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The Goderich Star, 1929-02-07, Page 6
� 3 � L% -.'cu -....„F„%-1,1,-,- �G r. 1ay,).3 a V E'.,£taY tett:+A .. „ Pastry expert says e is �, ,s� , last SAL: c$e3 •.e € ult. ay n enietful, The cote is stir trs,i litneine`J433 areuw^^a$;',43C nvr.n 3 C y+a X i ,1W.iuit9!_ v 1 6 ' -- #lw.iij`^2 tap 92 Fan caee $one` �si13 fee £'e t'e"nve pe 3e E3 r, lu i q l a 1 1'u fe ce.Qs rte,►f,c"-e 9:2;."ant vnece len V,%-1)wideineeny -c-z? GS il+A 07 1: ". T ilei 9 t ['1 6 7• 1 tt 417- I'cr e.,,:4 -if t 1.141 fasces• 4at:l t:a' ,tris %4> A 4 - w l "diCf�ynnavt31,1i SS -C 4%1. C';L tx,'.n ri CM3 141 z,7, V17,73:7:73fire=al er 'en Co,letence '7 4c :sanest. nee ...4* -!1< 1071.) FZItCi it—but the eenneee Tc9, off,. t will.. );,,., to no .:pial. 'alQ vc,r, cif if +� i+ 1°� "this* '! R I ✓ f 1 >pr o S It L.7.Z of -Tx urge ; to Gay, that tiie leeta.r,: enren Feel as ik v. -as in si reet- ic C.r %y warn v2 1: WFzio C`oats..sAlz59 ce ga,C,•':."#rrt ea to ireit;.ne coma reorder, al:oculd l eein ix' its+ p hull eisa2css cct;.rce el' u• 0 ublic school Edkatiiiiin`�Iaron _Trend Among T,eachey°s Is Toward , ltt$ >nnlen _of Iii her _. qualifications WEST HURON Pe S. TEACIT RS!. AVERAGE SALARY $9SLU0 1 'Q c; ev.'" (t?y, 13" 1" "1" 111° CO* Both Inspector Beacom and Insueetor Flea[ '+mphasize Red Rose ©ranee Pekoe Tea is truly economical. A half pound makes almost as many cups as a full pound of cheap tea cor..ling 5O to 60c. ss , to + , qo,t et: d from fee hotel d.ains e ' T * tea > n s.c Nitgat wareh and aloof, regret, Unfairness of System of Grants` By Which �' .goo fclllly of the wort; be allot rept nc » Godeiich alld Winghan Do Not Palrtiici•• 1)Y:,t, on hie teat. �Grants Ausntalinin'g, r�l:o ester Aim Anel- pate. in Special .Iver c; c ^c'i'^ ?il,� {) � iE#5 nittt} - ca ?,;'1 ' .party. had remained zvi,;tflnl, code; The folIIa,vinn are the reports 4f In-' county.' 2'fie nttenclariea was quite .'`�''."�.. - , .' _---� L ._ _... ._ "" tog lnigtaex education P d I $ Cl • t • . RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE iib emtrm good ail t4• lust tor nor t i ere' swoon. climbed the ti OW- clay • eeerter .';r):roiut [nYLd lnsne^tor Field setizfaetery, ,Dieing 85.5 . per cent. of £ •tpultuezl ,ia'xant . iy c' in Centre: re - no with 44,0 oTd brrt'ht Beppu flush on her on the conditions of public ectool edu» that poReible. whietn compares ver v gl There were twelve school faire held rote from the se, gtndary schools. 11, week blue eves. She was lauehtne ' cation in '#t'eet gluon and .taut liar- favorably +citta last y s .,x w fig4re ,trod ► in this inspectorate last autunite Of (Continued on Pate 7)' "Oh, it le a lovely. morning. Gay, a on, reeneetively*, wilich were present- with cord'tioita e n tine eicocllxer.,theee 1 was able to attend seven and lovely morning. Coming on to filrietmen nom, it n't it, coining On •i4 - chrietmae?" "Y -ca, it is. Did—Alice tlwitdove.- cat, bort could have the p)arty,aftee ell?" . tluntrslruiry burst into joyous nan- tte lattehter. "Ob. my dear, when I think of Alice Andover --dear Alice— the isa line woman, for all her faults tree its ra thousand. But when 1 think of all -her adrininistrating, and ho sing, and her schemin •-••and all she gets for•it—tit, no„" elle interrupted In -emelt. trying to sadden ber oneuber. tte°,_. "oh, : nor no Christmas party, this year. Oh nos" She shook .her ;little silvery . head. hot could nit Bloke away that fair of ,toy. She said