HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-24, Page 2I< M;is TWO --rnp Rap And ttte iiiltep gardens - yield this fragrant tet* TEA 'Fresh Irons OW Onions/ _ Gi. THE GODERIC'II STAR roan alto far more than te ty t1;:a hp*-watko4l iiiiairiihaiata,kaiy bio the tut • teresta of the Yroranea and the Dom- inion. ltti. lierroughe died soddenly :,t the hsij itnl int Wina hies, where he was eecuperating after an aper tion —� u> pit licitiu 1[ 3 acernte one years et age. Canadian Cela>tAudrrr Recuperates General Sir Arthur Currie, corn. . sr rc?.:x of the Canadian Corsa in 'France during the Great War, left Len:dou last•WCek to spend rerun° time • in EflYittt in order to reeaver arena his teat; iflnese, Sb Arthur contacted a disease unfelt daators ilia„hosed as typhoid while ata a holiday trip iaa• the Riviera* early in the summer; of 102e. Levet Crossing Takes Toll Every reek-etel brings fat least uric more level mating tragedy and ono Y. : ' ” - . fes" •a,-mt dere how much tenger the meter -. 'hone 6fac ,la in ist is going to ignore the request of "eafety first" to "Stop!, l=ook, Listen." Voted to Depose Gcteersl Booth appoint a noteeeetisatt eomtups:,iont The latest Mastro() occurred 1:'ronr his sickbed at Sot avAld, tench will be charged with the West ',Fraser. Ontario, not fat* from 1rlia. General Bramwell Booth has seat tfgatien of the prohibition enforce -'gore balls, when a family of four was • toxth word that be will resist by erg meat situation in all its aspects. wiped out when their carr was struck - iin hie !tower every attempt There rvill likely be trine of eleven by a fast passenger. train. The driv> to erovJ c commissioners,. each one an impartial er 4f the ear bad a miraculous esea e to depot a laitlr ace head of cat *teat and judicial -minded expert so far as . from death and fa now iii the hos rtal tion Arany. ,His stztement followed J p+ the ftetion'of the high Council, whielt it i1 passible to secure such put lit ca. suffering from a broken lug, scant voted, 55 to 8, .that bo was unfit to tient, and their duties will be to get wound$, and possible internal inure continuo in the ofce xaf Comunander• facets' and report thein to the Woes!- les, in -Chief. C o nu mender Evangeline dent* More Territory for Holy See 'Booth, mead of the Army in tho Unit- j 'Old Age Pensions for Alberta Tho long -vexed Roman questions is ed States and sister of the General, . #lid age pensions will bo urged vp- believed to be on the verge of settle- was as leader in the movement to se, on the Alberta Government bythe M- meat although the terms of agree. , A • natabte milastpne . to :Cana'art .known as the Victory. Towee evhieh 433,633. dozen worth $10,330,090; Al - cure her brother's retirement, and #ire berf n Federation f Labor salt meat between the Vatican error the: :i . Al - journalism . was passed last week, . =foill be a memorial of the Canadian Berta 26,749,466 dozen worth $8,024.- aea:ven Commissioners who requested o s b a a t altar Gavernnte nt iters Hoot been made when the Montreal Tatar passed its Perces that took pelt .in. the Ghat 840; *Mali, ,. Columbfa..20,o2p,, 4 t f resolution P ed th d rei-emze of the Nsttiona fell t t t�+e -The "Fizz" atin.t<csat c �J 190.VOirt't'a3 f;, �,.. 429.0W. Tailor into account the dc' - LE!':' HIM WITH ceta:e is western fell$!