HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-10, Page 1• ,
A Star Calmar tar 1929
I Tie Star's MI* list
For Every Paid -in -advance See -
scriber. Renew now while the
Choice of Calendars is at its Best
SEVENTIETII'WAR Feteeeriptions $2 yeur irt Caraida GODERICII, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, JANI:7,1RY 194}
6460 a gear xo s, wogs,
Will Save Yee Moiani- Ordor
Yuur Daily Papor owl other
1. Periodical. threaqeh The Star. 1
Mr.-Nladwan-Gets Fifth Term As Mayor of Goderich. Mr. Hill Has 5 Majority Over Mr. Goldthorpe in Colborne Township
• •
.1 treastrtee, J. Sturdy; D. cf C.. N. Itle• tilts cca9e1-4. the 04diellr41...FA) Ve4a13;-1 ViACEWAN MAYOR
NON'AGENARIAN PAS.SES eteitfro et the Lento (-4-' it • - selete
tionail; let lecturer, A. 'It littittipg;
Sun, Life ASSUPatlee Company, of Canada -1 t`In4 1/1t;l1rzw'g-, QT'aalit49e1
• Moe. tleveteitee L. G. bunt% Jean
- 77. " olinete. Wm. Brownlee, TItoe... ;
t NO ARGVMENT AGAINST IT , tette, D. ttlaeVicae.
ew. t.,12tteaent agehmt the takings of lit'( inturaneett t Numbcr.:
Oeiloge:teriare•e. Dwindling .
'est tblinhett-that. tole' protection Of °nett family, n. •4V-' war e 1111, •
de the one tiling rioat n be'deetretb. end there is no naeditun better . Refertiug •to the death of tir. Wit-
, .
- than life incur:wee. Our government lam glienteloze atteratiten to liam • Stewart thin • wed: in Ida LO,rd
tire ineurauee companies, so thattheY LIM oUb3tree and zoued year, Mr. eplelt" Black ealls out: at.
• • foundatipn tt 'no on On goinsayotheirstabilltteet • •. - tentibni • t) 3113 gaet tipt.1 white two
•Seeletootection to-dav.•
ye.are ego Broth we tore tram the
, 'Goderleir over ninett, year.of age.
tMe. William Campbell, the eldest's; a
H. R. LONG, District Agent Ithe five, is -now the stole survivor.
And, while • six years ago theee .were
Phone 115
..- forty trim in ederieb over. eiglity
• ; • • ; - - -- • yeare, tbere are row only twenty -
• • 4
„ 31011Vii fr.
Orastgenten, Conattien slteition anti
tire Meets Cluti . Geergent
rhigeb, gee!). seinet..? with two team... Doe 1,00 cot, whet. moment, ot ben
The effirero a the. League for tin , • year gno to tin vat yett•
seacart ere ns fellovor: hon. pore.,
Martin /relight; nreekient, Um. 5tenteo eteten,, (eta
L., *L., <
SProult 01(4416aTh Wm Ir. sc;et"i• ie elMostt surpriee that 'dyne wde
nizeresrtetoixtrel;nten•cgesuzlit'nett-e,hA.1.713a::11zez.QduTienit; ootsitt.t,:ttt,:t‘,..1,,rectinteittntat4.!zumtt%tt,,tutp,theilit,
'41'W ill. the Mayoralty conteet. I,est yeat.
• the total vete was 4414 nod Cita
The '10114Willf," from *The Brandon 1146, oldY 165 ftnger veted :It, the
stun ot pee, tette toter, to tpe mar-, he molt of the polling /nee
Ilene et toe enter .0augeter of me eee Ma -Worehip Mayor Mot:Ewan in.
end mix Beaten W. Boit, of Brandon, the Mayaeo Oran. for another 5rear,
anti a niece of Mrs.' ve. E. Itotone his fifth hi that grace, but with a
nue, James amen meat G. W. woek much reduced majority :roan what ht
and btis W. 'Bali, of .Gotierich, and hod' over Mr. I,ee a yr ego. Ida
the Rein will be re.ad with ranch inter. -Eve elate mettle- to be out of the home.
°PIGS. New Doinhilqari Road Machinery ett hts; many old friende of the bride's Veiling day and believe he would love
• Building Making Geod Progress 'rather in this tenor: been int the top of the pile had be
The sheeting for the•roofing of the • • chit
of the town, polling eubdivisione Noe. .
• ) At a eecent meeting of Victoria atter c . . . •14 Vrielneeday afternoon when. Edythe
Omen Investments Ltd. -,----
St 11Iatthew's pro -cathedral waa been able to be out attending to hie
• L. O. L. Oilleers • . tho ocene of a latot4, ng on own .organization. Ilis men section
new ut mg the amnion Road a. •
e o. us erecting Is a out corn- . 'ltho died J
' A special statistical report has •1 Lodge tic.. 18'2, 1... O. L., the following pleted and the glazing of the win- Isobel, elder daughter of Mr, and 6 and 7, stood by him N.ory well, giv-
been prepared on -Bethlehem Forth -ere ror tha coming year were Mrs. Barry W. Ball, 236 Sixth street, Ina him a majoilty of 42 in No. 6 and
te dowa ie in progress, so that the eon.
