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The Goderich Star, 1929-02-07, Page 3
THURSDAY, MO sex E29. lad Taste ii Moitb 1. the M.raiog Who Toe wake iip its tits seeming with as furred tongue *ad �► bWe luta is your mouth you sway be tura that Jnr firer ii LOP fuwotionzig properly anld reyuirea attcntaoa tat Duce. lire, B, J. caning, 11t1L No. 3, Severe Bridge, Gate rit oi. aOa *leg is thn ri ug I found lC eked a bad tjite ie ray mouth whisk T later feud oat who due to the bad stats of W aver. The clerk -in the drug stare auggeeted that a: aro oda MI*um's nn• "Now I ossa aver without Them eta ti►a taouee and wish to thank you fee whet they did for me." Price 25e. a Tial et, all druggists or dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of ppri�cooe by Th, T. Milburn Co., Dtc , formate, Oat, LEGALCARDS F. R. D AiiROW. • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Eto. Sueeeseor to J. L. *Littorals Phone 97 Office, The Square, Goderieb, TYi it:1t;STr M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Dominion 'Bldg., 465 Bay Street Toronto .M. g'cicq lions Melaide 4iO3,.e.. ' D1J»LL'Y i:. lion ri1t;S. - Tiarrieter, Solicitor, 1lotary 1?ubifc Gane anru r. l,to ;{'II©\l: 27 1!A Il.rti eresEree's SPECIALIST Dil. PSI. R. mann, • EVE, EAR. Iti0S1a, MOAT Late Rouse Surgeon New :York :O ih- t:hahnio and Aural Hospital, assistant at 3oorOOe'ltl'sa Eye hospital anti. Golden nare Throat Hospital, London, nag, 53 Waterloo St., S. Stratrorcl. Tele- phone 2267. At Rotel Bedford,. C.a trioh z o the evening of third Moday of ;nihin l month; till the following clay, Tuesday; at 3 p.m. CHIROPRACTIC IRUObESS Pl AC'rIT1o1\TIt DR. A. N. ATKINSO �f. Chiropractor And 11rntdess .l`herapist,. Goderich - chronic, Organic and Nervous Diseases Equipped with Diathermy. Eleotro- magnette Baths, Elcetronio •Electric Treatments and Chiropractic„ Ofnce ttoure-.2 to; 3 and '1 to 9 p.. m. and by_ appointment, excepting Montan and. Thursday afternoons and 3 enhres, Cake Hoere-•.2 to• and 't in .I .m. • ` Ludy in Attendance.. C Y. Residence and Oiacc--Corner . o.ttIk .SI. and Britannia Road. AliCTIONEERING THOMAS OliN Iff t , SON.. • Lire Stock and Coined .Anetioneers, Ehnen Ave., Goderieh, Sale, made everywhere and ail efforts. made to give Too: satsfaetien. Farmers' Salo Notes disc i.:te'd. Phone 119, • RO11EUT 11OIJCiiTSON. ;will, cconduuctt ailr errauSie' any Sae on the lastest methods to ;get best.insults. See him, or drop a card anal. he will give •It immediate attention. Farm. Bales a specialty, NOTARY I'IIBI,IC, ET'C. • Nvar. 1lA1LlE. . NOTARY -PUBLIC • General ConY•nN'ancfn.T one Good Companies Itepreseuted Phone 1sZo. 208, Godericb. Ont. . - INSVRAT.rer- jercil.T 0P Mt:TUAI;. PIITE IN51iIi- ER'i'1 INSURED. 'PAWS AND ISOLATED TOWN P1101' EItAY INSrItl:D. Vaino of -nronerty Ensured lip to Jan. nary 1ei0. n:l.01,1 �:O6. OPPI l;i1S--•Jaynes Connollyy. Presi- dent, OodericII; Jas. Evans-, Vice -Presi- dent, 'Beechwood; '1', t . hays, Sec. Treas. Seaforth.. DIREi?K'O11S•-•11.. I'. Aleair,�s;nr, Sea - forth; J. O. Grierte, Winthrop; Wnel 'Wring Constance• George %tcd"artnev, 'i'uakersmith: John Perris. ITartoek: John Betmesvise. Broadhngen; Murray Gibson. lrueefteld. AGENTS .T. W. Yeo. Oorlet'ieh : Sandy ranch, Clinton 'Wm. Cheerily, Sea- 7(rth: ll: liiririnirs, Scafarth. Policyltoiders ran pay their atsses'- merits at Calvin (lull's share, GGoctericii: A. J. Moorish's Clothing store, (linton; or J. H. Iteld'x, hayfield. L. TIIft: Gonvi-,cif N-eighborI;o4 News Nuggets Picked From Our Exchang 'Like _Option on Lanai Mesar,. Stevenson end Maisie, of 'Clinton, have taken an eli2.