HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-07, Page 2Ask for Sia Pekoe It is the fin PEKOE I& anew A 411116 le all T 14 A, Fresh trews the gardens'. °V CAMaeldaire 13zitaxxa and merit Parity At as time wheel the clue_ tion of nave ut parity hetn'ecn Great Mallein ane;. the 'united Statto lite become more or less a dreaded nightmare 'becauee of the widely diveree yiewpyoints of the ale of the tiro rtati otts cPncerned, reties of meeting/ at. Saarbaaeos, t itit ai view +Err 1prraasg1 ee ne system of federation ataaitaar ;that. of the Ceintaditt.n proeinee whcrtby the nine h._atteaod celvries 'even' have ti union status with one central p'•aarliiuuent mut i e arate Tao, v,ncnil legielettite, Than • far jean anise combined peeteps with ge lrgn .eat difficulties, itane prevented tiny nc;reet;terat in the seleetie,ra ct a 110ra, l hist capat il. Wcn't lestforve U S. Dry Laws According to d'espatenee, fatal Oat- ansae, turtber legirrlativc netio:i by . aarlicamen . to aesist the tanned Bronchial Cold Left !o' with a Iry Iskiag Cough lbs. A. Preseau, i'rgaen St, neatletio, Oat, *titan-n,ca sae re stet to tido this apportusity aY teenet -a cf t;.y experiatrev m ifla Or. Wood's Norway Millie i nnatela in the rraforecnaw•nt of tee Vol- iyrug stead Ace b �ip bay imp.4l ab a At «a ,y k$ mxiates raifl7creai £ata the remit conference between repave- ; a enure Laaneitial cold that !eft sae ! Imitative) of the two gove-arenta, - with & rrotaokirgf dtyr, heeckiog eaugb. stye e war bid b;' tiae United S.tateee Atter Islet 1°401e4 with it, both d*y representatives on the ateell 'ler game 11 aaaght, for baste tiiurr teal a .; rmfeastonat lautict raeotntaeud tba att•Gce the Dominion lea 7 Q n 4n list i le r tae �. s refire c f d a-ecgltar ileal now it i t1a t Canadian legaarlatty e power fi enalaie iala >a P aaia li if env `itar atop y c >a s e 9. Atlantic viiia entwiee win be a behaved i,elestrenee to vessels with liquor car-: remedy le irk .title for evlc7rr," y by the inauguration et az new air -mail i goes letunrl for the United States, but Price 35., a: bottle; large family *he route to go into operettion eery arhort- it woo stated by the Canadian of1cials noel cit ail 411404 or dealers y. e new eernaee ve 1 -connect OteI that Canaan now had no legal power pot ups «nay, by ma T =Than 4+a. taws, Montreal, Saint John and 11+13- to refuse eIcarance, tiled that it would I;tQ. Toronto* ilrnt4 fax.. Mail front eastbouna transcon+bo exceedingly difficult: to get Parlla- tiuentaal trains will leave Ottawas at irnent to ranctinn amendment of the -' Ty la good to hear eucb on import.an" arrive in Saint john New Brunswick vitet it old b I b 1 h '1`a vast improvement has been made land+, he said, was once of the, a now *paten!, reannt r.1y Grebe lentwin -weld never at'Kf1% ti.. Lint.'? Sane. Ile pleaded with the Sena': »let to ^1.k� a mockery ee tee inset l.ztee* t''''''" .�,_praVcu:: `:i for inn:ne,:et ace utamcnte, - __.- Dominion Iaarl7ar,:czit-G',,cr.2 __-.. One, a with imlet:neent ma€tete eel neo G eh wins by tire leo en nen r - i ,"a= -eat AF, tho c{ tile 371 'w it cis-rx, . rThur� ley iced be tale b anuli luso Pee' �t;•'nereee of the nara•tc&^e Bent„tsar! anal Canadian Fannie $gilt: y:e. Iles tails o. the Caneeenn Nat'enat peen neer 3 levee netlief ben teazle Feline, 4:,.,R, 0•r '^aa.xvy, rp,,7�fn.+ r,,,-, t„a 4.c tri ntowf that he done not regaa'd with • • - -- the neeptrisel O the U. P. R. to hvortre,f ep TiAo6RAcm cnatkr,” oR nienitete, Seehaatohewen ate" Alberto with charters, If the railway peed- dente eed- . e dodiffer- ewes i a - tientnoto a" .r cam» se their d ff epees its the meantime there anal ba a contest in tho ltaitwaamm committee for the right to develop the northern ter- ritory which the Canadian National claims to have colonized. Immigration is bound to ba diseue. sed during the session, though the six cc on k in the ntorning aitd wilt present laws. Cainada .offered #o cis tics of 'contraband literature Al" Mliaister and ids oAie*els; feel' that a personage act Si Chamber. Mr Austen tam er- and • a , w iiia co Y ruga ati°nal alt as i t Inas otsky himself is nu Hello in from their point of view • since titin ales Host. John If. Bell, former Pre- , Ilalifaax Notal, Scott. in time fax the • Vuitetl State k d 1 1 1' � k h s , ILORING pedal Orders .'m.,:•a, ,«.e..a;12+ u111.1 e,,`;.. Men 's Smart Wear 1 .a,r``[idY��d/r� Jai ,`6 •V�;n�aw.