HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-17, Page 1•••;;•-•..›
Star Cainiar or On
For Every Paid.in.advancs Soh -
scriber. Renews now avkile the
Choice of Calendars ix at its Best
The Stais CWokiag
Will Sao* ro• latiessey. Order,
roar Deily Paper and et her
Periodicals thrones 774« Sear.
$141)4criPlion: $2 a year in Canada GODERICII, ONTARIO, CANADA, TIIUM3DAY, JANUARY 17tit, 1929
SEVENTIETII VEAL' Lelia a year to U. S. points,
WALTER NAFTEL, Pultliater.
Town .Council and Public School Board Hold Inaugural Meetings This Week -- Junior Town Hockey League Being Formed
'1# —
'1 one of tbe officers, A, M. Robertsou, Much Believed iey the atiaese OBrIVARY AMONG THE CIIUR( 111?,h PEOPLE WE KNOW
In the coarse et All Article in the
J. A. Campbell or W. F. A. Mattel,
. Do it new or you will forget it Again,
.11M Drennau's Recreation Parlors
IMr. Dreamt is offering a prize of
an auto robe for the singles score
1 closest te 225 made during the period
i J311. .18/11 b Feb:18th. It will he a
'Tule a the contest that anyone cos -
sing. the fowl line will be reeected. ,
Mr. William Carrick has the highest name itua Chlia alter a six Years poor heelth and her death wee not
regord on these alleys with ft single residence in the country. "When Ave unexpected. The decelised lady,wnose
got to Nanking, wheee some sit: bun. midden name woe Eliza Arm Sheen,
I score of 425, including ten strikes
tired foreignets resided." she Writes. was horn in the township of Etobi.
and a score of 29 in the last frame: "we found that consuls had ordered eons., Torn County, where she spent
, Dig tbree.ganie sore is 1)0n. - '
all 'nationals off the streets. Only they early life. In ago ebe was mar- Baptist viturele a an. 20th Even -
Rural Power Line Will He Built one v.bite min was free et.o walk ried At Larebton Mills to Mr. Henry ing eubjeet, "Why should the world
Ilte George Laithwaite has been ahroadt Dr. WW1% who in fortY Seabrooke and went with hint to Wal. I hone tn.' tho return a Christ?"
power to his farm end has at last re. from being looted and burned, and few years coming to Hepworth ei Come taxa hear them.
Iffinning talks on the spiritual life.
working for weenie tune to get hydro rears luta twice owed that greet city ter's Valls, where they remained for a
De. e • or Tae Century magol It, A 1311.00RE.--The Feed Sea* The anneel votes* meeting of' Et.
Sun Life 'Assurance Company, of Canada az",tie the 'writer, marguerite 'raiment brooke was velle‘to Eepwerth the Georges cher& wet ee'. teed on mon.
, Bro. makes o nice reference to Dr. week before lest by the illness of his day evening next
NO ARGUMENT t.GAINST IT ' William Maehlint brother a Dr. A, Il. Mothers, Mrs. Delay Seabroo'ke, awl Durting the airieza orr orgeutet et, A,
Macklin, of Goderiele which will be ort Friday, Jan. 4th, she pessed away. it. wimiuseu ef st„ Georges ebueek
-0 o is ne ergureent against the taking a life insurance, It is of intereet to our waders. 'The write • Six:, AvaS One a the eldest residents of hmss (\mien substituted as orgara.3t
. hat the protection of one's family, or those mew te him,
• • deicribing the oceurrencee et few Hepworth erea was in, her teeud year,
is the one thing most toehe desired, eud. there is no mediae" tat. tresr, menthe ago when she wanted to eome Vor somf,_ thee past she had been in
than life insurance. Our government has given doseeattiotter nt_
the ineurance comeaniee, so that they are on sueh a safe and sou 4
foundation that no ene'enti gainsay their stability.
Seek protection to-daY•
Phone 115
H. R. LONG. District Agen
Huron lavostmeats
Stock Brpliors
Bona Deaters
Ccaterieb, Coterie
Maness 430 -and 44$ ,
Vete Arelteleaeon Atnee.-
Batertiall Are at1111:1; (11 11 triv tc) irtr.
Mr. and Mr. B. Graham leer oft
Tuesday t) spend the remainder tee
the ,winter mouths in Florida.
'the leers two Sundaea. Mr. nud Mrs. George Williams and
Sertices at Victoria street United MisS Edith Williams returned I*sit
elanth nat Sontley *ate the usual veeek from their visit in Indianapolis..
hut. Werstdp 1I' :aid 7 Nod'. Mr. Will Tebbutt and .Mr. (*ere,
Fellowelnin am.; SuneklY seltZel. Maer.wart were in Oshawa tbi* week.
nem tmd return with a couple et new
Chevrolet carp.
Mr. Ruth Thointason has returned,
home after visiting since Christmas
with her daughtme Mrs, In II.
tinge, Ilarriston.