<an on tee vaunt lot north of the Clinton alone `1ilT and n°ilf probably build an fedora reel !qv. stied litre. H. A, i't rent nTr. a'1 31tiO, 11, Cone; Ain ,.n3 8Ie-, % I', F.rgueen and ;Mee 1, cF C7 a'3; asst Moe, J Amon -ono' Inn is Yci Mee le V. De coLeise lt7r renal biro. Jahn /Athens L. Me. reed Mei P. e. ?.rely s e:.. Mt'.. tied Yrs. 3 Ills hers Nor t c,dMa: OlenR A nen t. r+ r c .,lr,.ve'i h't. n 'i A( .� !r 1iCiantifi ,1 a tbt�1 1 a i �T :t att:7 t, ti�S., c Sgt'. ;e al ,Tiff S eon him: tarn f;titr7 eseetelitteee dei' S1,,S77an Ictn4ieu Moe, II Tr Ilea -n w. E. 13 /.elan za (a havol l at the e1eco O. tr14 T e.^C • Snit. ot,ci ilTs:o 1'. J. ]chicly Mr. yeas* yr r922 21. TT r, • - • Pr. and Mara Beira-, Iia-iri° . ann. a tire, estictoe. n,+, nest Otos. i1. there in the spring. The large beet .town of Daniel Vets- yep'° rare eeet erre. T r jttrt,a e- Me. Y esee toss wee seri eon, P (earns Died in 92nd Year elek, Oth cer..t:eseits-a• Looms soy-mei.,1:. nr,al RTr�^ TT and• Mr. ;a:,d Dari, e. Exeter lost ono of its • oldeet'est- ; e735% comhthtdr tlogtrosed lay far. re• tr. Townies. one rood F. tend}, Tee /.aril';:as oro o+f the lar- i>tca,aeeeser *re via Agee. 'i". Freud. molt stria:turr'r, in T,ostare belno 69 by rss�t; Its., 1 TTr : Tt.„•;,fl Arocr^©n• 'dents on Thursday, Jaknuarer nada. in the death of Into. Enrich Fenian ant °he home of her daughter, Moe. (Rev.) C. W. Baker, of Loneon.. The 9fli) feet, ernaa6pnzs1 with all state ^ea.- arp aryl ATre T. i'o ` ed a s& Mr. and deceased was in her 02nd ee;.r. oafely onit, exec% the weeny'. se TT, pv�c,at,4zsT f0ot,� ni 1. Mr. n'r11NEs.' threahan-.t fl ehine :and ell other fin. 4. c cloth e„, sesnte'fes,o, • rho. end- • Garnachait•ICiggaa temente in the building: Meng with, ,tt,,Q TT T i-Tnr1'ioh ntr mat % titre, Il, tmttrOvements. A11 steel/. • was, to".ren RTr,,, jT J. Attwood. "Tr. ire Nara. R WORLD EVENS 1i (Con -tin -ad *F. n oitge : )0 cornea), fleet of sill, et the mentopat inns Or which they vee clog and tm that grcese.d is cope ted to require the tnq,iYiipaLtccs to iiseume ente half the 1 34t+C(. s; there of cpn f+bLtn..17 lien rete Ileenatt Minister. of laeher r,n the V,cietat Clovetnatient, hies is -'en cserisited in tho framing oe tee On' faro ect and to :k `reet i'tin3t it ie said d 9 s t©7 -:ave his aperoval, Sir Charles P. Davidson Dead The death in New York, last week of Sir Cherlee Peore itividser re. ax:ovcs one o£ einrada's fereluo t Sur - %s',^. Sir t'h:eries was formerly Chief Juett,c' of the Qucbee Saperkr t>t3r2 and 4e cd fan the Canadian Govern. rneet vernn- rnetat War f'onpmissions. The marriage eif 11lareta 1VT. Them; nurse of Eloise Tlospittal, Eloise, the ""ones r'roprn of foal alpd ur,:tn ; white: Ate. A. X. Mina. Mr. J. Ai. Me. . destroyed. estroyed. Mich., daughter of Mr. and Mra. S. II. ts. #'. 0 lin+ehison. Aar. 'Evans, Galatia. Ill.,, to Gordon S. Car.. 