HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-27, Page 7THURSDAY, DEC. 17th. lee* THE GODERICH STAR a vonien; ef• this aote • t at.1 saasessanomeneasopaaetaaaalisaaisiiiiiialia.eaalleillitleElliaa ebtant,(1, Sunday Afternoon BOOK LOVERS' CORNER THF ‘ti""1 4 k 'By ISABEL HAMILTON, Gorkrich, .1t,s eerie lielebee dWs- et Ma was tee t nmeany New Intatie ta . ei ,,A Good Book 1* tho Beat Companion" ' A.---Tew i•'''alr;a3Y `-'F Nov 1449ae ' siallailasamaleabasemeastatialtiallaRatiiiistaapaseareinataaaaalemee., this iclol, lea they treed the weeti Spedk dude meta kindle Than the year 'before • Praia aitI ftener ; * lath- more ; Cling a, little &vet' To the Father's Lee ; Life below shall liker grow To thallfe abeve. Selected. PRA.YER . 0 Lord our Goa We, weeld begin the • ' 1 f h one of 1 - f '• tine, Ito follow anti had a del:emit:oil am- itThr I'm& in 11:4.18 with Peet Won% ,was setae-eel:al at teen Fee CTiii;:il'idi , 1, i V Ail, ( n I iv=',1ac, *.., 1 eye „ante niece cot met et„on„ Resalutiens ate, afeetion, ine Niche ....tanged tee a-nuae-, ee weal me., ;Reed e„ 1 J....epee, et ritte.ti tame denote weeltie . mem" Thee spake Jesus shasnig I More eife nny. tart :et ery (eete. tie -e1 tale' We are perhape tno inelin .it ritta11 Sienteld with fall eterrereinet ef , them that they eetdd not teree. the of yew. and to beektio•eere betiataiel i te think of heti only as A her.) .1: toe *Alai" 411e.Y Of the SIn leiterance, true Gal zed, at the same time be • giansee nrett tetra raele mei ..'Zlt:.', A Catilta: .b11:5thgere:hturCah‘,.Itineeretili=aatin,i:41tliqn vteatkuernofltr-t‘ivlirth etilni'd(i;•Tie)447,,,,11%;ats9 , supremely engaged in ebtanung tae Jaeger:. eiehc2 et this woad- One must. int . Carane is tateen Lee niece, teal ,elea hen te skaateptene ea eeeneeet revere: aear tai to BM. NO trete? teed terfere with the other. 1 f 11 - .1 tl tieee - -taking it rapidly for ee yaws:, a l'a,, ['task had been foricual iie1_ nrii,d„bet- 'tiohni.te,birioigtattilr aLiitlatiCi00,1cLO ec,13:740(;)::E . Z l6 t • 2 ". • Hi - •, e•I I.• In s1 t 0 weed Mai wee e ten, as et lk reattleg inane:ea-was tlefieles. \Vele: h.e ria • , , van" urlcm them "ta take n';'' ners the tounhee orel emetic:lee of ' alwaye e.pne 'feet. Ile yam Pt a rtnY continued to onSol: ite monepely thought." He time waraeci - - 1 Aar with Thee teir Thou alone dost pies against avarice, and undee turaed the publishing S1=3 in t)*.T1 lattee ,auirtaty familY with lergh tradAteam uutil 1601 The Cemeane emit out k inw , . , • Y -• 1 p re. .IIelp us to desire above all else ete did this by fi ear arguments. The ,• A high (Umbra has Nen est ere Ibitious Li -either -se detetmined that Thy daily benedietien. We ,usk. it in iiret is vatted in verse '25. "45 is beiug maintaitied tot onla in the elm kept Wolfe from marryhge hie the name of Thy bon, oue ativeour. not.the life more then meat, and the 'material in the book itself, but in its ; fir et lonee-his aptitude' death frus- Amen. body then raiment?" Thoe? should format. )3eautiful esampIes a the tratzd his marriage with Katharine , S. S. LESSON FOR. JAN. ete, 1929 not be unduly anxious for God wouht uy their wants., He has given bookbinders' art hate been given to Letythea ?- Le s eon Topic -Our Ileaven•ly tioamea during tbe, pad year and many i•f He was a eecond lieutenant a four - Father. , , • life a far greater,blessing tome meet; be ea, mated the. them body, oe fee mere em all Ceriadianeaa Canadian autht teen and fought again Lesson PassegeMattee eiee...e i consequence than raiment. Sliall not or, Canadian :Publieher, Printed in ranee Charlie at Falkirk and Cutlet -. 