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The Goderich Star, 1929-02-14, Page 5
"hent DAY, gra tette titre Allthe poputar.. Cold and Influenza Remedies GALLAGHER'S PENSLgA^R� T CI=I ASE''S WOODS' N ADR VTCO WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER OIL ITRE AND FLAVORED VITAMIN TESTED COD LIVER OIL S 1UIFt;'S AND AYI:RST'S • COLI)' AND GRIP .TABLETS T� J 1 I4E. UP A COLD IN ITS EARLY STAGES THE GODERICH STAR 1 • . MUNICIPAL. COItNC`ll.S' '" Tee lebeeel pap,lit whi.h *le as 1 Herea�ndThelre .,�.r dcna;iin.inir the anaaca`caata,c Celllor';.e•'e. wa.ri! lraitty foe, gnat of the t'atall,,hnat:+i of i'ouncal met in the atrtaituori uZ the Torei.tea Ateoci,ai vn tnis'ht tutu ' ! Iiab.-12theeelth all lovillbee* Paent- droll Abe ana tt tittaw i Atxha• tinct -of- o,. liiinutea of ;gore meeting were ren;; lir ail !frog Dom 1a Ialsturs, ata I. custom! inemitiget.on ,t cane to band with one cerrP. t on7 viz., in re- alrytsnr 6s. baoarA *rtiiug foto light that ri;au runners and li;iza.;r in. Egard to the appoanti (4 w road sup: tarn e the waleie ur Korahen 3lino. 1. 'tet had been geneteue ceretibiit' 1- tau foam : Qis� p lmuerte uter s �inteildetak "t# yi3s.ri;p:eat be W, I:. ,:, i ,f,..,, erre_ d S?i3,.t�..tR3�.d..i't�ra'! 1&1-1.4e ,. Young send seconded by '►Vi, Thant! Portage for thocket eftticweat reo ',hero is nothing on ruorcl to/show :that the appointing of it road super- easily, taking Del Sy/gla e, veteran i that Rt. Hoe. Meekenzie King Leek a intendant he left over till after the • treat; whoa) *int was to beat coil beta starai like Mr. FerlTusM eon' !auditoria report was i<eceived."--[ar_, eaiarprtltars who tai►., a monthtlr domedsuelr gifts and cicclara,i hip • ried, With this t'ur°reatioai the min, travel by .,log teatu •,tarty stoold not accent cvltt ibutinnie uteri were adopted, on motion of :F'. During 1928 between a7GCit and 'tr`�m glen suurcea. Wilson *nil 'Wm, Teorai. 'Ther *nota- e.76a) prince 1•4ward Island foxes • saute of the enolate vibe ;ire 1114wr ore report was thea a•e<.eived and o f • . have ..been *Wiped abroad. nn tee ' holdinag up thein hands in hely berms Motion of W. L Young and A. Fisher , crease Over the 44i;0 shipped the heeause of the stupidity of a group in accepted and orders drawn for then preceding year. Thesae have been ! Toronto, who do not represent the payinent of the auditoxs> The report • bandied andi Y, without it euttt o rnelellp of w ;tarty as a whole., sand have .,heady* 1 is ars follows: Tares on roll, $28,- ' been repudiated, !rave been curiously 1207.701 collected,. "e20,740.80t, to coI- sober faxesr have been ehippe(I to Aka aivcr the Kim tZovc'rsinlCxdt's 'deet, 111,547.90; total payments, 8, Nartray. Sweden. •ficcatland. Car« : tolerance ee raYneeenaliiig. 1 i;74:Mi; aeceipts, ;y'd,84iJ.?G; dcflcit, many. ra`a:celau Slovakia.,. Bavaria. Finland. 1•'rana't", Itolkind, Switser. Part Vietse Than 1"seless if Preperx- 383i.45; baianee, 5714:4x. Aw;sets. ,,land aznd dap :n el. P. R. debentures, i1P00• (two years- tion, for 1Var 1'.nditninlsfied to run); uncollected taxes, ,ZUxt.90 ' • rorty -two years of service with) .,,. ...,..w:_.. .,. . ...w."...., c...-reitti ,,e.... township hall, *1200: shed; $30; tem- the Canadian Pacific .Railway with. : ' Century) etcry, $tri* '•seeks.