'Carter -Franca - Then, Ia Clark. star. R. T. Irwin nochan,. formerly .of Seaforth, was A quiet Taut pretty '-eddin£' watie rphornhtll! Mr. L. Jordan, Mr. solemnized .January 20th at 10 :.:tri. at"Woodward avenue baptist church, Detroit, Miele, - Now Inspector Mr. lel: tT, Corless, d The Ontario Equitable Life of Clintep, has recent- ly been ,appointed agency inspector for the Stratford agency wla'ich com< 'miens the counties oaf Drove, Grey Huron and Perth. Xi'. Cosies% will continue to halve his headquarters in Clinton.. . 'solemnized at the family reeidenee on II S. Shonmr& liar. Jnmea Arne. Saturday, January 19. by 'the Rev. 1 ntronE . Mr. W. F. flatIt-alnca Tpnlice W. Gilmour. B. A„ pastor Of Elmwood n-n;;iatr ate. Oakville), Mr. J. A. Carat. Prcebytcrian church, Lerida, oven fGeorrotownt. Th'. Ryan. Mn.r3. when Catherine Roberts Francis, see ,,horidnn, Mre, W. Babb, Mrs. C. owl daughter of Ears- Francis and' the Babb, Arra, W. Newton, T4i M, Ross, /ate henry Frauds, of London, for- Mrs.: 1I. Pennies;, atrn. W. Merle (Set- meoly of Caradoe, was united in mar. ton West). Mrs. D. Prentice. Mrs. W. tinge to Clifford Albert Carter, second A. Doter. the Menet; Morrish, Airs. son of Mr, and Mrs. Join Carter. et ^i~i^. Tr. Pridlialn, :Ites. Margaret Zan - London; formerly of Clinton. • iston, Misses Is 1IePherson. M. Wil. Meets Death by .Accident son, Betty• Wright. M. E. Fear, E. J. Fears • M. E. McGretror, C. •yteele,; J.. Nowell. E. Me aughlin, Agnes Lelp-. ens, Edna Driver, C. McCracken, G. De th of Mr. Thos. Burns' As the result of an e:ceident on Torn Burns, who had been a,nlest a died on Saturdtiy morning, Jan. 26th, lifelong resident of Lockman., dfgd at in the Winghanl hospital, Wei. H, ,Boas, H. 1losvning, Retie.`Gevier, D. the home of iris brother, Abe Burns,, Boll of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Db11' Ballard, A. Massey, T. E. nide. M. on 112onday auorning of last'veek, die ' .stir „ ' ; :Coultes, V. McCutcheon. Mabel Holl, ' 13e1rin les 8th year. He vras�• .Thursday afternoon preceding, there woe- 7 fr years of age, Ind for about . employed by rhe° Gunsoriola •Com,pany five years had been in poor:health and and was operating, tt saw -when a piece constantly losing strength, , • Procunier-Ford et lumber Which bad fallen on the easy struck him in the side. He had The'' marriage took place, very only been married a short time to Informally, in 5t: Paul's church, Clin- Diss Purvis, from near Lackner; t t Wednesday,J u , . A James •o n daughter f 1MTr and Mrs. Ford of Clinton, and Dr. C. Wymer was taken ill with the flu, which was Procunier,. of Taorchestei,,son of ATx, followed by pneumonia,. passed .away and 1Yfrs. E. A. Proeunier;. of Belmont. Friday evening, January 25th, shorts- and Former Tirnssels Resident Parses ly after five o'clock, in his fiftieth . Away - year. Ile was a native'of Parkhill, toll, a •noon on January D Wilbert Hall Dies at ilfitch,ell SOth, .. Jean. M1 itT.ie> younger D i'V'nlbext Hall of 1tXitchell -alio and he received- his early education in IlarveY Beam, a former w9l-known the schools of that- town. Be taught resident of Brusselsand lllouns twp., school,for .a time in Parkhill and was died at his home in Tfinistino, Sask., . a teacher in the Mitchell high school on Jan. 23rd, an phis 79th year. Mr. some twenty years 'ago. He was. a Bean bad lived in and around Bras- graduate or Toronto: