HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-14, Page 21' est vi: Ili t3 __ • s.____ _ d� rtitity Cake 'i cep butter, i cep•b ctwn seear, eel ewe t'W*Iy Near. Nib tes.ax, eerie tierce, 1 tC�7ss �ra f z,gcr, 2 cilzA n3 fuer i.,.3. -r1 me.^eelet4, ,t cope sere cie ,a, r i eca,� nodi. Voce Cc Accts Pain lar .aa:»net*^. o:en (3759, IItr tflr.get Better. Rest ate ia ail Cat being r ^tat ray3. ;'k',i"ttv, is a mat, ale fa vaaG gpat c.:pnacc rivalisaat .. . it yap calm' tenor cot a far alarm, sieve eceree e 3 to"_�'-c5C a It.^.3 fftts coo of f`.:-citq - rand t . right f3 fa*'.c l Zfw' tars 11tf t: $ 0^.t* LW vale; (lace ani g yet,; et A mom to ; c -4i 4 457. AT .T g1itry tits+t malts to Tate math nab e .i'il7itii1flCYl! fe�a_ree_r.•.�,�rt1?Va,ty�1 �Yc.s*�•d',_._._._:.. 1 tali'R'tpoca 1,400 Gt* 4t:.C7ttiins 'I:GII 8t�7y'• liar tuna vivh ra„ !ry e:e 1:att patter aid hat tad. Ba+fnt alibi ode Vora. elected Wistkra lurid trtae►t, Pinar Flaae tom Abe *nook and a a1*trr;n mike 6l lag to all "we biklnd:, Cita sack £gets you* deuce tet y THE 'GODERICH STAR • • erowaeJ king of Afghanistian hsi cool Landon,and his deei:fon ii Saki iitaken a long !lump tit of tire frying �,� Troubleo be due to his rapidly increasing du, ,ii .1i ab..ut Inc: ai.1., in -a- 7:1t,.f [wike-P.4- ,_----—. ,.-9--- ter. ,- syr-,•--r.77.:Ipci`.9. -am,9fi -;-1j u that it is far eviler to return to the e' 3 father. It was understood that a , iebiiicote4 Aminal#lah +ilia geldera ; ale of his horses will take place in a. at tetieeetee. elle _� Q r 4 Reetteµ tblee ee t. s the hazel, ,ii1.. } . k ,7d Ind •h-.. ep!caatrtate -xo litkRrp#a Gut the•Prisrce .. "Britain's Cruiser Program Continues' • etre Ii', eeneterensan.. °tee 23rtiu-, 7119rot -hetero to •abarden ilia £aver- t The aassureapt ens ai'the majarity of writes.—“Shortly after theLirth At: to &part p,e,marentle tut says that. pthe i3titiah Press, heightened by the ! me little' ,r1 I took etre ekk Iola valga °c is ‘2-'01V CI up ‘1” flee bele being. grepeated ',elate of Adi,airel els Bice, E Welled menet of the thee- I kei Uiel : New Policies for N. 13. 1 chief of the Beiti9h 1+levy, to the ; eilea, hcmaelaehrmrt nee Kao all trill♦ C l deuaa, told 1 ha3 treubie With any' Ader4ian of graa;re63ivc nett ;ice- f /�? Rous© of continuo that Britain ' 'ki leges, i triol all lords of. r:et13.^enc, 'literal policies to cr.'ouvac:; !awe ;would not evr,dinua witi7 ilea e;.�aiser buy rcthear was ably to relieve me. "ansa branches of agrieulturel activity e p► cer:le , woo dispelled lase woe: is I !alto eight e'lildrz, cr:e1 my Luse n leew Baun,wek was one:oun:eml by i v ion lit, lion, 't;i. O. Bridgenlce, haaa rue away at the time 1 cent for lion. Levis Smitle Minister of Agri- F'ioet Leral of the .Admiralty, emote him to roma home, and plica ha a1 he �ultuare, following conclusion o£ the eecl that Ialatas for ordering the two blond rills, *1' r lieu's Iiof finished .wo.days' conference of the otaffo of oruleoa*a to 'be !Ole. clowzt in rowel? ' ho I'roa�incimtl Ifo~artnaent aa AGrii and 111aarch were iarocceding. lady : them x felt iso much titter, x emit fn the week. aeras! Landon UCWapao , agafli ably tQ ,W; after my feeelee eultuce and the raedg% VetPartrnent maz;+l ttauscwamkd� 9f Agricultilxa engaged in that i'rie- vete, laud published reports tbiat tbo 'ri®x r~Qc. aft te? , .ltritisia__ Iavcritnlent _ wan _about_-ta, _._ ----ear _ . ' __ oree: - ___- -__—...-_. ._._ _ x etlee eniet , a.11.1-47 . e1i- t`- k ttf ne.' 102 i co ase o the f) cru cep canteen?. : tion Pxo,;raii1. They sere all based 'theaters, or" mailed "les ie tient t which provesr Iii. n. upon the fest that Admire! Midden DOANS dtlreet all receiPti of coura. hi Now of the wi toning; ad had made .du appearance at I'ar#ia«. , 0 Wei, Pet: !encs by cite T. . '. and 1pramesa ve lines. Internal die went. Buildings,. and it now tuna out . - here Co:, I;9trsitcil, ' east amongst the e1i eii . has 4aused thatthe liead,00 the Admiralty's y is t "r' 'Toronto, tot., ` agricultural officials to 1ierntete before to tlio isermoua had nothing to do , . .