HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-27, Page 3, Oa, 192z.. THE VVPPIO14WvL----zs- — _ • LEFT HER WITH ' Neighborhood News Nuggets The A Wretched Cough We. F., A. Brooke, T/64 Velma Elre, Picked From Our Exchanges vav:!9aver, e, wettest -••.-- aeLest • glutei- 1 had the ',eta," twice, and the hata tiara it left me wrettlted : cough that. rieemad lazy right with ; ate until I used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup "Tho Jilt 'VMS I15ea fieenlea to reliCVO SD emelt pnrehased the second oue, and, now, I find my gough hoe completely loft me. ttlo 4•Dr. W Pine fayrug "I shalt eadalallnever be without 1r4'" Prue ottle; largo farce eve • 60e. at an druggists ead. dealer," tput up only by The T. Milbura Co., Ltd., Toronto Oat _ 4 • !nit -tell Auta •1ccident I mit' dturs',11;er, tteng, t W. a SI3riii'Y'f'fo (1`-' F",Cittn?, rfs'`..f3 see et gae, era egg, f bete col:geed te ili3 t 1 f JO!'• tgali, 'Ytt-ii;gaite ' • - week a-st'ata; to inflate to tele el 31` meet wa.; collerarezed tn AR Seint-g • if.• r' -r, tilo 11-i2-vidll't: ifi' an mite, cusetekara etairere, %Viesi3er, Jelly Ns, Vara Lev. Watt•Pallen - -P. 1,4. Ile:ding cailanning. Alte :gel - A tiuk''. ':.-ec•Iali tc•at' llaez" t'''.`t Ill'aCm laetrile the beginning ea the text Nee. 'Cell will take an reettlarge ha 1 St. Irnited clatireh pea -zonate, ;nit' rh,flr ..LIZitii:NC•I'.J,:',..;:•.-...::a2.3f,f; 4,2.ff or.zzi c;iz eits11, when ltliea Mae gallon, or aye. t- "" 'tied in Mauitebe - ° .foatie wee raited ia marriage te . The stalinialetratien Rediaing new in couree of etertruetiera lea lainse,; James Watt, a I1amilto;/, fermerly Aftet.t. an illneoe; of cage a Y-Qats ters of Carada, Limited. at their ' I.enside, Ont., plant, is part WI an of Ediebure,h, S.eotiand, by Rev. A. tkr° it•1-9.•-!•4 a.lvaY i3 1.39Y.'"•`1" -fain' espazielon pregrana found net -gene y by inereta;ed Egetlieeticet. Sae Murray Stuaet. D. A• , Man.. on Iteceniner ifitii. ItIda. 2eIra. preeent (Ace building will be need -.by the Service Steet?Ileten, tillowo Mro. •Richard Ranain, leissee Ateay Ereett* II. Valeora, in bee eortualt o her, the etwee now used by cenetiti to ba deveted to prodectiono - Mary Black -stock, widow of .isA0 year.. The late Mre. Wilson wad 3, - GODERICH STAR •e /..t of the Into eteee.e.„ ern gage-----eteee-e"--, tegeteetteseasetset-egetegega.a.......... late Richard Rankin, n former Wing- augl .ban: resident, passed away at her . 1111V J'Ine Horton tied wae 'horn BERT cuseelpsOBAlw . to •etablish a factory bonne's, they F i .1 rine ago of 94 years. no "are her, ill to Kcilaida, Man., where alte mar- Former G. C. L Student Is :Weever ger and e-ou lifriVO ASSIZ, lc,f) laffelt 01;1:0 vensed her some years ag0 daring Dettent Mato.reaer•o,e;.tie'teCtstep_ang- znade lio- iniStc.the; •-• for malat• years. About thirty Yeero Dome in Toronto on Dee. 16th et tile near Elt°frt- 31aY 188i), later • iestelied Cumaiughant as nmeat husband were residents of Winehrun ri d Errzest E. Wilson, who prede. of Danforth Avenue Branch of the ouccees of this brand" to reallee age_ gtree,proatenentoene eet seeeenee. •the• flu egg-- • - te - • Thei tinted in 103" with three men Engagement Ammunced Made a Siveep at Guelpit • Spotlight has an interesting- les -los -up fore tbp eurinner was over the,y bade LEGAL CARDS Darla Annie S. 1Vilaori, Wilde I Walter Rose, tho well-knoVni poul- of Bert Cunningbam, waive a- Port expanded se much that they had to ,1I. • oi try man ot Brussels, made aging • F••. • • • Out., announces the engagement Albert and a former G. student, lave