HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-07, Page 4PAGE! rove
is now under way with ,great price redactions in practically all lines of
Merchandise. Refer to the advertisement in last week's issue of The Star
for the many values offered in Ladies' aad Men's Wear.
The Sale Continues Until Saturday, Feb. 16th..
All the goods are offered at prices we. cannot 'repeat, and Me 'goods are
all firsts, HO seconds, The values' speak for themselves, and we invite
'u to visit oar store at any time.
Special in Men's Windbreakers
(Not Listed in Lost Weeks Sate Advertisement)
.Men's Vrtindbreakers of endurable cloth, plaid an d chick pat ns.t1
Regular ,$4.00 and $4.30. Sale
PkONE 418
1• Men Be-, Oched--AndWomenToo,--by Heck
(lee N. Baer)
To The Stec, eletlerich. if it were it for the deplorable Selo
Etlitotee-Por„ if there ha ens? Mee, !Ica* and netions which mauy
difference, mY ceeeld °Pinion ie the otherwise geed too* are poeseeeed
odds aro dill in the favor, wee to the ef,
credit, a the men. We aa nos want ;J oftea ait awl read, aed Feeder,
to get leto controversy veth either ever eircerasteo,res„ ideas, theories,
the lyceums or, the men, for ceierover. theelegies, ete., uetil ray head •reels _-
$14:3 ara usttellY bed tbinga, even 1:1t .cuad ewims. As Christiaus-and of -
their 4e3t+ qua women will resort to !course almost everyoue in this coon.
teetis oftiraes more or less unfair. !try is a Christian -we have sitch
But urely enyone can be allowee to diversity of 'thought :Ina idea, opinion
ensress on opinion, to give vent to and theory ea to just what a Christian
the latent desires, or possibly 'the may do, or may not 40, and still
merhid woes, that prey upon his or oetear our abuts' • or run the gauot.
her &lumber, that disquiet the turrets ler finally. We imve neniesof We-
ald edim the vision, so lone, of at at we claim to heve-oraetleah
eoUrse, that we da not utter Wrong. deur, decisive. ineeitable, unalterable,
thing e k against the, Sovereign, the and yet, infallible os its, utmost ov-
er the bootlegger. We try -third man or loaner* we meet
have to he careful of what we say or with is a different censtruction to
say out 'cue at least. place upon its requirements: AS boot
But Women splutter too much -in suited to our varied vocations in life,
everythiug they go at. (I don't know, or sensual hobbies arid desires in likes
THURSDAY, no. 1th, 12)
.-s#1.11010,■W - 001041."
Ali the welloknown Cough
and Cold Remedies,
Tonics, etc. -
always in stock at the Rexall
Drug Store
We carry a complete stock of all Paten
Medicines, Drug Sundries,
Tobaccos and Cigars .
ley Terser e
}I C. DPNLOPi. Phrri.B.
Mr. Editor, if that is just the right or dislikee. So that, need M create
word or, not, bet fike my old ten, mot Wonder at all sethy other Cbris. • BEDFORD BLOCK PHONE No. I
, when I meddle With the brood, she ac. time% stagger, stumble, fell, and drop
eemPlishes no nor', and gets all out of the race? Not much, I should
flustered). Of emerse Men do too, but say.
not so badly, generally *caking -1 Departing from the fundamentalis
: Women have bigger embitione than ta serious maledy, an epidemic that me' proof of what !bridge, $2.(e); Austin Quigley, sleeve
road, $1; Jno. McKenzie, the 0.50,
to the ;horizon. of realization, Ole and the Christian believer •aver since able ealgullitr right in the'lgtc° °f,the *Bell Telephone Company and tine out'
is juSt one more
I am saying. Oh, its another deplor- The elm, . irta_ted to ..te tae.
Of roadway. On motion of
their mud), "spluttering" ever 'kluge has luirasse4 the Cluestiao church
yes! I know --.40 have the men. The the elatreh's inception or inaugurate present critical era ef the Chriseian the distance voles shoilid be from,
-moment of her failure she fell teethes. Poet, that great and tetide elraracter of the recent church union, right an to rneet February 4th at I p.m.
church. Right on the heels of the center
knowledge of had ambitione bigger ion, by Christ Himself,* to be a great-
: first Wernan Whom history gives we
than her human reeources, and in the ter or leSSer degree, and the apostle lamentable split in the consumation svien and Anderson council adjourned
worried almost beyond the limit of winethis most regrettable bombe in our Christian fundamentalism; Was the }mete of' the Baptist ruction, C. E. Mc1Xell'AGli, Clerk:
leaks of saddling her failure upon
s brunt."
