HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-14, Page 1A Star Calder tor 1929 Far Every Paid.in.adoones Sob= twriber. Renew now while Me C'hoks of Calendars is at its Best obrnic • The Star's Clebbiei Wilt Save nu Money. Ordor -6,thce" Periodical* through The Star. —$Evimvicrir 111-11t1 Sliosefirti": 42* Ye" in ennwin GODECICIL ONTARIO,' CANADAt THURSDAY, FEBIttrARY-14th, 0.60 as par to U. S. pinto. _ _ Goderich Cubs Beat Clinton in Group Semi.Finals' But Lose First Game of Finals to New Hamburg, Return Game Friday Night teen, saved his younger brother by AMONG THE CHURCHES! KNOX CHURCH ANNUAL HOCKEY Irusility through the tire with hire. aunicell:es:leic:slice°cntitegs-afteErk)litile Ezeileavitte‘ ! Son Life Assurance company ipt canada iGiallofielt friends will sympathize eit Tho services in Victoria M. United iempromnents to pr000ty , s made gest congregation:AI pieepeees amounted to tieeeeich fans 83w 3 rcat game WALTER NAFTEL,Pbffsber The following letter received this week from one of our Policy holders speaks for itself: - "I wish to .acknor.ledge 'cheque for $222,0 dividend on my policy.. The amount-exce.eds eipectations, although the Sun Life has always- done well for me. Tha,uks?.' 'Phone. 115 14. R. LONG. District Agent latestments Stock Broker.* • Rend Deoterot i!tortrartat ROjrAls BANK BUIL Goderien. Ogallala Menai 430 *la 445 VrTED' Ltd. DING ' :very sowerely with them. ie their einneit next Sunday usuul houto, the West street link on !trouble and we hope later word will 11 a.m. and 7 Pon. SinnloY eelleol, Year Cost $1.490. Neer', All Faid a° 2(10.92. Tim estimatea value of For. and Budget 4314tien N., church property ig given as $05,000. It/ette.' ihe that en are quite xecoverea frent Dan. Fellowshil) elase at 10 rote taded. the inUrrier, they eustained. •Services in Knox aura next Sabs Dr. Field mid .W. Fewer were re. Menden, ellen (IeJerielt Cabe snit , appointed auditore. Votes a tinniito Cliaon came together in a sudden . i Flower Show to Be Held bath morning and evening. 11 a.m., • The animal eongregational meting to the moderateo und to tho vela= death genie to &retie wilt& of the, The directora of the Goderielt Her- - gai-ltistaall School aud lidble Classes at eltureli were passed. Hamburg in the group finale. Tim ticultural Society met on Friday. - • with a good ottentlance mei the var. loos reports submitted revealed a •oAug. 7th end 8th --• Mr. Geo. Boeth; 7 pan. The minister. or gavot oureit new hem test evening •orgoniaationa *ad official:3 •of -the timii-671-ruTu-Arrivinis eieutfeeett tee-ew---- - OrttetTARY Cube won, but it wee very late before evering,last Wednesday and Thurs. Church anniversary Sunday will be eat. getiseeetere. one health emus. the genie. \vas over aa it wevit titittY day, August 7tb. and 8th. Were set- held at North st. United ehurelt on " t- Y TAIT. --Itiougli a the ;give:teed ectea as the dates for the newer snow Sunday, etetroa e0te, eitee w. stau. tion of the work in the eougregetion. ago of eiglate• years. ntittealtritee Telt Winded OWL -time, and three 447AS only minute left to vlay wben Allison for tins year. It was decided to ilis- ley Owen, of St aoliitalinited chureh, Mr. A. D. itleLeari 'was deem aS VMS insect the house mule us usual 3 noteited the 'Winning goel. The • tribute to all the public and eeparato Stratford, formerly " of Chalmers eltairmen of the meeting eind Mr. IL until she sutrera a "Stroke last Fri- crowd was ono of the largest seen in 40)001 scholars a package a annual therein 'Agent°, will read*, - 3. A. illenEwan seeretary. daY nirtinifian„d the folleaairta after. the rink in egnin. tahe first two per- • larkspur seed this year, and the list •Th . imon she paesea atvay at her nome on ieint were seetniess„ In the twat eere e regular meeting of the WX.S. The cougregation dinirig the past i ----,— of premitune fox. spring ami fall watt , QUebee street. She waa born in the toe tee e on TuestlaY, Fele 19th, at 0.30 par. lamer redeaorated and a new light. , Cuba were doirin most of the TOWN' TOPICS .ehe!ee et. ?ne et the fanewhig "nt The meeting wilt be addressed by 31r. ing system installed and the grotond- • t • • it d • - • . inton boya seemed a little inelined spring elelxvery: Three roses, feur ---- Geo Booth. The ladies of the on 11 • f tl mit o ie manse has been relent ' 1114 s e lie lieeit in toderich itir , • • to retie% it awl Brown. Mitchell and made up. Members wig have their aaniliara of l'ilmx 'aural evill belted yearthae had thechurelore-rocifedathe i oge,,e, Kunio 0116 1044M inKrried ill pressing end in the second oeriod the Om old lartd, but for over half a tent ci• 1 ---, - • Tait Predeeeieed his Wife 1W sixteen Elliott sowed penaltiee. The third theapital Birthday Party dahlias (decovative), twelve gladioli, gregat-o , • _ „ yeets, ut a family of six children tented saw segue real fest hoeneye , i ti are invited to be present: with hardwood flooring 'Me work . e t twelve tuberous begonias, or five noet altogether some 44,400, a which survive, na follows: Robert, orPaa- . - T'ae Women's llospital, Auxiliary delphiniums« And, in addition for! The -regular meeting of the Arthur Brown of Clinton acei•ed niter sevens - -will celebrate tho fourth annivereare fall premiums, five lave yellow don. Circle of Knox: cliutah will be -held in the Ladies' Aid eentrihated the anIn adefia. Cat; 4ohn, of Calgary, Alta.; teen minutes" piny end D. McKay of the opening a the hospital Saturg fodils or ten paper white narcissi. the lecture room Monday, Feb. 1801. of 49111 covering the eost of installing ntre t evened up in another two minutee. date February lOtte AVM. 2.80 p.m. to Messrs . -A'. 3. MacKay and R. Stone- at 8 pan. Mee Wiggins will give a the new lighting' sYsteni, and alt.?! Williain.dll!g:rs'. of 31:11111etrje'n°11tnnta; Zell! and the period ended 1 a% In the - 6 °Week 'and from 7 pan. until 0 .p.m.-_. beasetwere appointed nuditors. paper on the Study Beek, and a num- , , ... ,.. . the• cost with the eaception of pmpo Nina trait, of Goderiele Mt's, ;reit was a member of Knox church and first two overthne perioas neither side Everyone is cordially invited to &aim e, ti.t. * gt ber of the members will nive notes on mts been provided or out of current suceeeded in aeoring but in the third, to the hospital on that day, wlien a"""l'ne"."ae ' • the work of UM raissionat•les in the - 0 unera 'emel e W d d xtevenne and a further -retraction of te e 1 ' the temporary loan by another $200 ts it • e3., an a nas alr in already Mentioned Allieron did the memaers of the Auxiliary Will be in A very pretty wedding took place nereign fields. All theiYoun nomon t erno_on were con ucted by the mint neceseary near the elese of the per - attendance to show visitoes through at tha home of the bride's mother, in the congregation axe 'nvid to °I nt being made. But not only has 'at° iii e Ueir. R. C.* lgeneamat ,The ioa. The line-up tvas tie follows: the building and receive. any none. Toronto, when Edna Mary L -eel tend. - 1 e . '''''. congregation done well by their loeal `- iv) . pal .bearera were Capt. Inkster and 00 00, Wyford; Menge. T. tions they may desire to bring.. daughter of the late Samuel Russel • •budget lloe V n expenses,. thea a iori as mos . D e . axe. . tarwlek, ate U. Sallows In connection with Vtetorta street been exceeded nd the s f r$50 4, Gook mid J. Elliott: rentals, IL Mite . Lee was united in marriage to Char. a -um 0 .0 Robt, Muir Woo Somerville and Wm nem ' I, nt -t• Two Local Branches of the Canadian ' - LI it xi 1 ' h Tr 11 Re N allaee, most of wliceu came from it t. ler. Smithson. of Toronto. Rev. n e e "ire a agars and a was reroitted to the treasut•er in Tor- v ' ' e • wmae• n egwen and 1ft Bank of Commerce to Amalgamate p r o . a • • tiet same vicinity as Mrs. 'Tait. Mr. don. Tuxis Square have been organized, onto and the atiocatio rown; subs., C. Streets and B. Olidt aa 1 During this week ed the Goderich 1 mony. The bride looked Pretty 211 a Rowe 4 'Goss e f rmea the tore. wIli • ghl V Th d i le ar mee nets on urs ay S., Arthur Circle and Mission Band n of the W AI John Telt Was home' from Calgary, Cubs -Goal, u. Make; defence, M. ""! business of the Canadian Bank of ' gown of blue canton ere e arrvine and EritinY enenings resPectiveao h II b d d also Mrs. EadleY was tilt from Ran- McKay end J„, tVoods; centre, G. Al- DRAPSTRIEN DRAW RIC PAY Commeree and the Standard Hank la bouquet of ' k d pin an vz -de carna- Pia e - - The officers of the Trail Rangers are arrve a een excee e • . he report of the session was read neer e . , tit MI, Robert Tait wim Nvan lison; winga, R. Steddart and D. Mee , as follows: Chief, Gus Worthy; sub yModerator, e o • Meflet home from. Celifornia ratenge, did Ray; subs, W. nfoore anti B. Stu 4 ' weeldY• apate Hine. tiome and -Ouelify tor 40. to 70. Donor: branch will be contbined tenmorarily Mona, tulips shop praetleal training. Sndorst • in the Standare Bank ' f I d • h' ' t • premises, o - an wearnig t e gif a tale groom, a , and Walden hair tern, chief Fred Sandy mento 1.