{:, rates argil A, , � ied CoughI rho recreate in wage rates on huh'. ay. team, they gave 113200 a ciete. rsti ! kr, E. A, Smok llr>$ lima FE,- Vtllacou il. B. a9c,,, writes: r-, &tract I $ uitNA tDA'S LIGHTHOUSES wisher I Kaci the "Se/' treks, I" testi Q --W4 ia the Itlet e y o Car wfrt. asibtid::tatial"ralefe b roowide atl!wratwl fawtli alby-aIb"tarooatse1slo?l ettett:e ere4eia • Ca gado wee aw Loa:sh„t-5 to Il7U1. Dr. Weed's Nanny The Geverne„, wrong to the Frearh Minister, Ostoliet 21st, 1734, rrr?;.r J"Tho liretthouce Belt wets tairellcd ova the Iet of April', It rune -perfectly visible for ein lengure out at Sea," IMP as letter of October Wt"ra, 174 n torte !trek bottle T toed seemed to ligT3tlaottsei;eeper is mentioned, and relieve it ,aa much X laureheeea the •. the hereaition o light dot eu is e;,- liened one, and, nowt 1i lint1 soy Bough tabloshccl. Oa Jarmary 28th. 1+34, h444° a caonplttelr crit tire, the report ba that iaa order to Meier u tt1 eb*U carrtainly nerer bo without the lantern in the lielitbou.;e they are A bottle of '11r. Weed's' Pine Syrup only waiting for the arrival of the Price Mete s bottle; large intone etre+ burned November 10th, 1736, and re - 60e. at all druggists dont! +i elem.. constructed in 1738. The first light- / Put up: only by The T. iiilbure Qp., !rouse erected: inh 11'alifax harbor was I,td,, Toronto, Arai. thu Saanbro lighthouse in 175. A �, .�..�.._.._.. 'lotteryr was` proposed by Cornwallis in a cow Ituncher, is now employed as a 1161 to VOW $2250, for the purpose sheep shearer in the stock yards ai; of building this ltgltthousp. Vancouver, Ills refuses all netvspa- TUE VICTORY TOWER 119:0, an increase of 6.8 per cent. fn On - per interviews and flees front preen , Q.'- hilt and 'cohere is the Victory velure and 21 per cent in value. Ott - photo a hers Power ? taxi° tt02,099,079 dozen worth $33,- Milestone Parliament Building in Qttowa is worth S1«227,820; Saskatchewan 3u,- is the hell*.!° 'Elaaeee. The kantetn tower wan;. • THURSDAY, JAN, itis, lee” ILOiZING Special Orders Men's Smart Wear Best at Black's t. p . A. Journalistic 111i A The central tower of the new 69«696 Quebec 37,061,000 dozen o repassed y o e e• sixtieth birthday 'under the utnfntere ars avexnma nt a ne o a as a all units n en- e6,188,956; , , t o n, who, as, ug a• ,w •oke fn the ` xniy: which has not nolo thin legislation in cede t° the Maly Sep a total! strip of tered in a golden book or engraved on New Britnsivfcic 4,691,884 dozen worth it +iVM Probe 1.1Situation territory tying southeast of the Vati hats, founded the !taper three scare its walls The design will also em the railing of the High Council, have . gates in session at Lethbridge, Al- puioltc. It is understood however rusted direction of one mane -Lord War '1'helr names, together iwiEh-dozen worth eG 188 956• 1Mtanntoba an average 10104 of 44 yc;irs set, that t1 g s red ttheb dg f 't *ill b 18,693,006 dozen worth 5 Feria is the only western province A h ��, hit Hugh Gra. $ ,607,01?, Dover coo poor rata ou fora. cant Gardena, but the pope's. center•• Years: ago. In this connection it is .body at record of every French regi-. $1,377,505; Nova Scotia 4,391,537 dor- Iuterpeeting his election to the LieuteGovernor SurrOWs ,basses tton hitherto has been that Italy recalled that Sir hiaekenzie ue\velI ,.went and of the French navy that en worth $1,317,461; Prince Edward Ytresidc'ney of the United States as t With the passingof 1115 honor should cede a stripof territoryfrom was a ssocieted for aver eighty years served in • Canada. before . the British Island 4,104,x60 dozen worth $1,231, - at expression of opinion in favor of Theodore A. Burrows, Lieutenant- the Vatican to the sea, tom fifteen with the ,Belleville Intoliigencert and Conquest and also every British regi dry law enforcement, Mr. Hoover has Governor of Manitoba, the.' 1 rovinee 1 that Mr. I. E. Bt . McCready of the n I 248; and Indent Reserve 530,669 dart let it be known that shortlyafter be of itfanitoba loses an art-irreather mites long, Wifoltateve the, ammo of Ment which at any time served on. en *worth $11141a, the Tibor, WIt atevev the':°t rent of : Charlottetown Guardian is . the dean th0 l�iortbi' Amo rtcan continent 'in ' lz!sames office in Mareh, be intends friend and a generous •benefactor, a the Ceded territory may be it will be of, all living Canadian new$paliefimen establishing Br sh sovereignty. VISCOUNT MONCK • The Bell Telephone Company and the American Company ` HE relationship between the Bell Telephone Company of Canada and the American' Tela _ T phones and. Telegraph Company contsfats off-- • 3. stock --the American company owns thirty-one per cent ef Bell T'elepherie Company •shares: -'2.; contract --the Bell •Telephone Coanparry owns a. contract by which the American company sup- plies research products and other services on ri eliding stale of payment: The Meek relattonship has existed. since the Canadian • tampanyr began in 18E0. One•third.. of the , $400,000 • Needed to form the company was not available unfit the American company'.agr'eed to provide it: The contract iwas•mado itt 1923 to put dealings be- tween � the� two r4rrapanies on, a definite bu.•mess. Imola. It may be terndnatcd'at the end of 19311 if - the Canadian convene*. so desires. e//ect of stack eclations!iip r 'ill telephone system in Ontario and Quebec today :x b owned by 15,300 enureholdera. Of these, 9uer. cern • live 1t1 Canada and awn- 62 per cent of he t4.a1:thane. The largest individual boldieg is 1510 share; which ; , isone (minter of one per cantat the total. The` fav,crage lad! iduel holding in 27 slentsr which yield . en It efi:10 Of $016,{i ,rear. 'the lien .imminena Company is thus a great enter- prise which boar become thoroughly democratized and to tide the American relationship has contributed t'••: e.pa.:.te utl+,~n. ntsceat - I`iret, it lata been a mane or new money for devel- opment. The :American company, as a ehareholdet.` Jaw never tuned to respond, in good bonen or bad, • . Trite t money ilea needed/to extend. the aayctent to meet faint.: deetentls upatt it, .eotidly, ii: Itis been a• safeguard again: t ez:ploita- tien. Attempts nut the part oa promoter, to {:ecuro control of the teleptlttihe veetent have failed beeause the American holding of the catupany'aa titans inns . _....been in tate hands of men who are interested in the .telephone be:tine:a for tins pro,gra:t of that industry end not for ita financial evploitution. • ,fect of tho -contract +Ills, till! Tetephone Company has secured three elatef ailvantagee by the contract of 13a3:e-- Matt it obtain% alt product!: of tine Dell laboratories, which are the largest itduer"at research laFor torlt -ii the world, with a ctafr of tive thourancl. No sin le /company t eled.heaya tar Lanett cede on. argcatti, atio a. It is pit' ) O only by ca•ta er: Alen of ttaany n ocitatcd • K'ennl'lattle`?, • .0a:° (maniple of tur a e ch wort: i.i tiso 'leading t' oil' oltteh h ,s cliaaa;n:ttea the nro,t for heavy wild is crewing fat size with di. tante 'tide laat, f axed tail- . to=ns of 1lcilaar'• i;anifl.sr all craft occ.