she had only come tobor- row a bag. a gold»sized. hand -bag. S ie ;wente4 to .take= -some things over to town, : She said site would ('coming ee winter. ;The women linked, empty Riled: Salome have ,been like to Beep it Several days. If Gay diu. ;md, solved', and chatted. The men got maintained" a oboist the sante level as' riot, mend: and promised to be very ' in the last of the mem,'sor ed the, recent years, there being only one iii' careful of it, She chose the larger winter apples, went zver,the'furnaee:i -stance o£ A teacher in n rural seliool' of #wo llrind-beta Gay guilty offered, aind the lumbi •. - being lo reeeipat.of less than 8700. an- explaining;that she .vuuted it to bold' Mrs: Alice Ari over carne to the einallen while moon boards recoe*tnixe we11-1"11, i d rutstandine ability' by paving salaries cottage hut not often,. for she . Sues A fow days later she chine again fond of creature comforts; and her in: excess .of'81,000, Tile' total amount to "Plain that elle was lne't yet enthusi4m fox the .winter e1imate of Paid in salaries in, all schools 'wan through with the bag, and to suggest, her native state was limited to'.an,oil' ,""182886; or an overage of $984 tsar~ to Gay, ii :she did not mind, that per- ,burner in her furnace,'a 'birch Iog in teaclterT: has it would be )better not to say w ,hexa fireplace, and -a pretty Parisian The wants for 1928' were On the word al!out it to Alice Andover, 'knitted scarf about her aristocratic canoe ,basis as former years. The '"She's a fine woman," she ea:d toy, . shoulders:.: Depnrtntent of Educatiisn is'eontem» ally, "one in a million, a credit to the ' 'hat'o' the .old fool i oing now;,,,, plating )making some changes in this Wand, a- typfeal Maine character; A ,she 4ereended; with the brush nod to- pregard but have issued no 'nev+ data i:'apable administrator, : too, and .all ward the' orchard that meant Aunt- en the ,subject as yet.In all probe '+i PY.ittG,1T ;i917 by _ 'she 00069"M211,10.1.CO. W,N.U.$ iWice CHAPTER Vitt. (Continueed> ly, as his legs sprawled out from Inc- "`Gas'r; gentlemenly Ingram,"lto.:neath the piazza iota the open one. • taougiit: with a boyish grin, 'Tonal" Evidently however, the intrusion etandC it below with the Chinks. Noy had been unobserved. and very .1nux" wander his eyes. vire sad." redly he throw • the :stones back into Stalled at leIst, he went down, place to give the sensetappearanco as careful to Ieuve' everything 'behind before his entrance, Then he :crossed ilii n as be luau found it, ;and ,elantl)errt the woods toward rho Lone Pine. ed up though the narrow basement yetin ai`utdolv again, not without great dif»�" �' i'i.S. -, i , r: `/ . it '! . tr � f Fully. Once more Ino<Ivas obliged to ctioN1 eat) head first, and return in. +itdor to replace the windoww tas he found it; which he did carefully, it tightly hi, and blocking it limey .with rocks from without. Then he made his final exit. MI hope nobody bangs me on. the bead before 1 lbttve a thence to,urgne eihoutit,,, lie thought rattier annieua- et Street• Electrical Shap ed at theJrinu?ry PeZatella of the There is room for improvement, bow - County Council : ever, in tbir, regard. mad parents gen- Goderich, Ont., ,tan. 21st, 1929. orally should reol'ze that peeseneo sat To the Warden and Wemnher% of school Lae a dollar end cents value to Buren county Cosine=!. the individual child. Gentlemen, -1 beg to, submit my There are. 1Q. rural and four urban report on the :condition of the public