HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-14, Page 4t I • !rsee......teeneseeeeneneene'en=rease _nese'. a. "..' . "-• e- 4 ."- FACE FOUR • #11#0010#E --X. Extra Special Values on dance oF oar Ladies' Winter Coats and MEN'S and BOYS' OVERCOATS Our big annual Mid.Winter Stock Reducing Sale has been a good success and we thank the people of Goderich . fortheitronage« The Sale continues until Saturday night with Specia-1 Va. la' es in p. 'reicticallY- all tines Of Merchaitilise. • A.CORNFIELD "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP" WEST SIDE OF SQUAUE PHONE 4 THE GODERICH • 'TAR TIII3RSPAY„ 1E.13, 1411, 192e .am•••••••••••••••••• 4Everyone Past 40 I I . Amelecan &teal will be. kept. Z5 et:7W' r i. le.tion. lie Ontario. - Should. Make-This-Testi-AlugaaanaTit7-lie...Jerere: Atsje. hes i LAlithe e well,knovnTC.,.:.• otwh • .___. r been intredeeed by Atteiney General fl Sap Vital Voice reiggestion of Supreme -Court jeslesesa. arid Cold ..R-emedies, i From Middte.Age Aliments Viet . eage lt for jurors from 60 to 65 " • leer Aarening amid tasting Relief ;Piece. The ineesure will extend the 1 , -- -- aesCinieetintiy"--Annaiiftwat- int - . ectetnernainiroiliefeetefelfeweeethee ---------' ' • ''''' ' '• -----aname- -• ' .. -.-',•-',,. .. , .:-.'.#4.--,--..,•„._ .,. ,..:, .....‘.,_,..„....„,:, .#,,,„_,...,. 41KO /wiener need folks neav or past „an improvement of the et SE10$ °arcs etc. .1.elie feel that the prepoeal cement:Idyl . ditione I.reught on by overweeked. Additional cafeguards for no KO.. k. , 'always in stock at the Rexall . - 4 - the prime of life put up with tho2e ?eial syetera. painful end often orbarraeseig eerie - .„...... through greiree seanty nut frequent ;mod te the Election Act inn:Wend Drug St .ore . 'sluggish w.dueys or Bladder Weak- Ivey of the ballot and the lesennir,g of nese with their distressing syreeto:as ,the expense to the people of Otatmeka of Larnereee, Pain in baek and d'iwll "are the chief feeturee of the amend- !test of Dr. Seuteavorties URATABS ',attach was appointed by the govern- We carry a complete stock of 111 Patent end burning urination, "Gettingsup- by the Government. The legislation ' Nighte " Nervoue Irritatility aud, is bated on the recommendations of • the video of this special treaement ithe view of ascerthining what he- Medicines, Drug Sundries, lack a force-bet:muse a ten days' tbe Magee-Ieriagins Commission for their particular ease. ',revelments could be made in the ex- Tobaccos and Cigars • twill convince the most f3keptical of fluent to study tire election law with ' Amazing teSiktrrOlay of Physiciana intim; legislation. With an eye to • Wary Tract. A multitude of alarm. the cities. perticul•arlye there are far inflamed or Initiated Mulder and Welling places it being eonteeded that, in H.•C•DUNLOP hni B . • ,P . • . end were give a convincing peed of ,econonne when Poseible without a doe • the poor of ITRATABS to restore lereaee in efficiency, the Government • Health 41ua Strength to a weakenedelmeasure reduces the number of pot.. • nig eyneptems seem' to quickly fusee- ,too many polling places, !The emend. BEDFORD. BI.00K PHONE No, 1 THE REXALL DWG STORE GODERICH zli genuine. improvement often Within till ballots and ballot paper. In nut- 4,,wesi sir three dears. «NQ more Backe lure all ballot ewer will bear a secret • iaches • no more, pain In. -mein einfis ..