HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-27, Page 4?ACV. Ilfee • -••+orw,, - -wor • - wmgir 114111111F7grapl•••-----.----.16.,••••" mot:, . • .111 1111 11111 .11111 il.'1111•4111111M111•. UM, II,. Thanks To You xn.• E GODERiell STAR " ••••—• • •.•••••ke.- et, te.eyee.•., W, CeefeCeeeeletTi eereethe ee;....ekereizi,zeuf•Ivechui, .k1A-a• 2t, iv. i.a•L.'xo• 5140.1jic ithLv. •_•. 2003 %Vito paee.e. t;te V.,• ". sor. M,F.3 Mataesoa, Mco. t-Vtk, 4„ it. rani% • Lilt. 4. Pareene, DV:re it, leek- ReaDim ,n11.1ws fiCres?enZ/0 iz OF. 7.t.:3Lcz>, 41.1e. A$ the year 1928 draws to a close* we extend to our manY customers most sincere thanks for their patronage during the year. To one ond all we extend the season's' greetings and trust that we , may have the pleasuref'of serving you in 1929. After Christmas Clearance Sale of Many Lines of Merchandise We have many lines of merchandise which we are offering at remarkable s4vings. There aro far too many item: to attempt to give details and we invite you to visit our store, A. -CORNFIELD - "Shop where you are invited to shop" EDITORIAL COMMENT GROWING INDUSTRIALISK ac 11:e east coramer. ptre entatier,3 were made by .i(ev. rut nee Campeau, wile einp1as°3 (el thv value of ccla^aticra and the •,• roll* tn; erreet ince of the eeee taecn in ,p.repar.atree for there 1,fe tie • ese.c.le roeiribeeship—M.,. J. Lau- gieeirc the cceret et' tiiM reeezeet, dee, Mr. A. I- Vele, Mee lir. Ball, Ike. veineere of the vaelezie ieeieee or. W. Bern, 'Mr. J. L. Kelly, Biro. iviere fonowe . hush Dunlop, Mica Hasa, Mice Bach- . vor ccencro/ pz,oferz*, rz,c,./o/ tam% Mei IP. Chapman. Me. W. • rxidnarn, Velliiant, Me. E. u.:"ated t'Y 41-3' 'Webb. Clevelene. ST. AND1•;EWS" wAno Christiae decteine (medal tionaLed motater.sivp--.Wong-s Cafe, hY the -6°141'3f° e?huali.bJ • tiuDert Joni -toren, "mr. Tobln* . itoey, car. tt. W. trawler Dr. it. i Second highest standing .(fountocle gnu, M. G. W. wurteee, efte W. F. pen donated by Catholic Woraen'o Aartel, ;gr. M. Itozons, ruage Lewis, League), Lucille Graf. ems Templeton, Mrs. I. bateele, 1)r. • Highest marks in grannatte (gold tt• riuiu• Ilra• a• TeVier• AU. Geo. Fetereherp pencil donated "or tiacenter, Ars. W. D. twinning, Mrs. meres Lona.oe)wil.eno .vBrier,„. Lawson, Mr, R. G. Reynoloer 111r,„ -e • ° • • 1,14 tionnes„ 3.1e. a. vronam, ,,,nr„ Highest marke in litereaure J. W.. W., Taylor. erald rosary donated "lir Mrs. Richard 1111MerM. F13!-VIllairvreplkieves,'Aiare.u1VN: hHaliegtill—etTnilia°Testilljatvgici.ting( -Heitman,: Mr. G. Tb- ' W. L Webb, • DUN.LOP,.. Phm. B. - • . . • u tsDaY, bre: 27h. IV! • E extend to all Our Custom- ers and Friends our sincere Thanksfor their Liberal Patron- age the past' year and wish you all -- A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year • butt, Itfre n, Flo% .311%_fielte —Pigheet „.maeltsein eeithreetic..:(1499k----. - _ _THE. REkALL.DRUG. STORE; Ling,- Mr. 'PIMP Carey, Mr. D. J. 'donated hy Mr. IS. O'Briert1—F,arl Curry,1Mr, H. le 'Mason (S. Str.), Mero. Mrs. II. L Strang, Mr. J. F.. Tom, Goad behavior (book donated by ' BEDFORD BLOCK ij14°C1C "GODERICit R. C. Hays, litrs. Toylor, Rev, F. El- . • .Idr. T. Crawford, Rev. Ford, Mrs, Ahmeeh onnter, <Tefi'vey. , , I,O.D.B.)