6:24-34. I Golden Text-psa„ 103as,1 , i he who has conferred the greater Canada bn Canadian paper and de- Ides). At twenty4v:o be was in earn - In this /mon Chriet illustrates the lilesaing, be willing to give the less? corated er illustrated by o. Canadiaa mend. of a regiment, and wao .ari- eceesity_ of laying. up !treasure': in Shake* he, _who. has conferred no meist. • Another eetise for rejoicing POinted quartermaster -general for heaven from a well lentivin "feet 'Unit- great a faitor as to'gine no 1u., dISo is that :Ciiiadiaii reifiiiiis-eten VOW 1TrTanEeat tlie age Of illintea---- a servant emirate serve LWo masters impart the smaller g • gift of means to .welteeebout comedian subjects one I Pitt, with his flair for getting the . ' years • would fail altoge.ther in his, MU.Y to deuce in the providence of Gago either the material or mar- the, determination and courage forod is Wh- ole or the (Om This er toe law of en -from a beautiful reference to the human nature. • fowls of heaven, and Jesus said to naremmon is a.Syriac tword,„a name Ida diseniles that they were of more given to an idol worshipped as the consequence than the birds that "-open gdd of riches. It is not known that • wide their mouths and eeele their *the Jews, ever formally worahipped meat at his hone." at the same time. Ifis affestions and surort it ? .• . . . . obedience auld, and he he second argument for eonfi- lfind a Canadian public. Not inanyibest man for the job, saw' in Wolfe wd be divide ket, or in many cases both,, had to be command of the, foam in Canada. outside our own boundaries. Moat Quebec, the key to New France, of our Canadian literaturejs a very . must be taken. ,Many naturally met healthy Cproduct. Most of our turtle- approved a the choiccref so. young a ors ,are deeply oteeped in the litera- general, and complained to. Xing ture of England, are Impregnated IGeorgealI, "Wolfe is mad." •-But the th ......reat.- ----- The tie rd at guinea es taker ro.n i eir helplesseess. dWith alyour with its higli standards of style, die- i old lung had shaken Ins head sagely. tion and truth, and while there is uo "Mad. la he? I wieh to God he ROMP Breakdown eare you eannot increase your stature serelle imitation one is grateful for would bite some of ma. generals I" let single cubit. God has ordered HEART PAINED HER ' your heighte-wIty then distrust his that influence. English And Cana- At. Louisbourg Wolfe displayed /COULD INOTALEEP attendant needs? rnentals, no -matter leavemodern the the great general he Avas, and Louis -- Many a woman who should be dicing, The last argument is talren from surface, Underneath there is a firm burg fell. •"To Pitt the plane was the lilies of the valley.. With 4, iinUndatinn, 'cirldle many of* the Arn- little more thee. a threat to the corn - and thy, fal.1 of life and energy is, , bound by the eitacelee of ill -health. beauty which the most splendidlerican novels seem to 'aim to destroy munieations of a force aim?, real Some diseases or coustitutional eel. arch of the East never knew, the lily 11 f cl t" or 'else to build on goal was Quebec. It was to conquer oun a 1071$ ,. timber= hes left its mark in the eerre expands tea blossom arid filla the air a Cenada, noteto Mime .an ill -fortified ... _ _ _ . . Of A week /ware eltatterea nex•ves ina with fragrance and meets the eye auleksartd. with. perfeet ttoYeliness. Yet tnie The resolution eollows dosaly on tow)} of 4,000 inhabitants that a fleet poverislied blood and. tut exhonstedeon- beauty ts of short duration. Soon