HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-17, Page 5TUCRSUAY, JAN. 17th, We.
All. the popular
Cold and Influenza
sounlB'S AND -'tl P.><tST'S'•
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone 90 ' Goderich
Statutory Meeting Held Monday -•'Standing Committees
Named and. Appointments Made '
Mayor MacEwan's Inaugural address
Urges Establishing of Town Boundaries and ManyImprove-
r9 9 A
patents in Town.
Huron Reed, awl olio the year lie hating the 'are if, Moeleenate tenS4 maw, we; _ .
et tee eemplruwa of the teiv+id high- Iooking slier our Mathias beach eel^1i+ 1t`rt►R IN <%M %T I It
way !'o. 8 teem Coderith to Nwas istglaru, thee- sere I.oa�: At for their eitlf iene3 PRODUCTION IN ial°lit!tt;
Fails. A cairn as ere•.ted in the strand the nater and for thea.• flinty — -
huhu _park.-. and -.two -_B ten: factolif
huhute „styrol e>plt)its. ((oateca ..•.4o Thie Iv London;' Pre.
stone l ttera on the Rion Read per . Iht u~: keep up et good re viol fer-l---t+rated itt—Peting talon
auanentl3__t_ me eetalice the weali$ x. sine of tvhi;h s:e are eitrcimJ a Medical ('•olltee
Fx D. year neve peroprng � ly thankful..
During the 13 thankful.
equipment was installed at a eeet of
Medd. a). A new pump was put in ,
:al tiro new gaQoitn t engines were
,purchased to take the place of tiaree. A bathing beach pavilion. w sug-
old beiik a whielt hack been eetetenn- geste;i, ehould be. Ludt thio txurenaeg.
cd by the insurance companies and Also a .,umber of Feats. wit it eon -
by the underwriters' Aesociatfon. trete beaches or knees tt-hieh ccsatl;l
We hew now muck cheaper water not be carried off. •
rates for 1:129 and our water charges
are utmost us low as before the new
intake Alpe was put in at an expense '• side of the harbor, as, in ease of he
of about $G5,00U in 1924. • • on any of the beats moored on , eta.
A big improvement has also been side; it would be quite impossible for
made in ouuv pumping house property the fire brigade to reach iie
and any eitizen new wishing to in- The town's boundaries should be
....sped the changes made•will he wele established to take in the whole of
.conic to do so. . ' - the present harbor and, perhaps, a
Our harbor eonantittee has been un. little farther north. The late Judge
der the ableechairmanship et Reeve Cameron, when town solicitor, had
Turner and during the year the Gov.• this matter pretty well under way.
ernment has made large -outlays on but it ryas never completed and should
general harbor works, and this year be gone en with at once, while all the
we have the satisfaction of having data which he had collected is still
berthed here the laagestevinter fleet arailable. ..'
that leis ever been in port. A ban- The owniership of Indian Island in
' quet at Hotel Medford -wan tendered' ,the River Maitland shouldeeko be de-'
by the harbor industries and by the finitely considered.
council, to the captains and chief en- If it should be found that the title•
glneers of the boats. in trod and they ' is visted in Mr. Fleming, there is no.
{unanimously 'expressed their great doubt that he will be magnanimous
I appreciation: er -the courtesies anti..and- generous enough to_Iaresent- it to -
the honors tetldered them, • the town. to' be henceforth known as
Thus event was also made the oeea , I; leniing • Island: '
cion for the presentation of a ship Our •Government should be insist
flag or burgee-to the 'S. S. Goderieh. catty and consistently urged to pro.
• During the year, the Cadevel; Sand teed with further 'expenditures on the
and Gravel Co: has been :established: harbor in the way a deepening the
at the docks and this is a new incluse inner basin, in orderto give more lee -
try that we hope will mean a very way for the manoeuvring of the ships
great, deal to the people of Goderich, in entering or leaving port; and also
as their ittip,• �tt,1„
e m '•ke f ...• t hp .. .
at t for gravel. sI
td ur f
ga . a almost to •pray e -f �._ acilitaes
unlimited. during the winter months.