—Edward ' liott. VATBIGEts weeip. I Regular attendance and punctual - 0.4o it y (beaded pnrse)e-Teresa BaeehIer, Ranee, 99 per cent.; Iteebert Palmer, feature of tbk concert 'utis the pres. ,. bale eefr. J. Aehee•on, G, The serond part of the prograiri 97 per cent.; Audrey Wieland, 95 per entatiori of the cantetli; ',When Santa • Sowerhyr •T• CamPboll, 111r. consieted of ea pageant, "The Dream cent.; Edward „Wieland, ee per cent. forgot the Smiths." This -cantata ▪ • 1, citizene oi Ldsgitue will give the new lpire. eee was most ietereeting," says R ' 3f u d ',A 3 "L . . - . • E • y school and 'was very'nmeh enjoyedby Jos. McManus Mr. L. Knox Mr of the Menthe" by the pupils the Mr. W. Riley acted as Santa Claus Was given members of the Sundey • . . eyrie ds, r. . lee • w- varzous months being represented byefor the distribution o gifts rom the OF THE WEST IlnIreouvazunottinzir) t',17;01.1irogrbtf:Tveetc'svit, swoon givIng tne latest loureter oe /Manson, Mrs. E. W. Carrie, Dr. eine. hieurary a mem weicome. welcome win not be con- vouado Ainve•Ork blawaY 13131; Orient' an, Mr. 1,Vm. Defile, Mrs. P. IklacEte- different scenes, January as Jack pr' et•ty Christi -nee teee primery and font roll depart. Bacehier, the largeasaiusztleiceinceoy p3rtent.Ehn'thexe., . eehin that tne zumonneer-ot !New rum ram anP"Ur. 11 Sault% Mr" 'I. Dalten 514 Fros h e b the hi • • - cantata was directed by Mr Geo St. Valentine's Mara g4. lnajes; s eon ter, Mr. le E. Dancey. FebruarY ments of the srhool bed their- Christ. Cranston.. who directed. the musical • A FACTOR IN xor it is vo tins part of tne Dominion Y n, stated .$2,00 ineinber,tip—elr Geo; sehoe. Patrieles, Benton Whiteev .and Julia mns entertainment eit BaturdaY after- oumherre 'The ePpeeranee of Santa !teat the Venom. Motors ot Canada in moue entrinatic terms that these f CANADIAN UNITY ',looit'penriarny tor izo t.uceessrui nnuetinti • v .x. e 1 etatIou Nor to h 411„131 ux on ix ,, '. e a 0 mt,, .etddivel watt .Snuth, Mr. C. A. Robertson', Rev. wee eePresented by.h group of ^fair- the primary department, ''', and at the dose a , the 4 p . . ,. M `.. E. D .*11" 1*, 'if W I. Sholailard doing en Irish -,, jig, April noon. /qrs. .lejeleine the, teacher ionf ...eCaloaeuesawttiogortalardeedaerehoeadixt•eetn14:1eitt ' or r • e- ..--„ vantata he . Meeine Miliers of Decernhee lith apponneo. eta prozturie' Ire of coprse was- the 'centre of mothers werd entert in d t' hi alul• the acholara aOr 1•4011.„...egain appeared with a , present for oe wtore, move tnane..),rdnee0 ineereet to tee ylatIleJlanly.fttu, Sherif? .Mlildieten, leS .sriggestive of spring. The May charge _ ,. Go on leant, oir. D. R. Gray, Queen zeeord the opening or Regina's (3cin. uLLown in toe 11. 