- $300, Auditor out having broken any of the eerie- I inn thrilled by tine news that the a Young expressed himself pleased with mark �Sru1e t Or is tliecaUn4 d a Antcri an Senate has ratified the a township balance ai' $,!orfs► but re- record field by Arthur W. Savaiie. Beateact with only ono disetntient commended that more value itr road engineer. who has lust retired on vote. My mind goes back to those work be obtained for the money ex- . Poulton. lton. Mr. Savant. who is well great meetings in the United States evaded. Mrs. as Horton, of (*odea known throwelaout the .,astern . during October and November in ' .rich, requested a tree removed front Tawnsliips, fired the train that laid which 1 was privileged to take part. her lot in the cemetery; this was re- the first steel on the lute between„ 1 felicitate the many friends of peace ferret! to the eeineterycommittee, __Sherbrooke and Farnham. in :America whom I came at that tune a which consists' of Reeve Trill Mr. _ " """" " "" to know better and to admire- yet Aaron Fisher end Mr. Jas', Adams, on Th old I'n lioh 'ul tide Festival hid ib E 2I#t Campbell's LrugStore Phone 90 - Godericb WEEKLY PAPER MEN MEED IN TORONTO Inspect tate Wonderful New SuilalirrS • cit The forma -Hine :star 0 ' g e 'e' mare. I rejoice that l:'restdcnt. Coo- e recently atthe Empress 110tel g s the honor of seeing this VY" g i in "Vlctoxie it a proved to be one booklet whiebeThe Star leas issu:d. motion of L Young' and F•Wil- Mtge sane. 11!x. W W, Fisher having refus- or the most moliular events of laet unique thing accomplished before the Sortie idea Of the atiiount of Paper ed the office of poundkeeper Mr. T. ear. Carats steal yuletide music 'close of Ina period of high sorties,. I used in.printing The Star is gathered Lamb •was appointed in his place. were. rendered, . tbe ancient "Claes- 1 ton not ur.'avr we of the eynielem Pram the statement that tin an aver 'nee lee. was instiuetelx tea write far ter elseteries'".starved, 04 Dickens' with •regard to the pact which is not age ;4 "lau,;(l14 ivaW ✓' .,p„G�"'''' ln'ftlrtnation re "'v -11 PAGE irlvs '" Mr. and Mrs. Naftel of ave State, -were in Termite last F'ridaae ante Sat- } urday, Mr. Naftel attendieg the semi -I Annual meeting of the recently -forme' ed. Ontario-Quebee division of the veer! avow' for gee "tails; '!l�xrdle'-#'3asfstratee aerty� dt,,eatt ft out Amerieiteredeis-tteriasps- comes into the Star building every. ducr•d. T d'ay, straying weeds by spraying. The was a be £estival cul- even more prevalent in older coons minated in a ball at width raomay cleat was instructed, to send the pro, seven hundred.petsans attended. IL' tries. 1 reluember that. Mussolini stew The News is concentrated In the per forms to sehocl attenl,ance o;i,- is believed that plans are already scribed the pact as "sublime, even fourth 11 • T this n lead t' f thl t t It d a l d I at our ger. o is tax ea the ter or'anon *_repot" s o no . beet made for to larger and better trtansecndante l," an er are t r press wires, the feel phones, Mie `cables Maven_ by l . itifison, seconded by A, celebration next year, riga while Tta1y..we:Ik it and even from overse as to his fluor also tome Fisher, .that the. resolution Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asses ciatiOn. The -sessions were held 'in the Prince George .Hotel and the var.. loos subjeets taken up:were of much interest, A feature of the meeting was the inspection of the new - Toronto Star. plant, o.,: s eei'al invitation hawinf; een' extended by Mr.. Atkinson of 'The Star. to theetew:spager mecc and any members. of their families who !night be_with them: This took place at the noon -tinge recess •and, after: being received by Mr. and Mrs. Ate kinsan, the visitors were taken to the library, where buret luncheon vitas served, and afterwards the- visttorti were conducted through the'building in parties . of twenty, each with e ,guide. As the Star had only moven' over to the new premises the