schools. employing 1.85 teachers.. Of credit . en tine Pupils and teaches. acltools In the inspectorate of West these 120 ate women rind fifteen are The agricultural representative and Huron for that portion of the year Dien, The small proportion of male"----------n-n4":474"""' n conditi that seems to his assistants deserve much praise(� post since ns appointment to, the teachers is tt condition an for. their work in conducting these CANADIAN NA IIONA „ Rit i f b 1 t 'n 11 'Darts of tit 1'ro was much. struck by the interest and enthusiasm they aroused. The at- tendance in some eases 'fres quite large. he entries in many of the classes were numerous, and tho char- acter of the exbibits reflected great GROWING GIRLS NEED Scott's Emulsion position inspector. e Preva en a a Q "firs. lr am of the opinion Haat any During the year 37/1 pupils were vino. There are 87- teachers, with e f ap 1 .a#in is los- lag an opportunity ninny good and useful 'lessons among ' DAILY EXGEP1' SUNDAY its pupils: enrolled in the various norms o,: the first class certificates, 07 with second ,'rural school n pa P TRAIN SERVICE 0 TORONTO public schools, and of these endefr clasa rind one kindergarten-m*11110y. of anciricating at mid"aumnter to continue their, etu» The fact' that 88 netr cent.• of the, dies in' the seeat'idaay schools. cif the. teaeliera have. first -clue . _ shows the preeernt derided trout Toe. Goderich 0.20 a.m. 2,20 p.m. A featt re of many- of the school. ,, Clinton 0.44 ,a,tu, 2.50 p.m. 'F Seafoxth 6.59 a.at, 08 p.m. it was a, drawn smile that did not Annette teaeirers: generally towards' tax rs was: Ow 03 al contest; At �' ., I itehell X1:21 a:na., 3.95 Pm* a d a n 4 i fila attainment .of higher tl aliflca» St, Sfelens fair there were seventeen = Arr. Stratford 7.45 nen, . 4,08 pari. touch her darkened eyes. n the s eecheq cr :2 star, The island shat itself" up,, nacre and tions, entries in. this event,. and P itttchensix 3,44 a.m. G 0 P were ail of a high' order« The fast' c, Guelph 9.04 a.m. 5.50 pan, :sure, betifrnd the protective uereens There appears to be no shortege of . prize winners' from each fair met in r.. Toronto 10.25 a.m. .7.30 P•m, and storm windows that presaged the teachers, • and all yaeancies ee been. Clinton for the final, the eventual #letutarng--Leave, Toronto 7.55 a.m., wianner being a pupil for No. 14 Elan. 12,55 pan, and 6,05 pain These children ate receiving valuable i'arlor Cafe tier• Gaderieh to Tor- traini in :public speaking .which lat. onto on morning ., train, and• Toronto er natty be of considerable'intportar'eo to Goderich on 0.06 pan. train. two to then,. changeof cars between Goderich and was welt maintained. These schtl The attendance in, the fifth etasses. Toronto, ole J. A. LAWRENCE, Town Pas4senger and are till doing valuable toric in probicl- Phone .8 'Picket Arent that, But once in a w;file she gets -- well, as, ' you might say .just a. wee bit nosey." . the al Alice Andover, too, climbed hill ininniry. c i bility there .will be no change thie. "1 don't know,"' Gay said evasively,year, It is to be hoped that any - meet .don't semeet of horn' l eheinte in the systemof grants will o -"I've been there a dozen iS,ni:B;-anis: !.x.?aacdy the iriiustice lane to towns to the Lone Pine. never nobody home,'" Mrs. Andover -with a. penulation of over 2000•.such- "See anything of that foolish old cemplained "There's no fool'like'an r as Goderich and Wingham, •- whose woman' down there?' •she inquired, old: one, She's' a perfect gadabout. I ghatre ie these,.: grants in orae scally Jerking her head impatiently toward tette go down and' see what »he's' up negligible. the orchard below. to." 1 The Accommodations In re etuuiber Once in ;a whit', , Not often.., So. they went down the hillslopc of schools leaves :considerable to ;be, "She's up to something. 