HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-27, Page 5• THellteltalf71;EC777 It: MB JrAll the popular Cold and Influenza Remedies GALLAGHER'S PENSLAR CHASE'S WOODS' NADRUCO • ,WAMPOLIM COD LIVER OIL PURE AND FLAVORED" VITAMIN TESTED COD LIVER OIL *NUM'S AND AMST'S COW AND GRIP TABLETS TO •IIREAN. VP A COLD IN' ITS EARLY STAGES Campbell's -Drug Store Plkone 90 Goderich HE TOWN COUNCI ..mommoli1 3 :Splendid' Report of Harbor A 4ties with ReCente mendations for improvements at Bathing Beach ' andAround Harbor THE GODERICH STAR bteil. pi.at Lased thro.ago thy &ryal. maltv...ntt 41 b Oa t and i;rev. herr 4+,,,y k....unill :,-pukte ...; ,....)iii#, of 0.#.• 0' , litit 11.6(1 b.t.:# 0.-"milibliatit‘o i..t ^ v." *I, Willi tor the .towt, .„,,, octoatuity i...10.t.... land at a, price ....! 4 Ita.lu tiateirtc..1 .A laritar nualhe,- ct :,-4,.,,,.i .;14,1 ' year, ;!fs, wan* that, Ole ).4ii.' tol t. Gran tail ft.11y tegtht....te.f. and reported a nott.r boats callad at ilte $...!. .404 olio ..,:t proatenc trit lir* atatot ..-tatat iiineb:r of acoaants for pa moat. snoottoer thau tonal. yet lot.,e Ace u,.. was built, e: large amount ef *eerie. Tiii•peeeti ivid . viter #'1..inalittr.'!:,,i, a small purtion til I,- ..no.ng Alone ika.dt;-. lant, thi new peoeilee relented that a trentt-al rano' t.om- ...raft that pose up end .; 'en IS, a temp -melte 'listened in, the pee.. nte-tee nail .beee formed. O. iool.. aftel .1.iik.' Erie to the Thine ..i.enas I teit.o.e. the Incl.- House pietelte. See *Ant week •;f tee ahele town., Ienteite _or the Ce. -.1 -K -n Pay ea, ee ouirre, vie'. inimeeee es to iiineeo...i.• This would prevent c,veiliiptiob.r. i'. II , Yt'Ite," 'We, Vitititil. reeome i; • et in.. , peei nein it e wi•re 4;.i te twasi,c, rkD '', or giving aseietieee and Vestee.'i itISIo kii- ,F" -':Ile Puniiene bo inrinet en tit tw . law. emelt mien se t :Lei i ,,es 0.01 low fee mete inveetigaing in eel:rani 'set -tent ya: tir %lune, se:e. ee, ceeenne been fo. o ling time, « use& The cent niiteee reeemine etre; . lridwatinee. Det ron. Tolone, ie", • tee- ' eetinte Clet k Holman urg.el that th tizens" 'Relief Cerinnittee. thin, a grant t*f n'en be suede to tee 'Wen, neniet, !tattoo, it ehesei, e ere ' ;he tewe (releaser to here e iiiae : Niw yea.; theetighnee the weltee ' Wane: Ile eitway mere • a Pinvie• nil The fire eganiontee eeperteil hay- •atel eyeing, e.-.th ii view t':. etiteneitee !, navel read Mil cs.preFtzed thc Rig tNamirted tile relents fr-oet fele the IllelletOWF metier tounnee to reeen i' tbat thee weuld Feet IA' JO -,"., eeting tire enief awl from tne the: nee ei oue -port in reoleninhelem k4 . At 'MO 4:l riiiir±,i0t) a he. -0,0, vol'o' or brigade for the year 182.1 and teem, ,ettpelies, us well us 6take t;1(,‘. qiit, 1. tb,anks tfr, tzt.. 7.vraz,:or %-,-,33 ex„rien ,. mended Chet they be received and ill- ,nettanity or viewing ()lir town and with loud epplauee, and the singing' , en, and that the tieemen'e pan reit fee ite.: httereetiog eurrourdiefee seee "Ife's a jolly Ceeil Feikeen" The 1 192S. amounting to $810. as pevpared The approach, to our toe-ye:from tie Maree cloz-i-.1 by thanking el by the brigade be nassed and Paid. harbor would he greatly inn%roved if . their renPrQSSirne3 a good taring The • following building nerinte hail ,the exeavation at the Widdee peewee •watels hiMeelf tend Mrs. MeeEtean 1'!' been granted: In G. Smith„ new ver- ; ty 'twee filled in, mil this caul atlia., ;art! Vali gr'od 33iS.hew to all. -andah en dwelling on East st.; Eat. ; eertt vacant property could be Mille- i Illdael.ray, storehouse on Eldon et. . (el as a car parking zwea.whieh ie an BAYF1RLD . t Tie cemetery end nuke eelnatIttee.'ileconamodation e.aily Itteking, mot one Mee Nett Fergunert kit 'teat weene "I,' eeported having examined Hie wile- i iy on the annual eall or. the Grey- • for London to sneeel he weiten. - tory texterns report. which tbey .ne. % hound telt • throughout tine year tis l Mr, Wra. Parker, of Sarnia, client commended to im filed and