TO1IVN TOPICS Itfttethat the line will be built. Engin-
eelved aesursince from Engineer Cape went w en All where 10 plensed
talked to 'whom he pleased, Th
---e Iwo" home in the village ever singe. She ehureb enjoyed a 'winter hike on Blom tril'ee i'l,,v•c „t °„ i 6, --, °rt.. :
au years ago, und ehe had made her The A. Y. V. A. of St. Georges Mr8 II Ara Id and daught Bea
. - ... _ • eer e, ..,........e...,-teer Caetor's letter st tes that esti- PIC lave him. But tlmt was before was -very highly esteemed and re- day evening. The counter attractiort solo o'tete-t, sp";:gn-ge(t,o"..oany,/,ncelasaul.1141; ,-,
1 I'MMS have beenp ed. -awl sub. Nattlong fell into the hands of the speeted by all who knew tier. She is of the hockey match attratted some
l'eThi h d be ' t 1 b li
s a en gran et ut t e ,
called that in the framing •of the i
survived by her husband, four son$ who would otherwiee have partici- lat've's nil friends
ane cne daughter; James, in North paled in the bike.
Bible Satiety o e ions . pre.
, Contributions to the Bible Soelety nate 4 to the econnuss▪ io for appro. Notaanalist army. It might be re.
.1 hlro. Leighton, S. Walker will re.
t 1 " h • '' d h D
. N d i)t .1 i et d t e nd or t e me lad not Yet.heeu . . t • . IN aliam, Saginaw, Miele, and red, 0 eonducted by the minister. Subjects ptiday "afttrnoon°, Lowry mit i'rom
.801 until .0.
to band in their contribution, al- don t
lie letter states the commission -
thomeh they 'Mended to make erne . ,e . . - . Chicago Must 'Reduce Diversion of Owen ..Soliitd. Thentonerol toolt P !lee the Sanctuttry; -7 p.m., CI'What Christ
property and that of lus neighbors The decision of the Supreme Court afternoon, Jan. 8th, a 2'40 o'clock to 4ih1e glasses et a 0,000,. •
Boytts,cemetery, the servios being in The ocderich summer school mu. Ste‘vart, teouth street, and Attending
. Sabbath School and Ilk,. J. tlre Stewart WO% in toWrt
It is not too late to hand,it in yet,
a ee I- • ' wilt tane tate matterane and nave the L ii w 'G 4 L • 1 last week visiting las mother. hire.'
line eo structed t Mr Laithwalte s
, a e Ater to liar vie front eel, late resmence on wuestioy tins leeemea,”
either by placing it on the elitirch n a .. . of the takes , •
plate boon envelope marked "For the
. too, This would probably take about . — vimege of Bev, T, II. Johns, vector of the funeral of his uncle, the late Wm.
Slide Society" or hy banding it to -
a month. ,of water from Lake Michigan into •
for the tinted States that diversion Red ehurelt) wilt be held this year
Stewart taking part in the service.
, the Anglican church . from Monday, July 15th. to Monday, i
foe 1928 am' lint to about* 8200, less vn: George nos Angeles eale . enrol the cervice4 win _ Calve for the first time since her mgr.
cesemy order -in eouncil overing agleemen w tic telmenate t oxe Dawes.
than lielf the $500 %let As the object- ho x h el revolution of yeare ago Dr iffack- .• • • • Pred at low boote Waterloo on
lve. °II maaY lava e e issued. As soon aft. this has been in had Dub* Goderich; and •Ildra. .T. White of ern ns. et a in fieladness in
rfAt SALE .Cric ‘r6 ItEhrt Connclilee Creft WM Be Busy the Chicago River cannot he author- EnenAysoNe_enueetrow• eritteeit ,Iuly 2end. Itev. W. A. • Bremner, Mr. and Mrs. 11. It Long silent the
week -end in Toronto. Mr, Long efran
--"7"----7 FIVE, IljeteltRED DOLLARS -DO the statutory meeting of the ized as a methed of disposing ef sew- The 'death of
'Pt At atre. Akeenarena me_ Brucelleld, • is president; Rev. Edgar
lat A NT E DeeD Is t rict Manager or 1 ., • II 1 Leod Einlayson *centred tit Detroit on Ilioulston, of Arkona. secrettnil and in attendanee At a gathering of Sun „
NAeorges wANT . IT 2 Ity buying this town council on MondilY Councillor age and the practice must be stopped
County of tiluron for long estah- drainage. also •peCtureeque Incatioa-- Was made in iMM1 of the special victory for elle Statee which. opposed illness -which developed into mien- • An impotent meeting will he held
January 4th, fellowirig several weeks' Mee X. Bailie, Goderich, treasurer, Ettftevarrejarehnstetelitdotnivessoltinerlddl:, ?bee Xii2ntgh
1 htv aeree of rich and productive .
------er I. fA` .. , • ‘'Cioft, the member of the board at the earliest possible date seems a
netted tem Aseuraece trompairee et:ale one r •the best in the 'vicinity -You committee. Strlar ao good, bnt•elong the diversion and appears favorable Ionia. ,She WAS inher 700 year, tin lo St. George's chureb on Wednesday II"
lent opportunity for advancement. farna Is about two miles from Clinton also. The disquietilM age at which recovery from. mum- evenin , V b. 6tit, tylien Ills Lordshin Mr. Harold Breckaw. who was
e, 0 .
all% expenses and eonuniselon. Excel- will e profiting LIM! amount, said comes item after item of businees to " Canada ,
write Me Bartiet Bldg., Windsor, pnt. on nese\ Line, 11 11 omelet of "referited to sPecial committee." Not elena, entis the fact that eliarapiorts of teaching in, Enniskillen, has not re-
, _coact heiree loge baUn. driving shed, inteh wonder if Councillor Croft be. Chicago's side in the ease are claim-
. • " , • so wend II and reservoir.. Conshlt gun to Wender if o. job (vas not being ing the Court's decision as a *tory.