1 -don't anl.l pocked'. at the door of tie Apple i desired. "The .present schools, in theses, trust that woman, you,, wateb her, Tree, There was no answer, although . instances, have al -most outlived their _ trtd if you see anything out of. the distinctly they could hear slight :usefulness, and the trustee boards vizier you tell : me. I'm the . adranirti's- sounds within, . quick ehufiting, :muf- !concerned should consider providing eneeenonnee a t e. or t< • o to kee anre k' of aproperschoolbuildings the "chin -tiM _ l ii ` �,, het�or, and 1 e ll tla y fled footsteps, the sly c a int; i:d ,gs for • "then silence. Alice Andover dren under their care in the near Int. .i . door, We carry . ,good stuck of ' . !!! _ y , ; , it 'wan disappointing beth to .Gay' turned the knob, but tae door was ". urea Atleast one section,. Ste 1;Ste- .'r�ft1A >�'XMitiCi sF ,t ,: and rifand that with all the little locked. She marched gr my around :piton has • deeided to 'erect a nein ► i threads.of na ster within their geosi' ou Ga following, and tried buildingduring the resent year. :A . � , ,y 'y the h se, y K, s1' p , Fixtures" etc.`. � � �=»; •'(a .,'r'' :. i nothing happened, " They kept shrewd the kitchen door, .only to find it ioclt- ;number of schools were inferrer de- _�, + JJ r ; watch of forest, elubhou'se and shore; ed also: corated during the Mid -summer vdca,-1 l We Specialize in > r Jl. but all remained silent and deaerted, sharm.olessiy, .she peered • in every ' tion . itis pleasing effect. The use of M;•+; G. Jt. ft r a few weeks' her inter''- other, but therethis s. does Wiring afF:t�l ' Kinds �.d ,.�,wk ; so that after xvindow. +stir after an , h ,light 'colors for plarpo e q * . est waned• fiend, however, continued was nothing to nee lnut•ti,e tidy house macla'to:, remedy pool lighting condi- , Estimates given on t' , . '.. faithfullytogo to the' clubhouse ev "flans, empty. 1• .. 1._...._ _. • ery night, for ho knew. that eventual. oT'he old foal is In the .eloset,,':neuce:l The teaching of agriculture gene:" Ail Vrork Guaranteed ate . y ' r 'F' the gang' would come algal", 'Incl . Andover< said grimly. She rapped i any in the rural school has stimulat ( , he wa8 ready for them.. smartly' on the ; -windeee, "'Anatol-, ed the teachers and pupils to 'accept _ Hurriedly. Ile Threw he Stinnes lBaelh 1{'e had inquired about boats leer. iii Auntalniiry, :acme Utit' yt'o sec the beautification of the school I)Iti1d-' an 1 c rthlu�r Into Piece ing Portland Itarlsur at' the time the ou—eome on out,: you big, us:rie t!" iritis and surroundings; In some , y� y`y r y� It was after nine o'clock. Band . Chinese i#nm'grants left. the c;Iul1W Iiut there was no answer. Schools window boxes have beep. used le a * �,F■ s M1env. i "i. ..�__. i Ph '�'� '� t "tot It not shaved his faro and hands house, and there had bean? ..or• c4he's upto something," Alice An:. �iytth od:�iffcct. A great loot caul "- were scratehed and bleedinite tiffs' hair mil' freighters outward sauna, two. over saianxiously., "She"a . mad be done in this way to make the ,.,t.w Jam. 