HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-31, Page 8PACE ritair
;22 c.:9 /tad '1:4;1:11 rat€1 icy twat
halacla, on Land
Mr. Libert»ionre-
•11:o-4;t1 1,,r the rsamo,
)1101TE ApER share of
"me aisvisitint of rho fund
0 .. • . . . •,„,,,, ,..-,-,..4 *Od for Vao Ycar. pointed fer the, year: Fre-indent, Jne
! 1131r. ia also repsrted for the zuepariald; 1.-r,e pres„ Jav. Br.
P 1 , 1 I I, 111 1. 11 I .1.1. 1. 111 11 1 1.1 11 11 11 1 11 11 1 11, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- -
Panic eornevilatt better rtt
vicszrr::, Now io the tin** to boo*
The aual meeting rf the Hayfield :
Cemeters- C.,-. was Mil in tir3 tom i your ,....,,,
hall on Mentlay afterillM:. The foll
!swing efficeaT, and directors were ap . ' ' aewing Machine ,
Lotus. Lown„ Portfol:fri--- ',,Mir-,;Aci:.iry sp..2.d Maintennwe Fund sec'yetreasA, ll. F -n; direnors,-.. : Part*,
, Re'-, 50e tor - JUG ' ': that 4201.50 lied been raised, 1,Arich Chas. D. Middleton, George lladie, D.
- ..,.., _•, .=-,•-•••. • , fI
. ' was "IS.Citl short of as aineunt., last se, eleeseaughtee, weeiam 4,904011;er:4i : ,
, Envelopespreg.jhe foil amount of $410 he rerpitt,cd conton, atohert drr„, The iv/vete/5 . .P.4.1SS
_ . Miss Datla Doll renorted for tao Sun' grounds, are the past two years have ellITISII EXCHANGE BLOC*:
' Lotus Lawn Boxed Note day easel that *52.03 land ban iraiS -moo n wonderful improvement with ' --;,-.,---.4-.;zre' 7.. ,..Kirir47..,--7.77,-, • . '
. ca. contribution to M. and.the perpetual tnavey which was •.,....-...-7..:.,--re, .- ..,;.7-'-‘'_--...__:...
Lotu6 LIWYkr Pads or yeae. The couga-crAtion votcd that Jezaall Richardson Debt. Seetehmee1
ceptional 30c 'end that, they premed to r:Sts0 st. are rardouci te koreve the Qemeters, •
and Envelopes, reg. 50C 1--20. Evelyn 'McAllister revortod for started two years Age, whereby an /erk.ue this PridaY nveli:e.,11- Mak°
----- -25c l', D. S• that $144.D7 hld troll adscat porzon owning a plot. bY PaYing into .teagre giving the program.
- ontaibution to M. and M. fund, $2,0...,tho Company a fee on have hia plot 0
LOWS LAIWIt Note Paper, PIrs. MM. illcilwain repotted for the !kept for all thno. Already a lame %he NV, M. 8. of Brake appoladvne.aa
3 quireo fOr..........„.45e Mr. 31-. .S. 8721g; vaiscd, v ,-00 1 nurahet af IA owners have talten aid. :snow: at the how of Aire. Time. Ander-
, Ar '' being . •
4Thursday afternoon, Ma; It.
scut to tlas Presbyterial treasurer. Ivantn2a 4 the new system and are ), -I -di T, i t i t
of Cho study hook; "Drums in the
,olvell on profession a faith during
Get this' Stationery motor renerted that six had hcett pleased -with arrangement, • .. utstora wen ang. Ito ea e :an cr
it lasts, row izETtir Darkness." was tak•en by Itirs. Thos.
yeer, two. by eatificate, and in -
Blake. This book. dealing as it does
crease n. membership over last year 31r. and Mrs. tribes. Bogie visited with ini,,f5/011 work, Atriea, f2,4nn
k of four. Tho total amount raised for friends in Madan 'Sunday afternoon. it Main comparing The present
an le eon ens II
Cole s Boo Store
8 4 IA
'll purpc'es was $1,281, ehowing the There rassed awiy at hi's home In
(Imola to be in. a prosperous and Asinield on. MondaY with the vast, il -ti diti i
InctallIC car4Y •Citristian villages with that of un-
--......--seeeer !se.-....---....---- were Appointed Ds stewartts and re- :dents in the en -
of yidword vi n christian, hes been a very interesting
17 liesithy condition, The following men , one of the most highly esteemed resh.
