HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-17, Page 6The reapPeaarance of :"Ronald :Iit- gram, and his desire to buy t'he cow• -1 Lege, lent .a suddear sinister aspect to the 'whole matter. Aasuminac that some :lawless enterprise was afoot _.n th, bordering woods, • Rand quickly • realized that the residence of Auntai- ,. miry in the Lone. Pine bad constant - ed no menace' to their 'securittr. , Auntaimirt , went . to - bed nroinptly with the dusty. Har strolling was t limited exclrisively tea the' pier, t-ee' Il'e Made No .Eliort'. to Canneeal Els oroeery' store, -the church. -- and tie, Feeling for Het' Hollies of her friends. She neve'- light to his eyes, arid he ntade 'no hf. ventured aiolut the shore. tor par. root fort to conceat'his feeling for herr, in 'the forest. hence there was with - "Yea At in the fearfromherpresence i bird,"heSt: n to You little snow pried, "`are • you • still here? You'll wake tip Lone Pine.. rile preSenee of this Ac - Sotto morning to find vour feathers' tive. venturesome keen -eyed woman flecked with snow!'": in the vantage-taoitht- on' the frinee of '"Arid• I ane going to.stay longer. the,Wood. constituted a constant i>'ien mtzele longer.. weeks,. and . menthe. flee. and her :dlscovei�.v,of the body in. .t,-. the cove,was evidence of the census- Maybe all winter. 1Vlaybe.toxor'er, nos of this menace. so that' she wee _ ,;iabiected to constant nnrelaxing vtg - _ rant guard. t'l'o be confirmed) Ivor Prost' Bites' and. Chilhliailts..••,•� un exposure Chilblains" come from due exi? to slush and'cold •and frost,•bite from the icy winds of winter. In tbetreat Anent of either an excellent prepare - tion is' Dr. Thomas" Eclectric Oil, as it counteracts the' inflammation . and' relieves the pain. The action of the; - oil is promnt and its application is extremely simple. A HEALTH REVIEW Continued from a e 0). *104 'wilt temporarily put an.end to your feeling well. Go to your doctor, not because you are ill, not because you tear some hidden disease, but because you Feer well and beeause you want to 'keep . well. It requires the skill of a physi- cban, the knowledge gained by yeara of experience and training to detect. i. which t ar. ieet e • illi es arehes 1 the c g "Never. • never. You cinnot have : signs of disease. It is at Otis early it, Not for sale." stage ' that treatment is so effective ' "Oh come have at hent!, 1 ant t i that good results are secured, but r treatment cannot be secured un;ess- willing that you should make a fair the doctor is given . the opportunity profit on me.. But • 1 must .: have it. You see it is really.essential to the." to) °10e a of Ire need' ot" your ."nmily But it was essential to Gay also: h , "Think what it means to my bank P ysician, not s patient.. Start the account" he pleaded. which with a health examination, - 13ut•Gay thought only of n�liat it 'which is the best insurance for n` meant to her heart, year's health and a year's lvell•berng, "No, no," aho . said firmly.. ",IBE FAIR1 should be followed by bad Luck •the • 11 Yen_ have. disease germ in your rest of may life, 1 tell you, if 1 sold liiystem, keep them tc yourself. You mylIear: s Desire. It would be sae., da •not get rid of them by passing a Olege, it would he blood money." few on to someone else. 1f you have "You are in love," he said shrewd•; a cold, keep it to yourself. Be fair; ! ly, and a shadow fell across his oyes. protect others from disease: it! the Gay Laughed. She would offer no,same way that you expect them to denial, The' very dimission was'protect you. It is not easy, living as sweet to her. • mostof us do, to keep out of reach of Ile told Gay something of his plans the other person's germs. It Is only for the exploitation of that part of fair that we should all do our best to the island. Ire• cautioned her not to :limit their !