, elected: -W. hre, J. W. Bell) 1). hie Sj. pan Y Win be . bl t 1 th build'
I e o c ose e. became the bride of Berttam Alfred 39„,in No. 7. In all the other sub. ` OB
Steel. A copy may be secured I
on request. 1 Sproul; cbaplitin, IL 74, Leggett; re- ing in soon now. The building willsoni.d s11 E • h d
R. lf. Mew, Melt:mold St,
e.3 Irelle Fintao. ef iteinteectilee
/spent; se few daye the e•ast week ioi
Chco /14%1V a 51e. unit Meteat. W.,
Mitt tleretity (lurk lets lgturnedtto
, Ititwertlir,te after a vieit at the Mine
et hoe rewrite, Mr. anti Moo W. J.
fled., Cambrhig,-5 R. - •
?Mien niaegaret Annotreng. of Ter. ' -
ente, Silt for her home on Wetine:tt .
• *ley after eeending the Chel'etinete ,
.1 holidays with. Miss-Riteritinn% Churett
13. Robertson ;wag in Toren-
te laat week attending the funeral of
au mete, Mr. Ttebert U. Iledgettof
whose death oegurred on Sunda:to Dee. -
; 30th, in his 6Sth year,
Dr. 'Gallo, WU5.1 called ta Townto
\ - - . on Monday by the news that his
TIIE If kTE WM. STEWART' - ' ' mother hail • been, -ntrieken. with alio. •
\piggy. Ile W03 itelcompanEed• ta Tore
n. 7th in Ids 93rd year.
gording secretary, MeNevin; thrum. er • . MORRISON
re- an imposing'•
and substantial Mrs* A• G. CaMpbell, of Bath. New ity, As it happened Mr. Mae man s
4.1.• 41 41 h 1.1 Ot% :)/1,1111.
alld it is gratifying to see how expo. forma by the Vet, Archdeacon An_ heard from at the town hall and
toderigh, Ontario - t FOR SALE 0It TO 1tENT
secrotery, ,E. Breckenridge; amid 1 1 ' Brunswien . Th te n no own sion; No. 4, eve • 1 t t
• onto by Itia son Frank.
-7-rt-t77-72 Mr, and Mrs. J. Elgin Tom have re.
TITARY !turned home after spending New
n , t Vona •at the home a thew so,. Mr..
xv. Awl" morilson oceurod Wink of Torooto. ;Miss jestu.
• on to t p ant of tne compann • • I 1 63''' Wits per- S 14. 11S, o
t I out i ti P • • Tont of New York Was also a visitor t
without it Mr. Lee had a majority ter toulin • Island. th. Movrieon Was a e lame ot l*r bratile• "
ditto:ugly the work tef conetr•uetion has dersort. IL Jeal•plaYed. the wedding.
Phones.430 'nil 445 . wart sALE.--23.S C.; White teohoitus been sedvaneed . Inesig.. -The bride who as given in
4w4heatlitHier shleoe.lateti?onuld‘N.a.gqi;eilidnui!ge. ,/ no bort in Godertele t e eldest sort of Dr. 'VV. P. Clark has returned to
„_., Morrisroe hy•her fo,ther evotot 0. "OW11 nntet ithe,late Mit and XI'S JOIM :10rrison, tome otter' evolution Chritstmas• with .--
• .4.- ing:. Apply to StliN Nivi.xs: ' " .
IU whether Mr. Lee Would ha ' tie) ly Miss :11:teLennan, leo ••sons and one Toledo, and t4ew 'Wart: with hte 4•0511• ;
lie -kayos h s wife, former. his: , daughter, Mies I:Arita Clarke in
ritet BOW1Mg s of rose transparent velvet. }ter hat Ewl-at enough majority to elect him af tawn.
- 'Warren St,.Goderieh. Fire Societies in Ca e , • 444 •
E IlUND11S1-7.-r r)OLLA1§-411) 'YOU 4•4'llg" . .
- , .,
• 14 " a'Smart mei:101.4n metallic and
. ...,„,..,,,t,,,,,...,teet. • W.C,NT IT ? 11,1.* Toiling this Eke different societies are vepree carred a shoer bouquet lulry manLast year 4 aug i et, . eofgt. John, Robert An. Robert Clark, at Pontiac, Miett, . .
sented in the arpet bowling league roses. • Far travellin h '
iwof e. No, gave
.g t e bride don- 111. 11 Fes 120 • '11 Le it
children, of Courtri ltt itiso 'Mtge
gen and :Visa Elsie, of South -134,v, al. Rev. and Nies. C. It', Te 1
114fEETINtl (Jr filiAcix -muggy cogs. eighty eaves of dell and . productive
so one sister, Mrs, W, II. Belief., of [ g , 7 °r 41114
.1I.L.e.n.s. - . ,.. 7 , loan wept good. torture' ,and artiilcial - • after looked "Ike Mr. Maawon's election ,
; - . - . drainage' 'Mee pietureeque lecation- - • otietc.S ---15,-'
hive ,/ef TO -CRE ITORS .. ned a seal •eoat. immediately
4's returns -ellree ill, ""'"14 • ' • ilVinnie Dickson, of Windsor, 'return-
t th 1
" The Boron CotlotY Coonell tor 1t2t( -wilt be •proliting this amount. Said
14 one ..nt. the best in the vidnity--yon , the eeremorty Mr. aud Mtn. CAmpbell- I1r1 .W11.64- No. ed to their homes after spending the
103, there was no uncertainty left nega from the flu, developing into dou.
hers in the tiourt House; tisderteln on 011 ItaSe• 10.1fie. • Dttlidinge consist holiday there they mill retudi to
voth• a reduced nuijority is. true, SNOWDhltn-Atter a week's .
wilt meet. ill the CoutitY Conon Cbalu- loft for Winnipeg. After' o short +Arnett -tilts -notionyu wan tom .paes
ter • m is about *tee Wriest from Clinton NIYIle,F17.)0aEurrous.