' GODERICII TOWNSHIP ,Pleqentativos on the official board : 3/ . ri, P '-ai., d .V 11)1* study. This year we wili smay "New
yna Ayes a me man ton will.
., f Gordon, Orr, Wm, Fuller, J. Manzee, I, is,t-ase miesed by •, a large circle of et
'1 Paths for 014 Purposes," by Margo -
The aumgal emegregational meeting
it Union United church was helu in
P Mrs. rtobt. Ideihvain end UrS. 14;04 1°:-"'"'''' E. Ituton. Mrs. Anderson and
4he church *n Nitedneladay afternoon. Puller were appointed to represent Mem" hinell arnPa'tilY is exPre"°4 Niro. Eilvatrick each gave interesting-
vsnmAnonge to ide Aged °partner, Mrs. Flynn. reedings,
The Ladiea' Aid of Zion' eturch, tile collet -caution on the Mlle stripture lesson' was
vommittee, Seine 011ie was given •to 8°94445 17111. 1* he14 in Ole ebeteb, Teta hy Mrs. Itobt.ellenry. Mrs...in
Dnanitm. ;with interment in Kiagshrkige come* Horton end Mrs. John Watt eaeli eon.
Taylors Corner, will hold ite regular I &cure the advisability and ors'. .
mumithly meeting'at the bowie of Mrs. 4 ity of minim; repairs to church pro. 1 ' tributed A $010 Which were much nu -
V. E. Groves, !futon Road, on Wed- i perty and resulted in the. following (From another correspondent) predated. Mrs. 'Milton Xiipatricit
yiesdase February: nth, ot 2. ei!eIctelt, I epennittee being ennotnted to bring Our teaeher. Miss Lilian iiicipinsie. and Ws. n. 00rton- are ta charge eT
the siteraariMtt of the Loire Sap. in a rePort as to plans, anti teit, ete. .spent the sieek.elid liar horn -0 in, the.' nexr Meeting; "end n'zint'attond-
per will bo dispensed in Union United 11teesrs. 4as, Yonne'. Gordon Orr, Ina. Hintall. .ance is luiped for.
eiturch text Stintlay a 3 pm. ;Sun- Turn, Goo, Atellwain,,nebt..Caldwell. Mrs. Martin, of Rorona, is spend. miNGANNoN
A •
ekly schooi nt 2 pan. Rev, M. A 1 The congregation was well repreeent- ing some tune with her mother, Mrs. d _ ' ' - ' •
IlUtr. the pustor, will ectlipy ttie put. ed at the meeting tuiti a note, or *pia- A, young. s Connunni" will be eendeeted In ""'"'""--' .----"" - -- Dorothy) left fin. Toronto on
91.........0110.• i
• sat, . , eosin preveded till% g iou . . blies Clara Willis spent a few days r4lingannan tinibed church' on stuld=o- /Ship of Astlield.. She is new 'in her. We offer 013.17 gympathy in tide their Xiss ' '
Late Model Corselette, 1.50 Value for $1.48
Satin Jersey Swainese Top c,f excellent quality and 4 latest designing and 148
mode, made by probably one tit the largest Rola. 0.1rEetierres In the country lil
. • . -
Sizes 3b to 42-. Per .0•1.0000•4,9,60 ***Op"... 44444 60•
• Stanfield's' V. and Penmaa's heavy
all wool rib. unslitinkable Shirts and
'Drawers, Red Label. Sizes 36 to 42.,
• Per garment $1.95
Extra heavy Duck, in black or blue,
Smocks or Overalls, double seamed,
and all Standard made. January Sale,
each. •$1.95
Tweeds and Velours, 'etc:, Fur trim-
ecl, satin lined. Sale prices, $5.00 to
10.00. .,
Wilton Rugs, size 4ft. 6111s. x 7ft. 6ins..
