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The Goderich Star, 1929-01-24, Page 5
TilURBDAY, JAN. Pitlt, 30titi All the popular - I. 11111111111101111114011.114•111111111P119111•11.16 1100101111111.1 I $11110-111••••••••••■••••• TEE GODERICH STAR , -+ hr.. Gen anon the sante ail.twance on'. ttibuttng Che,stnta:_ thee and en hi.n rete `in Wein was +$e",j'':tti'-22 an tie. ev. • :rontaga to leer( a. in ta47. 4; motion. ateetteint by Cixuncidm Mna- pewee$S:t3:t.ett, stn •recreate in i. e, Tito specials relief and se epaion Metre, ores It teecitaticlat t3 tins cffest nue cif sbehtly a`cea' $1-000 eve+. (that elm/vette repotttel ae renewer We Rete &ctul,tt=tl: int wos two ,cera sig° ter i► shetive, r.commend that Mr. H. C. Dunlop be ii 'The *sumer argil eolleetes: viae newt' supplies Oat hand abaat $1200 bett.ert, - appointed et member of the ttoderieh ,ed for a sta;etaaent of taxes anti steal Jim -A double what it was tweet -five Ilounror Catnnu.ri.,n in the atom anti ;eel thee ap, ratimately $S,1500tsattes `„ ears riga, The various erganisatiene . . . d instead of the •tate Mr. C. A, Nene). ; Isretious t i 1e2e were uutstentb ag :in caneenen with the parish 319.3 Atm' With reference to the town eleik'at land $Itl,700 of 1O2O taxed, about $25, naa-i•ed s,otetn `Tae t-hurrh Wein. Remedies GALLAGIUER'S PENSLAR CII Asp i WOODS' NADRUCO \�'AMI0L,E'S COD LIVER OIL PLflU AND FLAVORED VITAMIN TESTED COD LIVER OIL StaUuhI1'S AND AYERST'S COLD AND GRIP TABLETS BREAK RI;dYI� UP A COLD IN ITS EARLY STAGES Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 -�•• Goderich __ _'i5tiett of the rel rhes .art ile:tero i e200 iit till: ' TheEuuneai felt'"thus t e • erns etude had n r.v nu' an etre cab polling sub-dtvisaons. I, 2, 33 4 sand Ce Icollc ter had been (lo ng well Lit. tE;az $1.06 oi, 'rite sewer weinates Acta reel recommend that the matter be the ecuu.il Aoki bat;k hint we in diary* bas shown a steady inarcase in left with this committee to work ©art. levery +vat iia getting in the :atecar,3 ei revenue for the past ten vane, in. We recons tend that 20(1 dog tags be to cs. !creasing free, testi e3'iu eels to $ t 1.• purchased. ('kith reference to the Bylaw Nva G uetharteing the her- per in le28, and the Junior Auxiliary resignations of Mmes. A. W. Sturdy,Bowing pf $7G,fa00 for current purl ose pals° has alto>cn growth, last year° : res C. K. Saunders and Jas. F. Thomson cs from the bank, in surras as r:cquir- • venue, being $1«1.1,1, an increase of from the band committee, we recant- ed, was passed, also Bylaw NO. 7 eln incarly $27 over 1027. The average mend that if possiLle thee members Iaointiug Mr. J. H. Robertson aasMer,• ° Sunday school attendance for le48 be retainer. We hucl that the Mahon ser anti collector for 1929 ata salary. / was the highest in the paasttreaty family have ,been placed under the of $1100, also Bylaw Zee. S aispou t- .years Sand the revenue reached a laigh- Mothcrs* Allowance Board. We are ing Mt.. Wan. Campbell ;advisory new er figure than even before. sending theta one"lielf'ton of teal awl sess:,r tend collector sat a salary of In the matter of church improve - recommend that any further appltea- $100, ,11i i Bylaw No. 9 raplaotnti;tag 1!$'. naent and enriehinent the rceto: la:. &Iona for retie£ from thenar be referred It, C. Dunlop ori the Housing COW.:dens 4 valuable pie.e of work in nat- to the. Citizens' Central Relief Com-' mission in place of Mr. C. A.:rairn, . ing a �eouplo of experts in their ane mittee, deceased. make drawings of various improve - These report- tw;e adopted, The omen thenadjourned. ' ments and enrichments Haat. right be Reeve Turner revised the matter of ,' CHURCH made or given from time to time, co ,�. CEOR ' the request the town council had that when generously disposed 2ndi- mede of the C. P. R. to !rave a foot • bridge • added to each side of the bridge over the railway tracks at the • Seme Striking Figures of Growth Pi their will, a definite penegr et i m- J foot of Harbor Iiil1. There