' iil ' d';'
"wANTED.-Itellable (MAO ttg local elle- tatilae bulb. litoldenee in States rea- .
tribute): for Watkille ese41 know'n cone, for !lit.1 lop. yor tering. ; eer. Pot upon )11m and faildbr eratnired the When their permit expires on Dee,
tood products, tenet artioles, ete. We. ten1 ONE, Cli ton. °weer 122.•Soutli purpose of the Special committee, Slat next, they confidently expect
have an opening . tn Oettertch, whIelt Mali Street, Relneo, Niceigan. - 'The explanation that it was it conven. that it 'will be renewed. Some sort
- win lett hist long. This is e"our °Pr
Mania is rare. MO. FinlaYsent is the Bielton of Frederieton will be the
Well remembered as resident of near speeial preacher et. a service at 8 hulled to his school eince the yam.
South Kirdoss church. Seven yoke e'clock pane the purpose of his visit tion, Ile underwent an operation la
ago she moved to Goderich and had being to explain more fully the gen- Oshawa from which he recovered
since resided there and at Detroit, gra )vork of the church throughout Moly and he is now Attending the
where she spent the winter with her the Dominion. Collegiate Institute here again.
041' lent •conunittee to send 'matters to of venewat no doubt will, have to b4 eo le She 'had not enertred pod
+max c ene wt e t on •
.1111 good brick at I not e ong exPresslY to othe mede because the sewage disposal health clueing the fall inonths, but ,cireie of p 1 • h *irb h 1 r
3 0 The legolta nieeting of the Arthur
necpsFary. write giving Age, to The hone ,,., and bank..
. lat Jeri 1"ip it did not relieve Councillor Croft take care of the peohlems, but the ever.,
..I. it WATKINS COMPANY, Dept, De mites -from Gode nch, she. continued to (Iodine. The eeeloolt, In the lectuve •room, with ary meeting on Tueeday neat,
11 Lt Ont.•from aleteaw -Station, a • N‘ 1 1.1 ,. ,.....__
the suspielort that he is going to court makes it cleat. that it distil). remains were brought here for in- miss Edna maeetwan pregiding. pa. .
_ — _-_,__. reinutes• walk toeschool anti enuren -00'm ty te, te ft AI , • WO are pleased to see Mr, C.C. Lee '410
— anti oll other eouvenitnieee -Aho len be a busy man in his municipal work proves o 0 inexeuea.ble delays o
LOST ' terment in Kudos eenieteiens
ores with about al) fierce te able lamb this year. . . ' ' which the Chicago authorfties have . being held in South X
inloss church.
"vice pers win be given by Mrs. McMahen uptown, again niter his indhiposition •
1. von -On WednesdAy. A Jetties' gold ante or together, For nartee are ap. The late Miee Finlayson 'SVM11 a native and Mrs. IL IL Reid, A large at. Int week.
— "--'' rest paeturd and bush. Will en eep- • • been guilty. and the court also finds.
- - ' that "in increesieg the diversion from tendince is requested 'as this is the -
eNSTONE, XL \le, I.
watelt, va itet as a eepsa ee on ply a - - 0. ef Ashfield, a dung/Ito-of 'Mr. anu first meeting in the 'new'year., • . T. k " ' .
The town euthoritlea are 'having
fee south shim of Eest •Steeet, arOfa Gederieb. .. . • 4,1167 mark feet- .per second to Mro, Arehibald MacLeod, pioneer re- open atr tin areas on Victoria Park
0 TIM EbEelToRS OF (.101,110nN , , - sidents be township., Theta was The Weetminster Guild of Knot and Huron road flooded.
station to Couttirla -Bead Or Ve'est side ,......-- . ' e - F 8 600 the drainage district defied of t ' . •
' .a. a family of ten, Mr. Malcom Mete ehttrele held their electfint of officers
ca Cambria Bead, from East Street to AtIGTioN LES , rroweisiiip. ' the ;authority of the National On Thursday night the Cube' jourrt-
efirh k,ISTIIER 1113elle. - - • * 4
AngleSea St Itewerd on return .. to ExEcrfous., em• , , mil.. Government and, insofar aa the Leod of Chitago, being now the may ' *
on Tuesday night, resulting as lot. '
(. eyed to Seafortlo but were unsueeess-
clatfou for tile eunport l'reee ved et the pose,of maintaining navigation In tee hueband of Mrs. X. -MacLeod, °flown, .• • • • 1.0 in favor of Seaforth.
