last rinse wa- ter. MRS. SOLOMON SAYS : Cold facts frequently bring hot de- nials, SMILES "How is your son making it in col- lege?" . ' "Heti not making it. I'm making it; he's spending it.": • "How did you find the .women ' in Paris?" '"You don't have to find them. They're out looking for you." ° • p'A1RS ASSOCIATION ASK INCREASED GRANTS Dr. Clark Attended. Meetings in .Str..aitr_d find Toronto Last Week,.... Dr. Clark ' secreta, •treasurer or the Goderich lair, attended themeet- .ing of bistriet No. 8 of the Fairs As - :iodation in s-soenationin Stratford Wednesday of last week mod the meeting of the On. tario Fairs Aosoeiation in Toronto on the following days, Feb. 7th and 8th: As ehairinan of Detroit No. tl he oc- cupied .the ellen. at the Stratford Ai' SURE RELIEF . FOR' . W TEN-DAY TREATMENT :.' FREE 1, Orange Lily ' is a 0 '4 eertgin relief forall disoralero of women. It is applied locally and is absorbed into the sufferin;, tissues, The dealt waste amt. ter in the congested region is 0 expelled, y •K.. ♦ , riving ivamedlute:nell- w.� - tett areal physical re. ref; the blood veeseln and nerves are toned and ttrenjitbef1ed, and the circulation in rendered to normal • as this treatment is based on strictly seientif c principles, and acts on the actual location of the disease, it cannot help but ado good all forms of female troubles, including delayed and painful n,4'u tfilna- tion, letaet>r1°Iaa.a't, falling, *4 the wanTh, t;rot%tt:o,, and ovarian troubles, etc. I'r ice V.00 per box, 1.7/44,11i ; t+tllnarieft few one Inolatit .4 treattaas-6:t. A fL'eo 'inial °i'n'eatta a nt, 4 utatnt13h fart' ilil -loyal, tvortk 7:si', or{all Ise nmol V ItEll to ::nh' t.,tli'ef''na women tin) gall enntl ine "her aa1tlee5e. i te•'tn " tBat°t'o7 et.angie and ad- tine tl: 1tit:a.'ls rliu W. Leda, Dpi. 11) 1,VusiadctN,, ()O a ou. 411 Sold By Leading Druggists Everywhere PAGE SEVEN . _.�. Pi E. hunter, William Malting, S. 'J. Monteith, George Kastner end James Stewart, all •o# Stratford. An important question to be discus- sed was the amalgamation of school fairs and the fairs held in the fall by the. various agricultural societies. 0. - M.. Meek; district agricultural repre- seetative, was asked to say a few words on the subject and Mr. Meek heartily endorsed the idea of the amalgamation of: rural school fairs and agricultural. fairs. He said that the; matte). was entirely up to the die - tett of the school and,the agricult- ural soieiety; Ile stressed the value of the , exhibits of children at fell fairs, Others also favored the meal- gaamattion of cul+al school fairs' and agricultural lairs. airs. Over 300 delegates were preeent at the, meeting in Toronto. Strict enforcement 'oe the reguia- tions prohibiting all` kinds of gamb� ling. acid "games s>t' chance devices which sometinigs find their. way. into the amusement centres of tifitario c ie 's byk �fairs,was promised J. Lo 1 .%sa rn edJ fall P Wilson, secretary of the -Ontario As- sociation of Pairs and Exhibitions, in his.address. Mr. Wilson warned fair directors to be on. their guard against such illegal games, and also against immoral shows, pointing out that any . fair aisoeiation or agricultural socie- ty ""perinittinir such illegal proceed- ing -5 'iclaim.t any Ings .hall for'fc. t all o ylege' is:'ative grant from the Province.' • Mr. Wilson, in his �addresaa, also re- marked en the excellence of the fairs which :were being organized in the new tee tio:ns of Northern Ontario. On account of weather conditions Last fall, he said, there were sixty-two so- eleties' which suticrect a toss on the operation . of their fair. Ile regarded the outstanding feature of 1028 to have been the greet care which had been observed in the staging of Eaten products, • 31 A. MacLean, of Rodney. Presi- dent of tite Association, in. hie ad• dress,, reviewed the progress of the year, declaring that he believed fall fairs had succeeded to a wonderful degree in fostering the steady level- opment of farm life in all its phases. Further condemrdhtion of the toles-, citing of gaming devieee at fairs was voiced at the dinner' !n the evening by Non. J. S. Martin, rind by Dr. George e President of t e Ontario S, Chtrlsti.s..