had been Reece, 'l earse-Cherch• Will Cele- provctnent And enrichment will have • i sone For espondenea about the maty bt ate, Its Centennial in 1984. been decided on and various gii'is mat.. i ter but the desire of the council bad • be selected from the Bet drawn up, so ' fnot ' been tarried out. The matter The annual congregational and ties -that the result will be in her u' ne wad referred to the. public works tri' meetings of St. George'selameb throughout. ,..,,Il*, committee. • . were held on Monday evening, Jan. It is it -detesting to note that in 1931 Councillor Gould risked if the cable ' :;1st, in the paris�a hall. the congregation of St. George's will of the tourer clod: had been replaced . A,t the_ meeting of the - congregation bee eelobiating' its centennial, rima in and this matter was at,ain refereed to preceding the vestry meeting Major this connection the following ltistorl- • the special committee. V. Sturdy, Messrs. John Platt and G. cal reference in M . Mr. Mills' address will ' ANNUAL MEETING vidupt may wish to make Bowe gift tat ehuet h or leave soinethiu in Matters in connection with the lite L. Parsons were elected by delegates be of general interests "The sere ices alarm system Were discussed shortly. to• the Synod, and Olr. >a. Douglas of the church were filet told in Gude- Ship .,-i Chairman McLean of the fire commit- Brown, Mx'. 'i Crawford and Mr. Hari. rich its the autumn of the year 18,34. To Advertise Machinery in' National Ship ,tee asked if the alairnt system Was old Blackstone as 'snbstttuto Iay dele- The first baptism was Feb. 1st, 1836; . Plants for Sale and Sell to Highest Bidder. being tested regularly. It should be gates to the Synod, . and the flrstnnurriageFeb Gthof the ?AUK YIN'S ,. •1,,,;111,,. Almost every day we receive a Shipment of NEW MERCHANDISE for Spring Selling Figured Silks in Modernistic and *mall floral patterns are being shown 'very strong in Crepe«de•CMne and Duluechen We would be plased to show you these ma- terial's in $'. yard Dress Lengths. F. . HJBBERT THE CASKSTORE Phone 86 tested two or three times a week to At the annual vestry meeting fol- same year: Thew -pen held fit the worry but :;o far no partieular dam* upkeep of the hall: The need women make sure that it was in working eon lowing, the reports. of the church tear- school house near the court house: age has been done, as those owning expect to receive enceurnaement and 'Working Industries for Town (titian: erre-clerk also reminded -that dens and auditors, . were received, In 1837 service§ were held in the late stock and. fowl had them removed bet I am sure all will be anxious to help T� AdYertSe for h w that th church had had n a ilt water ••tea depth 1 Mr. J. H. Robertson Reappointed Assessor • and Collector and. Mr.. Campbell: Retained in Advisory Capacity, Mr. H. C. Dunlop. on "Housing Commission. The regular meeting . of the town sues to members and others..'Chie. council ryas held on Friday evening Was referred' to the special commit. last with all the members present. , tee. The Bell Telephone Centrally ask- Messrs. Hays and clays wrote with ed for permission to do light trim- reference to their account in r/onnec- ening of trees around wires geinhr in. tion with the McMichael suit, . The to tesideneee. An . application for town .was made. responsible for part heavier trimmings of trees; on the .of the costs and' Mr. iiac:4 asked for srreets would be made later. This settlement of the town's share of his was referred ° to . the cemetery and Costs, .