i'lniversity and, sets •for some 30 years and had beers before .moving to Mitchell eight years residing in the West for to number of ago, he .was house surgeon in the years; Children's hospital, Toronto. Since Presentation , ,- moving to Mitchell he. had built up tt i xe ci E p the actnve management of the Canada Furniture Company, Seaforth, with_ The Terror f• Asthma' o a like tri which he has leen connected for 43 thief in the night with its <heedful years, barring been superintendent for throttling, robbing its victim. . at 'the past 13 years, was Monday night breath. It seems• beyond the power of last week presented by three of the of human aid to relieve until one trial Mr, J. H.lReid, who is retirii�"from la p ra tics.. • • sae• er ro tela Irene Carter, K. Alexander, .1, L. Ed. ward, E. Oakley, A.: Flynn, AL John. son, Madge Crawford, L. Flynn, E. Minett, F. Knox, G. Sterling, Ethel Hyndauan. NOTES AND COMMENTS That big hearted Iiuronite, A, C. McVicar, donated donated a ham as did also aur -mid friend, Garf Vanstone, and . the Western Canada Flour Mills don- - %seed the bread, which all went\to make un the sandwiches so much ap. predated. . .%. $... 5 .e , Police Magistrate Mcfiveen; of Oak- ville, formerly of Clinton, paid first visit to ono of the II. O. B. font- . tions and stayed till the last dog was shot: - - .. a n .fir ih .. Mrs. Geo.' E. Ferguson, formerly of Brussels, and Gorrie, won first prize - at euchre.. . ,. 5 M • Mr. 3, A; 1%letareii generously don- ated'the coffee o r. 5 * Meeh sympathy was expressed for Mrs. R. C. King, who was absent o-v- oldest employees -settle n handsome is made of that remarkable prepare- ing to illness. n pen from the tion, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma t a * 5 factor . employees, in reeo nitron of •Teem d Then relief comes with a President Forbes is. a genuine host y p y e e y a ler .and made things huzn from start anis long and efficient services. rush. Life becomes worth living, sell to finish. Death of Mrs. John McPherson' if the remedy be used persistently, n, the :disease is. put nently to The annual picnic will be held at' rout. Take no substitute. peacefully away at fifteen minutes to eleven .on Tuesday evening, J'enuary Mrs. Hugh 'Wright,. North Main st: Two years ago last September both Mr.. and Mrs. McPherson moved to. Seaforth to live with a their daughter and a- moth later, -Mrs. McPherson ' -aa etriekdr with a paralytic stroke. Blyth Presbyterian Church Has Good club bag •and fountain Mrs: John McPherra- a resident of Seaforth, the past two years, passed the exhibition grounds on Saturday, HURON OLD BOYS' June 8th. ' r 29th at the home of her daughter ASSOCIATION, OF'I reasurer Walter Buchanan sold`. TORONTO' 175 tri leets at the door and we under - Year Old .St. Andrew's Presbyterian Clinton, Blyth, held its annual meet- ing of the congregation on Monday night of last week, at which the re- ports -front the' various departments of church work were presented. .The church had a 'splendid year during 1928 from 'a financial `standpoint. FIRlt: INSURANCE ?Lave it attended to by the MAA SAiV►IIOIN MUTUAL /ME INSURANCE CO Established lit7li Head OMee: funpannoa, Ont. Wm. J. Thompson. Auburn. fres.; Wm. Watson. Vico fres.: carnes +Cara wan lion. Iaireetor; Director.4'%Vrn. 