HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-10, Page 24. • PAG TWO iffIr- 7. And its flavour is the finest In the world.. "SALA. UR freed' from the ordea' . EVENT Mee THE GODERICH STAR mg ef Septemnee et, when she Zs*. i *ate iitr mether, Aho ftit so eeetpe i , right atter capper zhat She had to ge .: to heal, and iii,e expreseed the. (pineal .:. that, she hod heel given eenietrana (:ng the Ce;10.0 Oil tne ewe; eau .c1 One. dzenteenceee, .. ( Aceerding to the pollee thtenee-, ........... ... . ilifin. Sehnabel met her deatle Mntefin oral, ti'al brqiv, Wrig ta,1C.,1 ,ra-1 Ceeawall in an automobile. • .I . , Italien Official Mated 1 Qcier CrArosA9 IMO praveled are 1 the p:.:".31iliiy of' SefiOUS st'Old) averted, a Innisfail, North Queens- laralety the decielere of the fleny Rat- Vire-Ceneul to =law° tte Init. ......... - -.......-- ... 7. Ian coatelf-arete en Ile viglitfut post- , tion over n le °Mee quietly amnia tiic , presCnro of only a few friends: Over • the Cbristniae holidays someone with. NI StICIrlICIPI 4 a PerVertycl venrx of fawner re:moven 47V GeVotaigole , the oseutelocx1 and nailed it upsltit i . down 14 frint or a Cliineere nteeent • A ' Ian Ifilstau'o And exeouut" 1,0i xv-.13,qco C0135111 feacteua was fatigue eutd yr Uhtg George MUCII 1010men . fund ail larva 'promulgated by him issued a call to 411 patriotic Itaiians - Renegue issued from the elekrooni merely Toady° to bo eauntersienta 1 m *the district to mobilize Januarn of King George now carry the wel. by the Premier. All ocal governing Nth to restore the vAtt-4-arala to. it5 come news that the royal patient it bodice are dissolved, and encept in /warm . place With 'duct eeremenee well en the YOSEI to recovery, ten the ease of thtco o trio largest citlea, a , The authoritiea have forbidilert any. ‘. :Is , no jks Saturday, for the first time, Ilis Ma- distovernova will nominte taw,. riet thTh ing in e weet of a demonstration. , antenatal 4 nesty's bed was wheeled Into an ad. !elle Weeny on the work of to muni- owl ra in'ahs. joining room for an hour. elpalities. Signed Treaty ;it attmr4 King Alexander Seizes Power Wenuleli MYst"i°119 Death for the first time nu international ering and attempts to reconcile the lug bard to etear up the mystery suie Wearied after years of racial hick. The polige of Montreal are work- . treaty, eigned by, Preniier Xing n1 treaey woe exeeuted at Ottawa. •The antagonismof the verb= parties in rounding the death of Mrs. Florrie , litme Wri. Phillips for, the Dotted • hia•kingdom, and perhaps encouraged sclinabel, whose body 1V4S exhume% states providee for the diveision or ••••••• •1 nimin spitvnt. is now in tniciand and I ly sAketasLor under moan!, kind of AO **A bokting seritl wave. erne.. Army heiedquarteen, iiltheagn entre wee net permitted to visit iieri beether at hie eettage on the eetfrolk Cria5r. The Genera i?, rereerted re neve been vonsnlerably. enecked by nu. hee — feematien, eeriveyed by kis vkife and ibilgidtrt that no high etexteil ot tIJ Of* Array had been surinneaeil .0,, r niale hen. treriC ''ExePrentier Miteray Iron, Geozge 0. Whir war; Premier of Nova Seetiat foe twenty. ceVen Feara# from 185.0 to 102a, wnen be voluntarily eetired, died at 7.1ork. treed Suutlay evening after an in. rieS3 of three days. Ile was in •-08th year, and Attlee takinte lap We residenee in Montreal, baa • lu retirement se far as business is con- cerned, but veinained extremely act. ire pliyalcally. history wile made laet men eviien, • Magnitaliebittohavoaeteatning fl'OXO" r bench Riesien Royalist Leader Passes The Odd hope ot the VAISSnel Roy. alist party.wa$ removed by thedeath .on Sunday of Grand I)uke Nicholas at Antibes, Frame at the age of 7.444 11117314T, JAN. Vee.