prey:ous Monday there were pats of the new 'equipment still m course of !erection and elevators to the tower and"the radio roan were not in tfs+1 but the weekly paper men had an interesting Use, time • inspecting the yat' ous otlleos and work rooms, the presses consist Jug of twenty-eight units arranged in two lines and capable of dating. up *aper Alt the. rate: of seven miles a minute, the, engraving room Where a • photogeeph di a/drawng is reproduce ed iia an "engraving ready for' use ht. twenty ttaiittes, the advertising .end editorial offices, ate. , "The Sear building • has its own 'hy- dro -electric,. power substation ,ani its own ' private branch telephone . ex. change, ;'Power is regitued.:not mere- • ly to light the 28'stales.'of the -net:- skscraper, or to run its four different, hinds of elevators, . • There • are trot ses that fire dot Stars .at the tuerelt- ilsle..rate of 180.000 an hour, "fifty Stars it second, hoists to' handle one - ton rads af' 'nervapranv, baths to translate invisible rainstorms of copy per front raw lump's of .Metal on to huge steel cylinders that print . the Picture sections of the Weekly. • So the raw Niagara.juice, at 2,200 volts, enters the transformer vaults- deep below King street, to the great rotary converters.- One hank converts the o 5s ,volts for pow- er, volts down t 0 0 ly er, another to 220-110' volts for light- ing and Tor the numerous small root. ors throughout the plant, another hank feeds raw power into great rot- ary converters that tante the power into direct current for the use of the mighty presses. There are 320 sep- arate end distinct motors' in the Star phot from tiny one -rabbit power mo. tore to huge 700 h; p. motors, and the connected load is 2.101 h. p., more than a division of eavaley, nearly_. four times the horsepower that was used in the Charge of the Light Bri- gade,' as it is put in the souvenir Model Theatre IVIiLif OF P811. 18 to 23 MONDAY and TUESDAY COLLEEN MOO1U the popular favorite in a popular pic- ture. A story of a good little girl who tried hard 'to be bad but wasn't so good. When she was good she was bad but when she was bad she was "00 KAY" ee the new _• 'COLLEGIANS" : sent out other similar eovenaints Yf ;;risked.. yet the truck loads of mail -sacks full of by the Prohibition Union re the ex- A change in #elephone numbers other wets arm1 a' for war and Italy pictues,•featul.`es; her© are the news porting of liquor to United States he has Brawn attention to the train also would intra stetter pieparatians, room, the sporting room, financial, approved and signed by reeve . and inq'ttiry office inthegreat 'iVindsaa i l:norc that so r there is no preparations. - social and other news offices.. • cleric on behalf of the council and foe. Street Station .o. the Canadian Tb tion .,anywhere. th ' faith; in the pact warded •to the federal 1e iglatuip-- oiric lhuilwave in etoe:0reai, Tee 1n a raatka•all their own, tended an- girls who Tars on dots there handle will'lie shown measure of ditto- in by an omce boy, dwell the printer Carried, On motion of W. L,} Yaun each an an average of 20o calls tax =intent. • I am quite Of the opinion machines, :one of the wonders Of the and \'4 m. Thom the collectors time hour, and as many as 300 an hour that "the pact will be vvoase use. age. Out of these machines, which was extended one month. On motion during . rush .times. They carry less if After its ratification thanapare- are a combination .bination of typewriter and of A. Fisher and W. L. Young Ir. A. most or the information in their trans A wax proceed without dimin- telegraph instrument-, comes'tele- Naekalds,was re -appointed as weigh heads and seldom have to refer to M Gaev • are• asked ishitaent. Everything will depend up - grams and news despatches --ticked mastera t c on the same terms a time -table. They notal questions sometimes.. 