— irtxugurating ofriches to hesitate be- - errticoxs. — ' - fore mauguratfitg development of this 13ritain"m3. Air Pei gamma an, was plainly visible through the i,etliortant and profitable brunch of. Great Britain is about to make a glass windowo of the car;` " lie lay Farms ,operation and the new pokey 7a� u en a -white bed, with his head'prop- , , , - , . , • , ' a , ». ceche 'eel lee . the week* oni reraft -`" 'markets. An increased apirropria p nip tie phi#owe, Several, times proved bythe Minister Oe oegrtceitture eilong the route His Majesty aclenow - grovides for what are regarded as. tiae, .it is understood, will be made in ledged the popular ealntatxons by' ample steps for. eradication of .disoas- the fortheonning ear estimates: for the ,raising a white, thin► hallo geld =gently ea at, the same time insuring, the imt- developinent, of _ commercial airetest . aaveutent -of the stoeI . and the es - 'Ornately to on a definite program, designed tit- waved it to' ilio lsttbjects- Iteprorts p t rnatel . to produce not only the from the doetors hi attend ante on the tabllshment. sof new pure-bred, dfs- y Royal patient state that he already ease -free (looks. . typos needed for Empue aviation, feels tilts benefit of the soa pir_and the belt for the world rat large 'rouble in mole tvaritx sunshine is proving most bene Papta1-Italian ,I"uct Sigiged ficia#. Tbd racial hatreds, between the After a long controversy the plague of vile, In Europe Ifindus and 'Patients caused 'ind re - Pope and the Italiana State hue set- riots to Boni bay lust Week, and re- tied the question raised by the fall of The long oetinuet avid the worst: suited in the deaths 4' 120 perilons. the Papal etat+es and lags 7iroteeee in ,cold spell in a century in 'Central Eur^. and ' injury, to ' 700. .Arrow eifh the detail ;For the tattire hationu between ape has r.attsed a tetxerble p)ague pr streets e l the city are note deaerted Church onto State, reletioai between grippe to spread over tate'eoetinent. except for the patrols of British sol-. Pref ta, undertakers pre unirle to diem it would be rash to assume that the `worst of the outburst is over, for racial hatreds are ungovernable and. may break •out afresh tat any memento Stilt the Bedew Bread flap feitacer7O{wrecits Parity flour Cook Reck is rn4ita fir sir. Writi fir ie Wli, eco CAa.Qe Mow Man Co. 1duulted,'remaota Itel <Y1it� )49s. G;+tl aciDo • .. handle all the demands far, funerals; The Opening of .Pail �� ment .:� louder of the 01110101 •eJppositioni the reale! 14luaoolinf 'sighed the .agreement Vienna lens legis are civerflatvinl?• with b half of the Progreseivea and n new Papal .State canto Into exist Papal Secretary of State and Pre - In t eters the annual < renin 'twain concurrence of Robert Gardiner and eerie:ad at last. Bimoday eeluereby n 'h vpt f rer r rflo inIlea recce �'tl. inti enx et ens, tt li being vf' Purliarpent at Ottawa has bee an on e ' u ` d filth fifty serious cases refits t .re re » . a 1 ud when i s a d s an i Sn s event Ins btzt,ie y' P ed a ma al d y, And' B. �17e t, the mot momentous t the I 1 'tatiwe, the Governor-General, ha been ableto read an optimistic speech from the 'Throne, a speech bubbling newsCanada's ft a the spontaneous apprlauee fenny '- till encu. 'Thin .agreement is heralded els c Pre , _ -. sections of the Commons as a nue e o on* i ous eventin a ie u where the 1 Uan ie is n ecu but ion wan; teetered rearried- all this history since' the conelusion of pedes h h w fatalities, 10,000 out•' of 82, - what overshadowed the glitter in 1918. It is already practically t er- fe ' n a' • future 7lhe glamor of Windsor uuiforena, tain that the.: Pope will. visit Loudon 000 setae' childreriAare down with in - he with increases of a a a fiuenzo. awl annual increases in the :irosperity caclt hats and swards, the prancing durlltg alt extensive tour, the. itiner•- of the Dominion, So it wuas last week eawdva and even tile .ebarxn of A1'3f till whichilea teat yet been yet- n ex , ranee!! •s +wn 4S she milled with the tied. Another possibility discussed when Viscount IY'li'ngalan ro gin �tsr i i ; x ! a i � throng incl. t and oafside of the Sena is the eptly. oil the' new Papal State vii history. 