it the refiections-ehat Canadians, shall of 180 sail and an army of 13,000men &foe of the whole peetem. . will fade but God who clothed it with buy Canadian and British books and bad been got thgether, This Wolfe care 'of -the hninan body with all its , dian eooks do recognize the 7ferelaa many of the qualities tharmade bim munitions arid a few cettlere, bat the little fleet was captured by David , Mae. The Companyf also beee the fexpenne of some ef the Jesuitaniseion stations; but A seen got into {hien,. they suffer from. kee phyoleal &mated by Us.. D. olyiera)----Eita dal und 61° :end 'tone., We /iced exercise met WaY On I, She -le it daugertate to drive van. not reluctaet to ourrender its ebatter tthrough the year. • • otre hand? to the Ring. • 1, Living and working ever -heated Ilee-You bet. Mere than one fele • CANADA'S TODACCO CP•011 -rooms ar,e respensible we believe1 for low has run into a elieech tieing it.' Q. --What is Canada's tobtmea 'much of the ineveaso eolds, prima ,...aeseteseteeteet_ e _tette!. ete ekeillera _e_e_eramia.and-trunehitisain.-tee-aedritena-i.:-'" •—• - anade -lia-rreeted iliso ;The best tempevature to maintain in year the largeteet ceoP tobaeco ever ;the home and the Oleo Ls he degreeis • grown in the Dominion, and it is of t Fahrenheit, We would ` rs•eommenti , uniformly good quality. It is eatis liter -ping e thermometer weere it limy mated at 43,916,000 Pounds =flawed &bo eaelly sen, onto- intantaa,.; with 28,834,000 produced in 1926, an i elieter, upon the temperature. intreese 52.4.per. emit. Since lent ; Iepeopla Would exereise in the wipe: there has been a remarkable Increaue ter, live and work- in ventilated • , PAG? SEVEN De -Forest Crossley Radio Hear the Two Extra Octave% this sat gives you first Seketal Good Used Sets at attractiw prk Goodyear robber tire Chcrins to ht your ear F. R. MILLER Service Station Coe. Victoria $t. arid Min Ave. Phone 259- in the race under tobaceo in Canada. In fact, the aren nowefour times what it was six years age, having' been 11;809 acres in 1:921 and 4026 roma of proper temperattaa, and. theta ateerdinit ter -the: tempera -sure., more of Wirt would eoeape the usual ; • eolds, bronehitia and .prictinnonta thnt acme in le2r. There are two main ',prey upon us in wintee7 eentrea of tobacito produetion In Can- Queations aconeerning 'health, ad. ada, one of whiell is /meted, in the dressed to the Canadian Medwal *e- ft. Laweence River neatipeciation, it College stree.; Tome- enantreal andettre-otiterineSentlieVefl to, will be aapwered by levee. Qtrs. tern Onturio, - There in e • en •- — I tions as to diagnosis and treatment, district in the Okanagan Veliee ef t will not be answered.- '- British :Columbia. • , . t • A REALLY CONVENIENT • " • •-itdeee -• s - •SERVICE TO AND FR051 d ose trou e • n , SI/DBVEY I . fidre and There rare beauty for such a seort nth will thus -give not enly dur authors their never forgot, but it seems sometimes A reelly convenient service is of- i you. who have s; knowledge of your teusc tare, kelt teernseiYes the best and to have slipped the memory lef a.m. fTeottecItotonntthie.osseutibturlit;elliiangthcirtcat-terean_f .rt,1,341.),1 J2i lie be 'unmindful of Ids children.? , ee gees'. der for greiri hate . 