HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-24, Page 6•
For. children' . bionehial al l Chcot
ailments -,no finer y elicit ,,-t
Veda's Lightnine, Cough Syrup*
Chililten love it.
. 01 oxen P as :eE ,k t. -'il x a.1 , Norvios Br ookdowe
tall:..toke.at_ 't i1::z1,.t a �f;._• c.i:'.;
-no e neenly Ci.". re:tee, one went in., 1
C. ,mak ' icr� it ice notorne:.:r e ! HEART PAINED HER
' le 3...1 !x'11 r,...: 053y (1.ofa-. 1 et feet `o j COULD NOT �SLCEEP
• tr o d t'eni og toe fame ea-, an r
Cr)4^ fiat_;'e II fuel rue Cee e -{ Ai i y ii %77 - :1 %ilei el'_i , to of r .;
• . t.. �.a2 T G 7 -fa° pa•sr.-zat;aEt? ? too,. ern i ''s aG, ten otti' Dire an 3 £ y�17
f Tool y t ee t�kie-o-cf-til lions
loaf). tenet Cir-� 'i C C :' atut crza elle
feat teas c ;;c,, to stn lot. tion: neo boa 1; to ite neck as t,a) neon
''lt 8dc1 II tS r., t•'aa; et -tat eliC of za weak Lena, E tone:I i,CafCT, itJ-
C3itL, 'emir t li woe c 1�'_CtI to Ti:haft' L'y S+aI1Ccl 1�1� 21 feel PD. 4'-it,a..ite COa'
!aVetar, r D that Hier boy in tho covo. ' CIalL-a of the sob eft:dem.
He sante to my torr feet. eleidin to • anew tseelele3 isi too ray wild Siad
-cnee aveIIigetl, fete:) 1 F.aGpidty liaingiC E i lu -
'tl�o whole taunt? f e bee ronin a to
anal. DUt I ilial) r,ot 1 sanJle it am°at,
'tot with you to help nee "
• That day Pn of put gong petent.d
bete ca all Gay-':; window) and down
and coiizcet d an ottaclamert to I»cr
r. ale evil; v;iwzno watch he carried tads
into .the alga c ,t brunchoo on the toll.
. pine ct bar eloe•r, '1 enc he,pl sail as
• email voce -colorer I'l;ht bulb, fta:tnre-
_ ing- it among the branch m when: it
would throes its li[;lat to t.ae miner
wiin±daws o£. hie grandfather's house.
This bo connected' with two switeli
• tauttgns inside tlae cottager one 13y her
bed upctaira. and. one in'. the .window.
seat in the living room whore elle l;a•
ually sat at her easel. This light ache '
was to turn on at the el1ightest 8usili. •
of any unusual stirring' :about
the house, rind he, on the: hillsiope be.
yond, would. keep watch for it,'
Gay pt'ofessed herself frankly tbril.
led with he.
e a t so >'ccnutfans for hot
a remedy Viet aill supply food far the
ezlaau.,ted nerves, tint will etrengthcn
tho n heart awl invigorate tact
whole system.. •
Mies • Plorenee Clark, Lee amide St.,
Halifax, N,ti., svaitest.:. of wan a tele•
Vim operator, anti sozue mouths ago
had a very" hitt nerveua breakdown.
Aly heart pained rile a great deal, anal
ray nerves , were- so baa X could not
sleep- at night. 1 tried many nret'!i-
cines, but dial not get.mueh relief
until l etaxte�l to tako tlilbureee
Heart and Nerve Pinot, X only used
i and
barbwrite x and X just ha
0 to
no bo ri
tell you + how tb�aukful I fun for your
wonderful remade. Tam now able o
!.:rra Y+a1 11Q, i L(Te33 ci: b,..il c..i..it, i
til t~ ec i:i ;3, i f for i t 'at the fit? er. '.-
t- zone? of the lathe dub tad beers I
too,c t
t e'oba, kr etieh, i;2 )e'er'ier
Ioe Stu of New liSus Pity, and tnee
oil ta,alene action en len tietn rel :too '
tet a tontine -''c1 faro ii.3 peen] at 143 j
t- tee ,t, preeterounto fear ben n ' t eene L.