-Notre' hi hereby given . all teredi tors r any longer. The result of hianday poeumenht. nye Ententeth snow. onto, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Dickson, of
tfl PoLt .Albert. ..e. 4
Tuesday, tho 2.2! „baste at '2.30 onloch
the attn.:MO All oreountei tertlt oleo antl reservoir. Consist-
KOOG house, Urge tram: deteing or 04e l'Aate ot Maria relict •-of oltaunavon to ieside.
• last's pollthg and thetresult of a Year" den, daughter tat the late Bernard it
5 . •
11!ates- of AtiP,et !en* and' returns re teetwe • bunt. nest-eel:co in states rint- • the late tlt J. Pentland, ut the township Miss Kathleen Clearihoe Presideot. ago is,given below in comparison. Snowden' of the Sauble Line, neat otrs. J. W. snutn announces the •
inuther of 'votet's far ti litnicinal- son for eaerinte. For twins', W. • of W1,7tt• Wuw(tnoslr 01 the couaty of Of SreGirls* Cerruti of.C. G. E .
Ay, ehould lathe hands of.•the Clod: nae -DONE, glutton. Owner 322 South Huron, ,w1dow, who' died on or about Sub -Div. 1028 • 1029 Baylield, passed awaY tu5 Monilay of marriage on ,Saturday, Jan. 1923.
not . later than t•ssitird,is. or ,'Atontla) • Wain :Arcot. •Hemeo, ,011i day of August, 102S, to. for- e
nonlna •• • Leethlaarven Lee MacEwan this 'week, tho funerarbeing held on I of, her elder daughter. Kathleen
receding the 'day.' ot ,lueeting. , Laeal •
giunicipai .Clerks enti Plenee tiee that °FARM l'011 .ALatte-SixtY teres OW undersigned on or before the etit dav ' be intoested• -in . the following . 2 88 90 •
.ali these teertfiloates and rentena are land, Fivvitit good brick of 1..`ebruary. 1929, after which i;a:e the n f r t issue of The Re " 3 73 . "4 72 95 ducted b R • M•P 1
field emnyeteervy: son or Mr. and 'Airs. ail-
ment in by man us eoon •415. 01444Ible. IffeiSe and hunk tarn. situated fitt executon; of the said estate vvI Poo- 1 * f I Sr astsyseted•eobn:!itueket Ohio,
eolm Smith; of ItliteLennatt, Ont., the '
ward. their eutons duty Proven .to Use We aro sure many of Oter reoders No. 1"1,7261. • Wedneeday, with interment in ewe., Maltolm Edward Smith..of San-
ITOLS AN. Junes troul altiterIch. owl 1-2 miles teed te distribute the estate; lit:wine gina Post, which re erg to a vesPer " 4 60 162 * 65 4185 Rev. I*. Gale, in Trinity ehereb, RM. R. C. MeDertnid Offitittlatot.
• • Gooney were. trent tle0e.w .retion, and within live regard Only to sueh claims of ,which service held by the senior council if " 140 60 44 75 field, and •at 'the graveside. 1111se I rtWellington W. Donalds011, for-
Godertelt Jan. Oth, 1029 minutes' welk 'to echool and ohurch they then shall have lia.1 notice, the Regina C. 0..1. T., of which Wise " .0 130 88 •• 123 122 Snowden lived with 'her slater, 111its ' merly 'of Ilineks etreet, Gederieh. or.d •
and di nthor oonvonlenees Also 100
Dater at D
' Oth about 30 aeree nitalo s hurl, ongannen the 10th ,-L!ne ef , Itatitleee. Clearihtte,•daughter of lir. " 7 70 . 31 '. (17 . • 64 Rose Snowden, on the old homeetead, tnow of W. IL Cunninghain 4; 11111, ot
. t • t ti p ' 4 1 r • • ' ente IRWOn it ;
COuntr of 'Huron for long' coati- 4, 'a 4 1. b ' '' ' " • ''' • ' ' ' ' '' " • ungaan•Ja• • -I. -t - • ' ' ' 11 ' • 0 ,-
o er e
•,e a formertpresident cif the Itayiteld i gignino his position ai-president ot "
Wleiglo e6OPPI"BriOurtietretildeere n't4*(11nrelseoere,diatf. E.-4-'NEE.-4-----'1JUIRS* SAT# ..E OF 1:•Allir.i.1 sit e. 6 „,Lce .cosi;•,5, -t 1 t I She is a member of St Paul's Angli,
ex end ils A bequest -of SIO0 Was left to St. Agricultural Soeletts, were members' bin, 1/Villimn Fraiter's class at- javela
• WANTSIt-Rollithle man- as 10eili dls- (MAIN '10E1INTTplill,"1.?..TC. e * • ' fere,' and gave their ig•rvIepg and:cops Canon Bill was reetor for huloY of the late Vies Marien Dark •
• . no
• • -• • • AY.„ANTED- "lett Is
Ina pastere and bush. Will 'eon JannalT, Aoo • od Mrs Clearlhoe (the 'attar form.,
---..}Ontlie survived' also by' a brother, M. Teronta, has. boon given the territory
w AN r ott---DistrIct etaeager for Iftling,%Fteri.l.s.41.1;,0141 oil .14 ihnit nitentzt,Mrttat61. . erle• hlias Florenve Ball of Goderich), Tot'ls 646 404 • 618 790 Theo.. Snowden. The lath Ittre. John I of Weatm 'Cartade front Fort lint.
