HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-03, Page 6rrGE six ISLAN eij eTxv. n ViriliOn7 19123 by 1tatl040.5"teRaRit,I. CO. 1.aa.o:e,vte 1 n,APTEit Vi[, [ n'4:need} your pardon, I ceent to feel that "I will trust yon;' tic ua:d .riti6ekiy. hum you azo well I quite forgot you da. It lints had titch all the xray : ;il not /mew ray name." THE GERICH STAR -Buddy 1)o you ,news Rand'!" ".No. Buddy -- soy *umRattily 'i 'it 'Mahal ty, }our ».,n' Havey'„u a i; ii Oh. I dual, lanow yvu hail a i 400, iiri!.; acre . t - C gook --Wu, Buddy, ata ova, 1 thin t Cum t uo nut'."' 1 Pl� ,�es Weil- yrs lithe, rhap,. But! 1 *y:: vitt,- ,rl and need -oh, a t g4r st ;Lid of trot• fiat' fuer bush. : C. i ui.ta her C .et. -•ti e,ipi:tnation:c,i shit/ors „^41 i. a u lag"am studied ht:r Lit°,,; 1 u ler tell y:,:l, dearly, t stile -we a frit ' 1p1" iiiu tt?at, Li , #irR.. Jtansrl P+trlr, Its sea hYazf, tri ' "..z heari3, Foil thin , iI a alt nothing. i came wry 4u tihave ore,,' c ,c The glad tssirg ' tso, l .naps. t_a ! r puri tin:! lama} 1,;1_,.0%.,, t K he , a uld ii ib,,w1).„ l i raa.bu n i rau,b, We don't r -at er ctn. feelings, I1 tried aitokind i c loy ati atii a t`, Ella i'; ;lT„ua, y 1-ou Av?ria, afict u'b ui exVI perrl==, good or &sadu we abut Yrl�-n1, 1 ttia.i3;�t ? ua alai}. .At Tait a ir,..,,.1 a.3:. al ar cnre3. hue. Was it in.th s t-or,tit z. --en e ;?c.iiaps soaso e o, ele iaa4 told ynJ" to got a. bottle of -<au the light -that night atter you l {' ' C o 'cal tr s j 2 51an' ho. , l� found file lx,iiy in the c'oye`r'• eve;: mcalfat�ra ti yocth scar° Bt.d :3r, I l • �( coy I 1 C it, .0 t 11 thine, i4 r.La I lrftli'F: � ' 1,1 r .i:, ' t.•" the a'unitiler' p :11th p . �„ _ ,iY4:if.et le; iitJ`-,I i' U [ O ea it .,that a inikiw, pall never haunt of him before." there. "We Ire Jiko that," elle snaoi faint• -ad the lrrr-i? Ara ...you sura of ly. "We hold one aes,ther'a sc^reit haat hand? ,Sty tehed out---" to cur -elves. `a'ile5' would tall: to L cO 1 "Of cocr e I aux our,,. Ard when p°h caother-ural no a: e would tell Illy' 1 canto un in the morning, the sl;etcl tldnesS-- to an out„lidr, onto who was,_ didn't belong." drawer." It was here. in .this clra er.' .9he lightly pulled out tla "Was it a sadneoo, Auntctimiry, dr avon of toe du 4 . tier phatot, bac:- having the son`?" " inesslike, import ant, lay in full si" ht A t i.. •' 8 un a retry. a e3es glowwod sudden- "It was, hero.. And the next morning I ;ly; but her voice retrained mild and Ithleh x ali . d, atrtl ht the tour � at tiff s eo a .e • of gone. , Doors , # B I cr c . oven. It was heaven." . she r -,aid month's time all the pistple:z had Alia- limited, just as 1 lent there windows But the ai,tt ac. sketch was gone. Sox knew _the tue3 only by=�'bo..T:`,=lsi pier'siear;i?r3'shed tti he left: in peace rzu t o., Toronto, .ant, and undisturbed. she /vas �c,: ha "Sy 'George, you matte my hal father, His father was a singer i y ppy, end she dream- stand, on end'. And after all.' that his 11• :, and., Y'rsi.,nom!..._X__tvt lz..X had _.:_,•,X�reD1 Mr.-Ingram,-wvelcomtl to tl act the the cls from you Uy maize Lone Pine.. Thera. is something , force. x hate that Worst of all, los- :about you-aorething New Torisy- aT the stretch. Do you remelfbcr that zalalws ma tingle for. Times Chu band -very flute..." square," *Don't," She said. ",`tori tall: of : They VETO chatting c,iatpauionably ;it. X should have done aoz»aching f'ar over their tea, cihatting of work,, o,* their poor boybpt-wvhat Could 1 dol" niers.'and -.interests, the big, -things oi` - • "Don't thiuL. of ^it. Lot's taut (Otte, life, 'whorl Auntalmity canna to tiro uomethit else -..ire you rcntainini'; door. She carie intentionally, know - long On the island? It seems eery ing there wee. a guest; Gay knew that *Pink leer( now. The -summer people at once, realized it With a vague re- itetve gone. have they not?"" aentront, although - knowing it wvas. . In spite of her best efforts, feeling not like the little old . woman to -101 Vie -cprious interest of his ayes, and trude. She was dressed ror the oc- its'w words, or felt'hh' face flush for .casion, in her best black. Sunday silk.. Ser Angering. - , with her coral cameo at Tier throat. 