HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-10, Page 7lowsiwooss.- A ImusebetY, JAN. nth. no 10114141414141414111115414141111111111114141•01141414114aellise iiessot 4411141.4141441141111141: I I• 1 Sunday Afternoon * t Is 4 a e al Sy ISABEL 11.4.1111LICM, Godertch. at. r a Oniamorersovawsweswaislubasiesillositigoiork;am•Ni+coliix114041101114: There were ninety uud nine that of a aelespread movement towards eatery la) - Jesus. -Then drew ureic unto him I a the eheiter of the fold ; I alk the peelieens soul Mainers for te But one was eur on the elite away. • hear hum' instead-- a rereivina Far oft from the gates a gold. 1 them colsity hi Wekonted titem, even Away un the riseuntaine wild and - eteeepting of their hospludity. To the Pharisaic mind this was a flag., . , Away from the teener Sbeeittenne rant breaelt of the proprietien aiel .1111.. they gave expression to their thsap- Lord, Thou least here Thy nit i" and Preval, "This nian receiveth einnere, _ • se and e t tl iith th ." It s Art- • e . hey tnot enough for Thee? ;seat:nee of withering contempt that / But the Shepherd made answee : called forth from the nee f Jesus 'This of Mine , the parables of the Last Sh ep, the Ilas weridered away from Me ; Lost Coin, and the rest (anr And, although the road be rough and The first parable, the one 'n dayto- is Be J go to the desert to fWreitan sheep. man or Ytou having ha. d elieePs "s leeson, ,ni : What " • eteep, .(5,-",r --7,,.. ' . • . E. 'C. 'Clephane. ' and having lost one of th , duLh PR AWR leave the ninetn and nine in the wild- , eerneee, and go after that which: is - We thank Theo tout Father that. lost,. until he find it?" It is sone of .......e.U_Ine.hiiet her Th ae -S•eiti, our Saviour,: -theen-queetions-which only Iletrli$ to I, revealed unto-.us,Thy great lave* be asked to he answered. JeEus Ream for all Who Will accept ThY place, that they easy think hie Thou hest a place in Thy kingdom of, trieo to set his detraetors in hie „ae earn. Help us ail to - come to Thee thoughts, and fed his feelings, 0as with confession on our lips and de. thy look out on 'the world fronnhis sire in our Tu -art e tolove and seeve standpoint; but since they cannot fon 'Thee. Amen. . low him to theee rederePtive heights! ne partineurn_to nor, hearn Six," and lastly more ---prose-"The disturbances of tbe atoaatch -and bow, that dioutnn feels „, , THE GODERICH STAR .1111MENNIIIIMM1111111111111111111MMINIIMMIIIIMINIMMIGI BOOK LOVERS' CORNE (Ey Jeno Hohbyl !I ..63.411e 1110 .4444. 1 .44,44.414s .4,4 .44 .4444 ....... -. I Ass*. name A •----The Csteada Finn. A43.4tiazan i„ R .., .1rg4ti.iti'd in Tole:Wee iit 1$74 by i '. i group of hien of whom tiohle in l 0Sreen oat; one. Waitron A- rooter! .:: wk.; to leaning. spait. °there were ' !hot4..o Mara, John &hints, George , Yr, Dena, j. C, Ilietibuetoa an,* . ; Relay ne Merlon, Its platioral eat, "A Good Book le the Best Com,3anion • bi aced Bi iNh t ten. closer • LOVE LlniER -OF THE GREAT Prusein when Leine )(en eieta, trade relete Es: Ninth the Beitish West eve, wee" Lee, oe nelhe.nee the Ariteseetta went threagh the lie.reige bens, end ineome fratu.hese, the bat, i Groan" ha' Prircnee favien Murst, ie at tha I feral tOrninttan nod nanten tot and ceroyoleniy vatinge a eehenie k ,( c.f. montreai, 1.1.1; ei a. most beauto . During tn. e ettri. ,,, e 4.,..a all * cleragernclit a inunikratiea. reale 1 fully pninted evil leeeral book. ite . oPe. Ru9sia, gevernal hie this. lanera liable weman, pleyed hee part an./ forniat is tr..' regal ae ita subiee., Needlees to sav the orivete 'lite oe • sooffilt to rodtZu th%,:i3mPreia' Co.