__..._h -, Agricultural College, Mr, Martin etc-' plained that while criminal action could not be taken against hair com- mittees sanetioning gaming devices on their grounds, the provincial regu. Wiens provided that the Government i grants could be withheld from ouch i fairs. The speaker made particu:ar refer- ince to such gapes as wheela of for- tune, coin paper%, and the numerous gambling games which involved the use of dice, to all of which he declar- ed himcelf ab.,olutcly opposed. • Dr. Christie echoed bar. Martinis remarks and aehtimcntss in regard to the gainer of chance, and added that the educational features of the fairs were the once which ought to be em- phasized, rather than aide attractions of the sort under diocueefon. A. E. Culver, Sinwo°, is the new president of the }tilled Association, with 11, IT. Croeby, Markham, and D.. B. Gray, Ottawa, no vice-presidente. The hororaary presldente are lion. J, S. Martin and A. 3. Ir, Eckhardt, J. Loekie Wit€ ®til' vra.i rceeieeted were. tat y and editor, riled J. E. , Peart, Ilrimilton, treanuter. Di eetora of the 4'a:ioua diatricto are as foltowe: W. L, Malmo, Ilri- tetlnin Bay; J. Tierney, froekviflo; P. 9. Slade, Fenellh: 1Villiam Meth - ecu', Sunderie nd; W. 0, Legge, hien- moral Hill; W. S. Hudspeth, Cale- • aboniaa; W. A. Cockburn, Maimed ;• ; Jame,% P. Malcolm, Dakin; tceil Stone, Wheatley; tlei1 Calder, flop olein; I3:'S. J. Wilton, Burk'e Folio; A. Clielifour, Sturgeon I''alba; ?3. enter:te11, Providence flay, ;reed le. !NAM'. t•. Port As=thuts', B3<, eG nbc eIl ars a Dt.sdh i cl:ceni ' frac { the deetr:ns tion tiff c'srt to Al'athec' Geavea3' 131cr3 Eztcroaloatot' heo iooceel as 11;-`,n to reeking clieldeesa', 't;tecgedie,r. Ie redden) toile, with ALittlitTA IL C - More lasting best! No clinkers " • less sold Less trouble! Save money - ' It is our duty to acquaint you with the who one user TRITE facts about ALBERTA COM Found Out After f6tS $1It g51 from the actual, eV't!eriAlaices Alberta Cool. of thousands of homes ltt1. Ontario, and ttti,,40 tr,s. particularly throughout Western Canada Tlirre are "revel rcarc»n where extreme cold temperatures prevaiL nAy, t tel o tilbtrta Coot, tr. COAL prevaiL l rt+R an Qaat %rut. ALBERTA COAL. iltleq :11i'the advantages ,u*s to-,Qro tea. above; and, in addition,, rememb' 3 (rettang to•Know PAM , R 9 0 airs4 port, '1e fait diatu,uc, an,d elect listed ,,Aa,tic vuQ if vua,/art+rt tel t?c aw: r ain't haw Qi, that by using it you are helping to develop uori Rhe woo fur vis ecce one of Canada's'. great natural resources.• vi:el.,r /gig, you may. employ it with equal success T� cc ahae c:it LI,e q Isr:s i°i in .furnace, range or open grate. l.rra 1,tiriaa, X Aar(' ah"Cyc a f,t?T "1": .el,7ran»4t , lirgQ in ALBERTA COAL Ar gtara1tees complete t,lak�ethodnIft, heft Satisfaction. Delivered promptly to lerrpqnaarwnapvca your house by your dealer, who either hos 7'7aia a nay n 'oleo err Atex►aa C'cat an.f Dos rra:, it or can get it quickly for your. uca /Dia lett,,- in any tray iNotholh twat, t.irrs.) ft, t'ry r, Telephone Your Domer, Now COAL DEALERS, NOTE: Asir for List of Q. eratora supplying guaranteed ALBERTA COAL, and other particulars from TRADE COMMISSIONER'S BRANCH, Pnovrac a< Or ALBERTA 323 Brock Building, 200 Bay St., Toronto' et t7ntarlo: Telephone ADelaide,49ag. if aCOh1.`fttAT 15: tQRqWatt II Here an � .• cl he r e II . 