reliorted I persons!, v:eit the harber. An addi- Christmas with bis parent ; here. thet. so as to aVold the A -taleteller' at itiomal perking area contiguous tothe. /!.' , Mr. .31'4 lilii'n. A. E. Erwin visited this side of the gutty on the road into 1 bathing beach could be Wet:Wed hY Jriends at Seafortb. on Christmas. i. the eemetery and to avoid •suiew Ileveilirig oir the ground adjacent to i Mes, Fred Baker visited 1100 i blockade at this point,. they had mato 1 the sedimentation ' basin. A molk ;, ,dauoter in London .fer•toristmas. le road deeiretion to the eveseeneril and , from then.Citundlen 'Poelie Inen to ie.... .,............ -I . .e.- - ; baelt to -the Main' edittl-teftlie-SitietTe: -Itlitrithing-rioeSe-sTiatId leenreeidoil ; 0.1.1-* . onrent Pewter, ermiretteareteeee Tile public ...sortie rommittee wee eto got across. tide ronet portion ee , tana, is eh:4111'1g his patont.s fee the ! . holidays. . uorted as follows; We recommetel /i the Veneta. . .. that the coal tor the fire hall be plae- i ,, The eonerete eurfeee of the emitel Mr.' and Mre. Wm. Green. of Col- " ed iri the building ,at the rear forme t imeecial 'wherf from tlie foot of Beech borne twp, visited friends in the vile ' erly. usedas a lioese stable andel:an a 1 street to •the junction with the' Tem.i lege on Christmas. enadeein. the fire: hall. We have ex- ; %meaty 'pitmen. and _should be rnIntired. r London,. spent _Cluistinas., with. teen. small bin for immediate ueage te. 1 sit wbarf is broken and sunken in Messrs. Lowe end Fred Fowler. oil penitent the report cif Nov. 23rdrfrora i There is aleo need of a eironerly sure . parents in, ma viliaRe. i MI. S. lif, Johnsoo. engineer, on the - faced driveway paralleling title wherf : At, .n„,,,,,„„ eon, ee 11„,,ei, sidewink coneteuetine tot it sena I te the property of the Owlet:lob: Ele- i eie4itin*gs-ii-in"7)1117-en-t"4" n'In. -a`ii"i"i--irrst4., eCommoitd that it be remitted aid:valor ;mid Transit Company. . ;Robt. Blair, over the holidaY .. Th ianewa between tallier rl• Several a our villarn're. arlaid' fikTdite following report wps stitinute aml the. salt well ortho SVestern Can! tett bv the water, light and harbor I luta Flour Mille should be gravelled, ileith the fin these ib•YS. het 'we luille " committee: - gradea and drained, cola 1...0.: clear /COM ti) gee the epidemic over. colmenittee beg to reeort the follow- stantle traversed by the etento. one la holno with her parents, 1.h. nuti i - - - - '' * VIVI ...•••••••••••••• Season's Greetings to All r At this season of Hal year it pleasure an!O d a a Hew expre,s our sincere appreeiation :41 for their con? thience and courtesies shown us during the past year. • 1 Through- aftwij.:..-Nug-year will arivd to merit the continuance a your ' ontiderwe. May Prosperity alp Good Health attend you and misfortune fail to find you is the Na:ish 'of Hibbert nof Staff r,. Your water and light and harbor of refuse and, TbiO is coin Miss Jean Woods. teactier z1Z, Gnir, „ , 1 their familiee spent Cheintneas at the fug activities throughout' the year in ployees, grain trimmers, rallway eat -intro. Woods, for Lee holidays. • . ., .., • e • , ,4 ,,It bome • of theit lent:lite ut romierele * matters afteeting tbe field for widen OloYees vessel crews, ;nal ettizenS in t .Iiiisle"leolalelliett, of Detroie 1 . ,. « _ IVIagr IflaeRweir Host at Banquet at Bedford Hotel . A vest improvement in the they were responsible, twine: !harbor in Hat vicinity, ono in its lenethen, Mrs, Win. Elliett, her, ' i eeino, iack end Cameron, of Id 11 !emeriti in 11 10 to rex: ...eoni tne the ...,..tistrinte ..o.ici ee w.- • aer • 1 . • • ° - 1 1 ne e r 1 I#I. 1 i XI' IlIld AT'S A 11 11 yce and . • . ing service at our =I1 tone -1 power i areimnt condition, 1.8 1tke"4..'4'.4:e11e,. i Mr." Sidney Castle, or nin Cathar- ' are 'titetWitla Chriettuan week. with Rev. and Mes. J. W. Herbert. nlistribating plant was Attained in i neureous. esPecultbr at relg:Ii4 relle ;Lines, spent the holidayc v•lii hie nst Year Has Seen Coosiderable Progress -Both Towit • h ,. ..