'most vital that is being written in bent." Father In Heaven, should not be un- duly anxious as the Gentiles ae.e. They, being •unaequainted ewitb tire true doctrines of "neligioree make it their chief anxiety to sea eood and rein -terra • You should seek first to be righteous: The kingdom or God should be Orst in your afeectious, and thou you will have the asstatance that path of glory that e e the English tongue. laAn aNtaltitilSanr4eal Istsep. ing ear. is operat- . tte (league was reels- • • 1 Brig that the.pote of elonireel 1111. The • siege and taking of •Quebee ia ---. s * • . a familtar story' but it gains in inter- . ell welt niglit on the "Confedera- , toted on Alltunt Net, equal 014111- A. most axe:relent ;book, with win& ea from the 'vivid and detailed .0a- time" leaving Toronto nortliboend at • Wolfe,' Man and Soldier," by W. T. Wolfe's diffieulties-his frightful bound at 10.55 pan. This car laity be '.• bertit:islotwneltintrt.,Wil:(1,1r .00V,Pervtlitie0211.::.0,notind21 rereipm were recorded at nearlY . to start the yeriets reading es eJames count given. We more ful/Y realize 9.00 pen. and leaving eludbury southa Waugh, M.A„ Kingsford . professor healthe" tbeadealotist?••of • his officers, °entitled at Sudbury in they:II-writing aremoaa eethets. a tow lemming the eagerly sought, elle hard-won .1'001 7.80 tem, while eauthbound the of histoty at McGill Draversite, Men- of arloopt) bushel* tot' ant- day. . sleeper is parked at Sudburii from eeper neet .s ell your e '11 be" su lied. teeaL This is published b)' - the Louis _ 0.3Q •p.m. and arrives Toronto 7.40 lea eitenet enamor-. absence of exhausted nerves, thee win strengthen', "Take therefore n‘ovithought for the Carrier Co., Montreal, and ie abeau-a.m. - toreei fi res . with their anta'ae v. remedy that will supply food for the grave. • tee week heart end eeegorate tee morrow; tor the riorrew shall take titul beok to possess. Many of the Biographies have been. made so This steryice has been found to tip- eeseene nmr,put seer& offeets.....thn whole system: - • • I thought ,for the ,thirre ate itself." Illustrations have never` before been readable arid fascinating id the past Peal 'very strongly to travellers be- 'leen:ere eleatneee of the elr In ilde Miss Florence Clark, 296 Smith Ste daily pulelialied in any form, and the froze, few years•that knowledge Can be itin / tween these tivo cities, providing a regtop hi.: rod. the prectint ton~ls! ifax, Na, Ay -1403/ pip p, tele_ w. fon the bounties o to•wienc... We anetiet.9-tdePerid fo outt. d tispieee is the fantails Townshend eitie operator, and some months arm, ,,),V.• are not to .be roirlet concerne portrait of Wolfe made in Quebec in . aaa eery, de;a. eateateeetratteeette"' abut the :future, for God the sanie eify heat pained me a, great deal, and evolent Father for t ' 11759. • • my nerves erere so bad X could not needs that he was yesterdaa. Shall Wolfe is called "it strange figure and Solden." ' sleep at algid. X tried 'many nwei. man only, of all the creatu es, vex _ sorbed so enjoYabiy, but few blogras pleesant, rettful overregla trip and a Falcon the host ot, record Irr II- phies can lay greater elate,: to charm auvalg or time. ,ftieb io 1411441 V41 of 1.h. color -etre • 411 4, touring pat. and in es tlian•eJamee- Wolfe, M.ari importance to business mem Try it tieg trevetted mat the ("nnadiall * foe yourself next tina ' peon,- linea .eonie hasodne the Tiekets and reservatiots may. he •10,,sees ye aaleati over thn pletur. reettredjrom any. Canadian National osette 11.inft.itviletermore highway. , Armlet:1401er cretin,. mar he mem. ' HEALTII• SERVICE whieh hpid Its Para, at th0 Latta weird Ifp. milfer• 11 n1- of caarnia. ' • titre Itanetne Olioc•rtg, rollmvoli. hv • i eines but clid• net get numb relief himself • arid be filled wititeaexiou.e let him dint — A' 'CANADtlAlq QUIZ COLUMN • Beak of Montreal? .: -.