Execore. tie Ale pret.dent. This quite an twenty 5D 27 2,3 SoweritY, the lite tha, Iludie and the i limn- to Ve.neetiVer to eot.er for hie
lisheil lAfe Assuranee Ciornpany. Sal- • ' -• • ••-•-•-•-• importatt post ak the president ig late Mr. Robert Snowden. the latter s firm._ Tide entails..111r. Donaldson re.
orY. expenses , eormaieslon. Excei- AtTurioN auxs . CARDS OP 'THANKS. • heted of all the C. 0.1, Vo of Regina. NIVIONG TIIE CBURCIIFS
"F",". 4Tfing 1‘111)1"FINT". hearit' tbstaks to ott mf'.110 4,10 kindly of: 'can grotrIO tho Church Of which Rev. George's Sunday school by the wig of stthaemieSnyoi:Ndvein:ilfittpi.ully also, orieto, f entreet Baptist Sunday school, Toren.
also) to all others Wile osststed atul tO years. The: ROM frOel the VOSt fel- Easter tomes early this year fan of
t lb • • '
food produeto toro.t ar.tieles. etc. , 'We '1•11e 143trittors or the estate ot the the eleolorate who turned ottt and gave lows: • " lly the largest Sunday school in
bave an opt•ning tit tioderiete whielt Otte eowt aiettre wilt eel' hy Public tern stieh a splendid vote for -4100r at ling on tite 31st day of. March. Astit C.A.aMPBELI,.....Vor the second time -Canada and Mr. Donaldson's positloa
will not Met tong. 'This is your op- anotion at the tioniestead. gels 28 end the polls last ..1i,lendaY. The' Senior Council of Reglita C. w 1
edn.ere ay, t e rst ao .o ent, s
h a t , f It i Mr. ernes Campbell hes been bereav- I was oue of sortie important.%
fr ed. this time by the death of his • ' .
the old and highly reepected families 1 to. The latter is interdenomioation. •
ortuityto MAire stomp real mnoey in a 20, et:Strewth/1i 2. East Wawanosh, - . gave- a Yery interesting Pro- Feb. 13th.
ti nese of .1r,•
own. kaoperlence mi- 1412)24;ktky., VEIL 6tii - on . • Throhith an oversight Mr. Frank .T. gram at. their M41_0041 Veaper
VttAIVINS eGOMPANY.- D t. It, nnortntennoe. nett -neat, wine; • I bore° trovinalep nine omitted front. the t . b - h. Art tuck plot% of St. George's -church Women's nompnen wat to her .7,1th year. she ,
Mt till -Wont ttot• e • : . • '• Perchero-it Mare, 'Y . • last edition .of The Star. 'Mr. 'Wilson ' aptist le ure . organ pre Guild will be. held on Tuesday, Feb.
. .. SAL
4---"-"'"'""*. , . . Cattle.-Drie rett ;Cow, .111441, bred: 1. ?Vw... d'..812.(74. •• til
'EXECV CP.‘-' "'n."-:"--1--;. bite eow, due reeve lihn sincere by -Miss Marguerite Book 'was much •
i 1 12th. Please hold the date. • - had spent Christmhs with her daugh. , lake .
2 New , Hamburg juniors and ,o .t .
••••••••••••--ee -...- --. red row. duo iti „Marche 1 grey cow. Bon to•• a member of the ironed' and Cubs Fetch a Galne. • ,
Ally 16th: 1 white and "alms to toe electors Lor his ro-olee- ensOyed, after which the g r s at- tar arid the following day to* the flu, '
traettvely dressed in C. G. I. T. nni- The regular weekly meeting of the , and pneumonia followed. -Mr. Cann:- 1.1 t -t"-- •
EXKOBTIMS' SATZ BrIlltNIfitlt, elle Anot loth4.1 black row, due ;mar. to assure ell that be will give
The Execothrs of, the Erhart of isanot;
' ----- 2.5t,b• 1 roan cow duo tem of sale; i "flit)" in the tonships interestWs ;fte4 for.,• teacher+, tothe choir eats 1North St Young People's soefety • hell nttended the 'funeral, returninn About two eezen players and nom
art' lersey tow, 'dire threntuf, sale:el ---"---• --....-e-e----singtng a proeesston al mot, B v_era1 vDI be _he& Nfonday_ovening et .0 on Tuoaday rinhte• - • - • - I journeyed by bun to New • flamiturg • •
- stothorne in the eltiounItt ot :Boone mit^ 1 red and White e0W, due tn-juty, TOWNSIII.V. . • • sun; by the choir led.by Miss Olive Services in .ttnox chure i g 1 art ee • o. • t .., i
• o• ' I. mother last Thursday, who did not , 11•10CKEY
neoseart:: Write sfiningetagetetefeThe ,e,,,tegeteettng et -12 etneloele shopi• Witeen'e gardato the eleetors' of :Col. 'eettgeo guutoy enttnegOtnet tne virst • ' 4416341 high te4.114(101' 410465°j tong 5CRI`ViN;0 • her hueband. . Mrs.! , • • A
Bent...Voting, late -Ott the Township efolute Jersey cow. due about Stay T" ELItoTonn Oit •001•601INT.."Christmas carets arid hYGIGS. 'Were pan, in order Ito:close the contest. • •STEIVART.-B 1 t I k it - " •
intellect to the la.st •
last. Friday evening, when the locoi
tearn tett the unjor t;edfe it • thot
hoxt. Bain , 1111. liam I ,
Farmer, advertise the lbereinafter yototo eattieto.gour enyear-ohl oiteers 144041. and Gentlemem-In aeking:tton neneee and *all lotted in the Nation
numbers 3 and 6 in the 41/t roneession, hei erso6 calves, '
flif ialitd tendi.r. tere POrtions of Lots enfj tenors: G 1 -year-old steers :And areel4 MY thanks and my TT.feep ap- -- • . • . batn Malting 0,1141 ei'ening will- he Stewert, Trafeigar street, nat1u1 it 'Anvil. The wet eti at 8.30
recreation for the splendid. vote y e .).rtt Antnem. rartS tne service conducted by the minister. Sabbath away on Monday morning, January 1 and frOm the' fake•oit it was dearly
'Western Invisioneett ORM Towaship asleep and nottitry.-Six sheep: re- le've' 6Itto -me. had, hopeoti at were %taken bth.,;Misses Leek Ed - nehooland bible elasses_at 3 o'clock . 7th at his hoine. ele tan been up 2 demonstrated by bah teamO that they
-it Colborne ein?talning.,...by adffleaSere- 15tere4C Oxford ; rant: notumber of frott iene wilitend that I •rnatic ver •-• a
and.fouresitths ae- and Outlets. • efeort to serve you 'conscientiously duo, tone only a few daye ago anti it was were out to win.