> 1. tie : atetl ott,-r seillice'i fee` t°.e t, lepra: a leer Pard elven hien el -better teleintcre. T'':at rc.aa*'rh etau o et the ct,t.traet atone more titan la:ke:cc the et :t*.tet fee. ?t:'eeildlys ttta t'Orrailiana canapsny lain tient; to tlat use 'of ell intentietno. `1°ite--.en:eri€au company now ot►a1Y MOW than 5,004 relents re e'ntinl in every ewe ceA telepteer.e op€satkan, Tee ca meet gite.e the Can.adien company tr a e the: e Y': tteet:r fa=r=t eve .; the Mt eric:et etarait:rat leads eI,leta" ; eta t.e t.tk" tete Canadian ratt' 11 en wey noL`; intent'erze tee. Cava. t;i;an torn/time. -vrf:lzt . • 'ilitrtllet tilt' €ora"rr.: ar toper the Cana,::: -.1n ee:puny a Leet elyY :it�i t<j et L" -i3 1 tea A:a",r. else regeoliet' taw eper.ttt a rattails t• a u.t•'<er trial to En at atiettel remptai.ie: t:? ft, .0ifIZCata i 5. tP12a. btlttiirtleitl t �:*,°rS: t ` tai- ItUA 44,vc When tl a'?median t'tese, etas vale ; tit,tege lTr nee!. ee iv tea even to t : °4 a':1 tEai' a everee et tee, lxti. a ; front 11.ok, frn41-.ny Dt.e, lit:a:'e''•fa tb- tilt.. ir1•ttr,,aE. C'1T tc 9 .1f fa•f!"c' is lt,.tt, ;., ,t•, !t'w gntltr... • 11\ . irt►p1,M.w ,,.F' 7 : - h.P' $ ''t,'n 9t..t pt..a prpi.Mi •i•h 't '0 .1.n et c`..,1 .. • tits together ',Max the present "Vatican holding, .completely free and indepen- dent under the sovereignty of the • Snort in General THE BAT E. l)1" 'Gant.' a ata ` • Q.—Who was Viscount Moncic The New York Americans eonttuue FeA:RM A. -Viscount Monck was the Seth to load till the Nat•ionel hockey Lea- (I,.,�. thnt roes' the izattic of Choy- ' Governor General of C,faanaria from t t• 1'alanttir. Ole •despite all the efforts of the COn- : Sler s learnt? 1861 until 1868 and was therefore ndipn teams.. riticsee Their .strong posatio>x A. --Tire battle d£' Chrysler's Farm Governor at the consummation of *in ted Stateemuscoh merrts riment owing was fought on Nov, 11th,1813, Bach' Confederation in 1867 and the first. g it 1777 a Whit -mob had flogged at to the fact that Canada is "being beat- boy, John Chrysler, almost to death to serve in that" capacity in the new en nt herr*wit game," but the critics because Ire 'would not reveal the hid Dominion. , Ile saw Canada launched omit to dorso their readers that h big place of his father, suspected of` on the career as a nation and tilled Americana'' litre -up of Worters, Cott, Tory syntnpathies* 'Wet the family his high past with distinction and acher, Burch, Broadbent, Simpsolt, canoe. to Canada aa. United •Empire devotedness to duty. The expansion Spring, I5eVei s Sheppard X pert fi, gh, ' .Rime , Shepp z Loyalists and settled on the St. Law- 4 p and l)ye, are all Canadians wearing rence. when the .Atnericans at, of Canada since that period, sixty. NOW York uniforms. It will be some tempted to capture Montreal in 1813 .years ago, makes one of the romances P OY TO JAPE' lion: IIenbetri M. Marie. of1ontceal who has Jttst been aappo nl;ett as En- vay Extraordinary and Minister Plen.t ipotcntfa7ary of the, Dominion of Can. •._ oda ne Japan, �-, Three Kings in Three Weeks . Three kings in less than that many weeks constitutes something or a re- cord, even for:an oriental country, at Toast in modern times,: but l g:late Stan has achieved it, following the abdication ;and flight of .Amanullah, who attennpted to orce western meas upon his tenant too suddenly. Ann•' anullalt left the throne to his brother' who, after