USt tke c"cie of tate ,p:ae-wnaea
vole net within tr.O toast month, fat d?e
Erna& e2la1i itly stated to Goy, iiut
rcalAY two rem', earlier, sineee which
r tiion ta.e Frac field not been offercd
!either for o•zle or ri utal, and all toes
Ii„ d teen promptly pal.
(To bo ecaaatintied) •
(By W. Fd Gordon,
HIIT 8ODA'&, .Ul . ant, it
Corwsi z: dally te3tiro, eno-2 l leuada3a o the toaeltree c'13vacest
teas give Eta Pose Hca its inimitable ac'a alnd Vasfor-var3404
goQdnes% Svc#y va3T,oze attwaaatoe dr no
air 9 g
- Wade Often nli; use i "`Iiinc3ttis furthre glances made rile'rile' feet
' Do not eay "what hfnal of as book lei nfottable,"
tlai..":" Omit "of." CONJECTURAL; doubi£id. "It
•Ela .n rr^aa ecu. cd
on t Sc� a; m , �•
lwitth`nturder Say `« eeatsesi of,'" u'p a anera: canjectu yi estimate,
l*)aliSlrASIe•'1j, liaving power ot•
Do: not .ay �y Ih'eetly 1 arrived he tondeitey to persuade, "He is as pow-
; gave it to me, Say a3 vont as 1 erful nMd Persuasive orator."
arrived:" ' PREV,.4.1.E T; • Iirevailing;. most
Do not pay "tile inessagc was sent generalt r►Sueli ideas are alugalnrly
all over tho world." Say 'all the prevalent today?,
world over;' or "over all tie world. - INGENIOUS; having ingenuity en
Do not say "obovo a 'hundred men inventive skill; clever. "You are
wore there." Say "more than einem. very ingenious to be able to build
ared." �{ • such a machine."" -
Do not say I disagree from, that." ABSTRUSE; hard to be muter.
Stay "disagree with.;'stood. "They, were not interested in
Do not say. "X aaequiesee' Vali the his abstruse reasoning."
1 t arrangement." Sat' "acquiesce an»
trAiOnT 1927 flet g HAZARDOUS; exposed to or in -
Pilaw Matti .i.1;,O. +vcra.u.5ERVle ia. , -proteetfon. +Shew'3tiid .olio had neves:'. , . l Do not say "setid all of thein to ' volving• danger of risk of loss. "Ii
aleuT rolrudiY and haven t aauy honlo o ,: '"" end 'tie lI'"
'l"fA1"'1'ER'111. (Continued) ..
Nor bad Rained any difficulty in con.
otnieting an explanation of the body
;litnuelaed:ashore in the cove. Tho
,ope at the aani4e showed that, the
idly had been weighed to aainlr'a but
ate washing of the soaves, or the cut -
Vi n}r of rocke, bad severed the rope
ei airtelmeeed the weight. •Gay had al-
ways felt that the body washed in».
shore, from seg. Mond, on the other
amide w'as wtvongly tassured-'-t-liat it,
Ta+l:been thrown into the deep water
Of the covo frotn.tlte rocks at the far.
Aest point of the peninsula, that it
laved Lone Pine so much, elle said she ,, , ing. ay len cin a was a hazordouw eliterpriac,
had come, not from eeA, but from could riever•�bear to go a.\vaay team the 'nice nee. to box at all druggists and ''A red and blue bear" means- one A`IAI,IGNANo' the state of bear
land, from the islet(' itself; that ntur.. island for n minute 110144, for fear the dealers or mulled direct on greceiptt of • box, "a red and a blue box means ink nnwill, or spite.. "Ilia words
der had boon done, not lathe rastnesa commission of a crime would occur in . price by The 'i.'.. Milburn Coo Ltd, two boxes. bora a mixture of malignancy and
of the hide ocean, but right those on her Absence. oronto, Ont. +, leo not say tho coon: was rewlow mudness<'"
the shore, within stone's throw from ."ph, to think of it, she es:•ied°ee.. e� --•• --.' in deeorattons."• Say "replete with." u'RGENCYt the duality 'el being
where they sat. ; statreaally, "at any eget To think of Hotels closed, theater's locket: up' -" "Credible" Means 'word*, of belief, . urgent, "This ie. a matter of !ranee-
y is firth g
Rand knew this plaeo of h b living on so sordidly*,, so sanely, so ung YeN, everything dead, d at r)aen y
and his. venturesome youth like a excitingly, for. so many years! And
book, knew the shore, knew the love, then, when I am.almost .an old worn•
and understood the movement of the on, and very sensible, to come to a
tides and currents Ile, believed the good little laze* island like this and
„, s is and the "creditable" means worthy of tapas : ti u ;,,
Cavalier, being addicted to meditat- Do not say "'she fixed' the choirs
is Ie ht-. : Say "she arranged the- • A property salesman bad' just fin -
fon, is glad Qf' A. Ile les I place." y
bernates;' chairs,"' ished describing the glorious appar-
" , ort --he. hoe the none Pine �' his xona nasi) tuuities of as certain part o1 the
I m s y e s Words Often ._P j
this was before the break of day, and house .perfecting his arrangements to. for his htberitating •t'ats afternoon, bialsetto Pronounce the to as 'in
* , t ,country, ' .All that district needs to
shote -in a club or ,otter able �ad' f ist into in stet d for his hibe,rnatm flus afternoon.