1I tvs worn out," she explained There was tt flush of exettonent In. iimetly:. "X had to euro ti.. 'teal; rest, heli oheoks, and ;as she stepped Into >1 S•ha�llstay A little longer --a week or . the room, not glaneinn at Gay, she two perhaps. - White the 'weather- is swept Ronald Ingram ,With an- eager race. - I like it better ,•nova tho sum., breathless gaze« - - ,Her. crowd is gone. lira the nice, . "Ohs airs. Bridges. this le gr. In. goad relgions natives Aro loft. lam te'rann," ?Gay lsaid laghtty, "blrs. rine. I like it. But I did not expect Bridges, for company,".si;o expiaane' to see YOU here again:' laughingly. "'Auntalnui o all us *II wish 1 could' say X had tome ' on. hole-fplks, Sit down, Auntalmtry; 'EY to see you," he said, 'but X ani toe's nice and hot." ;afraid > dare not go so :Mi. 'Asa "Yes.; --yea I wilt," , a tolt •ey: wiattV nf' fact; 1, ha%C learned that sat down stiffly, her eyes still -intent '11teyt are anticipating 'rather a lana on the, young titan 1113Q had eressad $o m around lwro in tho next two er the room to stand by her coati, as acne 'three y sax, and in partner anti. sunk into it. -And intent upon itis Sire Boerne; to laid: ups something for face; the light fadod su44Tenly iron: • -.. and sell it after kbit n;or a her a es, the flush dated in ear r 'elcs.. ' e Ever Come Back?' Y 4 '�Ndn t 7X er C me gently. "But he went away and i al, Para" the never came = "Oh t 1 ate sorry." "He w+;ao a gypsy :Troy, Buddy, 111:0 r ed of long /.31's of this same 110E pat• • You ,stay on Bor alone, unprotect- eess' for both, freed.nnt for each: for ed� the things that each desired. • Sec 0e, he was a geutIe spirit.. Ile yr '. ,.rand opera X ant carting All in a moment the *as sni11 r 'd 44670, interesting. troop ;•et ^ int., went 11t e was n gypsy, He '3 A' Tittle .Inter'. �IVIr, Ingram went .went. awry, tao. But X didn't inanda ' ' ,, ' r , a. e , o+ who carne here otic summer --a tine taut the land. or, very tired $ h erestn I Gay stood up satddenlyr, away with !nanny warm and pleasant that so much."' - e olfine.effered ane tea before, and 1; re•� words, and with A lest light lingering tt . , g b~ „ g z *seek, • I. ant l oidei now, Wilt yob touch on Gayr's-. ;hand, " Their eyes .. "Ile died, over come back?'' 'icwitI ine? And : tell Me about it.`" met, understandingly' as theysmile died; besets; .Died ztway!,�emit `P1'iavy;'. passed' bacT over • rite toeks farcy ll. 'SV e ' Gal t oto. d�• tln ve .Ott. Buddy wag- ° e 'When' , y returned to SUS - and ili a the woods, Shifting` the Lits' :Atantalmary ' sit nine sitting wilted moo' Could i have .a little more lug- d • tlti 0,b, in.,silent:o. sliehtly in the chair, and Iter face was azo, earae2o . +3IraU hallo to talar rY ee .at sad, Th t tell;. They .talked or oth- p p axone of your-..rivatt, _peep -• ,� .tr things, Auntal ilzy's.' gentle, ilei " .private I ,• Gay, you avail a cuso me, 'avon w tern st a ". �r Gay said smilingly, as she led' ytau2 X'`ar comae" '1'k 'that h e w s Tutt.as it had always been i a was „ , wv en her -easy' am141)1litY. but .aftet� drat . w,�ay into the Lone Piano. "Or -you lied eotnpiaity, Y lam hirn on rho X11• you 'Say?'" piazza ---a stranit'ernd thought bush„ of feverish hope she, seemed litaniald ' Xngrani 1 :beg maybe Buddy had, Come." pal© and trove