HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-01-03, Page 2O
ege.-r+:� ,ti t���w-- fir. ter rr, ,ew
sr�zu 1_�\tr s►' _ t�
r�16,- En tuft
Tifiusswor, SAM fle.1„ --
£r1agheotClaes Tailoring. All Garments
Cat by 1 -land. Engliuh and Scotch
Materi ale.
lr oceieo on South 54,
&fliONN GOLt;ERICH 433
•• - ..,
GderMadElei e
King George Suffers Relanse
The discouraging reports of Kinyr
George's condition issued last
Thursday by His ]Majesty's physici-
ans, came ns a rude shock to the peo-
ple in the Old Land and throughout
the British 'Empire. Following the
return to London of the Prince of
Wales and the marked improvement
in the Royal patient rt was generally
accepted that the King was on the
road to convalescence, and the news
of his relapse last week 'came as a
surprise to everybody. The latest
bulletin issued by the doctors in at-
tendance at Buckingham Palace stat-
ed that "The King has had a quiet
day." There is mo change to report
m His Majesty's condition." The
eTtlete'to nr :tall re 115g,Ittt lg eyetC. a t;;:
/at<e. the iec;l of 1*tte neat I;car> Lir:-,a
earellee *2 tereeene Tampa,
Ore Deetr eye CK"C93C . liittl2;.
ti Greetnetalar bathe 'batt :C4tr 'lei
CM'S eesete:as'at a7i evidelz itet•e:e.-atee .eien,
tines wits eecd by tc1110./.1e2Ve3s sr Ver..
at 1'r ertleiller e 1"ranee, rib= tee
liner Fiml Lecat was 'burned 7o teen
water's cafe before she eatrald IRS rae
moved firma her drydoet to the outer
port. `Pilo liner 1.7a2 un+IcractlIlC re-
pairs when the blaze broke utas. Alae
drycloeh was flooded with the tee aaost
speed, but the finance ateadaly Caines;
headway, and when finally the Alp
floated out in the'lattr'bor She emelt td
most immediately. 'There were tap
casualties, but the crew lost all their
! Signs o1' Progress
Marked expansion was shown 'in
the major departments of Canadian
productive enterprise during 1'928 ac-
cording to indexes maintained by the
Dominion Bureau of Statistics,• The
building industry, favored by 'the
prevailing active conditions, showed
an increase of more than 18 per -cent.
in the value of new contracts, while
manufacturers, based an the use or
output of sixteen Important commo-
dities, showed an increase of 12 per
cent. in the average monthly aur.'ng
the first eleven months of 1928, as
compared with the previous year.
The marked increase in the output of
iroh and steel was probably the most
significant in this connection, but
I pronounced gains were shown in the
output of motor cars, newsprint gnC
at Heal 'When
ad Bronchial
em all ou Fire'
l'atIv tC t' `T I.t'.. o e t.::4e'* CN"•Spy
-71.=.;c=61,-.111*, 4.4,-4.„), .41''VV,:i,4 .,,4t3S,,,t
Ce;1uty. 11 71,1 V,= a rennet= teal to
c. mpi veliri ' lerce, l meds. ace.
e •r .1bf unary Imetei'iptie i - fine
ellemnlalec to Itrenehatie ons 611112i12Z ally
and nasty •atzzav end colds wee Ira
lierdiaTellete; Remedy fa aaf gine healtbe
araC roc ,r e1 evati from Lletitee
Ventre, he f. 'Wonderfully teeth to .
inf. ed tee es. A Intender, or t
. Pel tied. etre the actlueniteneca Qa
Ma tri d,, re. able remedy. 1Aeep tell
thio Winter. Tv;Cther with the •4n31t,e
' fame Galla 11 e Herbal llotteeltolal
Bemeilie ete .eineinablo from f•ee
f aiOlaheire!brang Store, Gederld
medical bulletins continue to be ex- Hour.
tremely terse and non-commital, and Joker Causes Trouble
to that extent are disappointing, as A Practical joke played by some
the people are hungrily looking for person enthused with the Christmas
some definite report of progress spirit at Innisfail. North Queensland,
made. In the meantime the move- I Australia. resulted in a protest being
meats of the Royal family are close- I sent to the Federal Government.