- e Bank of Monttaal.was the mad I petted. to talc /1filbura's eare about. the future? Rattler, like ic, It resteof creation , AssiNtztoirm RivEll- „ first bank opened in Canada, in 1817. Heatteeed Nerve Pills, only used one box, and X lust him write and on the aid of the universal Parent. watiderful remedy. 1 e,ni now able to • In the Indian Witness Dr. Stanley... ve ? • of only $850,000 as against over $30,- • HEALTH HINTS FOR tVINTEle II"' 1.'411 nititim n! tile t analeiaa 1' 2(1111,1 ockles. Q. --Where Is the Assnuboine It began with a peed up- capital Atork tell you how thankful X am. for your WORLD MISSIONS Ilea year, with the coming of cold he Rive; o eleep sioundly, and. havetgt any eetrible Zones gives an Account •of the aerusa- A. -The Aesinbol one 000,000 at present and the original Nxreather,, We rilid that 4414 441131. diseaseb pams." • lent, Conference and one passage ex - ntsvOrtrtot ia,05 rt,L5euttrit )52 ,111;irtftir:(0)trIst. AlbeHa thi•ct rear, h e4Innated• bv lneal rrain men. The total. rapacity of. thoge elevators 3% ould be• abota tenon o60 Weida it WW1 State& complete. fignres for sic, vator eonstruetion In the province .‘ve,.0 pot available, but Orain men ral}d"14,e'etihntlt -f.)gt7-ft;Zienit)..nranpritirtyl I:141 elegant' Alberta The rapacity' of the 'elevaters vtried front -a5.000 . . • . BriEt.i.ttEnCinflikICILNad l'Ag'Irlf:15"111"‘lrtf4elt*Ati,t?;11T1On4rtil!::i:::I'll:91t17n1IPIT:iPill.11;:1•7:11.11;111(1.0. 1927 'and praetlealls thr patine eseaerei trette stotagi. atrophy. CANADIAN NA noNAL fty . . vor, 'the. first ses,:or 1.2 a number TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO .t.datirt. the Niel:Ante relit mei. 110 read to abound meat • with notammanytne finettia- 4 tinlig in water lovr114. threatened • Lye. Goderielt 11.20 a.m. '2.20 pan. 4,Nittwf Inn or 11111 tveeptionally " Clinton 5.41 a.m. 2.50 p.m. etime, flolt..1..0 the eareful regale- " • Seaforth .0.59 aatt, 3,08 par, pat.t1 •0. 11V4 " • 31114.41141 11.50. 3.33. 1).M. apparently restored the world's Arr. Stratford 7.45 a.m. 4.03 pan4 the main waterways ef the•Nttest me brand) has increesed to 600 found all Manitoha, It wee discovered by Le oyer Canada. Many famous Cann- Verendrye 1130.who built a fort at dians have been its hbad such as . • returnin force as it were, and, as , prio 50c. a box at all druggists and presses his wonder at the unity, dealere or mailed direct on Veceipt of which prevailed.: • . refreshed 'by the,Ir summer vacation, prim iv The at. Milburn. co,•Ltd., elf Lausanne could not get togenie , its mouth and also one near tue pies - John Molson, Peter McGill, y d they vitrorousla attack mankind. Tarentoathet. . ,.., ea .Terus'alem did. We ought to ent site of Portage La Pine from Mountstephen and Lord Strathe-iiiiirti-. :Harty of these. aseases disappear velaeh he sent outo s „emotes tour It has absorbed many aims hanks comPletely during the sunimer sea - have split Into a hundred fragments, . . a his "f seatateltsentesetea, , , eweeeesetet but iire did not, It seemed to us a to the Mandan Indian tribes on the *such as the Ontario Bank, the: Bank .son. Common. colds, pneumonia and miracle that we were, aeld together. bronchitis are rwesent all year, but in T SVVARTS. Ind verg 'luta jfiltSe centric. :This sets° of unity found the Assiniboine.. . What was it held tis? It Wa.S.- Missouri. River.. Later the Hudson of British North Amemea. the Mer- • tette living Christ. Here we were Bay and North West Fur Compan- chants' and the Molson's Bank. decreased numbers that theY seem, comparatiVely speaking, to one. 