The Goderich Star, 1928-12-27, Page 10•4011PINI PAGE Mal. ere-. -.41745" 111,0111r - 4 '!. i. , V. :if:. t:':':• P., i?-7-i-fh Ty94,-."..4, fi--•,. r.1,1.• iNritr ,r,lairr,,.,. in ire;.hrrar h. I. 1.. -N, ;' ;.1-1 ',"'..::.1 t:: ., ' ..1 .:,.. itie, ,Inriprr, a ,. •:I.rrt I.' Wishing One ortlAll Save Your ..„ ..,...,;:-.,..L, ,,, :.„,,,--, „.•,.. 1,..,„ 1•;,r.i 'att.', 7t;el'ile, het*. foe the tiiht - , f...,.' •,-- ''',ed:111 ,Wal 1.10;:!3 ..•]'. i•,,i2•L ii•'"44' ''t '"'::. .• '-tr., lolf,,, jr t" ineel. '11'4.i: 1.:3ozpki,-,?..w.f . . - -- - . -.-. -,.2,-,:; ?1•71,:',•7, P "I.% Lii.;:, 0, ....‘ ,,,,ur ,r"te"• . _ _ t • 4_ ilii.Y.,;;;V:.Q. ,t'i-2re..-•;,:-ILlo .tgr.-1 c's,--:1. ,l," 4,...,•-", „••,,!'•1‘. Ifli_'• J.,', j• (•-•''.41,•"":10.-Ir'l,:.;,-:-*--- ': ' . - * ;:-.1••••tr.mh contatu cr.:::ri•211r., ,1o.o'..:r7Fr ,",e; ".'•-* ....4.'t.!a'Ug7.41r:z1•4 wan -•?li,. ;; - ' eite Sly -f,„,-, E • -_ 4:=LuV' c•azapA thu 17:Aji,:,;. ILIr ErY - ,:„A'-'- • `I" l'' °1.-':""I''' '' 1 -rn I' ' . '''‘‘, and thanking you for t.i-tmiu v.-dm/aim:at, rtIZ' ' „ -i'Ja'', -fl.ac2'-iz•ch 10 14:•Ik'd '.ta'. Sour patronage tile enht, Sir:Au-2:1 OVC7 tclIvr;',7 F.,:vi•-sw-:-...cyn.*'"T":"...i•E: c•I' w*114701 Plvi ,;,, r(fir i•tio.;77::13 E'.,I,ICIF Vcr. re, ci; Aft I' -3 •-.1 , , Q I.:or' .;,-,• '4 i 'At,--Z;f4-. OCII-2', li - 4,- (-,4--"'-ae- 11. -•1A•T) 4 i'-'"-'," •-. alr.zor 3. M: Wit:. -:,-1, 12.0-o, — " pastyoar ,k..„1,,,,, „.,,,,,,,4„,c.,_,,J,t, „..„,,,,,1 .,- ,.5-,cat.1 i -..k G.ving t:k-Inta.. - •-• ,: ,...1 17.1.:11 . on, i. • • , ? 11,:cr.:, , ) ycl ,v2ro.•• l'A.' Att•L ouri ''' "-, ' ' ' ".•' . ?".-'.. ' ' . ' c.E,11.(,!.,,:alf,3:?:b1,;.,81":„.,na !:11:: ar.,•:,...,.:4',;•,,-.., , • MISS S. NOBLE 4e•Ple fri e vee 1.-erete i eli 11.3 ciflu,•1, - ont.:2- or , .F.,!, rict, i, :.•.- 4,-. - , -.,,- ..,. I,.1 ,,, . bilifini-1 ENCI•1.1n,,ar. 131,-OCie, ..:1•,.'nen neenier te, tIlirde 62 cputeer.la Qi._'elaire.11,,1 Tir-pv V•, c!..e.i„ 1 ,,;•)5;,' EN-, ..f". • ' o' E. '::',::', 0,03-zoici-'3. eiiIe trititata t;3'' • Mel. ITurrg 1.7c7.):5T cre, of o-1,r7r,-..:::!11, • "' • 7 '.. :.T- ''' • ,..9. :O.) oven of. tieraMiller P3I7f.C1 :, t„.11 41 Gur,.,:,:i ;31-: tEx, hor.-,,,u a 100•A 1:2 tt;r? fait %33 c:., Orerl!,747. C1114 ,c.:.....tivo: t, i . /41,wru.,for a foly tra:,,L3 1 IA .,-,-vrrIrz-:,7,,,, of: , ii,•,-„ t--0 "rAllz,. ! to, tafl 1130 vereneee le're. Innen) .; , -.."•;.--r t.133 ar!royoci. . '' 1 17•:•;, iler ,iu*,• r.1,,Errrl or4orninura, i -,•otr.35.1.1 GE+ 'Fravezero Pr:•q,11;':-.1, r4'' Warr '',Inpiratcd 'rntepayer:? , nuilithr i r _ -' , ,,,-.„,,, _ ,p,i,ti.113(.14 ttr rjulir., rinc, frg-i!.(If?, t.t.1 ue imla thch' ;In- .,,,s-,-....=„, Zir. awl f Jur,31gan..illear.i.ihwg'nualm .' i : i-r-i_c,,,.,!,,,333 trco war a ilea,a,(1)4bAtroit. Vr-C.1,-0 0.1Crit.1 fw fin-El.r.zhn • for 192n. , r-4) ,..,1 1 ,- .. - : iel elitireli wan the 41,201:0 Of (1 tralart , )1.,,th: zdi dao littlp tot) wore out ta 'i Nro.. A. IL I e.,t nuE . • 1.1.1',o eixele naits lie) wngle. !tit 1 Mee and Mrs. Verean eene-3 axed nein cltrIAi'imci•' wolatiatr• pn „s,attrdny, DK,. Lt ,k: einidnen had vemetliing to mt. or sr:Mickey, Ikeel'ela, Benito, Roy and . reeilvd• at 11.W a.m.'', when Irillian "de, end did it oe well. nnen tee '.. Pauline, emelt Chrietraue 11a.e. at the . tientrette. ..F.eurtit dauglitet of Arr. . ;,Chrietinae tree drill given by tli,e C. J.' home of Ale. and Mrs. PareeeTeeert. r acanndle'PrIttekeT,.bidAelloatn, 41)auraugvaaa,rr vue,rbetct, t A. L .. . .• ..• ...,• ,,,,•„,..„.„,...,„ „,r„„.,..