HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-03, Page 4. PAGE lotion
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. 7'1,1
• LADIES' and MISSES' WINTER ,coArs at
&action for January Ming. Be sure to kte the and you W tx;
LADIES' and MISSES' HATS °Mit and Velvet. Reg:
$3.50 to $5.50, an. to go. at $1.98 ,
. MEN'S WINTER ovoncOATs At Reduced Prices for
'jautiary &Mug.
Everythingin Ladies' and Moue,Boys' and Mens-'
• Ready-lo,Wear.
"Shop where yoa are invited to shop"
• ,
Iheld, with Mr, Lion% Persons lithe -
chair; the motionfor his appointineut
being made by srs C. C. Lee and
W. T. Manley and carried unarin
lemony. Mr. P mons had been nom.
Mr. MacEwan Again Seeking Re-election
as announced that he would not he a
Mayor and Mr. C. C. Lee. Also eandidate this year though he minht
aspire later '
A•spiring* for Mayor's Chair Air. IL litheEtviin, the present
• Mayor, in reviewing the'work of the
outicil the past year, „laid we had
Mr. E H. Hill Noir Man on School Board
had a. very suecessful year ea far as the voun
WasConeerned. Tite
. council had been sorely depressed brY
Reeve Turner, Deputy Reeve Craigiep. Com- tils6}i(lelliatld"gfiv:it'f'efCliuti: teFeabrixtlurl:
enfreely itt the town's interest. In
rnissioner urney an Councillors y t
March a, ill the
Acclamation -..Sante Council as Last ' irLee was elected to fvacancy anti had carried on mums -
Year With,Exception of Mr. Croft fully. but he too had to get sick,'
The lianyor eefeed to the
rrin Mr. Mr. Lee's Place The
of the Park House property for
$3,000. Another Smoo had been
.tero wAll ... Holland,' seconded -by iJeirfif 'Cott. spent incleg up the billding, and now
In the town of tihnierith ti1 wee Deputy Reeve it eves reeted to Mr.' Johnston for a
for Ittelii Mr. C. C. Lee, a member of li /earn. William traigie, insurance 1:4ardiur; house* ho ago to act as
ben, tentest for the edition of Mayor ,
giee eeterie emmeie aspiring. for the n it reposed by la j. MacEetlin, caretaker for the camPing grounds,
er °tab 3 s. Curwin. • And public toilets had bean establish -
position, ami Mr. H. J. A. AfattEtisan, e Vi'lgun ilaiilie, geetieme. proms. ed in the building., Providing emelt
who hats hold the position for four I ' (lee ilea eccommodatioe. • The grata -
;yam% desiring to emitinue in office. ,?,11 b,di,?e.iii 11. <luuliii secodied It1h.W„,„aii.
ereetenctiecontract eves for $8,500, of
lAvlitlhotthltea ortrirtapholgeitoiecrieeessuag. illulsrt!Itiwour wr4te. troran1t2sLiagnhdt xcormiesielier ;which the 'Trotting end Peeing Asso.
el' Wien bad contributed $40000, arta
trutl" Is 'eve tWai" ti>r. 1°211 141114 1 Wm. TlioniaS Atirney, tattle deal)
+council will be tbe tante an last item'
hfir. **le tlePutY TOeVel ralld t" 1 , , eid n R. Stonehouse 'm-
ot, Inopokr, y. . , , we bad today one of the linest grand-
stands in Western Ontario, one of
'Which We eetild be %red' proud and
watt the eneeption that thee S. D. ended by Chas.- C. Len
Croft will be a member to fifi the vile- For Councilaiti ' 1"11 %v•Quid /Pay f°r . itseli "e
town's fifty per cent. of the receipts
eineir mused by Mr. Lee Osifiring far Rennendit Clement hiunnings, cone i from the stand had yielded so far
the higher position of Maher. Tbe tractori proposed 147 if. :T. A. Mats 13385.03 from the rue meet and $188
inembere of the touch will t
iiiiere" Eteeni neeonded h • y Robe J•eiteston. I from the Fall Fairea total of $618.65.