The regular meeting a Alone*
Chapter, I. 0. 1), E., will be held in
eistant seevetery Mies ltdith Lindy the Public library iffoinley afternoon,
e.eletain. ne •had eetiretUe01110 year
ortuity to Make some reel ennoey in a Feek.1 ort •SAL1... -Silty tort. go
e d'd b
usinem of your own. Experientio pliable lam .
t eituated five committees may be a good one but werka V111 not be adequate -he' theu to went to Detroit as usual Where how- monthly eveuingt JAIL 21st, at The county council opens it •Tantl-
. „
_ eeeper , mktg., impngettneTe, • Ladles en Dentienen,-.1 take t 14 prier. diversion was not for the pur- survivor. Itle: Kenneth MacLeod, late oN%s. On• S , • .
ful niakatg VIII, the ecore being
efilA F 'fief/ 13111.1'
means of e tn yot Ty
NOTIor or mFitivrstiren, 1. „rue • kveuters, et the estate . et tlo polls On •ientiffs last, and 1 essure•eou Chicago tiver, was without any le- was a brother. Itfr. Donald Finlay- son; first vice ptesident, Miss. Lilian
eepal Telephime ees walte nold ittegP. eeneeseion '2, Rest !»»' '» on lion. Wisbine you tozwimeuts missal:4e PurPoso,r
tete John itoare Will soil br pubile that the interests of the, fewest shau gal basis 'because made for ell Iliad- 8011 husband of the deceateth wee A
The annuatexteettof of forborne Muni. .auctioe at the homestead, 10 ti 28 end receive roy promptite t and hest lei iuf dera-
tee Townettipellalle,Caelotereenu "Ours'. 'Aivrams,pAv mil- ath vas°11*
Jan.'3ist, et .1,30 ea. eve GORDON ecnerneneing ett •12' o'eloelt ;Atari); ' Ihe'ThInfrel 3 1°13 41
• • • North St. United Chlireh
Anderson; secondvleapreeident, W
Lakes sailor. and• I s Mary McKay; secretaree V. Ross; a.
Great .
before ede digtu hi Hut oigut4wark traetree, Iltss Maegeerite *PO.' Januavy 2tet, at 4. o'clopite
eold; pianist, Harold Premien; eonven. CoPgrAtulations are iXtrAiled to
• •
• *a. Felted» Members of the family are Captem
or of. social committee, Miss Doura .itenogutogniasoti:t srlinhittonholitlitterritstuillagAth:xr:
• eetiNO, President. . •• Dorsett -00e, beavy draft mare; i ' ....negetto•—.. The stormyi weather of lest week Finlayson, Migy and oen.
Percheron mare; 1 . -EX ..CUTORS'• SALE ' and the Preva Once of illness lias ad-
VOTRIE,-rhe ennual, meeting nt'llte . Witco -one .red e0W, juift bred; . ..,-.... : \ . ..-.. . Mrs. Leon Skelly, of Efetroalkelteellie. • . . •
-'....11 heldtainwtlg TetTelellsealsiZent.iaTioiltillyt re.lidits. viev°.wilt(tietigi4eYktieh;' 1 ener Tr. er.,,r41'N. EGLI/L.)11$ e .141.... Trt TODLP• • eel beineeeotojarsedeby rev er i ' h i oh. x. Ai i stiv•ec't yle'rt. soetietyni.evevass'6.)lelvalewttuorn6.'. .rosoinall Ilwisteeh.:1!t Ye" t °s.
fettle 1 white aim • - , , . e. . , ve- rely affeeted the ateendance _atea*e. -
lefid, a East Orange, N.J,r and Law-, n
• ,enhiet Jan. 2.1st, 190. at 8 T. me ter due. Aprli letti; 1 bleck .cow, eine lee!. i
. te receiving, revert. election a officers with; 1 .rorin ' cow, doe tilme ef sa , The Exeeotore' o the Estate of Isaa ee e :.*- 'leeine' 'ate,' evabeleetstii niisSion. 001.in- MacLeod. Melinda, We. Skelly diyate• Jilii. 7th. resetting Its (awe t Keeping up . 0 ranee
Colborne In Die ' etat\inty, of Berm. with the advent of better weather • ,
end' Mr. and blrfh Lawrence Finlay* ,r,re.(!a2, '''t1.002.1.0, ytle,elegNevenrvirr"rleesr,: mie re. „o::: 4
cfi ' down expensea jii.tt ea
end ether business. NOfteteN 'Mel:AY, part Jersey. vow, fine time of sale;,.I Henry Young, late fettle 'Township of in, "e1e'eth street United cherche but
; rpsidenL GEOen, GM .% SecAretts. pure let et ten, titie shod 'Slay son. evele hoe to• attend the funeral, .e*eee
NOTIGE.--ePhC aenuat meeties- o ' • meethere e and 0 le elle A 1 eonceselon. , ... ..„
- 1,Vest Waevenosh Muted trre and. betters.; .•6 1-yeeleold steers,
'nu). te estern linteion, of the tea Towoehlo tendanee at tne meetings. The 'Meet- &Mut six months Mrs. a. II. Woi•eeff tie; Angst. Treas., anti terorthy; Cr. gee and Gilbert suite/awe operetta,
.1surance company will be leed in the heifers; 6 eealleese, e, ‘,„ ,
/tent I. re. ofeLoth•orne eontaining byeadmeasure- tees of the fiest week it devoted passed away in Toronto on Fritter Vellotfishin Conn. Mis$ Cenettn Jdne. "That by Jury," evil). be presented in
-irleh ittal, Dungannon, on . Fritter, r'oeen all" "Illuti/*''''74 '"-*" ,ment together Aft and fott -lint ' • '
..ebruary la, 020, at 2 eeelook p. ne„ istered *MOM rant; n number of bens . _ . .
