HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-17, Page 71 4 THURSDAY. JAN. 17th. ISO THE GODERICH STAR 1 Iaa+N1141 uwiiult1Irrtasrtrr+r11aa. 1411.16111111111 a, OUR WEEKLY LESSONS IN ENGLISH)! • 'Worts Often Hemmed iaae totelertteode" `:Rcasen" is flat •sifillimNlefew,reMaseririsMalfi slfwMlitArRlii6lrlib#dice'. nrw.�:iwT1[7tjiNi itEi1>N11re.. i~ T��� 'mode f�newe:l9iy"'tivh," ldesolu%r,esa and disappointment frir j . '> •r ��- - car hly eingu"ni, eaasits • laid often ' _.___.. nt ► �.e> clr',err+rr.s •r: _rr. :.,e 1 �. Sunday c ternoon 1 By JSABEL HAMILTON, Gadtrit:h, teal. etti �. �. 1 Come, Holy Spires caine het Thy bright beams arieeen . _ ... Divot the datknees front, our need.; And open all our eyed. Qouvinre ue of our tin ; Then leant to Jesus' bleat, Arid to our waneering view reveal The serret lot e. of Gat. Joseph. dart, PRAYER O Lords, truly our hope is in Thee; +4- L 0n Thee have v.v. trusted, let 1.19 recce be confounded. We confess our silts and the Phis of our farefathcra; for we have 041 transgressed and neglect- =ed Thee. 1Vo pray for the whole race of mankind, for the suntan*. 01 what at is -wanting unto each, awl .for soccer and comfort . unto all. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. - (Selected).' S. 8, LESSON FOR JAN. 27th, 1929 - Lesson Topic The holy Spirit. Lesson i aassage-4ohn 16:7.11. ('widen Text --Romans 8:14. Pesos hast just been telling his dis- ciples of the opposition and hatredof the world that would- meet then in the days ahead of themafter he held gone front them. They were filled with .anguish at they thupght oe their. an Heart - Was Weak Nerves Were Bad coULIM'r DO Nor$EWOIK - Many women become -weak and rim down an41. unable to look after their household . duties owing to the heart action becoming unpaired or the nervous system unstrung. Nature intended women to be strong Healthy and happy instead. of - weak and %retched, and. to all women whose heart is not funetioning properly .and whose nerves aro unstrung we would recommend as the best remedy to tono up and, strengthen these weakened organ. • , Mrs. B. Derma., Itulwerr, Quer,- writes:--"'Over a year ago my heart was weak, and l Was so nervous .1 �coul"1got ver little sleep. I becatrio' BO bad I was unable to do lay house- . work. I got 10100 of hSiliatu'n's heart and Nerve Pills: which I used 'with great success.. I. can now de elf my work Without :any. tronble, and as .I iiia the mother of. fire children and live en 'n farm you can - see I' taco plenty to. do,r' ,Price 50e'. w box at nli dintggista or dealers, orm oiled direct 011 receipt of, price ,by The T. Wilburn Co. Ltd., Toronto,. Ont. T SWARTS' ull]eend asse Liner Reek Stables) Etc. 141e orrtroa- street 'lust off the Square •- - etegeva. SEVERA4 FiRST•CWUSS AUTOS REAI)Y FOR SERVICES-6ET YOU ANYWHERE. AND WHEN YOU WAN? TOGET THERE 'Busses Meet ailTratai pod' . Passenger Boats - Passengers called lar in any part of the town for ail trans at 0.T. R. or C. P. R. Ospots, Prompt Service and Careful Attendance,. 46446. Our Livery and Black Service will be toped tip•to•tlato • - la • *Very respect. - •t►R'+Mw - Vour Patronage Solicited T. ARTS Phials 107 Montreal Street USE . Hydro -Electric THE l'EOPIZ'S STORE /I Cook by Electricity Week by E1.ctricit r Troch by Ellectricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK ' Cheaper than Coal or Wood All electric Vacuum Cleaner rentoves the dust; a !wont just moves the dust Wl ,4ttarantt'c all It y tj r o tamps tear 1,50(0110111,. Walk in Ana eine display at The Hydro Store Do not. say 'let es 1 a d a r the' ,4r0 rete of ca burn or ceaial. It nhoulet be ate the are taken from us. Nothing whirl admits air front the slightly dc.K Pumps may have teeny straps,... " �4 nsolvency, beultruptcy, failure. hand in every, hiteben ; o• that it taw y at ing. $ y Do not say he is truer than use: Duty, obligation, vee eetabil,t•, iia» he r had ever been so wonderful and bits. opened winaote-and throws the draft perhaps of a shade differtee talar the , ", „ 1' available at anytime: There is la Say than I. liility, c+llet,ianct. preparation required. deist apply Hat sed to the human spirit as the fellow- to the gelling is a good device. To shoe. Mack suede shoes go well ,, • p " p ship wbieh had prevailed between the open the window just a wee bit on a with gray stockings. Ito not say los folk treated on Iiejeetlaaa, .. depression, onnresslcen, oil to the burn or eeald and the maize SPRINKLING "treat ofsubjects." l r , lei.. lt1 TNG CLOTIiI.� td T meat (noun), nicnaee, iiatiutida• altogether. 3 n' t t r• -_ 1 a hy, cotmpa_s:on, tela- For Burns and Sca)dte eii°. 'lbw. ships Mane' - ea earthly gifts and friend.. _ Window ventilating . a above statements, Say above iron- dcrness, forbearance,efellen:we„ fell- las' FrT ende OH will t l; h high, are Today s plonk. are cut tianed, or 'sto the statements liven.- ienel^. nor rof0t b them t th full, t" schemes The tlpptd board or lass high making the foot look more :nen- • 1 PO1't Pay "he swum atee ,s PT they? hail entertained hR ,e3 cif it'r " SriPl: ° .'