'lir' ,. was matted with dust and. tits of for the south, three for Europe, and about that Christmas party. All for school premises moreattractive.' earth find; moss, his clothes were one. which had called at the port come- :her own good, and that's all : the Any expenses incurred in baying grimy. Ile glanced down at himself, ing down from Canada. Ile had thanks i get. I thought, just to ra- bulbs or:plants for: this purpose can a = smiling. But he went on. looked up the records'of every one psi ' eify het." she said fiercely, "1'd let be reclaimed item -zhe• Department of 41 have ro right". to .cheat her out these boats, and tabinlated the infer- ' her fix little bans of candy nerd nuts 1 dueation under the present scheme of such a thrill as this," he decided. elation, but the name of Ronald In. for the t?I111dran, titosrgh they dant a ,.. But he hurried .lois stets, for he had grant was ncit connected with ally. a: deserve it. "1 liiva ifl' <.ti . brills. neo '"desire to explain Inds appearance thou, So be was obliged to rswait ieha,sing eat:, ureal.in:; erinda.v �•w to any other but Gay.' their return, and daily scanned the ,Tut dust to Pleat a:hl c. a i ordere,l Her amazement tit his appearance , sailing:. reiorts for news of them. 4 fifty pounds if Chria.n' to candy.-sont. at her sial equaled his 'expectations. October faded goldenly away, nod :4 to iter." r`1lanei itnnd 'oho g psped weakly. November "'settlaid down grayly qI er „ "Olt, that's must dear of yon-,' "I,tt nit in,.let me iri;' tot/ .the islands of Casco bay'. Alieca Andover fra.vneil lit h^r. 1eu'hingly,. "T)oit't leave mea et: Atatlr;; aeon on the thins days of foe' x,d'ohn pays hili: 1'111 ant,,r thin ad- �y • here with the burden of eritno upon ,vetilber, a cold rein cc+t in. driven by i1ninistrator. doling pays halt. Li:. if.; s tiillrti; eS pia s for the •u t.Gltink to take tt pat as hard euinii from the ltortTteast. Dy got fruit, site's not 'vegeta0lce, her". ug ltxn yes shot at." midafternoon the first nor-eister of euplioard'e frill of eanned gods, and the season vi" "Out alontt tire. cotter +d►WMC, RSE 't eS Nurrictliy, slava elreev hint into the her cellar full a sial and :vorzd. She. i. ; .. 1 -rho' titin had turned to cutting li?ts of ;'.-nil's want for anything; - Caw rtae-? •- ._.... 'venni, elosi d enennee teed -'tilt; door -titsyrG 1tdY _:.. _. _- . Your Character Brown eyes for s:-:igthe --Slue for pnercrs:sy-•Gray eyes for sitsloutypsrkling eyes in- dictee beauty, yes, and good health, too 1 . Do your. eyes sparkle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged: with yellow -indicating an avaof• arts condition - due to -catnlip*. don? If so, you need :'t be too eoag, • on your liens. Make theta ,produce r_a:erscw. Tig,yw;U.if:ice it�c titres a flair ,.fang of Vtotts r.:7:ttry Ite r.,t.t.,r ie SheF1'z-,1. Ws .I Ega3-�t,t':1RAr:. ii ITED-.f Som ilrkltFraee. rnenoa'r1 neer rammer loth frost }iird him. `ice. like burning chips frons steel. ; It did not enema indeed that she a )' I " f.ande• iI;Aral.;-What have on ;MI afternoon Gay sat in her window coutd. Her larder had been bounte- ously "" "_ �v�eta +s�... done?" she whispered. t.seat, listened to the wind I*skiing the and glorious stoat/el- a hon, %She listened silently while lin 'told, /bate trees of the dear little foreat, ,dyed pounds of sugar,: 1,ra.vta and in'atetehy trillion, the events of the 1watebcd the white sleet which tore °white, cereals, raisins, ,dries fruits, night. /fey eyes upon him were ter- past the •Wind'ow un great