a larger building, and kept on! : .. her younger daughter Item mat. sweep of prizes at the Winter Pair who has made good in Torontm •The Igrowiugr,and growing. until on Oct. -• : •Tine Dee. 7th 1.5.111C of The Dan?otth on the staff at 737 Thinforth awl be• THREE to Mr. Albert' Edward Lau- at Guelph, •and if he had won, ore • Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public, Etc. garett third arize he would have taken ail artte e was oceoniranied ley a photo t Ist, 152d, they moved into their twee - ;Successor to J. I. gilloran • fling, son of Mrs. Mai -germ; Laming, • of Mt...Cunningham emits; No..a In a lent premises, 767 •to 775 Dattorth, tlie prizes in Ils• class. He ramie • ceding "Spotlight Gallery. Tbe!to-date showrooms and repair Shops 40 firsts, 10 seconds and 0 thirds with • ' .1)15011e tri. Oillee. The Square, tbelPrieh, Toronto, le marrhTe tO take place • on December 20th, in the Wingliam three entries in each elaes and won vries o • f articles under the punned 1 where they have one a the most up- VIINEeT M. LEE.•Baptist church. •• Ids single combo White Leghorns 'arisitzele as follows t• In the city. On the three flora are • Won Glen Ormond Trophy • • , ow• attics and gentlemen, we take office:4 showrooms, used ear depart- • . tea.. Happsy and Prosperous New Year • to All 1 PHONE 46 The Square Goderieh cAsiossmemistelPuirw'r-mr le bred -to -lay. In the egg elem. he won . Itarrieter apd Solieltor • . •-•tTliV•Huron boys'. S g g. texi-' 6 firsts, 2 zeconds and 1 third.. great pleasure this week in introdue- ment, Ivolffjehear,actitearlditt etteiirern, 1b)ratityteeceethey -aretnet es, cottlytis doetor -1T-t001f.' SIXTY.F-11•E YEARS TO •Beintnion Bldg., 463 •Day Street • eomposed of tafessrs. Eduan 'tleehns, I Ting to you. A. F. -Cunn4.•gham,tbetter mom Toronto 2. • • • - -• Saafortht „ Edwin woods, of • Blyth, • Dgatli of George Daelea ; own' as "Bert" to hi T friends and 'et room. "Their doors are operated • bine. A. diet in which sullictent -Telephone Adelaide 4163. • and Rob.ert Archibald, of Seaforthee George Davies, an old and highly asilsociates. "Bert" comes from n :by electricity and they now employ •fruit ns lack= may cause seuevy, 000410 MortAiltriP'Idlnia; studied • DUDLEY E. HOLMES. • . .Barrister, Solicitor, Notary publfe. Coniverenter, litt• • PHONE 27 •, HAMM/eft:. STREET. ..., ••••• ••• SPECIALIST • Dit. Ftet, 11, FORSTER. won the Glen Ormond trophy., fdr esteemed citizen of Clinton, paused place ealled Port Albert and if you over fifty men. • rickets, impure blood, biliousnesa and tor many years the problem of mak- judging horses at the Guelph' Winter away at his home, Huron street, on don't know where that is, it is some- Mr. Cunningham is on the Board many other ills, „ Fair. aire Robt. Archibald also won Satprday evening, Dec. 16th, after • where in Huron 'County in the Pro.. of Directors of Riverdale Kiwantsable, the prize for the. highest score in about a tveek's illness. Mr, Davies vinee of Ontario. cARr, OP LEATHER 1:r‘u,eals'anueklYtnisnogwb:intiva3titilhwell1;bruteiletnnet:imnent;alif: and is past president and a :valued ' judging of horses, „•,,tOlipston-Vellend . tit less than a year ago he was as the Goderich. Collegiate he decided Men's Associatioi. lie occupied the shrink and when it dries it may be - wile in his eighty-eighth year but urE After "Bert" had possed through member of -the ZDanforth. Business aeeTreuael,..inthle8s6ea.ea•rs were., crude in To net leather is likely to make it conmaewon with the luxurioua twee- - active as many a man of half bis that Toronto