5 designs in colorings to match hi any
room or hall* Regular value $19.00*
Sate pace. , • -
Fast color, 31 inches wide. Pretty
littl6 • designS for,. Children'S Frocks,
House •Dresses, Aprons, etc. , tiny
, •
Shamrock and -Flower patterns, rose-
lid designs, in all- color couthinations:
Per yard • '30c
Penman's make, elastic at waist and
knee, heavy weight and splendid cute.)
colors grey,. flesh, apricot Regular' -
" $1.0k) Pair 4 ... .41..kti.•
, Sateen covere4 quilted and with full
panel trim, white tilled, size 72 x 72*
• . „ '.1:k 4$4,25
eingpeople's society of 1.1n. YOUNG, t e k itl h I t 111 r morning next' Feb' ard'
s we w t er s s er, rs. VAr Beth year and resided still in. the vie- sad bereaVement, • . Saturday- .
• Seeretailre Atei)onaid, . Mr. end Mra, Wehnter, of:salty leingshridge. A:totter of the d Mr. Clifford --------------llin is in Goderdch
ion United thumb had a most en.ioy- 0
able eocial laet Friday.evening at•the (Intended for last week) A number of the old residents have •Gaderieb; visited 'the ladY's mother, family, Jeremiah Flynn who resided (From another correspon ent) e where he has einployment ut the
ifionte of Mrs. 0, Ilawood, The eiren. bliss 'felon Dell returned to Wind- been sneering With the ft% -hat AVO Afra* C., C. AreWil, on sunday. nt. Sault Ste, Marie, ti'lso survives. Tr:I:mite of inclement wott..4ter the', Godmich flour mills. ..
, „ sor on VridaY to reeeme he* duties as are glad to say, they ore improving. any. I, A. Walker left on Monday Three children, twq girls and a boy, librare -concert last Friday evening . Mies Christina Robertson, who was
tog Was event in games and contest
'and Mi56' Udell Darkbwn gave 0 liar" Seheel teacter there. • St," Atdrew's United aural bold h for Toronto, where he is taking a nix fell a prey to typhoid fever, which in- was fairly euccessful. A geed pro- , home for the week end returned to
e Berme wel he ha as usual in succese ammo, mee mg on on ay .
weeks' post graduate coarse et Uni- vaded the home in early days. Ur., grunt was put on by local talent. A th Q C I. ild d , . .
e . . . on on ay. . 7
•:er on a etiolate:, of "Drums in the .
Th ' ' - 4 flit 1 t" M 4
I After which luneh was versitY. • • - etly.me spent e*few yeare of his early little ever 880 was realizqe. , , ,
' Davkness " Union United chur 1 * ' aft rn ' the b 0 t f th
; a next -Sammy at it be .. mie John White and sheer,' Mrs
e con 30 30 as inn o a ,
8 p.m Sunday school at II p.m. Rev. church. • . , r
UlSiNOttl.,0 Sproul of Ge4erich is manli000d in Marquette, Well., and al- The school at NO. 4, ilulle , as i b . . . f
Fa r urn, are both sack watt the flu
tterveti. - • '
.„ X, G. Parr will occupy the pulpit. The young people of St, Andrew's enjoYing a fortnight's holiday at the' Moat 4.0 year,s. ago, An February ist. been closed, 'Mr. E. Rogers seas eel- and under tbe doctor's care.
The annual coegregational Union
..tire.niteati' ehmeh 44"tinttoWon4 4.11'1 e2C1.,„e: .T1M Y. P. S. of Union etureli will United church ore PrePoring 4 Pro- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1.864, the deeeased ',maxi married Eli- led home by tile eerjous illness of his
" eeeseals' 'afternoon fit e*se, we V"'" Meet 011 rridlYY °Yelling at the hoine gram for a social evening to be held David Sprout, . • ' ' • zateth Dalton, in Deroit,-, whp sm.,- father, Who passed:re:1w het Friday: NO MEDICINE LIKE ' ' , ..
tor, Rev. 111.C.•Perr presiding. After . - .. - vives him being -one• year hia senior, Mrs...Gramm, etAlytnreltengea to ' WOO/1$ antis TABLET's
the devotional exercises the eatttor of Mr. one Mrs. G, seaweed. A cotel e c ,,a an . ,
in the basom nt of the chin. h t biro. ThoMpeott, of Swift Current . . .