res ot lerelt 1o:opting /hermit those ttacidnery, anc.-1 15.30 ,McCormick kg the coming. year, itie mow. . A duet by the _Misses Baptist church. Jan, 13th: Even.
• 1 4 1..r ay that- re- ICS com. During the firs' two pOrtiele the
onhe o S t • ) 21 E
4 p
Portions of 4611#4 let soot .and eogreyed Deering teactor• nearly new• I a -furrow Ave eN0-.4f 400c1 Whitt for itten piaired of a pain in the e2r ard Cubs had much thgbetter of the play,. -
,barn 011 the pftoert•Y. 'rho Pro is well Mai:gay-1 Orris 6 -ft, hinder; 1 A144.45C- ioyea. miss Dorothy Kirkpatrick, ores corning'. Come. The church 'itt- time.' Mt:Stewart W418 a great lerer line. At the end -of the second etan.
• Fronees Itradlo and. Fernt Spring- mg subject, °Is the orgeoized church
ComPante ' There is good bouse•and• 1 Massey -Barrie power . sprayer; • . . W. L. N't11.7Nfi. by Miss jean Bioughe were much 01-
Itle, influenza, thus lasted. a very short •• combination playing Of theie, forward
day eight at 8 p.m. Some new feat-. •
to' the Oration. Ana Tiaderlet .11411Wa ' • I ' i t d ' 16 1: t 11 • • • Xoure eln .er et. • etein. and a Christmas tete* ably told li
r tractor p mos .. an Unt - rac or i se. • • . . . . .. .. i. l . ,
last sickness of the 'prevailing • trou. 1 aeg
e oecessity?" P. Y. P. 1.1... on mon-
t - to the splendid back checking and
+watered end within a utile of meGaW Barrio ' a, 1-2 ft. 'mower:•1 Massey -Her-, Tr' TAIE -EntetTotiS .4/P. COLBORNE
Station. Obout •. 30 aeres are seeded Harris seed drill; 1 gang plow; 2 wells. , .4 .4 'leader of girls' work. irs Saskatche- 9
. I. of. fhweers end was planning end pre. za the sore stood 2 to 1 in favor of .
It tWNSIDO. rayer on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m.
tiown. 100stly. to attain'. ; The propertY lea 'Plows:v.1. land • rotten one. seta- t net es and Ilentlemen,,-1 fat. appre- wall.; he lca
ole. Thu' ew Humbert;
gave art • mtereeting -talk . ten I . The annual meeting of St: .George'F, paring,' for his garden in the swing, t
. ww he ritild • 1412,hjt.(4 to a reserve bet tier; I wil-Ton With ibrAt.t..hetsleigli; l date your kindness in returning nu; as IChriitmaatt The president of thet
;Church 'Woman's Guild was held in lie, was a. great reader also and took I Plat"e" trer- .evidently thestatened '
hY 116Ys and Hays, solicitors for the rows. 'stop Irsaggt; i OUtter: 1 Melt to further your interests •ro my utmost. s e at t io mee nig , n ga e ,
id d 1 t' a d v en ad- rae during the interinissitit for
Veiy satisfactory reports of the past• going on. 'He was a native of Banff.; i Ivo
• Teoders lu, •received. lu efivitt, long sle:TM With NU: •I‘lassey,airris one of your councilors for the preseitt 1.11.ss Kathleen Cleorihue, pre- -
lope molten wroung Estate Tender"' hay rake '10,ft.• 4 -section oism,5n,i firm- year *MI eon curative you I will endeavtir - the parish hall on Tuesday-, Jan. 8th, • a keen interest in everything that won with astaassirfation or something,
Young Estate, up to ntehoteare• 1st. leen • tote; • 1 0. it 'thanking you and wishing you a siren
n. ,rot pe ear rope 301 pi • of eveleome to the- audience. they displayed a notch different brand
year's work were given and the fol.. shire, *Wand, but had been a reel-
• It 2 IhIll• 2 - ley, slings and hay •forki i fanning 11 p' N'tw Year. 'Vie meeting was -dosed bv Rev. 'W.