11114 Provincee as people ex theeeecire etee.m. nieriea ha sane nave shown .priee etre, Belcher, eer, J, Buchan- i The' Pea- fit. Rance. Mrs. Chas. Bleehe Afra• the Seem p et ng that moth, :glee 011110m:1s treat _Mr. Judi: PleYea res(=e0 G etag"°(1` then'-tbe day.n pro8Triin -condotc' d of o noendtericeaysalel !too tten: mntliannorplionenniG,'en,aa,liteayu more interese in these oulletine than en, Air, oral 'Motors OSFeltrbly ' pilot. %he toeSt me 10 811 •L'ileY ere tulle' pm of A ' IdiThlittyi ' being the .1$1:e3; the' *putt of Sante, C1us:rid pares tort: 1,31(41:ri:untQ Littatlieet, 'Intl," 7"weef\ve. re ' W' Bncbanun" Mr. V' Sau‘nfe- I FOluleeaenn°,rand the boys and girle went ed the gifts erout the Chi Ina' tree. Sunday scliel., .:, fentinilroel.:f th the tittle luitcheon by the 111 111 Board are OF,entla.1 to modern bto, and in in the Locarrio 1. 1'941' or avow the deo. Xi% 1. saalta, 11-tlas Ewe', through a niece' drill. June is the A number of the.seholars Ilea a piece tertainment Nt-q..(t, the ppsentati:n of ' of Trade to aeneral Motors exeeu. rtuo oemberritio age are a great leo. 'Ibanttegiving meseatto ee Preserieet '5aults, Reve MP* tarke• ..n- Ji with prouder J. 0.° Gar:diner af.; eumeot mite tor tne owner at a, Cue- ceinide.,,i,„, . Donetione—Mre Antonio, el; Rev. month .of weddiree hod Julia §,hen- to say„ each of lrbieh aorlde(11:00etchea. '"White ,gifts tO,;, he 'King,: swhieeh the prineipal speaker, followed at 2 Ivrclat cr a Pcntia_C laVartaigY leen) ene rollowing•conamCnt from sr-- .1. N. a 31i115' $5.". chieno il,vonin , . st ..s ot .nte .f.,410 st leAvely,te evAno ed a bride' and griiont 'July is the bard and BensoA Whitely' repzesent- int' ;Irak' en'oyment f ti were presented by the Suncley cho 1 eion. Ralph . Blae "stone and Hav Id „ scholars to -be fore , ed to ick and ' • that he ie Jun as uood US his nett- • in ' , e hospitals at 441 nem= rufw, hand. At ,,...,zu ute The .0encild motor?, or c armada .whi furnishea a strum; aemonsttetion az Bauer et Ain 1* efl, J, J 'MlefEels.tselOs. CUanarifdtka"tanlea.149Paltatrloer.re see:oternde If ee and, were followed by other senolere 43/ONG . . . tie"' for the higlievet .51,1)01Lti. Children , eent by a perade from Hotel Basica. b e e 0 i 1 res., ; ,$5.00 meiribership....,3fr., ri.. G. inopth of Coada's birtlamer and Miee• .Shore . viere . %t 441 to the motor plant, led by i **There. is another aspect in which . _The ilhleaa -01' 'Wig. GeorCo hus Smith, Mr. H. C. Donlope• P ti ,z leo Stando* in the primarY depailment ' efrmini oponfog ceremonies came ofi.. ee welcome. Adding Re greet new 'too hWaltsr end elleiniuu ux ma No' Mr. It. C. Robserton.111r.-ioy—Phile-g. given. August was r.opresented as. in the follo vina. alder • - i establishment in It g. 'n' to: that Pil, .kile'tleamells Pussmg q. an nu:- son, Mr. Linklater Mr J R Wheeler t 9 . ow rs cl binitigt '11.11 1110 iirst Regiea-built eat Now) tont-1 %olio ble; )ren fer !, - 1 ii?-,(,, t.ro e Aloes throng bet ideted 0114 WAS driVe)1 la the =Awn- i active in Whew th W i' -ill tak tor the renaing of bwietil s zu. te .bly-line by R. S. McLaughlin, prosi. '14 - SteP fintiler 4int jiiininej Illa'zide. ine. lOg hia 0511Calon LI Illot ant oev°41e1; 403 oi: Govern/ ?snore, who ofddat. ,dustinally with the 'East Thug it 01 ' huc curiositY.