dill bwitaion is extended to Al the earls' dete 'Watch fel" pert/ewers is a guest -se er aunt, rs, Dam 1 0 a 0 a !, nrenalng - • '' , ' '
ith ef ae .4 AithougbAho wore tot blesse4 with be . h me 1 st We It-- riv •
. ,uliod on the secretary, J'aliteS 'Yonne, * . . ,,,. , . _ . .., .. ., ,. . .... -toy f /idly f thew own their ' owe ' in t' 'Dr b 44not ek ' - - a r .
1 t att mi. rater. . • Wenn: Ana .etnerrelawes m mungan- • 4 e 1 'e 0 4 se e time wi ' te' rt t ow- ..• or Either the -Newborn Ifalie or'thti
• • was shared with several boys, who Symington. -- - T - - Growing Child ••
, ler the nibaute,e of the last annual 1Vir Will itrown :Ind bit 11. Lednor nen and dlatrlet' ' - •
young peep e • o
meeting ,osee nu eubseuuent meetings, blis$ Noma Snell, •of Londesboro,
The nonai congregatiooal meeting glove to young mart 00 Mt. George nue wet tune ege
Vollewing this tite amino Toone- who is visiting with relatives in Gode. i have *Just completed the. cdrnent floor
• were -given. Ths treasurer or the rich, spent the weelt-end with her sta_! and. stablittg of Mr. Jas. 'sgeminenis of Erskine .Presnyteriart church .witt, eare and gnidanea 1de Was a" InIsinass frda! Ins• •Pres4nt guar^ rao. other medicine, te'e nal
* e or it e
h d under their . ° • „
neenot 2:80.• end prosperoua citizen and-beeeme the fere to u riortion of Mr. Alf, Asnuithks ‘tahyso- ehmeTabl f r tl •
. _ . ehusebe.Grordou Oms reported- that ter, Miss Leura 'Snell, at the itome of fine new ateetaruss bare. The barn • he held on SeturdaY efter
feed et ' Whether it be foe the ;towbar:11,1)0e;
. e Mrs. Jasedtess. ." .• • • . woe by ille'Eristern Steel. Pro. -Tint. in the church. s' owner of '250'acres: of land, part of ore.
icismompepo.„ ,
' ilis fatila bad 'taken 12P rteariY I Mr Jon DaithIne had tile misfor. the growing child- the Tablets arwaYs,
• ' I number of friends ant+ rotative - a, duets
tune to fail on, some ice early" last good. They are absolutely: Iree
Company, of Preston, Ont., and Ur. and Mrse 'Sainnel Stvart mut 90 4,eare ago et also being hes birth.
` of the lute Mr. David Johnston, *lose la one. of the n b or s
d d t th d est quality and are a credit to the men Mrs Win Walker of Exeter, aro plained of feeling ill, The services of
- usnauhenith he re::d ork:sgun:ny 76! br°ke s'nne rihs. lie is ie.; • front. ornates or etter harmful, druga
$ • ' and workmanship are of the high- w -s Sadie Walker iToronto and ' but "dueng the night eon-,
goests et the home of titd.,Arr. place. One 0•tlie
• , eventng. the Aubtimi, Westfield' and Boons, -
of toil he continued until the last. /n
death occtirred in Goderteli 011 bundeir the township if not in the county':
fi ea ArnS it six in family of Ashfieid were SundaY 0 s ,
Mlle barn is 88xlie feet: The meter. Robert Moore, eevering steadily. • and • the mother can eiwoys fol •
• attended his funevai Wednesday after-
, Concerning the Tablets, Mo.. eo 14
. -SPRING FLOWERS oon. The deepest sympatty la es- , .
