HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-27, Page 8meseester-
wore '
r[rII• 111,11, 1 o III pIFF 11111 III
(C,Pilittlailt 496 by
the 6�l03-elElillt vereteeenteace
V 1 -
I -J -17.14J z,T...",:ill Cie:eel:eve Keel eel
int F.:C., en .1 am; t tern J.:et-tree lit cert. e
f eo a nien., leeenne, in eeine
!,;1,?.'-; ..-:''''.-..",.••3, .....-:.:(4 F.7..i..:0 ,-)4.• reef,
CIr4 7 Potent mei teentie-• Are seine tee
ceneetea Pei eeeee t ;1"...Vii' retie Leey
tec,e,,e:r) :t-.-a.1.4ti4-;.;:ec::,1.4.t.-..r_:: ei.:eli.,,,•: un
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eVaincel eep cred Dewn iletacath tile
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.Cilzi.PTElt V lie could -wore, that, on fa:cc:eke-1, Le re
• nandolIeh Wallace ineleed 'otoed eel did 'worn. neeeerotely, both betel one.
.everething i f which Vey vol; .1h wand. witla coed, with
• riel"It1'tilnaPPr°1-ed" body. And more thee that, he Ifficd.
1 4.5e saot° antoory that lee edit toe, te. it was only the eeinneeteon te
• •ivorke Ind 1e dieePProval .ae it on worn that he decried.
principle. Ho On:es:teal vigorousin Gaya limy away nee tewearited
eethineth'ele''°elltelneven,ec'filine!.(1F,„Peil,1„Te„r°1,11,e,euitieriree. (lay bad never newt hap.: ,
- "" "th-l!le 'Pee althourdnehe neglected her seered
' effective tbinge tbet the' need for it
ire leanvarlea and brueb. Bow could she ttee'.
that labor in itself eras a childien,
worla with Rand epteriediegmee eine ,„„„„....t
etenfreleitneei-thierieritreeirbeten., einiiiieneeeetnitlian-
34'4111"ueeolityliebormt wale not mere. enneoun eye hand, new eyebolding, • .
ly the nest worn in eelneintese, 43at egos? Ever, clay be warned'
Y. i-. ab30 the tem math of a narrnyi lealebfany on tee no see Benue
nature, lacking 'dolma. 'Yacht, worked very hard for a few
Ire asked Gay Pies. elle luad rawer I, Were to apare himself trier° time to
natireien. . he with her, appearing ittheLone
"Inceatele there is tench to. do," She Fine evert,' mo.rnint PrnmPtlY a 11
cried iratensely. "Bellew°. t want to o'clock. the hour of Iter late break-
eccompileh pornetbinn in the world1 ft, which Vra3 br°n1:ftt9t ZIntl /tin -
get iaoraetbing dime. Becrame 1 went cheon in one,
to %Orin evorit hard. end wore at•ellen "She this ie bole ore livea on notli-
MrhY don't you?" elle ended mildly. in a I .year," she seid to 'hint one day.
'Te* ecatlife, is too rare ana d flue lauglung. ''Well. I ere relieved. I
thing to be devoted to the mere eneroy kn4 At learn that you will never
PlaYeinal effort of doing this or dolor,' -starve.
that. Sold in too frail and too deli- ' The await morning iv Juinded here.
eate to"be enolaved in the ehains of pound of the best coffee obtainable at.
daily toil for•board and keep." the Pier grocery -store, He %Vas
was onlY Irolghlun at her, nualsini; have my pride," he. stdd. "Mo. cf.
"I maY be low, but 1
Italf The One, she realized that he "IT l'ufuglItr•
fun. But alwaya ehe felt an under- fee! Atkt when it le.gotee, kindly
tone of serhnle emetiction in vehatetet tifv me' More will be '2"rtivuutiulr'"
said, always ;he felt iri Jahn the in- "Don't forget the eleetrielto." she
herent yearnine of pure, epirit for •d hintA 1 e "It mu.t be a
freer -lore. more freedom, always More. nickel, 4 "ek'9
Work. itie dad:reed. yeas ere -tuning. And leughingly the accepted the
auccesa • was pinioning,, ombition tn-.1
stoniest eleyeetheyer in the universe.