'The Conference was Christ- les built forts and trading posts on * aORD CORNWALLIS disappeaa in the warm weathei. . It would seem reasonable tce sup- , Q. -Who Wee Lord Cornwallie ? flack Stables, Es. expreesion in a common communion SOlVIE WHEAT etcrs pose that if we could maintain our on Easter Sunday. morning. entered' A. -Lord Cornwallis, the founder into by all denommetions, ineluding Qe-What are tome outstandine ee the City of Halifax, was born in bodies .in the condition in which they Wleratreal Street Anglican blehops- and -clergy, It was wheat facts in Canada? 1712, and during his lifetime filled are he Warm weather, they would be Just oft the Square interesting to see Arighean .1iishope A, -Some putstanding wheat fame many important. public end diploma- better able to combat these diseases . eeneasee Jr1 receiyingeommuniori at the hande in Canada are that the crop of 102" •• b • the year round: There • is 'not as us e s was e swim British tiouee of. Commons, in 174;1. nale .sunshine in wade', theretfore, -SEVERAL-FIRST'Clutg'141;"5-"ADY liaPpeeina to brine, US te- . ' ( tic netts. e was, a mem er of the Chinese and India laymen. Some, tee 00000 It hat ---,tit- . FOR SERV1Ce-GET YOtt ANYWHERE getber. That eornething was Christ.., largest in its bistorye represeraing i when appointed Governor of N ova all no more reason for us to make 1 AND WHEN YOU WANT TO CET Tata. • --..... . - a value of $457,000,000 or neaele 650 ee.otia. tHe sailed eeom England in the Most ofthe etinshine that there is. • *Busees Meet all Trains. and The 011 for the Athlete -In nib- per head of every man, woman and the seine year with 2576 immiorants In. summer, we are either outside Passenger Boats hing -down. the .rablete will 'find Dr. oe in• the fresh air, or hiside with win - child in the Dominion. Wheat is and reached the harbor of Chebuet Paseengers celled tor Warty Thomas' Eclectrie Oil an , excellent now Canadeee greatest single item of tho eite of Halifax. During his ad- down *Pen. We live and sleep in ale • port ot tha towel tor 'all . orticle. It renders the aittiseles rind' production, being 39 per cent of the •thinistration some Pevere measure% that is hi Motion to sonic extent. In trains at O. T.R. ortileeR, sinews•pliable, takes the seeeness Uotal - -agricultural productmil; 75 were taken against the discontented winter, we should remember that a ' .Depote. ,d 7 ' .of them and strengthene them f•ot• Prorntot Set vice and It gamin pre-eminent for teria. pur- -more than arty other couptry, 75 .1752, he was again elected to the •i11001) be tin atmosphere which bas a most important factor is to work and • strains that May be Mit 111101i thent Per cent of the total crop is exported Aeadians. Returning to England in. Careful Attendance, Dose •and athletes who rer yeare, per cent of the quantity exported. House of Conne1ut'. elater made a certain. amount *f motion. Accord baye been asing it min testify to its going to the 'United leingddria Can:. Major-General and milmequently Ing to Da weather, windows and maitre AS .0. lubricant. aria .exports he e wheat and flour to Governor of Gibraltar n1C pi .doors should be openecLaulliciently to .