fere . be lifestirn.” Dallie; Muimingsi • George P. Gould, rittired, Proliosed t In. the eidettielk onstruction of the
Mete* G• entili. i$Prouli Pia ovit. ty Wm. Bailie, seconded • by jolin year, for, which Bell Bros, evete•the
For sehool trustee the tour uominatt iltustow. ' - contractors ,and Me J4 ,11 Moser the
ed have mialified and ere elected hy eirmi genie, ,reehieiii proposed by ,vilicieet overseer, etbe town had had
aeenimation, namely, Alestre. . Wale win, je Mgr, secondea by W. M. 'a large amount of work done, and got
---ii lime, Caerie, Iliii and Thomsen.' . , ! Rnight. ,. . . seine very fine walks at teasonable
There agate a good -Attendance' au . earl wove; pluniber, Pr optis,ed by , coet. The Dominion.
the renulaiition meeting on • Monday nobt. Twiner,. Day celebration
seconded by IL Je Ai ' was. 4 fine' eveut and the. committee
„ night in. the town bell, etenforting Meer:wail. ' . ' had retureed .$180."97, to the town.
tel one nonlinatlen POPee wag' Mit ' timid lifarwieki aceountant, pro- treasety . oVer dial above expensest
hitedea in throtigh an oversight until peed leo Chile,. P. Lee, peconded by The town band lied been arrying on
the retuttnng offieer had deelared the W. T. fluency. .,. ' efficiently 'rata again at the C. .14. r:
time for reeenting emulations clos- streehen le, croft; railway agent', bait won honor fon itself', and he be.
Aril, that wna the nomination Of Miti propoeed by C. C. Lee, seconded by ilieved there was no question of a
Af ti la 1 1 f !otmelflotr hue -C uth ' . !doubt the Goderich band. should have
by kr.' IL di .A. flaeEtvaii. and DaAvid Sprettl. bricklaYer. preposed htilitaigiair gatapeipgathagegyegegteen
Ur..--P-Z--lgoegomi"frr- by.istabl ea --b) it. The lima Tract Centennial eel.
•Knight had heed zeited by quite a wine beim,•
To the
ram Mr. MacEwan
-,r Near Lae esiditi c. •u ta. Poe ie tie:lie ea
hand. eie h aia thv Mayoralty,
111 ing yon fie. accept iny thanke and nweleep appretiation fee
the aide id vete you cave vat. Iwo-, semi, 1 trutt, and nope thin Z.:•;a1
Will foe at 1 la ave Marie eviey yeteitee effort eerve tete:Ave
eitentio y darine Vie year just eleted,
8orie teitieieralaf licot offered in i egard to the uegotiatiere
net, the alininri Road Maehinery Co.. but 1 have oo ;gm:eines to efe
ter beetle I wits simply trying to get t:n agreernent that wosiiti be
mutually ai to tize ratepayere whe are the oweere of the property
and the C par who were emierivcringt biw it, at their own price
and on the own terms.
When errazigement was eventually egreed epee unil a. Bylaw
abort ba submitted to the p.eople, the Company changed its
eplens end ked to build an hdolitien to. it plant en Beet street.
It is no erieting a. 'ergo. and cenimoOious building tibial will
eeteig it ampl opportuniey, fee expanoion and will, at the eainehtienei
eigpeinnit it ,to ep Bits erveation in one place and ueder peacticidle.
. ante roof.
tindoubti ly'ltn decisidn is a good one for the Company and will
also be a god one for the people a the town.