• , r, , orne mid. It made comment on • various „ not get back for his mother's funeral. b the Rev r "c m I) N. Irian, o hitehens i cd, Reliable Ereploement Service. lowing which extensive ittqwevenients rope of peavls. She was attended oy Jewell; tally, lack Levet teethe, Audry features ee the ehurc'h's life and act- i t . r n ement Vida made in Maithind eon,. or, Referee-Tft Hill f ' r 3r. Smith. The officers of the Tuxis - • ; it ii Engineering- Scheele, Suite the intor a the Canadian Dank of it IL McGregor, M. P. for South Slain" Are: • - death dmeng the Year of two mem- friends is extended to the Praetor Georde Curt ,1 femity in ehell, Cook. Elliott, 2; Woods, D. nlet , one hundred, O7 Queer' St., *isc'est. ,Commerce building, The eombined YorO, and the groomsman was air, re"; deputy ,praetor, Carl Clark; bers of the session, Mr. R. H. Cott their bereavement, Write for information, Comrner- and reeeratigenient will take place to Miss Audrey McGregor, daughter of • ivity and made feeling reference to the etery, -rho sympathy et many renteltiesamiddon, •Brown. 2, mite Turunto. scriptor, Frank Allen; tempter, 1.ion- and alt C. A. Nairn, also to the -death laate 3: nit McRae'. 'business will lie under the manage- Wm. I.app. After congratulations a tes, mein of Mr. A. n. MacIany and we axe buffet •luncheon was served and the el Clark: mentor, Rev. M. C. Parr. of the late Dr, bleldrum. There are PIERCE. -The death occurred et . Alexeudra hospital on Satut•day, Jan, New Hamburg defeated tlie Codes lad +... learn time Mr, II. II. Reid will evening we's spent 4144 usic and dam.. TheSe. soeieties were organiZed a a present 704 members of the eons,' th g• fession and '20 by eettliteate, and 50 her seveety-airith year. The delves. 20 , of Mary L Scott, widow of the rich Cubs •bere Wednesday night by 5 to decide the ehampionship of Group Week ago and the first meetings were 1 - lite associeted with the branch as as- inge The br' eawas normerly em tor late, William Pieree. of Ashileld, in to 1 in the fit'st game of the playofts in Godeeicle and sance going to Tor- -held on Tuesday evening tbis week so ad net to conflict with. the congeega- an increase of 14 I ce a year e 04 were added to tit 11 "8 b ere s v pro- , e t -Cant tnana er for some time ed in the office . F. Carey orid Son FiremenWonted g • Hoover Is President.Elect tional skating party at the rink on To vacancies on the• r.T . onto had been with the Western As- were removed, 12 by death, 21 by eer- ed was •born near .--------ut lived No. 12 hi the 0.11.A, junior settee. Th • f 1 h • Goderich Pire Brigade - • , elections are very qutet and speedy • he United States nresitaenteal • surance Co, Toronto.- The • man Thueeday evening. „ • tificate and 17 otherwise, 830 house- the greeter part of her. life In the Contests played on the': locariee thiEs The game- vats one o ,t toug est _ friends of both bride and groom wish. de ,meeting of the W. M. 8. execti, holds are reported, 19 baptisms and tewn°1111' of Aehileidt nem` Dungan' -A•anliCants triu lino with- .a oover was glee e ea W Pre§ thern a bappy Ana prosper*, mar- bye of' Iduron Presbyterial was held 14 marriages. The quarterly com- nen; tn nahand died tatentnt * en c OSO three years ago and'some years latet . Watched in the fret two periode of • in the fire Baths, tA the IL S. on Wednesday af- fife. 