- tmerkeend win be enhjeet to c tree _ year -and you see and feel truly 'Mort also provides adequate ehecle on $ # rassment or Getting -up -nights. vow "serutiny by all persone handling it. sleep eoundly, and get up in the The bin has already received first 'morning full of "yep," thanks to rending. ,DRATA13$19 . Willie nevi t� the general' Public, With boelmetrY • responding, to the the wondrous -value of URATABS has eteeeal four funds for the purpose of been thoroughly proven by neeely 4Q• assieting the government in estehe Years or soecesstaLusg lathe private fishing a Research Foundation in On - practice Of 'Dr. IL • C. Southworth. torio, :Premier Ferguson has intimat.- Ana errev, any good dtmggist ed that 0110-. of the Ant steps of the ply thou 011 it")uorantee ef satisfac- Fountfetion NAB. he to turn its ettene tion Or rnOney bade Try IIRATABS tiort to the needs of agriculture. At receiving wide assistance rem le government the Premier stated that out of $30,000,000 revenue, after sta- • tutovycommitments had been taken care of $13,000,000 had been repent in improving agriculture in the pro - vines. Considerable time was devoted by the Premier in treeing the expansion of educational facilities.• the. pointed! Out th/at the government was now rowel • " • ' ' ' 10noW- lug for December: Books issued, adult 1033, juvenile, 574 total 2104, Cards, e4.75;,. firms, $8.96; reserves, .$1.35; magazines, $1.80; total, $16.86. During January' there Were 2121 • books issued (1685 adult and t36 juv- enile). Cards, $0.75; lines, re- serves, 460; magazines, 42.35; total Ape • 4 receipts $16.78. 1 • • today, the Prenent session of the LegislatureADVERTISE IN THE STAR . •ditional $100.000-forethis. purpose. ad_ rperaoeviphinceg tthbreoueg•ehmotthere sayieetwitotine.m ofthebel , , William 'Thomsen *3 (9)- ...wee. emelt the foundation into being «..........-..__ a,,,,,„_,...„ ' • ..- ', thelIourie wiffhe ankid to vote an ttearavebeillnigngoetehtto col Ecanegsli;sehorzuoangdeea. tee° . Below 55%, everane t •„„ , Legislation passed last year whieli _courses and night schools eor the Dunn MeltaY *4 (5) 40** provided for a contribution of $1,000,- -foreign citizens of the province,' 1791111 Wee -Class Average 65.4% 000 by the government and a shnilat• onliese night schools are leaking Teal .62.1 I. 'Honors : I, Ilenore t - ' - nen _ amount by tndustry. It is the inten '00 i Esther Mcnivain (0) 80.a, Helen Zavitz (11) ..... - ....7.78 tion of tine Foundation to turn their i • Alma noweil 01 (8), .,,,,, ''' . ' 80 Lillian. Fergesent (5)-... .......76.2,ininiediate tattention to the successful .59.8 Alex. Maelticar (9) ........ -77.8 Prank Savage (7). „e., .,., ...76 eradication of the sow thistle and ethe ' 58.4 Jean Abell el (0), ,.. - 77 IL Honor's: •• • • • e er faun problems. Investigation of .57.7 11 Boners : Harriett Taylor el (4).e...1..72.8 an exhaustive nature will also be 67.6 , Sylvia, Salkeld (9)...... ' . .. .74.2 ' Charles Naftel (1). ....... . -72 Made into the destructive work of the .57.51 Wilfred .niarite (7), , .,...,78,0 Mary Johnston .