Trouble started when the joker re -
mo, ed the Italian coat -of -arms from
the icc•al Consulate and nailed it, up-
side down. in front of n Chinese
store. The Vice -Consul issued an an-
gry statement, declaring the act to
I be an insult to the Italian nation, ad-
ding that it was imperative for the
Nazareth Has Electricity Commonwealth and State Govern -
Nazareth, where Christ livers and ment to take steps to find and pun -
has turned to ish the culprits. The latest develop -
The tow:i i ment is the issuing of a manifesto by
council agreement I the Italian officials ordering mobiliza-
tion of all Italians in the district,
numbering some thousands, to a hug-
national gathering on January 5th,
wh-n the coat -of -arms will be restor-
ed with due ceremony to its original
Canine Hero Saves Lives
The female sex may be right in
their lament that chivalry is dead,
but they must admit that the faith-
ful canine is always ready to step
into its master's place to perform a
generous act. The latest story of a
dog's heroism comes from Berlin,
Germany, where a hunter's canine
companion saved two children from
drowning. While skating on the
Danube two children broke through
the ice. Hearing the cries of the
skaters, a hunter rushed to the scene
and commanded his animas to plunge
into the water. Only after the fifth
attempt was the dog able to find one
of the children, and after dragging
ly watched, as affording the only
' possible signs for the worried na-
tion to read, and the fact that the
Prince of Wales ;remained in the
country over the week -end and did
not come up to London was taken as
a favorable omen.
worked as a carpenter,
modern illumination.
has completed an
De -Forest Crossley
Hear the Two Extra Octaves this set gives you first
Severn' Good Used Sets at attractive prices
Goodyear rubber sire Chain° ¢® fie
Service Station
Cor. Victoria SL and Elgin Ave.
in our Sit,
Today you me see the most sensa-
tional autanmolrle ever introduced-
' the Outstanding Chevrolet of Clnev-
' soles History, a Six in the price
range of the four !
This amazing new automobile is now
on display in our showrooms and we
coednallyr invite you to come in for
a peaonal issspection !
Come iii today and inspect the Out-
standing atevrolet 1 See for yaur-
sdff�f what dk:tinetive beauty and
thrilling performance re now avail-
able at prices so amazingly low 1
Leant bow Cheveolet has again
established an entirely new standard
�!E na1etolr ctr vales 1
Most Complete
Array of New
Features ever
Net'7 stramtlana
5 Mere Power
2. Cain th Mevtledire e.ate5 E z;1
2. t C427 zes=t='
it t,sEta tor."a.9aCs
d. 6i xstt c dte..W:1 test
NtttW neltIty
NititM.N1.140# nett/
e2,t4wv tatets
1111014.0$0 at"eh• cle.ig_= p3e:•A
9.t *gee ra'i•
• i4t:y1Mtitttib
� °o t
47 gre
of Chevrolet Plisse]
eaPeaere;TanyayQ rlllaobusi
h° PHA
aL:i.pzrrR,QIOhrI. [T -Doer SED� - 04'65
9 . O
0T vriLANDAU O.#0.-Ca
C}ysS 1rt ERPRESS� fr1°j4cRoob..cr ulpsnances tODERiC4.n,sofa, iQS?%,7ash ahn 9lCod,,
er e„Yon voa. lm �e°t�CarR¢RuereO,ro rnau°aRad.
in a Love m Prized Car
New Dependability
r. eet as t e_^am eta ei
2. P ve tettaisite-r 114at m""".,.t'
D. mo�w. tetss.ati✓a ca ntltca
4. 24511a45*.m!e ks heath
9. Cacelte3 Ctls7 aim ewe
Patter Ceet-orteay
dtcmtot Sid
all 'Actre•'eat-."-.7' C:'#."'
9. i"�yt6 tate+pi t�i:t7 ytott* t.4 to II
4: a -fast ieolvepoiteta
9.exeeta etpkr stn toe -‘4 -'4th
*lift- ICOOttOtt
7t. t-Y=.s tst:ett r14.44.1Lt las
a. Miuieltyte d;he7's %at is lila
ceased talose
&. Wesel at t +flees
4. wishes VV_ ewPrde>Ser$.
9. ['leap to estMite Ct s
G. tri <ezadr ahtheed tothmisi sod
9. Wood aettoonsase Etalk let eteN
4..tew �t P Ik 3tbi=lr
New Safety
1t. ?errata ct•$__a=i litellei
a. Feet a to teeetes trees !