'They will reside at 573 in Ontario United church. Clinton, on minden uttembnce WAS 875, 451, 394 APPnaatiann will he n a V Ce about a x an /led' th a at h eur and very few peolde would Zones ave., Toronto. iVioeZI,ayo,re-179345.th, Mrs 1117.4% she left •the farm and moved into the gaMeg _ReWillantneered the first 4eived by the, uadersigned bave nt 1 At /I . ' nEed i Th report f th •h 1 1 • arid 428. • - known that math an event took plaee ason c eine : • 0e 8 Sunday se ea a " to live with her daughter, Mrs. Neil session and anlispute arose as to wbe. the ineetieg with preiyernafter which so waS read by Mr, McDermid. The Dungannon. Ten years ego she went goal for .1*.tetv • Ilamiturg in the first until noon, Matea t5til, 1929.. lot for the Wei announcement overa Th 1 t b f itl ' 1 d , The a Mae 0 ait an Dire Greer the seeretaev read the ' past year was one of the most zuc- MeKinnen, at Moore Jaw, Sa,sk„ ii,nd tuliemteliltm•vas.a.Fona! of,,tt. 7.121,1.:rzi. 3.; 44 Ilviurcii , _. the air and in the prese, All the ex- Inadge. No. 33, A: an let A. M., held yetne-tee " ' ttsi ti to the1 - ht. t 'TIM' da • - ' io , Y. evenlogt was as tell The members with a few exee tions ' d' ' of' tile prevto' u-ei meeting. eesfiful in the' wheel's history witn an '3 Year ago ahe c eine to Goderich with a- -4.t *.Q-. --P.- otes oe...e.- , , el. • nenal et. g get tides who *41 b� preeldent. for the Master of Maitlanct Lodge it. L. Com, • . • (1' - e • wee leviewe and 4 was's% great Sat+ 280 'u lis present and the lowest -0 Poat Year 8 work est Attendance being March leth with ilhiell':e• anStellithav**1 hellititulletaoCi;:itadtet IltiwtlitirthYthTneeeeerdn'edi trro hoe iteritilt:not* . ;taw both teams. -pressing' hard for is • Sec. Gotierich Fire IDOL cden.len,t a . ,.4. 0.,_s ,. e "tteen 'szr s „P , average atten once of 200, the high- . Were present' n'o• M . , ,P oiovemeer, wiliest of douse reney de. much enjOyea social event. The Wore Lo7FORMATIereetweeterRei ndXt four Yearkeinitqlie 'election doing. Presided, mut a •verY fine .program isfaction tha the, btidget aras allrieSt seta, seth, 108, the laet two or three weeks. Airs. man and Was ht Alexandra hespitei New Ramberg. The seeona period 'wedo fitenldtirtomehe Wag presented by Mr. Weir the fawn- ' 'rhe fonort of the Adult Bible Class Mite% is stirVived by two daughters goal W. Shroeder landed tee seemid and one son: Mrs. I, IL McKay and goal for New Ilambileg after fifteen .- . , ,geetegntegt_ not 1,0ake place *until the egoupe of was given in the lodge,rootti, 'consists. •atre:recheadr • aalthoyugh .vt,, Nentien. _. - • : • electors meet and 'thie ' took piece ing •••of community singing, mono- * ti n ' ' ticeeniengateeeentergatioo wanted yesterday-. Roover is now presie logues atol songs by a couple of the touter/sing. rinativee Isaac me,cum, dent oiled entlettill enter •on, his duties members of , the Brunswiek , Trio a ;tango. who wee born in Huron Collor, ...early next trieritn. Landon, Mr. Spence end Mr. Jock ;eel winise• triothetee maiden mune was Brillantyne, and solos by local sin ed the first and °ray aoal of the game thc different department e Girls' Bible Class. iTheeclass has 03 ceased. The feneral took tibiae -env kten Particulars to NV. tleCOX can til The amnialeneeting of the aaltforil to. • " ' Plough, and go over the ton this er, showing the interest and attend- 1414d` MeXamen" of Gedern41, rAnitef(tItItt wnlitnetittehtle uterefeltulaisTeheitnettPee.eeleettehoenedire year." The splendid reports of the liarn J. Pierce, of Sexsinitii, Mace of the members well sustained. ,a itors. Within one minute after plait secretalie$ showed how strenuously Miss Mar Melna lest 3ton ts sett also by a brother, Andrew Scott, %tory Ann Curry. etstete teetter, write Saltford Sunday Sallool g- the individual organizations • fetarY, Presented the report of the Port Huron. - ahree daughters eye de. m the ilnal period Don McKay •Zee leek in S•cottish Costume was•a . scream and. the visiting entertain- that 'tihe 3iaster's work alfght pros. • " Wednesday afternoon, jail. !loth, fi(mi for POderich. The New Hamburg • members on the rolls wit an avere • . e.t.a nicksoyalilvd.eChicago, . • `60fiday school Wad held: on Wednes. ante-aa--a•'ant !day, Feb: Otle treaptirern re- VOE'SALE OR TO RENT:. port was read as follows: Balane4 rivE ne.NDRED,Dotat.4ns-oi vou from -19,21, $18,23; total *omelets for eseeintr In' 7 By buying • thlsanniectiong 1928,'$1B340; bank inter- eletity • acres of niCh and preductive . $121 27 4.t lean Witlr good, netural and arbidcial est, , iota anen ures drainage. Mein, alettlreS4U0 location- -Leper inissiens. nee; sunplies, $20e ,Gne of the •nest ilt the vletnittegyou .40; Miseellaneous $17.70 tote' $97.