Tile COO il eviil, no doubt, be ready to help the ConumnY in any
way poseible y putting a Bylaw before the peoploofor a fele hesess.
ment on its new building end property for e further period of ten
years. All the manufacturing plant; in Goderich have had 4 ver,y
successful year, and the finances of tbe town are in excellent condi.
tion and will compare to our advantage, with almost any other town
rAll the well-known Cough
and Cold Remedies,
Tonics, etc.
always in stock at the Rexall
Drug Store
We carry a complete stock of all Patent 1
Medicines; Drug Sundries,'
• Tobaccos and Cigars I
H. C. DUNLOP, Phm.13.
in Ontario. •
Let ue be optimistic about, the, future 1 Some very twee devel-
ailments aro expected during the coming year in connectioP. with Amt.
hnrbor and our industries there, about vitigh I alt not permitted to
be too explicit at the present time.
• During the year eve have bought the Perk House property end
have, in this way, prevuled•much better accommodation eor our tour.
ist traffie end for our own people by giving greater room for park and •
recreation, purpose. We have built a One new grandstand on our
Fall Fair grounds and 1 feel sure that it will very nearly pay for it-
self in taking care Of the debenture payment a from year to year with
little or no cost to the town. •
We have bulk a goodly amount a side walke for the convenience i
of the people end for the beautifying of the town mid have also pas-- !
d b il b .. .
p e n Sr. ne. .
These tiellis, we believe, are a distinct credit to the town..
• The question of Old Age Pensions bee come up andhehile not a
municipal matter in any way, I was asked during the year OS *war
of the town to endeavor to get the fentiMent of the community in re-
gard tri the question.
This I did as earefular tis possible and the -Mayors and Reeves of
other Municipalities made the same enquiries' and it will be of inter-
est to everybod,y to know that, es 4 result of these inveetigatioes, the
dioneervative Government et Termite is bringina in an Ad at the iirst
session of the Legislature to supplement en Mt Passed by the Liberal
Government at Ottawa in support at Old Age Pensions.
Within ,the next three months, thereferet the Old Age Pensions
Act will be in force and it will bothe 'duty of ,your representative to
sea that the names of all those our teem who are entitled to paetii
ciliate hi Old Age Pensions aro fortvarden to the prOper aUtboVities
for attention end payment. • •
• lilr. Lee claims that have been la the Couneil long enough anot
he vients ray job. •
That, in effect is the whole claim. he is making for your consider -
Won ad all can say in redly is that, in every day life, yoo do note
usually diseharge a good servant to %mike way for an untried pee
just because he ha o consietently served you well. •
haurney has been again elected by aeelaniation, to tie presenz
POsition. on the Water and Light Commission which he has now nem.
pied for 22 years and Mr. J. W. Taylor has been one of your
sentatiye for ten or eleven years. • The reason that they have giv-
en tbe people splendid eervece.
Reeve Turner and Deputy' Reeve Ofaigie have both been in their • _
present positions only one yeer and in thie hatreds of the town at
the Comity Council preferred not tit -seek a higher position this year.
If either one of them had nested to de so, I would not -have been a
candidate. As a result the contest is between Mr. Lee and myself. • t
I In Asking nue support again as Mayor, have all faith that X
j 'have not abused the anfidenee yo have placed in me in the past
and that you will again return me as your VeproSentative her the ecnn-
beg year. With every good wish for 1929, I am,
'Yours einceeeiy.
A. taaeRWAN.
financial statement, 'comparing the Novendeer. And through Mr. Bailie
'figures for 1928 'with those -of a year he had kept in constant touch with
previous. Taxes paid the past year what was going on.
evei e $108,44 . 1 ampere with $OS, Ittg Lee pointed out the omission an.
4'27.23 the previous Year. gents. last ililayor 'Afactwan's remerks of eny
year $409.50 againet Oa10.50 the pre- explanation of, our high tax rate.. Ile
vitereggyearee Ilitoneeir • $10045-rooltor dart of the CeDt Ce
oration the at ef d t against $765.7$ the year before. in the tlays evlien tieycling was popu.