• f ;only water bydrant - to Pre*ees *Ile • ;nether d i I I ill'i eonyeeting t e swim es wen ire 1 an s, ster n t ie v age, ! The Christamn seaeon has found .and Comity itt Good Financial Condition -New SCHOOL REPORTS • Otechartiltew ..Tne follawitee .the import of V. R. S. No. 11,- West. Iiitai.vanoRh. for Neveneber 'and -December: • Jr. V.-•-• Pinnimm. 74; Illelbouroe 1".1.• • pumpe to a gasoline propeGed motor ; qseieurilttv,1 eNeepettiatessitvtu'letittA4.0gbitr InVe thtr M1P's 1781" '51e4115' ati'd 'XL" Elva PlarlY 1•1t.um ti°111;)Sipilgir ili. IN ,--.•trime npropt, inetort .2ranafdrnteot-NeOded at Power nouse - ' Eigieeliceya,j1,0,stzld,oezria,:„11(;sturt,1 ;1de h ave 'proper amess clown teat teyvir .T7avonto,,"teiht thc whetlac-------------------- ''ernie of Stothere, 45; Carl Pinnigare (Mt Clit • . • a eti. oniee in le VU(f .• • 'ford CM-1mM 59' Stanley Ofenirattete .. $18,000. ' The tests eyhielt these lane; I d to etetnt 0%1.R/tense ct tt. , drante aro nd the harbor, ant; teas, , tit were preeent. let the meeting on time wrote as to the holding. of the that we now haYe a dependaide pees- 'oae tee est to spend Christmas with twee.; tti ; • eee ennly. Mc( ittten ir n 1 the ett . ' . ,,,,,,, . #1 i mos plogiant 1;4 le ...ea 41 * 1 * * . 1 raRged for the evening' of Dee. ;net: r I ' ,„; .1 • *1* .' l'` el r"et • • tl h I ir , e„ Margaret lelhott, 70; Armee on el, ''' Friday night last (the lest vegeta* <Amulet meeting of ^ the Association. sure and ample flow' for all require. • etriw*PYlin,e-N , e meeting for thel, IreAry, , 'Thit3 n'aS to IraVe been held ill Gone. melte or the town. 'Other improve- '-le" to. or be trete:teeny ----------.est. , •.. "had to be postponed till et' ea e ette ' 't 'II' 'n't ' ' ' t - II •„. - ;mete have also ' been effected ed 'te proVe they eondition. At ;x4II. Messes. Join* mil .A. E. ierwin qv, or this weep " Y '• tinuttie Leishnian. .68: Ileievee tnev be '1 .A letter fromih Pine.l.rndietwrit- rich but was postponed on acceunt of ti era' Association lied ettention to- the ,weather..c 'Now it wee seggeeted .throughout the •plant lend the power Prennt tit= It IS enjulratea' that .: visited their brothel, Itobet•t Erwin, I ',II . - • Sproul, in -gr. pi...--varia thinma, toes, flott.Arnill evarenouee railu,ay rning home on Saturtla . joyed by a liwger 44 411141 then ehth • A11-tbe meintieree the'town come -the Slue Water Highway Aseocte, 'prempa, developed have" been proved Ur. and. Mem NV. J, ett-I eon ends we recommend that 'the. Om lip- • Ile • * ' Iteceuse ef the fiu epidemic Jr* 711*- Ittl"'1"3"11 •MIL'Ink.Yr". [fend!, motote the :feed e • g- then all hydrant? to 11 1,1 the meeting Janeary house pit in very .gOoll nonditilM. there. is a P.:a...arty "naive Sp Lova- k 111, a Toted° inet week, 'ree te services; a stuukty 4.4^, een eiate.ia iemett, et, 'were inspeete see. mat tin:ern/ere Toronto or London and M equipment, eessels, wharves; and t Mgt"' Attie Stinson. Mete!, in me of • • . • ' eiarres The east side of tlm premiseels kewt , F • .2 might have beeu expeetee when inie cin as etilted' the preference of the Goderleh 1 - • ' o t itd'tion th•-onghout the. kent freeFlroin effects of 1z:1St so n N91Y but tie° 1 t or r' hosoitais iii Neu, yoch, also (01 441(1 the meat n any toanni r'enti5.et' AtOn0 01,n 411411t111.1%,0;3Ufaili'vdenilatillnzgo.':feCtC:rti .i.tihresl.arfrgr:tit ice, of Toentito, are visit- ,.. to be in 17. 141 eondition 101ase of eouncil.. Coupeillor . Lee suggested nett(.'11-, ii, lueeweEe, u .04r P . . eiticient fire proteetion. All of whielt ';ing their parents! nir, and.lktre. Win. / the i•eeted by the Oa. Tu. spite of bad weatiter conditioao fire and to See that ell npolitmeee thateStratfolet would be more. ventral Aernnre•I . on i an u P were 'kept, free feom fros$ nese, by than eitiiee London in. Tomtit° atet ' The bathing heath -wee •Cleerea et i is: reepeetfelly eubmitted. „ ierograne held in inth line nelwol having the fire 11411 properly "iieated intwed to snggest Str i Stine"' t.11.. Ule helideY" 1 1 tht* vil. ' on 20th inst. %vas, a iteettlea tat 'tee, fd to trie debris tewly in the season arid keptnn Th ,,e n arts were aii •ft -e tetr . , g . . . _ , asked n'emeaut Rosa to ,...ish,.. o.., 1114 here eted bait emented a poeition -in iv; *Me aittiree- for the benefit ter persons who desire itispeeeien ee the weight e.tiben ,eeie ---- - • Dodo= high school, tntaing, teethe- : III 'qclay evenine'' WWI otrreod hy. aceoeeance to vetch. others bathe. onloy the. lake mr. Ross did .sayblg lrt Lb.