- l'ee; TAILORING smssamass., is,ariasswassasresisasissisaisaissasiSsas""so.s. Special Orders Men's Smart Wear Best, at Black's CHAS. BLACK GODERICH ?HONE 219 seventy-two. &eon; eousin • of ttie late Czar, the Grand Duke was a lune as the oldest in point of adininistra- of tell the tRomanoffs he was regavded • HOG SITUATION 0R00 in 1025 'and his Male' was Some times. tomments have 4P- tive talent. 40 per cent, selects or 'better. Ile is • . situation in .Canada and Ontario conlidellee of his Patrons, rrhoP fay inIte4prect:ZunrtlY14tewaloh:ldwattpilue the :hbaagt a arm believer in grading' and lima tbe you cannot teach an old dog young • ThIE PRESENT •itary leader of exceptional ability tine • bogs in the county shipped aroand VUF . cavatione and sun. worker:, wasat Oils Is but one ease among mann. ' seetions of Ontario there ie. ideas but Mr. David (j OU a ; petiole stablished in, Italy and dentified, after baying been found tu N t nly breeding but feeding naul by the succrss of tbo benevolent (les. at Cornwall last week and positiveln ISOre 'WSW et Niagara Valls for tne You caa prepare it in a moment, After 10 Veers of Marna MT. D. in .many ptirpose of developing power, and tor yet it in delicious, whateeome, end Kellogg's Astlinia Remedy proved the e considevable dissatiefaetion at the rine old age will make mann hog bur- ei Spain, Kinn Alexander of ,lugoslavia the calla mere eeeliii y September the preservation of the seenk beauty invigorates. Ju * et what buoy iii n If --1/` 1V -- e- -or ono gratem ful user, apresent time -concerning the markets ers stop to keep pace vim him. . on Sunday took into his own banns on4 buried without identlikation in il the ilups. ux 1 water from, the deep ebannei to the tonweatift, ittyoto k gri reuledl. °It tile ma neer et. It bus -earned its tame vertinn to the (fid fashioned type oe many faznters ar r have not been too good and o o e epo ted to be re- m cent gram. is being len an. it -unce antigement are important. two the government, of the turbinent the Potter's Field. moved weirs will 4ivert 0044 ot ace, 16_14_4. *. WarOer that has now become Prices ,Serbs, Create and Solvenee. By pr o., George Schnabel, the woman's bus. he one reno ed ' dam tion lie suspended the ('on tit. band, tos. been among since ticeent"' bared flenles of the Itorsestioe ralle: • its never failing eftectivenese. -It is hog because it fattens more econoini. 510 Con (nal appointed ae non-party Cal). her 22, his two children in the iitean. and tile Goat reload shelf. ane tuts . • earning it toeday, as it has done for cony, dredweight of Pork then it would ap- h ill not patni4s of it to produce a bun. erosion of over taro feet -poe yeene to the top Of the league table euse one 41fle numeral; jillose,coitements all tend to discour. Pee? urs ' %axe very good showing•on the pro- , years. It is the greatest tuna sin within the reacln o fnet under Frowner 'Peter Aktentch, Itime having been sent to stay with diversion is ileiiiwpd, win step tan ofite. The king, however, holds ,told the detectives that on the even- straying the beautet of the great cat- mericans. The Montreal teams, gie _ . election and it looks as though Cana. lit side a e. g • . of rugged hockeY from two,offsicze *1'0 Cartmhan tarmers can do same. . been done towards Producing a stan. who served as a 