TWO er to stand for el tiO , ay r erre o as a
ec nbut
eitleddie geoid not do so as he eapeet.
•tel to be aunt front town for Solite
, time, The following is • the liot of
nominations: .. •
roe Mayor •'
thigh John Alexander hitteltiveu,
mete taut, proposed by W. M. Relight,
seconded by Wm. 3. Illairf also by D.
Attuuniefee. and W. It Robertson.
'toted latigeiomb Tu *
packer, prapotied Jas. Culver,
• seconded by .tosepti It. Wilson,
Charles Crabb Ler: bardwaro mew -
chant, proposeil by W. T. fluency,
seconded by U. Stonehouse.
John Williana Cu:1We, insuranc•e
ago*, proposed by fL A. Murkily -
an, seconded by Lionel 0„ Parham.,
Gad Lionel Parsons, elevator main
ager, propomeil 'by W. V. A. Naftel
leconded by Via, IL Robertson. ' Um. Brownlee, iieconded by Itobeet
Roltert Edgeeombe Turner, ilma ries Inerehants Prelmeed hei Wal. Dais
Horace 3. Fisher, merchant, pro.
posed by D. 1). Mooney, seconded -by
G. L raislOnS. •
Eugene Li Dean, eneretatin pro-
• posed 'by O. L. Parsonei setonded by
W. T. liturney.
George Andrews, proposed by Mat.
thew Bates. seconded by John Cat,
Wesley AL- McLean, grain inerche
ant, proposed by D. It Eneestaw,
emu et. olnimon.
Charles C. Lee, merebant, propos-
ed by JO Story, mended bei Robort
Win. II. Robertson, editor, propos.
ed by D. D. Mooney, seconded by
John Cutt,
For Pub& &hoot Trustee
• For 8t. Devid's wind-elainea P.
mason, musk' dealer, proposed by
• • johnston.
For Itrrvo ' For R. Pati ward-re-41as. Car.
paeker, proPotied bY Lionel G. Pale lir. eecended by Wm. Strachan.
For St. 'George% lidard.-.Edwirt 11.
UM, manager, proposed by G. L.
Pareopee seconded. by Jae. Curwen.
Fen R. Andrew% Ward -Wm.
Wallaee, manager, proposed by C.
Le. I econded by Malcolm McDonald.
Following the hour eet for ecceiv-
ing nominatione public meeting was
none, eticonded by W.M. M. Ruight.
Ilugh John Alegander lifueltwan,„
enerehant. Proemsed 1). Sproul,
teconcled by jot.
Ebon Rinaldo Wigie,, druggist, pro.
Poled by John Cutt, seemed:el by Mate
thew Hetet.. •
elegies C. tee, proponed by Jas.
•Sending Money
to Distant Points
VOU ean send any amount of
money to any point in Canada
at a minimum of expense by
using a Bank of Commerce Money
Ordei., This method is the simplest, mfest
and most convenient woy to send remitt-
ances by mail in the Dominion; if the 1111d1
SOW astray no loss is sustained. Should
you desire to send money to a point out -
the country a Hank of Commerce Draft
will serve your purpose for forwarding
money to foreign places.
I very foie eaimmity 'Wert and we
bad- today a eaten in Doderich very
much -bettor thou any of those erect.
ed along the hightvaet
• The tonin bad ement more money
the past year on it Are department:
mid hod tonstineted a meeting room
for the men, also one for the band, in
the tfaVa balls ,and the Rumen bad
worked efficiently. In our new
!pumping equipment $18.000 had been
) spent and the commission had still :
been able to reduce water rates con.
siderably, arid the Mayor !laid lie
thought we would see lime street
lights arranged for. Tide year 'the
town bad made the last paymentstor
' the garage property next to the town
• hall and for the gravel pit..
' We were yery proud a our limber,.