Only in thought, desire, the soul Was Eeery (lay he went up the slope to
the Lone Pine at sunset, that sweet -
- flov chafodrestlesslY at 'hie eeer: est hour of the day. tend sat ivith her
1.11(1(1101to. hie Serene end Apparently in tho window -:,eat on the west, took.
imperturbable calm She 'mew -that int down to the bay where the elly
nreinneeeettretratene • • t, M. .67......*.....t.40101•60•11.41.1,1,110191
Suffered far Years
Wilk ler Steam*
Could Hardly Eat
greatefall iter the sit,
, tee :tea itt7.1; ep En tint enteenew t.
re (ere after carnage- el ventee
MI?. If, T. 41213-4114?, att, ttede,-„Jer; ettoner, neeeen„ nee
Witee wee "ifr h net see -earn- ceele Latecan t'-"-rt31•7•'!3 r2eanleee F-112n0,4g
ftit en el life ne!ro WOrth e'7112en. c"'"° -tve CODERICI-1.---STIRATFORD
writest-ell'iter •-c'e,4•4 eelfeteil e •
..c• top lealL•fot ..a„ce ineno.
, trivenea me te take
3.CCC1 ilcal
e•enetireen are wee tee:ell:1 en .1
43•13"2. let:Ain:eh tem. • pea.
lee1 Titee
venue pereneimeete peel -eat -de tent=1i3k 1€i
neetten eizQt ell ;ler ieltt.00 tiC.? vietd,..3" tee sebeen Tele eirattee 10144) Sehote
re rteearetann nee that, weiting /0) neeente Ten
,S;eafoetb, „ I0.05 ne-ecial Kee
Rend, Ciao stalled at.reetertrante. Sint ,.
Celt tied it wee &dip tenett to cc 1
ale rap it awaiting Lie rennet, enat ate
au tee UtOnteler •telmay, one wiener
ell Zee ateltamban ft.I� reel 7.50
eaetn 7.45 Mitehell Peel 1100 7.4e.
O40 .55 ene0
6.15 'nee
Seen Reel
Sebriareville V.23 eele 7.25
ainen. wading. . ...le 5.59 8.15. Stratford tele 4.2P V.10
There c73.1 3 meta teeth oe tne 1 ono a ape. teen 9.09 iLi .5 7.00
reclae to the 'at of the Little club I nee, pate enn. a.m. p, Pen.
witere ail'e 41410a na by the honr, chin ' $ 'X * ,., 0 ae *
an hend, geeing dreamily off to eeta -
Rand would not return thnt way. Ile ' • It:School speards on Monday, Tateedray, 'Wednesday, 14turliay and
anal since taking three, or foam bettice would come ley fasteet .ed - Friday vele-. Saturday-at/in conch leaves Stratfe el at le
• I ate now tai. well woman; eau cat any Maine mimeos, bet it was Litetway • • p.m. We stop et Minted& end farm gates. .: .
Wien, min am strong ancia. I wine he had gone, and eo intrinued her roach leaves Goderieh from hotels. . . • t .
to thank yea for year wenderfue mean e faney. Conch leaves Stratford from bus debit (phoue 763) and poAe bffice.
1etaeon" ' Cinn in hand, • eyes misty with 0 Through coach both ways. , .
Zdeumfaurea wily lay 'Xiel T. Mile 'dreams, thougbts far away .to sea in it
him cela Ulf UMW, On the. email, dm eat one, day when a Special etee tee school chain -en metending Stratford school.
voice called up to her from. a lowear , , ,
- • place among the racks. .
,Izy must be edown at the 'club house. "illise Deldne! May 1 tome up ?" ".
'len They alevaye bring emu one Gay turned quielly, and her eyes!