- int unqualified sueceee in ivin YOU b • tus:- 7i1 *4)1.1" 1 ratifies rail * She will et t I .. r:piteeof (the faet that siekness nitter„ reported all "Ole hydrante in safe eon- turas made by the county:" tar the om. tome; Attd•if ont. eine 'kept in pro. e great y ninnentr n the school. / • - • ......«.. «nese <titian, Cheirran nreneart eaid the coenty tpads in Goderien arid ea per eonditidn, it -win:prove a valuable ible to attenint ..to Inend it.. Tim untie' !A:s ehe was always anxious !or the 1 council had a•died fin- a Nviittett ro- Cambria toed. i Tarring. and sanding. 25set • . nort on tbe le*drants Mu) should get $162U; Ili •i" buracabg nuede /geerle The .Goverintent la earryirig 'ort a •. . ter was lett with the opecnei eolantit. ' the with p ever to get a mew eable at • e Nv.ttidi g advaucement of her sebolare under 1 -...- _ „ntIVIV:r.. 301i,111prov. . it and the Reeve pointed out that a end repairs, $404.$1; snow, eee.ey i semew'ent extensive Iprograni of plot nen Munnings.n• . ha e once. on malou gt- Cotatiellors Lilo '' n_' ' SIIEPPAILDTON ' • --`-----*-----* Miss Annie Wightman is .1 114., : writtenereport could' le.• pt. en file total, ?1 350 The county is l'e- initeroVentent,' by . re:elect:1g r•he tine Reeve Turtle.- ;nen-Lipner wee. etre :line aunt. Mrs. IL Ili 017. :led would Sho* that the tomeil 'luta quired, to,expend Ie1492,25 witbin the. ber 41 eels's' Iti. Burrows neetit Chriatmaen 'my% (;riinte oe Wirigham, event ,i.„. tsu_.„,,pee.,,strueture Witlt concrete, wires Orossingesidewallts 'in danger - done its part et seeing tho„, tot hy„. town • And it is expected that eta. , olvnnts° were in prober Condition: standing accotmts and cost of work Ncittet'• w"uln tue Ilixt Year 'Ur t":4 should he completed and will give. a ask the ehief tO report ou t:te cord!. I Mr. and liirS. G. If. Green spent !Eine. '-• Oils P0 111011 paid it was deeidtel to i in Goderkh. C 1 d' 8 d Clnietinies with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Attiring the winter months.. This is Seam:env. evelindlIor . "the usual circular "Jetta.. emit out at Un'i* ireerand et was e titne.of :year to Munielpat tonne elle xoliowing letter •• N'el4t.ketti9t eerneeernterred leeeertie ' fine AT:nal/leer '1. R. eattereo eomnime „ '"o•W445'-` 4"- .`' spa to ',Reeve "Airmen 1 'Inayor MiteEwan emit) ho had spolt- with your request, 1 en to Mr. Kelly and that the .engraeor the foIlowieg statement ot "expenul- one of.tite 'beet attractione eve heve ' • ber places the cetile had ntramta broken and he did 'not think it teas- 11111 le) targ° ti - ;,fered seriouely with practice. 1 D olitlavs SI 411frs 'see- .very• good eonditran. Tree PoPuittrite? • -1ouncillor Bailie race. et; C011atY a'1111Mber or benches. and eun eereen. to' to- • . -Mies Helen. Gerrie, in our! atonodi„ rgiete.ted great ert on all who • • public ,seltoot, resigned her peeition • • . led. of this beaeh warrants tbe placing of need of monies to the triwn elocioand I rhe program in Eh:won ehure(01 m Isratten, lade,/ tor - wee I, teepee • Tenelw•. _The IVIayor vet/correct ,and Sail lie to, tio done yet will reere znan umete 4.e7s heine *Jr the torn.'" I Miteit Rah V.ineente of Lotolim, le tOUIPting osiainoment t" e permanent and SUbStEtIltial Wliarrage teen; eeenuneber of • e ing was earned en throunatint the sidewalke. but there might tie 'others • . • 1 epending Chrieemae under the "pure It en „ e 011 C a , requIring love an 8 rea • ..ownitld me that such a report Was fur- un this sum. nialled. • The Mayor itaid earn rotese. ettn 'be f°}11•3d .