During 1928 debentures were is- The department should also be ask -
sued for the Huron road pavement; ed. to •have: contractors begin work
the grand stand and 'the new pump- earlier in the season, so that full ail-
ing- equipment, and these were all vantage of good weather can be taken
sold to our own citizens. and the difficulties of working in the
We have completed a; great numbercold and stormy weather of late fell
of ei
ad w lks which
e A we
think are well can be overcome. '
and properly constructed under Bell . Improvement at the harbor is
1 Bros., contractors, and with Mr. J. 3. pressing and .urgent, and •Goderich
Moser as our capable inspector., must world vigorously far expendi-
i For 1
9m29 our
public w
s and tures wkieh will
ceep pae :with
parks committee will have plenty to rapid and growingneeds at our water.
do. Oir court house square needs. front. •
attention and Eome very considerable • In regard to the .National Shi =
g p
improvement is..remelt-ed. building plant, I would host' strongly
It might be well to inquire into the urge this council, with as littlle delay
possibility ana
fr vis .
d d a' -
P Y Ab itv of r
ias cs 'b1 ..e a
On- t sell llmaci t
ast e a off tie
p. , h
strutting concrete .walks through' it and equipment for the best cash price ,Croft.
with the County. of.Huron's help on which can be secured, .and pI'ire the t ,e
the portion eontrolled • by 'it. ' proceeds of such.. stiles in the hands - Les. rs. A; .17, McLean, Geo.' Schae-
The present market lot •.should be of the town treasurer to the credit of fee and I)r, .Gailow .fere appointed
members of the local Board of health
s;raded'•and .put into condition for 'the the ratepayers. •
Horticultural. Society, who kindly of= In view of ourpest experiences this
feted to give it 'consideration a e.ear is undoubtedly the whin and proper
•ago. course, • '
v.icto •in Park Ila l c should -also beWe shall then 'be able to
pl of - v. sell the
ed ,and graded now 'that the silo- buildings to manufacturers who. will
walks have been .built ori all sides of eequip them with machinery especial-
ix, and the swings for the children .ly suitable• to their ' men peculiar
should receive early attention' in the needs and to their'' own satisfaction.
spring and be kept coft'nually. well With regard to the Aitctaft Pur -
supplied with res and 's geipment. eniture Co., we have been impatiently
The property..overlooking the har=., waiting from ' month to month for
Oar bathing beach, if net wee
targe er extensive, is known far are
wide as one of the safest on tate lakee.
---Iu--a—:eclat- knee -ta ther.oterenth_
Mr. and M. X. F,. Tern Mies Mabel
`Jens el the Peking Union Medical
College eget` cd newspaper eliitpinge
fora The Nettie China Stan:lard, pub-
lished at Peking with reference to a
dramatic productiou in trhl+b elat hal
a Leading part. . One in evidently au
ad.ance retie() e£ .the L r s:tuctiin,
As iota as poesible ri road chatted shott<ing a photo of Miss Tom as she
be built tet the breakwater or naxtla was to appear as Lady Dueiteworth,
one of the heaviest rake in the play.
Another elippiug is a write up of the
suecessful presentation of the ceee-
edy, aeeonipatiled by a :pieture of the
• eharrecters in: the play. The retort
•had this to say of the part Mies Tont
took :
"Miss label B. Tont, of the P. P.