$116.23. paries committee. A report from the watce'and light t � ,. i I s that all the fire d �.t#n application far a permit, to erect. commission. *as h1' a porch at residence on Nincici atret't rants had been tested and all were in was received from Mr. Fred Wilson good condition. This was referred to and was referred to the firs commit- the;, water, light and barber commit.. too, 'tee. A petition for the construction of a Messrs. F. II. Woods and Son wrote cement "sidewalk on Meeks 'street offering to,- rent premises of. the Na- ,. for one block, Mr. Fred Wilson tional Shipbuilding Co. formerly used block, was referred to the public as a curling rink for the sum of $15 works committee. a month, and this was referred to the The' Ontario Motor League wrote • National Shipbuilding Cotitmittet. soliciting the piecing of an adirertiso- . Councillor Gould mentioned . that .rncnt h the Road Book the' League is- Mr. Brown, junk dealer, bad made in- (mines Very little use for the purpose . for elation to all individuals end organi- - 23rd, 1842, to Juni' 11.th, .1811,-e g t dance of her nephew, Mt Wm. Er - very Assurance n . --- 'lit was understood the committee were za tons w aassts t9.. an wa to , , • vane; to at anti cetneter . The $$ 1"an�` Comps of- the lighting of the room also came .m9. y y T 13 F h ' h tc in for criticism, the :illumination ado ted a resolution em owering thr to Jan. 14th, 1917, five • year t and N He Mills and the it U nines about metal at the ' plant, and to see about the best terms for the Mod 1 The - e e . atr dis sal .of anything fn• m connection po y't g. w►th the plants. . WEEK Or JAN. 28, to FEB,. 2 ' The nnance committee reported as - follows: We have examined the MONDAY and TUES1 j�k'Y `' treasurer's• statement of receipts and 1r RED THOMSON . expenditures to Dec. 81st, -1921 . as the famous western star es a fearless audited and found correct, and wo re - this a connection on telephone No. 100, s a ing e c rc t a one D. Hamiltons barn on 'Wiest street, f fore e t a er •rai any ep ► n th s movement. F es. let r. been fi the fire call, had not yet been tirade, of the best years. in its 'history In The first church was built on the lute. the . lel The greatest drawback Respectfully yours; - a , - everyv a . R its fro o • iza-t that t a ` v v m tan><a lots chopping fn i st When this was' done the niers ,calling ..po � O. F. Carey's property, and consecrat- l t� a r pia it 9.t It has RODL`itl` , I rlsA°!. of telephone No. 100 would ring the Wens—Alms C o n t asbutions, Dim ed on Sunday, Nov. 16th, 187;1, on bee t:tndstilt; which means .^ -� p piece alerm but it had not •been connected Fund, . Women's Guild, A. Y. P. A.. Saturday of the same week. Nov. great. loss, to.him. The cause of the at first until the people would become .Men's Club, Sunday School, Junior 22nd, 1879, it ryas burned, and in 1830 ot'crllaw is owIng to the aevcre'frosts Of twtx,`frientls Staying in a small familiar with the feet that telephone W A•, Senior W. A. and Chancel the corner stone of the present lxutld- causing Flush to now over the dam hotel when most leas lit met door 100 was no longer the clerk's office. Guild, showed these -organizations to : mg was lad, erected at a cost of 317,- and jamming on the flats causing the one trent to his room, undrea sed and It was deemed' advisable to. continue be in the most healthy condition, have .0110, opened and dedicated the first water to back up. nudely the gem. turned In, nhistaking his friends room thn advertisement t1ae,town has been irr -exceeded all previous:;a.•eeords: in: Sunday after Easter, Apr. 24th,:i881, machinery start disposed of some time for his own carrying in the telephone directory almost avert' rase. In the meantime services ;wcri, bald ago. • \%c hope to tee Mt•. Bogie hall an hang l,xtca+ the friend fel- advising of the number of the fire In the election of Oilers, the Ree- in the court house, The first rectory mill running again soon. •lowed, Fifty his boa oceuttied and re- call, etc., and to have"the connection' for re -appointed Mr. • F, H. hill, and on the corners: of North • and .Nelson •- e-ne -' turned to the Ionian. for the fire call made so that calling Mr. E. Douglas Brown was reelected was procured by the late Dr, Hamil- -- OBITUARY •'I)id you see me go to nit' ream 100 would ring the alarm, and the people's .warden. The Rector. alt- ton from the late Thos. Kneesltaw inLEE,---Ana , . - . ;ust nor. """ he Said to the Wight