4- 0110 whe beg411"1"-wb° ass his eoul's forhearanee, when that cer.
_ s `,
shell, and from one of the least ex- . Now an old dente frock with the-
"bonethe brunt.,o Women have tan dwelt whioh he had so devotedie
petted sources, falling like a thunder shoulder ;straps removed, maks wi
studied .thera often,'
beehe same end have picked bolt upon the ear and mind of any fancy lamp shade,
n- tevl3r iee• Plite* l'ore and devoutly organized aid establish -
wise name if YOU \Welt he
ot* "ePlutterinfes' I grip upottethe fundaraental charter
-' !Promise and future Wee, had loat her hears me out in What: e
ed, end which gave out so much of ,half -Christianized individual. It 'only
(St. Pante' so very enthu- thitough-the- Star a year ago, viz.,
"Juse as soon asthe indiv
'•idual, the
.. •
stens itself upon her ' eiastically had hoatteathed unto it, municipality, the government, the
up the "spare tire.
The "flustering'
•or (call it a
con final ,orie) f
in her every w
k of their la- elle•could scarcely 'bring himself to there'll, eon
put en the sli• k hat, good- •
, tinement, in their so, .understaod how they should so soon by to ris Ian gr
tie v en ' to ur was eleeted to the rem tic an I• ee M ' •
best Ineet tuein, Nvitti marked power 'and the exertion oh welli•I new the men are r. Editor, I ant going to stop
EDITORIAL COIWIMEN prov tic al and county go exam ts p de y ty, and/in thei yelig on. And. become•entanglee egam 311 that en. But,
and on the one belul we have Propoe. tlif a wtelding intluettee he suceeeded equal in m ny of the 'arts,' ten Se earnestly to leae them from the looks as if it had been chopped, off,
almost 'cient .1ewish law After he had striv- eight here, for this time. My pencil
figure out bow 1 * •
Not so many 'months ago We VO-
••()wage o Ing_tbe,t:ores with the result Sopiew teceetlet bave .been bondage of Its frailty and feenues into and I am using too good qualitY
member reading, an ottleie in one als such as that part of the
, assessed en too Ia. tnat the bxtuonttott took on a new reeding Me eflthe newer faelnoned the regenerating' power and graoe ef harPserwitet:era-nIst-ZI e:I ott ng9hwt fires
t apers in Westorn Ontario wive. Pension ea. my
he d the other lease of life. Instead of a steady de» sciencesatul arts, or:conceptions nue Ceivary's cross andshe is spiritually e
'stance from here (het obich, wrath of sorrowild heart: "Ohl fool- elwaYs• en use e q
lens; of ea certain teacher, forced to ery out in 'tamest vehement the Star, nifty use this for, but I have
eating the abolishing of county coon- 'ea P A ohne it steadil unproved it
ells as Mt unnetossary expense, as the hand such a l'aPar"s was brauelt Modal th $rt
s position. contra
Legislature and the local murtickaii. bY 4 special oommittee a the liuron standYing afairrsoat the un "t"-* • 8/:"YT
t).-^4110 new Wit of getting ire whose ' CI t hath which three 'things I always sing to a
e 3rovi e It t tthl
tracts hundreds morel. exlizaors who use boforc
ties did (or eould do) all warless. county eouncil at its reeent meeting
zudow by tbo number s4 reguesia asking the Province to assume cer- -come front greater distances. New t,e
vequests whioh come in front od, riot, the Ieast being an. increased' whet* 'yon?nYEta, etc, , , eri' e sing ihem P3 all. ' .. .• I
eru 'fiel "shoremetre" tune if I am Able to -
the trawl county council reeeivee tan .exPendittrrest which ill the PA*t beildiegl balm been added .and in.. to the ehild-mind, or possibly tee, been evident' sot forth,
front other counties asking rot co•oo* 1„tats 1114 eVer on the count And And many °tiller -ways it has been, improv. en, more adeanced miod of the to among
in memorializing the logisla- --'"" aY pupil. applicable not only to the • All throuolt and (luring the. pcateene po Star knows Some of my fait -
prize list. . As the preeidemsaald ett teachers but -to the mothers, or pat- '
tura ot the rederal Cotnrnment for 4)thell" e'raultY °Gitm41/s tteking fee et).
