HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-27, Page 9THURSDAY, DEC. 27th, lida
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Illliee- VpMill•!' ti.,
eiteveimairsetsampaas asa IP a s • * . • • es so,. a a a ithilailiatata th .
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8unday 4DUttift fternoon 1 LOVERS' CORNER
Age - •Tt": l'."1"%1 k.41%;F:‘,% t.,Rr„,
1 xt.t...v,,,, .--vNii•44-i:;,,,..:.i:, p,33 tr. ..,...• P 'coll).1-:•:: 4 : ,
Ily ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderich, ed. At'
All I.
- -
11111•Ihrinamianwe•a•Neatiliaaiiialti-aasitiaaas4gaso•w-sexaw41101100/14..;. "A Good Book is the Best Companion"
414- done llen.by)
• was teetel.??Ieetet tee ten"; tee tentieneei F,.
t ,
. --- Relent -a. ea the taniee of leaat; tie :
'Speak a Audio mere kindly -.thin idol, but they eeed the weal t•I i;i • '
Pray a little atelier ; , (1.11nv''crict,'-'.,4:3,,l,ti' fi...,ilare suclusanlhom.%.1;t .1,t moRre:telifirtoitInfivie .. libria!di 4,,,,,ileztlt;;;,t..t:ehicia., iltri:te.7, evt!lio5....iti:hati%greedatrhee joieke)ruhrsewftzoietildailntis,ii .N.R,ta4z,angareatz.1,77.in, erx•bil• -iteSi(t,ztixctraiiii)ati,i,3
. Then the year before :
Low; a little more ; • Thera is., -,a eheyeauta anot scare oi-,!a' t yt yeae and 1. le.enalovere beehives -a !! r. oiiiik of Mat only as a hero ef • tile entine naileY ef the Pen L'alsvv..:.:e, '
- To the IMber's /oven ;' time OA, end at the eanie I nee be, 1 glanees ravet benee te ',ale ared einiel r3 1L ,!2tiet 14;ecat4 14 iiil1fil.te tfaa!r1;(:,,,;,i. it no EZ--'atk4r 0130:.•twhiliscL;En Itella.n,d(A)pvavz,y,sau.,-.,3z.s3
Cling a little cloFer
Life below shall liker grow supremely engaged in obtaining tile ,•gclemn. °
To tie, life e-areeve. elehen of this worth One intra in- ' Cereda is tannee nee einee, reel 1-• blen Inen te anneeplieh an el:la:leas e"'IST L'cae un to IC•ia• Ne vele; :-(7''' '
.... Selected. terfcxe with tile othee, • I ""
, taking it-gate...die' for 93, Y -7 -lair. -7. a E',:o 1, teek had 3' 'i foemea on many bat. ' 4st's melt wan nen(ie te eatee eun
„ PRAYERin ''"/''''t i'''llGI'wea `Tc'f'us i'llrQe lion, Cis a lank reading nttnlieerwit-etteileIns, ; To Wolfe his. preeeeetna , thio eldigotion, rntlietran tem teem-
' eallen unen them to tale, ne I
p Lord our God we would begin the thought."' II0 thus waraed ate tilera ,Lneee the puiribee eald <evoke:ea „f i aneana came &Tn. Ho came nt (10 PalaY contain:eel to onion lee monepely ,
the publishing ilerao in •kren lar.!;e col- ,.. military family with legit tieelni.ta-3 'until 1063. Tile Veinnann Fent teat '
War with Thee for Thou alone dost plea against avariee, an(' undue aanie.
know What it- holde for each one of ty abaut the supply a their wantstiee. i to follow ana bee a eke:ern:Seen can. [Mr vcseZa in 1G,ZS with pratislotr?,
us. .iielP us to desire above all Or lte did this by four•argoznems. Th', A high standard has been' est eti). I bitieU3 rnOthels-9 tletClISILCii Ilz1:ilat rtuorteititoincestanud.asis feealt'Euez,t(tdier4buntat,Azici
ThY &ban' benedletion. We n.sli: it at first ne` statedaein ' vee '25. "ise' is being nutintned net only, in tie: , sbe kept 'Wolfe feein niarrying
Amen. body than raiment'?" They
not the life more than meat, and the Imaterial in the book itself, but, in its ! firse loee-eas untimely death. faun, Kirke. The Company, also tote the
iexpence of seized the Jesuit misQien
the name . of Thy non, ow aaviour.