'Mc uillan, St. tlielons; . W. P. Beed, 11. . No. 2, Lueknow' Harry L. Sal- ktld, t;oderieh• Alex. Nicholson, Luck- now; uck-n w; Trim Griffin, It. 11. No. 'T.Limitnowv; taia5. Hewitt, Kincardine; ltobt. Pavid • spur, •liuiFcaunon. Bate -•8".00 per thousand. - T110 i. STorilI'a ts, rt'. I ..FII,LU"N, 'fiesta: Broullu Biose GOfFRICH The Leadtr% Eisend Direatori ilial Elloalfttera ' olio Artbilaate Service Orders easefully attended to at all hours -night lir day. we are the inspectors of anatomy in and for the County of Herron, ,t ,Phones: Store 120; Residence 21 1. 1 11+Iirkt►> tlxa IS t lhe. evenly of all rheumatic troubles. Rub it In- :tkououeh y and: often. se It eases thio pair, eupplen t1r4 ,ioirits, puts new If o Into the tissues. • Rule it in .. r S• stend'there were over 400 tickets sold - Despiteunfavorable weather. eon- - in all prior to the evening. • ditions the twenty-ninth' annual At. . o. * * Home of the Huron Old Boys' Assn- R. A. Greer, druggist, College. St., elation ryas held in the L 0, F. Tenn -,'and' his estimable wife, were present' ple• Building on Friday evening, Jan. for the first time ata %iron Old Boy. ear New Lieutenant.Governoe - �. D. McGregor, prominent Bran. don citizen whohas been appointed Lieutenant -Governor . of Manitoba to :succeed the late Eon. T'..A. Burrows, who died in Winnipeg a week ago. Ask Bilingual 1Mloney, Bilingual money ie proposed by the: Association of 'Catholic Teachers, of filiated with Laval Normal School, Quebec. A letter has been addressed by the association to Hon. Tames A. Robb, -Minister of .Finance, asking that tbe proposalhe considered and suggesting that' it be put into effect with the next issue of new coins. . Icing'sSon Reported Engaged•.. According to English •newspapers the engagement of the Duke .of Glou. tester; the King's third son, to Lady Angela Scott, youngest daughter of the Duke of Buccleuch, well be an. nounced 'shortly; possibly as soon as Bis Majesty has, recovered hie health. • Where is Trotsky The whereabouts of Leon Trotsky, invitee Commander of the hood` Army in Russia, seems to be.a subject of a good ileal of conaectirre: Hardly hl\d tine' report been denied that be was at the bead of an army' he Afghani- stan, than another story cropped - up that he was on bis way' to Germany `via Turkey, and another that lie and his family, closely guarded, were being taken as prisoners to Aloseow -to face trial for treason. There seems to be a germ of troth in the statements that he is not in the place of. exile appointed by his for- mer Soviet, friends, but whether he decided for himself that his situation there was not desirable 'and made this f� • 25th, gathering and were delighted. FOR E'�' with the largest attendance inTHE a BLUES i th is f thei t . • The 5 ,....._• e history o Assoc a ton e program of the. evening included old - J A, Cameron of Brant school, and LEARN RN time donees' .with the official caller R, A. Dundas of Grpschool; were on of, Mr. Thynne, a Bluevale old /MT. the job early and took an active inter- Music by the Harmonica gob of the _ est in the proceedings: . Y. M. C. A. under the lelidership of a a e e Mr. W. Maclrenzie, A Clinton. aid boy, A, G. Smith is pepping up the was very much enjoyed. The band is yiringham auxiliary in readiness for composed Of