eft e o e reave o • •
• ' ; - who erecte and the same applies
. • • Atilt' at • man of good Judgment and has his A; Walker tind thW,letter his nigther. pcateholy away. within a
dily se -Vied but it
few boutit raMmed hOnie early this wee% ,
.art.noi, ipponrinw In their spien. ------------ 4 . * ., „ guests at the. parsonage, Dunganttens g (104ter Were $Pee e serum of npv
I 1‘140 Margaret Campbell is visiting W. it. Alp. The latter Onto seaYs•-• 'Pt lie e ,t tee .fine,
' t` - BAY -flail) to the stablmg. Mr. blebillian In a • the feemer being'the sisteteof Rete ./, eves the final eummonseand he passed •
stable$ la •
nieelleine a needed. ave havegiren an- •
_ stoniey et present.
eo Steltutit s
$ ond Mrs. Archie Atinstron-------------------- e.well light- .4 d
P The :stork Visited' the home Of Mr. Ile v!aad•pi ntttidandretirding jon-Mre000.0Z...,!:ratt- 0..)L,11)Peti e°14°44 Iv lintby's Own *ragas. Th. '1'..h1
1' of cettle on Saturday and one of hem tnedne yen no unep 30,
_ any. „emir where %aloe are yonng
lee 1.`he Maud and Josephine stet% for the horses "and steel cees o!: of eet etwatost on Sun- if any, euenizes. e was a falthfid
iway the January &ism. -Stirling are visiting Mr. and Mro• Mons for the cattle and a nuntber
, 4ay night aralleftfthefit Son; Con- mid' devoted I:100o of the Catholic eson.lawIts'efE
viiia'ss,,aiu'u'utild• but'
• , • Sandy Sterliros. near Goderielt this f • d gratulatione 1
eluirdh and *a8 "114tuaT 1113611 .1-43v stornoh arid bowels; 'banish
id eat for the best essible
wlp riiiffodo.s. etc Try ak' Al 4 •• 5 are the bot
t. ed and veenly,, witbe wen finished n I rs. wont on, t eon- lea an ta. larte` n a an e
1.11ruee St. 'Telephone 145 Goderlelt 'week. . Pens Pi hogs an 04100°. "0 ' so long as health pe' rntit- The da'
Mr. J. C.' Ileitibly,;.or the staff d lite services • r
have started et the 'them:nigh kotatille wilielx"regelatd"
. also large -cement water supply „'s ,nf, the. cann., tett. T))0 funeral %sae neid erom iee thia amen. the,
- - • Mr. Sam .Eagleson, after visiting tenk„ 111r. DonaldSon of Goderich, •tne
, .
owl bis,-.dian; Bank .i„1.•:coto, ,,n.. civee, left today 1.1de late, home oe ehursdee M.0111. log! - Mee john Treble. shipped al or of tion said. indigeOtioni 'Break nil. Odds
• J.- , . friends in the village anti vicinity,•left 'installed the " water system
.•-CASH and CARRY 1 trs' id 14 . - ' , - d • l' R - • • ' 11 g
. ism TER. smiE ; IeSt Week on tie return hoteetto Mil- work was well done. .110 doubt it has - (rhusdaY) f".•.,PX,11"cc, in 'Palmer* 31.1:11ecacedning j.toog•s.:{rzind::bracednigeete.,:arct he, II tvl_tea.,t e_nrfuesday.o.f this week, , tdineadl.:1;oi:eillfreeV:rii-:::1;:tke.2, oteceetnhtisn4
. , N ton, North Dakota. • ' .0°st a large BUM, ot nioney to. roue°, sten, lihere ho v4111 enjoy a .three i where recitacm Ihh1.'s Wa5 , ung "bY 1 The rarroors* Club shipped wear Of easy. They. ;aril soh( 'by 1110(11;1Z'
.' 3 Seofie ', who has spent the 'the barn that wag burned last' August -weeks' vacation, " 7.' e ' ' ,' * ploy. rather McCarille, end interment ho $ on M d - • '
on BY.
past moan with hen nofteer, Mis. and we tom: that Me, MeVillan may • The young people of Dunganuon ., „u , e , .e. ., elm Jean monis , of Goderich hos- hatt fromTho Dr., Willirans, Merlicine
• ' - • Green, in the village, left on Saturday' he spared for many year s to enjoy the United einareli • are ..onto".taining. :.the liiali bearers hex g bteesrs. 0. ,C. pat- . ., . , . .