*-1; Best at Black's BLACKCHAS. PHONE 219 GODERIt:l-1 lain, ilrittlin'e Foreign Ser.`retalV' afternoon, deliveries. do t rpt r t n s ata a for cgis ai Russian ur oaten, is Qrgaanizataen time last year., Parliament will be : mier of prince Edward Island, died openly declare that Britain tri striving a he ha for: regulation_ any is accused. of .premixing to bring on a ea/led '• upon to vote considerable ex- last aveek of his injuries. ife was 80 ehanga in the present situation :aa re. Civil war directed against the present . for aarsxai purity with the mon- Riots.in South Africa• penditures, including $27.000.090 for years of age. Ron. Mr, Bell had been States rani is convinced that the 'ren- { Serious . rioting. by , unemployed $ox`kd as unlikely« governmvntr and Trotzky is chargers barhot�r ii#ipivavengents in Montreal, . u :member of the Federnl. t'ttrliament, ty t]iffe ence" between the two cannel.featured thenpening of Parliament with the authorship et pamphlets Halifax. St, j'otrax and Vaiacouvet•; kind neatened the premiership of the Wee will shortly he #fettled amicably.] Capetown, South •Africa, Int week , against the proletaraau die. ,n ut o2G,000,00Q for Grtxiadiaan Na -r island Province after the Liberal tie - When the people in the 014 Lund and snob was disperse4 by 'imputed police. those on tide side of the broad Allan- t. In the rpeech from the throne read tie. were. .becoming rapid pessimists by the Earl of Athlone legislation e i t ibl solution o providing or ' i r<• araivi ng the posse o so u tan f the P o ng 8 parliamentary i�apre-: seemingly "only bone of contention" septation for tutored persons and e::• - between two of the most powerful ne tending other rights to natives 'vas tions in the woiid; andwhon Ucltaln'a 'outlined, . This pronouncement is tots- 'twit Labor .and Liberal leaders were en to indicate that In': the general 01-. openly feeding the nubile with gloomy- action, whi.h takes pWACe :in June or. art'tielee which crnly tended to initiate juin, the Ilertzog Government°'sill go :the whole question. ,and cause mach to thecountty on the native question. embarrassment to tits •British Gov- General ,Smuts, leinler _o#' the Op. ernment At 0, time wrier, it needed en- position, is strongly opposed, to fight- couratgennent to battle `•thneu>rh the ins as .general election on the native pre Bent industrial crisis wttich'has vie. . uurietion, a,laiming • it wend disrupt itcd. the 13ritielt Isles. "Do not be. Spud* Africa. liscouraicped," Sir Minton said. "Lf we Unions Oppose tate March have net volved the'proltlexn. at. once.: The march upon London by the un - X venture to say that it is inconeeive mooed of Great Britian, does not able that. -with ',faience and at the find favor, in the °yea ofths Miners'' ironer ant :opportune neatest friends Federation ot; the Trades Union Cotr- i x" Aimed not be able to nsoivo teetintcai green, and is .said to be supported { xlititcultiea:.Svltielt taro liitlaexto' regM• NANSEN GOES TO ARCTIC ' Pre. t Communists. solely b ae Comte int , regi t I un President y d Fri '•ot' N n e veteran s" Waited • e a s h fe six ctcnfi tat t- 1 r k a etata'd n ;Frear reaching an agree- I%rbert Smith of the Aiiners Fedor- � , t akT- xxent, action has aavlsed the rank. and file of venturer, diplomat and Irunianitatriaaai, The 1028 Wheat Crop I the over. velrieh bo has risdi who intends. to survey the Arctic be- - a body a s ju c Tale latest official coanpilation re. bort to have nothingto do with the. sin by means of the Gan£' Zeppelin, a neatly :issued discloses that .tato �ivlteut naArelm. year_ frotn:next .April, no- dean et° crap of .Canada in 1028' was O33,ti71, books Again on halm 'age . 