001) ' More than •1.1,000.000 tout lsts vis- ited Ontario during 19:8 and,seent' about i100.000,000, arrording.to ttg- diares issued at 'aha 1'rov:n.efal Y.tr. Bement 13ullaling to Toronto. ,the other' day, . it' g le an inereitbn ot over 20 per eon. °ter the record made last year... • 1trculuetion of tothiero In lee6 totalled 40,970,275 l: etnd+ from 43,138 acres. Of the tateil output the Protium, of Ontario accounted for .32,=::5.85o poten&a r'om 32:05.4 acres: Quebec 8,54e,:::'., pelmets from 10.308 acres, and Hr.tlsh 001- unibla -104,2011 pos:nrk arum . 116 acres. Ethel t'ath.•rwood, who distin- gtatahed herself mean athlete rein Innent'an:,r,n aai the Ol)mpie • gaines in Amsterdam in August, ban been honoured by . the c'anadian Pacific Beltway, A station .on the recently ..Constructed ftosetown- Perdue itranell has been named t"t''atherwood," atter her. Twenty-five year ago 'Thomas Hubert, now employed as a bag gagernan on the tr, P. It, between Ottawa acid North Iltay, loot a valu- able sliver watch white working in a field near Pembroke. The other ilay a tlifterinn gbje('t Was turned by wateb, the a %Buses bream andbethe halide gone, but still retaining a brilliant lustre. The field had been ploughed' many tines e'nes it was loot. Toronto Is preparing to receive the largest number of prominent. baseball figures ever to be int'ain- ada at one jeune. The National Atnoelatlon of 1'rofessioiuil Bate - bail Leagues will meet there chore. ly and every baseball club In .America will be represented. Judge Landis mill be on .ltantl, and the total attendance in expected to amount to over five hundred, dole.. notes corning flow 'Dints a's fie ata Pueblo. • Tiers 'trainload of art1714l.4( mono that nem brought trots llol;y wood to belie Louise recently was hot required by John )3arryrwt'e. !n producing on Alpine movie story -to be i'eleaeed ohortiy. no plenty vie the real stuff was available at the elaclers. 'l'laln.poyiular actor, with t irinifta Horn and a raid of about sweaty -five persona, spent roma three weei:o at the thateau Lege Loan, r rising each mottling at four o'elot'k in order to reach their '.loeatlons" an Victoria and Caddie. back Glselers In titre to get Om Boot light effaces iia the 117osti5Gi1�: for heir ear:one "merits". When a young Couple from t'ai- vary deleted back to the atailon at Winnipeg tatninuteO atter the "Ing pertain had left tar, the eaaat,.Cane adiau Pacific officials werrre!vena tf a choke the otter qday el to-dloa teed otherwise eating foe a nlsle- tt %aril -raid• baby for two deed. cr heiding the train fon' tiditeence telntetee 0t Novel r 'ee %%pini. I iaeg %flew" the ICtIet°, tat:aei: to the' n : fief et the ptuteu and eowclrtcino *nee LIFO tit family ellen lt:o LP. to fined fereeuy Pailel ora et;a °'F.iew rate 4o epead f lee:e "u"e-t Itt $�7a Gly contliLy. 1 ALBERTA COAL' �ai,tl�t. Rosedale . . Star Champion from Drunheller's Dee est Seam. 1t DEALEItS: 11'iry, Col)ecti Your Orders to GREAT WEST COAL CO., WINNIPEG NU NA CANADIAN l BY TRAIN E ERVICE to TORONTO DAILY EX(,1:Pt SUNDAY Lve. Goderkla 0,20 tem. 2.20 pail. " Clinton 0.4.4 a.m. 2.50 pone " eaforth 0.59 .aant. 3.08 p.tlt. " 7.21 a.m. 2.35 pet. Arr, Stratford 7,15.a.m. 4,03 p.m. " Kitchener 8.40 n,ni, 5.'20 pen. Guelph (1.04 tua.nm.. 577..53030 pp..tt?.tat. Toronto 10.2:, Returning. Lerave 'Toronto 7.55 0.ur., . 12.55 p.ui. and 0.05 pan. Parlor Cafe Car Godcrieh to 'Tor unto en morning train, and Toronto to Goderich on 0.05 pan. train. No chain siof r v ca s. between God rich �ht o and `i'_oronto 9 _y° yr} Tenn Pawnor and t>ht ne"A : • Ticket Agent r ''Tl<IETIIER it bo a cut IP bruise, sprain, burn or Scald, !rani -link provides the handiest pard " surest tateans to quick, c perfect heallnp. It is front certain %alembic herbal extracts thetZan: Butt . a gets 1t* power to subtitle pain and Inflammation, its t;ernz- destroeine activity and fine akin -*;towing property. ppm -Yule is splendid tor : •• peilliendrs:frost lantana. ' ' " e: ' , bis, ete. Geta box to -day am Duk rer QUICK CLEAN t ° Ogg .$tea 1• �1�.