12e. on the mental attitude which .. will off by an operator in New York or as bast year, except that rent be paid cfanity someone asked "when do('s • ' chitty acterizo the nations. Laws have Chicago or any other sending centre -and • being' actually typewritten, without the interyention of a eeceiv,• , ing operator, simultaneously in ,many newspaper.. „offices throughout .the continent. Tn another room are the Star's'own corps of telegraph operators taking the news the leased wires from all over the world. The -greatest room of all is. the news room where' at tbe universal disk sit the news eater,. city editor and wire editor, with their assistants, faced by a company of ropy -handlers who take the news at is handed in by the reporters• and telegraphers,: edit it, trite it and put headings on it and send it by •autainaitie tubes "to ' the composing room: 'The whole news organization is grouped around this huge composing room on the fourth floor, x 'room 180 by 119 feet, .where the news is set up in• type, locked into forms represent -,take in. 1928,;58 65, Judge.Lewis„ for sieving first tt ran ba kip., ing the pages of the Star and model« __.necks of the ,national and provincial I nest dangerous subverters of what. attenatxisC Court 6f Appeal in conncc- leaders. The foolish stattements of i. led by a' stereotyping process on to tion with Alin drain,' $9. 80; ler. Mur- Toronto . The lotions are quoted .ever ¢ivilfzatian we have.. They are hard matrix paper, from• which, after p° really asserting its bankruptcy. play. bill ordered paid,by.county judge' all over Canada as• if they were the W� ought now eta begin a most the matrices are shot down to the for Colborne's•"share of division court considered opinion of Conservative i f ell press'room through ' a chutta .heavy costs unpaid from last; year. ` $4it, leaders and the views aif t)ntario Con- tensive campaign of education. >Toth - solid lead models of the pages are Dungannon bank, for collections of sera�attves. Tho recent asinine lac• i tog is more dangerous than to get a moulded. to bo locked on: the presses. 12 . !fait notices, 60c,; Colborne Tele- tion of the Taranto Conservative As- !maw upon the statute.book which is Hundreds : of thousantls of words a phone System. loan of $600 lest: Enter- sociu:-ion in making a cols fol Finan- ii ahead of existing institutions and os d'ay, set into hundreds of tnousaticls of est for live months at 6 per cent, tial• hal all over the apposes province, induct- 1 dinaty thinking, .and suppose that it pieces of type, all niode.le•1 and '$585: John Young and flume Clut- ing liquor interests, shows bow out of !,Pill somehow automatically fulfill it. - et moulded into solid plates to alt rite ton, CO each auditing tawnsh!, 'woes. eta they ate 'wit;•► the thought and srlf'. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY WALLACE DEEIW and RAY IIATTON I the screen's greatest cotncdy team, • otherwise known as "Entnosc and ,quirt," will give you guffaws a=plen- ty; as et toupki of psuedo4brravc .,nen in tho wooly and tough west • "THE DIG KILLING" LUPE10 LANE in • "7 1I r DAYS"iS" in June • and December The road', the afternoon egn,^ and tiro oral finally toelle avritte m, goat upon par___ superintendent's payment vouchers poser turned up. "What tino doestent, but upon+ "the fleshy tables of 'were examined and found correct and the four o?cloelr train !tate: , the Beat'" reeve and ` treasurer 'instructed to. Yet not one shall deprive me of nay sign the sane. On motion of P. Wil- Dr. 1 necbtel, a farmer residing fright to rejoice. At the fiery least, son and M'o'm. Thom the membership .'about four miles .east of .Souris. 