'living explorers is eighty,seven yeaals. 000 bushels, about 13,000,000. more . P gof age. Doulchobot 4anatiea in 'the Grant' then the olkcial eatineate issued .last Forks. � B. C., (11a3trGt� are again �*ia"+ �sc ,, „ Ndvember a and: the tat �,st in the his. : •A >3ritsh Caney k. Arm for of the Dominion. Yt is he xng trouble to the Provincial Pollee as .: y Y Do t first the result of an attempt to arrest In btttetly cold: 'weather. a large ;lima Canada's wheat _erop has passed tyiree members of tate Sonat of Free.; body of unemployed men, divided into the tial£ billion shaishel marls, The.'dom :sect fog' driving children eronn'eonpanies'-mind equipped. with leap- vio c eves are us record cat p aw,aa -0c73,OGG,1f00 five. acliQals near laietsott. In flea first •senate, fleld;kitehens and ambulances, • 1ranhel$ In 1027. Tbo twerage 'Yield clash with the police t'va officers were . left Glasgow to Ynareh to London to in 1028 was 2r..1 •bushels per acre. put to flight - the foukhobors, who, demand the repeal of the Vnemploy+ Oa tS yielded last' year 462,153,000 bat. as. in the paeti, and in -spite tit the bite • went Act, _passed• last year, whereby sleets €and barley 1$6,391,408 bushels, telly cold weather' leak rcberteai to iaboat 30,000 were,;cut off from the the tvitaie a 4ntanent in an onneatvo r fid t what h b of George. Complete in itself, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator does not require , the assistance of . any other medicine to snake it effective. 1t does not foil to do its work. Want 1<Kaont�ainoua Tariff Walt ory o .. ..._ ;fir �+�r TM. lion dollars for reparattions this las • Cal*da'a Iron to be Exploited i� E�if1►` i;y fiattle raisers and'sheep men, grain in pursuance of the recoummeudationa growers, poultrymen, end. plain, on oi'. Comrctisetoner p'a.'it:l . • . Within the next ten .ears . Cana- dittat'y^ fanners front all the eauntry : Legislation may of be possible dtan arc wall be used almost west elf the nlississippi, waited in exelus this session returning to the Pratrte by Ways and Means at Washingtoat, de- xvely Canadian iron and steel mane force upon the House Committers . on , n Tariff revs, the Advisory Ben rd on 1 rrretins�s their natural xesotrrces: nor � a � ld , 1 mailing increases in the tariff u oar t i n a any ambit rtisn . p to existing taws With the obapct of will the likelyb d t o est week by experts .of the Dominion preetkally all farm produce renginn 1 +riff and: Taxation 'vas from 100 to 200 per cent; lelegates con is ollini~ iouai• exports to i•he Unit- ed, w.tatee,.: according to iaaforinatioaa front thenattle-stetes_neketl increases available;•i' t — ; in the present cattle duties of 100 per e. t . rte de rtml,nls ittvoly- eent., Mid *ant Wee taken oft thq �' ~•Satnoth]pg may .b$ done, bow_ free list. '..*y asked a duty�'ef Q •ever' --to enstlxe better.•, ee'epaeraitiott: emits, a patitad on green hides and 14 with, the American p eenentive forces.' tents en dry entice. Milk produeetrs' amt ueeelare engagers• tat verage#batt-: a asked that the tariff .on butter be in- emtt.aarli ep of atcohotfc beverages in- creased front 12 to 15 bents a pound. to the Republic. and on milk; from g3f to 3 `cents ,n Laerreiaee : itetur`as. Monte gallon. The grain men ausraeste,i In view of tie* faint that Vol, T. E. that the duty on wheat should renmain, %tvrenee, the "uncrowned kingof at 423 cents per buaitel. and a tat it Arabia" .has received :undue ubll bit of one«half 'tent a pound- be p1aead'an in connection with tate trouble ill tA£ varioue other grans other' than ;ghnniatnn, in which, nmany, :people wbeat, With sweeping increases in the claim, he has Been a praniinent /end. ratan on Poultry, :eggs, potatoes anal *r, the British Win Office erderedede #tax. 