man had been all the t he i n o y jt a h g A I Pronounce n z wl es a
as iii ""at.' i as n at, .0 Ito"bet,"n•
he aid,
boathouse, a
. - u +and , t'; equ csce. onou eo F .: r become tine garden spot of• the world,"
boathouse, perhaps --curled out venture and love, 01*, malt )gale) He sesta. Ile hibernates." r i «"• „ ,
thrown foto the deep router. Perhaps All day Rand worked about the "I' he the Lone Pine s. good people wind water.
40 40 �t
m sorry chose accent last ryliable.
•alis t Ilaur• • "" „ «r " >t
•;.:,,,. then. with the dawn, the. murderers insure her safety as well as he could, Ile cheated me out of a pl an "Ulan eats to sot, o as to no.
4 'ittentornin
' / ii
Warne eleven) o'clock' tomes
stand you grow a little weary
-thaeathe time for a steam-
. kg, nourishing cup o#` OXO
In tour, Flasks and
rine at4 actedbO cubifaa
IIt's 1'Meait «n4 Drink•e' to you
were horrified to see tite corpse was. and when lie left at last, in the early' Does he think best in the top of your Dieseinble. ;Pronounce the ss as .In
ing' on the sand, to hear Gas's terrf everting, he called. back to bar gayly, ,pints tree? I saw hien perchiaig there ""k{ss,
„ , t as x.
fled cries at its discovery, in as loud voice: ars if he were quite at biome.,' Diphthong, Pronounce dif-thong,
So far, Gay lent .willing credence, "Goodbye, Gay. See ' you in the Gay laughedtrnerrily. "No, indeed, o as in "on,"
thrilling to every word. morningi Eleven o'clock;" ' . Re was putting tip on aerial. He is Eansas, Pronounce li;an-za_�, not
"The C:hinik.sow you were here, re Gay had expected: him to come building moa radio. Na, he does not sa;,. on
ported to your friend Ingsnm, who again in the ovenfiig, and would have thibernato in my tree top, and 1 visci Delirium, Pronounce the first •i as
chute and tried to frighten, and then called inquiry, .invitation, `after him, i you had come in, You would quite in "it" not as in. -"police." to buy you out. To het rid of goat but tae was sone. `lilt hi rn,''' Hospitably. Recent. 'first 'syllable, MIR
4 J
Y- i i linden n ill; a+ d
• don't 'Want you to •disoovar. �➢Vhy',,s+se eel nor him .greatly. Tho=very pre h n, a t a y e ,Uatls[trte. X'rontzunce del -wart, a as
how blain it int When Ingram wan cautions they had taken tended to s. ,n "bell," a las in "arm," accent last
here the ,other night, the Chink make leer nervous, IR at ease, so than ��, ' syllable, not' the first.
watched to aofisure no , lnterrnption, she started painfully at every real or
h I i� • a, , + ! Delusive; u as in `lend" s as in
saw me coming, deliberately showed fancied sound, and every .'lot- come jr ri ', �, r.�a\\t, ' i�'/� "so," not ast t.
himself and led. me into a chase to plaint of the rheumatic trees itt tho . . t. r.i , {," Dissolve., Pronounce 'diz,oly, not
keep me front discovering Ingram." woodland sat her shivering. '� .,j' / dis.
booms°• things are going an they When darkness had fallen she wisk-., ' "No, t shouldn't like hinea- Cot not thea second.