c, are corning into quite general *ish Galatians- WI* liath beWitehed of eversthine, excepting,. of course, „
/id eustom in our edueative sYs. tyou that ye sichtla not obey the truth, moneY, wearing apparel, and heard,
S turday the future is looked into eitts, ai d1 And eer 11 8 ,_remitted inew_mte ettrse "If you end. not as- • yet, the full
-.yeaos it is quite euteasioually ings, I do not know evhere tiMY -
e it tit i not .tbf the
legislotion along eno lino Or another, *rrati°11 iiii1410)7141birq .00 Gov- e
.4114 judging tho amittmeot or a annient along- yourious lines finaneial 'tette o ouenee• . . • • • : wetter. ,%tivtereseirge.hutettisou areosi-ugese ,ten to the individuals who can ten- course maptted ato'' sending' ;
ussntus proportion of tee cosy,' A ertusADER rat , :131neh: a otItira tozoTlit%hveasilr nr.P. Vince you that titer lahot; What -they this to the Star for two reasons, first- i
legislution tonneittee in the !futon '
county council, we are warranted in a eallatY f°r jastanec--sp-c CORISTIAhi DEetOCRACY d r their31 e$ br are etedlcing.,altout, and °evince you 15.--1 have always had kindly feelinge ,
11 tl count touncils are feeling * va e n oa s. renew e
•saying thirethe county tounctle of the
t lit let.
the • atiess of inereaeitig caste., and X. Stitt Wilson Lecturing, in the Old sentative It our annual district meet.
- - in- looking for a waY Ont, COnntry en a Neiv 8tocial Order ing (litethodist) where much the same s:aptvainadetusioruningd ienar,sp,;itdg_t Tahme 'emits just not too far away from home, and
Apos. I do, 11.Qt know. that the Star and I
provinw are finding Aft ncreas
still further thet they know that they toward them, in some ways, and then,
. also, many years 'Ago, being a reeve- know it, we are counselled to lend an sometitnesS I like to vent niteeeelings,
is 4 tempting tomes:mem to
• any meal -delicious in itself
„. and lending zest to the rest of
. the menu. • -
Your family Will dentate
twiee as much of our Broad ne
' any other; Entourage them' he
do. so; as it is the most Itealth.se
• ,ful and nourishing deed -.they- e
can tlike. ••
• duty to do in obsery• ing• tb• e werking • " • • of enetice mind Good Will •' • '• subject was ouch diseuesed during tie paid eves a man 0,f just that callever realty quarreled. So here's to isheile, ioc•Woo ere
Out of existing legislation AS it af. . . . 'bete..1 • •- --e-- •, , -the•afternome session. ;The late 'Ile% bra,
. Ins totWersion as given to tie•thenking the Stet* if they tan give
ing new legislotion for the beuefit of an US had a large part, to ‘seek to .
Boom' Crusader„ "ft souvenir edition was our chairman and also the tetiv. uniqueness. •Ile did not . hold up, a Star just the same if they etnitiot.
ilk people • III iletpl4g to ahape the, get the Hydro commission to develop , . ..
the eminty councile have a large stoves *If encouragement. The Com- Mr. Wilson is a cousin of Mrs. J. le erdson reviewed. it ' all, but added- did not go forward to the penitent
feet$ various districts and itt auggeit. The move, in which hiaeor AN e have before oe„a4opy of ame, George Richardson,. then of Goderiele. was inere out of the ordinary, in its the scroll seaee, and thanking the -
• .