wrath her age. The amid day Rand came, and they' 'f! two, Gay and Rand,drifted into a routine of 3'oyous companionship and love. h'rankly andtrustfully they. professed fan' sympathy and under. standing an tach other's whims. Gay $oyred "to" be in love, but 5reolteri azo thought of marriage, dem'a'nding fioedom, she said, freedom for roaork. Rand, too, admitted satisfaction in the ,arrangement, craving freedom from the 'very thing that she deatr'ed, freedom for freed'om's' sakeIre cat - led it. . ; C£ sometimes Gay wandered' if idve ' would eotua to him, he wvouti carer tttr Would• not herzea zee." - her, they would summer together in no sullied 'and dropped the subject. thistool and Iovely talae+t. He said he had come to Portland. September drew swiftly, goldenly busmoss, and had conte to the Isla toward Its close, Septelnber is the �trlt11Only •a faint' hope •that he mi death tai summer' in the northland, dud her, or, Sailing tet find hoc, to e/ The hotels on itis aslawi were already her address ata the city. Ile said he oseed ,for the lesson,. the summer t:quld not - Bear to drop tae little a shaps locked into their storm 'vin quafirtaaiaceshi,04 wwihich to eine had doves, the shorn cottages 'deserted. pr°vc�s hasw6etly' a harming. Still Gay 'lingered. , B•etweeal: faerse, i Theask t w. e t a iiia k y away, tray- and. Rand had been no suggestion of > u h r . s he: stood 3n this parting, no hint'that the season was lighted doorway , eath the ,tall. over, the time of separation at hand. pains, The island was lovely int. $etztember, Gay waited .about for a. while, hop. , lovely and . wistful and witting: Gay ung still that ,an • would but would .: pot let herself think c t Ietha- natty she" Went u ing« a of - haat' . sli"fr 1111 111111 THURSDAY. J %- Mending Red Rose Tea is an art. To obtain the fine flavor and full -bathed richness required years of experi- ence. Every package guaranteed. st good.'�CaM RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good . ,:: ..• tleadAlways Xteadg and Reliable.-•»I'r.>e--T >G«e s cd anti Me iced. iv* tall pains arioing from inttanz- Sending in a pign hs sate near .Al. znation can b. removed - with Air: lenbuxg, Oat: °'Datr�a. I'Iot hogs Thomas' EeIcetzic til. Simply rub it Ahead," Wszndering Willie says they on the sore spot and it Ss quickly ab- don't bite unless one. puts too much sorbed by the akin. Its healing_ mustard on.them. Y,. paot�er- its conveyed to the inflamed , ,�.�..., >, tr$,.ue. which ars gitzrckky suothecl, This ' line' o�d remedy is also n speeitio for all niaalner• of cats, scratches bruises and ' sprains. Keep; a bottle h�indy -,/' /'7 S T fir;► R - always, For Wants and Children In use ForOver3Q,'Kea Gale.$>; se ;lltways bears. "Zona. Gale. is now the wife of ►Wta- age laam - Breese. Weather on iiia : .lived e n tore at nd xyiitlo• cyelones . around the house.. gQa�. «,•s.,.-. _ .IIJI,_._., a 1,44 GREY AND BRUCE COACII LINES MOTOR COACH SERVICE u. Co'taze, U stairs and kicked' p.m. Read '3°1a4wzt 4.1n, rather crossly. 1.30 7,00 She sat alone in her window - seat ?When, a little le er, she heard his 1.45 School 7715 one afternoon :and :�w�atched the sun- quick knock on t e door below, and l5Q Ss ei l : 7.28 set lis. it ;federl=swiftly and' darkness his blithe whistle` bone it, she caught 2.10 5,15 7.85 crept over the Janda An hour' pas u nor' sIi ,pe L a i • Iter h rat nand ran :..1400 :00 7„4.5 . do tsar ,la g ng, to letim a, 1t4' 58:00 ted: two hours. The dusk- had. deep="'Olt, goody,secriretied tis night. And Hien, with one ,, ,, . 5 tutor and I d .ha # l eft is fed. L00. 