Gay's loyalty.. wavered, but site When at lain conte a quick knock at r ' ,�, i
•. . "Exclusive; s=as in "so,"not as z,
steadied it by memory of the sirnpa. the -door, wvitliout Band's' assuring • /",til
whistle far. elle first bane >, a' 1\fetfoul• er Pro•nounce me*tilt- *
thetfc voice, the friendly• Coach of the - r , her 1us, e as m "me," 2 as fh "st,`'first ti
strong bonds, the shadow,in the gen- thoughts leaped naturally. to the pis- � . as in "'unit," second a as in'""usrtt. an-
tis eyes, tot in her ,dock, and sire ran for it ,.. r a,l �.r„ . cent second syllable:
""He tootles so leanest, nand," sire quicklyr ,.grasping it: itt nervous ling- i " • Words Often nlisspelletT
,"ers. f Data )grit
protested. "He has surfi Wit, sad ", ?" Conceit; Bei; not ie t (p
eyes.'" �Vho--is--there. clic asked' net • ((�i of "datum.") 'Conciliate; one 1.
' ,r\
las,. r
, ons sitec e t to the 'door. y►p d
� so's a oro said �' rudely, lasc a . nil i d• 'currant
' e y" 91 .is I Ronald Ingram. Nothing . Current (ci culatingefreely),
for be was greatly disturbed., !; la , ' I(a err Condescend• so, Delo-
lent upon serious' consid r tion he important. I will come another time
terry). ,
A o : to , : -.J r e :•.gate; three o s..
*, c a • . that she x if you aye busy, 1. , ,
was rn lfxaed f o agree tl ut lie gilt an Confident
. -•` + a u
tadjo, confidant (noun),
no particular danger as longas she•"No."
maintained an air of utter innocence. Mindful of aiS iru 1ons to beDes Moines (Iowa) Connection;
seemed not only to see nothing, but to fr'iendly,• and her fearsinstantly as -
suspect nothing, Above :all, he urged swaged bet the pleasant voice, she
her to betray noeuriosity/nointerest bravely opened the door:."Hew nice.,
in regard to things that wait ortabout, you,Nt'. Ingrain.• I. was lonely.to*
her, and with ItonaM Ingrone, if be 'night." "
came again, to .continue her warm His eyes event quickly to the pistol'
and friendly but uninquisitive inter. in her hand. °Something frighten-
est. ed you," Tie +said keenly, "Has any*
Rand•did not believe that the affair thing happened?"
was a simple matter of bootlegging, : r'No." She laughed lightly as she ' ,x
as be lead at first suspected, The slid the pistol,hack into the drawer'. -•He Was Putting Up an Aeriaat.
favored method in bootlegging is a Nothing has happened, but you have 1 do not enjoy other people'o cooing;
constant shifting of base, the effect. all Warned ine so touch about tho it riles. tele." 'Await, abide, expect, anticipate,
ing oe surprise laandings,. lint one deadly danger 1 ata in that first thing •"We don't con. Fancy the state of ��atch:
place and.then another, She aequira- yoi know you �v1111iavr rite f rigliten- Mai ne cooing. Satisfaction, grotifieation, benefit;
el"She laughed disarmingly Ronald Ingram reverted again
In face of his disarming friendli- , moodily to talk of the land. He was blessing, en3oyaiient:
double n. Despair; es, not is; : Earn.
est, Ernest (proper name). ,Diligent,
note the second 1.
Defend, protect, support, embattle-.
vindicate. -
Denounce, disapprove, expose, int-
pede, obstruast. -
Scorn, hate, dislike, abhor, detest,
loathe, despise:. -
'Like, love, esteem,.` admire, approve. I
Stain, taint, contamination, poilu-
tion, soil, defilement,
most roUpL� RYFiN Ttn pRVEUA NG
simet.T ia0 R A
Ilaw as deal
=tit kresiaM
and Calilknia
The atitif Mins to have far«
acted much of California's
compelling charm Asyou step
into its spacious cars complete
Ma perfection o(resdine$, You
at* at once captivated by that
sensation of well•beins. of all.
permeating comfort end enjoy.
ment whikh is the very essence
of California.