10.28tto the greatest P year n the ate Chamber. into the League of Nations. !How opened of with h, pomp weeps ..far the new State will enter into in- opened �vl#h ttli the pomp and weep. � Following til ntroving and Sea t. Ilio of the !erose brilliant and utast ondiilg of that Add els .gin reply to the ternationa,, polities is uncertain,' but • largely 'attended o enin of the de� Speech frena the Fill • ne :anoi t#ie tla� # it is sfgnifii`stnt that: of the Gia States ade.opening g : bling of the Western ources trans- which Oonstiitute the League of 21a•. ' cane, The antxiiotis'iitst action gal- fee cartes".andenee with to host of tions, the popglations of '20 of then lowing the apeniitg WAS to eonclir u»= :res the are Predorninantly Roman Catholic.' anikneitrly in the itending of an en- other documents spelt ,r gaws:esl Address to his Majesty. Icing Vennmons an Friday elettred. George r' preening teenatiaet-thenktneethelmety S,eadera this wok wh nese athis reeavery and hoe that he Government !policy will ."ee setae P ;end defended by the Leaders,. would long be spared torule over, x • lorel anal contented people. Innvastigate Control of Papel` The ea*uest;tess '*4 the Prieto- • b ven the tlnited States have thole tes • Minister, ]light lion. William Lyon lever • problems uceording to pressre• to s ltMaekenzle Xing, hi moving that ports from: 'Washington., , A 'speeiai feeling ke for Dynamite Prestdeat"a Train ell Thee risseritor$u Mexice_seti have a nna for blowing up ,the Preaident's train. It tires thought et the appointment of Footles Per ale to the Presidency would teed oth over the majority of i11� hat was parsed by certain puede an laddrese be trent los Majesty; Senatorial C•amtnittee has been Parties in Texaco, but with the news the heartfelt eulogies of his Majesty formed to investigate the alleged erne that the Presidentet train was dyne. and the cervices he hes rendered the trot of white paper lby groups of Gln tented near .Comanfort ,it would: ap- Lmpire by Iron,.. itiebard i1« Bennett, ited States and foreigneitieens. The pear that the internal troubles of the, Commission :will endeavor • to deter- Mexican States ere brew *eane over, mine Whether soul activities : would President Gils avis not injure!! when Bate• the result of creating a mono- the train 'event up in,smeke, although poly `an the "supplying *1 paper to. pub. two eoaehes and the engine was blown Raters of small daily, and weekly^ oft the traek.and one fireman fists. kil- newopapet'n, led. Several members of the Pres!? The Soviet arid Afgluatt dent's •ofiidai'party were injured. 'new Xing, emir Irabibullali Zhao, litany thousands el cheering pee,: has received an ultimatunt from So- pee gave His 111ajesty' a great sond• viet emirate. which demands, 'within offwhen lie left Arcking** Palace twenty-four hours, tut apology turd last . Satutdey+ morning by speeiai, eorpensateou for the ill trveatment of :tinlrniance for Sunshine House, at Russians in Kabul after Antanullities Bognor.. All the way' through cities, tebdieation, rind $20,000,000 pay*meet towns .and villages in Surrey and for arms and ammunitions. supplied, Sussex cheering -lines of his subjects: by Hosea on long-term credits to waved bandliereliiefs . aloft . to the ma Anultalt. It looks as if the self- King, who, to the stoma surprise of - Don'tNelt ..'\ Bfoxtchtiu j colds �i�lrtw "lt1 #lett thrr setter, dots:dap trim Nowa �! !.,wiltnkka » t wit? !rations the tl___ ntt+wius swot. ntiketert trim The tivateµ'ba of Afghanistan, figliunistan , the King Goes to Leaside tMNI sricttiM. tea it tunes ♦t rnr,mt rfttwl. it by an *mho lice! titilrFglttMli, W. 1[, top. Y,Islliett. 