was a, good place to position of president of this thriving come brittle and crack If it has ent day Bleeping/ cars, but evolution tt it cid' age, attending to his work of dairy take up Ids residence, so being. of a organization during the raising of been wet, it should not be dried too of the sleeping car has bc•en largely eolemnized ' the Preebyterian farming ever' cley, The deceased WAS likeable disposition be started in the $5,000 for the East End hospital. He quickly in a place which is too warm. the work of the originators until to EY!, EAB, NOSE, THROAT at manse, -Exeter, ort, Saturday, Deeem^ horn' at •Warcestet, Englwid, • Jule' real estate, and made quite a• success 'is a member. of Ceclarbrook Golf and. tt nee keep its safeness better darthe "Cliambrette" or single room reate.House onapon NeVir Vele 411)b.. ber 8th, at 2 p.m. 'when rev. Jas. eetee. 1843, •eoming to Canada. with of it. Round about 1%16, he decided Country, ..clula !and. of M. elita Lodge, dried very , slowly. Do not .plaCe sleeping ear is one of their, latest Magna' and Aural Hospitatealeistant et Foote united in marriage Vera Anna, his parents at the age of four, They •that real estate was not meving feet A.F. di A, . your damp shoes !before .a fire. Lea- achievements, Experience . the come quarts ioa osp . Tondon, 4 et_ _ reoreti?ge , liogittatton00* oldest daughter of Mr. And. Mrs. landed te .0.%ipach.einety8de7vea..nsditich: leinnoeiugh so he tackled the automobile, Mr. Cunningham' is married. and and bas been at it ever since. lives at 104 Ridge drive, Moore Parke they is better preserted it it is rub- .fort and:exclusive service' they pro- ' 53 Weterloo gt 'Stratford Tele- -•••11rY Vollaral, of Tuelcersmith, to had.reended in the vi mit •• Mr. Eldon S. Johnston, Youngest son He had been. reseleet of Clinton . In 1021, he hooked up with the Tor- He has one daughter, Miss Bettye and 'phone 067 • ,. At Hotel fleatoi evening- of third tot the followle no Pam pres - ight e CRT for t. letter fr DItV°I'ESfl Associat" aied of ..Chiropracto...° ill8P12°t° „. efeee fro • a. w„,, Cheonle, Droanie ' et" Equipped with ittegnetio Bettie.. Goderiefe on the of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston, mant7 years. • onto Durant Compeny and when this altogether Mr. Bert Cunningham is a flourishing•eoncern decided that Dan- valuad member of the Danforth list a et ea'll °lentil • of near Brucefield. The Late Mrs. Edear Dexter Tueeday, at i ' After an illness extending ovei. , forth avenue looked like a good Ouse of suecessful business men, --- Tile Seath is announced on Debora- 11)/11. ° months there passed away on Friday afternoon, Dee. 14th, a life- . re, Att . ' the . . • Deceased was born in Whitechurch, Pers°° of Mrs. Edgar DeXter. The . Death of Charles McLean VIC • bar 3rd at Fargo, North Dakbta, of • long resident of Blyth district in the e.%e (mete Charles McLean, in his 65th year. 4 and went west in 1883, and for some deceased, whose maiden name was •. less Therapist, Years has been vonnected with the Enima Jane Trewin, was born .near h- postal department in that- place. ter ,Kinburn almost -seventy years 'ago. cunt-, Electra-. of Wingham, • • her marriage to Edgar Dexter tv.hen 'errous Diseases was a cousieaf the Mesers• McLean Flere she lived .until e.onae after think. Electric Former Whigham Resident Passes the family moved to -the farm in East Treatments ario iropractle. . In the death of Freeman Cetr in • . • awanos a aboutarse an a a CCVP'Y'SI 13.1101-1.1rM Mee fuefret-t to) 3 and 7 to 9 p. m. TOronto en Dee. 16th, .hts egnegimles nortb of Blythgellere the farn- •. eggree,gar=ratetgarerenta--0-- • . • ily remained until. after the death a 3lorence Boy..s. • diul '1)1? 