tPERMS.-5 per rent. rash od swept- mill: .i Dfi Laval vream separator, No. - • Yours faithfully:. .,,, Ps,Reeltie. who pronmineed the hene- lowing officers elected for the coming dent . nf Canada for eeventy.feur •of the Cunediau genre during the last
' onee of tender and balance •of staid our- 12: • 1. No, 7 Daisy churn; 150 sap pails . AARON •C. Fit:41Eu: di t` Th gi 1 ; a m eting this year: President, 111155 Salkeld; ist - Year*. • On corning to gement be wet . twenty minutea.. • However our boys
ehase priee within •30•days without in. and toles: 2 good iron ketties; t sap -- ' -• e le/1" e - r e re e . i are their equal in every petition on
'term. The leroperty must be sold to p• . e ft io sr 1 stp'imn 10 ft !Ong'
iietne the Estate.. att, . ig, I. . To Tilit BLECTereiS og THE Tows- evening attthe V.. W. C. A.• at 6.46, -ores. Mrs. Murphy; treas„ Mrs. Brown on the Buren road, and on
• 1,,•„ !the lee anti, after taking into eonshlt-
vice pees., Mrs. !Sturdys• 2nd vne for some years gardener for Mr, . •
• I galeanietet fop storage „tonic. 5 bar- ' .t.1111 ot MI...1 ViAli,..t:si”-IT, from whieh-placeether eeedirgo to the prownt see.; '
- • O. A. Ilfenenrregyee Este, trite: 1 set double Moquette: I set 51001e Ladies and Gentlemen: I take nos .12espitalaeo sing Christmas .earols to mothers, Mrs, Hart 11 end 'Mrs Goderich and had resided in the houee Audi
Mrs. Hunter; eiroir Ing uo this poeition he came into i, erntiOn the oractines their opponents
vet . , ... • every one was Mere than pleas.
sminija, ToVIi(i. ESQ. TOTG'bet vqllarsc; quanth$ 'means or thanking my supporters an. the patents..
Executors of GM IllOttelFtenry 'ourig of lumber; barrels. quantity of hay: the generous; vote often me in the te. Palmer. • on Trafalgar street ever' since, it ed with the final score, New Hamburg
sofienors for tho above Estate, Mattis, forks, 4.11oVels. eteg quantity et emu/mime foe 1029 anti Wean entleav or
• .RStato.,
neet montage in she; 400 hose oats: eent eitunielpal dropouts, when nee Wan the clay after Christmas when tit Godericio Cube *J. It would not be •
Club of St. Oeorge's 4ohureh belts e • '
HAY:, , 600 Mut :nowt -grain: 3 good indderii:. elected' to be your roresentatis... EVENING 'CLASSES 1,aet Thursday evening the Men's
elehreted his 02.nd birthday anniver. ..fnir • to
• t
the *veto to mention' any '
--tee ' household furniture. •
Perrot Nn. 1-Iloniestead, south part to use eny hest ability to pronette the The following; classes will be or.
best !Wrote ef the township. • their annual meeting, when the fol. snry, and the accompanying photo one, As the outstanding bright light
• REAL ESTATE. AND' INSURANCE - • , . . ... was taken that day in his home in.- of the van*, for every' one of them
....................,....2...............,................ of 'obi 2A Ithil to. ill.st wmaiosil eon. •••Yours frattlifellY0 . atilz&I b 0 C II 1
i y the 0 eg ate Board 4. g ker5 were eiectein nem.
lowin off
of ant .enneenn„ ,•Conuaterciat classes, in bootteceop. president. the rector; president, Awe. f ' • 1 . .
1.•, Mr Sallows. Ire was the Itiot a.0 !from the goalie, out gave his t2test
. INSURANCE' AGENOX. •Annurst Twelve acres hardwood bush, entheaunou te . 10. 1 " ' -I* '
Airman) • '
TUN AIINISIVIONG IlitAIS ESTATE: end EtstIT .4' of ir.0 aeris,'4ne 'mile north. of
never failing spring met • running ' ' 1 k ' ' • - ' . .
daughter, Mr. 'Wm. C. Stewart. or t ing, The fee WR5 siomewhat soft arid
l''''• dayo, Wedneedeys end .FridaYs, be. I show; treasurer. Mr, T. Crawf„ril.
piddle Library 'basement on Yriday , A nice financial balance • is in tile Ottumwa, Iowa; Mrs. ,J. C. Stewart t this goitre:wag hard- but the farts saw
treassurc• and the club hen had a geed
year.- The club are nutting two and Mite James. Bogie. of Goderielt, ,la real contest which tools twenty min-
tre was a Presbyterian in religion and : utert'overtimo to dedde the winner.
inning Monday, Januoter 7th..
• Sewing and Dressmaking. in the
020 ing, shorthand and tyeilltt, in the Colt '1131*(44 Blackstone; vice Pretsident, am ly of three gide and ftnir boys, • 't'he return March" waa played On
SOIne big bargaIne in houses,' loto anti gratimili • Ili/want Good nolidings,•1'111; ELECTOIIS THE Tit
Ile is survived by ttvo sobs and one the Goderieh tee on WedriesdaY overt-
- building at 7.80 p ott "Mons' 'Mr. seCretarY, Mr. Jolni Knee-
• t Ask oat timoi. , , ., . men •
silo, driving •shett, idrow shed and sheep iellIP OF C0LISMINE.
