HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-17, Page 3THURSDAY. JAN. i:th, CI THE OODERUCH STAR Was W'ith ' Bo Neighborhood News Nuggets O° "°' Back Picked From Our exchanges fait=_ Y1 lind Mae., .er,.e't, 8•, i.;:ot 1, ir.i ;s 1 a 1.:s ae ley I ark. l: c u':l iii t i • 4.10 it fir do acetianse t hal l to rs^ ,:- * , # iion iyui< c . x� i'ae ze:. +c;si.i t;.e Li tri After a tempartieely *hart but see. 1uekere riith, east of Ilett�a3el. Ikath cf There) t Waite r way, and item there to zi fur: a are : grit ;a Lottie tine E0.11 rntilea sa great deal of ditfereneo, so' 1 tier: flour leaks in au, and I ant in goo'1 health mat have never ben rimy sip of la hail rinN.." Meninfactnreal only by Tine T. la$i1• Ilene Ce., Taal,, Tereeuto Oat. • LEGAL CARDS F. lieltalill(JW. Barrister, ;solicitor, Notary Public, lite. Succeed son to J. L. iiiltoran .l'beno 97 Oakes 'i'Ire Square, Goderich. tillNE: .LEM -.. Barrister and Solicitor Dominion Bldg.,-efet- Bay -51rret Toronto 2 Telephone Adelaide 4iO3, i1AIr1a"Y`,1. U01.:NSS. Barrister: Solicitor, Notary Public. Conveyancer. M. P!I()1,I:27 HAMM PoN._STHERT. STPECIALIST F. J. a. POSTER. EYE, EAU. NOSE, TI1ROAT Late !louse Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic, and Aural' Hospital.' aestetent at tidearetield'•s Eye Hospital and Golden :Hoare Throat Hospital, Lon'ton.. Eng. 53 Waterloo St.. S. Stratford. Tele- phone 207. At Hotel Bedford, Goderlets, of the evening of third Monday of caeli month tilt the following day, Tuesday, at .l p.m. CHIROPRACTIC Doto1.ESS PflM Te1TIONtirt. Drs. A. N. ATKINSON. Cbiropraetor and brimless Iiheetpist, Goderieb • Chroole, Organics, and Nervous Diseases Equipped with Diathermy. Elertro- ,Magnetio !laths. t;leetronie Eleetrio Treatments and Chiropractic. OIIleo hours --2 to'3 :and 7 to 0 p. rt►. nd by appointment.. excepting MIonday :and Thursday afternoons and evenings. Office Morins --2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Indy in Attendance. Resident Mold Utalce--€orr&i r Socltlt St, and Britannia !toad. AUCTIONEERING 11110b1As GUNDBY & SON; , .. . site Stock and Genera Auctioneers, Elgin Ave., Goderleh. Sales made everywhere and all efforts made to give you* satisfaction. Farmers' Sale dotes-diseo'a,:ted.. Phone 119. . ROBERT ROBERTSON. Auctioneer. Elden St., Goderieh • -will conduct and .arrange._AllY _Salo on Ina-latestMethodsto .get best results See 'aim, or drop a card ' and he will give it immediate inttention,. Farrar •Belies"a, specialty. NOTARY ?OEM 'ETC." 4" NOTARY P lila!(: General Conveyaneing done Good Companies - Represented . Phone No. 208. Goderieh, Ont. 1INSURANUE : • - K��•I• LOP MUTUAL PIKE 11r1 - 2itTY 1NSVi1ED. TAIIM AND ISOLATED TOWN . MOP - BRAY INSC11E1). 'Valve of,nrnperiv Insured up to ran-. Uary 1910. 53.0019, 975.00. • OFIN4,EIIS-•James Connolly, Presi- dent, tloderieh; .Tag. Evans, Vied-Presi- dent, . Beechwood; T. 1', hays, Ste. - Teas.,' Seaforth. gilfECTOi15•-•-D P. McGregor, Sea forth; J. G. (grieve. Winthrop; wrl, Wein, Constance: Ge'or'ge ',McCartney. atckersnith: John Perris, liirlorl+: Sohn Bennewise, Uroadhagen; Dturray Gibson. Ilrueelirid. AGENTS, --T. iv, leo, (;ollcrlrh; Sandy Leitch, Clintons Vrt. Chesney. Sea - forth; 11, llinrhteY, Seafortlt. Poheylaolders ,Can pay their a tisess- rnents et C,'iivltn Clutt's store. Doderieh; fi. J. riloorish's Ctething store, Clinton; or J. 1I. Meld's, 13aylield. • >1`IRP WSUItANCPs' !lave it attendedto by the iMEliT WAWANG$H MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. >stab11;41ed 18:x1 Bead bdlee:.Dunlratton, Ont. Vni.. J. Thompson. Auburn.. Pres.; ir'nn. Watson. Vire Pres.; James Gk.,.' kiln, lion. .Director; Directors---''VV"m. McQuillan, St. Helens:. W. P. treed,. ii. 