+bread. disease his venture too freely among To begin with, there aro certain t her friends, '"'For 1 shall have to buy; miriade habits of what wo might call some land yet, and muck material, ordinary deeeney that-,rver-yone„can t and if people think there is money practise, and which would do niueh to I being made, prices take wings." prevent the spread of disease genteel Ga' laughingly promised dietretion. 'De first is to nee the handkerchief tion.y y to eneeze and to cough into. 11 the' As he said good night, he took both sneeze or cough catches one uny her bands in bit *gain, and said plea- *Warr!, the head can be lowered and 'flntly*, "After .all, 1 feel a sort of the snec tie or cough directed at the happiness because you would Hat sell. ground,f rather than into the faces o Since we are to be aeiehbers, wa meat those around. {i be ft-iends. 1 shall never te.l that The nest step is never to use a you are outside my eirrle, bit a part cotnnlatt &inkiag cup, common towel of it, But if you we me or my work or common wash -cloth. The reason • *nen pottering a:o*t, measuring oK is that such articles become soiled l yards or area's in ihw weeds bahiiid with body pecretions, and it is in you. dont rut a shot iota us with that tb. a sKw!lain that the disease Baby of !carat, will via?"germ*have the body and may be Gay told eh* wooed limit her target'' ttiagea?ersM to another person, ,, praw tire, to the lobster boort. .ad ht it 14w t*ld not be a+et-e*tyry to warn ;; wrrttt array at 10•1. moiling track at agsks*t moth etiviou* danger's as ale. "her, tag the satira to maist.n the hand - Oa, did TIM r..e ilawtl vegeta th. sett Ittrrhi.f to shat! the baby's face. or 'morning. whoa hit oppoaref for ref- to girt the l.eix amoothitty toff that fett at pa.v.w._ fowl( M spins *h!ot. Aa.* lwao in *twteie- "Ok. why didn't you yaw.e trot ss.', ageapth.. might"- she tried petsi.ntly. "Roo-) Them it on* important, Tr*wtlre for *Id 1nRrsat was Imre. 1 oast pot to i amoryoae. alai tits( 1. the wa*►iatg of „Present to witness the abjectness of cciihoked u on her sentiment, send •tile Auntalmirses pleasure in Gay's re. rentvely up to the Captain's,, door and advantage of the moment to Interpo* the girt. and Alice Andover pact to get the sketch from you,' tried to ;. 1 • GOD ICH-4..STRA'f'FORD ,Read down . head up pans. aim. - a.m. Pan. Goderieb • 10.26 8.25 e_ 1.45' School . . 1.15 Holmesville 10.10 School - 8.10 1.50 Special a 7,20 Clinton 10.05 Special 8.05 2.05.. 5.10 , ` 7.85 • Seaforth 2.50 5.05 7.50 2.10 6.15 7.40 St Colunhban 0.45 6.00 7.45- 245 .452,15 5.20 7.46" Dublin 9.40 4.55 •7.40 • 2.80 5.85 8.00 Mitchell 9.25 4.40 7.26 2.46 5..50 8,15 , Sebringville 9.10 4,25 7.10 3.00 6.00 8.25 Stratfoar • 0,00 4.15 7.00 p.m. p.m. a...... ani, p.m.. p.rn. *- 4, xSchool specials on Monday, Tuesday, 'Wednesday, Thursday and Friday only, Saturday night coach leaves Stratford at 10 p.fer. We'stop at all hotels and farm 'gates. Coach leaves Goderich from hotels. Coach leaves Stratford frombus depot (phone. 163) and frost orrice. *Through coach: boat ways. Special: rates to school children attending Stratford school. The Godericle Star's. i )13 UST The Star and London Free Press. � :... . , > ..$6.50' The Star and The London Advertiser. , .. . 6,50! The Star and The Toronto Globe.... , , .. ; 6.50, The Star and The Maii and Empire.. > :: , 6.50 The Star and The Toronto Star. , ..'.. , ,6,50 The Star and The Farmers Sun..:. ...: , 3.25 The. Star and The Fanitfly Herald- and Weekly Star 3.00 The Star and Saturday Night.:. :.....:.... « 5.30 The Star and Saturday Evening Post :°:. ,. , ,;3.90 . The Star and` The New Outlook.. , , . '.. , ; 3.90 The Star and.. Canadian Homes and. Gardens.4,65 The Star and May Fair....... , ....:.... , 4.65 The Star and The Youthsmpanian...:, . , 3.75 The Star. and The Catholic Record... ... 