0.00 ' 8.25 a her impulsive changes, she: sprang ;at'd have „he 1„.a earlier, taut• --I wag pan, ' p.m, AA; wanting light' With her hand out sd de t' seen aizytlthing iizausunl�'� stopped, suddenly motionless, ho ing her •breath, t~y beneath ti e lightness of his voice Pressed.. hard against .her window "Why; of ottr a ,I'm all right to her feet, waotrng+ brightness, detained. -.:You are'aui rxght are sou?' '� 5. * stretched to Press the button she Notating has appened-you haven p , hold- Gay :sensed an undertone of awe( • Wesson* ttirsattillfiaNii ti anly a "Over Coiighs&" Thehi.ui( meld Mtrrtkita in,rsiIty r.Jxgirr. built. on tottndatiof $O slight „could r r M r 'r 1 Ali Kr giros Mos t P Aly tat .e ver dna* lata x100 long endure, .she hushed lz� a'Cottl)ita, IGH PRODUCTION AT ANGUS rw.w � woe � � r • Ohre is.le.wf, 1* su .9 tither of tie Antis 1lh.er. imet, a *Otis et tNe area ono *Item At mite, tad ettlt. seines[ the a,hetta ter *two a1M i.tawaetlae. "asnlriei`*r inlresting agriCultthrai,r} twenty=thousand within the city* of .lir tract and commercial pros - 1" liontreat. is not engaged in the i *troy „r.,aking more and greater, actual construction of its freight dreatafiaf+ lams trelitnorta1'tntt farad flail and Terorotive+, that the ts.rtoontry i rtilwav* must atwaya frames for the passenger equip.1 g.• a het Ait. ahead or the times' *writ are purchased outsider and' to orales to keep ors with them,..that thele 'haps alone do not 1!'h at » e town within a cityr..iaty. httn±iir the w!s•h uh of the. retrain 5 .' bandied men with a monthly', *ark et the systrm, shirr bring }�syrwi: little *kart of a million,, nth*r shops hitt* regi. gdlrsry anal* arrest.d all *late 1hr prrsout volume of rererk alai the probability of further tar teases ore dor to the ordets for rotiitttr prey reflects not only the 'w• : *fork that kr* beret placed with a+sse�it. b.fla of a r„rerd crop earioaa f sna4 rn *toot tar too. ]err, but the. tad is- sarretion romps. o*. The stool t/M� cannibal** of is dineresre from* ore at at Hamilton and 1St r°-elamed prosperity s1 tI► other points ire Casuals *ad are 41111011".•.1118 it particularly true bikes to Aetna where the fia iah- Ir our mass th.t the � s les Is earrt.d ort. One lorodrei .t the Caradiaw l�tf . awl Oki Pomade" reek ias.kdh t 41 �'pley torso Mttty-floo4la e. sleeper*. db.rf. find does isseil,. send sad Wraith tboaa tddp. eel saber +Ail bore to lrb�W, a roma:aa .; o' at hest he bradled shortly ey the Alto., titrilaG,dt, lrqu p Ong and r.pairin1t stunt *tea to► oboe daltmdlsn t atatrriae Ow.. tower kit. tray•t�e°ts- shop'. while at. present a rete. structien Ot lira rMht),1+.i1�t, i fnt,av plough, and 2 rail built, in rim; • lin. At Present. alro. rieve.h tv= paired pa+menger ear* and I''t freight cars are Woe turarat daily, snit every $ive=hrnrt a~,I forty -tier.. nlinutra rens time, an overhauled and repair;ri ' tcnntatuee! is ret.urred to *•orrice: 'Pitt, An�ues *bnpt or the t"awe,- dike, Moto, Railway. ait•'atrd .in the Patte-, outskirts' of blontrosi.. are 13* iargwat diversified roils.? Atop* maintained b any railway, nail tis. eentha.ut. They e•over ante *tree of ground and handle ear* year %perorda of ttllOSS rslkes4 'ars of various Meta sad dmstrlp- tieos. The first arra of tlr the tt isesh a lep v lamestIMP la t the littlish ><twp baMlt .t Aagba by the toispoore SOS oar ► aas trio k. awl theitiL Read up Godeffeh 10.2 5 - 823 ilolnlesville 10.10 School 8.10 Clinton, 00.05.,' -Special 8.05. Seaforth - 9.50 5.05 7.50 $t, Columba», - 9,45 -13.007.45. ' Dublin 9.40 - 4.55 , i'.40• • • 3%tltcheil 9.25 •4.40 7.28 Sebringville 0.10 4,25. 7,10 Stratford' 9:00 4.15 ' 7.00. Ton. p.m. p.m: x ,, 't: aCSchoal specials on Monday, Tuestlay, Wednesdays Thursday and Friday only. Saturday night .coach leaves Stratford at 10' e.