2. Theft r4 t etedxa sash
4: teceblxttise t,"ekitiMetelt" .Cit54
9. Mete veer** ousts fb ttxn
0. Niveeeseeetlblear,a!e=l,es .re
Wand set, t! e5o Bratnifet' Ntew e Oa bi$1437 ttili Out $howllreoin
GOpErCH4 nowt -
v F e.1 t14c i}.:r r1.70. Cr.
at ee
6a^T:e,, ▪ w� experts feel t -nae
ttae etreere team. tta Beit at ores sire '
treeie to en ttla f)ski the ttzleeZ tees
eeeteTe oi•ottiel elec cope to .the 041
Co:matey, tepee..
him adhere the brave animal started
the laeareh ant»». - This time the cog
tons obliged toe dt'e under the ace,
where the seeped /uth had drifted,
and .only-aftoA>}l' i� hausting strug-
gle it attained open water. Resusci-
tation eyas necessary to save the lived
of the children and their rescue after
readlilaug the shore. .
Maj••Gen. N. H. MacLean, who hat
been chosen to succeed His Honor W.
F. Todd as Lieutenant -Governor of
New Brunswick.
-Photo by Notmnn, Montreal.
Storms Ahead for French
The Senate and Chamber of r'ranco
ironed out their minor remaining dif-
ferences over the 1929 budget last
week, and definitely enacted it into
i law after -a long series of 'day and
night sessions by both Parties. The
sessions were stormy at timest.partl-
cularly over the measure to itiCrea;.ii
the salaries of Parliament members
from 45,000 to 60,000 francs. This
latter prcposal, which was finally
passed, created a serious division in
the Cabinet, Premier Poincare tak-
ing a definite stand against it while
the majority of His Ministers ap-
proved it. It is thought that' the
Premier will resign now that the
Budget is passed. If he does, the
next Government of France may be
a Socialist one.
Sport in General
There was much good hockey over
the week -end and the result of three
battles between Canadian and United
States teams ended in an even break.
The Toronto Maple Leafs defeated
the Detroit Cougars by four goals to
three. At times the combination of
theougars was much better than.
tfio Canadian team and they deserved
' a better fate. Ottawa managed to
hold the League leaders, N.Y. Amer-
icans, toe a two -goal draw, but Mon-
treal Maroons went down before
Pittsburg, being defeated by the odd -
goal in five.
The German track star, Otto Pelt-
zer, is again at loggerheads with the
German Amateur Athletic Union.:
The temperamental doctor has an-
nounced his intentions to race in Sun-
ny Australia despite orders to the
contrary. f ori the Union. Whether
the Union is afraid he may again
meet defeats such as were meted out
to him by Doug. Lpvre, BritAiret
Champion middle distance ruialtet,. On;:
' teto ocepsionti last summer, or that it
just wisthes 4o ttosoxt:itu authority is
not known.. Ift may be a bit of boils ..,.._.. ;
The French Freneh crack tennis player, '
Henri Cochet, wound up a highly , IIA.I.Pit CONNOtt
successful season, by • defeetintt « 00' Italpdn Connors the well known
liorotra in the fir7uals oi< tlt lrifstrnus ' Canadian nOsrel flt, collected recent -
Cup tennis championship its etreilgltt ' ly from 'ill 1ictlf-iiteed voyageur In
sets. Thus the former ball boy from, rho Canadian ,beeewest a highly
Lyons confirmed the critics' o inions , interesting lYolNorth est will be
p int r at the Vancouver Sea will be
of him that he ranks Number One as restivai next January b uttress,s
the singles player in the tvtirld this Pe uin of . klortitrenle This song
year, a, fiaalf is
T?ra fear Partnere-,
"Anes wintee eoreca tke Canediers
4 everpment JDeparwu e>~at. of II'rt>Ycrioe
Verceir,y,Stzatioaic at Indian Dead east
:Setbeslas 1, Sattkatekeiven, know sleet
epriea le not fan' bellied. l heady
94'e ar atien5 ere beteg node by tine
two forestry e - tierce for ota,pplyia?u
naives e c young trees to t'arinera in >
the these Prairie provaaaees•--l;ttant
tabes ,gaaltatcllecrrsn • and Alberta:
About 8,0 ,0O0 tree 2cedlani4 and.
ieuttince love boon heeled lea foe the -
whiter awl with the coming o$ spring'
'they will be dietAibutcd to but 30e,
000 farmers.
Western Air Man Stat±ceengult
The. Air Mail' Service operated by
the Western Canada, Airways 'Lal.,
1 for than Canadian Fest Office Depart-
-anent into manatee district$ of Nortii
' era Ontario and Manitoba - this year
was 100 per cent. efficient. One hun-
dred end two trips to the camps were
on the schedule and all were made
without delay or the loss of v single
piece of the 75,321 .pounds of mail
Distribution of Canadian Wheat
Fifty-one per cent of the 20,871,373
bushels -of wheat handled by the Can-
adien Wheat Pool in the crop year
1927-28 was exported to 68 ports in
'26 countries. Of the total exported
90.7 per cent. went to Europe, of
which 81.5 per cent;. was taken by
the ' United . Kingdom, the remainder
going to several other countries.