In, eoneeetion With *which the Reeve
bail given a very fine report to the*
'council. The Goverment; he believ-
ed, would be induced to make seine
great changes in the harbor. Tide
Fines $157 agaiiist $470. The town
had paid for the grand stud out of
the $7,000 debentures issued' and -for
the Huron Road pavement but of tan
other iseue of $8,800 debentures, AM
for the punming equipment out of an
$18,000 issue, Borrowings from the
bank for tbe year bad amounted to
$76,000. Receipts from the eenievevY
were $1442.83 compared with $128s
the previous year. Miscellaneous re-
ceipts totalled $12,977.58 against
O11,51631). In the hiational Ship ac-
count the town had sold inateeial
and received rents ?mounting to
$825.83; last year $557,27. Salaries
wee medically the seine as the pre.
view* year. Printing • and advertle.
ing $793.17, the previous yea $862.-
20. resume() .$1,h77.04, La* costs
e85.59 against $271 the year previous.
Public works 111,810,W against
$13,208.65 the previous year. Char -
it $462 22 1927 $747 87 a t
• 41* $3.703.20, ;927 $3,372.18. Cemetery,
winter we had the greateet fleet that;nes 242thia mcniumt *mama, ant
'44374,26,1927 $496.91. Interest char.,
-ever 'wintered here, greatest in ton- lections, $:150.1111", against 3111.71.
• nage, and the banquet which was-gote we had spent an parka sugAge, itt
'ten up with the eo.operation ee sem 1927 $1,489.61. County rtes bad
• citizen% wee a very rine gesture eV been Tabled from $8,854.92 to $11..
gaml will towards tho men itt eilarg,) :153.50.' On the fire department we
ot tue boat a wintering liege. had spent $1,290.05, in 1957 $817.0;
The towns ' ti 11
or es were a doiny, Ilnaer the miscellaneous beading the
woll and brie been exceedingly busyhugest items were the judgment, in.
r The Weston Canada Flour Mille terest and costs in the MeMieliiiel
were working twenty.four lioure 4 can , $I,00,0- d gannichoos 3278.
60, and the payment of $1,60.1 to
Charles liartleib, gin mortgage on lot
1003. TaXe3 outAandinr, amounted
•Iled e0,000,000 buehels bM eittion.. to $18.000 noughly. Mr MeEwztn
'With some changes in the Salt Com- r cote:tided by taying that the eitUncil
peny. at Windsor geeater opportun- had had an exeetelingly good year.
wete ahead of the tiodeeiche Salt ile wart toting to be a enndidete again
('-o MOE had been worlcing practi. Metier. Ile bold WAIT been tie*
ally full time all ' year., The Organ feated by the Vote nit the people of
IComeany bad had tie% "lest ewer for ,,Goderich and he thenited the electors
ennui time, While speaking of 'this ri for tile good majority they gave him
tiumpriny Mayor MacEwan took occa.' hiet year also for the nuignifiernt
lsiori to pay a tribute, to the late Mr. vote two yeate aka in parliamentary
• Alex, Sznaulere whom, in!m we lir- eti•etion when forgetting party and _
- Nom/ and who Wil!‘ alwayA at the ever...ohm, *Die the people gate., him _
head .4 Anything for the good of the II. emit * vote>
reminunityi The Dominion Read Mp Mr. Erie the meg. eiaididete tn
-411iorry Co, orio had had a busy year pk. rrfrrred s,, bior bating been A
. rrttokarellt tor In, wen"' elt- candidate r‘ year altO for ttbe Mayr
rcfl.,st w finellerith 144nufar1ur.,:. shy itout to eel eereet wk. War_
ieg Co„ Was -working Thr girt" pad to hi* eiertinn en
Vowed, Dredging Cie hod igen tior phire nf thr it Hr. f"uW
then for rar And the MOIL San- irme year ka4 neemnt tor he an titular-
dy works. the Horns Canning en., • tamale ror fey elimirmoft itwf pahae
the finderirk Planing MM. and Oa verbs. ?het after a rensth and a
Mester re. tied all 411100 eireedlitgly aim at that peeities Mremit wee
11" 116"ta el""V" ut th• var* taken tree we at then as the 4th el
Wee lethwtriee at the tows Mr. Ike- edt lb. Lee ism as milariff and te
Rivas gash* ef highly tor theirm.was alp.Ina=
a. = Rehr
The Mgr* lbw so *MP 11to' 1111 web sdli,141 vett as
day with very few days oN. The
ItIevator ond Transit Companyhad
nom •exceedingly well and had hare
Inc in Goderieh and the • four Cis
meant the Circular- City Cycle Club.