- It le a triDato ro. , . ore toe oin juek, urs, A, new, mr, a A. s ,t e. an pop- 4,iie Riley., Harold Ifolmon, Mil- ins : subject, rt06•031zorl, 11„. P es. oP eM. er the Menai of acheol dred Videan, RIlly Reid, Bobby -Reid, year; " opening, October the month of pump. Gordon narri.;on, sosennn • " $2.00 membership•i-Mr! E. C. Rob- klus" November c'heysenthentunee Noe „Rich; z% erlv 11. ills. Pl4eZellt: eit!1:11: pe4netite /y (teetered the plant open. The ear w le p o leo 6 ( owit eectipti. n tear o ot erten]) e le, Duren. Vir and December Christmas witl S 'Aa " "" " • 5illism tint has 'kept t 0 two grea in.. the etritish people. „ r. , BeSk.101-`, ,OrOtil,y Mumbg. - as driven to an open space and pee. • ' •13 • - t A i ouspzu, t ealdinn, Ur. Herry arrival. • A pretty tableau • LdustrIni tommunit eg mart, fas. Iretleor, rueros,nrs edn keen, , and n ...e.icetino by; ;ate hest Promoted to multi school: Willio church, ( nted by Mr. iteLaudillintto the Red itered what at times has verged iuu. Unica sympathy is mingied (with Cross of Settiketeltewen. 14Ir Me- rlosely on ill -will and has imeeded It. IvOutover namestate ineY • - e"main t° eloac- • ' ' ' GODERICIL TOWNSHIP broAntehsttth.uonorgal'a Riley, Harold Holman Beir,rley January Stly 741uoilhi 4.n.txdo an cbio. the eiewth Ott na'tionaI 'unity.7 Tie hlieve,fioner.to arOuse animestties eu$,5mMO Irermae.rsshir Mr Rom ht R • TORCHES .3 • Even -- 301.. 'the, P141 xrd, ing o 11:ealtsdditt4iii h h 51111$, Roy 'Iturner, </ ranee. Gcirelek: Services in Krt 34', • I b'- varls 3 all 1Viatlin Gibeon, Sesanne liewden, conducted bY the j°rtIFY Swutie•cf:; 11StOr4 r. Loren; Thursday' evening there -Was an in- Noreb eueh, pnnlina dial.. IT the 1-4.ee Indh"IS' aacl tablet WCI'S ettenextilan tgreeTnIftruGetentelbViwIteletn%r°14: telDiati 0411'11•°421tatie:41°WCe4aYild t(irfe%rag1°Y.'!' lulfl Rad eteleided to the eeeeutives.-ort belialf phut in this. eity-- is- 'therefore,. of An incident- may relete-d--here $1,0egi Chas. etenrtesPteudatigatPrig•einndgs ti0f -(bOIajS Psar; Vul'/A3.4' nett° Tv1;24:-: i'ar•t'arlala1;.''It'f:-°re;e911 -°°ff 411°1111:`10°I.'nta4i'ntYi;1"47.411). TriTC1141C3N1°-1'1-1 ef the eity by the Atayor. At 0:30 a more than local intriortauce. for it which' occurred during rne War. 'A Whitelee Mr. blelville SturdY, Mr. -evieherrY, MarY lenge of illetrospee Babbeth ;elm 1 the ti.iperietenclent acted h Dori Baker, Edna rl haminet to the. Provincial. and eivie icar-have au intigenee on the t'40tro.• PAitY of Azneriezin newspaper men NoLitiant lidrs. Walter I -110k. goverint ent &1" 4! direetors eif the that is 4+ 41 to the whole Dotniftion. Were guests, of the klog at Windsor Mrs. Will VtlAverd. Misses Sheppard nontii of 1,rade nod vootern: (tera. "Again, the coining of Tek Gfee. en ounday afternoon., There was $r„.CIOMent, Mr. 'WititmererGee. eral brotors of Canada ie of wider nindl. Pleesent. euriversatlOu oeetlIOterft Xise Araelia. MeLeatir Mrs. us C12111r— Bellows. • • and Bible Classes.at 3 o'ciack. ,o nem a.nd the program was as followe: . . t Ftwee were owe). to the Yeunteet Seewees victoria St. ITreted encore 'number; ,a Carer. "See Amid • Piano solo by Ray ta'slreAce alld IP' baby preeent and Charles Campbell-eltureir-5undlir"—DOeseeituviimeeri 0th 10 ,. 