HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-02-07, Page 1i„
THI,'ESDAYs, FM. On, 1120.
Far Every Paid-in-adeance Sub-
scriber. Renew new while the
Choice of Calendars is at its Best
V.014-1401/ STAR
414p, it I) 07401144/4,
Sulneriptiont $2 a year in Olinda
$3,59 et. year ti 13. S. points.
Witt 3ente Zoe Money: (MAI
roar Doily Paper mod other
Periodicals through The Star.
- - -
Harry Salkdd Appointed TreasurerOf Goderich Township --Ernest Johnston le New Counoillor-loderich and Clinton Tied for Second Pfau hi O. H. I. Group
..--_:: . 2.— .. _ —,_—____—.:- -
=7z:-._:::. .-.F__---..7.:-.=-7-.7.7.------=-.--..._ 7,rir_r— a-- ..,-- -
16011.01.1111.1 • . be]: beat Croft 7 to 4. On Wednese . BOWLING AT THE ROYAL
alay niglit Mr. Jo'hnston bet Mr.
lumber 8 to 6 in the final game. The 'itteida League tiaesa &Maple Laet
other rinks playing were ehipped by Nio,ht-I.aidiee Are Battling
J. Brophey and S. D. &oft, ,
Sun Life Assurance Company, of Canada
The following letter received thi$ week front one of our
policy holder4 speaks for itself:
"1 wish.to acknowledge cheque for $3.22:66 dividend: on
toy policy. e:entatrntateCitintetlaCettiS eXpeetations,
- although the Sun Life has always done wAl for me. Thanks."
Phone 115 H. R. LONG, Distriet Agent
i %roe bwahnests
; stoic Brokers
Bond Deolors
Elevator Contract Let
. The contract for the erection of
1 the new addition to the Goderieb elee
vator has been let to the John S. Met-.
elate Ceneot MontreaL Work is to
be begun at once and the structure
completed by Auguet 15th.
/low !Men Your rebel Read?
I An elaht-tearrt league among men
The Star's mailing list lins been pitytys bat been fornied 4n ,eorinee.
your address la'bel shout% ehow tee mid plot) . wos scheduled to start ein
enrree" this we'evk anti tho dae." °en -titian with the Root Bowling Alleya
date to vebieh our subwription is Tuesday. The owns were FottFent
paid, unless it f$ in the last couple of ed till last night, iiowever, on account ,
dews, lime the correction of the litt of other events on tfueetlay night.
that your renewal was peid. If, by The sebedeae, widen men for ten
any ehanee the date IS nOt correet let weeks, ja nstoiloWlia and the prizes
us know as soon ae possible so that win be elmeurieed biter
correction can be made at once, and if neeedey, Feb. stntd
the date does not ehow your eubscrip- • "
tion paid ha advance we will be only Bationnskerstove. lOrlhiguineonlataxo.
too plesieed to advance the date on re-
ceipt ed the eubseription price. We TILur.sdati, Feb. Itlhen
have an Ambition to make our sub- wag: rem vo. Whiz* Bangs
Seitford vs. Ga -Getters
scription liet a paid -in -advance list all
round, as it is alreaciy in the majority Tuesday., Feb: 12theo
of cases. Subseribers jarmars can Whizz- lionga Saltford
help us by paying up arreareges. Kin* Pins vit. dickletters
Water and Light Commission alluraday, Vet,. 14thed
Lied CoMMISSion for the year 'was Toinattudek:,710:::
Tfirst meeting of the Water and No, 1
Orightels vs. Lioas
• held on Tuesday evening of this week, Liens No O VI. 0o -Getters
, . .. with all the raembeee in attendance. n.,24,„",,,t,:,,,„
ROYAL BANK BuiLoitte For the British Mine a
r ' The clerk reed eertificate
.. Mr. Maxwell ot the Model Theatre the election of 14'r W T Idurney to the Irlintedigh Feb. 214-* . '
. ' Godericli, thetierio announced that he win givo it specia commission for the years 1929 and 30 laisna No. 1 vs. Sanford
_ . • •
Phobos 430 aati 445 matinee at the theatre next Thursday
afternoon, Feb. 14th, at 4:15 pano the and Mr. Itihrney filed his declaration Baukera vii, 1gPips
, of office. Ife was re-elected as chair.. Tueeday, Feb. filth*
, entire Preeetale of vtbleb win bo de- man of the commission and it was de- Lions No,. 1. Vic. Titni Pills
, - voted tollte fund fOr the Beitish min, cided to 'o1d the regular Meetings of BatICOrS vs. SalttOrd •
ers. AdMISSIOn 50C 1111d 2$ cents. • tee eoremissien on 'the second and Thuredate Fele 2ilth
• GEOR0E1 AM.111.
grneseletinston Fjectedie . fourth Thursday evenings of Vie Otiginala os. Go-Getterie •
HIGH EA Retro Sitlkeld Vesstwer month at 8 o'clock. Itequests nor Lions No. 2 vs. Whiz Bangs
At the elections in Goderich town ec .1 ranrem
lervice for Yin. A. TuesdaY Otleo-'
awson an r.