galea of :beans, canned' geode. Ne, certainly , rifled and troubled, When he finish- wind, and looked down to the sea, elle could not be in need of anything, ed anis recital with a .flaunty triumph. snow white with forms., . Finally she i 10esidcs, there was her cheep a<tcount Prot +4t ant gesture, Elie turned neil qn hint pas. 011 aatcrl?" a. ' at the grocery. and her nto:len� te- - ntonately, It .van evening• Weed a MOP et 'we lcount rat the bank. ' � „�� "Pon shouldn't Ito sunt thing:en tiltrell end an accompanying nehietle f "You d in't suptiisn : W+i would gu vine tried tlliekly. "Yon rihould not ". wai;encd 1iei alto spvanit to' liar acct p en a starvation diet to slobs ate," :raid voile iil~t"c�xlrrrc+s Emuistatlt S }Ton have no right tcy take suet, clown» and anent f'orna rd, diizily. to owlet: Being art emulsion of i,urtt'1Alice Andover i►nxiou_ �,r. ''1 don'oh,tom.d. ti;hstt do they ealae 'Una ',think she knows enough 'to do that." 4 ► for retIcec; Ourner': Think of that pier ,Gay tank his hands, let hint gently (To]x* continuelli 1.l ay Q ,1 . - i to tate Wirsdew-seat. sat beside hire. - It wee not lentil be bad been well k `Tana? she Bahl oventy, 'Vii you 1 FOR MOTHERS OF fortified with, strong coffee that she 11. want mento marry you, 1 will." , s YOUNG CHILDREN 1, d h« gently,f; l 1, t Now ay it *gain, clotc'h I dont i rr ctr4lleur'z sail, %Nf IER'S keeps the bowels regular and in a healthy condition, while the hwpoph''s}3lliteao lime art aisoda ,,:- _ iinr.�€1in file trirulsi � ct"tri emulsion Are benr6 sal in building up the nysrrm and in developing 'Tear a t. -t1ae doitr ,our./ tsar s, abaft i ver we Yeur.yrsttiit i►rteleitt tell tion atety. 'aglow e13 f IItt •13:41 t".'e►, ter Ar we th. Es•s in i1- 'e int • + , .,... -- d:rl:r, Bre<Ren, r^srt,:riN At giro up thitiieli:cti', a attention roes cis think I unelrrstanll." Mothers are tlitiek to braise any. '''`fi`"'ice ei". a carr ta: the tarts and pay no more attention to k lt•• Fou de. If' you .cant tete • thing which kiwi health and ecru. 1 'ammo rho a�tnvities in rite iit0o club. She iztarry vett. I lcillr"° (fort to theh little' ones ==any moils- v:' t - .^_. . said she was sorry she batt -ver told ''If I want you to matey me --You , that will niake the lnaby roll lulu Isem - g So Mud ttgT f! CSiElziIt F h111 anything about then affair in the wilt," 12rni1' ' tooted stawly1 Ue nkeeP bions welt lull. a1'w:iys "et `'.e �. �' "Slialfl ;S ' M1t iON i5 afisi - , c tl`, ,ole 'felt' hlio`'bad lei!` Midi'fyit8 i'At'ts k <i±e-a: Txaitko.) +fey . -shut,. '- � ittle:ten' remunntiettations -----,.Tire • .,..n ' Nots:.> a safeguard against the cheat i tetilble dantgr, j dont. „ another. That is why Baby's (loll! complications ions as>fit;iated with i ,' 1 keep thinking of that bey. Rand, ,i Clay sighed a little, sighed in retie. ,Tioief are ea 1101,1113r. Tiieu.:atitts l F :`Sauey arra utterly unririurtlltcd, sm. . t+rtirnti•' Ccttainly silo milcil, >;ut ;..f mothers thrc!ughout' the t'euutry. itt~ttt�y (.14,ye im 3'3.ICSb si art stn ; t•2rtll)e?t4na. I knew they etre, mince ---,7,------:---'-`-'==- ▪ poet t ply nee them for their own littlechic° fever a±tt� grippe. it lcxn.ens rue 1tvouId stop .at i!ethin.q If *nythitsli -�a `ene3 1'ut ee 411m *plightederto be gM, rrlit+•e4 the &prole,s of happens to you, it will be roy fault ',able to ale nt roll them to other *mat :tor Id1 't,Ctllii 1t3 tihal'h-. Troost trtczl to reassure her, Prong' y magnesia `goofier;. `I'hmtra vol s of niathers ��ltaract'!'