tai• ..Pital, spent Sunday under the lure*. Co., WoekeiliesOnt. S •, ' .- : -
$745 and. u
for her liente in Detroit: " „ use of tlie neiv barn.
ton rAlwavd J.Dolton, Thos. S Wan t
^ ."4114 Pe41"";14' " 4 e s •rn • nd Mta ichael natter:. Relatives front ,
Idr. 'C. A. Robertson, 111. A., left • .•• 17‘ ^, I • •• .4
Js ant
Ntio. aohn woods, tvlio bas been ill Ho/AIR-iv/ LE • 1 eharch, Asinield, at t ehure on rie
d' t • tte din the rarterre were
p foveollte t*ee. is not gaining strength b • L • day' evening nr•thiS week, 'wben the '3 anee.e.a 11 g -
' • ' • Rernard sseadwiek, 'of Detroit. mtd ror the city on Wednesday Of this :
• •
Phone 241
elammOlOort.o.,,,or, ' .1 . ,?1. 4,
PrevIded by the th OS Mrs Thos O'Neill of Week. i
s r • The Ladies!Aid are pignut:1g to program Will be
0 social Peb. sa. . young people -of -Diake's ehurch and ..„e„
Ito see,. at present. ilald a Valentin fieslintents seived by the Dungan. "u•st e_ornet hire. Wm. Rude, of De::: Mrs. C. A. Robertson and littetglItell
arrived on" 'Miss Dorothy 'Cox spent the weeks fie twit. And Jas. Wirulle of D4.
OS; Atti3. Ritchie, of Detroit,
saturday to spend the vest of the -win- end with her friend, Mise Cora Tre. young o e. ro
has been in or liellth for some time I Miss M, sheddlek, of *Lentlesbero, ter, 01 Tbrentat ve" week*end guest° • AUBURN 14.
bleiCeri ie the attei be ng t e aunt. b o 4
d d 'W C 1.
tor with her %totter, Mrs. Green, lebo worths. Mosrs. litiwer an anion ou
.Annual Meetitnetst*
has been visatang at the home of lilr. at the home 0 1°. tin ra.
. h We'are glad to be able to state that
ienerweineneeeneene-keeeegesee eise Jno. Cudmore, .
Asquitli is able to or ou
. Society
uhrhost otish Wee will be paid
for good elm, ash, =Ole aa"
bateWetettl 10M delivered In our
• yaw, at Three 1,1Tallis" bush
• e
1 , Mrs. Chas. Cox, of Nita "
ssim The trap froin Toronto sees Oracle by . .41 ut the TOWN RAZZ ioaloantert, elhotTo.,;,05;:hirdivp6eouseeitsossicite;
.All the tvelloknown Cough g Lttf
_ *lb km__.elelbter Whieb' °tisk/61411g th"eY condition Mr. Joseph Garter Sind Mr. P. ' MONDAY,p(:e•4f1.cFrAlEvure tr,..3,41n. 929)
4, „„t`e 'motor in slightly lei* than six hove, 40111 otter •her settees Iwo en.
of the pavement, is eoneidered record
1 Yungbluhave eaCh provided et skat.
.110 -field.
begun work on a play entitled, 'Tee t , • peoPle are enjoying fhe evenings at for the election of °inters and , ' '
The Young People's Leagtie time. They returned on Sunday „a_ lug rim ----- te *itillaite. The voting•
an erne le ,
- • at 8 o'cleck pan.• "
Path Across the Dille." ' • •
. it tett church Ava old Its month Y
. --rs• Dangan; bieWhinney on Monday aftevnoon, .ele Will be held on the 8th of Feb. *et. •
. ' •'" •''
Eblelradnwniglehrtevrstbembas been Y.!8.* 'meeting nt the. home of Mrs. banes
GEO; P. GOULD, Pres.