11. No. 2, bun.nosv: Barry L. Sal. kid, (lodcrlcit; Ales. Nicholson, Luck - now; Tim Griltln, Ir, R. No. 7, I.nelcnow; C1 las. Hewitt, Kincardine; Itobt. David- -r;on, Dungannon: !tate.. 811AO net thousand. , "t- ST(t 10.111 s. '1''. G. ALLEN, ']liras. BrODII6U . �r oneruCH; - 'rile Leading Foetal Directors arra Emiai,tmers ata- Aittirrlauce Service Orders carefully attender to at all bol ra---night or (1ay. We are the inspectors of anatomy in and for the County of Baron. Pltonea: Store 120; Residence 1117 . eexer Patera). Director and Embalmer Ooderich, Ont* io :til. calls Prra*npti% r_tt•ncl^s to n -lay or night. Thorel!: ktot>., set: nom. el 5w ere ifne_s Mr. Thomas White passed away ,at his home, RattenLu y street west,,lintenr en Tuesday evenieg cf Fast lveek. Deets of Grandson of Laura Second j dew of the late I)r. R. C. Best, cf i Mr. U. J. Carthev:, father of Mr- .Loudon, was united in marriage to A. M. Carthew, former manager of Robert :Alexander Stewer%► now of the Bank of Commerce, Blyth, died at ',oxidate, fern -telly of Exeter. `rhe Thornbury last week aged 80 Years. ,-Nev. D. W. P. McIntosh perrormcal Deceased , was rs grandson of Laura the ceremony. bliss. Irene Stew aryl Seeord, lierail-ro; of the war of 1812- of Exeter, daughter o the groom, 14. and Harold Best, the bride's son, Engagement Announced Sigiacd the register. Mr. and Mes. Jas. A. Ford, 'Clinton; Resssit Man victim of enflutnxa announce the engagement ai? their Mr. Thomas Appleton, of Benaail, Stets -art -Bert A c;tl;et but pretty +weaning was olemnizect can VI/Onesaay evening of G ;est week, when Mee. Mary hest, youngest daughter, Jean Marjorie, to, passed away Tuesday morning, Iran, De. C. Wymer Frocunicr, son o£ Mr.' 8th a victim of the influenza epi anti Dire. E. A. I'rocunifer, Belmont, Heinle which is sweeping the country. Ont., the marriage to take place this The deceased, who was a veteran of month. the Great War, was in his 42nd year. Kilbourn-alehague In 1912 he was united inmarriage illiss •Elisabeth (Betty) NegaSee, with Mrs:, >:lorence Cook, of 1 eusd1,.• ilaugltter oi' Mrs. 111u:Ragae and the who with two sous, Harald and Aldon, latae D blieKaguo cif C1Tinghaan mourn alae loss of a lovit>g husband was married an Satnirday, January a1 and father. to Mr. W. Quay Xilbourre only sou +si Distract.Synod Meeting to Be Held air, and airs. P. II. Kilbourn, of Owen 9 Zurich Sound Gets Wester)- Appointment ` A very interesting event will be Mr. Melvin Reed, of Lueknow, whoa celeb 1t nextn -Jtune ; peters; I,utlteratl. church next .,Tune, when the annual }ras !seen with the a7as-JYarr1s elistrfct synod meeting' will eongre- Company at Brantford the past two ate in Zurich, and solus 120 pastors years, has 'been appointed Xnspeetor a d delegates are `expected to be pre- JB even was .as co a ra , ., in 2urcn in 492X, and ane Oaf tho in - city Monday afternoon of Inst week, teresting parts of the program will As Mai. Reed was district agent -at lee the ordination services when Stu., of Agencies, with headquarters at sent Tlu 1 t I b ted Saa,skatooti Bask and lett for that Brantferd this is a very good promo- dent' Albert Dieters son of Mr and tion. . Cexlriveau-Clolanas ' Mrs. F'd. Dieters of• Hay township, Will be ordained into tho ministry.. A very interesting matrimonial event was celebrated at .