?'r-move'sb.hIvir» pt=.ria iced to aloe every pefeesttti<-n, but he ! • + ;lt:ste 1)rolcil Ttshy il+�-n Tablets to o would not eensart to give up the tin=' • For er ,,,,on� iia with.„`. twnr retie!, in relieving thrid alts thus It.a,renirrq the h+ld s dertatifne. IIs wa% curt he half his .t,_,•t .littte In" t1t' ''':,ns' GP the lttnr.. tnen.in trvooc '! . fieger en tt thread atilt nada unravel renew, eco water from fe lte y , i , ;",„";9-^',, rfs t, , /',?''' •,et � to "!.t 111.011...""' t a, � _> `• :IlltiiC 1t�! 't hi;h tL1`r'.. R Oltf tot' X Ili- Pit 1 - ti'..'.A (lEIVRo vista a taut network of inteigue taint (.time dtn;„ ,,>•,l ti.tttdtia enta„+ h tisfl'iY l 'R.!a)`'r,It - `it thr 'tvnlltth Mill:; r ! .dlr'tr ",.u' •F:, t oath I feat r._i!!• :tlrettelte«•tx•et+.ftrarw�tair►[Rdl.ar,rrr. rnd,.lceng YLlrawv thousand of lltatiitra, lrn � L+4+Irc1r. llat;v"., tltwri T•rhtets ere ti!e inn'stmdsr tareatrnr tt,t a h re Tr!trr. %.7,r, in,.,i wet ,►t.!! ti•.! i..,i, 'I , , i�jj''arftttrYltllt. !3[y.a1►i,1. of ll"'"- Ill' !1!l!!: tl„t itrt<•;e A11;lnee t,n tr :t7,,le,", ielEll'd Ictllla_!�t --C! 4 to tllill+ Ifut they p uhf b an,l rt t?� 1!K ec>•tt tA. nal ti hl►w th' T+w trtl te,! tlnl'i1V:,' }. oils. oat+! t,. 1'' rff ;!. r o t,tt!, , �, it tl' ]1Nuh,t.�,t >,lntn►•!� t!n► Or ,,i,t;!onry rLttk; a in Tftst;rl, They 'M4taiwh Ir)it�{i. the �dre' yitlf 7�l!+!!ilitrClt!lrltti'!IEC, 11i)ig t�..n!.1 C,t+trtta Mit ti!e+:O ilitpnnt- aIfl+tee•rr.,,..v.rM,n t� ,t!!s!( .M' Lett!!, »at+r•ri rr,l in,l.s�ite"fl, hrtatk Ytt ansae ra .4 airoM! 41 A. 4... • eel than ti!ats he !SA! .p..,rtee to, ba..4 134? P r0 IMr e' ""44l+t'tn..(+ "4." ';4 i,,iri' a..!!I !.!n► b- fI"' "I ; repel worms! n Aetlw,e, M sr,+haMeM fww.rn++eA • th1! �Iwyth (t1 44',' e'15i '- ire ,,t,...,_...:i:r1,'-" !Alain,s,u dr+„+,r.be of L0�htrt f`" -e* Arra rotate the tri $hinR period es dai—esuorh oM!IMMAMe • Moa t- le OairR !a .LtMfr 1M net \trill to flet. , Yobs a roam/am Mt at OP, ikwd•r wr walk z> atlt. oeee•r rte•r . Th.. 'Timm. t4,,. old by meld toe, N;_ n he Gaderi+ch ,Star's:UST The Star and London Free P ~. . , : ts6.50 The Star and T11e London Advertiser, ......:...' 6.50 The Star and The Toronto Globe :. ..... 6.50 The Star and The Mail and Enrpirc .... " « ... 6.50 The Star and.The Toronto Star 6.50.' The Star and The Farrtrer's Sun .... .. .. ,; , 3"25. The Star and The ., Family Herald aria Weekly Star 3.00 The Star and Saturday Night..: : ,', .. 5.5t The Star. and Saturday Everting Post ; r . , 3.90 The Star and The New Outlook. .3.90 The Star and Canadian Homes and Gardens .4.65 'The- Star and . 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Mreb i'Vi. tf.wr!lrrw Ma �M �M au" !M �4 nit 7 M�'ti trt►t. said, ilei* l.art,te' Woo.i w tteeat. temp' tootle* iu"t a .. „in his hair. eiirittsz'!q /oft fifer tztLaLLIl : teeewerw b tears SSW •e4etlt Children" Q=� iteetwel, �t/,/�- r aN • NSI Mr -h t"III ! lfaetel4welrrti eetj kr '1'►+ T. Yal rlrT. . *� woo, (^ir!•' telt eon •Frd . moor elle ore rtrd. i.rn ^ "i h.y rt, r, ' tMi V A o 1 tri 1414 'htwf•, OA Day or Night t, Yrs. D: Smith, BIC 2' tr. , Freeman, Oat a write+lt --X haat *ewers kratleebe* *bleb. were *a bra x routa trot steep *toy or altbt. Alter re*d1sg of leer woltllerlal •.d,=: i.u:c, Your New Radio YOa worst the hest radio foe your money. Come in. see It and heat lb— *then then' 'ilevrant+tc.t ,. &'Kolster. Hiro Motor Sales South St. •--y Goderieh 1OLSTUt 11- «Afltbat yonseek in I Radio" •