„ 4116.04r, our Livery arid Haat" ail-in:Co will be found up-tosdete A SAFE AND SURE 'REMEDY FOR ARANO CHILDREN ILLER'S POWDERS alCOWAN WO nikACrate.t, itAisureir.tico4.1;0100,1r Atop at:ea-seat curepoe LIMN tkillSW4:21Teet.teAlttrellT14.1. A* tiiWel`404, 0410/011 4;--asmet , / • ..anneenee_earele Electrical Shop The West Street ,........dase-ereaessaaseeedes We earry a good stock of Electrical Appliances Fixtures, etc. r We Specialize in Wirtng of All Kinds Estimates given on application All tiled! Guaranteed Frank McArthur Phone 82 - Weat Street ' 'ATWATER KENT BATT ERY LESS ADIOS ret 174W for Demon- stration Vii MacDONALD grain 01Aval or rortnatileg TinVP, in - „. any ace sixtyeountries ever*, respeet. THE ATBABASCA PASS. through lead house clad the office or Cornwallis Valley; cow inemOrate him RALE tinil FEIIALE HELP WANTED names in No'va Scotia, e 'gentle circulation of air notably the allaw aiateets; in Canada. work -place. Wh e 1; Your Patronage Satiated T. Si/VARTS .fe.ete er seeAthabasca Pass 'EARN.$25 to $50 PER WEEiC 7 A.,--41111_Atktihnliert..PASIL lies. Anlig MAINT'AINING THE DOMINION , ,..„ poeittons ellen et rely Mill relill- t '- a River of Northern BOUNDARY LINES ,"?..--tatteetafie try- (”1/410,11. Nam • lberta und Beitish1 Columbia which Qa-Wbat in being done in Canada part time while lemming, We Phan* 101 ' Montreal Streit a.'s, twhing roliowing was 'discovered by David Thompson to melanin the International Boun- • adaterdernr~esteeeseeeteseaseadeeterdereet, 1, I. 0% Off all„ Water Rates for first half of the year 1929 if paid on or before 'Jan. 3n1, 19,29. Water and Light Commission Town, of 001rich Office Hydro Store Welt isIo of Square . . . Lhis route vas used for MUSE WIRING ELF:mown,. G:INDUSTRIAL titmx livonii, mare than half .st, century by eradere IIATTE,,mi wELDING. ioncAN„ to the •Colunibia. and the ratlike inow,u4,,tyricw,AsT. Many famous traveleera used it and EUI. IIARISEIIING AND IIAIR described it in. their 'books whieb are . lettESSING. , tereeeeteeneeeatese f iinn entist i among' the classics of fur trade liter - to roast. Ing demand. Nt'rite . ature. tairpee'a modern book, "On today for free Malone to Dem- the Ohl Athabasca Trail" recounts Iwas made one of thr funetioini of the ,• Mien 'MOM schools' Limited, new its history ea full • The 'route can I teteeneteene) Dew d. n . • .,.• • ing and operating Bente- still be .traced by the modern treyee- by .4.•tretity signetlenitianhington an • - • - • ler. and enountelheet in the 'Test; • , February 24, 1025. The lloendary c - • prtEFEIMNCE 'TARIFF Conantissibners are repairing the' ' LEGISLATION monuments year by year, no thaE the dary Lines? A. -The ;International Boundary. between Odra& and the • United States. including Alaska, is 5,500 miles in length, and the:taelr of per- manently maintaining this boundary is a state of effective demarcation Many e who exitreise regularly - summer, Plating games: etvine. ming, walking, etc. give it all up in - the -old weather. The result is that -- • • -••• - • • •• • • ride N11111114 11f Canaria and. • S. A.) bath Dominion tlif.vertn.• mutt, I:limit-eyed tfompanies 10031INION TRADE SCHOOLS II if d Kroll Ogler 163 KING ST. IV,. ' TORONTO Qt -What is the hietory of Can- diem boundaier may be kept in the Eastern Bram-liras . London Montreal Hamilton • Ottawa ada's preference,, tariff legislation 1 A. -Canada war; the first of tee British Dominion to grant a prefee- -e dice to goods. the produce and man- ufacture of the tleited Kingdom and laciprocating British Dominions and Possessions The foot' preferenetis Y was passed in 1897 of 12Te per cent on all commoditiee coming :with the iAct. This was inereaced the next year to 25 per cent and in 1900 to 33 1-3 per cent so that the& stance; today a preference, an intermediate and a general tariff between ;the -two. IBIM DE CIIALEU1Z Q. --Where to Bale do Chaleur or the Day of Chaleur? , A. -lite Bay of Chaleur lien on the went, meet of the Gulf ivf St. 