-:•ain is not, a i': cf a conqueet s)f Turkey and even Inw "The Motes a Pecneabure" (lard of enorale. but "Paineesse Murat, one of France's most nistinguiehteinwonId Ini lila Pleasing eubjeet. jtalend by our stain !ir.f paid le was te' eonluer the eastrtivind ,-i, 0AeboavNei:ellroiwit aninatteitoinriati Wile Her grendeen, Alexaajer. arra - nie..,iragra pt the feouse of commas. • thutiong about them an the time wo geeat Anexanner our -knives because it ia our habit to women of letters. Las livened tine- done'. ' tvhaenaeduilatilv,,astri,eitli. illieti.gYat thinn Wn tio net eed , froni ; pu en e on.'s an . ,poons nto. oi. jp For thirty-fouo years Catherine • ' ,„-- e_ 7k •,. Two • Missing difticult sanest with a Anna. yet deli- .4-IA1i-shed by tac anele Carrier Ca, --Englan3 1•I3t-: the itartic;111 rnlintnen fer the oinesentatiott of minevitien aerie:di el cf. tile Senate,. tied imprev- ed militia eystem, a revenue tarifn en tliat would eticounage native innuse triee no pamertv main ation f r are 4"ts 14hVh we reiwitt'l A eign which iced, "Pay es len i Ley 11,47.1f.t-eh;e) dem.* beanie Inats ruoutlie. We do this without thinne I; fie wee holuesi44 colowa PAGE ACM VENOSouoRup 75 • For children's bronchial and chest ailments—no finer relief then Veno's Lightning Cough Syrup Children lore it. vete pen?' , laved re leading part in the theatre A PROBLEM FOR Catherine, the eimpten German ganeeirlean Ings ---her reaovai dizzies us, YOUNG MOTHERS days our parents, by •exaeneee one ;ehanee a la discharge. • Ing because b•tek in *ule chibli°1. 4ii a labor battalions anti he tom Oil who becomes. by ursupation. Empress h6; weakneise$ astonish us; but lier correction, established this on a habit i "De neat wah des,- ban" the atinsene of al/ tne Russias. is ae exteaordinary Ffan'Y $330144te4 us. in her private life as in her political -- - - - --- -- - •- - -- role. ancl in the readine of her privete JUVENILE life theta ' of her public. life should ' Miinc seenia to alternate -first the not be forgottem She really needs • • Stomach troubles eitUse most of the dietress of _babyhood and ,elrildheone sail 'are:the greatest problem that a young mother has tp solve.- The treatment for theEe digestive disw with us. ;ced to a friend, "tleya two men -Moot Those who have estublisned that Mint gone to be there. That's ale moat Important habicerintialiiiii.thel frank luau tleSneend n'tee.1-“- hands before eating, 'practice tine . b' and do tf 1 f bl ° And don't forget you van ne inoinparalale versa' of "When 'We turbanees that make babe; erY eon- they sit down to eat without wroth. ed dewn for not turnmg up. there are. whatever extenutaing eiremnetenecs Uere Very Young folowee ey the I tinually and ilistuth his S;i:ep MUst ue K. $a am to • t -u us regards the ---- prose a "Winnie the Pooh," then the cleaning a the teeth. The perao I She did take Ruesia in geneval delightful Amos of siesene, len! Are The absO'lliteiy siefe treatment pee who cleans his teeth. vegulerlY thole quick and effective. and, above 311, n a. S. LESSON FOE. JAN. 20th, 1929 he miles doWn -0 the lower level ot . dirty if lie tole.' Lesson Topie--Christ The Saviour. their vision. "Supper fought for its inters:$:1. Prigntful House at Pooh Corner." els is found in Baby's Ow* Tablets. Pea the rogular cleansing'. Leseon .1eassageennulee 15:44, hundred sheep, and on: oyf9tuhellma,vgeete.a P1UCa ofsluralli).a6.%lawel3,1t tbue ruilloUin To stet that the Prose does not Thousands of mothers have had their TWO end other simple, engular ha- ' dug separeted from the rest, goea an; In" eatea iY• a 3 a n eaual the poems need not that problem solved. through them.' 