_ alengetoe_coiffin
esually a darlay,---but vontracted eteetl
teringly. 'ie
_ sullied.'
once it was a Jap. Perhaps they're It was the man elm bad directed to,
giving all nations 'a try by turn.' the landing on the fateful day of her
Then ho Mt Gay's intensity in her -discoverer in the cove.
•..' one, amide, the closeness of, her hand OD . !Tonle up, by all mean," she said
• _ entene,e-eetne. •
'end down beneath the treee that gas- ''Why, Gay, what is the matt . cordially.
diem, --Mae se cc ei
a handful to give ner. •
. Your future success or lailure will depend
very largely. onto -days preparation.
. Lay the foundation now, by taking a
practical business training here, CB C,
graduaten are business leaders. .
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2nd; 1929
Write to.day for particulars.
sipped to -ono another above them ter? You're not afraid of him I And as he came DP, elimbinn me -
and breathed deeply of the intoxicat! Don't ha afraid of a Chinkie, they fay ,Itrat with a caution that spoke
ing epices of the forest -pima And nee" harrn anybody., Tea afraid! of little custom, she gave him her
At that hour they never talked, but ,aceording to =dm°, and brags about
and not band to greeting. .
"Bow M the world did you know
• A evotietar who lives alone,
Remo. and fir.
wandered slowly hove and there, it!" _ my mune?" she asked interestingly.
stumbling sometimes over the twist- Although Gay realized,. that the "Oh, Gay Deane! It was on your
ed old rooto of trees or fallen logs, Females Wallace, as he affectionsketch book that day, panel). teen.Iate.
endues; over treacherous rocks, hold- j ly called them, must no doubt long have wondered- about it so manY
in g bands Mee elaildren, emiling at since have toldtRand the story of the tienes-thatever carne of it all? Did
,.. . get back the little sketch, anti-"
the polace trace him? Did Youeve
each other. • affair in the coye tea they knew it, he
hadna e e 1,t, Y r '31 Very braefly she told ham of the
by suggestion. It Vine that innate disappearance of the sketch.
emartesy, that delicate New England ,enee-tire you surer he asked
.One night they Revered long in
the West, to thet dueet WAS. black-
ening the shadows when they. turned
up nehind the Little club, m that reeerve, winch braid sacredfrom ref -
pathless bit os the wood. As they (Vence a aubject that mighdoubtfully; almost, it eemed to her,
t' give z
went on, laughing sottly, and shun- palm 4 It seems -very -well,
bling, suddenly, without a sound, Now, mutable". Gay .o knew about it-. Didn't you drop the
they mane up to one 3sito was walk- would speak of it, would eel; her book? Couldn't it bave fallen out?
wished nunnatral, you know. Why, nobody
ing toward thein, swifter, Bluely, to- what she had seen, or thought she It seems "
word the shore. oare• She wished aneatlY to tain "Nov. don't you think 1 am erazeee
All feet fall softly on the thick‘pin freelYwith bine to tell 'him the our- the eaid with some heat. "Even,-
lowing •of pine =mei; and iivy hiterei:ateetthhingn'etile wand? You to trust men
-had haPrelled to body eine does. But I am trustint
tney Cane togetnei ,,. -Lew looked up, hand relaxed. "I am not afraid," she'
mosses-, but moo 'feet that calMe to
meet them made no etunia. at all. As The closeness of her clasp on his --, • (To be continued
Nv4 MI keen blet triendly interest to see Aid easily, ur Just wondered who- it Miller's Worm Powders are the
who winged an her enehanted wooti was." ' • • medicine for children who are found
at nightfall, end then MO caught her There was no tinned frol, the ,,at eultering from the ravages of -worms.