1 i :Manitoba, figs about . ,000 bushels ache saber conviction of this genera. fee of the Municipal Association was tion is. about to be registered, The ordered paid. The appointing of.the of leeward wheat which he is gotng road superintendent was discussed to ship out all over Western Gans governments: of the world are likely oda `in two-bushal lois, as -soon as : to follow the American lead. It will end. Mr, Wm Thom moved that G, F. , . the list ofaddresses arrives from go down . into history that the war - Bean be. appointed. Mi, A Fisher Ottawa• -•#or the project is under the sobered nations of the early twentieth . an amendment that Albert supervision of the Dominion Gov- century recognized that vvyr ought to Good be appointed --no seconder to ernment As is pretty generally b utlaw d If the resent cavtli to the amendment.)' �. L, young see- known*, Reward wheat xuature,, e o e. p Petr e, tided the motion" the . motion : was about .a week earlier than beetarquiawn 1 tion should go down in welter e of d °stroctiveness, at least it will have left voted on arid as none voted in 'GPPosi- and, for this reason, can .;town + tnrther norther ' Thts early^ ripening a: Suicide's letter behind It zor. the ad - tion, the motion was declared earned; The..following. b' is a •e aid: Gode- • mkan°: roughly, that A nevi strip of aaionighmrnt of the fnture. It might it were pcountry,1l by 11000;Mtles, is made be that a wiser age would stagger, rich Planing Mill, lumber, centent.and available fear wheat teeming- ' back to the position which we had lime for repairs to township hall, i surrendered with a final gesture . of. $7:80; Ii. M. Young, for election ex- WHAT OT nb • mail peroses, $48; G. J. Hetherington, reg- What About Mr. King'; 1futility. istilation fees, $7.25, express on sup That is to put it at the very worst. P , {London Free Press) plies, 65.c Belt McCreath, a 'bill paidThe.Flee Press more than ante has In the preeent hour I would regard by himeon local imereeement work stated that the Conservative party of !thew who consent to the pact with - and un aid from that fund by osis- out intonding.to have it kept, or ee. p •Toronto •is fa millstone 'around the... . t Owingto limited space��,on the grow #'ot-woe have `decided to sheet; our Curtain Nets Silk Drapes Chintz and., Cretonnes "ongoieem Rags Wilton Rugs Axminister Rugs, etc, in the bright and Targe show rooms over the store. We believe this will make it much easier for our custarners, as we will havethesegoods displayed to, touch better advantage. b On FRIDAY and SATURDAY we are halving a special display of HOUSE FURNISHINGS and would be leased to have you drop in and see the via iaveivo-J. F. E.. HIBBERT Phone 136 'EJZE CASA STORE 1.11101 r10111111110.10101 SCROIL. REPORTS 8. 8. No.. 1, Goderich The following is the report of S. S. No. 1, Goderieh, for the nionth of January. Honors 75r., pass 60ei, Sr. WV. -Marian Lamprey, 76; Orville Otte, 75. Jr. IV. -.i Brett Craddock, 67: Sr. III. ---Mervin Elliott, ,06; Are thur Wicks, 02. Sr. II, ---Gladys Fate rant, 78; Ada Tarrant, ^r4. Jr. 11.•- •Valeir Chaddock, 71; Jean Elliot, 61. Sr. L ---Mattel Moore. 