'General in the (heat , relatives " Iramilton, Ontario. ' • Niter and had previously bad no pub-lElaine, the tenelve-near-old deugbter, which was gradiudly hut Fannie* de- Pob# babied tbe leadere, New Yoric humatittYe • 7", •• age rather than rnaiuMin bacon pro- f th led er If Denneriele • avact en.... Oro° and the Canedienn fouglet dian hog Teasers melt become pan.. can make 100 pounds of pork. on MO • . WESTERN ee S./44MA P.1.011.11t d d 11 h d h • lbs' *t grain its equiva*eat .1u"' • • h • " Y un a a te goo ao :usaUfeo:ZI. tho new year Now OrtnISWis'it BAKING BUSINESS dard article ef the type demanded by Changed Motor Laws of N.D. ' h A few tente invested m worm:nee ob Tlie 13ell Telepliotie-Compamr . tion .of 15 .per cent. automobne h I blown for offside Play% Canada, Flour Mills Ltd It is an- eycies to affect hogs the tame as any erg , might briseivisable and intestinal par - 0 majority oth cheap and son' pie of instance;:. The . increased its gasoline tai from o' to scored atter they fade o pro ace e 4 t ,rho latest company to, en- both the pacer and consumer.. nny score apa 0 s tor the baking busineas is Western It ie pe ectly natural t asnes are eating up the' profits in a or price • 5 eentsoper gallon, hut made reduc. en jai Nowsties bad and its Bill it! Parliantent ItEr Bell Teleplione Company 1.9 bringing before parliament this session a Bill regarding its. authority toseck uow capital. • No .grant subsidy front pailietrient is involved.. lt.in entirely • a matter qf authority to ober new thaws for purchase hy.investors, from time time the "future' AS. new capital is requirect for the . growth of the nystem. there aro three'reasons why The telephone company is asking:parliament for this autbority. Ea* of reasons Is important, . • . • ..1 the fir,gt reason _ • 'lite telephone system cannot extend. to Meet tite growth of the country units* there is a. steady ;Amply ot now capital year after year. , 14 4 progreasIve country like Canada the telephone admit. never Stands etill. Bach Year there are thousands of new telephones in now homes and • efficen : .e. 0 • nter ion neat Avo"years the, definite Ikeda which the ystetri, is under public, oblfgation -to meet 010311, ' 1 spending over $120,000,00 in new plant, Year after year. in good times And bad, now inOnils$, is needed for more telephones if the aystem a i0 - keep puce with the country. And of this money a great pt.irt eon be supplied only through the par- . lims4 4 ries' .t':',77- IT it'fttgtorte - — * tilt; ...;eatoftd reason , . 1 Necessary plans cannot 1* Mede unless thett i$ ASSSfillee OSA money may be (detained in tbe fetune to ecrar!tne :Leen; - . . TN the telephone Ino:Inotn it iz essential that plata .1. be made for ;years acad. ' smwtFhei bo cables rind eondutta and eentrartx. r changes before new telephones can go ito To it until people tire clamoring' for se,rvice too late. • in Stich protecta tite Past have been undertaken he - cause lite company has been nonfident siecueiiig moue y from itrOatove to put the TIO emtipment into Ent Ii Li.i,,irAny IS Itot able even to approach ino vestorzt, ,a:galraneo k•anisites and to prepare for the future beetemee blebs-111de. The tombone, .:,:tAitem doeo nut netdt and will not teek, all the seventptive on new capital pre-" *Med for ita ante:itlinent 'ne'w, next year, nor the year after. - „ It inan not nerd it ail for a good Many yeannentliat it doereneed naw the zrsuranee that it Wit ba able the future to go into the Inatket for new money when it is vim:red, • . • • nouneed