. the 't Stitt Iiii184:41 crusade in Care. ing President" of the °5ute"uee' In hand Or prayer. Re did not hand' - • N BAER lie , •
legl$,tattOn Of the erovinee possibly hiaitletalltiver Power, is Om tiat eles ditu, Wales, last July and August summing up the shecussion, Mr. Thohe. in a letter of vequest and desire, Be - (To he eontimed)
spitere usefulnese anti ibre ti volu. mission \All eertainly not undertake Milton, hie grandfather and Mrs. Alt- "that parents 'tand teachers neig'ht do benc-h ran. It was not even said
a hipdattag
* e the work without a thorough know. ken's father being brothets, mid • in their level hest, but weetid. often find
fath r t r ) e
Nick, was them to Min like uoto stelae others, "follow •
og to its riotioe matters as they af., leege of what the cost a the develop. early years lived at Aubutn, where that the very eeld ,Ashfield. •• •
• 141 coet would make the developnient a 1, u . ' di bed' " ee thought he Was engaged in legitimate Council met oxt January leth, mans nth Nor Thrill
feet vntious legalities- • • anent weuld be and whether the co-._ s e , he late W leen, l'Ar (the child en and y would r Plitt Y
me: It la said ef 'him he ett sedl
here• all Present, except Councilor
310W in Berkley, Cal., where he has honorable work. et tow atig e e • • • • • • •
o was aetaineut ey meeness. d ip
as Chest Tiro
The, suggestion that the eld.age of the available power econetnitealllyt lteid the position of reayore ihas eltterty map, soul I was compare- out, raYlnd, aS Peileet upon it, We
ng -1, Mr. Ric ardson Wag then theo had to be *lashed mid -1"Pe4 n t'
-Inutes ot ..ecetn-r mee ing were
pension bill in. Ontario Provide that advisable. But all the toper s h woo t of ti (los read and adopted' on motion WM.
• ve younger, took exeep ott ean almost- imagine the 'Triune Deity omen one BeAte. buten for
iiM c a as a nu is er ly ti
per e , t f pensions have • been made on the proposition* I 'but is known more as At keturer
and Universities in Canada end the unless the vat Wt r• Tel •allY e d, of enthuaiwain ond evdent zeal. L ort .inotion of Swan and Anderson..
will not help- to make it popular with ago, seem to indicate a source of _ammo- waa o , us arrest his corse. Ile -will become 'file elerk was instructed to write the
the load munitipal councils. We power that would be , economically United. States. Mr• 'Censor( is an. a big 1 ador iV elite
pu ng tun there. • •I a oowerful fatter in revealing our .;oltallw 0.1% ., gi, n VII r elnal e•
LI. r din ttlle o e ni
Jong as we do not See a danger toe new, already linked 'Op with, elte Up. while still 4 student his work brought ery normal add born into this world - 'dap qa "T" siltha' Ptrishing mans fL 1929 was rgfde: ill 44°selccra
y tntr m gems us the rest -a (laza- Bylaw No, 2 authoming ttile .
nre all something like the ostrich; as feasible to develop, and Oe 'We stand A, of Northwestern University . and said, still further, thait / believed est- me" t i
close we try' to imagine it deee not dto *stem, the developmeie of the him inte close contact veith the vete wag given the heaven.born alelit
0 or tde of the odoolto slums. They eau it hnowled e instinct ot..athate olong tbt' 4 IteavenlY via°11 e•ndt tts***41;owing 'of !money to meet the th.
21 of tho shalt be aSSeined -011 1001 114111101114t* 111.0111ditig 010 Iltelre-Eleetrtc Verurills` and has the distinction n that staten*lit'' the 014 n'Y -an opining.. Here is a *tut of
, un quo o es. conteeo nerve, of intellectual force and poweeri. was sent to the insuranee -company
damage to truck from Wm. hieleonald
. ities whore the beneficiary resides stores own investigation SOW Tenres. of basing keturod es on eee. eouegeo that ,4 daaNk,18e-,
exist. As loiig as we do not (an mitt- Maitland as an auxiliary sore t bed
( tt atilt Sault Whet? whY Perseetttes h Ito f
terest en t e • ads o the West Shore ,
s otie Ins deart and • drove him be ever 3ant WWI) So that, Wh• ile still in thou mee"--"Whoe' are thou Lord7" Railway wes duly passed. On motion
or itutnielpalitiee) have to provide power to thesystom Bettina distil:141e.
study the tonal IA thai tidtiery. Thie tilmost,oeriest leanest, it had the ettp- •-elordl what will thou. have tne to of Anderson attcl Swan it was resoer-
*it, right, and yd. matter vibe- to just what effect gush .doeveellloep: oletlee'llortes 1» the illitoreoillooe mit titbillitlYe• of ,lisTning, geaseing, elosit
the funda for such a sago& it looks A report -by the Itydro Commis
Saurs course was ot onee ed that a glean*, of ten dollars be gtv.