3.75 The Star and McLean's Magazine. , > . • 3.75 The Star and Rod. and Gun . ,. > .. , .. 3.85 The Star and Montreal. Witness; . , :. .. ; . 3.85 The Star and World. Wide...-. .... , . , 4,25 Special Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals may be. had on application , WI at the Star Offier..or'Phone 71 for .tny inforzaafion. • „.. Your New radio Set You want the best tadio for your money, Come in see it and i t 101016'you'llrwt nt.toown. *Roister.. Hare Motes Silts Smith St. ---• f a er'ith KOLSTER 11 "AU 1,1 t kart 11 a IrAti te el S. II in iiui„ main, I II I II, Biu .n ���u. ni.,I ii.o VEtI o,s COUGHSYROP UGHTHING WARD OFF INFLUENZA, -- Thousands are finding relief with Venote Lightning Cough Syrup. v ,r 1 r 4 OPYRIG it l92 t y The 0009S-MgfiRll.t. CO. ORAPTER 5'1iI. THE GODERICR STAR s: -:,e °cin iii the (Mar for ,;e3" f i. ec t Irina, Ile is r eilien ray ar.;4rtg up tie? 1131 stype: i, Husband WeeAfrai+d Rand studied h., P7l�osel,'. iii .-_,ry that sinal' ca, yv;yi�,a3 in compute , s4.7.} ,vc►< fhArlr/413at 'i'♦ a y;n'n n it All !' iGwtaerel0p, site saw hand **Wing She Was cstt�llj into elezza stem. Ikeeyes fieri shin- i cibrt g. Mt hin -,'" -,_; teaoa ` e' ' eg ulna eee*,2CP{x r 4 r ia C:1a7t tie iv.i 7iPiii �►ho X{dRtia r 4 W.317t; ....- i "Viva ci lace 1MP-ke) ran ie. a 1s., r ? s ic,l to bu31 1�1y1 deur lrttic Yecro 1?itr-."' ' rlY,a [Aatt y F,iaueJa ii,li; oo. 'X) c'k, and l:i'r7c'di 1-.n. N 1.,,r $tlry?, 4 lilt., Wei tea.-`41.4sat Wt''C Ii`•i1 1 !save a Ctafi-tle(l esc".amation, .-.,6hay 4a ,c,,,,--.tr,1"-1 4,._aLe.lc,1,.. ::ar;�- I Kan 1,,;i1., Irl ,witty a very had C °d,_.haiplq bitten cit a;cl I she xl Ids I. pk0Ga➢ti, x121 ova, ti:G coetaso. cicar•� Wish ,.Q lu, kiftia hats shill.! 1 was Pepe with sloe eel eiderat'sr:--sle- -.. ailg p z it.1 ehat'ree. It sees Mara, the a, 1y(liil ( y GM of mjr Le,ght:•ela maz art:tal e.tI1Il leas 1,o4:;lat the Little Club Ilot:So ..n3 the •oedS, and oro warted mi hilltop to r,eund off tha , Circle. I laughed at £aim. ' Oh, Ilar ti. ha ° owl to give sae exactly twteo what 1 Laid for it, spot cash. 1 lauc°iicd at him, Wouldn't; the admin. 00011111. hsroo o trey 2 -we, .Ste:' eta i� tura 1 ;u sea ai;o sung -;ted that 1 tsy a-irxi;R bier,' bit, of dare wean, iree rift? of fore:,!. Iler:r, ;,ti mere, mid fur Ri!',. Wood's 'eve. She lalaaia;leel to it, at Lion -At Nfll`WIlY to her, are Leah alike foe 1 ar:d. i "l;r.t eget you realize, Gay," ii Pini • ea'ci ,soberly, when they rat chalet, . , Synip iEtritor die if elle knew she eaal go: aide by p➢dC, rat last, ""tri at gots r,➢11nQW today twica shat f'lt© get tact to beeper hem for long. It is • ice- I tact; a'uE1v da - ar::l 1 sr' fatly o �,➢ casae 3$ b teaipq,sry filar it dear rr➢441 un.:a rrlieceii ray can, cold zona;. mouth?" re larded her retie:lively. to yoga. You love tyle, skid you lave of tNa r,c.?,i, .. tido place, because You earl get acvapt " ' e4e--eaae. �-•;1,s wither,+°a Attie st" from .eta whenever you like. Tying "I3c weo,i'a, inn tee i eweraril° 1 eau. You down to it !sill he tit; end of vv.} et arm or :rzttl it tan highly." erytllinz;." 