15 e Grer(ral mon t...as given 1)3,• iritorcat6, thee lueray to the weet, tclehaoge a good stories. reezene: . C. E. Grovee. ' - the, Winter Snow," by the choir boys; eedy (three nioilths of ego) and a.ine relImstap ,. b ' neral lliotors at 'Canada, Ltd. The immense ramilieatione of ,this lY 000 Of tile More enthustasile mein- Dollhtions--Me. AritOnio. $,1; Rew• a -recitation, Doris Baker. a girls' Chari°tte. Reid (14Ue ,1110nthS) 'mit 1.4)Ple.b.liimep' Neirroisrhslaitip; eelvbrieet ‘,,,pea.eishartlefe her, of. the Rarty suggested. to the J. IST. St. Mils, .$6,p0. 4rttly trained bY VIZ' '. acilwaino• a the YeaPientuf ' ' Tiro. Regina wont ..teuelata ,of, 4,10,000 huge. business' will net be routin.ed to .i- themeelvee out ovee- lend mid eee in e en , lIng 0 n.tee teoe 1 sole by Gladys. Shore- recitation by , . e in4a6 .4,, tuff* but this in not.all. A noW ad. seareh of ever wider markets, For. a"ll (i, 4+ „Britain could in some evrty equare feet of floor tame° Under one tuo wo8tei..4 rrovinees .but. will thrupt ribsh soverelgu that 4 "would be an recitation by, 'Sort str U h 'a etell t ti • if tit * 8 ^ CHRISTMAS gNrER' 110 er,.,eong •,:tey last Friday evening WAS iritich TAnsoviorrs Do. k uak;r; .11:ano h eet. toted, ure Surelny seheoli. Telt M., 'Public Wore ditioit is to he opened in 1820, as the tutinteI3i for The Genova lvieter a_ unite their Interests' and rarzAllioo. I kth "T L'ttl ' enjoyed by it good- 'zed udi AV.tviteriLleadquartera thesCenerta• •Cttnndtli its products, need no blazon - hin,g silliZznety eonceded -that Tho pest week and the present 14• .108. pabnees emee; recitation the program was iery ,interesting. Sunday echool Christmas entertahi- shin; e lijiiet."A St 4*- asecr en e Jigger Boys, . „a once an Motors parts rtnd service (lepart- fer thew TePutaticn eeeend to none tie a untou eni ht be of much bone- week are the time of Christmas ere* tialee Moore; matzo solo. Lucy lit to the world!and then, eeetingl , .Y. tort:Ailments in connection with the risen; carol <ming * h he For the first pal* ef t e plogrern t I N . h t d t It • merits Wil oea e a e•eine • • rem - • .0 • • thiS.renowli it trill IlOW be the good ar n e 416 unPO"s'e various sehools.in connection with the and is far-flung the world over. „In ked "I th t ANCE and Kenneth Suck. and e recitation by' John Machine Pastor, Rev. C. r. Clarke presided. „Little ILethieen, Cantelou showed re- 41 u•ork to be stated early in the netv fortune of Regina to participate, end would. bave _to stand for creation ab which evill east, with equiPtheet, tip% duty of assisting •the success ti the front ofilee, whereupon the maim-. last \44.e .i, the enteezainment by The presentation of an Wedlle(11117 °Yeaing.c'f by Lucy Ilaerieon. inzarkable ability in memorizing, re. meclaia an,/ citing *the whole Christmas lesson: year on a 399k100 Toot strueture: *upon the eitizene will devolve tile President unless I wairt.ou to retire , ehure,.1"a* proximatoly $1/5,000 and' in "width industry ill every way thut lies ht aiust nromPtle" answereg, `Tome on tlle„Puplis of St Peter e school, which prizes was au lotereatthe nature. Ada' and Helen' Sheatelown gave a ,,e. win he 0111,40,41d, , thoir power.. • 2 , over noW, tItitt 4.44. 