'Tbey' Conner' Tent -Matt 1:21. In verEe 1 of this ehapter eve r.9a stray, what do you do? - Dismissing nd an English PhYsisIall and sablait" Hie prose- is not good, for the Verses: are guaranteed to be free groin all Ine bits can be established in the child by exceptional - They wide an m. eurious tinge and eannot poseiblY do aaeroeitills.tet•eeineortitorT to,ofple It from your tbought flo-Ootilenven it tMitenaeceitation before urging iteon are f- t 't 1 • 1 lit ti . harm to even the,. Youngest bdbe- P Baby's Own Tablets' tegolete tile the •childs and hy the happier and less ' ing it out by the rule ief roperfiten stomach and bowels1 banish eonstipm. troublesome existence for parentand field 1) !pit t" awa.its it firom the wil(nbeasts?, or do p op 1 a ex a en e stunt a:peal to all $orts• and condi. century person to toelize jue4. what tions youngsters and were a joy to is .meant. This praetical ruler els() growinupe too. as you, ask, 'What is one o nineta'. tion and' indigestion; break. me colds -child that will grow oat of a life that nine No: euclt supposition and simile fevers and promote that is regular, incredible. You woula go m search healtlogiving sleep which is so iteces. The child Ir. not small adult: he - [Made Throat of the lost directly. -Tuiming your • back upon the ninety and nine, and they always do good, niany timeS in the better health of a a lag you eeek to minimize your loss, work. completelv changen the niethod ''`g "The 110138e at Pooh -Corner" isn't rem.% takieg, winen heretofore hail' as osionunneue as the others, noon, been done by niffitary °Meer° to the f ourse always delightful, and . co absolute fear of the 'Peasant. , evokes hearty elmenies from an ap. "An institutioo still remaining tie nreeiative nudience. Piglet, Tigger, a, monument to Cathetinei reign wat. Range oral BOO ao vot become the In.. sarY to the -welfare of the baby or growing child. The Tablete are Bold is not to be looked upon as sod). His 25 cents a box from The Dr. Win be eneoutaged, We do not want to desire for PIM% is natural and ehould Al- • '114 tUrning your thoughts from them too, 'ale blies' unroll , woula lenve them in their mourn be all -medicine deatere or by mil et Matey people may be =mare of Laving anythipg wrong with their beart 'fill some little excitement, overwork or worry starts it to ,palpitete and times, tekip hents, beat ,l'est for time' tind -then so slow as to seem almost to stole "then it causes great anxiety ana alma. Mrs. 0. Mks, " Chatfield: -writes:-"I used to be Nona ban wine palpitation of the heart and sometimes, witli the ledst excitement, it Would mein to beat vere ;fast :tad make my -throat and eliest.,throle "I was told hO frlend to •try -flee great Foundling Hospital, wluele tintate friends the Tedny• Bear bas . I 1 Itt alone Con Brockville, elute make him "a little man." Proper tain pasture. an you souglit the lost sbe built on the bank$ of the Mos. always been; ineneedless to say, in 141110 e am' ine book e umor Is e ig . , 'et child i e: t ev hel to make blia enjoy it more and to keep him well; , also, to preuare him for the adul., - years which lie ahead of' hita. Questionn coneerning health. ad. royal expenditure wqs never (mete term m fuethea „aequanitaneo with that a speedily recovers front the dm-. <hosed to the Cariaditui Medical At tiorieds But uhe evas'a strong ruler Christopher 'Robin and Tome "The orders ef the digestion that are the soelation, Inn College street, Toron- for niany years -eventful years when Horse at Petth Corner" is pnblishea result of tht, worn on these pereeitie ey do their wont mei.. to,. will be answered by letter. Fredeeink the Great was Xing of by McClelland and Stewart, Toronto. iatintilers• tiwn w •• town y an strength and soundness tions as to diagnosis and treatinem .....--..„.---- ..- ne --ena • - en—enne -- • - -.