that'the emnpany will build other commodity. Serious thioking •oguratum. b b nod • also provide that °vete- Innen drive *Wien Expeeted in June . bekery in Winnipeg this year. Wedmore do ' not permit themselves and u ° er of the vehicle or not, must have aa retitled partie$ in -Great13titain m a bakery business in .Winnipeg, type of a good article when the eyele‘ into changing the •from any local branch of the Ontario Department 'of Agriculture. Bog ing an automobile, whether the owe. There is intense activity among all The COM13Sey sees an opportunity for tee be stellineded gerterat.electidn eerly Stine, If, a•-• rapid growth, it is said, Ogilvie whorl 'bacon tYPe hogs can produp- le on the down grade, neenauteriy imiser will do well to find the leaks )n 'their business and stop the meses re - operator's Biome. the ,s'ICI3CCtoltiOXI that there will be a Whivit appears to be on the verge* of however, Parliameut is 'not dissolved Flour Mills acquired baking salvia- ed as economically as thick smooth. 'suiting'. 0 win he deferxed until Octo'her. The Consolidated Batteries, the important admit this fact but experitneut end I by that time, it is likely the eiectioit iaries recently tinder tile name • of Of course some farmers will never - Baldwin administration must -,get Lae units of which will be the plants in practical demastrationa nave shown Budget, cleared before they can ap- the Northern Bakeries chain, Lake i conclusively that 'bonen hogs Caw be peal to 414. people. The Labor Paridt of the Woods Milling owns the Into!. fed as economically a other types in has more than 500 candidates ready City Baking co, Maple Leaf Milling 'Interne ad biten as the reverse. • for the fray, but it is somewhat Warn_ has been in the bakery for yeays, What Ontario producers need is 4 &- pored by lack of funds, the drive rot` controlling Canada Bread and Cerra- - finite' ,estahlishrnent of thoe right Have you heard 4500,000 thus far having netted only diem Bakeries. Dominion Bakeries is strains of the various bacon breeds, dant Peps, reps is a Something like .0,60,000, . the latest aequisition of this emu:- uniform production and s more study e Scientific prepamtion put . . . Descendant of Laura Secor4 134°S% . ' • . ' •ItalTallr(tn° Countyeeing itirttmlnerasiwiagiet°"''' provide:P*11in eillinfirgtelyle new and , -. . e,,.. ' A name famous in -Canada's his. tennen'enenen----nen—.---- •'be in- teethe_ ' treatment for. (toughs, • , , teresten to know that the marketing tory was recoiled by the death laht Broneilial Cold .- . Ontor from this county in 1028 is if "Pots elatecertain medicinal Id el est and tl roat troubles, . week at Thornbury, Ont., of Mettle . anything a little higher than during ingredients, width, ivben placed SoMOS Carthew, a well known bar- . Left. Her ea"- • • 0 Wier W111101 a the -Past few years. The total male upon the tongue, immediately rister, 3,9410 was the grandsou or keting 'atm,. I, 1027, to Oct,, 31, 1928, turn into vapor, nun are breathed -town the ' air assages to the N4 1$12* Mr. Carthew's moeher, was ene IP , of selects remains at 30% being as 'su0l41; tb"0"/ufra`med' alid irritatei Dry Nackiag Cough Laura,Seeord, heroine of the War of being 81,730 hogs. The percen age. . ,„,eee en teeK, tourne., thaw, • Secott eecond youngest daughter of Imre — . ..... $6. zogr401 st.., high as in vast,: years, The number , .aus. 414.. xruatatI, , inerniarahaa 44'00 brachial Wan, to take this opportunity of telling son This would indicate to the etability of sages, and finally enter and earn' * • relief and healing to the longs. Inability to prosecute 2000 People of my expericiwe with - the business in fluvort and should be - tt. e — int While no liquid or solid can get. en in_ en„„ • 1 t th yr. 1111110111'S a ' falling off.. Boron also markets to -the loaf: and air linesmen Chatham, Ont., Writest..4"1 Inn -pleased of sews marketed Is about the same. the delicate walls of the air pits. 