‘ - env' newt.' Dredge ebanged since the recent bonding of s sister 'here. any meal-edelitious in itself eoznplaint a "road oil aseeitinient shount be merle to includ'ing -Lee worx Year. .tv"I into tit ter h nit? 1. " eh gee . °and lending zeit to the rest_of pn St. David str.a was made by on the hill hetween. tile t..,. N. It. frii'm the 1:meanie-Ater onnolice to the The bylaw Providing for bolding i with c f . the flu. Vie ! Mrs. James, of Wingliam, smolt 'Vette family vvill &Mimi. • = 'Miss Eva V. Smith. She was asses- bridge and the Mintland river bridge. pierway , end Aileti.in creanlnie up a the nunie4)111 elections was paitsed 1 hope for hie speedy recovery. • n1,1,11,4111,9 with lier iii.,,ter, mr3, John twke as inueh of our,nceiui as sed also on Kingitone street, and She That part oe the road 'WAS county tbought the asseesement Watt tog highway Portion of the inner harbor. The en- ood the rates• foe D. A. 0-*si, poll 1 Mr. and 'Mei. Arrnstroeg and .wo tlilucent. . • ' . , any other, Eneournele them to and should not be comae(' trance ehannell Is Tow 450 ft. wide clerks and constables 'were raiiied to ; children spent Christmas ra Kineat- I do So, tin it in the ...opt, health - much to par tin a vacant mieee of in in figuring the ,work done 02 Tal w-11 ev nti Ily 'be xten led t $'• $4 ' d. sa respectively a -t• $3 11- BliSg I'llitt Sowerloy is spending the ' ful and nourisiting -- -food they Ur. Nelson Graham bus been in ental roof. ' • the menu. bed toneh proPetty. This mem referred eto .the Goderich streets: a e ta • e c o 0, an •• • ' ' dine 'at the home of Mr. ierrnstrongle 000 ft. -width. *There is 'now not, less lowed for rent of poilIng booths.•• " holiday with, her parents io Goilerielt mother. townebip can tel.e. public works eomniittee. Reeve Turner wae ior asking th° 'thart 25 ft. --------- from hlake to the tThie wtts acnotint nie diffieulty ' • • Messrs. C, It. `Sminelers end courity engineer tO appear before the Plerst width ensures, eaee .enrance gettirtg the nett sort; er mel Our, teacher, Miss Johnston, we've 1 *levee online ee r,rieente eieluer E "Thomson bo6 mitt he theb. re*eimile-council *and explain the items, but ',for any sized steamer any etress of hoothit at the old figUres. evtneit were • a nice entertairiMent for the childreni hist / week with .•thele sistee, Mrs. 1 CLEVELAND' , Onus as. Toembers of :thelband Counefilor Munnings thought eothing weather.. r. The nepth ..0 f water hee • $4 fel= D# IL 0# $3 for non $5` , of her • sehool and everything wen' :Melvin Taylor. %mitten. these resignntioreiewere 'not evouid he gained by this, and suggest- • - •aecepted. however, the. 5/11V,0r atuf ed ieferripg the rnat.ter to a cOmMit- tion tbe inner "harbor is now not tween the piers and in the main poe- for se booth 4.11(1 S2 for n eonetabiV. off tine, considering a: le terrible 1, .1„vearreit au or.. 0 . I ' Phone 114 Weet St. rl'he eouncil txdjourned, nett on 'storm ot Thursday, tf d f 04- t ' n.ouncil feeling and there was': some- tee to go into arid decide whether' th° less than 23 feet, ample Tor atm cargo the invitation of the mayor, all ev.ent I • osiie,,roste.i, , for4, is' intending the holiday. wider re - thing wrong whielt coold be, ediusterl. hilLwas vort of the connecting /irk earrier that eau (gime hraug'11 the S"°. to the Bedford Hotel, where the " •-- • the parental roof., ' '*aut were eeferred to the epeetal twine or not. If it vias the kat was a , L g • . OVe ever or . ake t. eontreet • earinon, was the scene of a ()e'en but 1 •int++0,e, right. He moved to ;veer this to the et be es en.let to W. le. Forrest to blaet conueil, water, had light eortialia,40t1. • nretty wedding on Tleiredite, open Mite; :Slaty' Rodger spent it few ...Mr..W...Erie Batt is• seeretat7...ei Public works committee and Cemeil- - town officials, 'County ardei. Hale. e ; of Christ church, Port Albert, urilteo min of liell;rave. • . M' the barbdr, „to extera the berthintosum ttl. lor Bailie seeended, • and the motion °rid and. 