' Q. Maawan L'onelhice Odea. Settford
hip on Friday hist to fill the vacancy
under the auspices of - h hn to • - were grantedR was decided to or- Lona No. 1 vs. Go Getters -
The Churcinemneit's Guild
1,1.1V8DAY, FEB. 12th
In the Parish HaU
der earloan of Red Jacket 3-4,1ump (Thuredity, Match successful tandiciate against J. A.
CoxiThe council met on Menden cota for heating purposes ot the . Whizz Ilangs =vat Bankers
. Adjustment will be Iting Pins vie Originals
Feb. 4th, and HMI Salkeld received Pew" house '
Mr. Swarta' rate for his live Tuesday,./darcii.
the appointment of township treasure made of
er 38 suceession to the late Mr. White- erY. O8 aec0ut 01 l3ot keeping Whizz Bangs vs. ConGetters
many horses as he used to do, and Originals vs. Sititihrd
Fancy Work and Candy ffables. /dr, Salkeld has entered on his
Teg.Served from 5;30 new duties. eeveral other matters of routine busi- Thursday, March 14theedo
Tea 50 cote.
Mr. Rol*. Johnston the Winner
, at Carling TMs Week
o • Mr. Itobert Johnston is the 'winner . - '
- .., this Bruce CountY Council. to Hold
WANTED of two curling tournaments
etrooegi Rumens onee; Noshes 40 01)7 week, one on 'Monday ' and one on Summer Session at Tobertnorae
t" lain room and board. private Wednesday. On Monday he had Jos.- "The annual jaunt of the entire
home preferred. SOW rate. Iteply Bowman and John linntet- on his rink Bruce County Council and several 4
BOX 6, nTAn. . and beat Jos. Brophey (with Dr. Ma- the official's to the Good toads Core.
• , been Malcolm. McKay and W. Wei- ventlon at Toronto, which at $16 per
e.e „' _en...en OR
„ ee, _.„," „.„„.• hice) 64, after heating S. D. Croft head cost the tax -payers upwards 'of
URAMI11101 DRAW Illi PAY (with Geo. McLeod and R. J. Idegme) $500, raised zuch u dorm of protest
Qualify or 40. to 70. Dollars 10 to O. J. 13raphey beet C. I. Sum- throughout the county," says The
weekly, Spare time. Home' and ber (with Thos: Wallis, Franle,Megave Wiarton Echo, "that the council wise-
ehop practical training. Endore- e
ed. nelloble Eniplornent, Service. a L. G Pa st 'S t 3' and Hum- ly decided to forego the trip this year.
an G. .rson o an forego.the
Write or Informatiou, Comoier- -- —•-- The county eelgineer, the three me:n-
eat Eugineerinit Schools, Suite AUCIION SALES • • - • bers of the Idigneenys' Committee and
onehundred. 57 'Queen St.. West, , • the Vdarden will probably be the\ ..,I..
nese were transacted, Including the, Lions No. 2 vs. King Fins
apprevar of a number of aecoinits for Lions No, e ee, Bankers
payment. Ineedad, Marcie 19theo '
Originals vs. Lions
Bankers ys..Go-Getteis
y, arch 2Ist---
Lions No. 1 vs. Whizz Bangs
King Pins vs. Saltford
Tuesdayieltfarch 26th-
Whiez Bangs vs. Saittord
Xing 'Pitts vs. G -Getters
Thursday, Mavolt 28th-
Ban1ers vs, 1,ions Ni, 2
Originals vs. Lions No. 1
ToeadaY, 2nd---
Whizz Bangs va•Go-Getters
Originals ye. Saltford
Thursday, March 4th -
Toronto. , Atiarvoi OF` itAIRY COWS,
YoUNG CATTLE. end etce.
. • Roads Convention, Vetch opens in telone No. 1 orse tdagiters
Ni'44""• „ • NV, W• FISHER , Toronto err Feb. 27th. With the count Tuesday, April lithe-.
PUBLIC NOIICE • will sell by "Otto euctien at; leefarm ty touncie saving. over $12,000 by cut- Originals vs. Lions
, conduct saes Imnwheren Y, yEs,,,,,iitAE 1420 • mad bridges and almost. SOO by clis- Theredaye April llth-
Awl give setisfactiori. • • ei h t`o. to- • -.4t ° • t Convention at Toronto, they • might e Hien-pins es, neetroOga .• .