- atayed for Mts. MacKay. •Beautiful P t• • • - age attendance of 31, visitors during the residence of Mr. and niro:iiNat gpalaietriecrstategetnalatea paeopartalidingtabruepe and111ers certainly proved a fine attraction. e • It was- decided the W Id g Huron Presbyterial will hold Mot McKinnon, Elgin, avenue, to thsL,.- the year 113, Mrs. Redditt aud ltire. goals. Totvard the close of thia per- dininal conference in James street gannon cemetery. The services at United church, Exeter, April 30th, Geo. ManDoitald are the teachers, house tied grave were coneueted by riooductihietphlianygear on t both e slildalets baeigaitila telt had Only three men .. ..... ne...... The St Andrew's Club has been 1929. , North at. unitati ahai.414. Services divided into two -classes, a senior and Eon. M• C. Parr. The pallbcerett in period Goder a junior inition, Mr. George SehTte- TGhodaeal.isrehablvb,erite.3,01ens.sras;Idn'titio.s. Sano -,7. /met on the 'ice' to New Haniburg's four. for continues at teecher of the senior The period ended with the play in the section and Mr. Elmer Beacom has niirPdsepaantdkaa.t Aria gcnunibnaitint,a.rlealassr.S.1teolcoin, 'New Hamburg end of the ice, tht undertaken the teaching of the ers and }ugh mulligan, score being 3 to 1 in favor of New younger tection. — - • Hamburg. The player)). on both The budget committee presented AT THE ROYAL teams turned in a good game ; &le. _e• their report through the president, voitois had the advantage, dancing took ' up' the attention of 111 '3__*14„" Public at orship; Owiung a Mr. IL H. Reid, showing as already t„ . man Th Elyth orchestra la ecl , nTrAae will be the sermon subject, 0 mentioned that the allocation' ha o otens and Women's Leapiel Are dell had played a etreneona .overtime . Making Progress at the Royal •gaine with Clinton on Monday night, been neeeeded. Capt.' Pe. Morrison is , Bowling Alleys, The return game will be played et New Hamburg Oil Friday evening. president for 1929 and William Bisset, ed b the committee the other mem- The following ia the present stand- New Hamburge-Goal, In Ramon• Their. numbers 'were Interspersed with sOIOS by• Mies Esther Ifunie ,and Mrs. A., 3. MacKay, whieb were given vita. delightful expression and intonation. Mr. D. Campbell_ played Miss Rume's aceompaniments and Mrs. t. Nitalker on nundtay, Feb, l'ith, will be as rot- _ eon .be profiting Vile amount, Said le; balance on jeend January. est,• ttauquets of roses vete presented to lows; io um. mown Cline; subjeee %era es oboot two nines from Minton on Base Line. Domino consist of 1920, 821.15; Collections to , date the lady performers by little Joao to be discussed: "Fellowshi what coed limo, large bore, driviog shed. 87.00; total balance, e31..75. The atlebertson. After the oroeram, re, it is ahd,whatati its basis," introaueed 041) !window' and reseryoir. Coasid- Sunil school also collected e20.50 I h d b t., by Mr. '11. Young. Class fer Chris- , mine binge Reel& nee in States rea- tay res mente were serve y a very a son foe eaerificc. • For tome: W. for the Eible Society. During the tentive committee and then verde and P thin Fellowship else laission Band. eitYnOnn, Clinton.. °wile).* 322 South year there %vex* 'eight persons who mein Street. Romeo, Alichigan• . tt rid d y Sundayand a e e ever many others missed only a few Sundays. • REAL ESTATE AND INSIMANCE .,.. ,,_ ,. . .It has been decided to bold a concert THE AatalanOaat IlLata ItaTATX rind In eid of the Leper Mission, the con- Zen:HANOI); AGENCY. . cat to be hetet early in Mareb. It Large ntin.t.ber .cd good eeeperties ttor was also decided to send .$5.00 tco the tile at low Ittriees and mony or them miners' fund. . , .1 ISY ternis /Or payineat :e - St. George's High Tea 41.• for the dancing. • p.m., Sunday school. 7 'p.m.. Special service for young .people. The offi- . Aust feu, at then's• Q.,.„„„_„0.,, A good brion house, bathroom., tights. -",„"""•"` ta'n"" 1.,1 and small barn. Immediate pos. ',rho parish Ian of St. George's tension; $1,300. thurch certainly loc•ked pleasing to II I 1. 