----aan-ann----=---4 follow their 'use. • will not be anawered. . 0 CANADIAN QUIZ COLUMN 700,369 people in Crantela el Palatial. . one. Calling it ley ita name, you ns sow. healtb habits do not interfere with 4 0.a...4.p.. woald climb the t,erracea hMs, ittul• Millers Worm Powders are com. I f , • n %wake the eelmes of •the sarrounding She • 'oven display ,and grandeur lul. Had we not bad the others; this mountain.. Aeon Witte lat 'het you and showered wealth and distinenen would probably . bailed, With age i rete in themselvea .Then not only rive worms from the system; but re- found it Yeti woola.uot ebido lnut- otieher favorites. She was 4, very dant. A, it is, children that leive pair the tkunage that worms cause Intl it; you Would not even force it to expensive empress, but at that time loved 6.6 town .pitt net tenet to and so invigorate the constitution retrace. its steps ticross, tbe weary , distance, but taking eontpassion efl its -wean-nese, you 'amnia lift It mem .Yelir shoulders. and bear it rejoicing home. Then forgetful of your own :weariness,: fatigue and auxiety swal- lowed up in the new-found Joy, you would go 'round to your neiglibors to breaknhe geed news to tieran, and 59' would 1.03.0xce togethet7 • ,surii is the picture, warm in color Mid instinct with lite, Jesus sotelies A new welleehoeen words. He de- ll f to h' • , neately vonceals a re erence I sent, but the Pharisees would plainly , perceive .how .complete ,Wact juStiil: 1 cation of his own conduct in mingling •, with the ening and the lost; white to ' us the parable is but a veil of Words tluvegai, vibleh we discern the form whieb. did, ami before T hed tenni lialf the box my 'trouble luid-etopped." . Prlee 60c., a box at an druggisto or dialers, or palled direct ,aa. receipt et t.; price by 'The V. afilbura.-Co., /Ale oronte, Ont. , ''" • .......,.... Most of us. are teying to bring 11,b ' . • ...---.4 -------- origini and bY the DOS a a 19.. • ASSIXTBOINE =yrsthere. were 2;645,490. 12828.90 '1 nen ' our families in the way we should - Ver . I-Ipr6 an.on J. nore . have gone. ta„---Who was Sir William Dawson? eent of the total POPUlagou• ...,_,...,„ A. --Sir William Dawson was born Tax AsHiltrirroX MATT '0.1.3) ' Anyhow a -light headed girl is us -1 W4 s edtreatectat-Estainurgelnavee wereetaye . , Jones. which Mein, eetoe oie the ; 4 , . lee -uenonsaanied Sir Charles; Lyell on Lennee Anneurtan -Treaty eves : best eermaitural areaa llie Theme 1 • Where one goes hereafter depends' _ at Pictou, Nova Scotia, in 1820, mid Whet was the nslaburtoei MOre thttn 20 iletniteve I indlen 'tally light hearted. . his geohnekal explorations ln Nava ' • -.Ina .• • • ..v River d1strlet, are lieely to be old gotiated between sereat ontam an • • . ton what- Mie goee 'here after. •• anetion in t e :war oinee a - Scotia mid was appointed Superinten- the United States in 1842, e.ettling• 1850: 1853 he became Prinelpel ete d the international boundary between uption will in atihmhabillte follow I o survey that it; beau: nutee in the Job wee the only man, on 'record dent of Edueation for Nova Scotia in s e e., L d A hb n north country by W. etornson. whose uffuings made him eloquent neting for Great intent and Daniel and matures of ihe aGood Shep. -of - McGill University, where he re- nere,a who ,gav,e ,e•oo los life for tne inaieied until 1898, and was mainly la- Webster for, the 'United States. Of : sheen, seekmg that le might save strumental building up the institu- the ' that which was lost. „The proininent tion from a • small college to one of territornein dispate, the -United • thaught in, the, lesson is the sorrow the erst rank j•Ei eted v„.0 s. is 4., States receined seven -twelfths not the loser. God