altsuld font Beautiful • examples of the ; tttit;:d "his atarria& With Katherine '
4 stations: but it man got into linen- - ,
• S. S. LESSON FOR JAN. 6ta, 1929 not be unnuly annioue for God yould ibookbiedere' „weeneeeeen given to : Lowthea
us during the past year end many ef : • W wan a second lieuteueut id four. 'ei'al tiiilleultiot and la 'aQ CIA was I t.c.,11('Y' Kg*" ik-43" ler'n' ei PhYst"/1!
not reluetant to eurrender its ehatter i '--'
ne We need exercise met elan all t
supply their wants. He has given
lee s atm Topica -Our Heavenly
Faber. . life a far greater blessing than raeat; •
lie has created the body, on far mom 4 thorn tat Canadian -a Canadien auth.' teen and fought against. Oviiiso.: ' the King. • , , ithreugh the year.
equenee an ra men . ,, ta no 1 e
or Canadzan publiehee, printed in irtince Charlie at Falkirk and Cullo.
Lesson Passege-Matt. -6:24-31. I
+ eons th i t eti 11 t , Living and working in ovenheated
; Gulden Text.--Psa• 103;13.1 ' he who ban conferred the nreitter ICannda on Canadian paper and de. den. At twenty-twe he was in come CANADA'S TOBACCO CROP freinna_are4cspaniautnne_beiievet for ;
en tins lesson christ illustraeathe lelessinge be -willing englventhe less? :coveted er illuetented 'be' ne Calindiun irglill of a regiments mut wan' al)" ' Q. -What in Canada's tobacco nnieh ef the imams° tit eolds, pneu.
artist. Another cause for rejounna pointed quartermaster -general for trap? setenia •and broncbitie in tee wintcr..
is that Canadian authors can now . Ireland; rit the age of thirty. A.-Cenada him harvested , thie The besttoripmature to maintale in
write .,about Canadian subjects and ' Pitt, with his flair for getting the year the largest crop eif tobacco evei the honte and the cave ie US &Exec:,
find a Canadian public. Not meint !'best man fox. the job, saw in Wolfe grown in th.o Dominion, and it la of !Fahrenheit. We tvonid ' l'ecolumend .
years agteeither the material or mar- 'the determination and oarage far unifoninlY good quality. It Is eati-lleeeping a thermometer were it may
ket, or in many eases both, had to be command of ;the forees in Canada. matedat 43,01.0.,000. pounds compared be e5%11Y 02.01, in order to- manned. •
human nature, - - - - ; fowls of heaven, and Jesus .maid to outSide our OAP' oun ales. n.S1O13t QUCb'% 11ie k&)eint�. NOW 1Aflee., with e8,834,000 produced in 1929, an a (lie& upon the temperature. .
h k • Al
Mammon is a, Syriac word, o, name hia disciples that they were of more lof our Canadian literature in a very must e ta tn, aun' natnrellY me'. inereese of Ga.4 per cent. Since 11.121 4 ft people would eeerciee in tile win.
given to an idol worshipped as the consequence than the birds that "olieti ' bealthni'product. Most of our autla ; approved of the choice •of so yeung a thetv has been a reraarkable thereat, ter, nye .ane wol k. in ventilated
: god of riches. It is not known tot wide their mouths and seek their ors are deeply steeped in the Mere- general, and complained. to King, in the area under tobaceo in Canad5.. room of proper. tenmerattne,
the Jews ever formally worshipped meat at his braid." • ture of England,. are Impregnated Geerge'n, "Wolfe; is Trit44 'But the - In fact, the area la tiow four timer, these according it: • the :.emperateire, '
, -- . ' ee •-e e--tr . The third argument 2.5 talten from . . .
. • I• NVall your .