09Pointwer , reeling Monthy year, another of the old time businees i „etc/Otte Hours:gel 5 and 7 10 9 pan, mon of Wingham passes away. Icor I. ex et eig teen years ago, w len Y SPIRIT . . TO CURE A. COLD eted Thursday aft? ao ns end evenings. M• D• t • ' h - • . THE HOLIDA -.tidy in tote,t dance. some years he had a flour mill in th" moved to Blyth. -• "Ring out, wild bells, to the wild- Ay, The dying eloud, the•frosty night; . To ciao a cold, flush Oat your sew- Siteshienee and Offie , °mei-gown et. Wingham. and later conducted n flour • • Death of.T. B. Treleaven.' • an old The year is dylegin the night ; er. A safe and effective way• is-. to . • ; and Britannia itoad. , ; •. • and feed business on the eite now oe- Thomae •Henry Treleaven, Ring out, wild belle, and let him. die. , ' cl b .1. A tsi'll.t. .1-1 h. b• resident• f L • d • ti take four • for , five tabletwoensful of Ring out tile old, eing in the new. . ,rnineral wh .13esides this, .drink • a . . ,, • AUCTIONEERING s . , living in Toontofor a, number ef for the. Past seven years, passcd 'rages Gyeeneag a son Y.tars• • iv • i . , away en Tuesday afternoon Dec, Ring, happy belts, acroes the snow.; glees of Water in which a half tea - Tarr age Announced 18th. Mr. . Trelenaea suffer'ed • a ate year le going; let Itim go; ' spoon, of common baking soda has Ute Steel( aml General Aurtfoneers; Mr. am' Mes. Albert J. Grigg, gun. stroke of 'paralysis seven yeare ago. last September, from which he 'never • • * ' 4‘ .' Ring out the false:. ring 'in Tints trine."1.been disselved, Then -take •a -Warm enema, and a hot•bath, bundle up in • ' • Egan Awe Goderieh. ton, announce the marriage ef their Ealeeeennede alp -where and all efforts t• -•-t - ..--,.....• fully recovered; although • able to go '''1 don't know what to do," cried a want blanket mid. go to .bed and leg talltr you' . etisfactien. • •• • .. .. . about most of the time. The late Scrooge, laughing and crying. in the take a 600d sweat. • • 'Farmers" Sale 'ato s disevuted. • Phone.00. , • Mr. Treleaven was born on the 9th same breath, . If you.can stay abed the next doe concessionof Ashfield 77 years ago "I am as light as feather„ ' 'so much the better.. Most people last March. He was a sonanf...the I am as happY cis An angel. late Walter Treleaven came to 1 am as rnerrY as a schoolboy. ROBERT TOBERTS0 b d Auctioneer, Eldon 1., Goderieb• .400 „ivM conduct and arran Cana sale -era • the latest methods to g t best results". Bee hire, exedrtap a ear and he will / give it immediate at ntion. Parra Sales a 'specialty. • • NOTAR( PUBLIC ETC. • 171r.u., BAILIE. . g) •stITART REELt( General Conveyancing. (loott, Companies lieoresi Phone Na. 21)a. Oode. . .(4) (ity Tpett So fr-- fc4, Ont. ••••..•••••••••••• INSURANCE n" lifeitILLOP MUTUAL FIRE le 'CR- aL ERTY INSURED. . . . ; PAIDI AND teaLATED TOWN' MOP, • PRAY INSURED. „ c• Value .of nronertv "nsureat up tolan- . uary Vint ettoist. ono, . • OFPICE11".4.--Iames ConnoiltetPreef- , dent Goderich; Jas, Evans, Vice -Pagel - dent, •Ileechwhorl; T. T. ' Ilays, •Sec.