HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-06, Page 9;
feessessaiessessensaseseseateseser 111041011111111001011111111100.11111011111N1111. ,
Sunday cAfternoon
alaataielsaa no woe auesetaaesauntimelliatoa a a move teetetteatetallallaillet
One ie kind above all ()theta- thall na wiee lose the rewaed,
0 how He leves Amen,
Mb is -love beyond a brattier's-
0 how lee loves:
Earthly friends meet fail oe leave Ile,
tene day soothe, the next eloy grieve
Hut this bleed will near aeceve 11E-
0 hew He loves
Marianne Nunn.
May Thy great love, 0 Christ, eou.
etram us to be kindly affectionate
one towards another. Ilelp ps ever
to bear in mind that whatever we elo
to -help anotaer ie done unto Thee;
and we have etranuee that we
sT1t0014, eaainat the Paha lanascape; run and get up a good plow, broke- it up with a homemade
irmereetweatete Iroututo atioe-ostaa: ;
Nan Foot( Onrepeny ArCasichalnelted
4241FtirdoMmr.Thoo,d0414 „
S. S. LESSON FOR DEC. Ieth, Itt,28
e s Topie-Paul And Hie
-Leeson 8.2h
Golden Text -Prov. 17:17.
Dr. Alexander MaeLaren The
Fexpositeies Bible says of the Epanie
te Philemon that la stands alone
among Patera letters hi being achlreee
see. to a privete Christian, arid tri
being occupleo with a small thee&
very singular privete matter; its
air being merely to bespeak a kindly
welcome for a runway slave who
had been induced to perform the un.
heard -or -act. of voluntarily retufning
t� setentude.
The structure of the letter is of
the utmost simplicity. In other ate ones who get a crick in the back farmer used a bomeonade plow and
Epistles Paul states his authority as
having came direct and a :sore throat, when a draft eontes , a homeonade harrow. Ile sowed his _alltdua3rtahalthereOW *little Weary
frenl heaven 1- in at the window, seed by hana on the uneven ground.
"An apomtle of Jesus Christ by the Te,get the most out a_wintmitgkx, liee eut the grain -with a- sickle- timefor elates:me
- will -tli gods" but here lea is avritiha one shoidd bundle in warm clothina, ehreshed it with oxen on the thresh. -
and_ . ,_ lel& Ilattriehirlit CUB of OM)
as a friend to a friend, and his Alect lose enough to permit free iletiViCY lug floor,
IS Is •Wiu his friend to a Idece oe and go forth with a merry heart Fi hteen centurie WO t b d h In d .oa. Maas and
tehrist'a d t which may be
tolottauthority will -not go .helt as far oreulatton, It your ears get• cold, narrowwed the seed by band oxi
tie. personal Influence in ehis ease. So ettb Ahem,
he amps. all reference to it, and in- the uneven. ground, cut the grain with
. steed. lets Philemon he,ar the fetters emit the ear in the garage- fee t , a :cradle and threshme it with a flail e '
jangling on his limbs -a more power- mason and. 'walk tetore. The house on the threshing floor. Such a small
glat e eat•adagle Arit1ij'aegelehileTot will seem •warmer to you after a
brisk walk in the
1 , e open, end that ee'l!! tired years: Today be s the
amount of peogress in eighteen hon-
heart, and give all but irresistible save eon . f wollong alone tel3„ ewe tor and the modern 'tie t _
;1: * t'IrtfeCt;
foree to the request which follow& o too heed work, get UP aukelif.R,g, drops the sacks of grain in its :ra.0111. e
lub of-foureir alte-:'StUt* SO 1 lute Rog heaseeteepteo dem 0 ee le
la* 111 111111 1 1 1 I
4'0 who will walk a neie with Inc
etlerig efe a may way e
A .coraratte efithe ;get I1.14 of gtee,
Wee care to (auga eut IOW 444 aloe
eltta ois troat. %may play.' tot your meal and the eoups cooked .