elm*. ged,.formta resident •x. "Vett, sit,,, was the re x! matter was referred to the fare cant- Pointed Dr. Wm. Martin, Messrs. C. 1834: • The pt•esent rectory'was built Goderich (tied at Clinton oar Sunday. .1 " mitten • , , b. Chapman, E. V. Leaslle, C. C. Lee, •67 years ago in 1862. in'the Iast ia5 Jan. 13th inthe person f M An Nell', then, why didn't you tell 1 s o try Ann Inc I'd gone to bed already':" he Reeve. Turner broueht up the 'mat- :George Williams and G. 1 Parsons, years there have. been eight rectors. Dulaes4bury, widow of the .late John ; t ter of new chairs and desk aecomanos Nand the Vestt.y elected Messrs. H:. 1., . Rev. Imbert Francis .Campbell, . Lee. The deeeasefi, who was In tier • gr ut.tt d. ._-.:.. ,:--, dation• for the press representatives Blackstone, i~.. C. 'Hays, .1•r,, On -Gra- . autumn 1834 to 1840, fifteen years; .., - 90th year, was born at Anxhei sthur e ' Ft, No men 9.i woman wetted hobble at the town council. The old chairs ham,: 9.e Crawford, Major i'.: Sturdy Rev Edward. Lindsay 'Elwood.18.1J'to =liven for a number of yearn on 1FId. painfully about bemuse of corms which were relegated far the .use of and .T. Platt, who with the Rector end March 1st, 1887, .thirty-eight years, der area, Goderich, then trent to the when'so certain a reliefis at hand as the press have been in use fora great Wardens form the; select vestry. ' with the following assistants, Rev. C. Olt! Country, where . she spent 23 weinevaets Corti Remover many years, in fact are the remains nit E. V. Leslie end Mr. George = Ile Manner, Alto. 1' t, 1875; to June ears or ere eturnm to derieh in . .• .. •• of a set of chairs which were axe u . ' Williams were reelected . (auditors, Jth 1878• •R,3v, Richard Hicks June Y g OQ . Awn—et r '""" " P � r u 1911 and lining with her sister, Mrs. years ago for tbe town council anti told Mt F. W. Woolcomb treasurer. 2st. 1858, to 1882,• Rev, John Walton, Hopper. For the past 12 years she press, The council 'have ` had new.j Mi. R. G. Reynolds was elected chair- 1883 to July 27th; 1884; Ileo. P. had dived in Clinton, flet husband `� chairs for a good many yearsyand the s man of sidesmen, Mr. R. C. Hays, Jr., Owen Jones Aug. 2,18 4 toa . i N ic7 V R A N C E . , f; 6 , May'died .,5 ,roars or mora �tga to i.9.;;• press got along with the est of what as vestry clerk. 3rd, 1885; Rev. W. Johnston, . Aug. land.. She had a daughter who died was left but the condition into which - 'Mrs. Palmer was elected press 30th; 1885, to 1887; 3, Rev. W. A. ' in the 014 Country, and a son Win these have got is nothing shoat of secretary for both pepers,:wboso duty Young, April 30th, 1887, to Oct; 23rd, lien, who passed away in Detroit. desecrate and the press table Is us- ft will be to report all activities in 1892, - live years and seven months: , The a•cnauins wero brought to Gode- ua11y-piled deep with ;a miscellaneous ;connection with the church. with assistant Rev; R. S. WoHoward, rielt and the. funeral took place on Mutual 9.e aggregation of stuff so that it is of The vestry ex 'wised their a .re- 1831; 4, Rev. Mark. Turnbull, Oat. Wedncsda the 10th. f►•om tltt+ rear • PP y, , The si*out Who braved untold• dangers to , commend that tt ba flied, We recent- Pilot econ pilot pioneers over the trackless mend that a grant i h. which it was intended' The coaulition t' h •ted sen years and eight months; 5 Rev. Maitland of . ernn am t Oct. Ot 1911 n ul lq 29th, , n in - make the ear o s ccessf and a o Y s , services wero eoncluct.cl by Itay. J. o� Canada beingver dim and the whole matter P ' p three months* G Itev..A , G N. • i. • pa - eurettt were eetaimsos Ftxu y select vestry to proceed with a pro , , L. .Clarke, Messrs. Ct len I'attet sari, Coltn Afur� a was referred to the public works com- mitteegram of work for the ilnPravetnent fir. 11th,. 1017, to June 1st, 1920, ray, 1Vm. (lark and,Jacic ritorgan. Ilr.,tr ori [ , . n F.