„,,,,, ,,,,„ ,,,,,,., „. , itemhyn.of the Eurit,.. -of exr,2_ yiesigark Ali:Teton, of 1111.: end NVS. t coLE . i ti. 1.; fie name, which wee meet of- i t-lizeppardten. - te-earing white vestnrece with silver i morca 13tca, Ijil„ialvanziaa, !left nu sa-t; Janice, Fi,onigau, 4t11 eonepenien • of. opTomsrstsr - - '1 )33131 Irk their: hair Anil leVerSretn, tirclaynfor his home IV' Paimereton, "I'Vet , R1a.F.'cuc3h. 474•10 .,nlarkiago ...• . " .. , .,.. .. ...........ne f., beeves made a vete; •nr,t try. picture htali.seheee tie enjoyed thrleitame with Ids .cAefc'cilv"ncilite;fte.3111..e. tit'fat.trniveadstio)7r, Re. J. -.. . -e- - : • e ' -1 velem it wits fatielied resembled a 1 jaarc•nte. .• , . ------:• --;e, i ;;.7-••-•;;,i'.I. Clatietmaa tree. Miss Hazel Young '.,, mi.. culd_int •tubs.._,Do.,,e`, .....i • egigr4":...aizzliit..:•atitiaa..reNereueueliatetee•-rooft• •40efair.•.• ii‘rtly4rtv.ity .,,,, "•• .tVaar-tbe,...rilestrOarcla..-10.,.?,- tttritat'zilliiFtar -Allah -Reed, Were Christman' tor, ,,the bridal party otanding h.,.;.:...1 A , t . ..,,• : . • neroneeree te- • ' • - -.-"AlliI;Aeltletionald rand Mien tn. Me; 17;13 rt r1:11 prOgrOM ln 1t1301 (1134 MO/ eal. vjojtom enjtji the lateen,. tether,. R. ne,it.h n. ,t, I Kali+ 0 tickler:01r vinitcel with Ili:.2. Ice -forth ;ouch praise for the way t :. L. Reed awl aisa ReeIra Reed.-,. cf t. with ptetra.arnei.1.1941Ptleveva°rni'veenItite;:ntell,111•wilnliziao• ,A. Johnetone necently. . - even carried out. The • Itev. +R. IL c d i ) - a bouquet of these de env ' njr. arAl Mrs. . stall. 'and iramo ,..C.u.rerin,,e. wee the .inetruei.:,o,r anrod aisle , . tali/err. 3i( 33* ItIre. Ihmald' Fowler enter. tar . _a_ _ . ... C ; .01.4 Vste ht., t big. The bt.ide, wee. weie (it- - spent the Widen with nee neeeaen, nctek 4" Santa'Ciallu- 3134 i'4r.' l'Ar3" I tairied (IS Chrietmas guesta• the late tended by her sister, Dittos Dorothl Mr. and Mro. Alien. Wilson. • . . . rie ,11,1rs. Sat tn. Alre Rolend lr.tarling. . 2811. Mew' event eorne, tinys, 31U3 13113 in white' with white hair sand' win. ain,_oeod,.aim.,Ine.nelz,4,,,,o. nua tern; parents, Air. and Men. Glee Ir. .etejoin ver.e.a. eosteloe- of urbite-L84t1r4: [ and chantilly . laee with sequin and . daughter, , ,airni.,Arinotrontli ,..a..064t... long -white whislanee ethtit- a •rent • Jncli Froat. 'Mimi •Elennor Tyndall -gave a Mi00 Edwarde, • . - 1-111Tglt.42.--t-Alibift gat 1113(:11:rIn.. !it:: .rielt last 'woke Iler hueband naive& tiou,ri ,solo.,otra i. nhe vn,,,n_an 4- Mrs. R. it. AVIllie., and.. deugleter • • away recently,. -' - ' 7 - . . , einnearded by' Ireiiinliftli,er,L. M. Melvin' itliear-ii."'eth 'Willis, a. troit arrived • • t'ePe e ' .. '' r tal411601: :7711;1;i!'h.)?liisit;leele11:1141:111.:IiIii:Irz.a:vn;I:!.. ' Mr. urd Mren Thee. .Wileon are !hoiden, oli the • ergot. Vile:. Dor. on- enetIneetlay . to . Way bah 1 spending Gin! holiday witie hive 'tiler •othy Robeetson played for the can. Year's eeason with h fir • son's _Parents and lan111Y- nenr 'Parke tato tad Illten, C. -A, Robertson, for the,- 'cut% Mi..- 014 -Ilars. -11 3.. •• • THE COM:RICH. STAR , 514 (V 1-0 thexii eve eneen'ern fteer 4.nce•ao.reel teen; eenn enn a EL 0. Vrsrtr.)hrrc,.; riOx'eale. drill. ging: credit is due Mr. cum- Alr. and Mrs. Chas. Alton enter!. completed, her eostume end the ear. Mr. and Mtn 31 11131231 Mut ;went mingde foe the way he trained anti tained no Clivistnias ,gueste, Mr. ond tied a bouquet of "seethe 11 rased. ' Chrietinas evith hirs. (linden Parente luallai"ed the cantata+ "Sante Clible." Alm Jomee Alton and Miss Olive The bridesmaid WAS attired in yellow ' and fandlet, Air. and Mrs. delm Gal. r 1.nst hut 110t lehSt Whe the. dietrihh; AlteUr of LneknOWt ?A,11'. and IlIrs. -georgette and' eilic embreatered net higher. d tion of trifle from the toe which the Samuel Alton,. of Belfeet, and Mr. with brilliant trim over satire nor' rind Mrs. \2111. Alton, Of Ripley. 