1) 1191111nat0 YOU 90 'was 114.1(1'.11.1 AfachaY hall. On Tiepre- The presentatiofls. were.made hy.31t, ;duet, Walter Westbrook a reeitatiott vvri ' . • , 4 ' ' "Vie congratulatiotte that are to- lite ‘Itepuhlican tieltotl" day evening the main 'section Of the Wilkineon and the wlutters were as and the printery I T ch on 11 CA rtls I - , • , , ,. ,g 0 . 14111 • Km George has been olzu•ar vith ' d - • '• . (ley being showered upon The or,,ner. gb. . p . ‘ Surf ay sated in eonneetzon NVIth St. 10110WS : ' 1110.00derielt Stoe Lee before tide[bor.' 'The eecond part of tile program II be e•tionded 111e-PeePlel 0.4. 441-0 hee P14 serVlee Ce e' dhu e • a ' • t • • - commented on the g1.0,..4ing,. Judos. al Motors of Canada Wi . wore oos,or i .n, . I Org S r h b d their en Ortitin* DI pionia4—Bstiker Ranier, .Aliee coneisted of a Christatae elitzteta, * to, the allied concerns, and those whet ..e e g.11tY'. ''''e Ilat1 (4. 22 la ment and lel SaturdaY arternoon the 'Ruston, Lucy Rae -risme( William ,which,Chorusee. dialogue, duets,' solisn, trill while lei tio way tonnecte.d with the ev.P17 , infant department had theirs. On Ri e -- $.., ' triliklism of the West 144141, 11 sense a tonstitutioinet inonarele - through the West certainly eervea to. motor industry hove 'decided to ea. ' re yirig upon -t e.ativice of those nun- arrieon, .1"Lnegaret 1 chorue .wee entitled "flanging the qgrower Tio WA, by any means, eousti. 'Warehouses in tho- city during the *O-' is Personal quail- Nolth street and Victoria street thi. Ev n ' D Ile is beloved 'Weal; find the vast eesources in the mism in the ,g_rowth of the West le a .t. , i way of 111,W 241 1102111 Wilirlt Are being souive .of azipport to those who place "is OUttiOcta• . ° - SillidaY Sel1001 entert-ainMerit, en PO- work, lifergaret Evans aod Aliee Abs. lienderson hall a ,eolo. 13' i Nowa of his reeoVevy will De gladly day, Dee. 14th, anti on Friday' of this Ruston. " ' ' ..„ rand Wilbur Pell saog "1 11 4,_ 411seovered in the 'West suvely point tit* 1,aith in„,,Wes,tern, nr.greise.1.44 to. the coining day when large Indus. 0 t g 3, Piringio/10 inoTnuin.-the who rielmowledge allegiance to him, ladled not alone hy the many millione week Knox cher* Sunday school will ' For daily Bible readings, Islaneye Seholarsw and jean Roltertson et.0" tries will be .4( 11. at strategle a Y at to o a but by multitudes in ata. aim other hold their Christmas entertaintrient. ei vlarke and Esther aquae. " Iiiills• Fell gave a Punch and J points, and the nettle of the inerette- ehnrus ATE eartratutationa now being flowered on The General Motors' of The St. Peter's emoof entertain- Per memory work, Lillian Leggett song. Ion Gray and"Dilly Fell y ing populations in 44( '.411 Celitreg Canuda, Limited, and to share in the Iands who admire the ability to Atroor a el'ONV0 Withellt losing thoee human ment opened with a eelection by 4 and Lucy Rarrit300. , itWo field bears. Misses Mary traits which aro -deserving or, honor 104(11 91401. orchestra =der tain air- Par -church attentbeee, Glailye, Abbe Howell sang a duet will no elenbt weak it tee establish- hope that the goming years of 111380. wherever found. • eetion of Mr. Douglas 14! 