00; Frances El- liot, 67. Sr. I?r,-«-Graee Beattie. Jr. Pre -Pearl Farrant, Billie Burns. I. L.OWEII."k, • Teacher. press :cylinders so that evert letter. Next meeting will be held;Mareh 12th P sentiment .af the Conservative' party le retched trent ,Astlrnta,-Strength every fine line of each pictitt e, conies at 2 p.m. - of the province as a whole. as ,veil as of body and vigor of mind :are inevit- out sharp and•tine. •G. J. 11ETIi1:RINGTON, public sentiment. Zion. Howard Fer- ably impaired by the visitations of There are thirty malas of pipes of Clerk. guson voiced the feeling of the party asthma, Who can live • under the all rinds built into the walls of the %avayer: "Can.you tell me if the m his denunciation of the Action of cloud of recurring attacks and keep Star building from steam pipes and defendant was expensivelyPartied" the Toronto As sociation and to mal - messa e tubes to ink pipesandliquid body and mind'at their hrix full efficiency?H Redder ,�hy to you wear meats innatetca that the Pa LYas op1os d )r. J, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy "In memory of my 'first wife.' dissipatesthe eland by removing the handsom uppoand is one of the soap pipes. The building presents a to acceptance of funds from such sources. Mr. Ferguson, by his vigor- cause. It deo relieve. It does re. most up.to-date in the continent. ous letter to the Toronto Association, ,store the sufferer to normal .bodily In the evening the members of the Pow people ever need glasses to has placed bemeele in on unassailable trine and mental happiness, press' attended u banquet at the enable them to see your duty. Arts and tetters Club, when addres. position. •ses were given by Die George Rise • • Steel Carso' it 'for ;Freight Sery cue Locke,eltief librarian of tile Toronto public libraries, and by Mr. Rupert Davies, a former president of the C. • W. N. A., who is now the proprietor of the Kingston Daily Whig. Dr Locke gave a most interesting -ad- .dress and was not above mentioning the time when he and Mr. Dave Wil. liana the president of the O•ntario- auebee division of the C. VV..N. ,A., worked together in elle .Collingwood Bulletin in young boyhood, and :mfr. Davies' address was equally interest- ing. ' Mr. Roy Sales ueatleeempressed the thanks .of the gathering to aali 'from whom courtesies were received. PEOPLE WE KNOW Miss Dorothy Down, of Detroit, is visiting at her home here. Miss Reid, of Hamilton, is a guest at the home of Mrs. Peter MacEwan, Mr. linea Pritchard, of 'Toronto, spent the week -end with friends in town. XMXlss Millar has returned to Toro:,- to after visiting at. the hoarse' of Mr, 1 and Mrs. C. A. Reid. Messrs. .1. '1'. Tell and George Leithwnite left Wednesday moyning i to zattend the annual meeting of 'hor- 1 ticultural ""Societies in Toronto. a Mr'. Eniinereon Elliott, of Detroit, Mich., bus returned to herr home after . ran cst.cnded visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. b ytaaosds, of ;, Miro. W. 3. Dillon, of Toronto, and i• Mrs. Thos. Dillon, of Elmira, left on ..> their refloat home nff.i ii `1'uesdaa T on 1 5 visit with their sister, Mrs. John • Spear, F1elson etr-ert. Toronto (ilnbe: Mrs. Peter Mo- f learleta e, et. tkorge stitet, ant:wir:'er) 1 the angagenlent of lane niece, Edna . Jnretto elel�aalarae, to Percy i%na-y z' rel $ �?. ,t' hitt errata c ..i Ir.:t. c, , alsF , , 0 men of Mi•. air d Mr. -3, 4', W. Teton, e,f Winder. tLf mauriege to tate Ifla,.c`1 b I::aster Monday. FRIDAY and SATURDAY BOB STEFM the human 641 11840 fn on,uthea' of lain dynamic a!'tielr pik tume itpreele. thtille and ro mn r an cormbhned 6a *In TW%1l ttaF CO?sRA(E" p,, a M iHL Sf' Y 'K tt in "Mft+'KF><''f:1's• ;Ayr' moollet fiat. it toot ta.ia•A Seitfoid. a '14 tai j .w_ s teal i� replacing wood in freight service arca a=everltga five hundred of the new freight ears now on order for the, Canadian Pacific will set a new standard in grain and general freight service. Thcs4 cars aro not in replaaeernent but In addition to the wood earn already toa"c and will furnish a greater margin of cafety, naor.