1tT. tt.slry. floe- ♦t+ot, %rote 1l A Nix .
;yule reseweeteetiott Watt I+•ttatt>
lose ■estleepe t t
illeeptis Fs "'s"' Pr.4 Illorttey sea the
nest, Isis regardful interest, Gay Solt riot yet sure r�+liat Ise reaslly watnted tat Evil, iniquity, wickedness, crime,.
Iter suspicions of hitt slip away Prean t do; with it, he said, wvancdereai ii he . 'Evil, lahluity, -crime, offence, vile
her. A gang in the cove. yes; a band i would not be wise to sell it outright, - lafny,
of murderous .criminals, yes; the +'I haven't money enoutab to finance
Establish, institute, enact, pro-
thfngs on at big scale, O course if inose, authorize.
RonaldRI grai -Chinamen, yea. But never 1 Gentle, meek, mild, docitee hLumble.,
erfrie Ingram with the uffeettonate- the 'boom ever Coarses -and it ought elve, pardon, free, Intense, eas.
ler friendly dyes and the frank voice. to 1,0001 -it seems. the logical suns-
"You aro: the pluckiest girl 1 even trier reftiget±atot''for New Fork and. quit. absolver exempt, exonerate, lilt
saw.. Ilut, do, . piouse, :be carefui,1Boston, yes, even for Washington. crate..
You are too young and far,oli, far tool I have two companies flooring on it. Acceuse, condemn, convict, charge,
pretty, to live hero alone when the la. What would you think of a Chinese filipeach.
land is deserted,"' . Word Study
group, imitation bamboo stuff, pogo- '
"Thonuked stato of Maine agrees ides and all that? 1 know a Chinese "Use a word three times and itl is
with you," she said. "I am afraid artist from Roston. May Sen, hie youra."..e Let xis inetease our vocabu- '
you Ween PIM losing your nerve. -We naive is. 1 e's been up o- few times, . lary by mastering ono word•eaacnt day.
women tow!" title cried cockily. making 'sketches for nie. Clever Words for this lessor : . '•
"You women are getting elownrigllt chap he Is, foie a Chink. IIe %vas hero 1\IFitO1 NAXtY; influenced by de-
foolhardy. Some of., you have paid yesterday. Nes thinks we can swing' sire for gain or reward. "Her moth-
for your folly,. and more will pay. tat big." cr hoped for a mercenary marriage:
But I don't want you to pay." The mercurially, Gay was fully in sync- ' 801111PULi)MMS; cautious in .action
honest voice rias cordial, intimate. ipathy With again. Dy his can. for fear of doing wrong. "Ills firm.
Ile asked if she .lied by any chance dor he bad entirely stilled the suspi. ;newt was tempered by the most ;cru-
ineoneidte104 about" setting the tot- dons. that Rand had -stirred to life. pudous. courtesy=",__ •_
;time. and she doled it quieldy. "11 How frankly he spoke of the Chines III1iESOLUTE; not resolved; war -
you only came for that •-" artist. Roar natural Iiis..explanation eying; 'hesitating; "Ater nature is
n1 didn't conn for that. Let inc of the little foreigner's presence. In somewhat frivolous and irresoente."
be limiest. 1 came only to see you. the face of his disarming, in ons PJJI'..TI%'E; sly; ;caret; stealthy.
As a ntatter of feet, I conte over this j outspokeness his honest min sten o. eon- .-.
aftei noon hoping you wouItl give isle alt financial liniitations, how very
tea axnd.be nice to nie, but 1 saw alae I petty antt narrow and mean appeared
Cavalier chap hanging around, and the gold suspicious Nature of New
knew you would hold enc dearer in my England.
absenee." Ile said he was obliged to •return to
Ito talked pl aacantly, smoking, told : Portland on the catty boat, and Gay
her of his plans for the forest penin. went with hint to the door. Hes veice '
tutu complaining' of the lifg•I- prices was anuvus again.
of labor and material. "You arra very game, 'I lehors, but
1 "1 feel like the Landing of the leii,. P
il do,' please,. bo careful.: Keep your -
bare rock on every hand. It's 1 self locked in nd everybody else leek.,
i reaily aa hard undertaking, too big for IJ a 'theout,;a�cnui cncsstr of his soiieitutlo
air, 1 got oerald, ,ear' 1 haven't mueh ; touched eoui ne will be careful," sho
rnonry. What does • your Cavalier mi"I wish you were staying alta
chap do in the winter" There' acme it--
winter. you
are such a tneasant ins
ri in be infinite; going on, stops dose.