1 Price 2,1e. a lu,Etle; large l'mily sue ^allirl91/NY, ddtl\. hili, 192,,2 ery package 4f Red Ro3e Tia is prepared with the same care as if our reputation were to stain% or fall, upon that angle package. eh RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra seed hands before eating. Our las nda _w 0 Ov THE "BLUES" If "That settles it," hd said slowly.; me soiled. ;We should train our "Whetever• iia, ell z is u,to, it 41clues to . beep !liens away from our Mot " . rioi past, itis face. Wo should never touch food present." Guy stared at him "That, chap is. without having thooushly washed the "'Tlizat ie tlao beauty of it, Ravel.I 0'1c• at ell div gists rind +rvolrrs, l no to," she repeated indignantly, hands. In this practice hes much of shall mot be tied down. Tnia its racy ..at /lolia� 117 t:i iso ., At Iburta (1°1 ,rl.on don't thiaak Ronald 1'n alt -m-'° our Means of protecting ourse:ve . home, but I obeli loch Hey door rand "Don't "Don't lie billy, Gay. Of course at f bisl d eases run away to the citj whenever tit " roan column, ca o • �;.a. y i$ I:ouaid 'norm." - ' 'blood, air neer work., uuggests it, I Questions concerning health, ad - ' fl y z ay.�y as ton as 1 like, Hard hitch to Gays surprise, she found : 1?lies! hod her go back over the g . ,, that trend was not always available. story oho had told, from the dirt' o, dressed to the Canadian .Medi! at As- - en coma home again 1111 3oY. x'or ones po indolent, on• an island so iter arrival.:and pieced it all together, ooeiation, 184 College street, Toronto, But wizen you cense • to love rte, 'idle, 330 ,found un inconceivilble' Hunt= lilt by bl€, in caaronologacml order. ' tixill' be answered by letter. Quesa you will cease to lova this. bel of things with which to busy "All right, now.l be said, when elle tions its to diagnosis and treawment ""lint as lone; never 1 urn. frc0 in nay himself, bad finished. ""look at this. Some onp love, I shall ni ver cease« It is only And so one night toward the end watching, no 'doubt in. a pante of ter• a2�fil not bo answered. ti.t%staVal;s when love ties people down, restricts of October, when aRonaid Ingram cork sant you diseover that body' in the ' tlleaal, ruleSAlagne, that they OA At came .*gain, .Gay, 'because she was cove,°sant yon run for help.•» -Forme :r..w.R.�. thought, fort' feeling; after the hectic the cans.-weuvtl me :z+ee, Itnn, as lonely, receivedhimwith A warnnlhone fairk. that barb"AWAY while YOU :fine •tliy toward the enManner d of alae we draw a' deep, breath;' I $414414 let" yo>i; arid we shall ga oxr so genuine, a pleasure so nn4isguis.. were gone; and hid it. -Some one GREy AND IBRucE coAcll uNEs aruatith when Rand had no to the 'And suiting the rection to the !word, and on 011• etas lives, 3n levo and hsp» ed, that wringing Bops serge stn eater watched for your return, sow your - t,ngtneertug... Auto 3,reohaaics3.Lsleettl cal lgnittnn. i•ntt• cry ar %Voldtn. t'sXp4y;t8 lfoneo Wiring, Uri 'Maytag and nattering. rho - Bariaring aad ladle -41110h drssing. Stun $S to $10 Pot Day W w-rgetsa re1fl tml to learn. E.rtpert lnstrnetara, Z etictai Training. I3iatDetnaud. Start N•aif for blg,rer ptty and a hrtghtlnhyrp. Wri o or esti for -.speotal mr nd 'roe llpoks. o. Dominion Trade Scoop!. 163 Kira Sroar VSlest Taranto t by the early boat and was not she breathed so deeply she quite pt'. curious work with a pencil and pap - err, hadd to know what you were up hen surrender to itis lose, Gay went Captain uc kled slyly `before he took rma i h� ung wa unalloyed, lloyed t'ox , she loved r to. ,And found: out -Some one tried MOTOR COACH SERVICE tohlhim she was still totrilland weak late plaintively: ready asked her to retrain in the Air- bei at, !rind to buy it. --Sonne o:e� •bei!returnto the stress of the city; she •But. I aelhus do put._np the storm le Tree !luring the winter'. so she felt it the part of wisdom to remain window ...on the summer houses tome p t came. in t here tot night, and stole it. „ felt no disappointment on that scot, Some one wants to get You away zril the o through flcttlber. October drat. • The Captain sekatelled the thin line .And on the morning of .October *It will be trice to havemy little { from. here. tried to frighten You eastray heir tttat