•bot e s . said that I didehot rested, '&4'a pueposes were at (Mee et!. to Dungiumon library. Moved by
ther the fitnd 0011100 Olt of the mont would have on our present ,lfe Fee:ome closet*,. identified with ther think anyono t'heve would disPute InY'conviated, &wet need wa et onee -Ritchie and Andersontleat the elution
f M i 1
Government treasury alone or out of power rates would be of great inter- early. pow* of the tritish Luba logie aa it was quite in evidettee in eonvinced the evidenees to S441 were e'1141 ler seven eePies e tune Pa
World for use of council. Moved by
both Government and local, municipal eet. Any lowering. of the rate wetald Party and during his eighteen years auy of tho brute eteation "Melt had at once e;neiusive and sew gave ini..
Swan and Ritchie sind earried that
in• Europe he made teeny addressee come under my observation also the di to t*
i h 1 b v to ay* and tif 0 e development.
Platting put of the Intents -1d respon-
rae tie 101i tO 144 iraMedlate b fi d i f
. nu sections ve en e gilt o Bylaw •
o. 1 final y passe appointing the
of e Seeitil Crusader Getl's "mat*. work" there were 'sod. about face° and carried the Immo ef- auditors and 'member of Iced board '
elbility Slireetly on the told %tunnel- Fa tile encouragement of the dlr.:
,e are refeering to contains many ar- , deucea to eny itheervant mind, end 4ort, the 441216 enthusiesre into
pulity will told tooa clotet nerutitre ectota otthe Goderielt fair we route des, by lotr. wilsort and solo woo, ,
that if any mother ie sate etiough 0 new as lie had done hi the old, and it
the of health. Moved by Andersen and
Swett aual tarried that Itieh. Johnston -
of the needs of *he Individual moos, like to quote the following front The e ea bY tabor eandidateis in the na. ' apply: the brakes forthwith, theee is the most useless effort, in so far as
ture of tributes. to the worth and tteed be tez,v. ebparen possessed wan r son concerned, to say that Saul or be appointed eehool attendance °Meer . .
fov 1929. Moved by Swan and And-
' AS a 'matter of tart it ix IV tO a CM"' ' ,Collingwood. Bulletin, which thowa ,
/on Is made. for ,t)10;;o, who tovi uname tflinalatneatafani;,nainatty gyeettdmowittLottaoloowtseehal; oevtic:etyoot ?nes eeiloony.d. leporeosiponototivnrufrboeutr
Otlithee r"tlildaatizSeetiii°ent Will 1* but rareb, lntO and followed, in ids atter life, the 'paid: Dr. A. A. J. Simpsep„
" otunity to eett that reeeeneble preh.i.s., k and the strap end SL Paul (as we kno* of him) camied erson that the following accounts be
to provide thetaselves with the r1000$* ,tueeess again, The linnet% gaYs z :Candidate' for Idandaff ond nen% We celled- for. The ewe thing will ap. waddle rovetedoies
Howe: *rid ' desirer stdary AS medical health officer, $100; 1
The reports presented at the an- r•,efuote 'o•S f0 ti ' pay to thd (1440100re unonto Ytivs %lieu to a tonaideroWo extent throe,
hood and girlhood
!neje!! "lif existence, end assistatier
,that the Itentinion..opel Province give rmai meeting of the Great Northern *To thoee whose reeollee ons tan an4 even into boy
Many people may be unsenehe
lewleg *teething wrong with theirleirt
till some little, 'when:eat, oretworkar
worry *tett* It to IlelPitste end. throb,
Alp beato, beat fist for a time •sad
then so IslOY( t� seem almost to atop,
then it causes greet toilet"- oaa owe.
• ebe. O. • Rieke, Maeda, leaw,
erriton-Lx"I toed, to he Very bad Itith
palpitation of the IteSit gma somoim%
with ths leist excitement; it vrould
seem to. beat very fad \Stid mike
throat snd.tbeit throb,
"I iris told by e, irleid to irr
on the continent and the Britith Isles. bixd and fowlereation, ands SUtabro conelnefone; lie Was at once "right et • be 4 -
' The 'editiott th
in the yap of ontrrbutions 0.16440 tX1tibitiOn On saturdiy to how Vo back to the Labor mid Soeisiliet years. But the mere critital period metaphors the *earnest pi -settee, ef* Jolmston, rent road. i: Ittitnic*n * •
Vag; nipter (!f6 bre
pie half the box my troubles Iota 'topped."