a few days, ---was deposed'. by liabibufluh :Chari, a gigantic man• of peasant etoek and the son of a wa- ter cattier. He granted sate eonduct Irl t! Doltish aeroplane to the ilet11rote. ed King Inayatullail, brother of Area. anullah, an actof generosity and ele• money rare in an Afghan conqueror, PaMous Flyer Seeks 11. S. Citizeniship lady* Mary. Brant, British aviatrix, and most famous of all women .dyers, bas Implied for itneriean eitizepn ip itapers. according to despatches from New 'stork, She denies that she is estranged, front her husband, 'Sir hates Heath, but admits that he no longer supports her. Recently Sir James gave public notice that he - would not be - rceponsible for . any :debts contracted byvhis wife. Big Advance in Canada's Trade. - . Canada's -total trade edeaneed blear. ly $231,000,000 during the last nine months of 1928. The total. of $2,- r on rs with70 007,800,158 e r a 1 7 002,834 for the corresponding period in 1927, according to the figatres.given out at the depaarinient or tuitionral re- venue last week. .. Ask Beer by the Glass Beer by the glees was one of the request's made by a deputation front the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada in the -course of its annual in. terviety with members of the Ontario Government last week. One or the deputation claimed that the brewer. fes were "robbing the entitle" and *were not paying their emp1oycee a living wage. No delinfte answer was given by the ministers, I arl'e Brother SIICare Sheets native of Nava Seethe boat in 17 . Drn Something in the air et' Westar itis raft:ahoy of taw and his election HE' Canada seems to engender n fine to the Provincial legislature preceded: 11,14/ time before It roll! be possible to frac- they were suet and defeated by .a _ of national development. soluble a team of United States play- force half their 'number, among the ._ era capable aif competingwith any# defendersbeing the members of the .- Canadian professional Mackey team. t hrYsrer clan,the battle being fought The English cricketers playing• in on their farm, Australia'. Wan An easy'.. match against, zt team from. Vasmania last week CANADA'S iLi'PLE. PRODUCTION wheat they eefeated'tile Tasmanians' • Q. -What- is -Canada's applepro- by fannxty-fruntluetion? PaiaroninNuigsrnti,and thesifamoourus Finnsish A• .17ae production of apples runnor, eontinttes'se set new retards. Canada in the tine years period 1922 - itis latest, unofileiat, record: for -the 1026 averaged 3,827,590 bar•relai per.. indoor tootle; woo made in New York, Year. Of this total Nova Scotia eon - when he can 3,000 ya t`ds tt 7.43.25, tttbuted over 38 per cont; British more `than two =cords better than; Columbia over 31 per eent; :Qntarlo the previous throe, oval• 26 per rent; Quebec 2 5 per cent! ...,,,.. and New Brunswick .93 per cent. The NEw HEAuH Falb progress in this , direction made by Nova Scotia and British Columbia 'I'I1tED"Q VVQIt E1 has heat the tfeatture of the last guar..' --"e" • ter of p. ee;ttnlry. VO'hereas hl 1301 Pound in the liacht 'led Blood br. Ontario accounted for 73 per cent. of. Williams' Pink Pills Actually . the Dominion ripple production, Nova Make Scotia's share was but 11 per cent and British Columbia's 1.2 per cent.. Anaemia comes nn gradually, be- ' ginning with.langour, indisposition oto' CANADA'S LUMBER ' INDUSTRY mental or bodily exertion, irritability Q. -What is the extent of Canada's and it feeling of fatigue. Later lumber industry? tet Coutes the palpitation of the heart, A, -At the end. r f 1926 tliere were headaches,* frequentbackaches and 2,780 lumber mills operating in Can. often disturbed indigestion and am in- oda, or 80. more than in the previous ability to obtain rest at night.. Cases . year. Quebec provinces led with 1, - of this kind, if neglected, Aconic 0x87 of these, followed by Ontario with, more serious, but if taken in; time 076, and British'Columbia with 315. there is no need to worry. Dr. \V'i!