'bat WaSinf ,yellow tett and tulle. She, Mr. and Mien A, Johnstone tend little folks enjoyed to the fail. Then Borotlin teberteon open:. Chrietinas !every member'of tbe inhool big and • L. and Mrs. G. 'M. Melfenzie and :wore yellow hose end tatin shoo and hi Auburn with their ilaughtet, Alre, little WAD given a bag of caney end son, 'Malcolm. motored on Christmas earvieil a bouquet of Singlet rciSea0 Wier, and futile. Aorte who 'were not ineareerS. Itev. Day to Clinton, where they were The flovrer girl,. little Aterjory Mr- Penald '411711 IU iSeotty), e 1 yrr, Mir ilanIlliillas Nana triAtli tiet‘ 1 It 1. am sts with the 'Armor's mothee and rise of Stratford, 2214 C.. the bride. • v 11 . • er , has epent eerne lataltha at the Tech- " fine fat noorrA for his ChrintranS 411n- nihtee, MM. Time. MeV:Miele and Mee woe very charming in yellow anti niChl School in Toronto, spent Christ..After the singhig of the N4.' Eleanor MeXenele. _ i whit': hand enibroiieeed georgette Mt. and Aire. George Paterion aro Ce e n . her the above mentioned and Mr, Ern- - The Mary friend,' . of 'Airs. Percy , Inns with me. nun aim .i,,,. waiter(•. _thane' Anthem tile ben edietiou wail eneyd Finnigan, Frahh nat'rege. over Ince slip with tulle bow at about. ' pronounced by Mr. 01111101n* Al Pentland. 1U t yet '13' 'he Dor. tier and wrist. She . carried a basket . .. visiting with their relatives here and BEN104141.ditt Neney ICI'ff. 'Cove 1.'imigan, Emily 'Ported h7-4da hrOther, Mr. Ilarvey Alogritgo, et .10 P7S, . A chorus "The, Much Afflieted Cluilr„c • and Mrs. W. G. -Begin. on" Christmare Att. mad um., irx. hi. voung ,nnae liniasi 1 irogrebine-en Tthaekinvinfleurn8ziatie rail; stitute. V7ere Inane -for the Christmee eir 3r, a +.* 4 4 , e. t' dente at the 4,'.2.... 2. Collegiate In- 1 $1grilng of, the register, Airs. Donald ed duirell WAR Illarked. by epecial ma- ea Blake Santa's representative Stewart are pleasedlo knone that she ' urn. • r ein c ins ee ise lao „ being neeomtnien ,oftiu on ,ne one a goo c unteea ion. wee present in the person of _Mr., 1S*able 1,0 eit up a zeuat trine vaea TRUES/MY AFTER -CHRISTMAS CLEAR Coats TweQd and Broad44;11, fur ttintinea. -Regialar*2.i4 to F,4s." Clit sale $.18.00 to $32.00 --t77.41.--, • err e -•• Dresses stri4,, and firr Weal material. AL4ny lines Half Prciet, Underwear Standard makes. Heavy, all Pure Wool, unshrinkable. Men's Shirts and Drawers, sizes 36 to 44. Regular $2.2 5 MA 4C1,50. Per garment' $1.9$ SheetingS snXttii betivy, unbIeacbed, best Sheet. ing, .72 inches wido. Reg, 48e per ya.tcl, Swiss Curtains 36'inch wide. full 2% yards long', heavily appliqued designs on Bans. , sels Net. Reg. $5.00. Ntr...,..$0,50 '11.01frik Blankets Large double bed, all •Pe're Wool, Grey Blankets. Reg. rair _$6,25 5 Flannelette Blankets Largest datible bed 12 size about 72 x gre yor white, with blue or pink borders. After-Christatas &Ile Price. Pair $2.00 Gold Seal Congoleorn Rugs on'Sale • 9 g Rugs • High-elass Barryinore Wilton ikuga, 4 ft; 6 ins. 7 ft. 6 ins., *25.00. for • 4 ft. 6 ins, 7 ft. 6 ins., Sx9.00, for 9 f t.x ro ft, 6 ins, $45 oo, for $36:00 6 ft. 9 ins. 9 ft, $32.06 for $2740 9 ft. X /2 it., $49.00, 34 o • Linoleum Rugs 12 -ft, X /2 ttn $20.0o, for $.i6.00 ACHESON v., lip of sweet •pette... The grime -was aup. otter:Mien Evelyn and COM Culbert, **".