He suggested new intermtation of
, euggestetre - :new -interpreta-
tion of the letters, the Circular
City Cireus company, and proceeded'
to talk Oat the "live beautiful ole -
'Manta" (the Ontario West Shore
Railway, the Maitland Rad plant of
elle National Shipbuilding Co., the
Brockistreet plant of the eame con-
cern, the McMichael judgment and
the Arteraft factory) "Web were re-
.sponsible for our big taxes. In 190S
the town guaranteed the bonds of
the 0. W., S. It. and We bad already
paid out 027,500 to feed this eke
phut and Rad to feed him for an.
other ten years at the rate of $7,500
a year and that was enly the inter-
est; at the end of the thirty years we
tad to pay the principal sum guaran-
teed, $150i000. When the assets or
the rood were sold aoderich's siege
unmated to $48,200, and this -by
-compounding the interest ,and Invest.
ing Arefnlly would make Op $100,090,
or 3110,000, ann when the betide ma-
etared the town would have to issue 4
mew debenture to take eare of the
balance and it watt cost as $2,000
er $.3,.000 a year. •
The National Shipbuilding plantd
Were costing the town over $1,400 a
year, $332 ipsuranee, 3757 interest on
the money tied up in them, $310
taxes, besides walk and sewer taxes.
And the revenue reeeived from ren.
tale, etre was enly 3546.60. So foe
• back as .1aet May lie had drawn at-
tention to the condition of the roof
on the old chufeh building which
formed part of tht Brock street
plant. It was letting the weather
get in and ilestroying the banding
Ana wood pulleys in the plant were
going to pieeen and other machinery
- wee net improving, and in case et
tare hr doubted if the town would we
VIVI. a te
of the iendition of the building,.
A to the raw at the etetion the
legy hie, stock of goode and then close
his -door% satisfied becauie his goods
were paid for. What was neeaed
Was to get the 'dent going ard pro.
dueing reventiei
• Then theee was the Artcralt :rec-
tory practically back on the p:Wa-st
hands. And there was the McMich-
ael eases. Tbis elehri was moue the
latter mart of last year and died
have •been settled at the tinie ror
3300. Now he had it an good anal:,
prity that it would east tbe town
600. Tbings 'were not being malice-
• ly werked out to the advantage or
the ratepayer, the Way Ofla
handle his (Am linsiness. Mne Lee
also referred to the old itge vexation
preposal which he heartily endorsed.
It. might be seid 'we had the counTy
bonne, lint who wouln -want to ee
separated front hie wifeiin 01d Mee;
which 'woutil be thet cooditiou in
couple had. to go to the home? He,
felt. that i the old age pension \vowel
bie wreallygeod thinge ••
Ur. Lee referrea twills own condi-
tion of health. There bad been are -
pont that, on ardent oe his iscent
illness, he would mit been able to
wry on, but he had taIten the mat.
ter up tvith hie doettr,• who hail ase
sired himi that there was lee reason
witate,ver, 'so far waifs healtb; wee
concerned, why he • should tot carry.
on splendidly. Some said that Mr,
Lee was Ti busy mare and would not
have thine to 'devote to the town busi-
ness, but his experience vies 'that
when you wanted 'thing doteethe
man to get to do it was the busy man.