- The total capital invested in the in liens' pink fills, which are Gree dont dustry was $176,186,704. Of this to - any harmful or habit-forming drum, tal $62,847,247, or nearly Sib per cent, are just the tonic needed to remedy wins in British Columbia, $50,578,550, this wretched state of health. These or over 28 per cent, in Ontario, and' pills actually make the a fah, red blood $81,011,286 or 1$ per cent, .in Quebec. than stimulates and strengthens every A total. of 35,078 persons employed organ and nerve in the body. That received $34,925,391 in salaries and strength and activity return,m the ap- wages. petite improves and restful sleep is ' had. What Dr, Williams' Pink Piny : SIR EDMUND HEAD can and will do is Shown by the ewe Q.—Who was Sir Unwed !read of Mrs. t B. Panning, , Seal liirbor,' A, --•Sir Edmund Head was the 38tH.. :V'.5., who r•ayse--"I WAS in a bath/ Governor General of (Canaria from run.dorvn condition. I was pale, my 11854 until 1861, succeeding the tart appetite was very poor, and the lens: of Elgin. Previously he was I.ieuten- ti ed out, exertion would to lad t was httrdlyotble !new nolit ant l day nr of Now ow dawned on can- to et, each meet about rho nous . i Wien affairs, as the Colonies began deemed til try. Dr. Willlame. Pint; to furnisitTaer own Governeteetind the Pills and after taking •aa few boxes questions Canto to be less those, of. ti 1 than political tic etin of oteale fere can. truthfully say I bad gained p n pp expediency greatly* itt !health and strengt;t; an=t 1 as part of the movement for respon- was able to go about toy* work with Isibla govet:nnent. Sir Edmund 'teed no sign of the former' wentcnese. t i returned: to England in 1861 and died eheerfullyr recommend them to art . m London in 1868. others who may be in a run-dewn I CANADA'S EGG INDI?STItY conabitlon." •' Q.—What is Canada's Legg Indus. You Can get the pills from your try? druggist, orb mail at 0 Cents a box' 1CKy A.—The production et farm eggs front The Dr. 'tt'illianns Medicine Co., by Oanada in 1927 its estimated at Brockville, Ont. :53,277,277 dozen of the value of ;680,.., 110,016 es compared with 237,080,390 CANADIAN QUIZ COLUMN . dozen ,of the value of *60,108,285 ie %JtttX4E,` ItALdlt'ORTON tae MOTHER OF epfrit of t'ennetlaey. Not unity is ,11is eketion to the Beath. On retie- • Frederiok,.1.• T I''etvevaal, the A1lttrta flIna frons it lac.journeyed to England reaneher, Who has teilrtt heti' to the lee teen balance of his clava. Itis Z artdunt of 1'eimo+7t. loath to 1rtcvc `intoe ho'tvet er t'rqs on brit, literary, the hunt,', that has '[ben his for 2V wort, emery tet the rounder of the erste. but lie et art at a9 &Oen that t American &heed of. !turner. in the he will go to E'aglatel to eleEtti lee 1/CIV 1t•t ftx•l;nmker" oz° tin' Akeinata *ltd tot./&fi iot/i for ai y'eatc lir tnnne.'