***••••• • 1 f the1 lid spent Chrietnine At 1)4 'Weir's,. An, Reniniller Unite; Carilreh Chriirt. AfeClate and 31011 'Otilhot. all Stu- Finnigan, of. Detroit. During the Tim ,,chtittina sernj u rewler ea very sweett Prom.. ' tho holiday in .Toriento witli their f° Wrenn( en ; • vt. r , the er--,t,„. bir 'Al•ss t .•F I lir and' ItIts J For tiso ' GC (If • Il' 1 ' 1 b ih17- • daughter. Isebel, hilve gone to spaid o. ni.jjer nrin e so vaeatien, great has been inro prevalence of the L. J. Igitin4 a rived on Thureday etr e Ye • ,.. o - , • 3•• • o iee a , to, a weye, enigs to lownir the- ceremony dinner - leas /Munn spent Christmas 1)an' `wine the -Christmas ooricert huge basket • • daughtere, Mre. waltz: Ntkal t onhl tl t attendance zit school:hale' '°'"11114 tr") Tgb°131113'f$t to ,spend 'the screed ot the:hen:re of the brides.par. ertre. steWart, Niringliam, • erlueeious Ore -lanes ,for the noses .. Yeung. o th The terrific blizzard -which noirod beeri !seriously interfered tt,:th.„ oven, filITILIoirt'a season- With re. five; at tree t Th • it r• maid the teachers beim; confined to bad flit 4141117TicnnteInnedaVIrs.13'Wilftirellg. le?,nevliSePtinotIrd- 'htaYal% ginlromoindlaanted lifaatievvevserQyt 'Till! Mrs. trer; p‘anieron, of UnelPh. cane girls. Of couree 'Saute hieure,lf ar. tonste friensig hel present The en ta sPena Chrietinas pay enth he, rived in time to diateibuto the gifts again, voretes the -wercome, ep. tu Three enee 'found their limy bao evoto rarsiets to into travel/era. eevend duns. lt locket'. a., alLa , been, 21 11014., lie'e pavanes nr, elryth nex jh Whir eiSter,. Airs. J. Wnshington. litdiaround Carlow, but 'hapidlY would limo to PASS br vonnlmer =Is ?.durhIg the past fortnight. Veal' bet no water eirnat benneneawe Miss Eve Rilloogin of Toronto, and white with streamers extending Mrs. 1. treughan tide weer. dth room evae , nee. - s from ceiling. to the centre of the UV+ ta Epend month with bee daughter. th utrit Neer b3Ari:slit: nye 0:sr:tyrio4T.1:414:4,,:yra_4,;me,tutsir7ti,k.,,,,,..,.., rpor ri ty enenossing to 01:r V.(14' rescued without emy 803014 teeld net 11‘titlIOUt ChrihtnItter. we .14 hae be enjoying a fortnight's tble, 1Atere the 44;ide's 'Cake" whidh MrS• C. W. 3'4 111)111131., of Goderieb tP. • llhji/i Sterling spent Christe oW, *rear .2"eAr be a tIolo 1,boomilesa need it sok The. real, eeirit'of unlit/4v a *be none; of her parolee., Mr. end Men ,Ioseph Rilhentlin of lef-theevalten 'wive was topped 'with a bouquet of lilies. 41):;30.F, 113741:11biliii;re"au're hvirri.th in4s was obown, by the neighbors and arrivecl tneroo nvas a very delightful aoncert -wifi leave text' week for` ' bells ond bouquets of vrirtt'fteedi'andWitii% WIr" Sil'clier 11131nP .the Wea pn Christmas Eve- taspend en. Serrf .. .. , ,.,.., none are serliMs17 111. ." these Who After • all, bliss Crahairt, of No. 4-1 e11e31d3e, 5.311' 1' she win catev tile earnotions named:dell the decorations. h i'Ver menthe with hie. sisterS, Mrs. .111143it.tuth Shriiv, -of Torotto, Ntr a s • Young's ful11117, itirs. Gordon Mee groan of drills and dialoguen. The fain - • . .. e ge.ta embroidered an AtIVer Otre:C 4 • ' OWiOF to tli ellIdelnie.of fin in the • ' At Fulford, on Goderich, spent $ r , Silii1 th' A t Stitie,- ..hale it at present are Mt- (32131114)21 SC11001 presented ii well prepared pro- ''(214.111 hospital, its. a nurse:tin-train* Theebeidete mailer. Ware black .geor- i• J. C. Clarke and Mrs. Wm. Dodds. 1102310 or ,Christioas. 00a -to Theet' tho solo part .being Chriettime vielter with bor.. parents, satin with +amble' tritreand..self tuck- !cicc car ea old :ter quite a nundent of Chris;.