The man with little to do was likely
to be a Procraetinater. If elected as
Mayor he said he would give eVeey
matter in tonueetion With the town
bneinessehis personal attention and
cam on the work as he carried en
bit own bueiriess. ' •
Mr. tlecEetean was given iten min-
utea for reply'. Membees of the
eau -eh -he saia usually ..stuck togeth-
r and patted goat °thee on the back
nil he did. not altogether Moe Air.
Lee% criticisms, frt the firet phiee
atieto She ChitarioiWest -Shore Rail-
way it was thought in 1907 or 1008
going won er-
ful thing. Aslifield and Huron towe-
ships were mild from a market and
this 'road was to bring them into coin-
inunicetioirWith GoderieliaAnd Mi
Lee himself had been a booster for
'the road and showed hia Progressive -
fleas.. by doing so.' It Could not be
known 20 years ago that such a de -
was going to take place. in
traffic as we had had _in inztos and
trueice, Be had been asked to accept
Power of attorney eor the payfeent of
local accOunts in connection with the
road and in the investigation his ae-
counta had baen iihiewn to be abso-
lutely correct, and he had been nom.
phineutedi by the chairmari of the
• Railway and Municipal Board. Gode.
kick he claimed, had a row rate of
taxation. end a low assevenient e0117 -
prod with almost any other mullet.,
panty, and if we had Made mistakes
• Sn Godarich, *thee places had done
_the same; and we been pretty'
- charsr of outeide institutiona of late.
As to the old church building. of tbe
National Ship plant this bad eome up.
- several times and it wore felt that the
'building should be torn down,
perform. The *vote in the council
etood 4 to 4.on the question of silo.
He had to break the tie and voted
aeinst ,the sale, "for your stake, us
•hoput it, arid added, 'We have a man
now who would take the plant over
lad sell it and they would get eome.
lthing for 15 11 theyisoki." They had
asked the A. R. Williams Co. if the
cranes were worth ,what they hi*
them inventoried at and the answer i
was "yes" and the same cpmpany
'advised the town to sell off the ma,-
• angry' as they would get as good a
price for the building alone as for the
building and machi ery together. He
elaimed that when a West Shore eh-
; xibiTottbteocaernufneedieunet it? pafyundberWrwtdr
:und that there be no further
bond issue necessary.
[ Reeve Turner paid his respects tit,
'the lake :Mr. Cutt. He himself as
chairman of the harbor committee
had dont everything- possible, The t
harbor w.as one of our greet assets
• and to have a. fleet of 22 vessels lying...,
here meant a great deal in money
and labor. We should keep the har-
bor before the Government all the
time. The bathing beach also Wait
• an asset ,which could be improved
withairoper equipment. In the coun-
ty council he had done all he Possibly
could. to see that the team got ite
rights. though be felt that we were
not getting as ugh as we should. in
the way. Of highway expendituree on
our roads. Also Goderich and Wing -
hem 'were not fairly treated by tne
Government regulation which proyidr.
'ea that towns over 2,000 ponulation
should not participide in. the same
grant ae emaller plages, s lie inti-
• mated bis desire at sonie 'future
time to run for moor t� round out
itis munieipal experience. " •
11(1r, MacEwan again spae preSent-
ing a statement as to the centannia
committee's funds, as .audited. Oat.
of the surplus of 31717,28 they had
paid for the stand for the baseball ,
diarnmel $655.80, and for the pillars,
tit ,the entrance to the town *381.72,
leaving a balance on hand of $670,71..
As to the McMichael ease the town
had never had any proposition for:a
settlement. He end the solicitor tad
endeavored to Make A settlement and
could not so had •to fight, anti he
_thought the town was perfectly fiestio i
fied in its position and That it warn
have Won in the upbeat if it had been
allowed the 'privilege to appeal. xr
a storekeeper cold 'mince a bole. in
the sidewalk for his own cony -men
he should be the party liable, as Was
the ease here in cas f ii fi
damages, and he eonsidered-the judg-
ment saddling ther lirt
town was a mighty poor judgineni.