• ahead carr;; longer service while elia�in- aatstupr leakage. hcy will hav a a capacity acity of 0,000 hnsltela of c.,lacat end IA! c ©tip, :. iU^,y opted up tlio s")ovetaa, rat of paean, Illeettiase of all joists rind coricx,t.ons twill rcdcre to. a ec ani:anal y s sibiliity ,df 14qo of pr"aiin and the, car itr^lf will ice iN"are motel and will reg s gieate tr r litlitF,. `I1.' nJ;Of of 41x.^ lar vial hs' Keel as Non mi63 tho *;thine stfiu:tat-.o, tat if:c; antes t:l r 1 h1 weed ;!ties; Jb ditien.4 'pre'y r'1l F + tiaiavol t by a taevr tT, ao or tr'u :k hav a g ri ca?7. ettel rc as".e. These trash te_o tortes which- r~epr�..teat a icw ttar.dard vi Cana - d'art Pacific' cenipment, ani one integral Elimination of parts in the ear proper b another noteworthy feature. Dimensions of ilio car are 40 feet 3 inchl'e in letagtla, 8 feet 7 inehra hien, and 8 feet. 'u Ireete Miele. They will have a foot. Nide doors and a capacity of 1y0,600 pounds. "Tho now ears Yepir,^,.'.ntan important advance in railway freight tratl.lpo.tation on this eontiitwcit and they have bcsn,(ka.eloped mem dirc'c•tly to Inop pati" with teas eevelepr:cst of the Sent, In recent years crop acreage has increased. Car loadings have iracrcaced tai alike i.,earut°e'. IItnp>r'Goae6 lini,;ectisg aaaPtaioaer'•y hasl rixalcrl u delice,ry to thy rails and not cesitatcct a 61 iii iCc, rffftoieat iiasadlit:g an the pact af tho railway Delivery. of tt:o tl0t7 earn u1ti to !'tido!^ in 1.1r4V7.n a timef',r the ia?�°ec C v4 4:1.0 tad eC � (,at:a�leatr 1 a,a4ae may he (•sae t. i to again !creak tb;;e aactfad of twee ! andlisg. 1 The natally Phystcinn.'The goof; darter is :always worth tats fee. But itis not always possible to get a doe- for just when you. want his!!, In such 'mewl common pelt.e suggests the use. of reliable home remedies, sueit :atl 1)r. Thomas" Itelectric• Oil, wiaicli; 3s wonderfully etreetive • in easing in• • alaamnautory onion and healing eats,' seratehes, braises and spt ut% 'Thos: presence of this,relnetly in the ttUuiiy • medicine ebest saves many as fro. "I asked her' to kiss - me, without avail." "I don't lie kissing through those - things either." . CALVINCUTT'SSIORESEWS Corn Syrup, 54. Tin..... , . " ,... • .. erre , . • . 33c Lily White Syrup, 5.1b. Tin, , , :. . ; . , , ..:. 39c Apricots, per lb.:. , . , erre: .. , . . . , .. . 23c Prunes,per lb......: ; ..20c,.15c, 1214, and 3 for 29c p White Beans, 3 lbs. for..: .. •... .•. , .29c 44b, tin Shirriff's Marmalade,. erre , :. ... ...$3c Large Jar Shirriff's Marmalade. , : ; , ', . , . 39c 3 -Lb. Carton Pyre Lard , . , ... .. erre ... , 5.1c 3 -lb. Pail .E.asifirst... , . , ...: ,� - 55c Fry's Cocoa, 1/2: lb.. Tit►:: , . ,erre .: ,24c 6 Shirr if's Jely and Salad Plate..:... ..:48c Dry Codfish with skin on, per lb.... , : ..... 19c iF'resh Frozen Salmon, sliced,, N22c;; in piece1 9c Cooking Apples, peck.:.., .: .Rea , 21c McIntosh Red Apples, peck .:..:... , .: 4'c Spy Apples, per peck. .:....... . .35c J. PHONE ,116 CALVIN CUTT KINGSTON STREET 1 FOR Service and Quality TRY SPARR'S GROCERY The Store of Satisfaction HAMILTON ST., GODERICH Phone 146 We Deliver in Town ..�. v r:i:'1 CLUBBING ? he Goderich Star's LIST 0 . •=-cn' 'I'lle Star and Landon Pree.I'rc ss 130.50 The Star and The Landon Advertiserae.50 The Star and The Toronto Globe....... ... 4.501 The Star and The, Mail and Empire." 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