outlined his furrow* first, Gay. wakening early, was cone neighbor•on top of the hill,s she said ,vil'brow. scious of a confusion of sounds upon ",pleasantly. "I• litre -the Apple Tree "T sdbu.e put up the stornr Windows her hilltop, a soundof trundling, a Better any way. It,,e a e only for the' oat the summerhouse come October sound of thudding,muffed swearing Christmas party that I carie up here. • 'east," be said vaguely. ,, in a biglr-pitehed, gentle, unprofane ,,.,1 always l Imo a Christmas party *Not the Lone fine, not this year, little:voiee. She wrapped herselfin for the island," She explained to Gay.. oeie cried gayyly. "You will have to a heavy Lobe and ran down, The Ca `n5... •' the ant; oe 'ell+; I+auo_ • it until. November. You wouldn't Captain rood by the. piazza carefully y . abut me up- WOW storm windawe, unloading from his rickety wheelbar-' Pine. for the event, but Aunt Alnsfry ewouldyou`* row the huge wooden frames to pro- shook her bend. She said• it would. "But Patio 10 put' them up come test the windows ,mous the winter not seem like• her nasty, if she had it -lint of October, ho persisted. storms. a .difficult matter for the lite anywhere oleo, She wanted it ail' Then Alice Andover breezed in, 'tip frail old man, :so that he acconi hers. it was her only festivity dux naniling good cheer, a little out of tattled his efforts with ,panting gustsing the year. "Who: knows but this -. xeath. of breathlessness, and much gentle , ' caw you coming up the hill," alta profanity. may he my last," she finished cheat. 1 : . ►t"I suppose you are orf . to oCapteirt - -- ' Why --•what in the ully" lttrond -a%, like all our summer Birds „twee, wheel she had gone. _Alice Andovei, -. etff paradise. It is only eve drab and ""l' first of 0 �ob • . Gay ,, I blas tut asked. Grey tvhy she bad not, aa .she Sttntber native sparrows who brave e1' y n 1e'. requested, told her she coul have I113 , was island winter's, . the storm V.ltldows up come ijetoller i q . d 1 when Gla' explained that she'4.1tishr first. i•oolcs seine like a big nor' els" C)l•stiwls Party*. ` eel to continue another email. Alice ter hcadin" Nit- Think?„ `Vint didnt you tell her your- fairly 1 f t He looked persistently :Iwai front selfY 'Gray retorted. - ro t will aor y radiated Ilanut sac ion, her, down the peaceful: smiling little • ""tiefl.' !.aid the administrator craw "�otr.willlave alae -Island: in October, my dear. The auntieer colony is valley, its profusion of harvest apples venly, "I'd rather have you: tell her. 300, yyos, but the island without them festooned vithh silver cobwebs. A 1 think she would take it better from • Ie as different place,'ft bearer nlaeo-» 'nor -raster, s, stranger. 1 know her too well, tett sea 'gay, but finer,, A little' lien•. She flew into her clothes, down the You 'tall her Bret chance you et, en, a little paradise. We settle lei:ll and up the lana to Mrs, Andove •w - 'there " : But tell her when nott h 1mr. et &. hs e K Y h' !# We eta of t h , ,did.. it l ,'tint o ''. two live, 'eve snot+ leisure for "See here." site shouted: "'Come' Every day atter that, Auritalmiry quickly. He's putting up the storm talked of lief'. Christmas party, made wow windows." her plans, and it was not in Gay's eee--, "MY dear! Ile's not. Re would-. kind heart to crush her hope with F•or 4Akilid 't dere!" to • ars th rents """i'oir ;last tell thins I sold--" I :`hall tell hind raatbrasg. Xou ae laver �`��' �' the a<hninletrator, 'lt`au must ca sat, A t�0lii . before s :sad word. Sof at 1 d "wen to it,. as they ast Alice Atte ,, , 1an'seif was rr itie to q 11 three in Gay's• living tial il'taa�ttitlrrl,, h 1 fi Aun mi John and. 1. decide ,yotnself., . • her c leery re., " d :A n al'ln fit ae. ''CVellr I'll come then. If atlyrboily that you can't .have any Chi!istmas a<` t�1t111 , 17�C� �1�' i S • t inks it' n pleasure o Nil the Ad a " minis#rater for alta old fool tont tiles - Auntalmixy diff asty : etfec;tivG •re�+�1 f'o>i• Alice Andover sighed resignedly. Ilii rt', !".5.