Modern' entlinnell house dose to lion with loft above. Apple °reliant of I wish to rettirn me mutters 1.1 l•
Square. Siugt be eohl. Price tl COO to &tinge...et the eleetors to Conform.
ian 0
, • .. • • • winter varieties eonsisting of - eight
lot - • and b
Bight-rootned'bouse good dry-1,011er: lees.
. ., . township who voted for or in the re -
Sleeted frrolu -Litehen I
st. triee
mete - • eeselon •4 west Wawaninee • one moo (al Pi ton: ot 0,1,11, in, VerY HUMPY' to beginners in the art of amine; and ped .T6
• - - - • north. of Auburn, eonetsting of 100their 4"1(1- 411Y behalf. and t • •
• 5 ta ri• bowie. Parra -No. 2 -Drags tars 1 t
err dor fear of our town. eveninga at 7.30. giving instruction tegiuri in the carpet ball league. thin -
ped by Mr. Juelr and Mr. Fred Bowen •
et. . • int • • thenservieetof-titni -11ankrofeldentreal :!••of the, third -period ,NettellamIturg get
- church. For thirty years he- was in osicoted, but shortly after the opening
ae a rent] al attendant at Knox In the flint two perm& neither aide,'
' terms to. oay. Inrollinent will' he held Friday, hold a mon's Sunday some time dur. an messenger and for. the pact six. f their first tally and Goderieh returned •
5 •
tearing running steross Sarni.. lienk "'at' 411( helnlit jermary mu; 7.ao p.m Fee for *
ing the winternand they have the teen yearo had been retired on pen. the cOmplinedit. mid the third period
rJion, On his recent birthday he re. ended 1 to 1.
, .Nany othee-bouses: low prieee, easy aerten ge•teen eneetten- never tailing 10-111.1 wile -a53741'.theirAtittutite,.. intan • cutting- rote pa terns, ete• pee we e. TheClubpropose to • ,.
A nort•her of rine hriek holiest, Pill baits Well 111(111 11 and fenced. ',, - , . 1'. YoUrS iiineerelY. 11
A. J. 4.411 1)1 lea& Course: is $1.00. 'Unless a Built. ‘Thurch intProvelueut row .
inodern oetOpeett Bargains. • - • TER3IS ' . ,
A ifeW limiscs te rent. I on Deal Ettate.--Ten per rent. ' et c---e-------es - •- et- "e -Ott-- ' elott number entoll instruction wilI
Farms s ,. • • Ipurchase priee no he paid to the Eve, 1
rry.TIIR Pii,litiTtiltri .iiP '111E 411W.N- object 1vhich they aim to assist', t1" .. reboot from the head IAN, of tht. - The winning tally was ecored on a
'lank he letd no lone, eereed a nitre let. inillitint effort, in whielt the lashing
tit .1:111P tilt gobluelittit. [not he given, sat please enroll promote North qt Evangelistic Misstate , ter of congratulation -which he pitted et•ntre Allisoto equine -NI tbrouglt to
1 I 1 1 I ' •Cliange in the evening's wM be Sunday, • Jenudry 13th. 10 a.m., very hieldy. The funeral is being hat in a loose puelefrom a atelee near
weren eleett tit twin. Price ,
toned tenors at thee 44 sate, the balallee WI -
te•I'Velt, • 6'
' thank Yoic mingt ileartily for the sop., made if desired, Men's Club; topic, "Must eve he horn held today, the aervieea being eon- • the New Hamburg eitedel. The final
lzalt cash 1 01740.• .10 (Jaye. when ptv4sen will lie At lea :tot sten lerstetito ith to
160 aerc4. tntot" (i(Ill"'et zstj 1:161.1.1 tin the nietoternitiek-Deering Tractor.' Port given tne at the poll:, on the lith
:nee. Me. Entire menially tle. tots eneeothird nay!, at Nine Of 'Seel MIN' Mgt, irV IA blob you 4.og,pre5A yoor anew ' ,.
f" ' ; • *lItlhith • again to become a Christian'!" init./tail ducted by ltie pciator. Rev. R. C. Me- mote of 2 to 1 indicates' tilt small
• .bek. •
2.han value of iniprOvement, ind cut-
.. - • third on opt; Mil. • NM haianee 10.41, ; that 1 shouid again enjoy the position ', . . Principal. doted by Mr. J. W. Armstrong. tlie- ' Dermid, and the pall -bearers being ' VIM. which the , winnere had over
lithe IP:10., A straight diseount of ii per of nerve ter another term. I mail en. lie was a homesick colored soldier sion Rand and Fellawship Class.. 11 Mesmer. Geortte Westbrooke. Jaa. Ilo. their opponeritte Sturdy for Geste.,
1:*iatIge Dir t°"111 OrOPerk. • ' • ' ' ili. rate in hilt at finte of sale.
Many tither fame. Some nti ete epee eteu he (Wowed if purchase price tleaVor. ae. in tho oa4t. h. db•ohitra•• fil, fit soskor •• • -,. i' .. - .. .1 conthratd gie Mertin Knight. Jarnen Pipe, J, J. rith artd 1.10tenan for -Now 1ittUttht147,
.4111fie11 of that omen in ee oeilleient 't hattelion, ogid • he new. no . at."1%* Lt ant.e. lath- ,e.rt let • . , . , ,
POr ail, p:4411eutaro4 sr:VW. or go . "i. on Farm Itugqg, Impirmi.nts and manner as I 'would ulr. Ian athi744. i
• . clinueo of a diceitarge. er
• • 4I 4 4 .•
Lev. 'Mi. Wintemde etill prearto Suitt . MeRwon rid (.eoege Graham. Mitt netted the other goalY int. a game
Real Relate. other ChatteleattIO and under. • rash; • Again 7 7
Luta.4hut VDU 11,1101 WIShilIg Von a; , . • ..• It • '.