141 • Natoli �' rwterr ft ,tier« �► i3c'F_ Ada lMr. is $.th.- 11P10,„, .i� 75e and 40e ..� �.,.� ..,• .. �r ... - ... 1Tould:You. Buiid A House; . _ Without A Roof 7 l �ttl er -.. G You won't start to bu ld a house unless you know you can finish it The Bell Telephone Company tries to be equally� sensible. - The company does not need all its $75,?00„000 of new capital now but will spread its issue over years to Coyne. But it does need the assurance that, when equipment is started now for fu. ture telephones, money can be obtained to finish the job. ay 110tt tllttsrho old 9 s4.e *411 nettd a 'WNW 'eeiyNhtatth Thief t1Ml,y Raise cause be toe harm* lea Ie+rt eab areata tttrltt •flet!* eglr441letef owe surfs/!law. ELL PHONE COMPANY t)F CA AHA. s African -German Treaty The German tre;*y 'pact, with S: Africa continues to stir up: strife' ie that part of the British Empire, and the latest discovery of :t "snag" clause in the treaty by British manu- factur=ers is causing lance coxtsserne tion. Tbis particular cause, prohi-. hits either . party ,to the treaty lean classifying or'defning the product of the other as an indirect -mins of re- stricting or unfairly , •discriminating against the inmorttetion of, the pre - dude of the other ': This bite back the British manufaet'trerJaid,-accord- ing to one prominent industrialist, it not•only militates against' the (levee ()potent-ofBritish trade,' pattieularly in steel, but it will result in-Cenfusion. because • of ..the differences in dimen- sions. imensions. between Germany and South Africa, and :Germany anti. Great Brie lain. KEEP ,YOUR BABY-- HAPPY AND WELL Every: mother wishes her child or children to be well and happy; to be bright-eyed, ros echeeked boys arid. gide. No ,another, though, can expect her children to escape all the ills of babyhood and childhood, but sho van do much to "help them fight the battle for, health. , All prudent' •mothers constantly. keep at handthe meansof aiding their little ones when sickness camea. suddenly -as it generally does in the ease of.ehildren. In every' home where there are infants and you:ig children Bby's Own Tablets should bo found.1cadwhat Mrs. ?lary Hill, Ventre Domeier, Ont., says eon- cerning these abletst•- "I .one .the. mother' of six children anti '.would not THURSDAY, FEB, 14th :i ' Special al Orders Men's en's 'rrxart. Wear a - k's Best at .fel FIA&BL-ACK PHONE 219 • . good cultural backgrounds, are .each a t.eeelt4ng the point wboro they must decide what course In life t1ie1' are to follow. In many eases this course will call for migration to some ether lend, and 'Canada fa; desirous o£ obtaining the major share of that movement, as she already obtains the major share of general British migro., tion. The value of the British boy migrant to Canada bas long, been established by the experience of the Juvenile breech of the Department of Immfgt-atiou and Colonization. Be- tweerf 1568 and 1_827 juvenile inimi- gration socfetieee ar other. agencies braurrht " to Canada approximatelyy 85,000 ' children. The juvenile fit readily into Canadian life and by the Om they attain manhood are to .all intents and purposes Canadian'. The new •plan Which is to eeeure for Canada'a larger share of the growing boys of the .Mother Country provides for the selection of the boys in the 'United Kingdom by Dominion officials and representatives of the province in which they will -settle. Having been found' suitable from all pointsof view boys between the ages of- fifteen and twenty,who will undertake to engage,- in farm work for a perloa'*4 tht•ec years, are brought ta-'Cana:`e :tree of all transportation eherges, their; fares being paid by the British and Cana- dian Governments: GODERICFI tf; 1 MUNICIPAL COUNCILS •crest iruwanua,lk The council held its rear meet- ing on Peb. 4th, with all the members present, The minutes of lust meet- ing were eet-ing'were read u3d'Adopted. A '!Pilaw containing estimates for the Year's. expenditure on roads and bridges was Passed. " Messrs. Thos. B. Taylor and Wm. A. Stewart. the auditors, stere present and presented their report, which was aoeepted. -The collector turned in the roll and arrears of taxes were noted and the treasurer was an•:. Mooted to notify the county, officials. The council adjourned to lima Moreh 4th at 1 pan. --DURNIN 1?'Tillrl PS, Clerk. The boys came forward in partieg and go at once to the distribution. 