1 t 0, C. I. Trustee Board cers of th Ye P 1 'a 8 ' t The inaugural -meeting of the Col- will be installed. Members of the So- bee, of which ,ere meter,. tit it ewe. I Ing ogthe teams in the ladies' leaimoi defense, W. Kalliemelo 1'. Bingham ; legiate Institute trustee board was eiety will Assist the Minister in the I held on •Wednesday eventng, .1an. 30. serviee. At this young peoplete ser. lte. .1. itteMehen. S.1), Croft, Blue Streaks won 0, loat 0, centre, 0. Merman; wing% NN'. Stireet der, II. Etsmell; oubs., E. Reid, A. IL 0. i Supereilks won 0, lost O. The meinbers are the same as last vice as well ten young people will Dunlop and Wm. Somerville. I Year: Rev: I. E. Ford, Dr. IL Tata augnient the eegular choir and six., The mr. m. S. report was read by i Isarender Girls won 0, lost 4. Maim. lor, Dit A. T. Eton -tenon and alessza. more will act as ushere. The special the secretary, Miss Iiiabel •porter. I • Night lIewita won 4, lost 5. : Goderieb -Goal. IL Deal:: defense, On Monday, Feb. llth, the Super- I 3. Wood, M. McKay: ceetre, G. enall- w. ese goeitherst, a, lit, Robertson, 3. musinal service of the evening will be The Society has 53 metebers and an I silko took two out of three games ; tient wimp. It. Stoddart, D. nielstay; I. Roberteon, .P. S. MacEotan and J. tie follows : average attendance of 22, and the , 4 III • 1.01tAly Altrkeil• cellar...small barn, Mae the eye as one entered on Tuesday W. Fraser. Department eas a 'from the Blue Stretalte. :was A. i subee ' flud Sturdy. W. Moore. location. 'Price, e2,000. be Peelutle, "Largo" (Xerxes) Vanden Home Helpers' tween the -hours of 5.30 and e Rev, a, p,. Ford was appointed Quintet °The Won • d th g o inemberehi of GO. The thanktoffer. ii aNinagirine eavfaaiiiiiigahraloia• gtgrlieettfoartemerafw5i2t1bi : .. Ileferee-W. Emmen, Stratford. Brick house, all modern oguipped, (*lock, whee tea wee eeeved bY the el ' f :th d Init ' 1 el ll' 11 - . Tehomtlsareing was §1P39 und the _amount fors The Ladle ' And f Inn _emirat- e • ,ii 1 d - of the G tio 1 i• - italrmari- 3 - m..., tie aibles being teed Were eoriatittited as folloves : young peoples Wetted Quartet, wardid -to the PriabYteritir-triholliei . ' i will hold a High Tea on Thuroday *Warn licaled, nart polisbed -hardwood bates t -;... -for the - thi ee ' gate es,- Tent -Mini --Ant - i' - a° - alt ' . ''. - treasurer, a secretary to be appoint- I 711 .. . . nrettik decorated with pale mauve veniences,• nue garage; choice location. - - Piece, $3,000. 'basket e filled with daffodils and With Fine back house. fun modern equip- silver candleeticks, also &asset] intim &his: bathroom, tt2,100. , - .1 b m 211 xi ist e3,2oo. 000d betel; houset eleetrie same coior scheme, The conveners i% story frame house, 'good ' eel- for t ie ttx les were re. MeKim, ra, non, lighte and baihrocan; welt toe t- Plitt. lairs, Hartwell, Mrs. Edwards ed. Priceal,O00. • • • and Mrs,. Morison. rhe fanny work Fine Pk story nitte-roomed Jasuse• and •eandy tables were' arranged in well erraeged foe gonvonleneet and the gum root,. ale ladies hi ehorge heating; lust finished; (Ounce latotior deoorating and noinertet het and cold of the fancy work table were Mrs. %water eupplyt modern etniece bathroom Woolcontbe, Mrs. Evans, ntra. gilli; suite; electric ilginetli goodnoilan; two for ••the candy, iktre. • Persons. Mrs. lets; well located; convenient tO (lode- et 0.,1 8 4 • m peotesolou. Prieealen0„ • . Mrs. Mills carried out the Indite of .1 A good Itt story 8-rnona lifnide, geed the reeeptiou committee. csilate lot and hare. eln00, • . . tt„ ,, et ItAirentintlenge member listed for John worst's 1111r04 Out sale, geed buildings. well improved; re- Word has been reeeived by •Mr. Carl markably hiw apices and eaoy terms for etie n • • tent A rew: 43 acres, RAO; ZO 110) (11 of a (Hinder unfelt hia Inc Collegitite Institute. Immediate re tur y, • rs. Sturdy, Sr., and ;Imes. e3.200: 80 nOreSte V1)04 100 erre% sing); 100 twee. ennix00: aeroe $1‘500; 100 acme 8.1,000: 100 wane ean00: 100 sores, $0,000: 200 acres, ea,000 and inane . . owe wan nie i for the ue btleties, , pommy. met. gal, ehit Property -C. M. Itobertaon (chair- and Soloist, Mr. G. Buchanan. • for the year was $330.3Ldate in man), Rev. •L E. Port), Dr. A. 14. Ein- Offertory, "Miserere" or Trovatore) Mrs, NV. C. Maeltwan, the treasurer with aingle of 182 and oggregate of ,,, 1 1 ; m ni . mesnaupenpily3e4. 