[tt.o r, Uerc, f P mi>rtee with power to act, the. Mayor and enrichment of the church pro - remarking three years and three months; i, lice, nn A V s remarking that all were agreed that pertyi' • S. S. Hardt; July 4th, 1920, to May D. D. [MONK Agent . something should be done along tree A' 1st, ,1'937; six years. and ten months; BRIEF TOWN TOPICS ,,� lines su caved. - The rector, Rev, iris. Mille, M. his 8. Rev. J. N. in num; June 8r ... The regular monthly meeting of the P1ti1:�U -00 gg •address . forst of an asked the con re- , ;.„ d, .. t g 1cJ2a . .. •W.omenu liespind Auxiliary will be Norm fir. : GM Itte11, ONT. Move b Deputy Reeve Craa to - seconded by Reeve Turner, that wo gation to keep in mind that the: work ,.„ _� �:, r� , held in AiaeKaY Balt Ainnday, Jan. r and contents they were engat ed•.in was,the b';si- " 28th, at 4` p.m. Ali the "indite( of. advertise all machinery d Q f.. h t t ' t• • 'a th COLBORNT. of $15 be made to wastes beyond the rookies the Sick. Childreh's Hospital at Tor- "THE PIONEER SCOUT" MERMAID. COMEDY "AT IT AGAIN" WEDNESDAY 'THURSDAY nAMARION DAVIES,. ZETTA GONDAI, and NILS .ASTIIER -• in a speed -thrill production; How Would you like to be 'hired to protect the man yea love from the woman he los fallen for".. A. grand frim frolic is "THE CARDBOARD LOVER" PATHS COMEDY "A PURPLE MOMENT" - FRIDAY and SAIURDAY I.tIN TIN TIN. - the sereen'a wonder. dog in a great' turf story.• A capable east of popu- lar favorite's. makes great entertain - r rent of this great race trek. picture • - "2► RACE FOR, -tarn" BIG BOY COMEDY "NAVY BEAMS" Matince-Sat. at &00 p. in the r. T - - --- -- Moved by C9nnetllor Croft, second- Mr. Mills is a strong believer ed by Councillor Gould, that the May- value of vim M. the mcntberrs of lass or, the Reeve, the Deputy Recye and • congregation, believing' that a "house `'carded limb, to kettle of boiling tea, sand people. they would o+t'b• need to : Councillors Munnings and Bailie be 1 s a elturrlx going ter having tipped over on tate stove, contribute tern than 10 cents per appointed a committee to look after the National Shipbuilding plants and report from time to trine.- ,Carried. • Moved by Councillor McLean, (sec- , ended by Councillor Muningn, that hi !lieu of making open.air skating rhtk° Utile council make arrangomente wit thole int'eltarge 91 the rink on West gathered from his statement, that in oho heti been training for the pee/. six fi street for free alratine; en certain the last twenty months during which month() and has again taken up her . days. • he has been rector in Goderieh he has work in Alenandra Hospital. Code. This motion wino°not put. Council. trade 0,084 visits, attempting to call ries►, i Tor Bailie urged the.open air rink and on everyone fourtitues. in that period. The ntorm dint raged in there•p:s►;ts moved that the open air rinks be pre.. Mr. Mills peccented sa large amount Friday. Saturday • anti Sunday, . has i pared as usual, if the weather per- . of statistical information about the 'given the ears a rest from the couti- mita. This was peeonded by Council- parish covering a number of years trey roadn. The oleigh belle ere now for Gould rand wan earricd. back; tvltieh in very illuminating rand , jinroling merrily. It is an in wind Councillor Mornings moved that which we are num this n:eruber n of .'tlrat blown nobody cany goad. Owing the sign et the bridge over ttto N. trite congregation will Presea'te. fQr to the storm our genial ovuntte? r,ser- • It. tracks leading toward- the Mait-1 future reference II it must have cot ehatatsJ have been kept unuauall t land bridge 'be moved so as to allow ;a very eaangidcrabte amount of effort busy'. ` easier nee of the Tooth path alongside to get thin matter together in tabular sET of the l+a-ict c. and alno thought the fotmi. The figur4ss for the g3art ;ear PORT AL snow drift whith blocked the foot. certainly r1.owtw a very gratifying int 1 stir; 1lo;7 Petrie has elle been on path should too naaved. Mets the to. crease all along .the line. Ivor In- tt:c nick list this arrack, ` baggan elide tate 'Lions Club were ( stance the number of Ani;Beast fasts: nlr George Adams has been on the constructing lobed as if- the start Alts rt'ianrtt:d for 102 is „15. Nrlaleta 6, clek li:at, tVe Irish rlr'. Atlanta a was too steep to b- safe, at --o F:ome i twenty- ffive taort7 than for -19 iT and n ,r•Cdc rccotrea-1,, shrubbery would hast' to he moved to fifty more than for 1020. `Th" total T J make things cafe. Comm iiltsr Croft ,:asaber 01 mull n s :' rte4 foe• 1v.."8r bI 9.e YLra4 4Atiay lawn l;ceta undtr4,10 9.a ev-c kf of the Limo (weaved, thesis 10e , 4f'1 more than m 13'o. The iti stor n cave. We are t,ltraa tai iMac• reseatted 'that cr�rani:'atien t tetter-laae01l3 0$ 'e 0nd 0xlaes tt.:3 ttif tts0 1es36'.n1ae I s iryalu virriq. the conditions m:td' safe, sroa?Igi°Cpat:Jn have a1c3 advanced vcry r; ?'.1r. hearty llcicv&ire x lads 'bode (ea- t Councillor ileitis wished to 100,.0 tI;i: t zatcrially, and the gratifying feat- } fa4.rd to Iain Leel with tlsc ilia. We t•3aaelos Of the town center! Offered tel'' ores is that with increased cre :M - 1.0130 3m wdi ce:m lee es.k. agaica. th4 various organizations which inn• attlx'e t"te balance on the tight •�It^e ttf l 'Tice overflow of t1:o suets at Post tr3uted to n hs�T,Isy t".hristma by (! ee the account la s ub tzantial. rill :s roc. Apert iaaa tech can Cott t icrablc onto. We recommend that Mr. J. IT. with the National .Shipbuilding plants, wort o t e gree cs tats t u t n e. Robertson be appointed assessor and- and that we sell same to the highest church has ever, or will evertiknow, the collector of taxes for•the year 1920 at bidder, so 'that we will be in' a posi- church of rpose anof .institution with the r a salary of $1100 including art' extra tion to sell the bare buildings at the sin life,if (bato c a dna d is men beteg assistance' . We recommend that Mrs -first opportunity. ---•Carried, in character and soul, making William Campbell' m* pointed ad- :titived by Reeve Turner,• seeended them happier iu. the mission to which visory assessor and advisory collector God has called them, of develgping. of tastes, payable at the rate of ti400 by Deputy Reeve Craigie: that the life• in its most ample sense, caring per annum, as and frons Jan: ?sit, county rate the paid to the county for the young and trying to direct 1029. We have interviewed the,: treasurer .on or before Jae 21st, then in wholesome paths; ministering Bank of Mon 1 ' d find d that tomb 1929. -"Carried, to manhood acid womanhood in the for borrowing tree an . to funds will be the .name Moved by Reeve Turner, seconded briskness of. their life and trying to as last year and we recommend that by Councillor Munnings, that we take comfort those .who have run.their an bylaw authorizing n credit of $7G,- immediate steps to get possession 000 be passed and funds borrowed the Artcraft Manufacturing Com - thereon as required. A number of Pant' plant, so that we will .be in a accounts were parsed.for payment. position to accept any satisfactory Reeve Turner and Councillors offer from any firm. desiring to locate Sprout and McLean wished to retard Moved by �I"1,eeve Turner, seconded their vote as opposed to the clause by Councillor Bailie that this council faithful manner in which he has eis- continui»g Mr. Campbell as advisory take steps at once by advertising and charged his duties as people's warden assessor and collector, but the report otherwise to secure working indus- for the past four years. Feeling re - was adopted. tries for our vacant faetories and al- ferenee was also made .to the loss of The public worlca committee recent- - so to induce other industries to locate the'quiet, loyal and 'devoted service of mended that no action be taken on in our town.—Carried. the late O. F. Carey, leaving a gap, in Goderich.