$t. Peter's It Young. Ashfield` Farmer; Dies ' C. church, 'Drysdale, on Monday, Deo.. Roderick Donald MacDonald, aged I 7"..11, when Ileo. Father Gerard 'united 27, whose home was on the !'4th con - in holy wedlock Miss Mer1�l Gennas, cession' • of Ashfield, -tear Lochrtsb, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Gee- died on Tuesday of last week. lie inns, of the 'Goshen Line, Hay town- had been seriously ill the paat three shirt, and Mr. Dennis, Corriveau, son weeks. His death is particularly. sad of Mr. and Mrs, *Freida Corriveau, of in that he leaves a widow and. Drysdale. I four young children. Mrs. DiacDon- Il►eatil-of 111isg.Murehie ald before , her marriage was Miss• Th' death occurred at the home of Mary Maclver, a daughter of Mr. and Mfrs MwDernawd, Goderach street west, Seafor th,' ,on Saturday, January ,5th, Death of W C. Mackay of Miss. Catherine Murchie, one of Mr. William Mackay, barrister, the oldest residents of the -district. formeely of Toronto, died 'at the Tesi-. Miss 1 Turelli° was the daughter of dente , of his brother,: Dr. ' Charles- the harles the late Alexander MVlurehie 'and Jeans Mackay, •Seaforth, • Wednesday morn - Hamilton, and was born in Ayr,. Scat- ing, .tan. 9th. He woe born in the ,lanai, coming to Canada With hea.^par- township of McXillop, the son of mita seventy-five years ago. The Mrs. Kennneth. Maclver of Ashfield. John Campbell .Mackay sand Mary. Death of Miss Esther McDougall . McIntosh. MaeXay, and reeeived his Miss Esther. McDougall, eldest' education at the Seaforth Collegiate daughter of James McDoougaf, of Institute, after which he entered the Turnberry twp•, died at her home on office of the late F. Iolitiested, h. C•, Friday, Jan. 4th, aged 23 years. 1M'iss: and studied law. lie was called to' McDougal ryas aparticularly brfglit the bar at Osgoode hall in '1890,. and and Clever girl and when falcon ill . far a number: oa, years was connected With pneumonia; some months ago .with the firm of Wells d'c;Diacniureby, was, teaching at what is known as sol oitons to the C. P. IL. and later o,p- Dougias school;Turnberry: • ened his own office in the -lament: • Brydges-> f ayes' Dank, building, Toronto. . A very pretty wedding took place. The Late Mrs. "Nm. Scott at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs: J. T'.' airs,.Wm..Scott, of Myth, passed Brydges, Eelgrave, on Thursday, Dee: away M Wingltam horpitai on Fri - 27, when the Rev. Shore, of Blyth, in say, San. 4th She had gone to the the presence of a few relatives and hospital some few days previous to friends, joinea ui matrimony Mies undergo a surgical operation. The Dorothy Bilges, second daughter of late Mrs. Scott, whose ;laiden. name 11Ir. and Mrs. J. T. Brydges and Mr. 'WAS .Jean Oliver Scott, was born in Louis A. Hayes, of Detroit: East .Wawanosh township sixty-one. The I atg :Angus Murray. years ago, daughter of the late David. Mr. Anus Murray ticd.at ;ald'.iome and. 111;601h Scott, *neer. Main str, Er, an '4 . dents; of that section. On coming to 'darn aught, Januareetyxete2nd.,. T•he deeeasVednes-• womanhood ebo was married to Wil- tired to Eit t la time after her marriage she made •ed was tin his 70th year and had re- n e- link Scott in the year 1895 and for a e er st spring He was her home on concession 4, West Was born • in Stanley where he farmed for wanosh, later moving to the four - a number of years And later selling teenth concession of the townsiii ' of the homestead he moved,to the Sail- p Me Line, now the Blare. Water. High until ving0 the family entytteo until movitib. to Blyth tvrenty.trvo CONYAINS NO ANIMAL.W LON raft a$ 4V Nea•ANY MIN n*t %r'CrAe�N CUTS M11Uliti • • *ores • 15155* • NUS • 1'IMPI. $ • at:erlA• • IINtu$ATISM • SCIATICA ,IAL ttCS' .5011 4114411s A NACOS • C$APPEP NAMES triol.4rrrnr..tICRO a:rrs1sttr. Matra' 'MAW PIOUS s 4JWUFfS s'Lv: AJLar . AS' AM . !r Maarca'red SOOTHING HEALING ANTISEPTIC years ago. Death of a Pioneer of Ninety Years_ - In the death of Mr. Robert Dever- eaux on Thursday, Jan. ; rd, at the home of his so. Mr. John Devereaux, 2 1-2 miles' east of - t-eaforth tin :he HUMP n road another of the few re'- mairiing links ~vasa.