- Christams in Leeburn. ... , ertsan and Miss Christine and Mang, erosive lablenu entitled °Nearer Mt cnv. who bed been A tvetat`.01`fd end tired in nevy4.tirlaine:s glbenotrigeleltrso:e1;1"'In4). ' ri were broker., as several Arr. Ed. Shaw .bas'reeovered so far - . - - -e0" • _ - 'In 13viii'rot.t, 1-er- 41 s' • le' , 'Mee, ash tam y, Mrs. %.,. A. ob.' oldel gli s ° oo p i , . ' . Miss Amber TtleZorisier ef flteathe, in, while the . , The visitore ' set the Maedels on toon hy nejsii GrAliam. Alias relive 1W1.• and Mte' R• Ar. Alelteneie. return, big. After dinner Mr. an: e'rs. VIM- " w ho had planned otlierwise ewere Ice, to be tip and, areundiagam, ...........-........ Christmas Pair were: • A/4 Mel M --- --vs* MI ' `t1 riot the fah° A. Christ. 1 ed to reenme her •duties as etenoera. eigett . left via' C. 4\1...lto daderieli, I ied.to stay quietly in bed., • -. Xise Lillian Lautenelayeie. a. Tor- Mr. and Mrs. RoirLiektater ancl tsine .he. -iins been homo la eigateen narrow: Tile cost Include++ .e.e. een I 1,etteet with relatives at Nit.ingliam. • • "Toronto lend • Stretford, •the- bride•e.1 eette-C,`,e1 the illitils‘tal' cir thelY..u.lielgt.11A.'" 'family' were' ift Godericit for Ohelatee ' Mrs; Paul Model and this IS the fira er‘v4191 41"n 4' t le '•341kulg'..illerese°P.iir ° i friecil.'of Detroit,' She e•o 4 e Sunday, te rietepit, Bufehla,..,../klingaVa Pall% i• ,yres,re,..or dnee bti left lierer my, Ana and Ruth Tyndall, 1)orothy "Wilton% } ,Mise Ethel num. Anil. Beneon Nee travelling testume being a dress of i late clr• •T• car% are vItIting wtut enure. r Mts. Iferintin Maedol, or Waterford Myrtle . ;Intl *Beth Cantwell,' Eleanor , were up from Toronto far the ‘Chttee. Queeri blue chiffon. Velvet with. fagot ,,• relatives here over the holidays. • 'Mr. and. Mtn. deorne Thurber,- tete • and three tbildren; and Miss Annie end teabel Tyndalr, Irene Stoll, Ruhr ' ntoe season v1' '1 •they epent with trim, eetit Cif black bitten's ear one- , The .'noticert .given Py Alibur. •Ohlistulftti, dinner. with 'friends in • Millers, of Cnelph, who came up front, Ellington, Winnie Marieb, DevotbY +heir Poterte. 'Or. T. 1.1, and ittre.' . dine with sable trinnningrnaled a rae:i echool .last Thursday evening was h ThlY1101(1., ' ' • ' , " : c, • Guelph to snend Christmas Iti., lier pld and Christina 'Robertson. -Eutdce Case. Dr• ChS'IS lear,V•, f1'1,eildg I'vettla tallio hat in .1elaelt and silver,. Vir reflecting tree% oh both ''' Father ,Chishoini, of...Satuire, spent borne, atm Mr. and Mrs. time. 17otliig young.• Margaret • lilitehell, Iliteet he l'Ices°4 t°. ketn's ef hib' "N/17 r• 811Qt14 It°Se linti" r''Ct."1° ZG match' an ith r teeood ore% t ache aud pupile. 'file hall -wee Wednesday •witli his' Parents, Air. and . . • of Goderieh, Yolane' Jean Glen, Vesta ii"sher Miss wiare valet,' recovery than he 1$ darir. their return they .Will reside on the' • Stilltles Rill United Church Chria. 4,`02.,1,....rrinuto'n, ricAtiod Mrs, Burnt` Sllaelfitari, • of 'As- .greOm's fine feral oast. et Dungan. ''w,11 tilled ;Ind evell.°ne Ic*.1°Yeci tiw '1111';i44*iehtind CMhti.ss1:°.01111; :15V1 ininill we' r.e' . regret% . &AG Sandy is a son ot biz. kind Ili" entita a " e t titl a "a t Piler th4t taWat naria4 11"‘Sta•V' I 'C('01)'23711 14 bv, hen natente end .-wishes for a. futrught!s. honeymoon xiMoiSs, Flora and 'Mr. 'W. nehl, Vent the .11011447s at her honAe .11, of Toronto, who came up to "'"'"' • Sandy Aliiede and son, of ristler, audit showers of eftrifetti -and wapiti • Hill pleat e p . Inas Pregram.....A very pleeeing and mail '`F, quitle Seek., 'who has been visiting nou. The bride 'wag the recipient of p nte wok+ Mr+ and Ake, her .orents,regin nun etre T. 0, Ai. numy beautiful gift% among teem ..Mes. A. Mooning and ehildtten, of est/I! reengUesee-ents Aanna Mrs. -4,rehle * ful• ACI rt was ;Iv 13 1 tritutial,ehotuo 'row lie -it I rave ere visiting 'relatives Ti.eSSInge Cleaning an op nnoerheard ad.. tinguinheoi man mho eta .notkeep hinnlotho (041 pressed, TR..v• Volt. A ,•11tOMENT , 01.ct For Expert Service ill' 4 • , • • 1511CCeSh 1.1 8 Ma8 Dog a Warner Walter, R.