'Won't Investigate iloynchia. is given Inr GOVernor Babe of ssis. FAMOUS PROIVOTEW-BAsSBS sippi as his reason for dropping tee Tex 'Rickard, maker of champions, investigation into the, burning at the e and ono of the most famous boxing stake by. a mob of Charles Shepheree promoters of all titnei who passed negro, who confessed to the Mur - away at:3114011,4104de, after' belie der of de D. Duvall and the abditetion operated on for amiteneippeneheittse n of later% daughterneTne Open ernor said he had received'hundreo sport b General of telegrania from' all parts oil the ; The world ni' sport loses a great *United States demanding that be taps ;.friend Texeltickard, who passed action against` the men participating • away at. Miantl, Florida, where tie in the lynching, had goue to =Ingo ileavyweigne Petri* to tratilsh match between Young Sttibling. and, ancient earn.° is to disappear Jack Sharkey, The prince of prize •A•11 ring pronizers was stricken, with front the geographies and postal iists . --irSarlIhist -winter suffered1rom • a severe bronchial cold that 1pft lite ' provoking, dry, WWII cough. After being bothered with. it, both day And night, for some: time 1 bad a prdessional ours° recommend•the above (sough syrup widen I took with wonder - tut results, oink now$ is the only Teroctly X ever Ufa tor thilSe Pens mes get there greet It eye. ltdigiruitiar her hogs iluire imiformly throughout and healln tou'unen P . the year than most counties. This is e. '10,4,61114 Mit ont lads rine a. very pleasing feature of the hest- sursisso, Rtfels,welt net *cross it the mono me. dots of tato ir&niPoPor, on ma ( 0. Inv Even' Ileird,n County has its:pecan lar angles- in -the -business. Sortie teleet ,Itegs Wm or three years ago have reverted to a.lower grade. At maintained their quality awl. in some vases raised the percentage of select hogs marketed, 'the oldest buyer of Vrieen5e. a bottle; large family size stations showing high percentages of tile Saito time other stations have aent appendleltla lastwevaseeokn, teille&rtotlitit tainonaalitsetsktvelrinaietnglionftrbh7tnath,en1P101; °Pe* 14 lin aruilliStit Qr dellier25. I ..--- lowing an operation. Pat up only by- The T. Milburn Col , to recovery %Viten perttonitin infection The It Toronto Ont. • is now situated at 14E11110M*. set in arid be succumbed. . i ....../ . ...4 . IL‘anie, 4..,Tpl,n" is to 'be cluittged to - - 41113 "at °t tie Mira' test Iniekeb jereetronnIlletnienatmucell; neaStheitb°silengnifitt. ' ......_ ,..... ,.. • " ... ,. . A • • 71. * • • -. Ns match between the Ohl Country tom' 'northern capital."' • '''......"%to....1111i the' Anatrailans at Melbourne, , Ulte * Iltoilavlios Colds tthy mar resole_ to "eustiones. to toad 049990bOr Xr**. dab and all Throat, Moot tad Loam Unable*. 