eighteen boys almost all the proposed Old Boys' Reunion to be of the same age antra smarter lot of held in July of this year. Ancly is the ladswould be hard to find. Al Line popular chairman of the advertising ton's Orchestra supplied the 'nileic andprinting committee, - for the evening. , During this early ^. ;' o part of -the evening e progec •sn,o W, E. Tinning, chief -clerk of Tor - euchre and bridge were enjoyed, tak- ingonto Customs; bas not missed a Huron . up in all fay tables. Suitable Old Boya for the past six years grid prizes were awarded to the succesen says' he hopes to be on the job for at fat competitors..' Refreshments were least a hundred or more years: • served in the buffet -roofn front 10.30 * * * 'r° to 12, under the able supervision of Frank roster motored from Chert- ' Airs. 1). Thompson, convenor of the en}ram to be in attendance although refreshment' committee. The pso ice and snow made travelling bad. gram was broadcast Darer C. F. C. A. * u .Y * due to the caumtesy of Mr, I3. IT. 3, H hand, General Manager of McCreath, : formerly of Goderirh. Langley Ltd, was present and de- The following gontlenien: rouvcyed lighted with the evening. greetings -from the Ola Bop to. their - - a .5 a. - * respective towns gild villages in llur. Many :interested ex-Buronites list- - on: • Mr. -A. E. Forbes, president of ened'-in -on, C. F. C. A. from all parts the Association, addressed Shia , old of Ontario to the Huron Old Boys' _ lholne town, Seaforth; Mr. E. Floody, program and were riot disappointed, the faithful and efilcient-secvetaryfor . • • 5'. v -•'� - * _ t -.• the past•twonty-five years. addre,ued 'Secretary Floody is not as young bits old friennda.in the town of Clinton; . as he need' to be, but in just ao enthu- Mr, J. A. McLaren, president of the. sis-tie and energetic as he was at the -3. A. Mt -Loren Co,^Ltd., conveyed organization of the Ancoeiation. He greetings to •.Goderuch. • .Mr. John S. is always on the ,job and long inaiy be. McKinnon, Trade Conlnnionioner t4 eontinue his dctivitieta ' the loot British Exhibition at Wens- • e e e • laity, was the next speaker and he ad- Mr. harry B. Stowe, ehairman of onureene dregs -ed the residents of Blyth, where the entertainhnent committee, naw to slie first saw the- light of day. Mr. A: ,it that -nothing was left undone to .0. Smith. for several yenta pubilaber give everyoneks good time., of The 'Wingliatan Advance, eonveyed ' .. _ _ ,_ r ., .. , , One 'of the Special numbers played . Funeral Director and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario All calls Tromp 4' ettenek:'s fi dee. er night. Thoneu Store. d33; Holtre 33e"tt1 b "boattedintheltcatt of the business district. OVerioolting Grand Cie40!sPaflt. 'A modem i are-prctif hotel. 't)0 remit, each evithbatla. ltsiesr 425-0 and uinva tees. .Is famousRestaurantvsroass0 also i„ ffre Shop. IIOJrt. MERINr DETROI1'Mi+ f Engineering, Auto rireltanics, Lrlt etri. cal Ignition. batt, art or Wetdfn' .-)"xp arts ItoIIFe = iglr9ng. 1irietlarIni.' ... red Motoring, nus i arbering aaU Ladles' Ball. =dressing. ,Earn $6 to $10 Per Darr =Few reeks required to leant, Expert Instructors,. Yractiosl 3'rnining. Dig Demand. start Ik)W for Lienor N7 nod's :L.rinitt fnturo. Write or call for ,�3pericd dilrer and r•'rca uookt. Donr;nionTrade Seoaol.