China and Japan took 92 per cent.
Manitoba Joins Migration Plan
Manitoba will again participate in
the British boy immigration scheme,
it has been announced by Hon. Albert
Prefontaine. Minister of Agriculture.
A requisition for fifty boys will ee
sent to the British authorities, and
more will probably be brought, to
that province later. The boys are
expected to reach Winnipeg about
March 15, and will be taken care of
at the Manitoba Agricultural Col-
Iege until placed on farms.
World's Nursing Convention
Nursing organizations in forty dif-
ferent countries have accepted invi-
tations to send delegates to the In-
ternational Congress of Nurses to
be held in Montreal in July. It is ex-
pected that about three hundred del-
egates will attend the various ses-
sions of the meeting. The sessions
of the congress will be conducted in
three languages, English, French and
German. '
Eskimo Suffer From Starvation •
The fast -dwindling band of borren
land Eskimo faces further depletion -
by starvation -this- winter through
missing the great caribou migration:,
according to a report of Horace Ash-
ton, noted explorer who has reached
civilization after a trip to the sub- "
arctic. Mr. Ashton was director o°
the Burden expedition from the Am-
erican Museum of Natural History,
which went north in the summer to
record the caribou trek and also to
study the Eskimo of the barrens.
Sea. Discovered
. -G 'Loretta,half ` n Bili, ` the
The third ct:citet test snatch' be- first part being; the story of a ha-
tweon • representative British and bitant=Colin while the t lrorus i$ an
Auetrallan teams at Melbourne, Ans. ` English ilea elatinty, knots .ye
truffle, is now in full suing. Thtt' winds of morning". This bi-1ieg-
Ausaies have so far compiled a score nal Song appears to 'love been pop«
p ltany'sears eatime
of 83'7 runs for the loss of six wieket:a whaoar mwahtyta labio tva5r► os1tatportaed',in
largo quantities, est the olid adihnlw
ships frotln Quebce, 'Which carried
overseas the logs ranted down t'iae
St. Lawreneer from . Mitt, Ottatvta
1. doer. Ile went telaatoty' i9 teat.
sidcred ley tonne 3tttllolitiee as eon.
withSoifer* - pains faceted with the:•°ebfAehtiee* of the
�y quobee lutulierfeelaa who .frequent-
ly green tailors t o welt d0 wood ;.
seen and always aging est their
Oat ftrdk slEs+ 'et stts irt3 J! of week. .Aeeording tc - Dail% iiyotanor;
I' the. Iaalf-ltrei'tl or titett?a from wt ono
I+alr'n ]a th 1.1"' r esttrtr atttre�r pill to recoiled this vete vias st !sanely
s ou t be txet. '1koy stun rotnelI 1 went.: anile with beautiful vire anti
for the itiasmy's biller MO make right g talatant*A'8 offal tuts aafiraat••eless
for the eleat of the tt8.ab?e. peritlelteeree• A number ttlR , Parte"
teeere�. rots', Osttetfd, nC,a '1't:etaell d'etbati dtt •laarnteve nts teal
wiiateet - as to i;L oqr at reecttles I. Will sen eutalt ley " haste ;regain, st'b
fedi icon" ve a tn. nab tark. It '6dt;7.4/11 !M ses the ifatentabt'f lit to
tt � tl tee. real day et Plight;, gni ILO aserake this tett Mt.140 Fe zonal lrtf
M) tt bStSe t f°tt its fatuadiaii >ft eytiblrta
and love four more members' to 1`)•tt.
The vielting team from the Old Conti-
». �.
S ffetedforsMonths.
4 1
_ ,:mar
pecial Orders
Men's Smart Wear
. ., ",.,i-r�,rr/rw✓,.Y,-mss .. - . ° q..;,
Best at Black's
PHONE -219
Tarpon fishing, or aquaplaning, or saving of time, which is altvay8.Of
speed -boating or polo. Where else
can one motor for miles through
weenues shaded by graceful palms -
by great citrus groves of ripening
oranges -and lemons -or along the
shore of the Atlantic. There's golf,
too!= -all winter long.
,Arrange.now to spend your winter
months in Florida -any Canadian
National Railways Agent will gladly
supply you with information about
rates, routes and its resorts.
A really convenient service is of-
fered to those travelling between
Toronto and Sudbury via the Cana-
dian National Rys.