ZFlareace .1lickikk Bois
C to ••- Y
- eeeee-
,,yoer vegetablee nor make your soup
too thaw, thouge eavh ef them wilt
have left their liavor to blend (lento
iouely in the soupe leatii this meth,
ed you have both the substantial part
-it IS 4 MAU& 4:M1'40:C1104 of loe WI in one dish and over one Atone I
eaaties ;net in the countries wnere and the flavor of the soup and the 1
tne thermometer Was woo zero dur- mixture ban not hurt the vegetables "
mg lerge portion of tne year, the at al).
people come to love our -door sports - Toast or hard bread, heated in the
ua tne winter more than in the tern. oven are a good aceompaniment to •
perate enmates. ehating. this dish. 31ustar1 or pepper sauce
sledding anct tee -beam; lure tnein for the meat, and A tart ;tam for the .04' a e** 4
hue the opere and what easy cheekte bread eomplete a wholesome and de-
tney get, and meny laugritor and licious supper for a blizzardy
heart , a et t de d• 1,1
montas stewing over a radiator are Nineteen hundred years ago, the WitOre eleven *0'eloek comes
- Those who spend the winter- IMPROVED TOOLS 1
Hear All Wrong -
standing and wealth, ---for he had a
huloinonwas ParSOn eorne yourself and improve Yew health, methods or has it kept pace with the ,
Incidentally, , you will and. yourself nast century of ogrieulture? De. vou
Made Her Feel "cburch" assembling' in it Ile had
Breathe -deeply; eatoy thti frosty Plowed the ground with a homeonatiet Tineof4attclitiCabos
house large enough to admit -of a much more -at when spring comes, if use 4 sink,. a vacuum cleaner, a fire.
been one of PauPotoriverts, and owed. you have ,wintered a great deal out less cooker, an improved .refriget'atoe
11 twenty minutes.
anel Drink"- tarpon
• his own self to him (verse let) ond 1504t,e4ref.weset taenedaYar wl be 11111e leere
. Very Miserable Paul readily sets forth las gladness
, at hearing • of the good deeds that THE cReaDts DREss
,aue of the gist denser ogeole en, had been done 1:17Philemon. He
zouneing something wrong with 'the pow aPPeedihett the main purpose of No matter how niuch, you love her,
heart is the irregular beet ler tvioleet his letter. But even now be does not don e intiee your tittle girl a aims
throb, and this should be atteneed to bluntly state it. He probable ;maid- A A t114Y AtAltleb. Menet Peelle,' table a
immediately before the trouble gets Pated that his friend was justly an.. child looks more "dressed op" in la -
wilt*. gry with his runaorne, mire and so . aou rto....,...., entoices mai emus,
Ile eses tact to induce him to do what She looks smartee ie. A pimple drese
)40. W. ia. Barton, Doraville, Ont., is a plain duty but an unwelcome .... goat, 42.1ell. A V uetracte Arose tae
writ6,:.-14 e
Oa ePrieg I ems we're' moth one most probably. Paul's perstute- beauty- of childneod to have it aa
run down and my tame got very had. of ...tee... up lit tommings. .Besioes I
this, it liaroperse the free motion of
hoe to Philemon are ,echoes-
Itty heart seemed all wrong in its beat- Christ's persuasives to . Paul. He
into and X was feeliog very miserable, bad learned his method, from hie A team, mattes ner umennto•rtableano
or are you still carrying Wal'cr in and ,
out. of the house int nail?