• representadves CiftBruce' at the Good •. 'Lions No. 2 -vs. King Phis
, at -Sal °Mr 011 • • ting out tlie special grants tie 'roads eoe
eo'nkere vs. GwOettets
..I'Jr ter" ara "1°11449 anal "Ill irY. Catetionlinierurhaian e"tiv;t7 r: fd lu continuing their $aunt to the ll,dad Lima NO. 1. VS. WIIISS•TAngs
c' PhorieoOoriow 131' o' Address telt"- ere . MAfl' 4 tie tow. Trae Diu, _
• • .- • freshets •F eo. 28th: I holstein Cow, 4 have Poaed as eeonomists had they The ladies' teams in the league look
6, Oodealene . •, ors. oldedue Feb. 28th: I ilereford cow, not at the dying moments of the ease vety pretty indeed in their costumes
Dipoitikocos wANTAD .old, just Iresh; I 4Yrshire coW, 4 .afon stuck the ratepayers for evera 1 and the players aro biittlIng bard for
oldjust efeehI redco6 I.:1,sold
. .. • . ,. yrs. old. just fresh; 1 black cow, 7 yrs: . i
ereds of dollars in additional mile supremacy: On Monday,- web. 4th,
---- - , t : W, . , e.una
NOTICts. • - . to freshen in May; I red cow, 7•yrs: old eage by their decislop to hold the- the Super:Alice took two out of three "
NOS* 1 ti t .d to 'freshen Mareh 7thti Rolston oow, 6 summer sittings, at Tobemory, the games fron the Lavender Girls. For -
MeCuMMI- • .-- n nrola On won t 'era. old. to Ineehen 15tb ; 1 eiereo. topmodt point in Bruce, 'which matt the Suhersilics Miss M. Sprotileeevae
Iaroti eoticerning 'relatives of Isaac Met:wile Lrd cow, 4 yrs. did, due time of sale,
minge. who WOO.Inirit in Baron Count*-. - The. above are a good lot •Of cows. aptly be construed as little else. than -.high both for tingle score and total, .
and whose mothesee maiden name WaS • liOnan Caittee-i-3 Polled -aligns Meet's. • it fishing expedition or a summer ont- 211 and 521, 'and foe thco Laeender
telt fartioulars to W. Ce.COK di tee. iti i log i l'etio *kl; 2 Intrbean 'steers., tieing. last session held at "The *Tub" was. in _ single ecored 209 and an aggregate ofe
moth Aon Ourry. getale 'matter. Write rising i year oki t 2 Durham totters, tes- Ing at. the tax -payers' mtoense. • OirIs 'Nisi W. Blielc as eegli, with a
wes eleckson.ifilde Chicago, ni.- i year old. . e
tmoo •
aheoy Poultry.4 6 piecs June. 1920, when between - 425. The same .eveningrethetNight
FOR SAtE Olt TO RENT 8010 I lbs. each; 20 Barred HOwes:
ck year boating and dancing and listening In nartk„, wen from the Blue stteks 2
°id hens; i pair a African China geseo between spells to the Itelian Band the to 1. Mrs,L. Walker bad the highest
WU implements, ete.-125 totter posts: I boot hedn't their mato oft legislatisingle ve
WANT in hy , buying tia et racic for hobeleighs: set I - knee bah - score 206 and Mrs. /1. LIopi the
eighty UM, Of rich and ad
(Fr naive eleiehst 000d condition; 'sot team very much for their constituents. higheet agg.regate, 452, for the -Night
drainage. also- -pictureequo lotation- .eleigit.: I Ford true ;,1 pump jack. new. contribution to- the gaiety of nations. Mies IL Plante was high whit sha
me of the best •in •the vicinityi-you never used,: t scoop shoal; 1 set single Ond forms tlie fly in tbe ointment of gie game stoie of 174 and aggregate
tom with good ontutot °11 artificial hi`eaelerli; 11401.11CSS4 1 eight delivery The hike to the Tub- is but enother Hawks; am. for the Blue Streakte
will be profng this amount. Said drivine; harness; 2 driving horse oolbra.
farm is about two males from Clinton .Ahout 60 bushels feed oats. • • an o u. .C1 -NV se economic ss,ssion at the of 488.