(2).......,..n69 corn hater. • , , EXAMINATION 1 REPORTS The follOwing is the standing of the students in the seemed series of exam. inatious of the year 1038-1929 ending Januaty 31, 1920. Iedivideal reports nee being sent home for perusal and eomment by the parents. The figure preceded by an asterisk * after soma names indicate the number of papers failed !n; in this ( ) bracket the number ed papers written: • • Form IA....Class average 55% IL lretlerS « , ' Herbert Bridle (10)...........72,5 Emil:I:McClure •Edw d Beechler (8), . Bemire S Pet Pege (9), - Morrison MaeltaY *1 (5)---65.4 Marie Shields *3 (0) - ... -.04.6 Edith Cornfield 03 (9)....... Robert Stoddart (4) ....,...,--60.2 •Cindit; • • Margaret Shepherd *5 (10).....57.4* Waaxen Jaime 04 (8).........57.1 lefareerinnigan *3 (0)... ....56.8 • Charlotte Linington (8).. - .56.8 Ida Carrick 04 (10). ... .......60.7 Earl Elliott *2 (10) 50.7 Raymond Drennan ',2 Delerie McCreath 02 (6) Credit: Marjorie Doer *3 Phil :Bisset "2 ... . Myrtle Young *3 (7)..... . Arthur Freeman. *2 (8) domes Sbeardovii *3 (8) Marion Holmes 43 (7) - Dara Atkinson *4 (8) - • . • • Below .5,5g; average Edward Jeffrey nel (9) Reginald Costle 03 (8) • Annie Atkinson 46 (0),47.6 Arnold Craig *6 (0)..........47,2 Vora Finnigan *0 (0). • .47.1 Aileta Burke 43 (4) „45 • Margaret Miteliell e5 (6).......43.0 Below 40% average, winked Clayton Taithwaite Form Ie -.Class Average 57% le Honors• ' • Eileen O'Brien (8). .. .. - .78.2 Irene Stoll (0)............ Inadelitie `Maid (8) }toners• 1 Marlon Porter en (0).... .73.3 Douglas Middleton (7)........13 Jaek blenleheil Effie Jewell el 49). , II/. Honors; • .50.2 Anna White el 9) OOfl Catherine' Sale (10) ( .... es Barad Taylor (e), .54.8, Jean Priee (0) .54.8 ' Greta Steels (4) Mabel Etue (8)...„ Ntrueye•..Clarke (0)..........•• • dames Meinelien -(8)... Margaret Mclean • (9)..e.. III. Honore; • •, • Joseph Teylor (5).... . . Pearl newly. (8)•n.ee.s.ee.- ' Murray. Hetherington *1 (5) Christint Robertson *1 (9). Edna Knight el, (9)....,..... •'Norval Anderson 03 (7). , .. Henrietta' qsaid n3 (9).•• •Hilliord Tremblay *2 (6) 65.1 .T sie • e Below 55%, average : lames Redditt Clare Moire ''"4 (10) ......54.4 Joseph PM& *I (0): . . . ...64.4 Gladys nbore *4 (9) , 50. moo Edwards *1 Joules Johnston tt (10). 52.8 Mary McKinnon *3 (9), .. . • Peruke Moore 00 (10)52.2 WilliatifThontee 42 (0)- ,- .623 Alberta Osintideston. *7 (10); «47.4 Sates thirphy *2 (9), Ian Macron *7 ere& ; George Ross 00 (9). • 41.3 ,Howard Wilkins 05 (9). ....57.te •Below 40% average, rankedne Audrey Weiland e4 (9), .......57.3 Williant Wilson Ralph Walters ett (8).........56.8 Earl MeAllister Albert Webh *4 (7).....-.. .. 55 mow ot,v, average t Murray MeConnell 02. (7) 54.4 Earl Mere *4 5244 • Bertram MeCreeth (9)52.8 Ruth MurneY (0). ..... 52,2 Ruth Worsell Thomas Page 04 (8).. ... .. -51.1 Mildred Wilson *5 (9).. ; -50.9 Mildred Millian (0) - 50.3 John Paso% *4 (7) 49.0 Margaret Jenner *1 (4)48.5 Victor Robertson 04 (4)48.5 Jan Mac -Donald 00 (9)47.8 Phyllis LeVerence *5 (9)44,4 PlorenCe SoWerhy *4 (0)....« r1 * (7) .. . .. Franeee Thomson *4 (9) 42.2 James Naftel *7 (8)49.3 ,Ilelow 40% average; James Parsons • Form IL - Class *crag' 61% • Grace 'Macke 41 (7) citizens • of people who previously could not 'understand English," stets ed the Premier, "They are- being more rapidly absethed into our life and are being Moulded into patriotic citizens of the produce." LIBRARY BOARD • The annual meeting of the Godericie e 00 s Co n iderable 'interest•centres sPublic Library Bettina was held on ...71.7 UL- Honors : •around Premier .Fergusoises bill for Saturday afternoon last, present ....70.4 Men ateellier (8).: the better protection of widows and Mrs. Phalen, MisS Sharman, Mr. At II • hi h. le Derin Mt* nom lelr. IL Stella - ...70 Catherine Vrenefeea eg -69.4 Clayton Robertion el (0)1. .. ...69.1 Helen' Davidson (7). • • • - • 68.5- Margaret Reston e2 (0) ,67.9 Jack Abell,' *2 (7). • Perinea nfeiEteeti . „04,8 Anna Milne *1 'CO „03.e Jean Walter ..62.4 Colin Hunter *3 (7).. -• , .61.6 Credit: ' ,..01.2 Lucie Harder e2 (9).e ...el eneilliarn. Webster •*1 (6)...