'LIM:MO between Quebec. and Now Inanievriek. It wao dincovered by Jacques Cartier in 1531 and so near. eat as the Bay of Beat ao lie found it rie Walla in sommee as in eleney Spain. The piatteesrein Pace Leek nnd the (lucent villas,. of Nero nes I *among tne intterating feast:tee of tee ikly as well as .th.C, tans (V Omen. and the whaie raglan to attenc'esig Ian 1i:catering flow ef temente. BANK OF MONTREAL 1 Q --What te the hettety of th 1 • r Toothache Give first aid. tvith .1ditaird's Liniment. k Bathe the face, and if there is a eevity in / the tooth, fill it with 1,1 cattails goateed in y &thud% Relict is ' quick aild sure, The Great White Liniment $4 state of elective •dernareation re- quired by the Tiekty of 1925. • IVIOTORING, IN CANADA'S ' NATIONAL, PARKS Q. --To what extent is motoring envied on in Canada's National :Parks in the lifountning? . A. -The announcement that appro. ximately 375 miles of high-desa nue tor bighWaye tvill be opeh foe' *heel In the Canadinn National Parlie this summer serves as ntili ettaither re- minder of the remarkable develop- mente that lame come. ne the result of modern invention. Last year the i number of VititOIN who entered tbe i mountain parka by motor totalled ate t prosintately /40,000. When it is re- i membered that it is only , five yearg ' Sinee the firot through motor route lwan teemed acme the Central Rada lee, a better idea of the tepid deed- ttee • -eat:: , " " .......e... ce. " - .• gee! 1 CASTO R 1A For hfrints and Childrce its* US* ForOver30Years Alt..,0”btEs tht 'Ileignittere el 1 most femme trout stream to :44»13e• " leitehener 8.40 a.m. 5.20 p.m. thing of Ha old standine. Sig •" Guelph 9.04 a.m. 5.50 pan. gueste of the Bungalow inner brae " Toronto ' 10.25 min. 7.30 pa% brought in 125 pounds of' fish yeil- Returning -Leave Toronto 7.55 a.m., terday, ent1111111a' 11 fair tweeter et • • etene ..„,. ere 0, fie - le 1 e, .ad t.•,•••••• -1,_.• I four and flve-pound trout eateda . Parlor Cafe Car Godench to Tor- *wetly at the entrance to taloa • -Polly. Pike and pleherei ettli onto en patting train, and Toronto to Goderich on t).05 pen, train. No ithoend In large numhera so it la aingo. or Vats betties ( n Citelekielf aiel timuglit that the restnretion. of•-theel• water teed rather than the iteetnie- Toronto. • - ' J. A. 1,AWItENCE, lion of•natural enentleo hies brought . -• ••• . Town Passenger and • • ......e. re "-reea , ... •-e.....: tee itente-telleeteseateeteeeeree....,, ba.,..1t:thez.:.N.,..i.p1g,..o.,.n. trout. Phone 8 - • Tithet Agent Shadow of the Bell Memorial ammommilee. „ ‘4''' 1 •;* neatese **et -441344 ire -- - • 1 • tt, Tiro PreeentatIon to Lord INIIIInadon nt Ilrentfortl the other day of a eitodelt of lielles Mot, telephone together wItit tin latent treadle teee Inntrument era- letter:Wes .the great contribution that Dr. Ben *made to tile at of electrical 'commituieation. It cervee aleo to remind us that Dr. Dell wee tbe firrit Us- roec-t nound by beanie of Heat. Tordae. tlie 041 and New Woollen •taltato 0550. atiatilGT ;acme; ef as- e teaneetiange teleeleona etetrie tvaves Mee peerectee .by elenrwell, en linglieteriaii, :14'd PULTPE1411tentaprlit't:Iri, GOTT.1.1;141, civet h nacelle the broad r.epastee of tlienellaatee .1.6eC2ta in oritaeletieni it ft- • .eleetale waver:, eoteraonly known ao radio waveo.werct Itnowa and tinCetotetel eel -entente In 1670 wiaea tile Monate) ram 1i:warned, rel coerce, geta wave te/ 'Beale nrjut wave% Altnanner thalami liell -eats Pee first to nevise a wirelces tellepe Nett) aa eld picture 02 Bell' esperitecat Wien Aleitt temente • • •