• with its Ingh standaids• of aerie, dm- a eng a sut,en te. head sagely. what It was eix yeatn ago, baying more of thin 'Would eseape thus
e ual
•their helpleseneseit !
tent and truth, and wlille there is no 'Mad- is he? 1 winh to God ho 'been 11,80n neres in 1021 and 44,02R co/ds, Nronchitis and ptuninontit tlew
' -----------1 tare you cannot increase /our a single eubit. God has ordstaered ture I
•eeritile imitation one is grateful far would bite some of my generals I" ttereti in 1927, There are two mnin pi:0y upon us in winter.
De -Forest Crossley
Her the Two Fano Octaves this set Ots you first
Se%ekol Good Used Sets at attrak thepik
Goodyear rubber tire Chains to ht your car
Service Station
Cor. Victoria St. and Men Ave.
necessity of laying up tre.asurea m Shall not the, who has. conferred so
heaven -from a well known fact that great a favor as to gxve no life, aleo
a servant cannot serve cetro masters impart the mailer gift of mane to
. at the same time. His affeetions and support it ?
obedience would be divided, and he The second argument for canil-
would fail altogether in bis, duty to deuce in the providence of God is tak.
one or the other. This i the laiv of en frau) entheautifid reference to the
Phone 259-w
- • • - -
denated by Me. D. 011elera-Fitri
-Slte-Ie• it tiang'erous .to drive witte
OW band?
Ire -You Let. Mara than one fele
love neaFertm•inta a esberele deing; it; ; • - •
HEART PAINED HER care of the 'human body with all its
•COULD INOTISLEEP attendant need?
your heightc-wby then distrust his
that miluenee. English tune Cana- At, Lomsbourg. 'Ulf° despIay.ed centres of tobacco production in (.':n
(ft toolts do recognize the ftpda- many of the qualtica that`taadq IP:01 S.
one of 'evbich is loeated in "the
mentals, no ;matter 'hew 'modern the the great general lie %VIM, and^Lotuse, St. Lawrenee River Valley; aear
Many a tionam 'Who ehoula be sttong t The last argument is taken from
the lilies of the valley. With a '- • n
surface underneath there is a firm burg fell. "'"Te Pitt the place was Montreal and the other in Southwese
foundation, wInie many 0 the Am. little more than a tbreat to the come tern Ont 1111)
" anti healthy, full of life and energy is beauty Which the most splendid mon- erican novels seem to 'aini to destroy inumeations ef a foree whop- mid district, in the Okanettan littheY of
There is ala° a 131 ill -none as to diagnosis end treeatmene
hound by the shackles of ilthealth. v'll t b 1 e I '
Some disentm or constitutional dis., ' areh of the East never kinety, the 1-il•Y all foundations or "elee to build on goal was Quebee. It was to (moaner, British Columbia. 1 Ill nut I' III tINV V" '
expanas its blossom ana DOS tne air .
turban -co has left its mark la the AMR Canada, i' to reduce an illefortified
with fragrance and meets the ere tl . ....-......,..• ...............,
of a weak heart, shattered nerves im-
poverished' blood and. an exhaustedeon-
elltion. a the whole system.
enlmee troubled ia this way will find
In .
clue-stion% concerning 'tie:tithe. atte' •
.dressed ta.the Canadian en:knead its.- ±
sociation, 184, College etreet, t1ointa
to, will bo. eneweeed b I'tei Qnes.
with pnrfeet 'loveliness. Yet this ,The resolution follows elosely on town- of 4.000 inhabitants that a fleet A REALLY CONVENIENT
rare heautn for such a short iife "gni -oins•giire net .010 our ctuthers thEqc never forgot, but it seems sometimes - teal connollent serSelie7i?niaLtRofY- ;
between Here andTkere
beauty rs of sheet duratioa. Soon it the retlectiens-that Canadhins shall of 180 eail and an army of 13,000 men SERVICE Ty AND FROet
,,, buy Canadian and British. books and had been g•ot together. This 'Wolfe
will fade but God Who elorlied it teitet
he be -unmindful of his children ? I
. 1 • 1 1 d of ur -
iust due, but themselves the best 224 to have slipped the memory of Anal feed to those travelling' (134)
13 all.ci'rati%1)11(al I SA1;14).1117
Most vital tha 1,s being written in berst. via the Cams- The Mures: dee for areln bent -
Father in Heaven, should not ne un-
duly 1113 1013. as the Gentiles are, the Englieh tongue..