� 163 Kirg Sreer'We,e Toronto . , .,yevaa,�s to u.. pea,•...0-•r, ,, eau,. ,l Gate" in the gathering gave three touCAri - over the radio wan Golden (sato in deers' for the old sown. Oneo'clock in of Piper'tt Dani, The announ- in the morning 1`rottaCto a clone a co -slated that there were four ewe1. perfect evening rrldebeteili again be lent reasons why 1'lper'n Dam -vas ea. 1 home is no lnusir ,more "homey" i.. looked forward to in e year's time. titled to national dininetieth 'viz., A Drina Mill, Urewery, Uintiliery =:rind _ the winter. Among allose present were the fol- rl,r. We tat (*predate the warmth anis cosiness of our own titeniden on the Whir raw days, the snowy, stormy dao*.+. ' ' Even with the etritce on, the Ileat • Fonts are pre'par'ed to give you your urue)winter comfort. Phone 94 for a load of good clean coal Or eche, eitther of which will put that "Welcome pongee" .aatanoophere''; of cosy visrmnath into your trouce. C.,LI, TMP. WAV Wig For Good Mani C=bai PAGE 'mace UICK QUAKEII ATS A lovely China dish In each package 4 u 111 4.0114,.0.0011 Ts Coati* In "'' to 5 minutes escape, or is bring eontiuetea to i afer Yalu earl tell the brides. ersernies. quarters, lea not known. ,They eon icntulate-her' ilnutca,i of the One report lute it that he ban been ' groom, lout with all others aboard the stearin. Some sink; their' own !;aisles ae ie or i rosin in a terrine blizzard over .they cl peetcd an encore. the Mark Sea. The blizzard is said to be -the worst in a eef fury, Tiling Far Both 'louse eta Stabtee-There snow to a depth of fifteen feet in lin a good deal of similarity, 1plhyalaatl, parts of Constantinople: ly s1>caking, bet -veer, lumen beitge Leaves His and the lower animals.-- Both - are King George Le sits lied On Sunday for alae Ehret time :sante .subject to many Ailments advise from he 'vas stricken in November, since inflammation anti to all manner of George was able tolea;o-his bed and outs and bruiaes.� Dr. Thonlns'.Ecice. sit for .a J1.1;0%11111! a sunny window of uric Ott so an enter'elyreliable remedy his sieIa Preparations are for such ;aliments and slobape in baulk beingmade to remove His Majesty to ikuman beirtf a sent tho lower carders of animals. Bognor in the south et Ehpglatntt as soon as Ilia strength permit; Sport in General 'Tit fourth test naatelt 'between the s cricket teams representing the Old County. and Australia ia now in full . awing and the latest press report from Adelaide, Australia, states that - the English team eonnpiled a total of - i , have winch the Auss ea runs lh. 334 u 5 to h replied with 131 runs for .the toss of three, wickets, ;Tlhe Australian team lost three .valuable wickets for 19 runs until the' 19 -year-old star, A. Jackson, Who was making his debut in international . cricket, stepped into the breach and scored 70 mens before n2 won vatted. ' l:.n la t h play was ca Eno land 'three matches, and the mythi; I ctrl championship, and if they can win the remaining two test. matches the countries will be tied, Australia so far having. won two more matches than the Elrglishmen. • - A world's speed record cense tum: bhfng down .last Saturday when Lela Weeks Potter, ',champion : Canadian. skater, covered one mile in 'J mfnutea f 20 .and 9.5 seconds, while eompeting in the Ontario . speed skating eirn p- pionships. - Us the the face' of tremendous odds the fleet -footed Percy Williams of_Van-' couver, Canada's premiet;.spt'inter and wittier of the 100 metres and 200 metres - Qlyniptic..