'County Clerk dman. thee ...0th. when Rey. WS le. Perry, rector I (pre last week with Mr and tiro. Geo. and remove reek in the eastern ' # ' Icarried. • 1.1 CINDERELLA le Reeve Turner suggested that the 'council ohould ask for the mone in . area for loaded 'boats eriother 300 ft P letath and 150 ft. 'en Width. . • ous dinner bY His WerstP‘P Al•aYer. " l"., daughter of Mr. anti , Meennyan. Aft tl ' ' f " er one . •n marriage • Berthe er J F f urr,..40thir, dr:11111:. Harry Aernstrnnir and chile IriB are vting Die former's pay - If t ' d ha • e eye 11 our 1. x $.1 er • e„,„its were made eaeh ene pine. „.• I pp _ st,411 cats, mc. and mill. was. of monis. tt ure an ye the 'spending of it one of the largest Beees or storage - WEEK OF DEC, 31s1 to.e,JAN.. 513i what the mincer was; silent for« • • itself anti it would then know just etiegoe's there are arouni the ent touching many phases of the L'esuei YoLngcst son ur ear. anti • towe'e affairs. 'Joseph neelie, of LerimIngton. Pon Aims Gla nieDowell, of Toron- I dya • Twenty-two steamers. wi h carrying tsi show_ lowing the eereniony n wedding 410. to, itt epending. the holiday ecason eoun•ty was cbarging the town for beeheie each, aggregating over five I Amen Treasurer were in ex.• 1 d' • • e s mine at with her falter, Mr. 'Relit. BleDoev. "!SOHRELL AND SON" ed that the town Mantes ,maitivea TUESDAY The Mayor comnierged that if the rapacity of from ).-30,000 to 380)000 le great' book made into Xlier WWI held at the br' I • • r large , pane on y imme late relatives being en workdone on the hill it would also be c ng o t e Iiiir the grain storage •of our elevators. , Milton lenshels of grain, supplement I amount of 'debentures Mid, been. patd ' eellent shape. rrhis year •a preeerit. The -bride . et•ited.. ni up. ' " 3 ,It , d • f. 1 , y an use It Plesenta. ineluding I , v. at t rowan, -5Ir. 1 i e 4 a greater eherghig the utti fr h ' • rigatnst the town. Sortie of these steamers are Ii50 ft. in ".'et' which Meant that the enemy oe. PI' :Picture', "TItie feast ineludes. •geriereus (hecks, • ; Itcbt. 11,1c1)tiwell and Mine Gladys vie - H. s. l'irerrier*Annit Q. Nilisou • A. letter from the Univeraity of ' an annuld earryirig charge was stole.; Alice layee--Nlla Asther Western Ontar"o ttek tt th 'I t 1 e e tounci o this week the death elite olen-initilitileitnreet.: ; litneedank"K'egill'ar}itiLiY, twitirttollierriell.ill Mit.g. - length and the present 'mooring eap- % ti A ii • i ii I d ' It le ()lir painful d • y ' . eident ef t1 's la • I t ---T7' ---r-- /1,1 ,'--'- . eauty Shoppe” Cot.. &mamma Kingitoo Street, tap -stairs) °Ver. Graf's Store ie timed to the linfit. The captain* tPhee: way sma surn ta ;Ann e In , of debentures thet • • ' • Speerahst in Core of- acity of the pert. for loaded vessels, (Carmel leyers--Norman Trevor Arrange for a meeting some time. in. hi these steamers. are ., 1. well incased i the amount togune ot oe , p .. , the power: house .would be . Mrs. 3ohn Wesley McLellan, of A;te• eon, Donald, ..of Goderieh, -vented i . • . e ( fie an Mery Nolan. -Louis Wolltelne . January with Dr. H. R. Ringston of • -ffileibert Bretton. directed Hilo eple the University. the council felt this with the security. of •the 13.07rnor, its i ments in e nrea, looked after by the comm.ssion and . mono, Col., her maiden- name b:'Intr ' with the 141101 '5 Maar,' Mrs. J. Otory of n broken -army hero who was preliminary to asking for a grant . leek of Undertow, which gives charge' on owe sone. timbale Maria Burrows, a• daughter . Howard' Canipbell,• on Sunday. ' tried TO '414(1(10 his son tltrough :aro and referred the matter to the specie' emicern and expense in many Lake 1 the "1114"g .w oou would -come into the tax rate., e th i t G . D , . 0, . ArDit"i0 The 'finance comniittee reported re- ly otated•it to be one •of tee best bat- Belie, 'as• she WM usnally eal- :. • Sunda arid th •• • i ' • .. 