1Vo WOW, shalotir, IT aaartaitmal. Voull riots Ito WO* horror th* V40.7 Ant anow.000d %horrors to Moro as 71-asat hoe" 1 Ask raw trossist tor "siekkes". W. X. ids in Wind at., Tornio A . . Auttralia, ended in Yietory for the May Depose 40netal Rooth ,• English tom after a Iowa tatno.Demoeratie rather than autocrats This, 14ing the third conseetneVe nye- rule, is sOught by a large section oe tory for the iislting team, eeneeued - -tito Salvation Amy and. tho United' them the eaveted "Ashes," the myth- Staten seetion of the ' organization, teal tl'opIty which bas .promoted Um leading the movement, is said to have . keen interest in international; Menet the support of a big percentage of between Anatolia and the 01(1 COW:- collodion Salvationists. Game try fen so Maar /ears,- Thera Aie Bramwell Booth, the Commander -in- still two maw test matches to be Chief of the Army, now i years old, played to complete, the series of ilvo- )133 been very ill for a long time and • gatrese / unable to diachaege hieduties. , The fine win of Toronto Mane' Itis sister, Commander Evangeline tz.telantOrS last Saturday. boosts them .foreesp and vegattied his most into. Leafs heekeee. teem 4TOST thi5 Ottawa Booth, leader of the United „States'. is, ' the thirit reasoii • In One Man's- Life Time The eorainnten present' :authority. to seek - new capital inalniel exhausted. XVIII= the ti&epliona company began itt leen it I had anthority- ta.1e11 dhuro 13 Im-erltora upto • half a .tibn kit with the growerelbe "cvstem ttlautluegy Ikea e%tendcst by Ind13. haeleipreeeede on tai nverag, every eight year eines reek The net thent by parliament was piti it)20. 211;zooE at„,eadment• unlit be. •taue, 1--cr.-entz,-41%..e million of :.ikare .i i:et its 1920, tc- itlias gow remain for the coin-. pally to 67eer With fc;c6, M.ZO,E64,f;k13 bz apeutoluring the next fit' raft of which inet. I* pro. tidet n..v) ;1'1,2re.--.---t111.; margin of lege • than tee enerna Innen eenneeititer the tently Apply of twee reeital tebe atenee ef' the More which 11* tomp.an;; cervethc ublic with 'effleitne,A, tqghtyetits frons now . Lt cif1 neientimerit 'with the fit‘ It. 20 4.8. ey ente coital, Ontario mod Queno'f tease. eeeee v.1'.10.5 a tol'Arboop ytratomr% pa hOtter ,tris'is,1 1,16,1i� ventanweente that sit Arawsrhr • A" rot west that ,4:44..Ar f,s prrrooll allett nose "Vol Wit is • to preremr .11•41•14•••=1•11•11•414. v. '2 3, e See 1 BINS A Me witmoso 9 Sooltap an.ist It A; *At • 75e.and 40e • • ' ThastIsrr iIit_ ThAsiss A Uphamwhs. as s %Pettit mach thy talaphanis f.Srit ilawilleatifass seAssr4 ihy inl.rntor, Alorarrlor Graham.% Fern. dreamed to., ere% Mrs WM-64'A. rm Tsloshanit fsharatories rainy ssesok.truf ont ions to 1%* 0.1d iI w,' u a i re t inft oro 'TAlrrt4 an,4 Mrs Watmory Ars Amen the arraraluaI roma* s which Trlovi.lam% Vas ^a Poet r dommootratir4. Ths, diseininsiehed niters tosta4, t. raoehaaisra far ihernatthipa sad etrepord flier awnsiessiont et thy prop,* th• gehishanst and its *Mod prods. ti had math Ovine t e e 4* r -Melt Mt. lame had ;lased n roportailt * rut. to. 1;,,,y_rotozn_aostours) ta—Taps Torooto. fray Wit 011,altit wflt tut No sant you. Alt deltitralta PlIt storm. son Pipit. 2so box. , De -Forest Crossley Radio Hear the Two Extra Octaves this set lives you -first Several Good Used Sets at attractive prices Goodyear. rabl".er fire Chains to fit your car ' F. It MILLER - Service Station " Car. Victorhk St. and Maio Ave. Plume 259-w •CLEARING IN Men's Felt Shoes LOT 1.-4ien's Felt Shoes with Loathe?' Soles and Dubber Weis, sizes to 11. Special ***** • • • 4 4 4 s • •• t • • • •$1•43 LOT NO. g.. -Made of heavy reit, Leather he- ed, Rubber Mels Alt sizes. $peeiar $2.75 LOT NO. sizes in lot, some have hackies and lace. Special clearing-- — dr e .4'01# • ye*. ROBItS The eiwnpieto Men's Store of Gotteriela Phone 384 • •