-' pan... We .stopat, all hotels . and farrir gales. Coach 1eq.ves,;,Goderichfrom hotels, Coach leaves Stratford .from,bats depot (phone T 3 an -ost office. ,� dpi Ippmr s1 .d p • ant the .eastern side, the side of the course note ng has happedec. ; WW forest, she .sa . ft again,. that face ofy?" �' . not? Or' yellow parchment -with tate . seamed ' «yirell, I a*'e' , chap hallg;rn a,,oti wtna,rr r► n I t4 e4 rs I n hyr Through coach both ways. Special xutes to school children attendingSt atford school. sear 'beneath the slanting eyes. Asir the wee ,azear•y ee reoinatei tsr soyt siwho it was, and he ra te o- Io 1. d it faded azar i h e :1 ded g az t ,. „ .nt he f Y s sneaking' around. t 0. i urine stn X star spying, darkness from 'which it had comm. ed up,. With its disappearance°'caine sod- .Of•cou chased him, aiad the.twa - den aaetfvltyx Planting' anger;. of uq h hot -footed it all 'over` ate • She ran to the window and flue it islands. splayingzzz .: a r wa Ming' IXe was ~ wi�i'n e wtr h de • t .down t the ft landing, arca d R� • �a Go tune do � c Y n;. h u . _ ilii. •..; - `. ... __ ..-.. : t at must have been the C`1ti'- s , r "Rollo," she called. "IleTlo thetet', t7z:oppeme like1 t ca ,There was aro answer to`her call, Thaven but, staring intently,: she sawn among ' "bI the shadows ref thewood one shadow hamla} that moved siketttlytrther into, . the recesses of the forest, and merged at Men 14th You e Chinamani" . Bandit amaze-, was unbounded. "The C!rntt»• ---- Inst itito blaek She closed tate .vita-. ma What under heaven-". clow .thoughtfully,' locked it and loan- • ' Olt, --1 must have told you about :. erect' the bIinda.. th Chinaman," she said' evasively, ' Gay had a pistol, a'uandsome/mort--. "Yen know darned' well' year nuyer , ogrum ped° one, which it was her ea- vee. What alidtit' Mite' lel risa sant conceit to keep loaded, well con- "Welly come- and sit down. It's •- . ditioned, ready for.emcrgeney use in ong stery-- You are unite sure T the d- ' ?" • drawer of her desk near at harld.lravept t told .you She had boughtorae it during' K that ahem-, (To ?be otitiriueiTy � arableyear abroad on one of fier'vezk turesome visits to London pa shops, and with n sort of boyish va ity had carried it with her ever sin O. But it is indicative of ,the absol te• !' :confidence of 'her nature that ' an (2ue, emergency she always 'entirely forgot A.pp1e ahipznents nvei"tile• 0)11;14,, 7 fere and j 1171t�IJt'�� - r the 'veapdn, reverting to the more ton Atlantic Riiwey intNova• Scotia up to Red ineindin Tae b feminine defense of streaming, cal- g Dee er 0th r. g, totalled 2,160 carloads-:anincrease' . linea or locking doors. of 872 cars over taro aarle pezrioa;r'�.t When she saw the 'yellow face et .. -last year_ vvindov, sihe did'. not so: mush ns thialt of the boasted pistol. which alae' A motor road that v'i11 slttsttt~it airsetionately dubbed the Baibv, lentil aha? ;resent 11anff•t".al-' irl,0Ii 't.r ills was safe beltand the lowered canis' turas in some ' of. the . rtneut tlinda. Then she .Q opened the drawer course 9n tho Ttctiono• is nay do p course o. construction ands, should and looked' at it. he in a;,eration next yiraar. "You're a useless old thing," she said impatiently. "'Why 'don't you go oft when there 'is some occasion for you. and scare the Peeping Tonus?" Expecting Rand. who came at his own caprice and kept her alert with eXpect-ataon, she was not startled when. tan htrtti~ later, there was a light; knock at her door., It Was past nine, :;ta'clock, b s hours always suit- ed hisonyt?naeneer, she • only mailed tolerantly a''': his tardiness 'as she opened the door. But when she >stwv in the shadow, not dread, -but Iron* aid Ingram, she Was startled into -a little frightened cry, for wvilieh qutiekly apologized with friendly laughter. rile; Sou 'startled rite. 1--.! Was ::expecting some one else Do cense an. , 1 am glad to see you again." "What hat lurk to trtd you, " Xlonaid Ingrain said with a Warnhth then 'vas, nes i i takinf . "1 had no idea you would still bn. here. You are rather outstaying, the summer, are TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS WOMAN I DENEF ED Praises .flu► ostable E,Anita*'fis: mpeuart Aaltattns Mum. Quehat', --"A the birth *1 toy secondrlriitt. 