• The siege and taking of Quebec' A Standard sleeping car is oporat- tsntLIITnt'rettIllt)ttrr sellirsObnic)%rivtarte:ariettaT-
, They, being unacquaintea with, tne
'est front the vivid Lind detailed at- 1.11
a familiar story but it gains in linen -
true doetrinee of renew., make iti A most exceilent ,book, with yellich
count given. We more fully realize • 9.00 pan. and leaving ludintry south..
northbound at toerrieel,id %Tone, tiztiv
their chief imxiety, to c.. 10013 aud to start 3: 12. year% reading is "Jame
should be first in your aftections, and
(ighteolm The kingdom; or Ood w mA., K. f .,3 . fezz hettltlf, the jealousy of his officers, 1 occulded at Sildbure in the 'Morning ; 1,e,nn eop, 'ea left, 0, total hatoling
Wolfe Man end Soldier," by NV. T. WOlfe's ditliculties-4tis frightful! bound at 10,55 p.m. This ear may.bo brIelt?,),.14:r.r:tIvr•t•IetrtIrretel:re:2e4ti 11::Irtai.ohntnidV
aUg 111gs , pio or the, eagerly
raitteat You should seea. arst to be
7.30 a.m. while southbound the er ^oe ono tit y
thee you history at McGill ttniversiine Men- nought, the hard-won until
partied atnSudbure fron. _
Will have the assurence that of
• th f I th t 1 el but t the sie410e
o or ae, te a or cute t •
enbausted nervea, that will etrengthen , Take therefore no thought for the Carrier Co., Montreal, and is a beau- grave-
. a remedy tbat vigil supply food. for the ,,
all our needs -will be" supplied. treat: This is published -by the Louis Pa g Y
P-O:t• and arrives Toronto 7.40 The anerat ennirtete all -settee tit
the weak heat and invigorate the root fires tvith their eninee
a.m. .
morrow; for the ;morrow shall take tiful book to. possess, Many of the Biographies have been made so This service has been found to .s,
whole syston, thought for the .thiree Oen itself." illustrations have never before been readable and fascinating id the past peal vett strongly to ti•avellers
P- screen% marring seer& effects -inn
Miss Floreace Clark, e90 SMith•Ste We a e,i4t#041epend fo dailY vanished in any form, and the froe- few years thet knowledge ean be abe tween these Ova cities, -nravitling regain tteeeeed lap pre, I'M 14111'1g,
11'11114111: elco-neq.-. of the air 111 11114,
comukori 240 ponce -no&
wmat.vnumpt.qmou.v AND
Tlit,1404.4C)113.Y 4LICAtille 4-11111K
M swaarna evnart
The West Street
Electrical Shop
We carry" a good stock of
Electrical Appliances
FixfurOS) etCe
••Wo SPecia4ze in
WOing..orAll Kinds-
Esthrtzt tl given p.n.
application .
e- All Work Guarontoed,'
Frank McArthur
.Phono 82 4 West Street X
operator, and .opme months 00-.4.4) . portrait of 1Volfe'mnde in Quebee in nbies can Ian -greeter claim to 'term ; P o line, t e ls atrtivnatlisIdoa prognii the hest on record in Brit- Ir. ' . ,
nfox, x.s.,, m.rite,n,__,‘,I am, a -tele, w• b on the :bounties o Prov,idence. tispiece is the famous Townshend sorbed to enjoyi-tbly, but few bio' Pleaeant, restful overnignt
severll 11ew.41;411=^Ir: abut
artehenfout tutore.bfeoruuGttoudl ttohnee sie•nnei
'4 _‘ and interest th.an"JameN'olfeMin
nlortaget thxusnlemeniTry itt tt'e'he I .uttel'ec,I,II,Ie.e f.M"I" v1f.1a"uilriIat:ht;1(D14'rr
Afy beat pained Me a great deal, and he evoent Father for t morrows • , oar yourself net time romanlio., qt:11:,!1,.,„., *a
my newere o bad 122. 13. that lie Was yesterda Shall Wolfe IS called strange figure anSoldlet'ricketand reservationml,•ney to ,Iwooveille01111
leep ...