M. C., d Ly my os- .
worth with :ainterpreteympatbyadand succesDcks,
giving a most likeable portrayal of
the American woman, eonfornted to
The statutory meeting of the 1929 been the worthy Chief of the Lions
Goderich town council was „held on Club and is now the managing die
ector . Goderich e
M nda' morning,. Jan. ith :all theof the Gad r ch -Cubs,. out time
A Y t„ ,
. members present, and after the fighting hockey team, whom we ex-
elerk's minutes ot, the election pro- poet to win the pennant ;honors' in
ceedings were toad and adopted, he this district;
declared the couheil duly constiteted We hope that he will find full scope
for' rho year, for his many talents in the bringing
Mayor .MacEwan then read his :in- of good judgment and wise counsel
augural address as follows : to the deliberations of our council.•
•Goderieb, January a4, 1`929. : In reviewing briefly. our work for
the past year,we weree greatly sa
Gentlamen of the Council
Town of Goderich. dened an the month of February by
• In beginning Qui work for the ;rear the death of Councillor Robt. IL. Cutt.•
1923, permit me to offer you my! sin- Later in the year Mr.. C.`.A. Nairn of
• cerest congratulations on your elec. ' ow Housing Commission 'was called
by death,.
Von by.acclamation -to the Town th, and ahatit the same time
Council, your humble chairman being Mi: Alex. Saunders, one, of our for -
the only membez called upon to go titer members, and for years, a Val-
the turmoil of an election. ped member of out Public' School
nie:aiso-to welcome'our new Board, passed away. These three
councillor; Mr. S. D. Croft. He has outstanding public spirited citizens,
all prominent in the services of the
•"`° ITown, will be greatly missed in our
- F ' un co til I
.ark 'un. lie ea un t.
o a
Y y
del' Theatre
the contrac� for t�e building of a
WEEK OF JAN. 21 to $S compartment in the town hall for the
citizens' .band in. which they could
practice and find accommodation for
their meetings and' for the'housing of
DORIS KENYON their instruments: and their music.
Similar accommodation was provide
Supported :by a really great and eel)* ed in the same way for the Goderich
able • cast in a thrilling underworld fire • brigade and your council fur -
story! Never before has the under -'Hushed their roomwith the necessary
-world been so daringly exposed its furnitgre •,and' equipment. Both of
gang wars --its secrets• and a beauti-1 these organizations have 'been giving
fut romanee 'that blossomed in ''the a good account of themselves and aro
nada of it •a . a source of pride to our citizens. In
"THE HAWK'S NEST" !June the purehased the Park House
Dazzling Youth and Zippy, • Comedy, in property, rebuilt and remodelled it,
. "The CoIlegiani". , i I and at the same time, provided sani-.
• . • tary conveniences of salt"kind!; fol' our
WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. ' tourist camp.
WILL/AM HAIN4S 1 About the same time a by-law was
passed b the people for the building
the cocky •but likable, li}gh pressure of a grand stand en our agricultural
comedy star in a sizzling newspaper park, 'and the result is, that we have
yarn. Bill, as a cub reporter who' is one of the finest and most complete
good, knows it, and doesn't mind. .4 structures of this kind in the Pro-
- "TELLING THE WORLD" vine of Ontario. It ought to act as
An answer to the question an incentive and an encouragement
"sums) WOMEN DRIVE ?" to the Fall Fair ' Board, the Txotting
_ • and Pacing Association, and other
FRIDAY and SATURDAYorganizations in providing the people
with better attractions than ever, If:
BOB STEELE they do this, the revenue from the
iridin' like the wind, scrapple' like a Maud will far exceed the yearly pay -
demon, Iovin' -like a true •-knight of . ments towards the cost of construe -
the range. Mirth, romance and tionh
thrills all bundled together in one Our Dominion Day celebration wae.
mighty epic• of the fightin' west. an outstanding success and about
"MAN IN Tem ROUC:Ii" 9110 in profits -from the day's pro-
Matinee SatAt 3.00.. _p.m... .