Si %r muckier",
%� !`or"rlart►afatllf+ealih
A slot nista sari sweeten Misses
stomas sad >r.ws.w.. tont 54.-
siase- aW
a► Met Hese* titres tee
VS 401110,--a. A* 41M4101Mila tear.
oleo wt Itaml.0
,toiatr.r,. o* for woe
MMM lite*, e* tr.Mr-
* aremeltrrw «ea ext*• 1s atao
Nit rr
l�a�a.it� k• .w.ie
''Intetlud" between ('avealiets," tae
Rill rearetfuliv. "Still it is solus- -
thing to 'et. you, to tough your hand.
I am'giateful to tout for that. You -
I are fiery --_surest. You will not fen-
get nie, will you!"
Half an hour later Rand came, aro
r itlto.t waiting for * ureal* from Into
ttay Immense* at ovist into a Pug anti
fervid def•nsr' of 'Remold Ingram,
!' t,Voat rosy he richt *Newt *eine
Matra, hat on 1tm sId lMcr*sa pea are = r.rrr♦t7.« ee N,.v' , ,, MrHe
totally etseiat. fete's redly a Ake fN- = ria s"",sl lt.frr>t
• Irnr, reel you will 1II. %Int, Nelsen Roes "at ria..r..} s.11o*a•
itt'!i I'e yea Its a1riyi High Priost of Johovu..s7Tiour.w...n.
bit Chilies }seed " :•aw ,tr", u, PI..uS !. 5MMe . CO.,
*ARA IAtarriMat M bier,1%.rA.i TM�.A •tt t
The matt days hr tarot to the city its
Eyes of Blue
true to you
Eyes of Gray
-love while away-
What are YOUR eyes
saying today t
Your eyes have no vont, but
they speak -- the? show Moods
*old temper. They de mors, they
,haat your physical tnndidon.
Ars daey door, Melt, .t,tiMir-,a *r.h
b.dak'...1, doth, y. tunwth tense •
M the *Ekes! Tri• y lheri h times is
the .:1an.t et irtesri,eti sloste.hnt«_
rrt+letes ati�� liter
tree, te. D.ee"t
:tsl pier tea* is
7k soli AOe
"Hub!" replied the prospect, "tloet'e
all hell needs."
NOW Chest
Mar weakness of the
lunette cc chest
-.for hacking, coughs,
troublesome colds, agora- o
vatin brans hitts, grippe
nd similar affections, take
.. Z:ur shalt-troulales t.._ , . .... �.
commended and prescribed
b the Medical Profession of
Great Britain and. Canada
'--and is used it, hospitals.
This standard medicine fortifies
the body against coughs or colds
--the cause of'serious chest
troubles. It the cough has "gone
down", take ANGIER'S-•it will,
give relief and put you on your
Net. It soothes •and heals the
irritated 'throat, tones up the
v is
stomach, lubricates the bowels
and builds up the entire system,
r IGIER'S is a smooth. creamy
emulsionrof pure petroleum ail
with hypophosphites of limo
and soda -pleasant to take and . w
effective for. people of all ages.
A Aritish ,Doctor writes: "l always pod -
Angier '$Eml,lsiontomyp ients
in hronohitioand ,catarrhal conditions
of feta rsepftatory -last."(Sd.)^'-•-M•A:
(it and $r.ao-^.st all druggists
7�te Coderich�t
The Star and London rreePress. . ..... $6.50
The ':Star and 'The London Advertiser. .. .. 6.50
The Star and The Toronto Globe....... . ...6.50
The Star and Me Mail and Empire.. , .. 6.50
Tice'' Star and The Toronto Star.. , . , . . - 6.50 .
The Star and The farmer's Sun:
°, The Star and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.00
The Star and Saturday Night «. • . 5,5N'e
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