-s1441.6‘4,- iElt .I'. 14f�iV h a a y t p sty' this year. Q S IrS bU not understand. y to rein Band tpnattts out af..his ow answered with:.a vaguely troubled relil1,1:,.,,,,,aai i m o h tS--par. 1m;eet- •' !Veli', come an. then. smite. ;`tat one word' ;tatised bei est±n them .1r '", tticpizrl twh coughs , #Balli- "What 'aa i e.. S 2 �` r � � as they their way swbftl:dtl,tvn : a s y, Alp What say 1" "in (V t o h.b y Lis • tl lrorap nt; r ug; flirt lone and utr the hill.aalape. y aY • ,: n the,, ,1 is also ttsa'fe"rrlaxda against Jahn. Alice, Andover •began with ." ' ie coldness, ""Will AY" kindly tell Inc thestcont ilcattanSASStl iatCt' , ,y who as the adnunastrator of this es- .:, nvithIncas e r tfeverand ,�ti � �0 !tate? °*t` l' se : th ;f, r pe. Arts S ciC> nS c John• re rmoved a rusty nail from his rmouth. t, a r Alice,"he thesoreness loth Yuae,Ace, said, lr� tat relieves So cn ss fitting it carefully into- ar hple lir rho t throat titfel chest, and its frame '"b tI'in 3 a t uts u lin . u tl a3 ns hat p pletnsiitfaet"ta1lxerr,aves body the storm wfndaws."• Bangs ban:f ""Auntalniiry, you hear what 1 Say. Yqu can't have a Christmas . party. It costa tort notch, and it's too, notch. work. Last year you nearly worked n n oni ande yourself into pneumonia, a, nearly died, giving that .Christina$ party, And triose Tittle r:aecals don't need a party, they--" "But 1 need it," the small slyke impurities, thus hastening, the anent the ll lnmler a$ he spoke.: wail suddenly prateetingr :plaintive. xtieIt8recovery. Alice Andoverwav er*d uncertainty'�"Alice, heed it, Seems like I jus t flushed Withanger, t clung to the live for at Christmas party, from .ANGISR'S 'rano emulsion of puri* Aireds of ber dignity: `John-•• ohn fed petroleum oil with hypopho.;. . Christian Wallace ---do you bear me?" elites (lime and soda). It is pleas. : John binges! another nail into the ant to take, builds up' strength and• fraene. "Yes, Alice, God help me, 1 vitality, and can be given to the `heir you, be answered gently. 'children with alastalutQ t:uufid:nce. flay looked mound tier, far and wide -eat the shivery little forest •of ♦ e 1 t �!' v i eats aro thr t 1 `� �' surucs and birch whispering bloc. at Ilslt' E111 iUN Ittttl. n ' 1.r.�lSan4 pr.acr*b.d by b hti the nrehsaad in its autumn gold below, eratiJll.dka►1 Pnrft.aiott of Gt. Erit*iu at the little lookout a land its cocky ,linCanada a ndusod InCh0dren'a 'Sorel! n .and hoer tfand seA She looked. and thoutrlit of Rend. A l0feept little thrill tugged at her heart. She A aittiarh Docie,. rity: •'Ycoi ficial' rout could not go away. •. er a,* eoe Ise E i r(iatma 1 av ow he aaim' or "" sl�re the cot aAre for a'tle`� lick a.iatilartr*imt. ugly)=-.M.D. Hauch do won want for it, Perhaps ANG a 1'11 buy ih,'" ' "MY deer! ]flow lovely that 13, 1 MULSIO1 rrd $7.zar_at ell dru'i.f':r year to year, It's the only recrea- tion I Levee." •• "Recreation, nonsense. Call it re- creation working yourself to skin and bone to "give half the inland indigos - tier, eating candy and nuts! Recrea- tion to hake bags, make eiresents, elutter up the house with trash.•--•yoa hear rue now, you can't have it." Auntaliniry was silenced. The lit- tle ittle frozen smile settled more grimly •upon her face. her little birdlike tin- gers• twisted nervously together. Very soon she said she must go now, and went out, stumbling a little. She was very old. flay and Alice An - The dear little cease. Row nom dam watched in silence as she made her way down the slope to the Apple Tree. "Afford it," Alice Andover repeat* cd bitterly, when the door closed he - hind her. -'"Afford it. Who do you suppoe pays for her Christmas par- ty? John does 1 do, both of us pay, i but mostly he, for 1 am the admin. 