res et Jana, eeetp ng lerehu tose
. ,Yii ti eer.. t It• ac- more particularly for 'those who are lea in Fier 07th Year. Mrs. Worsen 01. ce missions, mice orace eeeeen;
I e iv Palmer advertiee the hereinafter s
-4'e. and health-eonditions.this week ,there . • Chas. •Breekow; Seey, Mkt. Vane
f the 3aytiellninorecala adileder_we.,/oleer UWegle;e'r?oetnsteuetf; or land'by tefelen Portione of Lote •
- • -e , has been a marked Increase in it IV ORSELL.--After. , an illneee of Brownlee; Treas.. Miss Edna tovit. The very humorous faree, "Deg and
and keepi
.0 receive reporter eleet 'directoets, op- and alreadY Professing Ch t' the I d b
t s mils, ni eeri res ent of -o c rtizeitshipc Miss Delight Muteh ; /Ind Priday evenings,
St. George's parish itall on Thursday
Pianist, Mrs, Elmer braneh of the A. Y. P. A. Ad
deri h for c•
t re pow i.e treefor plow*:•tandem 16-traetor deice ro „ sp r or the baptism of ,the wa$ very highly esteemed. She yeas Ktnnoril
11%)' and •S eth, under the auspieo of St Georee
V ob. ,.nna
• t MaebbierY, le.30 Menormlek Portions of Sala 101, sold and eonveyed
int etuditors and ransee . genero •
rattiness, Directote need, Watson ond Deering tracttneneatin new; I 3:reweave ..to the Guelph and eloderieh eyelet*: subjects bein se' of studies of ahe ast quarter of a• century and ee . • 000 ties mar Mc- '
Company. There is a good hous'e and i 14. P
.eeerripsott retire,' e •• $pl"IVee' 1 bare on t . PI ofterte, 'The farm le wen
leetton, TilOtte G. ALLEN, See. 1 asees- nrr .4PC4S." • • - • spirit., in which this rich experience a menthe)! of North stre.et United ston; Assistr 'Pianist, Miss Mabel mission fie.Cents.
massetenarrie G -ft, binder. 1 emesey- trawled .and Within a. of •
as l•teld up as the preliminary of church and Rev. Mr, 'Clarke and Rev. Brownlee.
-A ft • moWer• NlasOt•-ilar- station. ebout '30 •aeres are seeeed w
ArENTING OP ItURON COUNTY COUN- llarrh` 5' " • • • - • • - • service, On Sunday aft,ernoon last a Mr. Ford conducted the funeral tier -
Perris seed drill; 1 eang plow; 2 wane. i The annual meeting of Runt; ehureh ; ' ALIIIP.ItTA COAL .
1 °MIL 1110:41) to alfalfa. fhe properey
Tenders will ..be recetted. In
fier. 1 weevil with box; 1 bobsleigh; 1 33 en‘vr\ the church a 4as pan. and Mr. 1 from her late residence, Goderielt, and Jetzt. A ha t h ld f • ti 'I I cen now take your order for deny -
Mot r -c 10-11.. 4-eiciloe Manton,' her- I
Clle • •" tn. •s• i land roller' one seuf- will be sold 6igeieet to a reserve bid. special meeting for inen Was held in I Viees on Mondai, 'which took Place choir wae held on 'Friday everdnga On acconet of epeeial freight rate
The literati Counte . Council for Zeit * Avith bolo effiesee-Iterri8 leee marked "Young Wahl Tendene
t•• es in the Court Rouse, Oodee:011. on ••. eetter• e melt :Yemeg Estate. up fe; Febrtrary tee epee, p•ecia•ted that the.unanimous decision Bailie, Thos. Wallis, •C. M. Robertson
• nque •wae e jot ie
•• .11 'Meet in the County Cauca Charm- °I. n-. hy Ileys and IlaY4 eoliellors "for the Whiteside's tiddrese was so with ap- the pall-Vearers were Messrs. Wm, choir and frieuds, to which there was ery off car for the best Drumheller
tg e
le the afternoon. All ercounts, oat-
eesdaythe 22ral •Instat 2.30 oclock wan; go1 pillper1' car rope, 'and Ai at 2 PA. o •
TEetere•-e-i per
. cent, (testi on ;bevel- Wa to hold another such meeting and Dr, ' Enunereon. Mrp, Worsen a good tuen-out and the election ee- 'large lamp coal at'$13.80 per ton or
T, ., 'rau's•
erten of tender arid balance of said plir- _
the oming Sunday afternoon. Last 'was born in 1802 at Mooreville, near stilted 1s follows; Ilon. Pres,, P. G. , stove nut size at Slit 50 per ton, de -
I, 'ates of eleeEen. and returns re ley. slings and hay fork; 1 fanning • • • -
1 mnber of e•otees for each alnaleloal. mill: 1 De Lod troll) st.patator, No.
churn; 150 sal) pails elitist. Nee° withitt 20 days without le- eve Mr. E. Clark, of Stratford, Ailsa Crai , her maiden Alamo being Weir; president, Miss M. Wilson; vice ; iivered to your eellar. Ternte, cash ,
• • sho I I be in th h cl. f ft 0 CI l• 1a: I No, 7 Daisy
I receding the day of meeting. Local " , Esq., music, paPrarillugreaelbetala..utniststirst ted in the four and one sister, Messrs.