• 11. Curneine, len. returned recently fro -a pleas- • ng 4. e g Presented at .Sinitlis Ant 'tended, church last ThurtelareWning.71ha •following young ebildreet took part in recitations. dialOgues 4101 611104 Rethleen Tyndall, Patty Agnew, Mar - brie Strachan. Thelma. ll'egire, ooYo- Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas, Chisbolm, daugh. - - ant visit with lier sister, Mrs. S. M. parents. • The groom's, gift • to the iValkerbiti,:m Mr. Manning, who DONIkTitit,00X • Wieltene,..of Toronto and also with bride Itaa -COMPlet0 ebe8t of ter .100.3Pb-inn And on. William were Stratford visitors Pa Sunday. tmu. owns the- elltiping at.Delgrave, relatives of her husbje.nd at Parolee. munity silirerk to. the organist, it reeently installed a neve`cruile oil en. . H it" Mr. Warten taInford, of the Stra- She will leave on her return to her gold bar pit* with pearl tmd amethyst • _, , Anse Flora Horton, o °rialto, ford Normal, he ittane for the boll- home in the 'W•eet within a shore eating, to, the tolond silver pepper gime Mee now ]i 1-. lint C111e$ corp. .was.; the iguest at the home of her went. r pelotas, M4 and Mrs.' Aloe Horton. throe and salt shakers, th the brldeemaid, lie Watson, little Cantwell. Poeothy Otn" teacher, Miss L. Johnston, is °A concert Was held in the mellow at green gold ring with 4.1114th:1/St set. bliss Pierce, 'who Ines teen serlouee Mr. and Airs. Will Mann= and ting, to the best man white gold cuff ly ill, at last report we's improving Dimity, of Auburn, were With Air. Wateon Lillie Cantwell Doeothy I at her home in Goderich for the 11101gatinon on Thursday efternoon, • links end to the flower girl a gold i 1 0 Oh 'stouts Day Air • "--"---"-" Watson, Myrtle Cantwell, Mary Christulas vaeation. t elosing of mho* when the par- II co n r 4, rn° ralg, of taloinent AV ieh was presented by the • Imotist . tored out from Gielevich end spent a Cantwell. 'Mane recut to bear the entet. - ring t.Vithertih7 ettbiee E:e C. M. and Howard Robertion, mo- lts/14nm Edgar Jim aittroo ti A hi etits were . — the G. C. L. coo spending the Atoll. ehildren of the echooL The program e • ,RePalfiNt TRY , . nen dedch ' • en -74n' frehell.pft aellthe - votoomm4 1Phorte 122 ••• ' Weat'Streat !few hours with their aunts, 'gigs Th dtgl'a a their homes"here., consisted a C1101080%, readings, dia. 1814 George Ilowatt nee been int • . r. g You I,f3wls Murphy, of Golden lognes 111`11 nunell Organ selections, the-slek list the past week. A el S DI f ranii‘itipp,• the Pregram tonne of P . . A•hrgo nova of Semple Cove and friends in this neighborhood lent 'cut* th 1 di ti tl gu st a her da quat e Poe Vphobiteting, Repairing e N?txtri Sunday, Dec. 30th, the last min no. 1,10Y+ Penn Sound, visited relatives to u" nnte Mrs. flunking at present ie. th missionar ro .aro of the., ioye y t . 11. em n reeent e ughter, Mrs. Wileon. year wili.he given at an oiren teselon, is hing d anis partroaa week. P. A. ZINIMEHMAN Mr. end iirs. Thee. ' 'Walker . and aftet• which the gifts fvont the well- eing relatives in this locality ie23 preee when the attendance certifiCates will 441.4.00,6 li34•41.0 " Mrs. Peed Thompson, n ,, L. O. L. '4U,. i, Dungannon, held , . i e . Ciwistenas visiting f4niliinai the vil. awarded - f 11 w' osillt vpiTit nee inerestsipg Gorrie, arid the Misses Margaret and ,neen /Intro Alton; thi. See.. 