. e'btiall�i;°? cearwe Bali rsive � J• ,c ` - lt3i*"t t2�.� the vtrlgai"istti `=tl:e lilllr&tt0 ' . to ell reps the citre e cf filly "anew referred to his Ieaviug, H eras but no.: VENTILATION .- lr©$i1S to Ii fa - � ` W H v, i3r e�nrlrtten the said distinctly: "Neverthe.ess i The reason trait catch, ass and other xcn mime, or* if thew is no danger es t Don't say 4°the jury wee alt div ear. It ell you the truth at as experiaent for rtGpa • _ ; ' • story d:seasedt feterith in tole .tarniag newspaieni -idle` with Elle another." Ae refer - you oa that I go away; for if I go not ', winter and d'tappear in the summer ntay he run had., land feat along the eaeda is Made to the iniliv fleaan say f ryt 1 a ay, viae Uomforter wil rot somO . l.> e.ia.it via g.:. mare firesn air an,. , r„ en pap hitt unto you." , „ `: ' in 1 S1IOEel The Pulpit Cotmmentery says of • 'hated rooms, with garms which have i Combinetiots of fabric in shoes is this and following verses: Jesus' it chance to do their worst to us, Are quit© the vwgue. There are all gator ;could not become the Divine I.ife.eea- : other reason may b:3 that ';e eat Icsa and snake and pain, leather:, eons try of the human family,. radiating titsntina end let our resistauie get' bired; dui finish with mated ieether; from himself the full glory of o, uni. below Pate t black trimmed with gray or gray v^orsal harmony, until' bo had been To ventilate our homes ofd offices with black; rind browns of various taken up., until he had been glorified would do. much to overcome these l toned united.. , jeers of the paepoaition "between.'" in God, U'nspealtable precious as diseases. It has been found that ex- Suede is a gaud material foe a win- ber tq three Pity, sympathy, ;man our rt ' is .. pensive fan s •ateraa of ventilation are � ter shoe. Black sutdo pump: are „ .. 4c P - /unto you but if I depart I will em sunshine in the suuuner. In the win - n y4 . tel, a alta., ourselves illy sen re '"jury were.' PA; .f:sten knit No Better Winter Breakfast than 4iiihLitist {I0 y "`.Raise';" used :rs a nt�Gn, ie eellx /meal and should be avoided, Warms', Main calories and carboh d,ute, • "'Elder" and °eldest" are mei v.lttn speaking c f morsels, ""older" eerie atthfuI �' easy to dh st, +il safe reduIato nnd "oldest" when creaking of tier- . re nen err things. Detic ious- heat in oven, serve will hot milk Ua not exrY `°this is a serret ba cell - you and I." Say "sent and tie," ob- Made.l�y The C �tprt Slllreeticleci Wheat t'iftt�tla lit ... =�...s -p - y e t. o - e u t, until glass �. , Boned above." subjects of general interest,"' Say melancholy, sadness, despondency. drill abate and in a short times . Son of man and his disciples. They cold day will help. Some homekeep thwey Matched nth I his Gcounte taatce : the s breezes thoroughly the first thin the house and n t in If you wfstrte iron. eloth�3 i soak die do not •"any -love, 1 shall not in. trap, fulmination. aatperie need a continuous Series oY the . morning, before the house is "ter they are sprinkled, use �vatm, or vitt lint. Say "in any event."Word Study The rvoa td u rarest 0tamp. 10 eta • Committee is singular os plural ", r British Guiana one cent magenta cif divine surprises at his judgments and warmed for the 'day. The person who bettor yet, hot water far sprinklini, nccardinh to use 4'A mommftteo hos Lsc a word three times unit it is iN; tl. There is only one known to tete mercies. They were walking bye slants to be vigorous: will sleep with #hem. To u -e a small brash or whisk. b� n a o rated," i n t yours." Let us increase our vocable- Word fat drill it clan d hands for sprinkling', enable:3 yon to .t lip i Tt e mum ice. p gt ha cls a few y. sight. There was however, some» windows amen even in the coldest p g" y h 11 t I " dry by mastering one word each dry f " Q00 ' use Lotter_ water. without. burning the have a ver ec, a€,00a over :t, , thing more wonderful and •telco•- weather. A"warm blanket taken to Words for this lesson ` hands, and divides the dry i snare: lairds Often Alisprononnecd REVEAL; to melte l n evnt dived c still, whin, in his physical absence, bed with you. will help. you to keep ftnel and event it sprinkling. kit {4 r � g "� they would have thesense of his spar- warm and you will need a warm y y i the 1 n ng. lariat. Pronounce-kla, first a as A, he thought about )t, new -ideas itual presence, The promises "I will nightie and -perhaps a night caP.• 1. C1tANBEThRY JELLY in "day," last a as in "father," accent were revealed to hint." send him," is the .guarantee of a have often wished 1 might invent - a Stein and' wasl'i- one quart of man. last syltuble« 1MRI013F.ItA'rE not moderate; ea -l . something more than a "'Christ after . nose muff'. berries. Add' one enpf'u1 of boiling", Effigy. Pronounce "efa-gi, e as in eeedingrenewable bounds; intempet- the flesh" could ever :be. The body. should 'riot become- ehfl- water and hook 'until the skins aro let, both is as in :