elunteittal Clerke vent ,elease see that 1 gartAnized szlp storage eenk, 5 bar- C. A, tionErrrsos. violin num- Thonlas, Ouhtt, .Petet soul ' Willitim
rti these certitleates and rettelai arc rent; 1 set tinuble harneee; i set stogie • SANIVEL YoUNu, Feee„ ber, the Intermezzo frent Maseagni's Smith and Mrs. Robert Mason. Mrs.
enrness; ninnber of collars; quantity Executers of the Isafec !Henry I °wig
• et le ba* mall as ,soon es Possible. of lumber; 6 (barrels; quantity"of heel • Est& e C4Valeria Rnaticana. 'He 0•100 tilaY- Mason lives in Clinton; tho brother,
01e0, 'W. 1101eNIAN,' 7 feet ensilage le silo; 400 bus. nate; 'BAYS et; 11 i'-' ' ed a violin obligato in the anthem, John, in Goderich township, \end the
County Cleric. 000 bus. mixed -rain; 3 good ladders; solicitors for the above tedate. which was. very effective. The meet- other brothers In I3ay City, Mich.
u • ee an er and ,e.,•ies 2 seed 'ran Iwttita: cap -terest. Thri ipropeyty 'muse be sled te who e s in town for Camp- Jessie Smith. She is . survived by preaident, IL IL Reid; setretary, IMO. at delivery. Phorie 3 or 2111, •
A. Taylor; treaeurel, 8,tPalmer; eon. M. W. ROWELL
, Inter than SatUrday or Monday 14, u , so in ft lono.“ settle the Estate.
bell's venor of Whit committee, 51re. 'F,
Stutiders; convenor or general put.-
peeea rommittee, Miss M. Wilson;
convenor of visiting contifirttee, Men.
Major; convenor of gown .committee,
Mise E. Murray. After the busineso
a social hour was spent verY happily.
Cloeing services, Evangel -tale Ms-
• • ederich, Jan, eth, 1029, • -thaine. forks, ehrosels,•ete„ quaneity of ---. ings this week and next week are in- Mite. Woesell lived At the SanillY
' • - "ft. Itousehold furniture.
REAL ESTATE Axn xxsvitAtivo Pato) Na• sanlb '
tended for the 'general public and .8 ho to near Ailsa Craig until her
of tote 28 and 29. Itast Neetwanosh. P011- 11()TICE: CREDITons. ' vtide-open invitation is extended to father died in 1876 after which she
INSUIIANCE AGENCY. • *tuber% Twelve acres lierdwood buslt, Notiee hereby given to all crttflitors sion, North street United churtila
Eseeeree and. .*tint, of 00 ecree, one mlie north of . Is • • all. • ' • • moved to Clint.on. It wart here the' DOC
ever faning sPring creek running e•f the estate of elaria relief, of Mr• CamPbeirs Pupil Reeital
Evangelist Whiteeide will diseteee th
wns married and spent the rate!
t f her life followipg oubjects: SUnday, Jars. 20
etztigs pRowszotas
Some big bargains In Iniuses, lots and 'Sir° jugtlitc bi!eineard.h Cowl buildings, the late a. J. Pentland of the township ' 'Wednesday evening of this Pa
, v o , but about 20 yenta
ni Family Service. 4 pane - •
P1118 just new. -Ask talibut them. eons s 0 iradme ouse, barn, cement of West' Wawanosh the county k M Don Le Campbell held an-
wce g ago Mr. And Mr.s. Woreell and family
Mr w men only, oubjeet, "More Fade for , SPECIAL OPTIC AL OFFER
, silo. driv ng*.te . straw shed and fifteeP nneen, evelow, who died on or aeeut . , moved to Goderich. . orse pre-
Modern..ettured . house clop Ten with Ion above. AIMI° °reliant at the 20th dav of August, iges, to for- other of has pupil reenats at ne nev, Men;" 7 pen., Song Service; Sermon! Rave your eyea examined hy our
'lore. 411281 S°1•U' Pliee S.,.600. *Inter varieties consisUng of eight ke 11 • / / ti studio at Mrs, Vaeitter's, Waterloo deceased his wife about seven years.
e( , an t or we mown an a
"A 11 d I up tent. • 11, 1 4 lainst king special-
Eight -roomed house good dry cellar; oeree. art leir 3.1111S di; V proven to le The faniilY consists of three eons- and 14 t
0 estlon." Monday Jan, 21-"Allpst, Mr, Hughoon, with 20 years ex-.
ea and 'bun. Nearly entire. house Parcel No. 2 --Grafts farm. lot 27. con- melersigned on <or before the 514 ,tay ' fitrfet.. ife bad ao assisting artist one daughtee Harry, of Toronto; ' -II . ,, ., „ -
eeated Beene ,,kitchen stove. Price eession 2. '1/4VI,M, WawanOsii, Ono roe of Februarv..1e20, after which leo* the' Mr. Henry A. Clark, of Stratford,' or, . 1 l stance of itaith Healing. Tiles-, perienee 19 .yeale% coming .to Code-
r ,., Carl, of ..God'erich,_ Johnr of ,.Cahrie• -Pee . t 0. ,
lit'?Q4e ' -. • '• ' north me Auburn,. eeceiciing.. of . Ina .executoie. Of . the
eeed to „ntetribu le
' said. eslale-emi-Pro- : ganist and - ehoirmostnte of ' Clietdeei sack, and bin. stevens. „31 Toronto, 'hey,. 22ed•=•-"A-Utiltefeat Need illainteli; You •ar-e .A6antbil 'Of tile best •
elaneootitee houses; low pricea. etiee acres. Ail well seeded, 11PVer failing
sorhig running acro9s „farm . mot frtrapyntilivonine;haton %lc' faidluinsoifipefe71..e..