It vied. I tried, many meai. Man ()Wye of all the creatu es, vex _ _ „,__ --- .- AregcounreLd.Jr(!in any Canadian Nationtil r so Ito 'Ono tr ‘V141.4P'4110e0 ht e VI "'a Y• •
eines but dia xiot get aelea vitae hiniself and lee filled with Axiom.: , --; . • • Alnonl ;labor cronel, mar bo mon.
until' X -started' to tttlt Milbura's care nbclot the future'? Ranaer, CANADIAN QUIZ COLUMN Bank of Montreal?. •
first bank opened in Canada, in 1917. ' tioned tho Multi,* riot) nt Ontron, .
A,--Tha Bank of Montreal WaS tbe ' 1,1111Etintrulti CaElilintly ICE whic,t hold Its Paco. at ,11,.'1,01te of
It began with. a paid up -capital etoek
of only $350,000 as against over $10,- leg.a,t,Tet utios FOR WINTER 1 /14'. r"4111 1111.11`11$ 01°. 110 ranadian
, : thopc ki :It YI dna: ,...(1..tic•-: fig,. roPow oa hv
000,1300 at present and tbe original Ea& year, with the' (milling of cold ' "e5'
branch has increased to 600 found all weather, we find that. certain disease', Auroximatoly f'.71 new ti• rsiorq
return' in foree ati it were, and, as if - breco.hoen .consirociod .Iiitil,itthollt
Heart .and Nerve Pilla only. used the rest of creation let him depeod
eee box and.' just' haVe to 'write and on the aid of the universal Parent., ASSINIBOINE RIVER' .
0-- tell you how thankfut X ant for your WORLD MISSIONS . • Q. -Where is the Assiniboine
wonderful remedy. I am now able tO • In the Indian Witness Dr. Stanley River ? .
&nen eonndly, and laventt -0A27 horrible Jones gives an account of the •Jerusa- t A. --The Assinboine River is one of
paw." t . ' tem Conference and one passage ex- i the main watemlys of the Wast in
' Price 50e. a box at all druggists and presses hie wonder at the unity, Manitoba. It was diseovered by La
dealers or mailed direet on receipt a' which prevailed : Verendrye in 1736 who built a fort at
price by 'The T. Milburn • Co.. -Lap "If Lausanne -could not get tonal:-
Torouto,e0a. a exe Jerusalem did. We ought to its mouth and also ene r.ear the pres-
,,-- have split into a hundred frac:mutts, ent site of Portage La. Prairie from
tpinoineolnowoniptono..."0, but We did not. It seemed to us a which he sent out. on his famous tout
miracle that We were held together. to the Mandan Indian tribes on the
. . . What was it held tun It was Missouri River. tater the Hudson
en and itAtse Liverg
# ocnene.tricT.he.Thr sfeegenceof was tuisntd I: bAtinfboortiL and. trading poste on
flack Stables Etc,
$ on Basta Sunday rnorning. -entered WME WHE" 1?""
expression irra--common communion
into by all denominations, ineluding Qe-What are some outstandink
Montreadt Street.
just oft the Square
espieese •
'Huesca Illeet ail Trains and
Passenger Boat;
Passengers called for II rt any
Pert of this town tor all
tralna it 0.1% R. or C.1100, R,
1 Prompt Service and
oppotg. . -
Careful Attendance,
,./......... . ,
Our Livery and Hack Service
will be found opottradate
in everrespeo. ,
Your Patronage Solicited
Phone T.
Montreal Street
over Canada. Many famond Cana -
(Ilene have keen its .11bad such an tTfreehed by their slimmer vacation, Alleeen, ilile rear, li is ft,t•mated
John . ;Matson, .Peter • 1VIcGill, they ' rraln ,. men. lite total
vigorously ;attack mankind. ; he ineal
Lnird many. of :these -direases disappear elpavit* 01. theel!' elf4V010ta W01110
,pbt011 t11;!1410 11 1 el./In.,011111101 00 ine0 IbilutSuIrlft;S.tit111r t1jae:
rarer constrnotien ./1- the . provIttee
W0'S' nor available. hitt gra M men
ptot'od that: ovtenoon or .r.lcilittes
1(1(3 hceil tmoepeAS10., rap'fib' In all
artils.o: 3.,,411170t.:11,..34:119,a0,s1•144,Ittgudtypiotttf,
the elevators vtrictl from 35:000
Altc”-ta whom- 11/401 ninpi4 1°,6 110
grain 01E•Vil1Or 021.114;111 10”. 13-40.1, In^
lgc1.2a7inlIToiffi,:%p.„1:1,1:;11:41r11:4,-,..:1111:1,,:biti-av110111131alt: .
creas9d their entree/. tiq)avitc..