is .represented a$ • e • * ond Canada ilvealvelfths. The wee 1 losing that which is elf worth to heal and P*R•S':1-862i knighted 1814* Firs1 'Treaty provided for the boundary of ' eomethhig Eserinceeble, andetateeefor:s awl was- Van . author of many booas the 'St. Mary's river 'near Sault Ste, President of Royaf Society of Canada, valuable nut 'amanle to recover itself. iViarte and eto the Lake of the Woods; 1 The long eager meta shown though anti pamphleti on geology and palee- , . . s. . . . . .. for the suppression of the.elave trade • imperfectly, the smareme efforts on ontotoge. ,, , and, for the extraditiotaof criminals. makes for man's salvation. Nor is CANADA'S -FOX EXPORTS '' COAL 'MINING IV. CANADA the great search -discontinued, -anti' . Irispeetor oe Indian Arterioles for instead ofgrancho, the three western nctiviticen, with headquarters at Regina. ' A new Industry-Limuger farm- ing mar be started in Saskatche- wan by John notheriberger. farmer, of . Vanguard. Last soling • , Itetbeebenter enaglit a badger VI& four Mum. 110 built a large • about 15 feet .'ong and 4 teet wide. Durinc-Sumauer he fed the hangers they ere noweulte tameeand aro :mid to beelarger limn any Flashir.ig‘Eies it has proved ata :in vain. God Q. -What is the extent of Capadan Q.--eWhat was Coal minirig in Cana 1.,auglung yes aends his messengers t..9 Win us back Pox Exportsn oda in 1027? ' ,batlene running' Their coats DowneastEyes" bbedietce.and tdinVe:--,COnacience; the last fiscal year 1027-28 A,-,..coto uneine in 'Canada in 1.02e Itre in excellent a:minion end of- -r sWARTS' • Mentery, Reason, ;the Word, the SPirit a total of 6,590 eizes valued at $e„. reached e new high output of fors of sis for eaelr slat bay° bowl Eyes tdi e wad, even welabetoven Son, , 434,686 Were- extionted from Canada, 411,505: tons, competed with ..16,478,- received' Your Character Condensed from the Expoeitor's me compared with 5802 valued t n 1 i 26 S ti 1 d ith lido and Norse taverg lr 31 rt 10 Neva ee a e Nv • A now world. r +cora w as set by . • 28fi;469 in the previous'year. Tilt. 7,071,091 tons; Alberta' secood 6,92,9.- the t'anatlian Pacific' 'Railway re- . W.C1RLD MISSIOn1S • United States 'has been the heaviest 366 tonee-and British Columbia. third, I eenny when a, train of grain more flack Stablest Etc. . Two „„ .„ .11.110Intreal $t:moot A• neenapmeta, oz evengelism ma's,- worth S953.g46. as coniParen nentreat was -$61,809,672 Arcola, ht ena a r ror as against between Stoughton anti und heaviest grata train In history. purchaser, taking last year 4,329.011. -2-727 009 tons, The value of the 1927 than a mile Ill length was ope: , eamei; eme Dade to the tool' with 5,615 worth $1,260444 in the $69 876 094 ' 1926 C d Saskatchewan. It wan tho longest, Inst. oil the Squaee.-: wflkii SEVERAL FIRST‘CLASS AUTOS PEW FOR SERVita-GET YOU ANYWRINNE • AND WREN YOU WANT- TO GET 'MERE 4lausites MeeteillTratria•ana Pisaseriger Boat" • Passengere celled tor in any Part of .the town for all train* Mt O. To PO orp.p. R. Depoett. - • Prompt Service and --CatertitAttendkilite;' Our Liver) and Hack benvieo will be found 011etnedite • la event reinect, Veer ti 'Patronna Solicited • 'T. svVARTS Pkoaa 107 Mention Street Abookhowooi"..,"0.0.0",.440.04,4400 ' - , - $ it* Elect e tic THE 9111EOPLEIV' STORE oeye etomieneship resatett in ane previous twelve 'months, The United the, eame yeav imported 19,258.088 consisting of le5 loaded grate ears, menan ateseenget Aix- Vv. IS, emang, wno .reatrne Eingdore took only twelve animals, tone and exported 1,113,300 tons, each approximat 1 40 t i d last .year " Ile the ttl 11 C (11 n Valued at S6,000 last ye r, as compel:- wh o ii a . dna ea consume. length, u eater car, a eabookje and Lanai *aro trOrOnto elintrersi&o, tic asati, "tiOle (toes rugteducst.. , ed wan lIS valued at $80,1)0 tne year tion was 85,51,263 tons, or over 3.