eteterized Ids former life. Ile used aa a Li an „ease os wheat old leder. 144 titk
fort, teal, enthusiasm. of the forteer, eeven copies. $7; jno. Xilpa at. o
pensilms, el' that the tentity gives in what may be accomplished by eater- Movement in South Wales twenty d every efe conies just beret at the
the way of providing a, home for its nitie, ellicsient ioul untiring interest. yettra ago the very lathe. of -Stitt 1tertitsgof the **Ys eo to elteabr wbett--trehe tarried -into, and followed in ev. riek, salary as -road -supte e9.60; G. rrir* 60r, * box Itt *11 oullireht ikr• _
- ewetet•
d Ito na ogoo ontooloup But a few yeas ego the e'Atibition son stirs ' the heart ahd brbigs new a boy is neither_ tt boy nor a mini, and evy endeavor of our Christian life an Ilainee, shovolleg gravel. $5: J. awm, or mood tured, a netti.
career, line nothing move and the bt. Courtney, graveling. $10; G. L. Page, pito The T. **aft Of
able look Atter themselves* are all was struggling. along to keep ageing. errage. Spread ali Sodth the girl *wither girl nor woman, mul
• es tile, $1.70; John Little, repairs to Tomb, olio q. P
* measure of relief te the local muni, The lananees were low end ttic, cantle \hales today, active everkers the it is here that 'the Hobgoblin will get bo, beaes Inc owe Be, 'Nes jeo
dente a the Public bad Walled te etteh 'Socialist ektuse, Pillars of etrength'te ue if wes don't watch out," sts almost bietory stands by me/Us own ton. - - - -
any sound thinking 24411, or WOrt1411 vorsationg ti%reorde.ii aroeenehisfve• . •
iplltzesa &poet titht the outlook wan eav ithe local tied divisional Labor par.
„ tient promising. not a oboog oe. C ties* are 'Mu amt *sutra who Ile," will subeerthe to 'coming to twenty- St. rani Was possessed of a nmeter •
ittereaSing cost of Pao VatiOUS carved, New olfieievy WWI instelled first brought into a realinatiOn tito eve, thirty, 'me more, riper year& vivid, ire could hoe done many oth-
tiebtie services 'we seem te and a /10W glair taken on tho afralie4 ',justice, common sense and essentiel And it is Suet here where many o fine er teenoe ees wets shy And eono
need in '" vreeeet gay to %wag of the fele, ildr• Mu/0es MaeAttli. eitnity of Socialism, 44 Well Of itS 1)oy Or girl becomes possesata with them wetionossney made motley, oes
e• inevitehilitse by the broedbestel oleeil and neither 'parent or teacher 010110$*, but he those the course, be,
---- . - peal of Stitt Weems when he visited c,rot a•ite above the powerlese. This, preferred the work of__ holding up,
eloquence, sound logie and deep root' Meases if parente and teachers he wrote like this, "I hoe fought the
, however, would Itappee• only in isolat.
us twentY stars ago, by his moving _ Christ to the world. Some time later
ted human sentiment, Ire same to us iwould demand eltedience, respect and See (a great •hig struggle), "I have
i'Ment ho and bis brether nen+ at a. l'hottor in the above mentioned. earlier meshed nit mune (a moos, effort),
'tittle of obis in the development of •years, and it would not be hard to do oz have lope The faitho (an eareest ,
A Dollar is Saved
when it in the Bank
A ND the sooner. it is acpotited in, he
.1-1 Bank the greatre the assuranfe' of its
being m1/4
A Sayings Account a magnet to the
inoory that ordinarily *lip through one's
&Wets. income.paying guarantee for the,
tutu re.
STAtda °wont or CANADA
fie* nritiAh Labor her= 1156 0661015............i........................., strenuous dinging to). Aret, further
to us rtow in the midst of a 8011 OM*
ottetr*.erwleal8s6inft Ottuoithhig50troy beirpf osurteneaersety; li,:sim.ve .a, fi.tattiertailtieultteimightA,en;t1thereustitturree. mnitotreeto":le.,,Jelkue said, and 4 if 1 ils .
.vita hot so 6rator. ite in a toachn ;oistf.thic gtt,espetlrolieebis preaching. "Epp liftett up freest the eorthewill draw all
,.etetir ell the Itreedth of outlook and ,Ptotarite for her industrial injuetiee, fifth* *II lariat
, all the patients, that true teaching l'orh. ove elte hatt robbed lose poor and It sna *TWOS &hard KIM.- to R.