('owing—"The Pioneer Scout" with
Fred Thomson.
gram Was handed back to the town
council. The Huron Tract Centen-
nial Assot'iation held their celebration
on Laabor. Day, and et was an import,
ant event, . marking the one handy edth
anniversary .of the opening• up of the
Dominion and Provincial
Government Bonds •
Municip ►1 Bonds
Public Utility
Industrial Financing
Foreign Issues Quoted
LO t R flto. ` t it. Waw teethes VA.S•lt4 5111.
steel err s kale~ t3 25 Eels tee n -
tiN t. rete tee fereet`acs., Gi.'tU t Cett.e
Bailie, Geo. Gould, W. 3teLean, S. D.
Special—S. D. Croft, \Vali ;Judie,
Wm. McLean,, R. Turner, G. (Gould.
Councillor Munnings trade the sug-
gestion that an industrial committee
be included in the standing commit-
tees, as-was-done-insonne-other- plat,
ccs. Mayor MacEwan commented
that this was a good point and sug-
gested that it be- conyldered at the
regular meeting of the council' an
Friday. •
The council will meet. regularly, on
the fret and third Fridays of . each
month at 8 o'clock, with the exception
of the months of July and August,
when there will bo only one regular
meeting each month, on the third
Friday. This was on nio.:an ok
Councillors McLean and Sproul. ;
Mr, J. MacKay was µEli:;t ap-
pointed to the Public Library •Board
(for the years 1929, 30 and 31, on mo-
tion et Councillors
d Sproul.
Mr. P. J. MacEwan was re-apuoint-
ed on the Collegiate Institute Iioar
for three years. on motion of Coun-
eillors Croft and Melton.
Di: Macklin' writ re -appointed to
the Howeng Commission for the
years 1929 and '30, on motion of
Councillors McLean and Sproul.
Mayor MacEwan was appointed a
memberh o
of the Hospital Board; on
motion of Couneilloge McLean and
on motion of Councillors McLean and'.
A motion was passed to pay the in-
nterest. onthe. Ontario West Shore
Railway bonds due an. lse; on the
passing of. a bylaw: authorizing sante,
on• motions of Councillors Sproui.and
The. ;tatter_ of the appointment of:.
assessor.; and collector and advisory
assessor • and eblleetor was referred
bar at the C. P 11- steps s:iould also. sonic. move on its part look ng to_ to the finance committee, on motion
be levelled and' graded and a road- wards its getting the factory into of :Councillors Bailie and Gould,
way established here as a ,look -out operation again, :but, althought given . The making. of accessary financial
arrangements for the. year tat the
point. . A portion of this . land . be.. every possible opportunity, it .and its
longs to Mr. R. C. Hoye and some are promises have completely fallen down bank was refereed . to the. finance
aangements for purehaso, or' lease and we have. given -'up hope of the old committee, an.anotion of rho. Reeve
should be made with him by this company being able to come though, and Cpttnrillor Spt:eui;
year's council.. and re-establish itself, Consequent- The matter of nn appointment to
Nowthatit solicitorbeen • •en' ' - . the housing Commission in place of
tho Dominion Govern- lY, ou Lias ee , • gat an the Late . Nairn was.refetred to the
anent has removed the oil house at structions to' obtain possession at the
the Light House property, the town. earliest possible moment. • special Committee to report, on n)o
should request .the Government to al- . We already have one or two pro, tion ref Deiwty it'eeee C:rai•gie and
'low ' them the use of considerably s, acts ' for both factories:- Lei; us Councillor Mannings.
C n iderAbly ��sexton's
more ground at this point, 'at the foot make every . effort to have both •of - The cemetery report fo:
of Cobourg street, as it is no doubt thein running before the end of the
' l7ece)nber. was referred to the come -
the most popular "Iake-view" point in Year. •.
town. A little park could' be made , We have a number of sidewalit.