- ...60.6 ' :Catena Afeeeell eve (6) . .60.3 Carlt Witieltlr,2' . • Aral-v.4i Commercial *58'4 Clasi'AeseAverage 60% ..„58.2 51.0 I. tioriors • • • ' Margaret Evans .67 Lucille Ma aid (8) Credit: • Afinie Linfield (8). Margaret Sanderson *2 (8). Graham Mellee • *4 (8) Mary Girvin *2 (8).,.-.. Mete Sheardown 41 (8).... Dorethe Henderson 04 (9)e2. Below 551/4, average: Nonanf Laid ( ) Edith Piga& *5 (8) .. .. Stanley Taylor .2 (6). Berrow 44 (e)...S. Margaret Foster *4 (7).... • Rhea Baeehlee *6 (9)...... Wilmer Hartfy *4 (7)...... • Evelyn Culbert *2 (7).„ • John Pote (0)..«....... • Eeith Murison 01- •, Douglas Peagan (0) Madeline Acheson 44 (6) A Jessie Motto 02e(5) John !tanned '2(3) • Isobel IlfeWhinney *5 (9) - 'Russell Pfrininier 03 (0) • Margaret Elliott *4 (0)e Samuel Walter *0 (9) ... . . Form MB -Class Average 1. Itonore : WMiam Sutheinand (10) Joules Sutherland (10) 11 h Alt 0 44.0 orphan eh dren. The measure v4( • , . has alread received second reading house, Mr. Long and Mr. A. J. . and vrhieli constitutes a big advance Maeltay. • The eleetion of officer:, fol, 63 ha social legislation, providee that ep- 1929 eesulted renews: Chairman, t ti dtheE I) • tt• 62.7 P ea on may be me e to Sup- , ean, seoe fcly; . on, 024 renal Court fer relief -up to half of -treasure; R.' Stonehouse: Ate the estate in eases where the wife and -Miss Aitken; • assistant librarian,61 I c,hildien,haere been deprived of, any Mrs. Priddle; Janitor, mete Priddlc, .00 benefit under the -will of the husband, ,And the follawing coninuttees were, Previous legislation introdueed to apPointed: House cothenittee-Mrs. cover this situation provided that Phalen, convener; and Meson, C. A. 'lent' claim could be made against the en- Rent and A. J. MacKay; book cern- , tire estate. Undo' the new bill the mittee-the , wbole board; finance, eent•eihueband is given the right to dispose eonainittee-Messrs. Ittaexast. C.1 -ut' of half of the estate as lee seessfin Reid and Mayor Maasvan. • I Thus the ether 5 -alt Will be evailable • It Was decided tonisn the town foe to;the judge,to Wake provision as be 61960 for the year. • This is an in. sees fit The legislation was . creaee ef $150 over last year, but the 87 7 duced to prevent husbands from wile board had to install a new furnace at ling awayetheie eitate to others while eo.et of some 4250. e • Frenk Irene johneton • • Form IR. -Class average 64re ravine Graf (9) ..... ..-.....70.5 Bessie Bete (8).. • 76 Muth Caldwell (8). • 75-.3 .. It. Honors „Robert GroVea . Ruth eurWor3 (9) , 72.7 Fred Bleed *I (-8) 12.5' IlarrY COW; 01 (7) c cc* .. .. . 72.4 Barer Bubb *1 (0) .. . ... ; T2.1 Botriee Campbell -a. (9)eSel Roy Errington 03 Ruby *Aileen ell (e).. Jean Hunter "1(8) • 111. Honore; . Cora Culbert °I ..... e..teleS Dorothy HOrlteY (0) 01.7 nevoid Yee (8) . . . .. .11#$#S#00fte. '•••- "You'll Drink. It Again" because Gold Medal Coffee has that full.bodied flavour of real toffee . . achieved by the scientific blending of the world's fittest coffees. Ask your grocer for Gold Medal. 