'lame "maintained as an adiunet,to the Boy •Settlement Plan in eoeh taf the a in In. provinces ct>`opes ti g. Ontario the distribut en centre is Vimy Ridge Farre, close to the. City- of Guelph; ir, New Drunfiwick a distribution farm is. located al; Lower Gagetown; in Nova tip:-at-the-Agricultural-Collegs: at. '1°t#ro; in Manitoba the Manitoba Agricultural College, isutilized for, this .purpose, and 4n,:Saslectchewan the Agricultural College at- Saska- toon. Roys for Quebec .and Eastern Ontario' may :trove under the auspices of -the British Irntnigration and Cole onization Association, which has' Headquarters ;in Montreal., . The Province of Alberta is not •par- ticipating in the .general reception - ane distributing form , scheme, but bas a sebeme for providing a mont1* s free:training for young nion-frotn the United Kingdom 'who are later placed' in selected farm. Ironies by the Land Settlement • Brandt of the ".Imniigra- tion .Department. "Negotiations loolc- fng toward an agreement for the set- tlentent ,of British boys ha British Co - be : without Babyt's Own a Tablets. --tumble are ender way bat have not They are a wonderful medicine .dor yet been completed. =little-onese* Alter the boys have arrived at tete Babes Own Tablets ate n !toed but itirstrlbution centre they are, with as thorough; laxative which regulate the little di}lay as 'possible, distributed bowels and sweeten the stomac't +and =:among farmersof the piovinee who S''P1C . IIBCt�Rl7 thus break up colds end simple revert have made application for. hogs, of st be Squadron Leader Herbert d'ones t it. end banl allay thsh e rxit tion •ae mpn and anying approved for this purpol farm se as suitable et hams (top) Ind Plight 1Leeutenant the cutting of teeth. They Are' abso- Immo in which Or -plate a boie The John A. Major, who will pilot the lately safe and are pleasant to take. luinirnum wage is $10 a month, but gfu'nt British Bairey-Napier mono., The Tablets ars sold by all medicine thisis• regarded as a minimum entt; plane in an +attempt •to remain in. the air longer than eightaehouro. It will Ibe Britain's first bid for endurance' kvi1 D sports Cenerat 1ebruit ilxns , - � lfvnstoekhat; beein .L ' 1~ dealers or byr,*niai'i at ee cents a, bolt lays afe plaid larger sums as their ! j Brockville, 1tE, nt�, When the boy has itttained :t pree• feint Tho lir:-Willinllts" Medicine Co,, earning power increases. flight Moore. . ,w,,,,,�,,,,,,; ,, ,,,,,,,,,,, Balt sl�"TTI,I✓.'ItE1ari rum m tical knowledge of faro work and ,o>lrlon, Ont., ee owe twenty-one years of • age, and has saved up the Percy Williams .continues Ms epic -.tor the settlentcttt.of .'British boys in stem t>l '`00 the IYolninfon I'r vi c' under it torlous *earth through the ''r_l'nited Canada under- joint iiuspiees of Dont-:Milt! British Governments al d r lap the best the United States could put menta were ntatlined today in an ad- point agreement will grant hint a loin A E alio preeps.Mellatoktnisty rt: haloes! 'eflttLaynoreNin Pr- oto. m°rKy 8Cck-Xir�.