there and it would be attended to 'petitioned fol Which must be coniplet-
gladly by the nearby residents, ed as 'early in the spring as possible,
As' a matter of fact all the land .and a number of street lights asiied
overlooking our river and lake should.,:for. In my opinion' the Huron Trace
be secured,,in •soantie way, bythe •town.• Association .should be encouraged and
Our deputy -reeve owns an area fostered as a. community affair. Now
along the bank. on Gloucester Ter- that No. 8 highway is completed, I
race, and}ie, no doubt, wall be glaii to believe that it will mean a great deal
donate it to the town (by the way he to this town as a• tourist centre. On
has already promised to erect a cairn account of the paved road to Gode-
on his own property at Lighthouse rich, people will come .from Kitchen-
paint,to mark the.spot where the drat er, Stratford and intervening towns
grain• was , grown in this section of ,who formerly wont to many other
the Huron Tract). . !paints along the lake front,
The tourist camp, to make it tom- The BIue Water. highway must be
plete, Will require to • be levelled, kept to the front nod no opportunity
' graded and needed and with Mr. John- must be lost in having the province,
stop in the Park House, to keep a re• take it over us goon as their program
cord of visitors and to cater to their . will provide the money for including
wants: and requirements in ever away, I it salons the paved highways of On -
we ought to baize an ideal camp. tacit. • -
The question of making a small 1 • A number of ratepayers have kind-
- charge should be. given . prompt at- ' ly offered to farm' themselves into a
tention and a decision aDruvod stt, in i citizens.' committee to aupplement'the
good' •tine• 'before the 'tourist season' efforts'arf the council its Any-negetiva.-
c o na'naences., Regarding Maitland l tions o} in any possible way in *Melt
eenaetery, a new roadway has been they can be of any service or assist-., ides, 'in the district served by the
-built into the cemetery whirls will be,anee to the -council in the general all-.j'Uitiversity were asked for a f;ta&.
a great improvement especially in ; vancement of the citizens' interests ; last year and in a good ninny eares
tvunter time and with some addition-: as a whole. l action was deferred to roe what other
al widening just '.at the foot of the 6 Now. that Canada is on the high 1 municipalities were aloins. No doubt
hill before entering the .cemetery pro- t tide of prosperity, let us dope that t Dr. Kinglb one; vide avjll be to wait on
per, will make for the maximum I thk• year 1029. will be the best year ,the Huronaunty° council, and tate
amount of safety to pedestrians and that Goderich has ever had. )natter of has meeting the totsn conn-
for automobiles and other vehicles, t I feel sure that we shall rill co-op• til was referred to the Reeve and De -
The balance of the unused ground in ` crate and work loyally together. 1 puty Reeve who would see Nina at the
council mei ceulthe cemetery should be fully surveyed; On motion of Counriliore Spy out uneruai nDe ting of tld arrantowage ou tifol,
immediateiy and if neceneary more !and Gould, the Mayor, the Reeve
the S
land should be purchased' and made Deputy Roove and Couneillot a B,ailie cii'if neeee ttry.
available for ace.• t and Munningr were appointed a strike-; The usual number of engird pf The
There has riled been sonic talk for . big eananlittee to draw up the stand- I ntunucipai World and the Municipal
a modest public mausoleum being l ing eoimtitteen for the year, and the !Act r will
cil and oe procured
rocued foe the use of
built told iso it has been suggested ;outwit adjourned for the committee I ,i request from the Ontario Coad
by a citizen that a bird sanctuary ° to prepare their report. On the coon-
mi;;ht fittingly be establicslaed In the cit roassctnblinH Reeve Turner read : Roads Aesoelation for the titan to
neiMimi:oed of the cemetery. These the report, as folovs, and this liras = it"'pay'the fee and trend delegates
{ to the meeting in February was re-
• matters array very welt be looked in- ,adopted, on motion of the •I:eeve, sec- • f crredto the public worl.aa committee.