'inc tace that zee eave -1.ae toese•fateet conditions under -which the worms
about them, no ineraelel
areata with a sudden etarefea int.aee. growth ef ,hrue,h that lay, ja thickly They immediately atter the stall -mettle
hati t rad drive them from the eye -
was sharply tamiliat, umniStallabie, dried, dead crumbling neeitea of ell s a
in the gloaming, like yellow parch- dark shadow slipped away, almosl. tomcat in tem, and, at the same time, they ere
,their effect upon th
'e dig -
a thin ideate face that ehoWed Yellew pine, but as Gay finished speakingo
ment, with earreen, sloping aamond from beneath her, hand, slipped awny estive organs, teetering them .to
eyes. and beneath one of them eland shadowlike, . and melted with
th healthful operations
eninnle Mark, into a seam in the other shadow. Ancl neither Gay nee Im
munity from furtand ensuring
her elisorder ----
parelneent, where a scar •seared, the. I Rand suspected one shadow mote 4t• from such a cause,
LJEARTY Season's Greetings and
a wish that the coming year
will bring great prosperity.
With many thanks ror your patron, -
age during the past year.
gash Grocery
aiesh, the taco of a Yellow. ;Ade Old less among the. many ore etcher side,. •
UnInelelle• • • tForeti when the Bo' ' 'n was ready at OUR wEEKL.rcc,,Y
she i - I•, whietricrg
In the dune, es had. seen t pet f • th tri d t d '
fore, she saw it 'again, and. in the
fraction of a moment, tbe dusk ee-
ceivt.d him again, noiselessly, as it
had received him before. ••
t.tay had not by any meets forgot;
ten her first night On the .island.;
when she lay alorie in the cottage on
the fringe of the woods in her great feeactek,
e . o erictar $
pad nail his depafture As Yong 'ae lie I (By W. L. Gordon) ' ,
and with all in readioess for saffing, sa CLIJBBING Lin
ca., arid °when further delay woe 'words often Misused •
. •
impassible. he sent his bags aboaed, •
with the two iten chosen for his crew . D not say "two and three a$ five'
"are five,", as there are two Sub"; ••
.. .
ecyt flout* •
abeam& he slowly' climbod the hill for 3
a final breakfast 10/0,1 Ow at eleven Do nor. say "we coneected the e"nds
to ether" "Together" is redundant.
exhaustioL of nind. pd. physical
-knee was -very wistnul. 'very sad.h
She could not eat. although • the Do not say *the gave imekage
ask for one."
ticiegly 'arrayed, Over her cup of Say "to whoever."
breakfast tray for twowas most en- 110, het say ethos° bind of apples
coffee her eyes clang eyes
to Rand's , "those 0
are delicious." Say "that kind," ler
weariness; when, sleeping, she had
seemed to feel a gaze upon lune and
steered to see, or think she paw, the
thin yellow ftice in the gloaming ;
and had turned again to 'her sleep, ver.
saying dreamily z•-,- was but a dream. /gel ' ""-7 """'" -"" bo not Eiay 'it. Mint be I who ,is
"Rand,. please earten me begged. goiug." Say who am going."
She had, boWever, Ina& cas.
ually, and had been told tbere were "You wall be very hungry, eeeore Do.„not ,say "very-
wae a 'ern bad. ii.eci;
no resident Chinese on the island, but i
Sa - that. OD rare OCCOOlOnt One earn* Ort n fiG" .., .late'anP'iteasel'oer4tthi"e first thne 0 'c412 d t
Words ften Mispronounced • . The.
° The
1 errand front Port:and, for the dale. ,
. •
The Star and London ire 46.50
The Star and The London Advertiser-- 6.50
The Star and The Toronto Globe...... . ... 6.50
The Star and The Mail and ;..... 6.50
The Star and The Toronto Star........ 6.50
The Star and The -Farmer's Sun. .. . 3.25
The Star and T,he Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.00
The Star and Saturday Night 5.Ut
The Star and Saturday Evening Post ..... 3.90
Star and The New Outlook . 3.90
Star and Canadian Homes and Gardens- .. .4.6$
Stu and May Fair... .. .. ......... , 4.65 • °
Star and The Youths' Companion 3.75 '
Star and The Catholic Record. ... 3.75
Star and McLean's Magazine.... 375
Star and Rod and Gun 3
Star and Montreal. . 3-.85 -
The Star and World . .. .*. 4:2$
cry of Packages, -PerhaPs? or a nay's • in'mYt*life, ,nry
work. i‘ was on as in 'dream eaPPetite Waif nil filled Perhapi; accent last. syllable, and
• un before 1 began, -1 hate to go -and do not pronounce "prapsen, TheThe
that she had remenibered the face. leave you. Gay, you area% ,ieeinking Deplorable; o ad in "no," not ns in
But now, With sudden fear, Gay of goingaway the first of eeptemeev "eor.