1, Haw Bohinng lettIP OFF" i commending that the treasurei's b h d i richt of the towri ofeGoderleO with ii led, had a very ha Y i t' (I( };"" chmtmas MUM. ...Main' 1.0, tee ..tz • ee • "••• ' • ppy dispositton anal • •• • 0 statement of receipts and expendt., ors they eve ever lai up in. There ta a va d f d IT 1 d il • st nee o a ct iona re ring • • number ef -other :owns f i "- 51-ntoa''. wits loved by all, An Al ' • size, much to the advantage of the ' • . . . g"miuttl Pa'.. which bus. been very prevalent the per Ma the • following '`IfferWe • ' attentlanih. wan. not Ilft large as Ir. nate ,tintong • . , Mr, end Mrs. Bold. Sited and fann ral'Cigh ' owl love.. A itruly:grent, *tura-. rOmteratee• t, e a e cotge utrolia, neer I 1 A thristmas serviee wan held on. Erie halters, and have unwinding - I • • . " d th • *eitr.. Permanents Martelling Scalp Treatments ' Shampooing Ailmiseion on above program* _ tures be filid; With reference to the within tbe harbor so that more and : Eye lirow' Arching Evenings --Adults 1115e, Children -25e. insurance on the National Shipbuild- larger steamers ean be ateominodat- Town of Goderich, showing tnat anY Almotan. one of tho ohi Matinee 'Tuesday at 3 Ole Attune ing plants that $15,300 fire insurence ed. A contract has already been let other town with siml:ar anoroVe- D." anti highly respeceed r• eidente 'indebtedness. Alarmism paased away at mile oicloele'ely spent the weeleend at Mrs. Smile; Otte, Children', 15e. be renewed ori the Drool:. otreet plant for the completion of the mowing • menta to our oWli had a mice tame. • • and that tht inseironee tn. the Malt- wharf acroen/the west side of the hate • anicarmg 'WEDIIESDAIr eea...letnineStinet land road. plant 'be reduced to $1 5,000 bole and Although not yet eonstruete Engineer Kelly and C0111111:48#011C1:, tine Turning •at the fanny home, old home, near Luelimw, whet, Ploy Phone 239Appoinhota 01,8 z• • - thr tontents)-. committee,. re- It -tett to -fun m-hnittage-Iii eueeringeer sateniteeton... :tam tun equipment elle Men monht. litre McLellan had bee.' e, #too 004 mil,. snarl,/ .1;:stoc, . • OPEN EVENINGS colorful .ond lull of action 10 thiO the band instruments. and equip- the. Lake. Anothee groan email " tieing economical ano eonnen., Atr, she leaven to melee he,. less, her - aged, #4 years. I)eath was due to . . • ($10,000 on the'building and $5,000 on effinthat arca of the .harboie uti- Tustior dittioeY enoreesen. grenr - ON". . 'Crete intendine -the wt tiding -of :Rise The great Trench historical nicture. rted havittg received an inventory group of eleVen .Yessela, all heads te 1,0Mql ILOW Mina tne power noudi a eel:Aide/ft-of -"AMMO:fa* 18141 trool:' piave ori• .1 31(a. 'Characterization of one of history .ment end recommenilell titat furth. be -moored immediately aatern if suf. Icetsy tad say tnat the gallo..TL, 1.tmlynal, 44.7 ..14... ...mr ton most obdurate nten, • Intereeting mid er sum of $400 'btrpaid on the band tielent ‘dredging were attained. )U0 4140 emeu • and three _imaginers. The sons are entertaining. grant. With reference, to a gond.. temoval of a portion of Ship Miami •By • pumps literally dram At operation, bUt tneY weAt: "8*' J. Wesley, w. 'Fred C. and Erne:4 8_- 192 PATTIE' C,OINIEDY ',ohm $3 bad been pmd to the clerk of and widerfing the berth area east of in ease ot ore And whim teleS7 were , 1,41 "YOUR MAHN TOOTIN''' t un e 11 the Transit elevatora sh that vesselq not tit use cost notiung for operation. amosa.. he Divieion Court Al the omn t- • could lay up four abremt, we would . announced that aunt:ter exPendf., daughters aro MIA. tinily Thompsmil . en reported. that any other: derlue- FRIDAY and 'SATURDAY REGINALD DENNY fretn wdekly. pay roll are left bo able to accomniodate tinter-five'of .lat Wng necessar at the 1..roet and W. E. O'Laughlin. of Ala - I commended that Mr. Johri T. Thonitn trumfot tilers: were VerY ovet- 18 ntreet, Denver. In add!, F Another irietustry eemmenced with:the town. The committee ree.1 the larger grain cat -4'n • ,nouee in the near .uture. The wee' mova, and Ws, E. G, Grewohe of Presenta