'return to England from India. Al - 1114 -roger Is Lieutenant-Govcraaor though aa• humble private i• the • .T. i1, McGregor, of Tirandon, .known tis Air Force in Indiat ' in °' n Bri. all aver'the continent ns A wrtccessi'tii der the name; of ""Aircraftsman Shaw„ tattle breeders has , been appointed Lawrence Nva;s•taketiAff the liner itA - T•ieut'etia,►nt-Governor `:of Maiitienele in enitant at Plymouth in• an. Admiralty succession to the lath Hon.:'iliea4ore .launch, thereby wielding' reporter's. A, Burrow'. Mz. 1teGregor was photographernand others who had on bent in A'ntherstte g, , Ontario _and iia the regular tender, to 'meet 'Mine spent itis early* years in Windsor: This !£act -a 'aroused vi lis ;xr used r, despread Wide Search for George Schnabel comment throughout the . 'Brinell The` lobate forces of both Canada 1slene tend z .prominent Lenton news - and the tilnited ,states are scouring ,papier demands the truth eeneeraing endeavor tohim, declaring; nee is no secret that 't ,� L him. hen . Y`X �:. r s a ure� 'ad E ti he England n g , d at Pro Speed Vp Vasil &brutes+ nature's garb, c to out w a as ,' eeotne o] With e ' unemployment. d e, i t a ><' cis •Sehnutiel of itlontreal> vrho ]s wantet;; hate been cxeditd�abraaad with main Greater speed for' 'Canada's xriuts- Nam, en To FI Over Polo. I tration; of a'bont 1,500,000 uneutploy: im connection W-lt a iiia deatit of itis taints subtle lt-seein t 1 . x site nshny.oi w tum ;arc cxpt tCd ta. t; #. , a g arecrt . +ai Another voyage 'of' exploration Wag.' The latestloport comes from tells exact c ' the E East, ser�*a e a exploration, : numbers, ilea-fgataernment• _ a C to o r over the North Pole by dirigible is Ii faces an embarrassinr,, sattration in Florida, where 1a• Menanswering the The homecoming,of Lawrence is not planned by •i~'ridjof Nansen, . now 87 'view of thea roach of •the general 4e`eriptioneo .Schnabel is being held one to allay 'th�{ie~pinions. that have: Years• of age, who during the Vero election. et will take the Glasgow abider arrest at Dade County awaiting gained ground abroad, The people of 1893880 drifted in the ice -packed Poi- men about five weeks td C r 'ash I+on» further details from the. Montreal and England didn't believe these stories. 7n' Mak elreetlte war tains- titan name, that autrp roi v.00911*.md. A4ekra Mixture n kir ttea 'Ytendr" 'Yat t lots sat, a Ash ter x1MaIi the *keeit au* east, Qn. ioatratataIna `, at bottle* Ae# dru agate oil it, atataar a awiaey„baric oeusesake. W, tt. **akin, 4raafW; X43 hats! eat., r'rtraate 2 1111 fur"''* Armlike *pia- " "mak piatlmrts dr puoeu. 75; and 40c Vis« �...�..•, ....�r.n.,a:.::.a: ,,.,r -w-. ar Sea with .aa party of companions ifs donhis little vessel, qheFrm Naasen. s mArrested Trat k .Smashixer5 ►who arrived at New York lust week, R ssla s Soviet leaders, who have hopes' to start 'rho g +exp}lora- lived for tt'te,past few years with the tion trip of his long Career in Auris, shadow 42 'Trotsky athwart their 1930, using the dirigible Graf Zeppte-. 'paths, nppiarentiy have decided . that lin with °u; crew of forty and ten seen. the time is ripe to destroy the iu- tists. Re hopes to make an •extend- flumen of the former *at Minister, ed survey of the Arctic Basin with and break up his '2ollowi .. The bases in Alaska and ;4iussia. Communist party has tui esa More West Indies Seek Confederation , than 150 Trotsky sympatbizers in .Dele;Ates front tha Various units of Moscow v aitd" elsewhere throughout the British West Indies aro holding a Russia, and has seized .large (pantie it- Heip Business To Mark Time? By 1934 Ontario and Quebec will need a million telephones and the Bell Tele- phone Company wants new money to provide them. The companydoes riot want any money frorn Parliament It only