- engine. The gross weight wan .-a e. - tion hem rurat evangeoemee and before. Prance has been a heave un- 000.000 tons more then in 1926. A aPreeeetts to answer his question by a porton buying 374 foxes, worth nTh1,- feature of the year woe the importa- most suggestive article. 111/ lien CIO- 100 last Val' andfig, valued at n4e,- Mon of nearly a million tons nroni-G. spnag term of his university 'open- 200 the yea* before. .a.astudentst„.went meet° tne countrY. 1.)1/TC11 COLONISTS IN CANADA SEBASTIAN CA130n• . lariotain, . - eu, tee whole tneotogictu college, btoir ' They devoted into gronps and .tuen, Qn-iatrho were the Dutch Colottiste' C.1*--11Cria) was 8ebagtitin Cab°t? A two lay.two, Went preaching into surrounding eountry. bitly Attend. ed to their own metal; .eeelneainied a • • ln'61, wag' a son of John Cabot. His P722. tons and the total contents or the eats were 2pg.octo bushels of ;onto. The enthusiasm of the citizens; of Quebec is 740 imactione that it an easy matter to Interest, visa ratheae, winter sport's mandrer4 A. -A number of Dutch. Coloniste is aupposed, frorn •the year 1447 to It - -he Canaent-- Ofiet, who daces. it, iot0. winter epertn, •etated j. 0, . of the irttelu Prontelithe oSvine drew, _cuing tO, Canada ee 'United &tante h .-,..i, th d, rv , a foremost of tide wintene pro - .beg Of bedding min, at .canm, ve f Vo h kne* gramme. Skating,- aiding and oyalista from Pennsylvania artd NeiV S are ••• „e iBes - 1;35 4 I Water, Washed tildhes, and "` oenerevise L has been the su eet o mneh boaganing will be !intuit (ovine as 1) - kept house. Each had also a bundle York. Sabihe's Loyalists inentione erica ,of christeen jiteentetre.' six Van Iniskirke wbo eetaed -el Nova controversy. Nom once having been toned; the dog derby will tilos; erne Nor was any tone atiatiged. Verb Scotia, bides such Innen mine,: na regarded as the sole diecoverer, it is tahily take plaeci and the lee ear - must ,nnel lais own toidienee.• As Mr. Van Cortlatult, Van de Burgh, Vim new considered doubtful that be had nivel.1 and storming of the citadel Dhaag writes, "It might be a Chris. Horne, Van 'Norden, Van Wart, Van anything to do with the voyages of will probably be featured again Han home, or the maricet.plaea, sr p,WckValMidrVnta:„ •497 and 1408. Ile was in the ser. he 1113(1. d.aeMr.ntratlidee mentioned talking to a few old ladigosiing yMre 1 Sf the pit 0,operatiOngven the io the teet in the verneth oLthV-64t-d 0 forth D ame to p inxtd ass s Sftd, winetivitleat the Chatevoi. spleen ennshine." And immediately! either.the Maritime Provinces.. or Up. w to ontenae hy the Quebec Winter reeelviag from Edwerd VI the title . Of Graini Pilot of Eneland Several Sparta AmeneatIon to us there cattle a picture a the two Per °made? MellY Dutch fareler8 book.; have ;been pliblished thtt are • , . from Pennolvania. false oettled in Un. old ladies sitting in the-sttrishine long The number of dleelpiee of Trade ag . le dy 0P14111. s n . d t d ,t d r .t.- favortaile to Sebatitiana; claims. Walton, nanadlan anti ,Amerlean, ing ief the goofing...a% of the need, and eighteenth cerituey, and laid tIle foul,: cANATITAN ELECTRIC wbo have •plied rod and reel in Can- ' -of the untutored listener neaeby, -whin alations of the prosperous county of . STATION INDUSTP.Y oaten oaten. during h'?t imacnertoon avieg rd eheathere. tented to the Waterloo, and the town r Derail Q ....