.'tloitt Cit' the tt•etes a ter et Sant Slide. t:eettge Perceval, hit enol tt toroth= j{ lir tet:t.1 tt L ttc rt 11i ctw oaf Nova;',;+al. er. i t•�rr-c whit tt+ utxll:ktur1kd lay j; tie acct ^ee;elet:ttlr*° ist,rts,4 sat a ece- th' e•e.tnt� ittltir-h baro r'st;ught tett+ riots.+ roto/e... featrhily int•t fir tiaroc,-, a:enr}tr. afi< jl C VN leech lti?It�'ai'. VS I;S Iteet s ter flattener !Gera t.a t psseee.- at ''' "`-_-n_ t .- 'What 4*ru' i.!ai^ tiZE:.4-t..- tl?� C°Y.11.- ytLt';' tttiltaSzA in 19271 uA., '"ill,\ 10:esa ,ik^a.wl„,• 't f'6'i taut* et 1h>~ an '.a„�tlt�rt "pati:.rpt ate,iw•eat:s in rrrnrnt $1.t1►1►.tlaltl ,1t 11t3.z. *b 1,. `MK,QtM of the. f'. 1-. it, wag ON VIrOrr)4 , ” , arirto•1M1, arta ,.tx►rei4n,r ee .«,, ++f the 1IYtiwwis ,„Prw,t.l41 lR, alwaysaeon, Sao teg .no0: t lw*+ + of flaw C. i'. it, .a!t.5411.. filar 1itC itKivao *hpinemmao tw opine : asettet pat urines** wceoit\E thw i+rtwtw ie • W.wa minnow ire tMeh es*, the net Pr beads *al MANN► Resiornd t• Health by Taking L Vegas !4titriaell. Ont - X had little tufa bidet* orad fate quite awhile *Dee I wet so .weak Y mkt set do my Wink b. anion .01 pains an the obey off nw lata at the bathe t aeon had h.adsehw wed sot very little suer I took teetia R. 1'iakharn'ta Veg- etable t'oaampolaed, sad *son wigs able to tot 1tr, ati4 4. ay work 1haee taken alert•, ant 11041 nn4 ; am ant. do war aceta: without ! r.tuhaw and am� fs ereialat as'i at-.ngth. i will 1 Ow rf'�.,n ai.ie !"wy,rned tM to ,w Maas. R. Statroa.114a126. YitcWl, twat_ A "I thought she was fin old h=ero° 0 `yours." "She Was—but I got burnt" - er Weakness Bladder -Quickly Relieved' Pleasant home Treatment Works Fine; Used any Doctor for Many Years comfort t What a wonderful� it is to sleep • all night and not get up once from Bladder Weakness and Trrite- tton. The daily annoyance, restless nights of misery, backaches and nervous ir- titabibity that result front Bladder Troubles are wrecking the. lives of thousands who night otherwise be in the best of health. . To be at your best. you must have peaceful, health -giving sleep and free dont from . daily irritation—that's why Dr. Southworth's URATABS give :such wonderful satisfaction. Made from a special formula And used in the Doctor's successful pri- vate practice for nearly 50.years-- UEATABS, now obtainable from your druggistfor inexpensive home use, have brought quiek help and comfort to many thousands. No matter what your ago may be or hove many medicines you have used without success, if you want to forget you have a Bladder and enjoy the rest of. Peaceful, unbroken sleep, try URATAI3S today. Your druggist will refund•the cost of very first box if you are not welt pleased l ave You Boon-. Abroad ?. MR. GEO. H. KIN is conducting another II x: erase -To ur to.europe JUNE 2$th 192 VISITING SCOTLAND ENGLAND HOLLAND BELGIUM GERMANY and FRANCE Tourist- 4 - Tn ss o0 Cabin . $555.00 BOOKING NOW .Amiumlionalammilw — Write - 1129 OUELLETTE - AVE., Windsor, Ont. Three weeks' Extension - to. Switzerland and Italy $255.00 De -Forest Crossley Radio Her the E xWd Extra t it Octaves this set . E gives you first Several Good Used Sets at .attractive prices Goodyear rubber tire Chains to fit your ear F. R. MILLER Service Station C. Carr. Victoria St. *ncl Elgin Ave. Phone 259-w i,l .::;. „�,. FUR CAPS i Mens Eur Cates fat Persian Ural, Kahan boor owl Stever- iaae. Speciany prim, for aputk ming .$4.45, *4.75 alb $51.50 Re1irliw valves tam bo $11,50 Sane= $% to 7% Positively the ineitt values now esfferml i„ G4wieriell, M. ROBINS °b`iflae m 364 Cesspistt Uses ed• GoihriCL • r . • •