Uni esiatP• 113;11'7. street Baptist church, irlui Played see' l
ta 4 th " d hild •
1., man c mu. Mew Met." Wedneeday, ifileenhe`eoptical work .to 'he obtained and. at
I Biggeet Liar it% Goderich." A metes reationehle pewee,. Our framee and '
A .number of hoe Weir lionsee fell barn; svell drained and fencee. eral violin numbers with fine 11utectr• n eve see seve -
' ' The family were all here for. the fun- /
I •aftern equippetleteeins. TERMS Datf.e at Dung:union the 10th the. ef expression.. We understand. It e .tdr. tral with the exeeption of John, 41
0 i , choir will ring. Thuredaye Ill....4 mountings are the beet make of the
A few bouso to rent. . • ' I on Real Estateretren per eeni. ofJamtarr. de De 4929. Caniphell'o intention to have sue re- C b ' 9 I- d t 1 th • T1 I From, Sand to Rock; Chiron; Great. 'ebeet n
a +.• tel WO ,iro Olflo 10111. . • :
takers and oinee are from $4.00
50 aerea elose to town. 1,rfee :,f14.1012 lit zto 0 t vitt b affot•d a nice opportunity for the p p. anti we.re .11e,re .,edtg3linir:ietlaeitio'n or the 'Conics, ef the Fele 1st. SMITIPS ART .STORE,
but the otner nrotnera anu sister
Farms pufehase price to be peel to the Eve- ' 1lEft. IRWIN'. Dungannon. ' eitale by his pupae monthly. ey Friday, 25 - A le 11- up. Thursday. Vriday, Jan. 21at tied
• e. 1. eutors at time of sale, the balance with- • FliED PENTLAND,
• band, Mr. and 11.11.7s. Cook, of Clinton. with a Palle "rvle° 31 7'1** 1334"
IGO aero, Sofflo flvel Mal- an Inc IsfeCortniae10)eering Tractor: N•trrtur. chr.Darta..4. , nubile and oleo eliow the interested
. .
aye, es poesess 041 e
4if atilt) 81500. riven.
etc. Homo ,propeY for lere easb at time of sale; one-
- to gain confidence in ploing. in wore here, c160 oiece• and her bus_ / Word. Week -night semeeee efettio; Goodericle
cervicea --feunday, Jan. `,17th. flenue • CARD OP THANKS
'friend:I wlio easel/Me for these mit-
eth, Idle • A tdraight discount of •:•1 per hatinti elainte against the relate -
Mann other farms. Some far ePse lout. eviltbe 011ov:telt pimpliest» price Jessie Woreete Tete of tee Town of , - '
of hire heeidea 'being an entertainment about a Week 140111 the flu, followed The Young People% Society in; hipline end naiglattatrat tam the kingneee
01 811 Peetieutars weite or' see ' 1. on Palill Stott, .•linpIeneetts and tliferiltPitiriVlidr:tbloh:44iir itie.grIFtt;P:1:1111;r1.Alilt"fljpInkble. etnil:lvtvgla.e3MaegliPX.• 11214111TOIrsifo aTtledbleidtTbnletother 'of Mr. ' having a contest in the fprin of a , rnli%ef.'1,1,11';11.41,1,1101,1.14;4t117,Virtiflilptibl,ratt ;(T:
' eons° for town property. is veld fa felt at Moe, of sale,. pneumonia, ; North street. U.nited Church bee, been i and Wee:dile Plleml la Hal' '13'1114"
on Wedneeday
J. W. AIDISTBOXG; • • (11111T Chatteleee310 and Wider. cash; aree, A. De Wee, to meet their etaiinseaowet . . Will Tehbutt, of town, pawed ,away , eruine aroural the various miesionary" jean, ,„id 'fie. II„, 4,.„.., /,,n„e
Beal Estate, over Beat amintat elieht nionliee tredif.0 duly...proven., to the fitidersfigned on oe rut,...,,,, efeen„e„„en,,. Iticelier lad Thureday at the family home on; fields of the church. Two ships have . . BORN '
Box Sit. Goderle4 ' Ont. twill be givert on furnishing approved eliefere the end flay of ternary, 10e9. e eeee
,. effpiglit, eineveci foe eaelt on credit fit the fetid estate will proceed Noes- Violin-enAtlagio" (Suit 3, Opus net her 72ra year. Illre. Tebbutt Wee ed by Miee Howell and ono by Min materiel,. en Teestelf, em. See Jen. to
. ''‘It It'll? alai 91143W Illit Al I:kith tlw 411111 141 till' t'13Ink" WIllill 1(1" 146111'; Piano Gvoup from "ittualeal Moinente" being Caroline V. Shepperd, and she :to hathor on Monday evening And a ; MArilarn""al"
=haft ValtIC of Impeovemento end thn. tlilrd tit act. fate balance Feb 'V 11 11;111.1. !Art :11141 1111i11 arla ,
l' is 11P14.1)V'FIVOI f31 '1,1'solit.h ale the peogress the ptipile are mak- TEDDUTT.---After an illness of, and bring your Mende.