3: 0-,tv'o.berrtrassoen; (ebairmato, or•vony, oiletealier olvdnefat of the Arthue Circle, made the report 892Ia. of this organization. The amount! . 4. • .4 ....41...,1.......... the men's league the stem:Inn is A CARD OF THANKS Dr. H. Taylor, W. A. Coulthurst, P• Quartet, ented Kindly night*, Dykes i tient to the Preibyterial treasUrer as follou'a: ileid steel in eetend their hearth,lt ; 118'. Wm. tivia.i.y wig nandit. We'd'A 1 ZZ Ban2' 0 g OS • I. MaeZwan, Yourig Mena Quartet. was 870.40 compared with $033.52 thanf,4 to tin mends and nolohhoro in Originals won 3, loot 0. Vocational and Cornmercial-P,, L i (titan; (a) "Gaaotte" .(Mignon) for 1937. The memberehip la 41 with , the enlire community i time from StieDivan (chalemant. Dr. Ernmerzon, i Thomas an overage attendance of 13. - Go.Gettera won 4, feat 2. a entamp aim so elipily Awned Weve- S. ,e•;. W. A. Couithurst and .1 „ . Fraimr. (b) "A Perfest Day" (by re. Miss Wiggins gave the 'report of altford won p, leot 3pithy iii thir riant toreevenivid :by sending fi, were et, It 11' of eens Reid, C. IC. Saunders, 3. W. Taylot* Anthem, "Conquering Eingo ynhoener 1 tmile°1eItterGselinivirstteLnlission Band, The IL! 00: 11 as is ill 0a : 21 1,trvaoan 21: ilost4e 21: Xing Pine won 0', loat G. *i Pt IN.*, , tepresenting the bcerde and C. A. .tsitsioness, sw isfs'swing ansoks atipreciatrd . itiTuitel5eta) Take" giat and three boys and T. IL Mitchell, representing the ;launder! and $177.10 was sent to the Presby s i Bernier:I won 0, bout 3. HAURIED employers and employees of the town. Poatlude, "Petite Marebe" Dubois terial treasurer. On Feb. Oth Liona No. 1 took two gine te ne. teem. lor le,. bonen ...NtittiNiev I.F.P: ins Thssisi,s. nil. boFarhillaanlel-it liTelleeladerliinacinrnour othoefr cotnhieo BRIEi TailN-7 TOPICS t b Ihueabtaxd lie:: 3,‘,AfiedereSaotelitythereinmeretreed. i out of three from Lions No. 2. P. 01. the 10,1,.. NV. T. i;ii.ii, Etiss society Hunt was highest for tto. 1 tiani Lon er 1120114. r rtr Ilie 1.de SAII211*.1 h114441 mitteea. ' ' gt - . . The tie in the contest for the euto-. tarY* Meinhnl.nidp 64. The ouretary and 5fr. IL .T. Edwatds nee, n e leg w i:,1 p aye on et meet devoted its finanees largelY to PaYing with a tingle game sore id' 271, anli ,Ifi.;ail.11111.11 1" 1'1'41 1' '4 Qun11"""' "It Mr, S. P. flume was' re.aupointed mol '1 M b ' 1 cl o' 'm for three tiMe13 of 7 1 a recreation parlor on Tuesday for the new lighting system for the og'gret.o. g 1 ,, . 1 end la. le Knee waa high man for ' t • e . DIED church. tber John 2uffered recently in being T tit esieriele ,f11 4.4113241;h. n.11. evening neut. The repoit or the Wentmitioter Ii005 No* 2. ainale of 200 and au ;'911,, 1:12;i„1 up. ,,e Ilis burned out at Cohri• Sash. 11 was TI1E 1NDISPEXSABEE PATCHED Tim annual •nieeting AhmGuild was taken as pante ed: d - Their oggregato of ite 715. The competition gen ee j1.4. early in the rooming of the 2nta. on , . in two outeit.was very close. JAPPIRI. tt .rsseissa.s. Ha Roomier. .,t 1PN. . .,1 gib t February and •Mr. Worsen had NVe have been fairly prosperoue the iChaPter, L O• IL E., will be held in past easel), and %Ve rattrihtite the public library on Monday, Rh financial report shotvs totaib oi $237. - vele tigi the Originals teel; siMr, 914. WV. pr011ght n van of oil into tho house to sweets. fleetly to tee many patronq .18th, at 4 Pan. 141 and tbe average attendauce at the three games from the Dant:ere. C.111"alitte tha "a' n1"I Mart For -all pat'fieutars weete tie see J. NV. AlimsmoNit • Real Dante, heat it, as he was imable to get ins meeting& hu been eigliteen, er started. The can of oil exploile4 -- wenvere able to get from among the The Central School Home and Mrs. A. Taylor, the secretiry, read CJInPnnin was their hicil man, with a jt:14rist„r it't. el;a1i7a.1.4.1ttil.1:41...41eliae"1"11 "r _ , _ and the house and Ros Ooderien, •O-nt. fun• ture w• e"e de- f a r ma 11 g comimunities. AInithoough&hoot C,lub will be reorgan.ized gehter, yeeotrementine- 0seere of 303 and 743, and Jewell foe i'; livees eN," Li..4011,ol. mit. 0.61 r less severely, turned.mr. wet,. ote471.1 