—•Carried. course: and kept the faith, Mr: Mills laid emphasis on the importune of the selection of the most suitable per- sons as officers, and in this connection expressed the , debt of ' gratitude which the el►urch owed to Mr, Doug- las Brown for the careful, regular and town are requested to be present. Mr. Herbert Morris is confined to - - -~•"1'--^ his bed witli'lleart trouble, -. PEOPLE WE KNOW Skating parties are the rage these 1fj and Mrs. harry Salkeld and moonlight nights. • family are spending the winter Mrs ill Long spent a couple of months in town, end have taken Mrs. days ith her father at Nile receutly. Jae." {'utt'e furnished home on Elgin -- • The Farmers' Club shipped . both avenue. • cattle and hogs front McGaw station Rev.. ef, C. Pan. wan out of - town on Tuesday of this week.. last -week attending• the funeral of Mr, -Nelson Pearson shipped both his two. -cousins, L. A. Boss, at Lon - cattle and hogs on Wednesday, . - - don, Ont., end Clinton Parr, at Brig - t. 'Ayr. C. A. llobertsson, M.L.A., spent den, Onfriendsof L. A two days•. hi Toronto this week. The manyDr.A. Miss Hamilton, of Goderich, :spent .Macklin will regret to hear of les i11. Monday at the ho:..... or ._.. and Mite nest' with appendicitis, which peon: - Herb Morris, sinned an operation last Sunday., He Mr. Iiareld Good is working fors, hit is in the 'Wellesley hospital, Toronto, fnther`n uncle, Mr. ltobt: (:cod, at and the .latest report is that he in present malcinl- an uninterrupted Progreso to- ward recovery. Mr. Robt, Goad- anti daughter, nice ' . ' Mr. Wm. Walters and Donny, Mr. WOR MAINTAINING McXAY IHAL1,. Jno. Allan and others who have been To the ('itizenrr of Goderich : in with flu,: are all rettinp, better. May I be • taloned for canine: rbc. complaint of Mrs. Ellen Horton Moved by 'Councillor Bailie, second- as rector's warden which has been ad- Mr, Fred Shanect , who liver', at Wm -attention of he peoples of Goderich to' against road oil charges against her . ed by Councillor Sproul, that the time tnirably filled,by Me, E. Ii. Ili1f, 1te-' home of Me. Dan Pitblacle for . none the fact that there Is a certain ex - let on Britannia road and that J. T. for the return of 1929 tttx roll be ex- ference tvan also macro to the court time; died on Wednesday. Ian. 0th, pense in maintaining MacKay Ball, �. Thompson, corner of Elgin ave. and tended to the first council meeting, n, coag pad. 39. oressted attentiotr fylvetr nil vett buried on Saturday .n Bail's Marcia. -Carried. a _ ..".:.. 'retied It in very easy to figure what the est. -Waterloo /Arcot, be;infortited that he by the treanurer; bar. Wooldomb. rcemete[y. Mrs. Will Hill in suffering with a , can be shared among, nay, three, thnu- r poise must 'be. Now if thin neem i* 1 Dominion and Provincial Government Bonds Municipal Bonds , Public Utility and Industrial Financing Foreign Issues Quotid �'MON wum ns •: !tit11 ftfAt,fC!!s,b!':! ±tt MIWititlet0 ttat�t)ds: Wen t, t, It. Weett,t'yc/e�enetta �, VAl� COVettt P t:� ,01t04rn.41 6 EtS to L:. ta, L solLfn% ttctsee..ts:� ., OVUM *-m9. going priest ma re We hope for a speedy recover head': Next Saturday the it'nmE.n n people" and that the personal contact , y of frequent bourse to Mune visitation Mr. Melvin Tyndal installed the Institute will put en a tett from '4 to engenders a genial atmosphere and Colborne municipal telephone in his 0 o'elocka including a sale of )tome- proventss seeds of misunderstanding home lately. Mr. A. Young, near _'made cakes, for the note bet:efit of the' germinating. Something of the ex 'Loyal, has also the phone in. tent to which Mr. Milia ban carried Mina Jean • Morrie hats rebel tied out nisi polity of visitation may be • home from London hotnitai, wl.ore 1111111.001111. Cleveland's Bread Is a tempting complementto any meaneelelie outs its ii. elf and lending zest to the tent of the menu. Your family • will demand twice an much of our Bread as any other. Encourage then( to no so, as it is the 1,1004 'health-. fpt and nourishing food thee'. cath take. • CLEVELAND ... Phone 11.1 - West St. . children +' ri CDR . f LETCN R OAS`i`0RiA FOR Service and Quaily TRY SPARK'S GROCERY The Store of Satisfaction HAMILTON ST., GODERICH - Phone) 146 We Deliver in `foot* lI