for Rand to tome up to, her. fast ae I 'can. hutel eannot be back table, noun preferably on first syle Inc
b th firet. You wouldn't go before lable.
knew it was no dream. She waited are Pm. I will Make the trite as Perfume; accent verb on last syl- The,
° "Did You -see -bile she %villa- Yretuern woullyou ?"
red ' 'Pavtridge" a as'in "part," not telt The
Chink'" "rta. The_rnenitere't re y -nothing- -to -berm -"at"--------
he _Lord Nelson at Halifax
Y.: .
- • .1to:kri w
valued atinespliere redolent of
those days of entre inSchlelt their city had it( he.'
-1\ rieslings. The Lord Nelsen, bet recently rapend.
kali a them oat nasally awiriated modern
io(titstion of Its hied and a dorldod 'Muth,
The trill. fee tastaner. rained the "Ward Ilennh"
.4 *led as one sees the ostler *tilted weitreasea storing
al,6tit the tables one Italf earieets is hear the "Ship
Ah(iY." or 'Light on the storh'd hew, air.' Lantern(
kelp to foster the idits.hoard illuslen. auk see of
these 'anthems.. pletarivabove. luta very dere aisle.
giationa with the sea. hes Lard Nebo* lay dying
lo the foelipft of LM.. Vlatery„ what the greet
old 'Win heaved In die reliefs elf Calle Trafatger
Ottoter 21. 111N. Ms las, litewilasted the *eerie
*a fit. itiwtort steins te stye a 111,04he is et whIeh
eat one of F.oglarairs greatest.
4 built nt 14•18•0, sg twisted *SU the _ natal
Naval Institute at 42.04.1/1elt. sod es esse,tieneg7
floe P of work. dandle fit * 'sew at Rio Weise
favor * le of his Ragahlp. tb. ash. dieing-
sf fake wry justifiable pride in
set that, in bringing to fruition their dream
•„tote', itteschezro elekt4ed beautiful,.
I4',while stilt too new to hare many
roma. too. very Catena chows the admiral on deck
and he min running up o signal ifvi'etorY.
The fiord Itieltork i, libwevea?..a Mee( more than
an art **atm It ia a -very 'modem betel of -V*
toolttek facial" thaltalifior Pate t.;:trdertl. Ito T5nbilf
*Oa oarention roams or% etteeptizoittly welt planned.
*tot aprviritect The, de:l'ign ia Georgian. mime* aod
lateutiful. Wilde it him been built at the result of a
eoramsnity effort, the TAO *Foto is operated. by this
hotel department a the raraditka • Paeifie *ailyeaw.
which watyaity bwroas7dersibire iriterow,da it
1411. thOotPrer04 e0Y014-Wf0 very favorably la wrtieti
and *11 evoatials "nth the great thatem aad other
betel* of the ce,otp.tny.
'me. away," she said reasonably. "r Pe"il z as in "ill," not t.
like it 'here, •and T do need more rest,' ' • Jowl; ow as in "bowl," or as in
and -they say -the vreaeter is very "hovv." '
nice in September." .Words Often Alisspelled
"The weather!" Are e•Cet O;nying
fo. ' * Gay
Protege ,tmasculite)n•
r the weathershook fisi, bead. *4110_40r (femodne), legerdemain. Daffodil;
two I's, one el. Exaggerate; two gee
you.' • Pseudonym. Baptismal, - s,not z.