' litre Craigie waa not present Ween
called on, owing to • being ill, and
Mayor M E ifs behalf paid
a tribute to his excellent work In tne
ceinetery and on the streets of Uosie.
chase of, the Park House propene'. „„:... ---
rich and for his leading pad in pin. •
ting through the deal for Me pur. •
Ile desetved credit for good workman•
had kept well within his estimatet•i
• Mr: Wm. DailieenoMbuited for de-
puty reeve, said he was not a cantei.
date for that office but would stand
for the council again. lb. had bud
the distinction of being acting ehair-
man of public works twice in the yeer •
• q
being worth roofing and the machin-
ery was tint sintering to any great
extent, we it had been pretty well oil.
ed tip, •
As to the lionetilen Road AI:whine
try Company's offer 1Ifr. Alaalwan
*minded the audience that a condi.
tion of the deal was that the town
was to give the company a fixed as.
*eminent far twenty years on both
plants, at a merely nominal aSSess-
merit. The tenet bad already done.'
p e y we y the Dominion Road
lifnehinery Coempany and he claimed
abet the comiell had done everything
they could do in fairneaa to -the rate.
_ paeer. e aimew teat the mania.
,ery in the.bnilding was worth 38,000
- 4Im1 the railway !siding $2,000 and Mr.
Mitchell's Oki- was only 38,000 for
the 'building and 38,000 worth of nut-
ehitiery. To hie mind the proporition
vitie not fair for a company which did
not owe the hank anything, and to
ask for o fixed ameeelment of Xl weal
not fair to the Organ Company, for
instance. which *tad an /gem:meld
of $32,000, and wan not fair to the
working man or to the retired fart&
he debited. Wan tipitf4
Hog to be judged bs, hie attitude n
the Dominion Road Martinets. mat-
" • nt of ineulant e account_
town had bad a golden npportuney
to darierniof thie 3..0941, with in
tomtit paid at the rate of lite ore;
rent. Ailt thinge !door, at the prevent
time the town vele poyier the bank!
interrat foe money borrowed, "hien
would to, toliV.4 If thin plat% mirror,. "
awl With the variotta item* Ot
ort;ar, titt !bale would ;we Meant a
Navin/ 50 th. Wan Of ;MOAK a year
This eppertnitity had been kt fate
end we had a haildiair whieh was not
in operation. It was all right ter Nay
it 'nee pail far het tide wee AO*
tee Wigan tiglie Sere • imeraidit 1.
and he thanked all the members re
the 'council, all of „whom were 3142%11
Willing to give enir aseistance it any
time. Ile reaerred to the Mame:
building done the past season. The '
original contract wait for 42,000
square feet and 88,260 feet had beige
eonsiructed. The price was 14 3.1
cents a foot. amounting to $12,135.nte
(Centinueit ca. page 6)
• • '330
, For Upholstering, Repairing
A larger rale of Sample Cover. '
inia tared,
Nelsen Street
• --wow.. •
Mutual Life
teis Mr. Mitchell hail oet been prei Auurance Com
pared to meteor* Me after atvi new
of Goad.
ehe ompany bad gime ahead Mat
Welt' stkOWISOr their own rotoWy pat,
Haft Op an building gad OW town ;OM
had the old pleat. Hio Mono a Ow
proper error-44re wee for thr tow',
to to *hoed end etill elf the ',whin
pry in it, erbit4rweah the wall. and
the* Dell the heihNag to aentebrithr
wile *rail h hb salt ittlietif.
Ilk kW hilt t 41•40,
evateelame eias
*tett. it) te t VATYRI,4111.0`CT
D. D. MOONEY, Aleut
remit 2111
Mown! aT. Oatialurn, owe.