"De next wah (ley itan," lie announ. Pet. "Service Through Sacrifice. or 'Stewart a sera Will. Of Ottumwa, and which hat . g
1 I lay • e crowd on their title'
°vet that anonme mot months' frefiit healliiyand prouperfin4 ni,e; year. ... ted to a freene, Goa two. men what "Tim Lie That Proved to be True." 3 , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. (lraltain and chit. toes; The teams now etand evert.
"lin $9. • °comical, not, milli he given on furnishing approved ; • yom,,,4,4ine,.0.1y,, i4.$4 goin' to be there. That) nre pan., Sunday r,ehool. Short addrego drelt, of Altamont. ore here for the !The line up tette an followee •
New Ilninhurg--Goal. E. Ma It
"pint imp% .A discount of 1 per r.ent.. • - HILL land de man dey send to git ree," by Evangdist Whiteside. 4 p.m.,: frueeal, Mee. Graben,. being a tinter •
/A light :Mowed for oaSli eredit • meeting for men only. Subjeet,' of tint. C. Stewart.
ji RAIGIE Alt hay anti' will go whit fa
et la awe
W.* *Wit end otter- -
'• defence, W. Italfleivelt, P. Bing/tom
el. •••••••••-eetree....... „ • geotenetne--, "Fade for Men." Special effacing. !! centre, O. Bowman' whom, WI
wino, whirl, gold111 eepaeatel • , All men of the communite* are invited " PEOPLE WE KNOW
• perms. at 2 o'itork. sits?. . h r o seder, If. Wand; anbee 11. reed
WAl• KW° HArM3Y• • To the Electors of Goderk
Egeentars. Auburn P, it
T. GUMMY et. SON'. ' • i •
_ I• teidieg art:i Gentiomon :
to attend. 7 pan., Gocnel soon Min T Nicoll of Toronto in tilt. ; end A. Whim.
Vice -3 real (4t1-tig3e ' cvanlelie„ict,k .. hie at the lunne of Mit and itro. 1Val. ! „Bate sturdy. n. twoon; .ectittop nt.
• - • ' Gmleriette-Gool. Pi. Doak,: desinneg,
• . • • ,
effeeting. Seenton inessafte, et ire.. ter, Name,
Bow of Promice." The cerviera due. • • Allison; Whigs 11. MeXay: IL Stott.
ling the we* have been well attended ii, tee/1,1_5 t'1,10‘.721,,,t,Itanflperent.tatThetdinfor26t1631 ttattnt „ dart; entre.. M.'Meltay and H. Phelan. .
e and term: inensagee dealing with i t.,',Oft ettn"ftset; t'''' . (non Referee, Dick Thome, Mitchell.
-_, or ale. opiritual mute, end privileetee hove ...IT.; 404 : ..,' 0 .r „ z i _goo, a sitepvardeoin,
been given by the enangetist, Veie 1 al • d ,i T1 .-... • 14 -'' • •
Allow wo to thmik any rstiod worker,...), end my good stippeeteee,
• Pr
tote so unselfishly fared the tagorkot a vert?cold and stormy day to
t •
A limited number at Shares at
I am -sincerely 'crateful, rind hove to oe metre tap to the inset and
The Crimieriell Elevator id Transit Company
Price: $23 per Share 0
Titter: wilt be continued during. ; elek at preterit. We Wit381 him a • 1 int Mete .tietettalm itfoornet.
respowaility that itt row mine. . next weelo and the public will be recovcrY. Niri-$. "4. Otavotill '1.0>11.#9, a 4latt'Arot00_
. earele welcome.
F1 Mira:vv. &mu iev On, to harm,
• •
, liftifi't also reit.nre them that their leyalty awl listed work under Dint
express my 11r,ristigh Aripteriatiiin 'of +me eplendid vietery, ,W,-,Itte-efetelicAttii, 102 t ,,t if • Alt
Phones 230-231
Gwititrith . If., A. MaerWAN corrow in the death in Torente of the ritnn returned halloo after epeadingtife, lo.411 c,,r1 it ntaio la,
••• •‘• '•• '• t • •
• •." 4: 01,!'.(544Z naturett„ tinra ;4
'r Aliso Helen Straiten watt up from
crsy adver7v, teteurOcinnees inten tontifying af24 everde fail to ' BRIEF TosvN ()pies 1 ol•litattf001111.',1ratt°erttl 'htv 8111'3.'3 vj`CcitH tlra' 4 1(4441.1'1." rr'''1i) 4'44' 01
Vogt s hithfully. ' marry ee2erele noteeti4t eterteeeini', Mi Verefort Willie, of Pert tto LC? .4414 illt•orril
getnee kif 1.1e 'Darer J Pitt
" coLa of nat. errtielie. The!' Adadner on tits 65-0(it 1-tketIlh
toy eta!' 11tii,tina tite
Mr. • nn't (kat, oft tilt tette, fte tl o a4+64•14 •••'4 •6 4 “''t idtc.1%.
0, F. CAREY 86 SON, Ltd.
41.0 2-411.1.1wa