1(01, ond Shore and Doris Ailey. ment of 'western pliinta of other Von. elution /vial e city of Itegintk Vill be ,.......,,,,,.." , ,, , „ atter the national anthem an address- - zot obtaining the higheet ' marker", tghre°uRPa°Infhlotwirs1.8" 84,6nogo,“TnhueeliEDP. (•erno eimilar to what is happening in' full af MICCe5S a ildrat7-• Me' ‘...- eese evill attend its enterprise and HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION - wae given by His Worship 41144 (41 , avow BI 8.1,4 and Albert Shore. 'a soIO.and he and Douglas the ease td. Gelierul'Alt.t01.7. As Thm. profit nwitit its undertaking may be ' The 'following are MentbeTs of the MacEviran, ,who raerred to tlie good Second highest marks in _elser Limy died e• duet._ And_Phyllis Regina Daily Star poitets text : felt wowed." '114 1421(11'4 Marine und Gener,a1 Hos- woek that had been done in 'We past Havoson, prize given by 14104 C,1•4W- 1 Olive 11( 11(104411 had • It is of interest to note that The and was lieing earried on now in the ford. e'' The teetimorw of the times dig. ..,,,,, ,,, n...„ e,.... ,i.. ,i.. utl „re. ,..,,,ar pitei' Associntion for 1929 : bread Dolly arid Ca „ timely indieates that the indostriali. "%sal° i't+Y 0U44 '''' MI " .." '.. 4' paeish of St Peter's and ineeminee. Por good conduct, Clarence Bridle, tdietribution of of publication) and the first mem was .8T" G.I°R.G.F1‘8...*A.....111)... e thin wfth'the achooh Ile referred to Ruby Laws, peize given by• Mrs. 1\le. i•Chrietinas tree ration of the Weitt, will he oue of the $3.00 membersam—ine. re v. ezere the, former parlor priests, de, Mr, A.. F. Sturdy, Mr. A. Corte, rather ' ilwaine; Mona Mattison, prize given ilkft. 1119tsku pro great fietore in the development of pliblished the day that the editor of • Canada no. a nuinufneturing :Led eit. The Gederich Star 'visited Regina 'OA field, Mr. Geo, eteilliame, Miss A. Me. tato' ttohaigoor) W03.4. rather 10" by Mrs. fl. W. Carrie; Charles Pow- I (4114 1011 of porting CoUnt11. It IS gratifYlag• vast summer. Donald Mr. Fe. II. Hill, Mr. V. W. "El" 3 c zul the late Father Gnem, mut eu. priZe ken bY MISS' Ruston. • Victoria „ „ 3)",Phyllis awrenter Gladys etc. were 'included Th " OI. isters• whorl the _people. gave ezze .evoning 140' senoois Or both Store 4 show one that the farmer and grain ettiblisli new fltetories, inanclies a s, oris Rileare I.Alifan Leggett,,Ilolly:" Wilbur Fel' had a solo and 4, Jute the whole of the intonate of the Puut rear" That they thita manifest ties of kindliness, tied for the demo. ited thurches had their. enterttain- Audrey ietaud-and Rdward Wiel.la bora' chorus wits entitle(' "The 1 feeling, of eonfidence ond oppti. eratie ePirit hue ever diePiaYed in Montle. As Mentioneein our las iS- and. ' . Itu)e 'Club." 