'Wilfred her Wilily, spent Menden visiting ed a real treat. tie 18 en CnCelltiert". 1 - 1 a the Season -:# 1101141017h. 'bin. IleV. GT. A. 1V•iker,.18. A.; mar. 12dr and Mtn MeIntere On ininean. as well as the wItty. ne mai•01,6 . 4ir. Clarence Cluunney, of Detroit, chair Meleilla Vulhertt urst lee.. Are ' • • - ' ' giv xi by litre A lt rtiee wet* al o ure thur Culbeet; 2nil bit., W. A. Greer; non. sPent Christmas with ethe . pate . c - • • ' 8 Men. Rtiblit. Fergueon• fIrd com. Miss Elsie Lawlor rind liet"sIster, ,Abe Culbert, 2nd emir. ,etits of the latter here: brnyueli enjoyed. while the solo numbere Misses Margaret Fergnson and and Miss Lula. of Toronto, spending the holidays at the kiiine of 1 lmt "11' In"' Chitnmene ,:::. coo. oath Miss Lottie iLawtor of London, spent Dorothy Craig give printing! of' what their parents, 114 and Alm Josopli i num Thus; coined; -4th' Erringtont 5thr coat. nuni, Haw. .ohristniss 'with their parents bete. ' we nifty expect of them when their e DUNGAN:. ON present for the tevning And a pleae. Mr. Ru; eel Ring ha e reeevered playlet by menibers of the Sundae Yolf.e.s are funs? 'develinted. The • .... ' tdd Tigett. The County Master was Stratford for Christnlas. • over° served before the dome a the attend ..a the mail carrying thls 1 n -...-'.......reeene'e•---4 were celled' ution for brief soeeelie4. Mrs. Tyedal. of Windeor, la visit- of •the Stenday eehool ut 2.30 a.m., mas Pay with. the former's sister, el to the ehildynn. len..• n • be given te those wbo merit thent family. f- Wlngllm, Spent Cinieth laden rhrietnth3 tree Word dieteiblith Ilibleart, of Coderieb, neon; Mornay eettificates • • • Woodstock; Air. Sam Jefferson* tif tn„ 13111151111 V111144414 ree.1 Mre: WM• Meddo Of Goderifie. arid in. the hall last Friday evening. i• V 111 A lielelt*i a • r I These Who heard-Adr. Waltee Craw'. Tile Cornplirrieng.A You mires Gtoldyn Jefferson. it: mi of its tumnat electioa of ofticere, with the attlie-41lion :roar „ , bp% of Colborne, are borne for the , Demean; treas., ,T„ Tonna; chant. friende in' the village. tit reader that tan give the serious Sensoren enneifiene oire oer. tooled enr • smtlreft 41fitirreadthip A Happy New Year iirgy It i.,iN,Ir :ON. rl ,fie.* slakrour ve!f "roloy, .• teaching -etailt l'A in Christmas guest The. following shoWs the stendieg Mien Elite /1/eir and her annt. :Mee • . ., • • , et e, are confined to the house at Lpl%eniidt4getta jIiialte;s: :ft rent.31:0frini: ' . .„.......J5--:,, 'under the putental roof. 1J, of the pupils in the senior mom 4 pi e . Mr. John liattY WAS a , g '' bl• • h I based on • present tuffering from art attack of • *mil Fos 11. macificar _ , 8 OA Ok. 0 .,, . t . .. r ,., 1 _ I Itenry Mattliewe. Artie. _ . vi i . t the It me of ,31 n Mel . Mrs. ' Chtiltina* test examiniitione for the term Sole: , ?! let •to Dee. 2 Intl • Ther,aturebers Mei-. the fit'. ... . .. i hetMe.re Pit' rd . f, Ire I 'Air+ and 1Slts• J. R. Otttagc ond!egavninatione held. Those marked " I M . Mu and Mrs. Edgar Lawson vieit-1,,,gue-e$t:of- heeltattidg,h°tetrot:temictrt..".,wrihbomfan - node the average pereentage of all er re,. Staler, the • mother of the i 4. ti th. . , k Vilogstror SI' wet :1 Stinee. terve guests on ftheistmee . •,i eon Friink, 'with Mr. And Mrs. Leroi i; were absent for one or more Oxitra : till:it:1TV !.t'eti:fettfaitil tittx f011116,- part of j ` nttet",t11%; ItIvi cite. ;eaves this week I e.h. 8,..-lielen Anderson, 67; Wiltred' i . On MoAdoo,. nere. Gonn.liabliiton 1.i for Winnineg. where elm will spend. ,,zni Pentland. 63; Amy 'Young, 62, Si. ' MeWhinney. 