1. istraator. She hasn't any money. She hasn't had any money for twee:, ty-five yenta,. Afford it. -nut it's not the money. It's the wore. She begins three months ahead,_, Oh, she's at it already, working her fine gers to the raw bone, .getting ready for Christntas•1 know her. Sewing. Making things, Planning jokes and , presents.aat<nd last year sbe was in bed three weeks afterward, an,: near- ly !lied , with pneumonia. She's too old, She works like a 'lave for r1, gets thin, gets pale - iVhy, toe way she works for that Christmas panty, she could almost earn her own living. -,If aho hadto," the added *peloge- 1t Willie; "Nobody wants her to earn NRRR et living, of course. you are going to bee -Joint" eoverelir, "do you heir? She is going to buy the cattege." The Captain moiled amiably, drop - rime his milts bark intn the bait. "Raskin you 'won't want -thesre stetor , windows nn then, twill ye? Shall 1 = r..111I.I4in A• SURE.: -RELIEF FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS TEN»DAY TREATMENT FREE Orange Lily is a entails - relief for all disorders of women. It :s applied loeaIIy initi 1s absorbed into the suffering tissues. The dead w,i1e• mat- ter in the congested region is o expelled, givini4"imniediate meta ts1 Anti Iah3 siert re- lief; the blood vessels and nerves are toned and strengthened, and the eir'enlaatien is rendered to normal as this treatment is boned on strictly ancient+aire principles, and *eta nn rile rtrhlall lalrattoa of the d;yeaaar, it cannot help but do good in alt fernay at female troubles, including i'ialsyeit and painful nsenstrna• ties. Irietarrhoea, falling of the womb, growth*, and ovarian fraahles,,t', Mire, $'_'110 per boy, whiele rs rotfiicient for one swath'Sitrerafraerlt.. A free Trial 'fri'aatm"nt, enfill*b for 111 diy,, 'worth 7:"'. will be tient FREE to any serving woman wimp will .red for 'hrr mittr,M,rr Enrlarar tlar.r %tamp% and ad. irMe • Yr, Lydia W. 1.attJ. flys+! - 10 t indanr- Ontario. •IsId By Loading Druggists Evorywlos. away. and finally tried to buy" you out -And that is no one but. your gentle- - manly Ingrain. Gay, marls that!" : Gay was . sorely shaken. The :eve- donee was. strong. That something crooked, something career, had taken place on the good little island see' granted willinglyr eagerly, :'tndeeai,,'. because the there suspicion adder .. piquant spice of mystery to tris nat- ural charm . of her surrounding. am vera: happy." "Oh, my dear," he expostulated au- iciously, "you a ut't, do that. Positi- vely*, it is not sate. Why, the island will be snowbound inside of another Month. You cannot expose youxseit to, such danger.. It is not fight." "What :danger?: If I on; snowed in, certainly everybody else will be snowed •out!" Be sighed heavily, hesitated; a. nice anent, then, with the air ar squaring one's self for a 'sudden plunge, he said earnestly!, "Then you will hate rue for Hey erand.: 1 am seeking the owner: of your hilltop iceberg. 1 Want to buy it." , - "Too late, too tete! • It is, mine, I have already bought it, and itis not for sale." • , ",Anything is for sale, 1it'the. right price,' he argued. "I must Wive it.: 1 have bought the old clubhouse down' in the woods, and 1 want to carper this whole end of the peninsula for a nit of cottages. Ton see, 2' must have your hilltop to complete the car ere." W*%irt.i he...a.trt ..air ono N.•. , M.. • t �+M.tw,wr wtth 'r xtamigot.re, far a. M w.• tn.lae s mask art rt.atrt,e ria Awl W. S. Iltestior. 111.4 *t 4,111,,10a�a11110 . tip*. pima ?Ss mud 461 1 • Mgr