• t Mr•i. Sitql•n4 I.N1,411 to limo% MO :mile
— joint notese• A dieemine of ; per cent.* on and awe that Ade. ti e eReceutone• Roberta johnston, the Cut Line, Goderich tottnehip, in fi been making the cruise, one captain- u„wil t. ri Aireenett, e pi 1 31
amounts. tribute the said esta 0, havill7 regard Ries born in Ireland, tier nie)itten natne Theinia Meer. The veseela came in., Mr. •init Mee. ifeeme newel. ;1 flauglitee,
- Real Estate Ili lasaraace
radio. IN1111•11 1.4:111 110 89141 sepantie then hese melee.
1' 11WIN. at 2 fetlock, sharp. , ilAYeete
• " • Livsey came with other meinbera of the faueet banquet woo held in the bacereent of !,,,MITS•lu
neq .,v, , an. I. ..... It
Ilarristore. ete.. ▪ Gratta.rida. one (a) "robin Robin Redbreant" ily to Carlotta when elm was a yoUna ;tile. church to celebrate the event. %ere me4. ewe,
MAIN' 1ILLDP011. eolieite1e. ere the Aillitinistrafr. Marion Chapman. girt, After hot, umnsage she and 1 Mla UowelKn ellip wee the vanuer tieen.
• vseeutora. mown "
Mr. Tebbutt receded On the Cet tine and the other' boat Wan TiOt :fur bee FEI'ZilATIllfai. Ibirtagt.
N.6 ITII;P: Pt, ftitral)1T011:4. ''''
th) %%KW, Dropa of Rain"
T.*fiteelflet' SffN.
Wateen Steeirdown. and they tied their family were high- hind. At the banquet both the cep.' lee% 19111. Mr• Ms'S' Earl
it. o !entre letuteneletee .
• : ."."-7;!;',/110`. elain14 atednet the entet.-. ra1 Mel T.-oalt Grim band Alm Ultima kr survived , cea were given taco by the pteoldent
Nottet, 1101'14)1," c:Vall /a all ,liCol',44.1!:i (i.-) "Little Roy Blue" ly oeteenteel by all. Beeldee her lw Lee. • taine epoke beiefly and shore .addreo.. mid 11411
0* Fa CAREY& SON Ltd
Telephone 230
• 404 IOW
Shamble' tate of the ToteffshIp ef tee,. • ,
linwnr. fite Camay ict irtafatn, Parraatir. Vi°1"-(3) 1° a Wild Uwe flume flamelike's and two sone, Mre. , of the safety, Mr. Doeglati Caren. Dir,t)
Maeltowell Feed Pickard and Mae W. Cox. of ;: hell, and by the minietere Rev. C. P. ,
%tem died on or '014111 Ofic dae -
101.altits. doily F1'aabIat 16) lb& 1)1016`tslAm ,I,Pittno--,"Rendo Villegeoie" Denec pawl, of Ps Well Columbia; Mr. Will 1 Whiteeide. Weal coloe wove elven tre,t,‘ „e te„ seeee„,0„ Aer Nee
tett a en and Iftrr /1a:16 ti:tt6L 2A61- Mete. Showdown. Tebbutt,
Jentimet A. 1929, te &lot ' (b) "Pestling; Winds". Nollek Gabriel% towonhip; Mee. Will Irkep-e:eetlarke, and the evenetelint,.. Rev. Mt. leth, gee. eteie Ault eneeeeneee;
ft3p f.r netruareel of (Mande mad Mie °tear 4)y. Mien Margaret Wilson. A very:: tees'.
_ tillaistratee of tne keel retete nett vx -411) "Ave Maria" rebeletet Tebbette of Ilrecefiehl. The fences!, happy eveseng wete? event, "the Tti T4Dtart-1011).
, Itt.Rttwat 1316t. ttf Qtt,a1pt) •
coA,11 too to.pktr.1` .1/03P31bm tief.,7.;:l4. tot -1 (he t'Litheefeeter Xreleler Wa3 held 011 'Saturday. The cervicee quet wag coved C (Meek and after eti 0_19VsliA/'• 3.41191-/V1i W16'•
fri 1- 11:41* f . • ti ,glater were condueted by Pete Mr. Iletbett. this etent many of the young •nrople .1,mtla lei, 1.t
•ONTAR u vv. ,k Vele.
b, eel eel', 15 the Lem v• -ho Plane -"N'aselesus"
1.16i, 1:44 4 0-,
Retell trete/croon. Iteintermille, and Rev. Mr, Gide, of i attended the meeting centlutterl by iet letrea,, 1:4 Vvyqx,.
Slatee,Vaefteld, and the inteameet wee, feadel Rev. Me. W100,111(10 in the auaitoeiura ' seam ee, atee„te, a.z.E.ev •
eL] 4 tv. if a L;,14 a$411, Pau° -"Whet (keine"
atfee %i!a Lst. 16474 Jean lIctfeefenee cereeteey» of the claret/. et' rat ode 1 11 Wee -elf.