on Base Line, littildingS consist of Everything must positevely be sal. county town last week. The present standing in the ladiea'
,good lemma large barn. driving. sliedei sams of al0.00 and und- • • league Jo as follows ;
amble bush. Residence itt taws tea- tredit will be given on approved Joint it very eat intere.st G' I 5
aiso .witalm111 mai reservoir. fionald- er; casb ; over that amount 8 inonths" Bishop of Fredericton at St. Georges I , Won LOot
son tor saerake. For . ems: W. back notete.bearing interest at 7% per WaS" with a great Leven er ir s . 4
BRYDONE, Clinton. Owner 322 south arininn. . , . that the people of- 'AL George ts Dine 'streaks „ ...... ,, „s 4
. Melo Street, Itotneo, Michigan, r Come to this eale. - eimrch listened to Bwhop Ittebardson AGE.41CYI Supghteroillts e ....... ... .4 5
4 -5
-e-- - ' - -
THEa-goe , 4 TIGTION SALE OF Ii011.4F.O., CATTLE MissiOn3 at a aerViea *lads wilt; bald' . For _the month a February the
ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE and Ole AND SHEEP. . • - in the church dtVednesdao evening at manageteCnt is offering prizes for
eight o'clocic. Modern ..eltristiatitY ladies' competition for the ' highest
WESLEY W. P1811148, AuCtiOneer„on his.appeal ta the people to•euppovt Nihawks
IntOwN snWAirk must realize the value of missions. number of pins rolled during the -
Some big bargains in houses. lots and will eell be public amition at Lot 15, They are the issue On which our doh. month. The prizea are :trot a pair of
farina Oast 410W, Ask about then, thayfleld Law, a miles north east of
Modern equipped house close to ileld. on Bay-
, tization dependo. We must matte bud vases, black, and second, WO -
Square. Must' be sold. Price ROO. i ToESDAY, ptn, 12th, 1029, how dearth() dernend is for this work 1 roso candle holders.
gight-rootned house good drY cellar; at 1.30 situp, consisting of the follOW- when. we think cif Christn farewell
MrS. P. Saundere vine the winner
lot and barn, Nearly entire house Mg: message, "Go ye into all the world of the prize for January lor the best
0.200, .. nd •reach the gospel to every creel- three tonged:4TM 00105, lier. . score _
Many °thee houses; low. prieeo
' • . ' • old,
easy I Vintle.-/iurham erne, 0 vra old, due bra.'
- - Chriot was the greatest leader Wog' 647, The Otiee wee a brass tea
terms topay. - . • to _freshen Eine of sale; &wham cow, the World' has ever known. If we pot tray. Mr. libel McGuire was the
A number of fine brick helms. ra
n, 7 yra. Old, due to -Iresben en march; take no heed to What He aska of ue, - winner of the gentlemen's , prize for
" Dtirham env, 6 yrs old, due to fdeshen
rm.:fern equiPped. Deming. • .
• lin April; nurharn ewe, 6 yrs. old, due how can we be loyal, liow eau we be January for best three eoriseeutive
A few houses to rent. Jo freshen in March: Part iloistelit COW. the friends he calls net There are games, his score being 214 and the
beaten from kitchen. stove. Price liorsese-Pereter.on colt, -rising 2 os..
a ,
Minus: . 8 Ylkg. old, due to freshen in Pebruary: mitoions both at halite and abroad.. prize a pair of woollen blankets.
60 acres elOPP to IOU11. Price (abaut part holstein -tow, 4 in. old, dub to wow can we aceept our responeibilito
half testi) O1500. freshen, in -April; 2 mit-bred Jereey h
ineo, ete. Entire property for kiss bull, tieing fi ern okit Polled -Angus jeous 'is the light of the world; the Soveral more players have been
160 acres, some timber, Peat bull,I., heifers, due nt time or sate: Durham at ome and neglect the ones abroad?-_ AT DRENNAN'S
itign value of improvements and tiot. bull, 7 mom s' old; 5 Hereford' steers, world 15 our challenge, atid the WOrld
ha. about 7a) lbs..• 2 Durham steers, about added to the lig. who have made a
Many ntlite farms. S.oine for ex- 700 ilia; 12 believe, about 800 ibe., half is _our opportunity. teem of exactly 225 iti the coldest at
Otange for . town property. net us think, of the croes ,ao the
Tor all partk4Ilarg Write Or aeo I Sheen. -04 choler: teteeetee ewes; 5 emblein of Christ's Drennan's itecreation Parlors for The
J., W. .4teiSTRONG. lot,e for 145 and ba
. Shropshire ewes, These are an esto like St ,Peul and indeea feel teat the fellows; E. coy/cal, v. Pc' IT If. John.
alit° robe, and the list noW 'ottuida an '
leeptional lot of elloice oolthe ewe; and ,
Heal Estate.
oDarktees," Mrs. Elliott read thole J. T. FELL APPOIN'TED
the Fsperimcnt Wotked," tat/wit from HORTICULTIVRAlt SECRETARY
HOCKEY! 11 the 'Missionary Monthly. tire. Mit.
tilt' wasappointed assistant superin. harry Edwards Retires en &mutt
hterelent of the Baby Band. After of hie New MACS Conflicting
!much frecussion it was deeided to
raise cur allocatien in the usual way.