>zl+t reeds adfofg POULTRY' ttiilwr,6rt7Grrs mow w iO*-mat - khea rood A,rrpmy pro rad e.ftg o 724 a.Ir�LP. a,.,,a4c .. _ INSURANCE The a Life Mutual �tXLe u a ce As s ran Company of Canada t etagtfeasauf1 - hIrAn btaicr t'WAT.Ntirga, U;vT D. D. MOaNEY, Agent Poore 250 lvoiirn 511'. Gonknxctt, ONT. :=41 V..,.. -States. elver the week -end he beat inion, Provincial and British Gourefib- against ben at the Melrose A. A. in- "dress given to the London Uitnadiatt of 500 for filo purchase of 'a- farm oil Itis own. The saving of $ 00 is reg 1 door =dog - meet, the elassie indoor Club by Robert Z. C. Steed, Director, Tuireir as evidence of the boy's Indus - truck meet of: the world, by winning '*4 I?ublieity of the federal Ifepatt. try ant. thrift. The loan. of $2;i00 is 1. hes silt lard event, the fifty -yard anent of Immigration rand Colonize to be emeriti over a peeled of twenty enternetianal final, and helping ibis tion.. The plans `not only call for a.. years with intertest at live per three Canadian tomp+anions to win perlod of training an Canadian• farms, ,Tho provinces which so far' have the relay race. This was the third but "also, With. reaped to a number of agreed to participate in the boy set - suc�essive victory for the youthful ;the provinces, stake provision for the fitment scheme, aro Nova Scotia, New Vancouver sprinter and Olympic eatablishment of the boy settler on *- I3runevacl:, Ontario and Manitoba ?Ione 3 sprinting rliampion. ,England vvolt the # gin of twelve runs. ;lever in the his- ,f thorn from "excellent homes end with .....,,, S. S. NO: 15r, West Wawanosh WEED -END SPECIALS MEN'S -LINED SMOCKS Sizes 3G to, 44 Reg. Price $2.7S and $2.95 WEEK -END SPECIAL $1.75 and $11.95 MEN'S LINED WORK PANTS All sizes WEEK -END SPECIAL, 51.95 MEN'S MACKINAW PANTS' lain grey or plaids END SPECK. $2.45 to $2;95 M. ROBINS farm of Inc own 'when his period of As yet arrangements have not been ' ear C , fourth test -training is completed. Mena Supe match egai*st the Australian rriekei. The speaker pointed out that large oolttl'letod with the other pxovfuees. . y�s:�....., in Cs�iawtrFt to*m last wee}. by the narrow near-; *}umbers of British boys, many of , ,rt r i,HQbLRP(iRTS terry of the interntstional erieket •sera I, .,--r--r, ,ies between these two countries has s - err, test match tanned no much e+teite- ment. The total numbers of tun ,scen' un this.par t;velar mateh rvcLt) ' rreglsnd 7177. Australia 195. It is to IlIammond wind White of the 1::ngiish'I team that the Isurelt of victory mutt 1 Abe handed, the former because ia this test n a teh es in the previous erre !fie rose to the oc aster and seared a rentuty to pull his team out *4 the fire itt the s* coni Wines; while ct A liir7month and -parched tatter. by hi3 brilliant bowline, : k+t• throat *re grateful for the jtled the e+ickei et tight of AniIru. The following is the report et S. s. ATWATER KENT A,.....,r..I,...,,,;r I No. 11;, West Wttnanogh: Jr. IV. Graeme am ohney. 74; 'Willie Craig, �An��' 80; Gordonitobituon, 74. ,Yr. )i1Y.••, I Sean F.ohbnson, 77; Fenno Plowman, �[ 65. Si. II.—Melvia Craig, GO; Sam mail, 92; Edna Plowman, 84. Jr. 1.-- r� Stew**tC;hamney, 85. Edward Robin- son, 85; Edwin Thompson, 'I7. Sr.; l'r =-- lloaard Thompson, Jr. pr.-- 1 z *1. 174- W for Demon Louise Thornes lumber on roll . stration 1•i. Aveiege att nee 12.0. l 1i, JOHNUTON, r Mets:+ finest bstFroort before they a n,,l l ; wrirl thtinlsp; [rine. int. 8" nit i lel: e�i a wirarif t�tk t Teacher. The Pe•'tve of!title" leets ik. ford to itwe'etens tilt mouth, dears lees?' rtt:it,�. attoraliru t,+ prc•a irr��ltt•': while the act of chewing rtpua* th«y jilt nsturrliy Re: first l itanwla Road . alms and soothes the neves. ,.,A. �- •---... ,. td the i'.rgis �h t,�aln"� Fe,rr, tY . artitln .. � else t: Mae���� Prince Ahirnmolting ting Wrigley's whitens teeth, j ,,Wi.at makes them,' reaped Wan= � I ;• t?l�ar±tl, er '•.orae ing nod )4*:n to.paeit*t ; the throat and alma digestion, "Well, *bon people are not on the t ELECTRICIAN D ASO R IA Far Ufa** mai CIAMeer Iii sePoor Over 30Year. ^Wa rs boors Shy AMirttnitro r = 410 Wowols i mann .,,r,s,isAAimTloltanausteaster TMt.asinnsaheirt#aiw A/O ta1T01ieTq[ 011911.0,7‘)11011101L tItAIT! renal 1 ..., � r"R --. 5-P,2 APA►T AS til ft .1111 46, • 1.