;to. loaded by Councillor Gould. .'The purchase of dog tags was te-
e 'If possible the fence at the front Pinanec -4), C. Munnihigs, J. %V.' fere is to the si)t rizil eonlnaitmesY.
of the cemetery nhoaald be eounpleted 1 Craigie, P. T'urnot,'dti'tal. 1Ssaitic>, :6, li. i . A request from the Ontario Muni-
i thio year and all clratger spots en our „Croft. , eip:ii A:: oeuatiota for the town to join,
bank: and roredwaya cahould be pro- t
I I'ublie - Work—Wm. ani. Bailie. G.„ pay the fee and Send delegates was
,teeted by pootitig and cables, iGotdd, D. C. Atunninga, W. efeLean, reeericd to the finanea committee. •
00r town is to be eongratulatelq e, W, geen;ie.
that no drowning acettiettts •have mak-' A t'equeat iron: the Ilosisital feat
en ttlaeo this year. either at our bath. wawa. Licht and Harbor—IL Turn- • Leith Children for a grant was refer,- -
the tooth"? or has iDD` the haD,ltoa; rrIDile Si artaa1. eAtci().cC Lwft,- W. C'rAit♦ie, D. w red
emio tter the
ount.'str,aaalittfe. also a
f e.. t tnilTked lay l: r 4'"V tV. ''1't 'sal, 1". `,.lutea., li, (41 siotioan efCoutacilior P;aikie, ecs3
many fatalities :aa .a DDUDon.t.-r Or mtlatr'' ,
Omer!, a i planet, It. Q'. 14Maun„.A„,,, w, I). prat ende i by the teem the elaayorel ack-
Gua life -ening equipment, 1 n,_p tentactet�y anti Paa°bs -J, W. (4i-ai-.alceacs was glared to the ol:e ini
Hove, i3 in I;vh:.'iI 'I' spa hot taDtl:ly fte-4 Pie, 1). ttiiioul, 1' `I'i3D`aao , IL (9P,tn1Qi eormit
n 11^ G 6PL te7aDfxrrtiaal; the alti3;)dtD1>
tltttitmly l C i* &rc to i teedkrtap to Atte tt p: Il3ilifi. ¢ Tanta made and tietheelleing tho e Bore
date too that ft may be saltsays seedy v.;3.faehet —C;. tteetld, 1'i. C. efuaatni,.gc, ' f� of tatotacir to pay rho Orem,
Instinet a thee of 'udder ewrrgency i• W. Itte•t tan., II `e»refe , 1• ti fi'eehe.. Wert Moro ittteecet ccerr. penland
Al eitete±w, we here hetet fcrttlnat • Court of 1!te171:•isn - D: Ci)Mal, 'i'ftC), no a . incil a ticngnc:1,
•tory • and pants committee, and the
• treasurer's statement of receipts and
expenditures for the last fifteen days
of 1928 to the finance committee, •
A. letter from the Borger. Cities:
Chamber • of . Commerce • annauneed
;heir .'annual excursion through the
States., This • is an advertising, expo.
ditiin and Goderich is invited.. to send
delegates end to take any advertising
matter the town has. This wan re-
ferred to the, special committee:
A notice from the clerk was that
iiolling subdivisions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4
and G had 'more than 300 voters each,
requiring the provision: of additional
polling divisions. This wan referred
to the special committee. Thin mat-
ter was before last year':; council but
was not dealt with. • •
A second letter from- the University
of Western Ontario announced elicit
Dr. Kingston would be in town Jan.
22nd ter 23rd and would like to meet
the town ecuneit, This is, no doubt, _
in connection with a request for a
grant towards an endowment fund.
Manyy ninnieiniditieu.`oe elrmunleiptale-
Miele Hit*
Full Fashioned Silk Hose
We 1
9 .'� 1
� c, ll�.ve
�cz.. t received olil first tat �hIl;•meIlt of
those «Ortent" Silk Hose, with the new style. l '"et
in the toliowing .+,m. b 0Shell, Crane, Flesh,
Beau Rose, Grain, Erable, Mother Goose, Bur.
mall, Monkey Skin and Black.