•-•!',111tiegfe*,,,tbuilttrtitevis also an orator of the i', • feipiftikientt ilrEptielattprik 1.41100014, .1404040d4 %Divot' ite. -frflicalit wwhitehn tufetaniondthricfreskag liaetalLet,
t ;in tbe toettenir editor of The Nodal ;WA 1 fi'sr VI "14 Wantli" it 1
"78 "4116 "4 "414.-4 144".' 3.ri*tl1 t
t Areeriit the artitles by Mir. 14"itor, teri.hed the boo and reefer of the -telithere, but the,* things b*, al.
1 Crusader is ore entitled, "A Mediu,. let hard Wee* thie progroeo of hue,- move or lea with Alan ,ott, or,
„tion on life --terhaps * tittle Set, t4 ftft .10ftitAtieft.$4 P0.0 IdO111044." bed 1 bettor trey, fbtieths work (for ,
1, men," which IM eloette with tIte WArtP, rt, "ti 01*.rt 110i letert41 000Ir at the time is * diNerfues). *ad thr* there
:lillefienrit sttittlie Jeittoolkameettketet,twahttslitt,ekeinitste: ti,,swhilltrapiodotoopreitoft04.1.0 stilkhotif-irovrelly0ortlwastott. - whif.1 tilleOcoorrersrmeitt oe! iorretherkvaottot innimet3teiri
' ttehi of God,. la it Aft owce kinrd..si ir,rE, if we restart the whit inbotire be, emitted ire veltieh desi elle, est,
..' ,rt :41 -Oki' OM tftl*Nifte:'S .p -e and i that towel peerety in the -*idle of telly vottihilatee, the work, lather arid !,
1‘; nsettereoesot, , :, sii, i44 it in fninr idyl , : '4:An that *wet. mint into *New. -ttrott II Oit the WM* fattiest settli.,
,i'l4Le!, of nest 0 ftlPti Oithte0000,11. Aft4 il einitaest la` it6Mb. yerY driireare. that Nat was emphatic in hie tionottette. .
'• '160 It. is both, AM et+ ewie, he he' !Mum Oa spiel of MOS WA vaills" Skeet of *bow. snot eimiler ilevil+ mei •. wiee trough ee, $.0.0 thig ilkhtg4mok thy reertehed ltessedsor sod rierthartiari his Issitsitifo reed* meows -hat' hee :
,e4e Cod am Ma rietooneseese both wori *war avail thee are almoit, abo, -ttIk, "t Rkie/t11$004 0414 to tite, vete i
twitida the hoot and is a aelo Jett alivee" :teeth," It is * 4*00,a144. /set that ',
oortst otae, 0t isitier sail goad *ill 4 tte. Name te at the promo e the saltslied Cli
hristi** earrit is torn '.
*Mollit 06.10 •0 1. trelsoll wheaf be is teetering., owe is Areas, Is a wroth awl* tuba. tole,
. I rm.*, of eiseoestielita trona eirreth- .4, we awl he sure ih• insideet of drift wait* *V her tosilhea-so eirabso. Tito
, et article it/ Sr, Wilesa will IpI. 'Lisa 11 . . , rrill he Ms fheareprom.* causal eht Soo .lialveltitio 0r. ^
1111 1 1111 1
United Gas and Fuel Company
• of Hamilton, Limited
Piro Mortis*" 514% Maki** Fund
Twerity.lrear Honda
Dated July I, 1928 Due July 1, PI
Principal payable 1 &nutty od July in Canada and United States
PRICE: OA god Interest, yleklint 5.83%4
The. CotetentY operetes ;eider a perpetual franchise from the city of
tiarnilt�o. the gis supplied is recovered from the coking opersheric
of Meehan By -Product Coke Ovens. Limited. Due to the oitiriend
duties the second 1011tter of PDS the indtatrial lead increased
neatly SOte ever the *one peried ef 1427, testing the iorply to
•&skim the ortuol ettneke fee the first nine menthe ef the Cow
poen fscel rear. it Is estimitied il*t the iterrents rie bind'
interest odd Foetal taxes after droreciatien thec the rtorent fitted
ewe ending Melia list, 1921e edi *mourn to nearly three elms
inreette tharre.
HCIPITARAI. IlawAitabaS11114
- I 0041)0K Pau I' Ittsegl, Prof..
14.4 00**'. TOMPIT0.14 0144e le, 0.
Ot P WILT*. Prisseareeer, ailliatitti, Ores*