Rand stood nu suddenly, and Gay.
too, rose slowly. Hand in hand 1 *Synonyms - •
they crossed the pleasant room to the Conflicting, contradicLori, con -
door that °veiled down tipon the. hay trary, contrasted, oPitos0e.
where the Wane waited for -Rand, to m
verreeec:r.ave. dc.1
take hint ase•ay. • '
"r kissed you when I talkie the lira 1 Ability, aptitude, capability, eapac-!
time,' he said softly. "wouldn't it va- ity. tompetence, efficiency, power,
ther hurt your feefinen if I went .skill, talent; i
ewey-lese affectionatolv?" 1 Abridgment, abbreviation ab.
' Gay nodded. "Terribly. X should strut, analysis, compendium:digest,"
think you tlidn't like it." . • 'seminary, compsis. '
Rand took her in his wale. and 1 Abarb, coneume, exbaust, imbibe,
Itiosed lane not one, but limey ?Amen swallow.
"Were you ever in Iove before, A Abetlnence, toutinente, moderation,
Reed?" Gay Poked soften, tobriety, temperance.
"Well -yes." lie admiteee besitat. • Word Study
. I butte. "%he -worm -4 your
1 eweuenyva.,, she nalawttiIGee
edtro, ' a word three times and it i
yours." Let no increase our vocabu-
I euriling faintbe "Bid never like this' lary by mastering one word each dey.
Rand, never like tried' We'.' for tide leafeon• I
, airspti.e she whispered. „nate beervalltdaettexgicaltii:b.yrolinththoof,.fanacttett.:0 a
a 111 az.e; inexplicable
Iler cool. firm, slenner elgeeen car-
mst,d his hair. ',touched his inie, era- LabYrintlit
difficulty. "We were eoneronted be a
*died the move of bis chin.
At three o'clock, with tinning tire- Selliething apparently absurd or. in
mule= lips. -end fears streaming credible, yet true. "Ile was a brit- ',
mln her '41441' but 1U,Utv,hin0.qtaY iliant end valtdoxical talker." ,
"tend 4*.k ql(-3 lik.141°st 174.'00low 01 tile I Dogma; a doctrine, as of a.creed.
Lone Pin:, and blew a kiss to the
art ire a dead th' "t dognia."ri
i - '"•"- '-'ne enen-----*-----e- 'nee-•- .tionn"oarlietitultry! °411111122-walans' a:dcs-,!'redbieltifot;
, A Friencl toWorrietz of duty on hie peen"- . 1
Distorted' Wasted or turned erom
the riaturaAare). "Ile liaa a -die.
tatted vietV "r' life." ,•
Suggestivenette ; °tame etion; lent ;
ineinuatiou. "Ilia. worrna bore :t .
etrange ouggeetb:eneee."
Lydia E. Pinkbainis
Vegetable Compound
VT -1131k t: *WOWS 1111XCISIt co.
iryg.04 Ulm - US A
loqicetptt. qt,Oett.,,Ceotigs•
• • EDMONTON ENSURES ern4.10.•
A eten'in 4101 FORTettir alifileltNET
Canadian National ltaiiwayoffl-
rkdn are being congratulated on been
ng continued the -popular `Confedere
tion" in operation 'between Toronto
and Edinellten,
This innovation base eliminated
most of the, delays espetienced
travellers treating the Prairies an
the winter time an It protfast,
tlitough, toinfoetable service te
reentem via Winnipeg; Brandon, Re•
gin* et Sieldoteen, 13y thee route
geed e eetionn are made to all beet
peortarat Peinte !by line!t tsdiating
4, front thelot
The snlettdid eiluipreerat teed enure.,
eewe metviteee•-elverrye feratuere of •
the "ronfederstion"----rneuxo St 140n.
tont journey 'Mend the alleecenteete
• df winter ?lave/.
" infotrteittiort V.Se,!rStier40
from *ow Canadian National Rail.,
wort* Airnt.
neteek :epee
Special Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals
may be had on application
CAI at the Star Offico or 'Phone 71 for any ii*oriliafrion.;
• -
. .
(A> p•• -<*". •
Your New
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• You want the best radio
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