eeptns ys ak r' Tesyt19th Wtat 415opeaanthe nonhers hl an01nr' iifmile'hxcoaudabe ., Pn.tontheworkofthe adena230d5.wedipsit.Torniotom.mazait atdandatleaywlenm fenleers ageetitical Ilers, willing te All parents connected with the 600.01JFeb. 12th the Go Gettera tool: the ,siimki.ii. ii.inahiiT k.1 Alm lo.in 11.1*0. ,TIse Inns.P.ii 1,9.111.1.ohs• vises, roial the G()OD TIDINGS ron EASTER 't• • i may be one of loyalty and consorts. f` three Ramer' frent the klaa'rinri• t• itelatoo *1111.1, Haat!' p, ;11 liatia.,,,noll. laming the hope tnot the year 1920 : ' Hon of talent On the part of the t Towooend was high for the winners,' en 4itinto. Tinnvin, Fiiii. ;it 1....Isi ist . W. CRAIGIE ' °t3eit liiniself was burned about the glAnd thia has been and alwaye will " aa- - '''' ve a fair price for a good =tide. i•are invited to be present. ' .. ' 3"11 and face and "3 tal3ble t° I* be our aim; to give real cooperation i with alft mid 778, and E. Pekinare fox r iiiiiteeniien i • re,ti•v. Tisio!rai tinsate. * R t r,.1 . ,.. .. by Falling to our patrona geed Feet. Sin Foelo only to Easter! 11 111211'7A.. D... ItIeLean, chairman 02 ' "12 Luc P881, 1167 end Geo. ' ellt1.1.P.n. s.-4.11 i*ii,, p ;,.71 lee late •t t , t , ti .. M ... W ,3 I : heal Mae mg lasaraace wae in her night dress, aatterecatue • worst tind was in Tether a mi 10119 ‘,VC.If at Imo -amble pram, nail givina t leaves- little thee tO cope with the de. the Board of Mammy:, le that repatiteelvoatel: ,,I; ear.,ct,'„haitlaartelli !,:iliLliallyenz,411.a4,eliZfi.evnatasTutilittaltoltielt tMi"il,.t4i„0.2x-t:liejniitii - them the best poesible service in ow 11)88(1 for "eveuwwmai thing ne," at organization. ehowt ieg 1eet_ mi -w•-•*--, • condition. The elder boe, about four- . • _ .... . .. . ... , .._ _ . _.__ ______ tepeir Mew Cent° and eee tig viTapn the "right idea" alwaya for the foti, dorm the paot year as oiready men. high for tho Whiloo 'tango ant and Ift31s=1'114. 13 Iii' glf111 aIilil,,:V,. —...—.—.. ' . ,......,4r44:::1,1-1',, 1 ' - - ' In need of Footwear and bring input, val of Easter. Charieri NOrilitiri Voted above and calling attention to „ 717, and P. atisoet Wail for Ealtford, 142'n•iirLtniAl.' Vii ',,r1sT.:411!.14.e'llK IR 111 ' ... . - repaire. It pleates us to serve .yon. i (taanufinturera' agent) 1109 1101,17 hie the voted toe the ince:WenM , board to 318 nnd G,.k:a ‘4.1118r,115. ,..11.111,11.21 .it VA s totes'. ' 0 CAREY& SON, Ltd1),,,r.t St. Footwear & Repair Shop comPlete Hum for Earsten and Slieinto lave the leettate room refloored. , Felo lab, Oaltford tO3k two mit of 'mild 31'1-'3"ar211"a " "'iv"' . 13"n'' , WM. A111,, Proprietor. newly imported tnglisio aeotala, Moll Mr. WM. MAW° lickd retiree(' fvoin :.thren front the Go*Gettnrin P• r.20'.1C INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Faq St, Gedetich. OPelf evenine. ntla French inateeiale for mite and enie tenni, !mina been made an cid i. had Inge eiagle for r,altford, 312 aini . . IN Telephone 230 MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING O'NTARIO ThultdRY. 28tla The meeting vieht eow 4Ielic•efy any time bo.01 ItIts. P. Welt, f:Tc:.•ent ' f tt• '• '110 II' v"1" c' :0 Itavott Mtn was *.1 .0 tanntnne &Vat .0S111 lie too win °Pcn it 8 0'4-Itlait "d akati'on nf fete E2sstcr. !CM! its tizo Maio.% ;of the flaatzelei cesentaey and An• and atod MeVkar for the. ingr In .4a 1 offacre eel glee !gee, Et -do -TAT lintel end ieereet. • doetv- Potter tile teeott of the tee) 231 otel vat. .3 , Phone oppo, ,Krox chunitogreat3 ben for le.diee and inCri, at ter, tied Mr. I). Metwiek was elected dae. total, Oat Fee tile Go ' it: '14,1"‘ %r "Ui the voty10-0,01 elites ecotistent with te take lee place, aro 51[0634a. GOttCFLS TOMitetrat W51 MO With 1,1tvo 144 Vs:fr aihe retnitar /Altering tho Vittotia Ineet itelitEdual taileringe and, in attain atelleon, One. Beget, Aseirew PcItor CrliMIC 303 and artgvetate 11°4_ .',64"131 l'hdY ltns been 1n1"1-' ition la Per cent. redaction foe a very ; end F. !Mack, tnnotte feline extant tine Winne 'tango defeatca tizo LIP /14' )1.0%'' IIVIt '""34 noneu frean ThilladaYv o'hh. alet, to limited pealed only en all etderes given j c,..1 worm reotette4T. King Pin3 0 to 0 l'eb. 7th. IL Me. a" "'IN "a' GODERICII 0