. They' have done a very good businees
theee 14aces of emollient, . gene r at business. Will all
• The' MIS.zon irele of Dungennon
The manual meeting of the Egg Cfr- those interested kindly be, lyres-
Tomes etc 1 bits!. Cudmore ltas returned' ,u •n 1, •
• a ays stoeR at the xall
I Miss Chatiotte and Renneth Tree planning for a soeial eventag let Place of huoiriess to Mr. A. itsflultiv°
_ Feb. 4tit. The girl$ of the ire e ate thiS Var. 'Melt 41.0 *ehaugulg .t.h.e.tr" looNvArtos,. §e4. •
'W d.
tip * •
Drag ore -
St . _ spent the week -end with their hem in the ehurch irriasy ovea. Step.
uncle, Mr. Nelson Trewartha, of Clin. ing h rtli g ape %. Lest Wednesday evenirig lillarkS
een8iet Of a short dialogue, readings, There Was a good attendance. The
a A 4) I. Oa gran
etnirSet Of prepArAtien Whiell will (keret hod their 111111Ual vosting.
•'- ''' 111AFEWLNG settee, duets, etc. elawelt is in a good financial *mitten,
Mr. and Mri. S. 11E00:trick spent An important .Intainess change is eVerything paid up, The Rev. r.
corm* a compiete stock of all Patent Friday aid Seturday visiting Look- about to teke pike in'Ourtgannon in :Shore onenPled the
*Wanes, Druz Sundries,' now end 2ion friends* the near future, Mi. Harvey Trete*. dust /buredttyAlp reeeivedtit
Messrs. 71. MeXellale, roove, and nen having .24*)of his general The sad 0%V0 that her mother 11
Tobaccos an Cigars Anderson, deptity reeve, spent mosc, Store business to Mr. (Simnel Swan, Passed away. Friday mort.tag Mr,
T takin hieb, Mrs Alit'a perms reside.
M last week in Goderiet attending. nosectsion ba given nboUt the first and Mrs. Alp left for elotouree eette
•' county eottnell. • ' , - Of Mettle Mr. ee Avett s g Iv .
: The election of ofilteil for ti- n^ ettelutrige Mr. 'SWAMI 100ettere They returned tome here efett begin-,
young people's soiety was tett Sate fs‘rah situated siteut two miles west zing of this tve.ek. The veva:ay Or
tufty evening. Rov. A. W.. *mu of Dungitnnon, =on tile fifth coneeesion the community is extended to Mrs.
f II rres Palmer iipstriek i , A j'oliy sleigh load of young pee. Last rridey evening the &aft' en -
presided. The ofticer$ for_1029 are as ° 1-0 • Alp in her sore bereavement.
a 0W8:
' 1st vine prose Harold 'Webster; 2nd p e, the G. C. T. At1.1de1rek Whe werep tertainment in the Foresters ball
ti. CIODERICH . vic Mi Ali Sh kid 3 d ho mod th 1 Vat di t 1 t ' it 'The nost of tte
43 pree., se cc, se on; r ' nte, o ers rom $ s r e , WAS till 0 a success. 3
, vice pre!, Miss Grace /Make; 4th vice tiroVn on Datin-thib' night to Gleisn's reeitationa Iveri Scotch. -Mr. Bogie
soucrius orryout PATRONAGE
4€4113: 1110;14PS 11.1RDIVIla??,
telle .1Prat,V411EN:i"
'C'EN fVtIiNiA
Phone 20
Mono 239
OV 114.:111S110
Oser emir* stock of lifeess. Iliontosirt, Mimeo' Soya'
wI Chilireree GOLOSHES ter* *NM ses sole at
Greatly Redeem, Prices.
%pots W • liern's Shoe Store Pk*"
• •
• 0the
Alitvdee"rAtioutidteretwort.t.totteltnia wterteb,eftoteer atvetrv leotttioret,intigie.y .1.,0111346 thiattitsieth, e obwaedgiDet tait:ed tilie:r°118hthotle
mettamt look -nut toramittee. Ws, Was in ideal tondition for the tendanct was not as large ee espeet.
MIONE 330 ..
- Per thsholsteriag; Rapidan/3
44 4 ft/ _ Alear:Ae'isminzaitiveiml Sigt3ReiviA
te °teri.
tll: •
kit* takriiset
Nikon Straat
are right if we augke them. We
have a better choice of Mould*
lags than many of the city
• stores, 00 we guarantee our
svork. ,
The only difference between oar
framing end the cit y framing
ito oar pekes, which are moll
eltesper. . •
Bring your Pictures here to be
framed and be convinced.