- severed in the great and sturdy chain of the pion- eer lives. connecting a vivid and in- teresting n- lei' ti es npast of the district tothe t 1 present. ltfr. Devereaux had enjoy. ediris usual goad' health until a week previous it, his death. - Pneumonia developed and at his age little could be done' to restore his strength. He had lived on the farm where his death occurred for 00 years and had lived in the neighborhood since he was four years old. ' Ile was born in October 90 years ago, at Guysboro, Nava •Scotia► 10 unites from Halifax,: a son of the late John Devereaux. THOUSANDS OR MOTHERS USE NO OTHER MEDICINE TIctby's Own Tablets Are the Ideal Remedy for Babies and Young Children ' Canadian mothers are noted for the t' care they give their little ones—the healthof the baby is most jealously - guarded and the mother is alevaya or. the lookout for a remedy which is ens fieient and at the flame time absolute- - - ly nate. Thousands of II -tonere have ` found such a remedy in Baby's Own Tablets and tunny of them use noth- iug elto for, the ailments of their little ones. Among them is Mrs. RewardRing, of Truro, N.S•, who nays:•—" I: Mt strongly recommend Usby'o Own • Tm..blete to mothers of young children as I knorr of nothing to oval then) for tittle ones." Darya Own Tablets .are cold by - medicine deatera er by Mail at 2:i cto. . a box from The Dr. Williawaa n3ecli-• (-1119 Co., lroekville, Ont. A'Willing Worker The bargaining fa' a cow had been f o1ng o22 !dandy for an hour. "Loteledi,tthehetr, of the business d,etrim l`rtrkadtinlbrand iirall1 PEA, A modern fire-p:aef Hotel:e Wu roomy each with bath, . Rates: $1W and upwards, c, ;p FAMo�ut�ifr$tatuanteed musi.- also Collet Shoe MEM D TROIT-Mrs i t Finally the peeepe::tiee laur'a_ha ee e 'carte. flatly to the point. = "laity muck riille clots circ gine". lin elked. • "I don't tightly LeGros" awe thee fat -n cr who owned her. "but she s ;a del at goad'naturcll (tater t.!!cl she Id gat? all she (-.arta" icK The i�>��11c#+�t�t� you never tf fl UAKER. OATS. Cooks-In lily to 'i mInutes BOOK LOVERS' CORNER (BY Jane Iloltby) "A Good Book is the Best .Companion" E "Action". - :. ,, lie also says.' /1 I have been asitet; And other stories' by C. E. Monts. to try and tell you that (thv `centrad gar, published- by the Musson Book wonder story of the world). atone. Co., Toronto, is the January entice refused rat- left,ar T am so cot aid of the Eaton Book Cat:b. as "the boobet spoiling it." We aro very i;tad of the month." that that hesitancy was overcome na The first and title story alone the minds of our boya and girls muse Would justify this choice as "Action" be enriched by, this wonderful story is a remarklible piece of work. A so wonderfully told. ennunary'does not in any way do the 'Simple and clear it is, and yet one story justice. A main-,-bell'-weft realizes the infinite care mete senor: of hiswife by death, of his children' arship that has gone into its reale- by incompatibility, awakens one day Mg.. to realize that his right side is par- "A Boyar and Girls' Life of Christ's tially paralyzed. Ho cannot bear the by' J. Paterson Sinyth, is published thought of w wheel chair and a long by Hodder and Stoughton, London, drawn out exit-ebetter go quickly, and distributed by the Musson hook and gloriously. Ile bad adored Co:, Toronto, 318 pages, 52.00. mountain and ' particularly glacier climbing, so plane to make his exit A,HEALTH REVIEW that way. But fate intervened ant; in saving two fellow •creatures is At the beginning of