'It is with muth sorrow Uwe to
note the passing of our past edice pre-
k'sident' ish's' Pierce' a life'lnend)44 tlio town bath President Gee. Crould
?, owl ,ielways intoiveted lathe eiterit„
It** L4°4! 1°111411 Walaa; "We el" 1:041307tlineflocrelenljtyrPorItelttneilpast"Iyesther
meet bus WO shall Woe her". -em.
and the prospects for the futere,
'Next Weditesility(Feba3th) will be
Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, efilwnetroatil°twbeh:,adgnarlesb"orn thbeeldeeenseet
: With the following SerVICOS in kit.
tOcOrgeo: Holy Cowman ,•
110.30 a.m., Commination, serviee and
antaildusYto'• 44.1.11(118 oci,heiluiloroenng.'sosoearv4itcae.
HOCKEY dress. During the Lenten season, up
to Palm Sundae, in tedititon t t'
The unexpected happened at Clin- Sunday servieei, ihere o seroviele
MONDAY, FEB. lith„
it The *ilk, liadartelt
CLINT() N vs.
The whiter %III meet New Henn
hum Homo and lime Games, en
WM., Feb. Friday, Feb. th
Saw WOW et 4.11 WWII*
The pestported unmet mectitto of
the Goderich horticultural Serie*/
was held on Monday evining last in
ton on Wednesday night this week, mil weekoley at 10;a0 a.m. and 430
wben New Hamburg was defeated by pano and on Wednesday eveninga
tbe home team 4 to 3 in the Junior O. Art000nut illVeedonbellsdaraoyo,:fotoorr:
B. A. aeries. This leaves Ctoderich
nicos. , On the Monday, Tuesday,
and Clinton ties for second piece in
the gbreeupPleya:dt1 on Illandenoaeney.tviehnigntrnet thWt.itIleret. anwlitThbrdcoamyrtAtiont
10:10 eventong' and address at
Goeito uerplealtorinstletterowitteitwatohrorgteamin withlel 8 pm., and on viedoesday
grew. New hamburg hes six wins the rhumb from noon to 3 o'elock,
Pan. On GsooediliFidr4.1edna';
serviee at 4$0
play-off or the leaderahip of the there will be a three hours' service in
walnin,l4eweer villusseS'andGQ4eut;khlosaareisa _91,11: with rneditationa on the seven words
434C44 front the CroSS
and Seaforth and Stratford three '
Oa Monday evening the. Young
wiles and -Ave losses tech. Ube Clin- People's Society of North street, Un-
tonvat-Seaforth game bast Thursday ited church held their annual meeting
night waa a win for Clinton. Thff
artd eleetion of officers. 'Inc next
Seaforth at Stratford game on Feb.
executive is made up as follows:
let a win for Stretford and the Gode.
rich at Clinton game the emote night
a win for Goilerich 5 to 0. A goodly
number of Goderieh fans went to
Clinton last Friday, taking advantage
of the special railway arrangements
and saw a hot geme. Clinton players
were perhaps not in their best form
due to the game the previous night
and the Goderich Cubs had it all over
them all through. Referee Sawyer,
of •had ohaege of the game
and handed out many penalties but
iota of slashing and tripping Wan 14
go. The lirie-up was as follows
Clintone-Goal. Twyford; defense,
Gliddon and Cook; wings, iMeEivan
and Brown; -centre, Elliott; subs.,
Rath and Streets, •
Gocierich-Goal, Doake; defense,
MCKAY and Woods; wings, Stoddart
and McKay; centre, Allison; -subs.,
Moor* and Weetbrooke.
If Goderich wine the game with
Clinton and the eight. to eontest the
Itoo Goderich, Ont. bred to a registered Lekeeter rarn. lore of CidItt eonstrifil 113 t0 stet. Elgin Moller, C• MeManitn,
----- Due to lainb lit March and April eatery on the most needed work We waiter patsy, .okarlea moth, oe
4 The above came aro au anti are debtor% to Christ •and the beet iroweoend and Douglas Graham. Tho
sale w111 be held indoora eveather le way ive ean pay our debt to Iran is contest runs to Feb. lath. A league
,muniire erat will .be beilung to P*85 on tbe Word 'Di %as bear drawn up with A% teams en.
toted, and tho schedule is as followee
Feb. 414, Falcone vo. GeeGetteroi
Feb, 814, Gnu -thee vs. Marines and
Itamblere vs. Dominions; Feb. llth,
Go.Gettern ye. tamblera and Marines
Ver, Falcone: Feb. 15th, Dominions vu.'
Granites; Fob. 1815. Marines vo.