- - Vor ttm first sm-4,•,r1 Itt .11 noroint
of veers Dm Nip ?25' tetra may he .
Fitid to abound: IT VIttfi • firv0Ittp-
. , . . . II . t.
Mountseepben and Lord Strathcona.
It has absorbed many. other blinks
such as .the Ontario Bank, the Bank
of British North America, the Nier••
completely during the summer sea-,
son. -Common colds, pneumonia and
bronchitis are'present all year, but in
such ecreased numbthat.
the living 'Christ. Here . -are *ere .Bay .and North West Fur Compete chants' and • the •IVIolson's ;Bank. '' .Feem, dcomparatersively -speaking,thee; to'
LORDS•CORNW'ALLIS • • . I disappear in the'evarm weathet, .
. .
' .Q. -Who -was Lord Cornwallis .'l• It would seem reasonable to sup -
A. -Lord Cornwallis, the founder noSe that if' we could maintain our
of the City of. Halifax, was born in bodiee in the condition in whieh 'they
Anglican bishops, and clergy. It was wheat facts wt. Canada, 1 1712 and daring his meth,* fined are in learnt weather, they would be
interesting to see Anglican .bishope el.. --,Some' outstanding wheat factsmany 'alp° t t publ' • d d'fil im better able to eorabat these ili9eases
receiving conuntinion at the iterate of in Canada are that the crop of 192- I ' r an ' n. and <22 ' the ' . 'd Th . . '
i tic assts. He was a. member a tae e year roun . • ere is not as
chinere and Indian laYmea. Same- of 440,009,090 bushels was the second- tikitts-n-, caraynairsclu-no; muchl sunshine_ 35:.-wititet,1.the4fdi'e.
thing was happening to tering us to- tiame--af
ether-Tha something was h2. 1't •e largest nt its history, representing when appointed GOVernOr of Nova • all the .1110" reaeon "fol ms to matte
r '
a value of $457,000,000 or nearly $50 Scotia. ,He sailed f2. 0111 England in the most, of .the sunshine that there is.
• The Oil for the Athlete -die rob. per head of every mae, woman andthe slime year with 2570 immierants In summei, we are either outside Inc in u 1...
Thomas' Eclectrie Oil an excellent now Ana s greatests ng e em o the site of ' Halifax. During is
C dti' i 1 it f' h' ad -down open. We live and sleep in air ••
in the fresh,. air, or inside with wiM; flora la water leveCt. thre:ttuned.
-bing down. the .athinte will 'find Dr. cepa in the Dominion.. Wheat is mid reached' the harbor ' of Chebucte:
of them and atrengtheee them for
Per cent of the total crop is exported Acodians. Returning to England in most important factor is to work and* tiailirlonnsatrifanm141LPt ttit;rniiitil:rorPit;:ti:catiii;ifi,4tol‘nY:.1.;4711111:11t1:71.
that. is in motion to mine extent. In ir'nlittt.e. ffil;71; 1'.10 t1:11/1.1e:Ii;74.1"IrT,g1117..
article. It renders. the muscles tind production, being 39 per eon ministration some severe ',measures
t• of the
sinews Pliable, takes the -soreness out
total agricultural product . were taken against, the discontented
ion 75 winter, we. should remember that it
etrains that may be put upon them.
It Mande pre-eminent for seta pur. -more than any 'other country, 75 1752, he Was., again elected to the sleep in an atmosphere Which has a thing of Its old temente:, Six
'Imre been Using it. can testify to itti gaing to the 'Tjnited Kingdem. Can- Major-General and
value as e lubricant - ' . • • ada exports her wheat and flour to [governor of • GibraltarM. -