-What tbe extent st0f Camden; le greeter 'MAO ever hefor , Mates Om . writing -of that deathless book, "The ,AA, (0.. Seytnotir, general. ' tnitrint * Xichener). ' O . ieleetrie station induatry ? en -What' oyes the estimated eroP wane e owed a furthet niai ced ad- , Mang, "all of us, etaff and students. - • 5 alike, have- discoVered that there are .of c uuniresemit)ies in 1(3 I; . . vence„in f926,.. wither... tenet,. ef • ssitdil'elathwanhayt -tivee"gne8t. thin rollelgeaetttalrs; 1 lits's9tIlna-ted Vaid wu°,'2'9844. rTuwneliCallniTilLtsrerinanni.etrirnlaPreelaaDikalozi 1 , that there is a tremendoate Meld of ' labor in the country, and a great deal 1925. Value. of apple orcharda . in • 1230 barreia in 1926, slightly lees tiltin 933,733. 13,405 employees. reeeivedi $75C,220,,066 mil a -revenue of $88,. i ' of joy ie rural Seork which soma of us Canana ia 120,000,000; and productiou 810,943,000 in eateries and wades. I -never auspected. . .: It lam given vs 17.55 increased in 15 years from $13" Nearly 30,000 miles of pole linen I st new stimulos todur academic -000,000 to. $27,900,000 annually, ex. marke the distance eovered in eramni - work." e .. ported. to -15 eountriee. Canadiate miseion and distribution. Nearly 99 ! The Missionary Monthly. w apples lutve. won tile Ingliest awards --neenee-neen— pexcent. for Ontario of the total 11'; . . aa the Iiimerial Pruit Show, lonelaad One of the commonest eomPlainte The, emueauton et de • t-' - ' :Hydro nowtn, and no less than 1„33n- , Pilgrim% , Negress." An-Coradats ,eleeteic station'? in- • agC‘at af_tbn C811„‘tillan Paeiffe.flail- ' "On coming back," concludes' . CANADA'S APPLE ;CROP a way gOtril'Oal In atintionelne Ihe winners of the Ontario hunaa• lore eallp. flatting trimlly.,emppetlt 130710. l'hlIIlp l'eterman of Lati- rhum Allehigan, Mill the NIturton Sliver eonteto for npeeltied tront, 1dmund, Sieeithart of eineeno- won the Prench River "munkey" prize. and Theodore Kipp of Winulper.: eaught the laraest bass entered in the Devil's Gap camp eon:petition, Rnaland havnlionotiall ('1111. 8411811 j lett I I Co& r eftedirieihr Wash by Electricity Iron liky Eiectricity CONVENIENT# CLEAN; AtriNCS.- 04.41041. tban Coal or W•od Mi aleettic Vaetitun Clew: remves tfie ',lust; a ko.oat ,itett moves dust. 1,Ve goaraftlee all H ,77 r ',amps ttir 1,500 hour, ViYelit it% and' see display at The Hydro Store of infante is wormo, and the most ef-, nate,/ in modal' ivar1-8 ori 3- 502 tustemers were nerved. All this er Graves Worm Exterminator. Herbs are, Best for s un ntario. is . feetive application for theen la lilothe tl beet d s4rt a le .v4 remarkable HydrowEleetrie develop. ment bas Mile to eau reeent Empired *Me eeporta, 19e6.27, 038,76a barrels, worth $4,670,091.13'ear3' sTIIE CANADA FIRST The total commercial fruit production in 1920 was $22,890,881 ASSOCIATION! Q.- lat tale the illutiada Firnt i Aam.g . Kidneys ., riNGTISIE SETTLERS INT CANADA . Q. --When did the first English ; , I Ap' t:ettleta t'orne tat Canada? • tu rat, safe and teottekrfully A. -The tient Englieli tOttleVa (41110 fram New England' and New York, „healing aftttle eel...1011 44 Celeada in 176u. Moon_lenenneatnenchante-inntgennani. 11444 ,iaehenn Eidney Paereely which Eelfi5bues1 anti intoleratit at. 01- the old, pernen Ilerben .Jittele. in Unify eacert. tettrafd the , Remedial that thea reacet Wynne, jyreecli, tneetend 44 3+ Iniars I' 3.1 tarepanndell lumen fest1a- Malabo anti Carleton. IA Mt taiwatti3nrAp%/filLrd. And Olf"m".011411 tlie.a were 0,-, ntifiat...-1' dinbatedea ltethr.r,NoiniteR eg.loh:lyp greata healien About traartcT of a (en - "'mil want) bary /Mee Enetieb eterk of a eiffet- . Miasma/era, eee 4. !uv tele' era quality ...time the Ereited Ent, ennalan hailadti'•?) div17 elf 143 piro tosahate fiern the roeelnng ,,reetwa Ntat.•fertImeZn'hentit!,:taltroo.r4.