1 woe lwth.dettlitittred. owl sail week MASI seri lar: Poise we sd =1t d s W I 11, 4ta letbsys s s- Cosapatitifeer be The Port of ltentreal n- as agsta scored a new record with grain. dciiverieu at 210.300,000' bitsflels for . the zettaott of nawcigation. Last year's deliveries ran -to 195,347014 bushels and those of 103& tc; 244.- 591 .240 bushels.• o hinny visitors rom western -cities in Canadtt and the Unit& d States , are expected. attkb 5 Banff Winter C'arnivat this, season„ said W. A. Brewster, president of the winter sportas. • ori;anization• at. Banff, judging from the number or intiutriea that have been received. Skiing, skating, antes other kindred Winter snorts,wi8 he -In Call swving, be said, and it new appears there will be many: competitors from outside points -in- the Various events. The pre ent season of n.avlra- tion is characterised • as "a irhe- 'XtOmei a1 year as far as general cargo is concerned" the,chief of tate wharfage -department or the harbor Comillla:don of entreat, ,ctlnannentine um' business outside of Cain. "We shall show a revenue increase thlt will be astounding when th0 mutat rctiOrt to1uu t© be matte up," he said. Alt/Wink the t'attads r'oionira. flew Association only started to operate in Ontario last February, tt has already placed 333• families on 5.671 acres of Ontario farm land', according to a statement made recently iia Toronto by W. t:'. Bent. Hamilton, ptro%lnriat relive-. aentstive of the. aa'ociatian. It was big opinion that British set. ties found it eater to shirt. lit Ontario then elsewhere.. Some 200 of OM thousand herd or buffalo itt t,lk T*1.nd Park, rant of }l$ttotttat. base been slaughtered divert Dewrnhor in other to keep file site of tke bird attain tko ear - Wit repUNt, err the pack siatture: 1t ft eap l -$e4 tb.t ui'iat 01'tim meat am permed will ba *reps.{ tarn fa taw Sorsa of petntntrao to fie 14s heti for Kaaba* labateltsuta of So N.rthwe.t Territories as a remit of tba amnia( ass aad trots tide amrreo fNowlat fbe trial eele- weste 'sod* tact ,Sari A sato and sore sddisles for a �dtta w Mi •ifI*, ashes Is 'bother 1 The Star and London Free Press ... The Star and The London Adtertiser-.......... , .6,5UU , The Star and' The:' Toronto C�laiae. _,, : 6.50 The Star and Tlie Mail and Empire...-. .., 6.50 The Star and The Toronto Star.: , ........ 6.50 The Star and The Farmer's Sun , ... ilii ... , : 3.25 The Star -and The Family Herald' arid .'Weekly Star 3.00 The Star and Saturday Night k ... , .. ,ilii . 5.5c4 The. Star and Saturday Evening. F#os-#t ilii . , .:'3.90' The Star and The 1\le'w Outlook•.-„ w, : „ „-. 3.90 . The Star and. Canadian Holies, and; Gardens.. _4 65 Th eS tar and .. May .4.65 The Star and The Fair, . Youths' Comp ,. «.iiia 3075 The, Star and The _Catholic Record. , .. , . , .. 3.75 The Star and Mci,eait's Magazine.,. .. 3.75 The Star and ' Rod and Gun . ■ilii . . , .. , 185 The Star and Montreal Witness.. -.. , .. , , . , 3.85 The, Star and World .Wide .. , . , :« ......•.4.25 Special C"l+ttbbing Rates with other Periodicals inay he had ow a ltplircation '- fi at :the Star Office; or 'Phone, 71 for any information. Your New Radio Set You want the 'r'adio for your money. Come Aj see it arid hear jt' w•I baht yQu''11. a 1o•own. a Kolater HIEN Mawr Sales South SL Gesitrich KOLSTER.IL 0AU tt**t k Mho • c4e 111 w