-As a Special Advertising Feature we are going
, to Offer these Hose to our customers at
$i.50 per pair
foreign traditions in an'Eneltuh• en.
vironment "
^ The report .raid of the production
"The P. U. .M. C. auditorium last
night housed a capacity audience
composed of both Chinese and foreign
residents, as the elite of Peking gath- i
eyed to witness, Mrs, Bernard Read's '
presentation of the lively comedy, 'So
This is London.' A dress' reheureel
on Monday evetog
hadpronsed •
smooth and finished •perfornaanice, a
promise- which last night was fulfil-
ulfilled in the careful acting, soplausticat•
ed costuming, and, best of all, In the
clear enunciation of the aetors, a
feature whieh• made every word spelt-.
en on the stage audible to the furth-
est corner of the house, facilitating
the tri rete tian.of the ~tent of the
p 6"ti
play to ttk Many English-speaking
Chinese in the audience,
"Mrs. Bernard • Reach—director e of
this Little Theatre,: presentation by
the Peking Institute of Fine Arts, is
Well known in Peking as 'the. "t#eiseco
of China' and her series of Waverer
the American n
en R -College
as well as her own• clever acting in
Barrier difficult -to -convey. comedy,
'The Twelve Pound Looke witness her
familiarity with and. mastery of every
phase of singe .technique. Greatly
enhancing the •professionat aspect of
the offering were- the stage setting.
arrangred by Miss Mary Ferguson,
while the chic and effective 'costumes
of. the east afforded striking' points
for favorable eon—Intent.' • •
"The theme of 'So This In'Undone
allows ample scopo: for characteriza-
tion, • and the fact that here British.
,parts are played.'. by rho British, and
American •' parts. by the Americans.;
lends ."an. ale of conviction to every
:line,,, .
The roped the n repletion 'con
:eluded as- follows: "Congratulation,t
to the Little Theatre. return, produe-
ers, stage .ntanagets and costuntcrs.
and the scene -designees:. :1tuy. 'So.
This .ts Loudon,' anon formany a
night. Special credit is due the pro
duce, Mies Katherine L. Read; stage
nettings and •properties, .Miss Mary T.
F'ergithnn; prompter, Miss Albt•rtit'
Worthington; business management,.
the Peking .institute of Fine Arts..
-partienierly Mrs, Si T. tltxuag, - Fan_,
used :by Mrs. Frasier ani Misa Tone
are from Chic de Paris, and the shave'
worn by Mise Toni from eine. Igor
TineorrOW Moraine., when you wake-.
, up, stretch yonreelt, and he thank>fui
you are. nave and able to send tome.
ick friend a beautiful buneh of
S'l EWART'S °00805 OR
1 • eA0...'va1'1ONS
which win create real happiness—aline
you will be all the happier for gee
giving. ' .
`ublic Notice
ati IGI, en t'ht)i1EJ)
Tuesday and Wednesday
Jan. 22nd and 23rd
A .,r.e atotaoving to our -Mew'
Phone 230 for Appointments*
1j-`,-- - NMS',
G O. S W AR T Dirt
E , Florist
Bruce St. Telephone 10.1 Goderuelr
Mutual Life
Assurance Company
of Canada
nom, i i lot: ; W 'rintr.00, lls1
D. D. ROONEY, Agent
1'iwxn 280
Nolen hx.. •': GonIinttt•Tt, O,sT,
.L.+^ ,
Cleveland's Bread
is 11 .teittpting conip:enaent to
any metal•-tlelieious in itself -
and lending.zest to the teat of • 1
the menu. •eet•-h.
Your family will demand
twice na much of our Bread as
any • other. leneourage thein to
to `eta, Aa'° it' is the* saris! health.•'. •
ful and .nourishing food they
1'houu0 114 West St.
Service and Quality
The Store of Satisfaction
Phone 146 We Deliver ira Totem