-• 1.17; 'thereafter English eettlein Iteneeteuellneneendearenenaetca came Teem the 3114 awl in Drog f3tore Ctidetielk "`""*"' At fh"t'''t 0 - elt) tift(-.r Coefederation There item i)opifs KIDNEY PILLS p one y to Iteep tho floetor away for Ille (feet YP31".. It Ituble Is any truth In the proverb, an ships sallitia for the old•comilrY itth autumn 'are ea rryitto .10:iny tooNes of antivenir al:tinted hg. Canadians their friends over. r,eas. This has been the eteutua for the pail few yeam and accord. lug to J. D. Martha manager of then fointea department of the Con. tolian Pacific Dtplo Com/ram Et is hemming increasEtialy premier. no ereat lean beet; iho olsamail 181 fre.,41i ranadiat) apnie8 coo. eanourf Brown eyes for evertath.-Blue for generosity -Gray ayai for Jealousy -Sparkling eyes in. theme beauty, yes, and good - health, too I Do your ems sparkle? Aro the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow --endleating au oltt.of.s4rts condition -- due to constipa- tion? If so, you wen do "rey a reenter daily coutee foe a shoo period. Youreyea wilt A rego0,6k tell the etorr• Prance lig, -IWO about C'haratter Imo!, itm Byes in pimp, Beecham 4 valve. itteniart Fia—reid F. Rite 1.";14 Limited, Tooteato The forerunner°. and grippe. Heat and Inhale Min. *es and rub it on the threat andtbest. The great preventive. .:ATWATfit. KENT '..11ATIPIY.4$,S' • RADIO -S. Tet. 1744 for Damen. Oration ion MiCOONALD • ELECTRICIAN Britamtait ROOM CANADIAN NAtIONAL TRAIN SERVICE to TOROS° • DAILY EXCEP1 SUNDA1-• ' Lee.' Goderich 0,20 a.m. 2.20 p,34. ". Clinton 6.44 a.m. .2.50 eern. " Seafeerth 6.50- eau. 3,08 -.ans. • Mi " tchell mm 7,21 , peen Arr. Stratford 7.45 a.M. 4.03 nee. • " Eitchener -8.40'eurne 5.20 " Guelph -0.04- min, 5.40 le.re. " a- Toronto 10,26 a,n1. 7.30' pew. Iteturnioge-Leave Torinito 7.55 • 12,5.5 'pail. and '3,05 lave • . Peeler Cafe Car.Goderich 'tse Theo onto ot morning treini. and Toreeene eo'Goderleli (1,05 pan, • traim change of ettrs between, Gotlerleb Toronto.' . • * J. A7, W itkiNCK. " Town 1*assenger and. Phone- 8 • Tienset Aeet1311. 1.0 • u Alli4011•0111, ' •• 13. 7 for oldpintInt 44) l.:-Pes7or t7111 l''1 atitc17, • . :3avo ntateictrit npo bung tor slgtinintz'ard ni.srlat low 'frit ;Granted by tho OO 00 HER• VICE HEALTH IIALITS, • A great &at 'loan Leen writtat and !' -aid anout health finnite, arol aaant the itaparence fiterting tne A NW • 1T''' • on lifon adeenteve witn nea ate, Treere In no deubt 'that it juet 433cany oaf:A/in:eh • o e me esailatiee The Indian-sietour Grand Canyon Lint • The Santa Fe 2filaintains a special $6rvice Bureau, in .charge of its representative' at Detroit, Michigan. This bureau is prepared toatsist in, pianningawinter trip to CalifornSo ia, uthern Arizona, or anywhere Southwest. Detailed, information furnished about railroad fares, sleeper rates and hotelcaectrumoda- tionsoaswellassightsteing trips. Completeitineraries on request. et. M nia alatinfer Escorted Tours 21 dows-toilogpcsare. On ire tray 4-inaliati=detettr. grand Canyon,' PhocnC ix, alifer. A olio and Ye:so:mite. Peanut throw/It Feather Mt's.. com:rn,Royell " f" ryC ,e, aforetelo C'prrsis and . ate neap &amp e aye, Jan. 1.1 41 Feb. 246, March 2.14 1929. •j14 f!1' details. le Fill to anti mai/ contort below and tt-e *sill' do the vett, puillealmirionosmoilliiiiiisorowskaii*Moniftepagiimisealisosibittairadorineammoobta*IttIT SANa: TA cr ovary/ so4 elamernatton Dettc,q.7. • a _Woutalikeldbtki106411-ttetwatee tamer t* Phelle3 8.15 4 elecisoling any vrcrtivnhosniseeeeee• . e 1 hem wee tom q" 'evrecttot:Cc.,ovcacCS a reeks. titome ..A_ttom1ilties.:46;-e emt-A:km el or , eight Labite no *knee earn Hahne ol000mionossooesono iimmortompliisolietoftriAmmoomeimom 11 4