- •-• Treas.. Seatairth. '- DIjaggTGI1S-re • r. Mearep.mr, gra- Iforthgatt Q. ritritW 'VP. hit:1114V : WM,. • \%' J, 'Con 41 an ee : George Metartiene Tookersaugh ; jelm Perris. Hartnett:. Jaihni Ileanewise. Broadhagen ; Murray' •011)0011. firurefli•Id, . AGENTS -4, W. Yen, Coderfeli ; Sande. ltelteli, Clinton: Wm. Gheeney, sea- forth: I1..111nelileg, •Seafertie • Polieyholders lean pay their assess- ments at Colvin Cutt's store, Goderieb; ..J• efoorlsh:s (nothing store, Clinton; i. . . a s, flayflhl. V ,. • FIRE INSURANCE . liave it attended to by tine ;WEST WAWANOSII NO111AL FIRE INSURANCE CO Established 111( Vend Office: Dunnannon, Ont. . Win. '.I. Thomason. Auburn. Pres.; Wire. Wenteon„„ yiee„ Pres.: ..larnea Giza . via. ,Ilion. Inreetor: Directors -Wm • rifeOuillan, St. Melene; - W. • P. Reed. • rt. ll. No, 2, Iateknow: Harry,. Sat-' kf31d, Goderteli: Alex. Nieicolon. Luck-. now: l'im Griffin, 11.. IL No. 7. Lneknow; Mae. liewitte Elneardine; Robt. pavid. lon. Dungannon. Date-ni,..no twr thousand. S.V.111E11.5.• .T. o. ALLEN, . Treat. --.7110—manamianow;wparoWA Bropliou Bros.! The Leading Funeral Directors anti Embalmers - also Ambilatice Service Orders carefully attended to at all bur' -night or &sr. We Ore the inspeetore of anatomy in - owl for the COnnty of Huron. Phones: ,8tero 1P,O; Residence 2,17. --e0WanatitegahelherievareoaWreeraeart an.d yet Lucknow with his fatheandr about sixty Merry Christmos to •everybody ! shave time to get thoroughly rid of• a years ago, and for a number of years A Happy New Year to all the world!" s cold, but ere content to have it "on worked in the flour milt He later' * ' the run," though only half run out. bought the sawmill and carried on "Here's a health to the future, Whtn you are fighting if cold, do • that business andegram chopping un- A sigh for the past ; til he sold out to Mr. MaeDopaldaind We can love and remember • retired from business. And hope to the 'last • Death of Dr. Oallendar And, for all the base lies A loarkesburg, tit, V'. newspaper That the almanacs hold, not eat much. The nearer you can • live on. vegetables and fruits, with nothing which is solid nor foody, the better, But as to water, drink, drink -th, i had e following referenee to the While there's love in the- heart, drnk. . death and funeral of Dr. Callender, We can never grow old." If, added to this, you lie quietly in husband of Emma Runtball; a fernier • HOUSEHOLD °THRIFT bed for twenty-four liciurS, in a room . Clinton girl, sister of Mrs. A..J. Tyn- It is said that, of one hundred men with the windows Wide open, you are dell, of Clinton and Mrs.• Andrew, beginning industeial life at the sante' pretty sure to break up • your cold Porter of •Goderic,h: Impressive fun- 'time, one o will beche w•ealthy by the speedily. The trouble . with this so -near. . afternoon for Dr, J. C. Callendard beeonie well-t�tdo, a ergeneranTifer• enpeople would rather do intricate, or depend on pills °I Mast call It is know John lay Longsomething il eral services were .condueted Tuesday' time he is sixty yearaiold, ar f fil treatmt is, it isi so simple. ' Most well known veterinarian who die will have a competence laid by, . - $ u nd a y morning. Th'e .• services, their old age; but more than halt will 01 •. Distance and let bine difficult to wire yourself hi a • west I got here a right. Then .whiwere at the gamily' bdependene M their declining Years. •• • neither of Us will be worry- dw, 1707 Avery street, were in It is very hard to save money, about ewhich requires effort on your own '. part, and which takes a little ofyour charge of Dr. C. Pred'Andersozi, the as difficult Its to reduce; and it do- ing. It's 'wonderful to be valuable 'time.' . - • • minister of the First Methodist fiends; noirSO milbli-what you earn vide on your next- trip to blontroal. bed with sweet oil waste:tally. Do leaving Toronto on the 10.00 and this for yeur leather covered chair 11.00 pan, trains of