"One day Z it:incited o,hox oa Masteo and bad himself mtperienced Immo' to inakeetier sea-conscioue
that gentle, love was more than come little prig.
mandments. It is "for love's sake" a.)44•01e designs are easily launder-
-not merely- las to Philemon, nor ed Ana kept at condition, glee tree:- -
Phileinon tO him, but the bond which dom of motion and make tor grace,
unites all Chrietian. souls together, are more comroeeatee, make the
and binds them all to thrLete The wearer tnore happy, and develop in -
run -away slave was now a fellow- etetelteatieh as 1-..+.4 culotte the small
Christian and it was for such that thud to oress hereehe
Paul was pleading. To the entree- Choose fabrics, et good quality,
4 ties of love were addea personal wInch will. wear well, will launder ,
touches., The request of old -ago well and hat -lade'. 4""1 "
• thould have weight. Then too he ad- colors. Theo maim them up ut
wed thin. Mei box dirt spelt wonders for ded anotbei motive to his request straight lines -little short 'sleeved
me X took another, Test wail about being granted. It was neade by one dresses with the-eleeves formed by
seven years ago. • tvb0 was "now also a prmoner of he. wide shoulders, ,the lament,
"Xf,, ever T ani feeling that way*
again X will surely give those Pine
Jesus Christ." It is as though Paul
said: °Philemon if you hesitate to enough to show the binding trim of
take Onesimus back because you the little trousers, Put the wide.
(mother eliatice es X can orst confident
the/ will build me up. - ought, will you do it because l• esk hem in by hand that you ego let it
you? and, before eyou answer that down as the child grows. Either a%
"X else ant a firrn „believer tit all question, will you vim:ember my age, Attie- roll collar and. button 'strip
your medicines just by var Heart and what r iop bearing. for the Mas- down the front, of a contrastingma.
owl Nerve Pills did ter , ter?" Paul proceeds to give (Mesa IS a: good design, -or the gar-
poled,oe, 'box at 4,41e/dere or , MI17. a eertificate of character and mentanay be ba2nd in a pretty shade,
melded divert on receipt of, price by pieads with Philemon to take -back with no collar and no buttons, simply
The T. 'Milburn Co. Loa Toronto one -tune worthless servant, and a slip -over.
Ont ' tea ' assures him that be will find him The trousers,of the same material
helpful now Per Onesimue was now a at the dress, can be buttoned to an
Man ran today press a button to
Chocolate and cocoa contain an
light his house, wash his Wirt; cena
alkaloid, theobrominee which excites
his food or bring aim a sang song by
his antipodes. the nerve centers and is not,geod foe'
• !children. %these drinks are very nu -
HOUSEHOLD HINTS ttritious end are otten recommended
To clean sas a good fooclefor school children,silver, boil it in soap suds
or in water containing soda. 1 but should not he indulged in too fre-
Scattering dry salt over the carpet tquentl-V4
before sweeping will brighten it and {
cheek the ravage ..of moths, SOLOMON SAYS:
To wash windovis with soapy nater I The greatest study in art is to
matte theni clOadY. 'tile easiest way -learti how to make an attractive
to clean them is to ose a chamois_ or heille.
o clean cloth and clear water. Wash
with a cloth wet, but not dripping. SMILES •
Wring out the cloth and go over them "What is a potagemiliaw.t"
again, then wipe with a dry cloth. "I think it's a teilow who takes it
V tumblers have been used for correspondence course."
milk, rinse, the milk ont with mad
Water before you put them into hot
evater. The hot water dries the milk
on and give e a clouts" aPPearallee
which is hard to remove,
When Mother is busy in the kitfeniaiJly -
oilileiPdfere &via InoarY
ehen, it Ls often a problem to know einoenr
t t *ti h th • e Suecesstui montreat top-s,art the
sleeve. Melte the dresses short
who wants to ,ahelp" with everything g
and does not make it any easier. Ono Step into one of the individual
mother solved the problem by having sleeping rooms on tne 10 or 11 o'clock,
a tittle table in a corner of the mkig. oCtzadiponr. NItinotnraelaltrakasvefro: sTxd-
en where her small daughter
re -
cooked. The muss ill the kitchen f
paste and met pictures fz.am magiteines, and Zrv!?,ailthe.etdu.spreiansdiiit 101' 11
was easy to clean, up and the work l'hat's all there is to it. The ap-
was developmental to the smaa ehild. Pointments of the individual sleeping
looms will the ironing. board IS
The, small closet into which to fold
one of the latest 11‘iil,e.dalFioutnilltisittsr4iPinorse
worth the small additiona cost.