DOMiniOnG and Granites vs. Ge.Get.
tcts; Feb. 22n4, Fakons vs. Dam.
biers; Feb. 2514, Granites vs, raleonn
and Ge, -Getters vs. Dominions; Mar.
1st, itamblers vs. Marines; Mar. 414,
Dominions 17f3 Falcons and Granites1
'105/taniblerm Mar. Stb, Marines vs.
Go -Getters. First, recend atet tided
nrks:os of $20, .$15 and 1110 aVe olerct
operaing game of tht, r/..•hedule
tyao not played on Monday.
giVen On furnishina% approved Joint God to those that know it not. It is
Peal Estate a s a barna Tegarattal nearre°u"r V.`1 theeeldeet: 14
rteo niti)ttit cairtiiistatiod„fotrh:wt
oThi6aiOne aro a
aTe1W.1,1f1t Proprietor.
GEO. IL ELL/OTT, AuettoncAr
0. Fe CAREY& sora,Ltd.
Telephone 230
anesske, . come ea
failure but when we think .of such
great men an Roosevelt, men with
such wonder -tut , ability, upholding
minions we feel the mart vitae tom -
plains Me never done a single thing
to qualify taint to speak. The Bishop
corteleded by urging the people of St.
George's and also of the Anglican
ehurla eas a viinile not to Ict their op.
'portunity slip by. The need is very
great for the upkeep and spreading
jof the gospel. Let us, therefore, tea.
ie sew our eienottunitiee nod 0111'
The proposed attention to the plot
La& of thelibrary had, to a large Et -
tent, been deferred on account of the
fact that approach to the market
scales in their present petition, woo
made groin almdst every direction and
on eccount of tho use of part of the
ground for a geoid& Some *Wet.
ance to the hospital board in belying
to beautify the grounds was propoised
and would probe.* be u feature cif
this year's work. And some elitingea
at the end of Lighthouse street would
probably be taken up thia .e•ear. Vie
plot at the interaection of Market and
Waterloo streets was part of last
yeer's work.
The treasurer's statement, width
had Already li i • wont into the dee
pertinent" and ettialtdeas already been
published in The 'V, showed a very
satisfactory state of affairs. with
$70.00.. on band. The Legislative
grant. $86, was the largest in the his.
tory of the Society, the largo amount
bundled by the Society in the pure
chase of seedtO and plants, a362.68,
President, D. 'Campbell; ist vice pee- being it large factor in the increase in
sident, Miss. Theinni Cheer; chairman the Government grant ,
of Christian Fellowship tommittee ;The eleetion of officers and aired -
and 2n4 vleo Pretident. Mies' Matt' ors resulted as follows: Presideht,
Howell; ellairrnan of missionary come Prealdente Geo. Gould; firet vice presi-
initteo and Vird vice-president. Stanley "dein, Mrs. F, II. Woods; aecond vice
Clarke; .chairman of Christian au. president, ears, 3, e. stowart; direct.:
unship coMmittee and 4th vice- ors for 1939 and 30, Mies Sveaffield•
president, Olisa E. teed; chairman Mrs. E. Evans and Messrs. W. M.
Isiooterroatoryrya,ndAruezepatoinotrilocoor triteteaseuarel,
and 3. W. Moore. The directors ape
Knight, IL Barker, sr., W. S. Bowden
George Johnston; pianist, Miss Alnici pointed last year evho continuo in
Rowell; assistant, Mies nee Andrews, lice for 1929 are Miss Addison, him.
These officers wore duly installed by Boyce and Messrs. A. M. Robertson*
were added to the to. II. Asocial half Laithwaite. A purchasing committee.
Rev. C. F. Clarke. -Ten new members 3. T. Feu, Jos, jueu and Georso
tictlirn;;°p1:Pn6Onsto'loMaisnad l'e'lldlits AL'it.RITryeelvas dent and the seeretary and- Ur. J. T.
was appointed consisting of the presa
solo. , • . Fell. At the subsequent directors'
The regular meeting of the W.M.S. meeting titre Fell Was pereutided to
of North street United church was Accept the, secretaryship sio that, the
held in the Sunday echool roonrtione purchasing eammittee as it .stande '
day afternoon, with an qttendince of consists of only two members, unless
forty. The president, wee assisted in the retiring secrete*, Mr. II. T. Ed.
group finals with New hamburg the aliening exercises by Mrs. Wm. vieirds, la to bweonaidered the Person
there will be an interesting couple of Stracham who read the scripture les. meant, by "the secretstrY," and at the
gsrAcEs. If Ooderich can beat Clinton son and-, Ji kale% esPaltner4hip, and tabu of the appointment of the Mir- '
a to LI and Clinton, espy:1*ot reri ' 'oi, Sir.i. 14940111 Who 1,4 jo, ;;.'..r.:.-- chaslog committee he had pot reale.'