33 0 • Arthur Drown Lenore Ceaig *1 (5)....;.. Annie Tabb *2 (5) • Reginald Pisher 02 (9)- 10. Honore • ' Evelyn Long *I (5) - Dorothy Walters 01 (7).... Lyall Crawford "*3 (9)'.... Margaret Ryan *3 (8) Re/meth Hunter (9) Sean' Lednor eet (9) • .50,0, *11 • • ` !failing- to make any peovision for his fThe report Of She librarian for the 828 gressive *roues have announced their books levied, an increase for the year 116 3 • ...65.0 Elsie Smith *2 famines. Doth Gertrude Lumby 42 (10)..... the Liberal and Pro- year 1928 showed a total of 23,402 CONLOWT 1110 NOSSEWORIE 54 7 Frank Roberton (9):" -" '844 tention. supporting the measure of 611„ 'There 'wore 306 new readers unny velem, become „ma ana, run, -.54.2 Credit t *. and have ben exceediugly congratu- and the receipts ehowed-anairiere.ase«.-eilowneend. Tumble to look after their 64.2 norothY Steele *2 (line.- -.774 htory 111 their remarks on its intro- of $5.25. "-The classification of books lemeekold duties owing to the heart. Mabel Brownlee (10)......76.8 auetion, ' . issued was. as foPeers't "tie°. l'etmaing 11"Paiit'a or-. the' .54 Lula Jewell (11)... 75.1 • --e-• Adult Juvenile nervous trite* unstrung. ...53.8 Elaine Grass. *4 (9)74.1 alealewhig, eeelle pewee a govern_ Geueral 6 • Nature intended woraen to bsetrong, Men Page *4 (9)... ..... -734 Tont oeticity and layena, particular Philosoph, . 122 healthy And hale, instead of weak . Cleveland's . Bread is tempting compeement to any meal-elelicious in itself and lending zest to the rest of , -the menu. ' Your familywill demand - twice as much of our Bread as • any' other. Encourage them to silo' so, as it is the,most health- ful rind nourishing food they - - can take. . • - • • E. IJ.. -CLEVELAND Phone 114 West St. Heart Was Weak. • Nerves Were Bat ...63.6 Marie Ryan 44 (9),..., .. • .. -731 stress on the needs of egriculture and' Religion --------------169 29 • and eteetehed, en ate e.11 women when, ...XIS! Margaret tiobie ele (0).. ... ; .. 749 itg to foster the basic industry of On- Sociology •• 12. heart ut not functioning properly and Philology . IO - .53.4 Lorene Grape *4 (10) 72.5 the steps that the government is take a whine nervee are unstrung we would. 41.3 trnest'CreWe "5 (10) rio Premier Ferguson added val., Natural Science. 95, lee reconunced . *, ee ...50.9,Below 701. liter:Wel treble contribithiriefte the address in tkeful Arts. .18S 76 . ..BO Norma:Bowler *4 (10).......67.5 reply to the Speech from the Throne Fine Arts... - - - .126 46 . • .17.3 Herbert Grahane *5 (9) GOA • Severe castigation of tete Ottawa ,eneleste°,1,7 ..... '," •• ' ',tint 9e6e- the, Legislature on Thursday: 9 Literature . . ,.. . 460 • we 1 '...46.0 john McLean *4 (9)`:-.......04.7 ' e05.2 government that had cut oft grants nereeeee, e -.ne 68n" ...47 . William Paltrido *5 (9). made to agriculture and vocational Fiction ... • . • • • • .13.287 • 4,700 60% ' *Tenn Holmes "0 (9). - • • - • -5147 Prerniet*, who at the same time, stat- Mna,gazines 2,380 7 • 0.7 tilewillileosIlistirttatege;:n (10).......01.1 etedndtelid'ettothseeeOtttritehegtoevvmernsmneonteuirir.: eteeeullee , **• * • • 18 ' 10 Totals 11,823 - .51; ...iiii Marguerite McDonald *7 (11)-59 taitment of aericultural service de - It was deeided to hold the regular 0 /vane mann 08 (11) ... .'„ . ....58.3 spite the lois itraevenue for this pure • • lii) ... 74.4 ci4horno "8 0)4 5301 "Last year 'se took $350,000 04 of " • .4 .