a spectacular etetionolt'aita cwt. be 'liven. an alle9citlee elt 1928 on Atte north vide of the tioreelitestillmonvsaecTleLz:ottriethlea.henveesr alyni taioiniutigsobranadraurileiTdilten allie left t3et amidst the gayest of t..tiy, hack. , road oil,arharges oft the name haslet an "Perati"ust grounds. A thle of big town night' in Iffily recommended that tne , / harbor, that of the Cadteeli Sand anti O'Lnugblin, ewe 19Glairt14: count an .rendered by Gravel' Co„ of Windsor, (rat, their other aervieee, and had ken m Xiv;epe_vieyt: ' . life, laviehly. produced with a great ; intention being ta eonveY 1-.411wel Iron, nearly the lifetime ot ouch eaten Shirle Tliu . °THE NIGHT BIRD" ceritur seivieerl on sidewalk conntrue- i teach and cort it at tine nine aud ' winterr)but new and mum. • I allan. Beak.. A nieartht. 1114), It get through tins Y flaPon# (lair nad • Dan.' AU. east, l• Carel*. aliniunting tO 'Wel. for engin- i the north tide .the river, totem:" meld. We tion, be.paid: reported hayntg passed shi b rail or water fotemere Were an ale:melee eeceostty "144*43 aft; 4 •30-00 MOLeher, 5. 2.1 "Let _Us Make it Happy For, a Eappy New Year's Day you will want an abtindance of good tbing9 for your Table. And oreourse, Candies,. Nut, Table Raisins. orangev,.Vruit:i. Bacot,. Etvgs,. ete. film firemen's nay--yoir for 1n28 tar% Yand rehaine alkedgan goo before another winter. anti the coot Jack and 'Mlle McLellan, .Betty brit.; , CHARIA111 CHAPLIN, in 1.. 14..- • . "T111.1 RINK" • amounting „to 1 TI IC ff re•a t er I a it e wotedpete sweetie:niacin Wallin). taine --------7 Beli4_t411,1Ai52'."e1:_'.' '..'." - _ - sistinces Tues. and .3 4' 31Jg Imo. 92000' - o-t"oat $Fvi0et: otty •pbotetnedds ihliaaitl , Tim walit MeIillond . 4-1441)spentinexperimental e yn 440'.»4 441411 .ie - 1/the developacnt of emismeeeefewerinto cunty einemelvetered wife and tn faih; /t oek is Complete. - AUK" applianeeo.• • filt the county. veer; in bet- fill Mend. She thought or others% al- r •. • hee ein additional 90.1.07e trade , other comity in the Provitice. Met- lifetime of good that keep ber lite Canadian Notional. Railway ter 9110p0 financially them ninnelt ctuy ways before pole, ante rounded nut it A Happy New Year to A11 aloneethe northerly whale to tee nate nri1V dellenturen were tentitY twine' meanie!? green in the licattl g t , In grateful tappreeiation .of your goodwill we Silverwood's lee Cream Mary 0 Ws for Satisfaction 4 ' n Hardware" JAMES CARRIE boi,„ which (anvils esereeeny *44* V144., thkltl attc, eutier.:14 tillienpiwatilustle;40,111001(1 307.04 0310) and friend% to fifty cats. Upun irnaions fore tee Do_ Aetenitieee, by, geitiog Cie itagitway pm -talon/ „i antone ann eiensinee 1.1egartment att. ct, thy hank 1.0 tam Arr. 10)4 mto. Doscias ward , ,wrie entetva the heti; of the old Whoort trie tenuity mot tee dent yowl cooly 01, steina wee teemed from tee hen he innil Without the 1' 1(4.0 latCPIP. C1,.:t1'41;e1,tt:‘-(1.g3 at the 1/4111T Mr• 004 e bOr i.the eheal b lhe unect ten turc-n The IIiithiaj/ kl:Itc 2.0 I '''111"; "47.311# ft# p! and, one fete ew tnd/ with „ 774171141 Latte G;.s ta.•cal 1111 me ite e$1. 111111 eas. whirred 3(4.13,4 sneW SPARR'S GROCERY inn tR1ii11 roa tho 0,11J:7. 3j0-,,, 1411.1 LAI,erbt! L'alfr;:.1 vain, ann tato vine P-uento '1141ririnAI OREL eel' SNIP_ I At I nine been alesridened arid nen dewe, the (113V Meet Telf the vete in 11.22611,1iieeet Mien thinetom , ne Her ine Fate I-IAMILTON STREET wish our Friends and Cu:ton-wen HOLIMSVILLE A Happy and Prosperous New Year 4'.10.1004.1014 the at Ch,rt iif fan eeae 0ene. -en • believed tnie genreal rate etouhi 74.0 ' "lalkItrnrin ilonio a the lattee'll GODERIC I EAST SIDE SQUARE' GObERICk boet taken away, Ara the trrme ;:aalritSri atvl 6uir intent:tee etaeding lie reneal tea:bee, in ceenning tne ' Telephepne‘146.- Darer in Tworn • liolitleyn nt Ler hewn En 1;7.eagsaii.. „ di:.•p(110eli ct, vl re. • s-tr ninth bettet. the Infollion of- Ow Coseutiltttit.t V111i1A03 no. toza *Wm. and Mdelel lko), witla _A 4. 1. -