Hamburg' 4 t,o` 8 what wilI happen en tlhe' recording secretary read tile ell, IStrtentio4A tee tile oini:In the
when Goderich and New., hamburg minutes of the lost meeting and the mind Of those present 0$ °the seen
come together? It takes a 'good treasurer gave hoe stetement ' for tary.1
deal more than mothematica to figure, ,lanyary and her report for 1928, A motion was Passed to ealc the d1r.
out, and then if Clinton 'should hap- -.Mrs. Mittel 'reed the report of the fictive to hold a flower show this'
pen. to win second place instead of Ti Wi Circle, showing that it had been aftir. and another that the Society ofe
Gederich eve weld have to, start a wili Tem a most successful year. for tho
assistance fit the beautification
new line of ilgur ng Anyway, an we Re . 3 r. Clarke in moot appropriate of be hospital grounds. Mr. Ed.,
will nwit and see. 'The group finale words installed the offleers for the werds stated that one of the eliaptera
are to be played on Thursclak next present year. Ile also requested that of the Daughters of the Empire hed a
a representative of the Society be 'grant ready to use for the same pur-
and the following Monday.
.. appointed to set on the Official Board, pose and had only been held ,baelt
. Mrs. Colborne was. elibsen for this of- froin buying plants, etc., by the fact
flee. The Secretory of Christian that the hospital grounds were not
ale regular, of the W. C. Stewardship, Mrs. Clarke. showed by leedY. A layout ef tho grounds- wag
Te II will be held. M 31cieltay Ilall
Motclay, February llth, at 3 o'clock. bladichoard figores and lucid Ike. being prepared by Mr. Moore of the
rnent, how by seatternatic giving on .JPhiarov,iiisicitahle IrI000rtisocoulttuhroaloot ocileteyty'omauded
Baptist church, Feb. 10th: Mori.o, the, part of, each member the-fulLal...
Ing, "Spiritual meat for the soul,'
evening, "le there a Perzobal devil - without resorting to other methods.
loc.ation could be (molly tontributed their offer one of "assietance" instead ,
of an offer to purchase. shrubs for In.
hero in this world?"
. Mrs. Johnston gave n concise and in• stance which appealed to some of the
Services in Knox church will be teresting synopsis of the third ehap- members. .
conciliated. by the minieter. Subjects ter in the Study Book. After this cieAtympoatylotnhrmsompabseseradutphafetetliine So
of sermons; 11 -t m, "Keeping to the the meeting was closed by singings
Road;" 7 pan.„ "Jacob's Ladder." and Mrs. Girvin pronouncing the Den- Provineial horticultural Society awl
send the eecretery tur it delegate to
Sabbath ochool and Bible Classes edictiono
3 o'cloent. • the convention, payinao Ito railway
The committee on publkity in eon.
After the meeting the Sotiety tol-
neetiott with the Goderich summer ' Mr. C. F, Chapman ha a bought the journed, the directors met to make an
school met at the Northeitreet United ' Itilloran house on Nelson street. appointment as secretary -treasurer.
-church parsonage on Thure,day, Jan. •Met Wong, of Li • nden, taltee pos- Mr. Edwards. announced that it was
31st. The dates of the school Are session of the Huron Cafe oil Satur• out of the question for hint to aet S5
July 16th to 22nd.
day Feb. inb ho would be out of town a 'mot deal
During the Lenten season lectures ' " as soot as the roach; were fit in con -
Chief Peetlethwaite, who was kid
will be given in St. Georgeti parish motion with his work aa Cbildreats
hall each Monday evening under the up with the flu. is about again and hi
ed on duty in his old position though not I Aid officer. Mr. Gould had intimated
onepices of the A. Y. P. A., by lie s that he would accept the preoldency
feeling (onto as full of pep as he did I.
of various departments of the Uni-
before he had his illness. We hope only on condition that Mr. Edwards
versity of Western Ontario. remained as eeeretory and for a while
it looked as if the society vele going
to .be minim both president and seem.
A sleigh ride party under the auspi-
itary. however, the &sal outcome
ees of the Bible Claws of St. Georgeat
church wets held On Monday evening, Itev. F. C. Elliott reeeiveil word ett
about forty taking part in the fuu. MOodaY of the serious illness f lii .