•:•00. Lorne Clark *6 (9).....e.....55.1 ose k Alba *6 (9) • 50.1 ee usolidated revenue to make nP for Receipts-Carde, $411; fines, :30101; net lonThursday of each mouth ;it 1 Fran o e 00 . monthly meetings of the board the : Ambrose • Class D. -Average 45% the loss of the Ottawa- grant," sthtol 'wows, 817.80; magazimo, 0.85; 07.3 Dei•othy Rebeeteoa (5)........01.0 the Wender.. "we realize that ani- itneyest, 7e; total $176.07. Jean Andrews (7)- ..... .......73.4 culture must go on and we intend to After the annual meeting wae over . -04n . Erie Gardiner (4) ....... .....52.2 the industry People naust prosper 00.8 • Jean Macau (4). “ ..... ..... 706.2 eoened that te envattilYmtilninugusitn done 'it ofros:r hd. A request from the janitor for , the Peb 114« 11 th t" te „ „ate Man Greene. (2) 47.7, Della Muotey *5 ... • .06,9 in payment for a heater was revolved auPPeneela"te vious decision of the board was to PaY 6011 P. iiviiriEneiipal rheeopilIo riwt Ottaawea pdon „„ but no aetien NVItS, taken as theepre- 62 do it fon them." William Saunders *1 (3). e. • • •01.7 .OUR TORONTO LETTER . • for fuel only. A number of account; were improved for payment. The relent°, Ont. Diseusaing the withdrawal of the • to the hest remedy to tone up ann strengthen these weakeeed organ*. Um •E. Barron Butner, (tette vernes•--"O .1 was weak, rind I was eo uervous L cola get very little sleep. became - so bad nit unable to do ma Ileum - work. got some of Millearene Herat end Nerve Pilia **Leh 1 used with great eneepes: mut now do ell my work without any trouble, end as 1 eni the mother of five clilldren outlive on ei feria you can see lime plenty toile." le Price 50e. a box'at all druggiam derders, or malice direct on receipt of pried by The W, Milburn, _Co.. Ltd., • •Ross Pfrimmer (7).....- -0I.3 vocational trainirig grant by the On, Gordon MeMehen ea (9) • 00,7 Premier F'erititeon Castigates Ottawa • • Naney :Knelt 0.1 (7) aim , • , ., a . 'attlng 4)1 A . 1 1., taws government the Premier inti- • , Helen ceopea 9 (0). aa.„...,603 and voaathato Training Grants. : mated that the government would! Credit: carry on the work out of it's own rev- i leeward young 't (a). ...... .asaa Designed to atimulate the growing enuen ' I Marie Thomas "3 (8).... ... . 55781 • moinutlzaiolegoofvetritevenot tihno0ungthartiho,e tithe! •thiastetevo"latroasdeitterismoinfedgretont evaaritun'e an 1 '.. Dorothy Linklater e3 (9) Vela Tabb *4 (7) 5555; ptpaarctnie can: tohfe Alititticitsubltuiftesubstarsitsseciu!aiertl, ',ttiwlioe 11'riblesienseco,4; illif(seirwtahtetdh,e;TufrIcbraenaorer . ne3sti000hwhnn.,5:5,:lante,e,ekisih::wra(g,e4e2): (9). _ .. ,, Inousweislaypeonfinog4ntiao%ntioirnbtaonteeecoor. nine ,irinaria,1.1\anodatkahtetseer•aiii•eizeuentheanniteageerosuoss. , 1:1,,,aortenrceNt,m4e.exoelmtbetie:571(v)::::::;i.,.fe Norfolk county mono about 5.9041„ ae„ , ly 'you may be placed economically, -. ' .3.4.4{ roes of this piaduet Was grown hist . there le not much rentisfartion or eon-, . tt Albert Deker e3 (4).... - -.41:1:11, aa"at'acillo tehui; i:aer:00,08 ,ere*rn" sett7:1; '1;olerss'erntilme as si lilo:eg•'41tsVethaerceedeirselonno- ,' " it ilIariortia'joirame. lettektrhroeliednator,encs.4. (.4. ), _14. plerie are under way between the ()ne : ing both side.s for the farmers of One; I:, Ragariam, Nelacoanb ec., (s)477a elle view of 'holding joint mectinese 'an auleirrd elliendlture uf M5054. ' Mary naming ee (a),..,.... _Tr.!, - toile and Federal governments with tarie. Thie yeer the