the Canadian Na - seats and your leather coat Your Menai. new shoes will not scuff aa easity ilake your yeservation early with and will wear better If they aro pad- Canadian National Agent. ished.the first time you wear. them and kept well polished as long as you Wear. them. If leather is per - THE "rated to dry out too much, it creeks. WHY MALNUTRITION Undernourishment -Way he due to many causes; improper diet, not enough toteatglaeli of sleep, too little outdoor plale-linek of fresh-nirearid sunshine, everexertion due to too much -work era too strenuous play, and physical defects' such as bad teeth, diseased •tonwils or adenoids, If your child is underweight end mi.:, vous watch him up all along the above elines. 'Oit the other hend, over.weight is: usually due to too emelt to eat, too much (sleepy indolence „and not enough physical exercise, • YOUR LITTLE WIFE • Who plans rto mice your future' bright?- Your little wife, Who • cooks to tempt your appetite? Your little wife. Who tells • her. women trienois •you ..are one grand husband. through • aud through? Who's. the f best' girl you ever . Your 11t-• tip :Whe •amts yours cheeks when you •get hem?' Your • little wife, Who smoothes the thin • hair op your dome? YoUr little Wife. Who looks at •you, her brown' eyes ODERICI1 e vervailts somFoLs.ti orAn mar Goy anima s•TART THE KV ye,FIR TWIG THE Nor FOL/IALCVAYS UP tO Uri w04. HalPYoo sTART THE NEW YEAR WARM clear, and, sneggling to euu extra 1. near, says: • "This is me, oey, isn't it clear?" Your little wires • . sMILES ,• . "I have heard al you, nut 1 taough. you were aemyth." • • I "Me? Ilthould Oily rag; rni with's." . . • easteiected, Happy New Year! . What resolution; did you. make 7. - Wet resolied• to giye yOuu all. the warmth and comfort and cheer thatone year con -.hold, by • rontinuing our policy of 'beat eeal and best ° tie vi • Start the New Year right ay order- • ing• your coal before tluo•denuary Teacher: "It made me very aappy to mark G on your &filmy." e a vasi you 1.4 us. . . Episcopal church, oa -winch Dr. Cal- as what you save. As the income in- ' TO KEEP • HANDEFITOIIEFS . ' wit. home as if I were there. years. He had served its Sunday one's standards of living, until, pres- . \ ar yet keep as close touch lender had been a member for many creases, the tendency is to enemata • many or us eeeefed a stipples Oe • Wlijpretty bendkerehieft hewn Santa temuet it have been. like school superintendent and as a mem• ently, one's demand's aro greater than a • i When Holloway's Corn Remoter is applied -to a corn it kills the, roots; and : the eallosity comes out without in- Claus, But when we send them. peaty In the- old days,' before Lonq bee of ',the' official' board est that the income, or at least eat up all of Distan melt possible?' ehurch in past years, it. with the wash,. we might almost as ' There is a way out -the budget. It well Iciesi them good-byee So many . y in y tc. yew - eelf real. treat by; marking It it. blizzards. CALL, THE .fot. Good Clean Coal J. B. MUSTARD gt ANY jury to the fie& • Phone 98 — • Godench pier ,e the call for •you Cuts and Entities ,Disappear -e requires aelf-control pit' the cooper!. thine;s hapPen to email linen hand!. , • . while yoUriscare taking off -When suffering fi•om tuts, scratches ation of the whole family to operate kerchiefs, as they. go through Inc • . bruiSes, sprains,. sore throat or chea a household btidget, but it will work long process•Of washing and ironing. • yew wraps. • • or any similar ailment, use Dr. Thome wonders if you .stick to it .To prevent them from getting lose a VOISONALM: fi;f4 • ;14 S•• • .4 11 4 g well-known in every section of the know what will be the family income ,en ioute, baste them tin a long pie:e for our number,.