each year, it is himself sahed and his: physical disa- customary, m, many fields of human bility. disappears. One of the res._ endeavor, to review thetwelve cued is a physician and in an exeep- months which have passed, to take tionsl conversation with hint a differ; stock, as it were, and to consider ent.perspective conies and Bell is "ale .whether or not the year has been a eight". "Right. enough`;" ••Ole, lyes; profitable one. It is upon the suea. • I'm sticking. en;' cesses and fafluies of the past Yeats Judith is an exceptionally strong : we base our plans for the future. spy story• It is, therefore„ rather an appro. Several are war . stories written pripte time for us to review the with deep penetration and 'under- .health conditions of our families as standing. Two are stories of Eng- they were during theast. year. Tlrsi. dish rural life with Hauch local color. of all, we should Consider whether or Not only ,xnen came in for keen 'not we have taken those steps whit , .analysis. In Ted s Leave," a mar- would protect us from certain disea vellous .'woman" is marvellously Pore ses. Vaccination does prevent, sntaa- trayed and is yet so !intim, as are pox. Have you allowed Yourself or all the characters. • your children to be .exposed to this thor (:. , IJ dieMdonvertaygue,Journarecentlyinlistthe anitalnidstau- , ation as a means , of protections disease through failure to use vuecin- of a' splendid career. His "Dough Diptheria can be prevented by dip; Justice is one of the outstanding Melia .immunization. Have you al - war books and his untimely_ death . is lowed this disease to continue as a a great loss to English lftvrntt'rre, rneneee to t1 a vor'yBres'of`yogr .til- - -• dren'by your failure to have them in A e.. "The Silver Thorn" niunized? ... 1 f book of stories b3" Hugh Wal Safe we.ter .and pure Mnikare tura- * - p pole, :is published under the title, elemental needs. Contaminated iva- - "The Silver Thorn." It is not the ter and dirty milk are still the cause name of any onestory, but convey:- of niucla 'sickness and many deaths• the underlying idea of each. ''The Ha%c you seen to it that the water Silver Thorn" was the consolation you and your family 'drink and the prize," and in' these tales eaeh: re- milk that you use aro pure, or do you -.'7'.:',' •e 4>aia�i1111 serves his silver .thorn. -to One - .sen- live with the dangers .of impure wa- keys and 'antiques instead of 'a ;sus- ter and mllk Imaging °ever you' band; to another) picture instead„of Have you loco attention to our themselves. What we say is meant was nothing wrong with them? a (fiancee; an etshifl indeed Of home? Are your windows screened for the person who Is reading•this ar- We do not wish to cause you to "wife, a.'strange dog instead of the' keep, out flies? Do.tho nv,ndorvs title, not for sgmeono 'else in the worry about yourself, but we do wish much needed ,contribution to the family. Do you know to make you realize you °ro not able i open to alfa: for proper ventilat;on? J y n in what condi, pat sh fund. Does the sunshine get into your -fon your body Is? Dur'ing the < past to sax that,'just because you fell Nearly the w}iole ranee of human rooms? • experience, is probed and unsuspect- A tnueli larger measure of health is ed depths are stirred up.. - Walpole within the graspof most of us but always arouses this ,intense interest.. rite m st make r. , In the midst of -deep quiet, vital is- u the necessaty effort to seize it. If you delayed last year, if Sun Life Policyholders To Receive Special Bonus t►V THILE tl i aw.,rwr,i In addition to rejtilar dividends in 1929 of approtinaately $17,500,000 Office of the Prasiclent, - h1a rni tie, January 8, 192