�iitleg,..s un-,hisefi st race on an indoor track when he beat the field at the. B:eaton..A,A,-gannes to win thrt unusually short distance race} • of 40 yards, After going into • a disastrous , slumpwhich lasted for more therm. two Weeks, - the , Toronto Maple Leafs 1 hockey team came bark to life to : de- feat the Boston Bruins by the -elects - ire score of 3.0 on Saturday and thelia travelled to. New York -to beat the "invincible". Neve. York e' Americans, until hist week leaders of the Na- tional Ilockey League. by three goals , to one. The Montreal Maroons play. ed good hockey to hold: the Pittsburg Pirates to a goal -less tie :et Pittsburg •wlillo the • Canadiens bent - Ottawa _ Senators byone goal to nib. Miller's Woi°nn Pordtlers are sweat Wad palatable to children, who ;thaw no hesitancy in taking . then,. They will certainly bring worm trouble; to f an end. They are a ntt.engthcning land stimulating medicine, correcting the diso>:dera of digestion that the worms cause and imparting a healthy One to the system most beneficint to I development:.. THE Mt 1'Y1fkS y�LCatat! HOME" EiA Ate" 1 EA1.11441, tr IP THE' k11!'.a1,1�5'► aAi i.%. r T6t loosing: Mr. and Mrs. A. E, roml.Ws -,,, ^ 1.14h44.• -_ ... _. ami the Misses Forbes; Mr. anti Mug. J. A. McLaren', lair. and Mrs. E. Moody and Miss Floody, Mr. crud Mrs. D. ll. McCreath and Men. Wrk. Me. Croatia; Mr. and Mee. A, G. Militia; Mes. and Aire. W. A. Ileehanan; Mae and My. It. Is:, -Stowe; Menand Aies. 13. Thonipcan and 'Aline Ttrorpeon: Me. and Mra. D. D. Wilron; Mr. and Mra. H. Martin: Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pringle; Mr. and Mrr.. E. M. Lee; Mr. rind Aka. L. S'.Scott; Mr. and Mics,1 -W. Powell; Mr, awl Mos, D. rote; t, eon: Me. end Mti. 0. A. Nerr;toik; Mt. and Alre W. IL Fleetly, Mr'. marl Mk111a�. At 17. iGrtran; Me. anti Mae . pollens; Mr. eel ' Mtn. A. lituntkcy: - Mr. end 'liars. R. A. Duette% Mt and Merz, M. `;'sas-lctt; Mn'. eel Mr Chess i Mc -AM -ace; Me. anti 'lis.:, 1'..1. Gess e . B. MUSTARD COMPANY'' (hone 93 - Coder/eh PREVENTS RICKETS Scott's Emulsion s gene,. •,.e PerSerrace 2 WATCH OUR WINDOW • SPECIALS - DAILY ....,. CROSSE and • BL aCKWELL'S '. Fatuous ous Pickles andJ$1fls Raspberry, Strawberry or �j5c Biaek Currant Jim 11* -en. Bottle Sour Mined Pickle... Chow►. Sour onion' FREsK 29 `TODAY'bit N.Sweet Mixed or Gherkin' NEW STOCK 3 c mry SPECIALS iternum,'s .relined $istrtdta 6likta.2 t ' Cream oj' Wheat Pitt. 24411 51'oxoa Manton Figs s.oz. Jar 250 Maple Leap Matches 3 25. Victory'grand Olivesf. 49e Vrosh MOM Soiled ,f'dr Vino Woollcrto Lux 2 v ii' 19e Largo Sizc nee. 2le Holly grand Conf. Peaches It.t 1970 Floret Quality • MineoetttAt2lb* 290 Kraft Weh'eada Cheese 'rpt n1e toisaala or.Ocrrhaacr Corn Stands 11st, h e0 Cansiocl Gxatlltisrt3it 'let' 2;o Creeeftesn tiDcas or Iodised Salt l;a,rt �a Fia:cst Soma c:€wa Pkttli ex a.° IS. 2.0O . ":1 lb. 15e GorTt fser v Ss1ap 6 ala+ace 2 II4OLaares tasnapa:. ms Roney Bats h.o e .y: see 5avc, 5115 let a Oats 5 tbs.25e Mayfield irtrnd Bacon °:a' 1b. 32. Peesolecellock fa00n lb. 33 IS -DI ;,J Seal* l+l*l A5,