• .1.44, l'11 get the cheaper 'Station -to- comernity. A bottle of DP Thom- and bow much it costs to live cm the of tape, faetening each ht the eorner. • "That will be fane. Ind ask Ecieetrie Oil. . Its healing power To plan your budget, one should as' tteleetrie Oil should be in very scale you are gall to adopt; hew This will make every one of thoee Station rate. In a:tropic of medieme chest readY for Of nrudh for food, for c othing, .fuel, pretty lumdkerehlefa conic, bacie to • days I'll call up verabt, in the gencies that may always b nutlet. for ,operating the home and the fain-. you unharnied.• . • evening, so I tan have a few . pated.' • • ti • ily auto,' for • new furnishings, for ntynNtou room; • When food bee ;weighed sliglitly, set the pot of burned food inimedia• . The Evening Rate, after b"30 . • "CONFEDERATION" TRAIN TO foiiii•Isznevolenee end how much' you • ev put aside for investment. words with the children, too. • health, for education, for' recreatioe, • • ie really very - FW ,A CAREFREE WINTER ea' tely .ce. pan of cold water. and lebit. CANADIANS TURN TO FLORIDA • • It will take Some fieuringtai adapt, , SEASON .-.0nCitaing• OW:oilier:. If -or eginitiilee 'dead 'ten Then earefuliy if you are putting a child theoingli pour the scorched food but of its' poi Senn-tropiCal -Florida ia again' college, you must curtailesome. other And the evorched taste will be gone drawing large numbers of Canadisme item to meet it, If -you are buying . or greatly le.osened. ie. the winter eeason. It is becom- an auto this year,- you may spend leae • Fit:flips e::•41 - 'Yjetir.1 1.b oar- _ . . "MN= Qtf1.41t121.1.." couNks" •rk !Pier 'New l`i- ear'sa Fergtieleina e gir,CStiCtlialeorninNitivei()-,..ntaties ........... . . . . ... ..., . • .t..t,!...„ crittlab. I.Colvinabia il.ppiles c,st i , ing lore popular every year-eprin. for clothing. e cilia). because it is ea near, its eli- Many career% mey be eut ion resat Fruit ht "le et' The bent liedY •*-!. letting. footle, aide in growth an.1 mate inviting, and it offers twin ef tee expensee. One may bey .es. ' ven Den Telephone in •4 an- arraetteof interestior sports and pensive focd,tor other 'whielt is mat helps to keep, the blood etre= pure. •o' Distance 'Station." pattiniess Aculiar to that part of the ar, nutrItioua *ugh net as delieattly It ' eheuld pet only be erge.. every t'• ainimonimmiamosimmunownl country. •la favined nor out of temififl. A gaf. &IS, , but twia,e.a deg, the year around. • : • ' . . . Pitk, 7 ment ma5 ma e to sort, ungct• :.ensons when it in bnivr4siblv Where else ut Florida can one n • 1.1 • • 1 . ley better such n exe'the, n • It o • t. • , 'c'e get freth trot% tale ehould eat Tarpon fishing:, or aquanianing, or nace wili gave ?twit turningw iiitlit s it te' tw 0 , speed -boating in Pelme.W.here risr ' fighto -when Mit- in ute, i r u .v rif 1 1 f a • Ii• 88St 41:/arlUiltiUe(I-4.'