611; Marjorie .Melloriald., went to Siotefield to 'spend Chriet.iituhLwfianutetirlyw!th.wheerv;i7h' Phie'.1.1%itintle,i V.,--Wiltna Treleaven, 71; Marjerte e . • e .. '.; Orr: Claire Pentland. at: Mina Reed, nuts with ter mother, Mrs. Witeon. ore embaricing on anotntr . . - , b9;, *Coil% Roby. Ad; Mildred Ander. :end ether eeinfienn thee& ; '! journey there and home tAairs. I1fl. A3; °Harvey Mole, 49. Sr."1 IT. our public school, Ire. eloed umi i,J Mr; Finlay Shackleton. of Mr. , of business . we would . . . .4n; t'arraaa HAinee4 64; Thrtld Nlv. If e* Wide are se 1 Whitechurehi ne Agnee Young, 69,5; Alto* Nivine., 1 ouir teacirork. s„ Moirespendtterlmetim ni mania. Mies Alive Shackleton, of i an our many nen s •. ins. 43. Thornton Etdy At; trertiude 1, in their rsepeetive bowleg. . rA ' Martine' h: Mi* ttrare Rieke, 'of nemei Johnston.- of r. Rosss inciplit 1 is 1446.41. ReiniseellhisThoaimpsc4ristinao: Theoicidonatrio.LWriociikni:ohanytn:$4:tarvolistiotr,148e.°1rUmv fICOlciPathte" +Finnigan. P; *Bert Whyard, 41. splendid patronage , 1 - tiiip, past twelve .months. , - -,It. s. S. No, 11. Aalifield (Dungan. 1 - "---• -I% tioll"'.,1"'7i ,The Blake Chtiolmao coneett Irti•r , Ilw. mensal ratepayers' meeting of '' with ia, ...„...,. I/ i )riort) was held at thP *drool bowie oft J. Thenli.".• i" *I. ir • `. '4' • ;elay evening woe's iruceessful in every, iWeduredal. Dec. Mb. at 1.30 paw, !• Me. 3011M Afieher11. of hiraclklin.'i way. The tlrot hour's protiMm wait . with a ton44 attendance. Mr. J. P. :took.. passed throw% tlOr othtIt• Not Isiven by the children motor the leod- 'i Campbell occupied the chair, while i lionday en has way in fellow frionde, ..roip of xis, pave Anderson, On , Wm, ltobt, Devideau acted as wile in. qt. Arguatime. It Id twee:poor ; le te ber coaltretulated on iiiii Inorelifka. i itarx of thy' r000lint' Mk "at."' omen, *Mee 114r. Andrew% West wrot,.iriti,, included theruma, drill., mono. report was gimm„by 14r. Arthur Cul. -,- . r, i beer Tito oodtlore rt woo rood !Prom, another correepondentt ''.Sowl„." *wort Purr 'A dlisttosse iloyetbe meretaryr atri a the re- wag ilmore tion'en ki ii, simoorth.;jrentatlen "-Iwo Math Crow*. wan , ceitiVer the year to bkas4111.111, jot vw a basso of si firm" opremeas the awimmee hel.....y. ticiipatikk A simwt play. Nimbi" ,,,,,L, ;' ithiPn by Tom Anderson and Itieb. lift Allt eitamhAttures Avers - MO Alma Nutch la spending tiu hi,,,,.,, nn(str,,,,, itat.avide.... ,,,,„ siy. rat mos. leteitta • WOW* el it handl?' muss with her Pa_ rents• Ili • 1 Itv the ode ha. Thew, wog* *stoat s." - lit the treasury. ilr. D. R. sir- and Ms j, mod, 1 hy /down T. Slake, Gee. Twainlity ma sieved the weal contettet Re OA. G. TheMpaea et Toronto, ix 1 aad Henry Illertua. a duet by Dartro7 we, t hip npt ION Unites eaderat.141.110.1i atil/r. Mr. Rad Km H. l AroSersork sad Pelmet 1[11patrick an4 \ $4.411 pot card. lir. 1). 11. . ma.. windy 221.0021 312,4 up, riont tlitt thue was enjoyed. Refreshment; ftom his teeeitt illness and is able to 2eneej was well lute& MIMA Jahr S. tethers, of.tht, Toronitelnleciing. week. • " IVIAFEKING • Hamilton St Goderich and Much Happi- ness in 1929 1 fro' 29 Star* Plena UfirSHINC Every- body 44 liaPPY an4 Ptnspar. Niui Year. •- Don't forgo when you want anything in New Furniture We are. the People - HAROLD BLACKSTONES FURNITURE EXCHANGE Ott the prentamit &Ia ol ,1 iron Ory FOR FLIVIEWS CASTORIA 11 Thank You! It is our sincere wish thatour many friends and customers swill enjoy the best of Ow at this season, and a full measure of health and happiness and prosperity during the coming year. GEO. IPA sacVilibek Boots and Shoes NORTH WE OF SQUARE — • . 33