wants pertnission to try to sell new shares to investors. The investors will supply the money if they are allowed ton If they are not allowed to, the telephone system must mark time. in *d yew* the 'theta** vorAy arty tare* never rlaire_stetf rt r mitre tgorerrw_,WP.tgram; it erg,. mita lra wket to M&a Jerwfhr. a port tot Canfoteeffprogreati. THE BEt.I. TELFPIIONE al'tl lx'AN !s tW i.A'l t+tl'PA.. sal 1hunilto % police eeneern ng the -de. It it: time now that th• etruth was told, scription of Shatabel. ' It is time now that the truthwas told amber Again 'onnd `Guilty . in the interests of military discipline'' Without the. alleged -hypnotic in• it should 11e ended peremptorily" iluenre of "lit:" Laanggsner, . an Ed .1'tince. Visits Mining District Montan jury'for. o aceorid tittle last .ttiter'fivuririg tate miinittg.'t'itlages of Durham and . Northumberland for three days last' week, the Prince of Wales summed up .his impressions in the words: "absolutely bedrock mis- ery." Housed this 'expression After wading through the icy mud, Iush and snow of one tiny Hamlet where the door: frames and window sashes had When tho three senior European disappeared from many of the cot- statesmen, Chamberlain, Briand and takes, Having been used As fnel- The Stresernenn'put their heads together; Prince Paid want tribute to the brav- ae they have been doing. during tim zry, patience and' hope of the people past couple of months, it .is a good living in the • deepest poverty, many sign that they are devising something of them entirely without employment which stay be of material benefit to for periods extending as long as eight Europe in general and themse1' es in years; others with parttbn work for parOtuktr. A. report comes front a pitifully email wage, and he deviate London that these three statesmen ed that sonte remedy would.itave to be ' are raaraing an ambitious plan for an fonnd speedily, economic United States of Europe, The visit of the Prince is expected r and about next October * conference to have results that could be achieved of all European countries, including in no other way, as ids personal • in- iRusshat; may 1* mailed foe that pair- terest in the sufferings of the minors - pose. Their primary idea is to tt'y'to: and their families,' together with the eireet economic - and commercial pvablicity given to his visit, is bound changes in existing conditions which to place the situation in all its asqual- shall point .,toward making Europe or before all classes of the country. something of a unit in regard to pi•a- Ilan. Jahn Ii. Bell Milled duction and a anaruntlltian. Struck down ,bY an automobile . Revolt in $pain ,1 while crossing a street in La An. t week found Verxton Booker guilty *2 the murder o2 Isis mother, brother ;end two }aired tnen, at ,the Boolter home at Manville, and aga#til Booker has been senteneed to .death. Ile was sentenced •to. be' bagel.nt Fort Sas hatchewnn Sail April ,24= . A United Europe Government, by independent engin- eers and by the head of the Algoma Steel Corporation. In, reply 44 '.ques- tions by the ,Chairman, William H. Moore,it was stated by Dr. Wilson of the Mines Branch of the Dominion Government that they are now instal- I ling equipment for the earrying out of certain experiments with .respect to the benefielation ofCanadian ores, and it is believed they wilt be so,suc-•, cesstul that the vast undeveloped nat-' ural: resources of North-western On- tario, north of Lake Superior may be exploited. a P � OldAge etasrire for Ontario b" i', ?i feature of Ontario's', Old Age Pension Aet 'which with be brought ` down early in the session, is expect -1 Phone 584 i d to be a .:provision making muniei- ,The Complete Men's Store panities responsible for 25 per cent: of• ' • - iia Gaodertch the newton •' payments, Pretaier Fer- ' r goon is saaid: to have taken the atti- tude that the eare of the, aced is the {Continued on