-41:41114:17411iiq'a:'' t' can one ' Motor ',$O1.7 nines' through electricity: There in no limit tottalat date.; and raisino. Canned tomatoea nvenues ehack ' .. bY•graceful palmege •ofie could spend on furniehings. Op- I' by great eitt, se groves .of ripening orating may be shaved •dotvii with leg; •Lnay be sebs'tituttal for fruit and talte ' oranges area'leniono-or along the help andanidee frugal use of suppliaea'ilie !dam .of Oranges. Unripe or , I shore tx tete Atlantic. There's golf, Itis a pity to economize, on health, raven fruits; are not wholesome ar- .. jtotal -teat vitae"' long. edacation, recreation or aaneeolence, tit -len of food. It is not cony to • - . ) ft Arrange naw to spend your winter beyond a point wh=w which =keg for el- try to save nioaey by not. buying , a.ra - months ' in riorieda•-anv Canadian fare. The tendeney already le ta tatits. Pruitt; may seem eupensivia ge411-.. • -National Railway; Agent will gladlY , ;wend too litle on thew important . .. failIMIIIMONMIth11.1111111111. -er g /business district. W—heel Locatedirt the hem t ; ,,P Overlooking restuttargt4P c..-1 • • :41-4.141 s simply you with information ' cibaut eeeessities. budget le Cling. malt ett, eee )' 4 . 'grow. Keep exeocant a all yotar est - A a within er _ rates, routes and ite retorts, ' e*a. . So* Owr Witx2owo 170:.• ],•••ricot:--Tito Qqatity ta bl 7•1* 7 . CD'En'argafli 1.7Pti35,618 came .Wevee,1 ..VC5V :;TC-rXD'ig iDePOOGE? Thomr.ssil atienno Very Choke ?1t70 11rroach Daeldad Waleeta Zee itt •!!!aktea table. no:IL..., 1.11). 2.t..i.artannatibtztid `;•e.e." Cs:erred Pcel-- oi Orat.ee lb. 24., Citeon lb. Z1a.: Case and t.litted itt. 1.113c • ficvmardowc, • : ggoo.•M. Lilo Logo nem Who:coda Col Daltrfetive o • tr.; caal rekee ono 3 t t4 Zhat Cehool Girt Compienia .1lat.I:r• tee" nacre (agate,' ttir. -93 • .Baysiclo Dulled Califernis = Poach .... • Tali Tins 2.-..1c :T4 Conntibatra Ointin 2 %lc* 250 Art KWh Yoe the Now Toot's Part" ;$, 41 Fail* Cake iit% 39. 3,411,4 Cott* 424.0 • r4wEETHEART r_trir-otasotimmettamosalittox --1176 Attoeked by. Anthwa.--The first peaditures this year, not Smaller; n11 . II Ileq 'Wishes .4 HOILIDAY 'fearful cenoation is of suffoeation, together, but puttinr; 2111 Y0.11 ElPend // s A toecettot sucarecat ;or a Happy and ;which hour by hour desperate alai ihopelere. To ouch a ike°14ell r.101'0 for food etieli montheOza one pag,e, all you spend for clothing C6cr,atenta, Prosperotio , enre the relief nfforded itirp a. IL on another, . reaete 1,7astily Coa eoc Neve Near WINES Rego/two . Anthraa eteraeay melee and so. on. Add up at the eiial of ' 141'. Dors. • '50a NtAgr,,•••..:tretwootootratiotoomil tee:rde'6ttinry4:71;e6c:295S: .neteeleg Ran than mirciewom. it61 eneh racerath anateee if you are he ada. !'16:41:colgotS14.eath ZiChttil c Funeral Dirlector and tmbalmer -Ooderick °Mat ****0040 n CAN Att. tO lbw or night. thonec feorealS; Pt * pates; ISAN1 and tywards. hannumilliestatuarit ttitniC also Colin Shop; 11101111EIL ' leamiehly apparent rind nom the within you- budget.; '.-r will .11act. to ; dreadful atteek is sneetered. Thebo coniewbat elastic, tSpceitlily until ststlisnatie who liae found out. the ae- you bave had move eeperienee in foto.. cagtzug it. But it i nontething tO go bet atul next yeat. gott .1•0 Igtter. You will find At tee ettel efa eear -"ea - esesteeagavea .that yoti ese rahlulir.? YoUs' ONVerldi. pendability of tide sterling remedy wHI never b3 without it. It 13 Mid • 'Pl;ogywhore. Children Crytime ard they :vested ;amazing yee, and Neal veil been/bud ".0 ir-4.e uc .0 rolt FLETCHER'S „ 'nine gleeted telege last etee &tot DETROIT•Mlow 1 CASTOR"A vccfil row-, pc it p. Aunt.lc.-2:cla Iiird's Custand Powdre. .. • rite ic t.'.,t ticktdacM Flout ..... ...... ..22s Derainien Rtarnd ft , ttactua Miteto Syrup - a.- -.33e. Itierg.rattey P, 1 -lb. elit46 21110 te ;',I Vies Preakfut Coast., leelb. tie aSe-. 1 014 City Stenelets Dates.2 plate Dermal& atentl ftassoalwat , Illeststd Yq: _SUTTER tb.4111• BACONvx*. Cent.444 111 - — • -.1f4 liestitest :INCte‘M tttc1:-V$, 4 V \el