A standard sleeping car is operat-
ed each night on the "Confedera-
tion," leaving Toronto northbound at
9.00 p.m. and leaving Sudbury south-
bound at 10.55 p.m. This car may be
occupied at Sudbury in the morning
until 7.30 a.m. while southbound the
sleeper is"parked at Sudbury from
9.30 p.m. and arrives Toronto 7.40
This service has 'been found to ap-
peal very strongly to travellers be-
tween these two cities, providing a
pleasant; restful overnight trip and a
j srltif,t. sty r tot mike* $0,x to 1, tv .-- ,- E!
ct d lil�+±t'8 Itri; de'+r Paull* for vo.sa+a °`t` i,, iX�'EDElta.`il(e.ES" :TRAIN Tt$
tin fila be k sitl x 105t'1".. z'fatwe Ill bapCANADIANS ` lIt'q TOO 1i OltI1U 'i
r tet. 1!t bet X hater 'elite times t s 11
.: fti w .L 815 tilf�+l d7Sei ne til "reeler-
@,'fait �liRO
` t'n'1 terac•er. t er f;etA 1•y e'iti g relief - Cason ▪ ttef al sande§ '''•''' fltiz!ita f!
11 1. a"iC C++ iii -ba I (t i ltee !elev.:" E .i here tv? "i eteelittes t
l 7 -e -,t to tee ➢ .1 fio. ,tt t t.JNee creeelt. It ill beCt1'Pt
gent; 1 ati,, IY,llIllA • t'Cc"ice ,�iL-tt lain,.
1< 't;9:11r+7 t.:Z.': '=Lr n. it i•$ re vette U• di,
;mete i1 : e ieee fere Menti Li, deo e ;'•it! h
Tee e i »y o f intetestif1ile ereets and
1 eTebt'Ii,iete to tr zee i:3 the': Tentt,f the
Vs hetri.. but FPI idw, (.:i» peri• errs
tE--e 60e AIN rXcil init-nov04ty' As
lef 'C7 1 o R J. o it i= A 14 A D Ta MIT E
t.,i.v ),r ver. i, U -'-
here e'e6 , 1.3 to
importance to business men. Try it
for yourself next time. -
1 Tickets and reservations may ebe
secured front any Canadian National
liens bothered with
I lice stop laying. To
kill the lice, take the affected chicken
by the legs and sprinkle the powder
in the open leathers. PRAT LICE .:
ICILLFR ie harmlr,• non-,rritatina and none
Poisonous, but kills tLe lice. Ask roar denies°.
Lir Km.■/
Dealers all over Canada
PRAAId C1100D ACM'onto 8.4
. Amt"
=� ecer her 3lst •
your Motor Vehicle Operator's
license expired
It Must be renewed at once
11 This Advertisement teLis yolc how to
secure a new License
Every license to operate a motor vehicle in Ontario,
expired on December 31st. This applies to Chauffeur
Licenses as well as Motor Vehicle Operators' Licenses.
Floras of application for renewal of Chauffeur and Operators'
Licenses may be obtained from any Agent cf the Depart:4
ment or from any licensed Garage in the Province.
Chauffeur and Operators' Licenses may be procured
from the Motor Vehicles Branch, Toronto, or from any
-Authorized Issuer of motor vehicle permits' and licenses."
There is an Issuer in each county. The fee for the renewal;
of a Chauffeur or Operator's license is $1.00. -
Each application for renewal of a license must be accon'l-`
panied by the applicant's present year license card. This
in order that RENEWALS, which ere issued without
examination, may be issued only to those entitl:d thereto.,'
All applicants for NEW licenses mu:, undergo an omen-
xalil In the event of the lose of a 1928 license, a duplicate can he -
secured only from the Motor Vehicles Branch, Department
of Highways, Toronto.__ A fee of 50c. is charged, which'-•`..
should accompany the application for the duplicate.
Procure your application form at once from any licensed
'garage or from any Agent of the Department, and be sure
to have your present license with you when making applie ,
cation for renewal.
Carefully preserve your new license, and, at all tim& when
driving carry it an your ]person --not in the pocket of your ear,
.Ontario - ]Departtntent of .Highways
Motet Vehicles Drench
en's Felt Shoes
LOT , .eft Shoes with Leather Soles
and libber Reels, sizes G to 11. Special.
s• .sae aee..rea�,yR.$1.415
LOT NO. lade of heavy felt, Leather fac-
ed, Robber Huse All size . Special $2.D
NO..- A1l'sizes in lot, some have buckles
and late. l)ceial cleating. ......
The Compltle I<t',n`4 Store of fitl4etich
IWWit +psi