goveenment has I Lleed Finnigsn e5 (6)...... • •43....e '• with t°baeim - gr6lccre• lien"ris't1141' (11" in t. e Illec-4)1."11t lut alitli"Iltur' Ai intereete in the intereets iri the It Everest lames ea (all_ ..a43 a tiore in grodieg will be given, At • , the »agent limo there is tensideralsk. / InuNT'u"•'. „ I ''-' Farah 111Aen-Cluss Ateroge 510% '‘'occr,produetien in burley•, with .,,he t "Thie yoveemeent reolizcs that ' it L !tonere ,7 ' ft'Fllit that the merket has been el et; ',-eittkulture is the bite veorldneifie bee ,eelem I lean (114- ..... . . - • 17.6 : !tie ledaeter upon whieh everything fl ,ole snit depend," ho pealed, 'Are ,. 1 Matgai et titoves fee ... e ., e2.7 and uneinfiteble. ft „ • If enree FetAlleen (9)7e,7, Vrider Teeitottetien introduced ler; are 011/6034 «bout it and we are an- ,1 leth,e1 tesole eel-- .., " . .. . . -15.0 the government and nlrearly .g:nen entire to aesief in even( -way- We 1 • IT. Honore ; mecen(1 leeding, tonsumers of (*Wet 1 nerd to make the farntel** let Ile 1 44.i.-ittaint, 7.4121.,o,c11 Ow. _, o _ia %ill he 11;eiet tea *gait/It Itittild *Ti the fr i mil Ow tiOte oe Poo"ible *VOI Wr think ltenuld elerieen ete, tt4)„. ,, 0,1. ssle ef Albetta tool, rireerupienus that we are evererdier.* • , Venn. Elliott ‘ Mil ,,, , .. „ , , ,r.e• &Mein we; e Pruett eltieina the 'met f, _ , 1, 1 a . ‘41; t e V A c'f tprt.i ` 1 VA, . , „ .„, , 1',1; ,.1.e.R.1' tt) IMAL` ii.tlert tea int.Pri.t11.• •)1814, it '11'01,111/W till OttOntifin. try Mi. hens. it'1114i.leinte4..;; , Lit'N 4 4:(.41, with the /eauli th..41 the ossy tivor-en the 1-1-eartrie poloariril ore ., ,.., .,,.. ..,,,, „f!,71'4 gl%tetnment haR kliPa immediate A. gtttOl ./9. "."*" "4" .414.444"44"tt hitel • tie* to ch, -.b the rim lei ei Nor eons ere et S1,017.000 on eirovity rood' Rod :• thE hitt iteeittie4 !iie * Ortriettree 319V; (MO tor *nitrate's Toad" Al elf ft eiloaeinnoes ti 4.! fell' OW it wilt toe_ „feet! evneiwitniee. he tiatotti *oh, (et :•* - . stehrte the elide of the product Or Ito. gimp..., graaapnruoim, fatigitify t,,,„ ., tarin. trith the Fount, that Itioneent, • the formtr* of f•fefione. u. Steeser Verfaiiiiiirr It 411 ' Clayton a'Avisnif "Z !tat . , 1 .11n,. &M.34 ee twit Aisrt Pentionsi I '44 ono aa, the, e ;nava gem,. tee t Palming met that atrieoltnre *eel 4wartmairitossi II _ _ - Atlantic Securities Corporation , Preferred and Common Reek With Warrants • The Prefetrect Steck is etungintive at the rate cf 33 per shine per - annum, payable gearterly. Callable in whole m part at $52,50 and accrued dividend. . PRICE: $$5 per unit _ (1 Share Preferred with 'Warrant and 1 Common Share) - Awarrant entitles the holier ef Cumulative Preferred Stock to por _ (hese 'emirate Common Stock at press retrainee between Sentinel - $45., on different diets, en or before March 1. I'M - The Atlentre SecorAtieS COriretatiOrli ifirett and re invest *setts in , diversified grows of stein', bend, and ether secutitiet. 7 - The (cremation bermte.MintA, in November, 1427, with snterribed caveat &text( .4$2,16%000. rarninet fer n2tarmsonttd to 31.2ee • on the realized anti tmreelized mete. After deducting all experwts, preens were equal to Warty twice le dividend reterreemeree of the Preferree St et, .1 rfeereinere Liege Fe pone Dom - SECIDIZECIES _ 1406itarat. - 10404, ING., • • P.R.atook Norio* *loot talrii, TOttelyrri, tit Yee It. St Pr r. Itoomooriootre, GOINt*Ottt nreatiette noterreetertet St'?