'Vary. land,* i* coluad with these Whom ne tails sue, ithe Baptist 'elluren held their Special prizes for written hoine22041 WaS the title- lit a. girls' chorus therefore, to know that Regina is , Woolleo'nzbe, Mre. L Mitten, Mrs.. 410W Fat ler =peen, who Is eatry. Purictuatty, 'Milani Riley. • , their Chef playlet ti prominent part in that teve NITED VATS' REST _Jarnm Clark. lqr. D. O'llrien, mr, re, 'mon the work in exeeltent minim% For regiller attendance, Albert Dee. 21s nalott The coming of° the world. U moekstene, me, A. 3. Idnexiin miss. tAchiming row was a delightful shore.Lrm rolilmetia auttintobile coiner% The Gen. IN THE KING'S ILLNESS Bineora, etre, ee E. Robinson, Mrs, S. amen; by the senior pupils and after bier general proficiency,. Newe ree' end ilitetore Vanada. means thitt the City now has its feet Unconsciously the people of both ',--e'eneeeeeeeeeee•-e---••-ereeeeeeeeeeeveieeeeeee--- i The Truck Driver s AB.C. Aiways Be Careful areIs certain.- Fer that reaeori Elf? tO the solidarity of tat Ifritioh Emu firmly planted on the first rang ofCamila rind the Plaited Statee have the ladder er orogress as an " trial rentre and that, as (melt its fut. .beeu registering .ree zit -lusted tribute • 1 '4. far the very Pleasant Business Relationships we•have had during the yea now almost gone and wish you all The Compliments of the Section and A Happy, New Year • ,.• -•'' e n'I'r Is 1:$1.4-) if 411 44ve-r4 "Me° ' ei. oi1.1' T '..• n tt r .. , i.tp.., ',re, 4..0 iftft • 41, ,, ,, ;r• r.,.!Itt" Aro 1.24.11 tioorineAt •,.,4 *01 •i ' •+ of' stet GPO 1141 1.1eykette tru.-114 • is Outwit, arti Queliee tuat 44..4.,tonta • t ' , be eelkl, lea rarely 0e,st. a 'rue tett,loess truck driver ri Itront-nti *... nineteen,* of Itighatay Itsesiollad==ribe jab: swell , ...mooting M.o.. QM. III t *ta opts it . hewn plainly sit lasitaelt out trade steps :testi ersoolisto. Aad no liell Te4oploame t nark has etiolates Involved la &level diming f'n feet. stay sniolioo *1 tlis,7att are es .earee tO Ilia TOSookose Oho yvhidloospsystissi $ .itie* isro stadr firs mil adeptiag Ow visit aureate's' lighttrilyet 4 e d - and 4 WO of an had Calopholl oper and uet. Gingee- o Cett. The y from the e ne-the windup, g a splendid per - a Claus; bunday echooI held as roncert Oii Friday, Rev. Mr. Parr aeted A program eonsisting of Assuri • - •-• The eat Life- nee„Company 0 11O, a f Ca4 Ititabitatoottitati omit WATuitt,00, 0>rz . MOONEY tient Vi!con Nonmx TL,, (fartilttelr, ONT. Happy hew Year to All G. Ste rt F Phon 0 :101;"1:50roderieh • s, dimspnos, drine. Pante. • etc., followed. The nutIft CALVIN CUTTS STORE NEWS New Nutsriniiieit lb... . 6, • **** 6 * • 6.21e Oranges, Sunkist.... 29c, 390, 50e, 60c 70c Grape Fruit, for ******* ......... • • • • • .25c Grapes, Red Emperor, 2 lbs. Cranberries, best, per lb. 2,84 2 lbs.........55e McIntosh Red Apples, peck... ....... Layer Figs, per pkg..... ... .. ........10c Layer Raisins, per package........ , 35e Candy, large Cut Rock, per lb 19c ristmas Mixed Candy, Ib. .25e eltuni4 Atixed Candy, Brazil N. per lb ......256 New Ch -is, Shelled Nuts, reels, itaisit.o, and Currants. We wish you attive Compliments of the SeasAik 1101110011011 J. CALVIN f- MOMii• alir6 4 •