Afterthe sleigh ride everyone eeturne sister,. Mrs. Miller,. at Ingersoll, Mrs.1
° 4. was the apnointment of 5Int J. T.. Fell
ats aceretary end Mr. Gault 'a eonsent
ed to the parish 'hall for efreelt- Miller its an elderly lady, a. widoir.' to remain as president. The dirrot-
M. Middleton were. convenors for the
mento. Miss O. Tichbourne and blisa and . her trouble ia a necond eteoke. ' 0113 314' to meet wattle on Friday to
tlro. Elliott event to Ingersoll. On make ft 501ection of preiniunis for the
Services- at Victoria street United Stolidity to take tare of liar and hat ' members for thio year.
been Witlt her since and lilv. filliet
expecte .to go 410WO on Ofoiulay next. Maybe they eat them hid glevel
lows: Fellowship, 10 a.m.; public
bream° they are alwitya too oaten for
worship at 11 a.m„ with installation Mr. J. F. Castles, of Victoria dit.,
services for the teachers and officers Brantford, eviahoo to announce the uto, , .
of the Sunday ochool and officers of engagenient of hio youngest daughter , " te,nt lotte Irienu 103014 uP oke
the Y. P. 8: recently elected for 1929. Berle Irene, to Mr. Throes Join; '-'11 n
Subject, "Patera attitude to life." 3 Postlethwalte, only son of tfie and i The Ladies' Aid of Knox church
p.nt, 'Sabbath ecimol and Bilde Cies- Itire. Thos. A. Postlethevaite, 1102'Weh. '.' will hold a High Tea on Ti rodaY
nes. / p.m!, Wortship; ;subject, "A 'Wigton St., Brantford; formerly of ;., noleined. 21 r w -
Iteniedy /or a Lost'World." ' Goderielintlid marriage to take place t eguary st. beep Me date in
Services at Noeth $t. United quietly about the middle of February. !.
ehurcii Sunday, reb. 10th, will be tie : TheouGeoodc:orichi PuigheronoCodlubdanyeeld at '; .T..1
tu ,0 e e e a ie family of the late Mee PtrreP
follow:a 10 a.m., tien's Sunday very
vai911 to thank their friends and neigh.
Chile, topic, "Which ir, "'roil (‚3, eir. ,Oddfellowo Ilan on 'Wedricsday even. ppora frpr hindn,,, 4,mi nyin oh v tn.
eureetancea or reoponoibilityt" intro- Mg, the proceedo of vihich onil be us- tended te them dinette the inneot and
dated by liev. J. E. Ford. Ale° Mio- ed to purebaee Chipping baelittpeoifx
sion Dalai and Genend Fellowship , sending their .)i di to Var10113 411.411111e,r."gri 1 Ittlils;14:114;14"IrittillAe.IL*114(44
Meeting. 11 aam, Cotninimion Ser- ' to be released for flight. The chile ts,`,411 4:re!!:911,'Pri.tieidtuistittrinlithoentilaear°11
vice; 2 Pane SundaY Sekoolt 7 lame has beet using a ton whieh va•a a • the :hirtars, dor their itindhese aril
Eveninre SerVice. On Friday evettiea ' heavy outfit egad added conolderaitly :tilitioitigloittiol6teleismi.liaing the liffie qiie toa4
next the preparatory service will IR? to enprons elinrge5. . Tr ALI
Itch!, Rev. GeO: Weir, D. A., of 8,t. i Dy. Lionel Moxklin, N.vh0 was le. He'1(1 tii('.4040n11,1tItig11,Teenti-,V614,t1
IllYth, will„ lirueli." '.cently operated on for 13 14 in all who on' genierotist doil.iteello`at
The pithile altettyo made welcome at :i Toronto, tobk a very
Andrew's church,
ceriouu turn irof, IsoiriNntaitzadla o waalt 1 pod I V! pdt tip Wei yi;
North St, United elturch. ., Ihursday and Dr. and Mrs. A. IL ',IV„.1.,..'3r'',1.,
Tile February meeting of thn l!,fseltlin left that night by motor for gva,,,-; Ild,7mil: wIti:;'4'111?(ti,eZ,!clin''",.
; . i 1 . it: In P 0
W• M• 0. Ost Victoria street 11ra:A iToroalto and lave armee bseal vrith t'aromitv in ttw ccurh or 1hi4 ”1,41nin.
, church was held in the trehoolroora of 'their con. Foe a time very slight jlou, urr4, P,iinwr l'reci,. 1%44 wicionr;
:the church, the president presiding. horn were lzcid out for the recovery ...' er"tm.• ,„,,,,,,
Niro. Mew read The cezipture IC53(311 of the patient, tut the latest word re. : Iblvitv.f._: 1, ,Ial:fist4.. ,,,...,e0.. oi,t_:. blxitiw
land WO. iliaaVor led in tei-ayer. Mfet1.,iceit,c411 ha Gederida is anta.,11 mfr.,. #1.1- .1•6:"(5;t1f1-6,s, k"..°"' ..'""7**
I)arr road a part of "Drum in the ;(=euragisar,:. • of th! late wrn Piero, in her 70th -c.ati,
he will be bock to normal again very
church' fleet Sunday will • be at; ./ole
. a.