page 3) MEN'S LINED 'atoms Sizes 36 to 44 Reg, Price $2.75. and $2.9$ WEEK -END SPECIAL $1:75 and $1.95 MEN'S LINED WORK 'PANT'S • . . A sizes - •WEEK -END SPECIAL•$195 MEN'S MACKINAW PANTS In plain grey or plaids WEEKEND SPECIAL $2.45, to $2.95 - - M. ROBINS The return to Spain of ex -Premier Sanchez Guerra, who has been living in France. to lend a revolt of the Clue Trouble Signs dad Ileac group caused -quite a stir in Valencia hist week, and although the or T los " l5 a�! Fetanieh authoritie , acting en in- , structions given by the Dictator, Pei - mo de Rivera, arrested Guerra and imprisoned him, the "dietensionera`k revolted in the City of Valencia with resulting bloodshed and the pro hni- aati»at of mtirtisl law.. 111 s d d syr - Weakness, - Nervousness,. - - - Ileedeehes, Prequcatt, Pa Hilal. - Scanty Urination, • «et tingup•N ights. Tim c:nbarrassing annoyance and 1lritnin Upheld in r. ti. knife .',genuine misery of Itlaadder Veesknee , 1. T21* people of the tinted States often bratiits3 "disro ought of hast aga' • and the members tit the Sanity must I t e :liana who rra ei r ought to are in rho hlxvc xccehrrd' n .rude "tarn; when very prime of life. Senator Burton rose to tris fent in ; 'atrountl n, 2fol is n perhaps seven Washington and denied the 'laceersity out of tear, of folks near middle life - } are pitiful victims of Ileadaehee, Ncr- ,for naval. parity, beleve._It .he I:tiited avmime?",Pins in hack and down 1, States and Great Eriit.i'i. partitutattly 'througlt> groins, frequently but scan . -following so nmanv hittt1 *l1e4 rant ty,and,,,infnlurination, etting�uip, c•hes by so=rsllcd p strii,1s, who would h � r.. •,. iniftht", tkt< it That ,tabling . 's hist* Peel.;, t White nerious if neglected ::it is ewould s*tiefy the e'mi'r.' Stetee.l a len/thorny arny * eimple matter' to relieve i Scntttnr flatten p :a*:r 1 taut the re u� I these troubles by the pleasant home lieu nef4 +af (;"at it>:tt tin tar a tx''svg Ierfu1 nary and Mint Vent tslit'ra.•>twb h lir. Southworthos s in theul'S,t Ate Tidic�ttled the ,ittee ion that *iv ,wshsch have imr`cie cietariotis in tteou±t ;British ally might 11,• 1a: act agai+tet .t.11.: t,!' Caere, aft"' other t1'esittne"t' the' t'nitcat $title. T'he r•c.Y•! inmacv t'f ,>ranrdr i -_. " . No mmtaftcr how «,erica+? r,sy /to* long .., .� :AMU**, rink' t,9tillition lminy he, Neu cart rrul - kl a prove the value t.! UR 1= ' F1115 without iniadf E oert :, foe foie i ;1 raeulttrisf. will manly stmt ,4n an Iwt* a � mainly .r11,+.nitatf erose tette t!1 enin!fAArttWtt 411' G money neck, If i� RA.i'a41't.� briar !con i S atrrIOlw ankh, *alit certain romfort, you 1411 ter t Alamo burl •, tr.rttly orated, If they 4 t ii ,f hilly Oa astetft. their tuar Will roil Y'+tt **Mk,. t Afrwte..t l litat 'M U ttATaAiltt tom,. skid +ta r w1,pt M M'etli tee th' ,Mob., CASTOR 1 '�, --•..-,._..M.:F>�::,�•,,�■.fir.. t 11F � lr 1t ttr [• 1►li rw r Mutual Life Sy r. eCompany ua �e of Canada i etSbnaNed ins , l i~ucii. 05T1011 1 i4'ATtitt.00 OA n D. 0. MOONEY, Agent PROM 250 SOP.= ST. • OOnnulCtt, ONT. —Y - A RR•:K• ENT • DATTER4Ear.' RAUIOS Te Demon stration • W. MacDONALD ELECTRICIAN Britannia, Roskd internal and External Pains are promptly relieved by DeTHOMAS' C �� �OIL. � new 1T HAS aatEt4 SOLO con 'PVeAn .Y FIF1V `ERS AND 15 T0.DSY. A GREATER attest THAN EVErt la£FQRE 13 A-TEsTiuOnita. THAT MAKS Fon On COJMEltOUS comma eneee TIES. iUIGIiTasever.,.. :afteryears of service The years are kind td staves that acre polished regularly, with ZEBRA, the wonderful new liquid stove polish. Not as spot not a bit of dullness . 5Uat alt raven=blaasck as when it was bought - that's the way Zebra keeps . your stove! Yet it is the easiest and 'cleanest palish you ever used. Try its Maas IS IN BOTTLES Ir'Ar them whimpt►tor if. Xaarat r'ataa. lar atilt twain, slat, 1n Satoh vasal* *not .i,iouiar fhb Z410.0``{. S*ae oleo of jowl Worepolo* ,, V' sfi