%ides Art ati Gift Store
East8t. Phone 196
UM, ,A141111111
Mama Mrs, Curran and Tom Ander. purpose AM the surfeee had a Ernst ed. All were well pleased with the B RGA/ s
W• The soeiety will be entertained over whiel: the sleighs bounded mer,
, by he ,Purgannon United ett"The ewer Sa*hr.udosnhelosginelge.
" 1_ •
• Iworst feature Was the return pttrileY he swami meeting of the publie --•
-,....4404/4.0044W44:-..4440.64A0nown' urAill,,but.gicuris people do not •ndnd
A, Safe ()Id He !such
rhal In
tho early tuornIng hours of Mon -
Remedy for for Swk
dsy..Tenuary 28th, ttere passed to hie
library yes livid lett Monday even..
in. All the old directers were elect.
ed with tbe exception of Mr. Johre
Wilson, wtose place is supplied byel
rest et his home on take Road, Ash. Mr. Rive MiEs., Susanna Blair, our
field. one of the stalwast eititerte wile librarian, resigned,. and Mime tam
hare made our fair province what 11. 'Pinnies has been appointed in her
is today, in the person of Edward pleee. Mies Plair and Mr. Wilson
Flynn. at the, advenced age et ts4 Wffe two of the eldest ir.embere., bee.
Rich in theeoheetiat here* yetm. in AngUat of 1810 encht men, ins belonged tiore the' first. ' 1
1 re4of, no eriei h‘v aftetnaati4m they 1100 (ii! tact between what is now Pon' ably known in this lecality, WAS snd. 1
. . .,,,
•Indians sweet torraY Pioneto. roodn their way' tej A familiar figure well and favore
ri'llttikt•OWA hare take% Sieliegher Ali*rt and hialgibtnige. °mining deely called loot weik, in the Person E
. Kidney Remedy end sot wen.. it iS 'fi.th"" Jere"Oatt Therc of William Roxem Dect'ssell
0*4 10
" To 700. the Precinti5 Milt I and died Fridey front bleed poleon-,
• Inv one..
11"1124:4"1""eLdiuY Wat.' 'I"' anew the past sheet et Like Huron slop ef Fats., WeWereedn *Atm he had .
await' soli smarm 104 11/4
- le* emousiii hubvtg, 004 ler TOrtn 'NeUlleL 14_104INS 11,1144.41, MraS 111tlathor
Oellasteer a Ned* owls ,tee4s thrert 04, !tan and Mt*, 'WM wore !! the VnII•krI church, aml took qeite
1+ 0. pa" Amp% 11•5sslwe.4 fl“1-414 K nom a tensity et' sides and glatitider,N','. ifitcre.t in es arrIfere., Ire les.ves
- Sro-'1"wi'M 140)4 Honlebold eiretweed Firm being one of them. 'pertner-irelife and * fareigy ete 414,Ntli
Sold 4001r by ' Ael elder +titter, MTI, Jae 11010/1 wri, %Oren t. aioura the Inot of as *
rotemmierh,, 4 nittr.ovioliof`,44, filellonstrithe'lbithr.41411ktert4 swleartee rot roiteds ttioo guide there, ottly a the, einsen ee the. begirming et the week,
lby entkeynx, 'ably surveyed the 1and Defamed was hem in the town.
fampbelIN Dragg Pam fladleritit thy, nr•+ OM herr* in th.% t feetionate hashand and 01.111,1`.
Real Bargains iw
Dining Room and
Bedroom Suites
Some in Solid a -
nut and also in Wal-
nut finish.
First tom first server]
J. R. W
Se, Gogiesielt
10.011 1.11,..M.11111411 11„al II. 1 11111 1 1, _
yotinveished mon who did
never heart, cif a elle, •
not heoP his clothes 01111
• pressed: :
For Wert Service in
ressing, Cleaning .and
Goiletick Fred Dry tkottiag Woris
J. vtloommt
Phone 122 West Street''
- i• 4
Plan Your
New Year
ey hoping a new piece if
tor the How
We ore the people for
Nets end Mei remitter*.
Filitilllif MINE