modern conveniences, It Is built in
hid the child to 'telt evitleh is the
between the rafters in the leitelen
front, Make. it a. patch Docket two
and a small door -shuts it from sight.
inches below the waist bead. Straight
When the eloor is opened, the board
trouser hands. rather than theogath-
may be unfolded and stands on its
ered bloomer knee give more freedom
of action, are easier to iron, are less awn standard.sleeve board at.
tachment is a part of the outfit. The PA". Quickly Sawn Cq
eitpensive apd easier to keep in re-
pair; as the elastic elver: stretches whole contrivance is very easy of ac. r taw
cess when when needed, and delightfully
,4nd has to he renewed, Make them
eltortout o 'sigh when not it! use., enough to escape the bend of
the knee.
abedienceeeand Paul had caught the • • ESCALLOPED SPINACH
very tone of the Lord's voice when, SOUP There le no better food than spin -
he said to Philemon. "Without thy Your smah oaughters may stick up ach and it, may be had in the near -
mind I will do nothing. that thy ben- their noses at it but soup is such a kets now the year around. It be-
efit should not he, as it were, of ne- nice, hot, filling lash for cold days, comes tiresome to eat it always in
eessity, but willingly." especially for supper. Tomato, eye- the same old way, as greens. Try
ter, pea, celery,potato or ereain escalreping it for a change. Chop
a s
soup, flavored with any kindofveg.- ttvo cupfulof alted cooked spinach.
etable are fine, but best of all is Ms- Arrange in a buttered baking dish
terious, multiflavored vegetastock ble soup. alternate layers of grated eheese,
1111 For a foondation, use ment dried bread crumbs and the tpinach,
made at follows: Put. you:, meat having tbe top layer of crumbs. Dot Ailg "kg oi +140* -41011. WO NOVO k
bone on to cook with cold water to the top with bits of butter and balm,
gra I cover and plenty' of salt. Add four
• whole cloves and two or -three bey
leaves, and co* one hour. Then be-
gin to add vegetables. Met put in
etetho, whole carrots for they take the lenge
, est to cook. After awhile add two
1 thick slices of cabbage and whole on-
ions. About half an hour before
serving, add 'enough potatoes to
serve the family. Other vegetables
such as celery and peppers nifty be
added. and at the last you may add
'canned tomatoes.
When ready to serve, dish out onto
a composite vegetable platter, the
meat, eurrounded by the whole vege-
"The devil finds something for idle
hands to do. Come here and 1 will
give you a lob."
-- -How ,rd ssACH MONTREAL
piece' or Paul's very heart; the un- uoderwaist. If they have a, junket,
IholiOl!WOWOlow•~-"wwwkoW°W4W, profitable slave had 'wound himself it tan hold ri handkerchief and will
round his afTeetions, and become so
• T SWARTS° dear that to poet with him was like
o tting his heart out of hie bosom.
gilte. 80ti none Livorg
. who loved Paul as well as Philemon
What a plea that would be wieh one
Rack Stables, Bo. dpiadritilZ thou count atsherlyoarew
Poul, however, states his determina-
ilaontroal Street •tion to do nothing without Philemon's
Just °Oahe Square cement. "I delight to do Thy will"
eaefeeta in the foundation Or all christiart
'Hews Meet ail Traipp,amd
Passenger Boats
Passengers celled for In any
part ot the town tor MI
5 trains at O. T. R. or C. R.
Prompt' Service and
4aretul Attendances
Tdettr 1.Iperp -and Mack bevies
belound ;spate -slate .
in every respect
Your Patronage Solicited
P110011 102 -Montreal Strait
Hydro -Electric
viz prom% STORE
ateservations for the Individual
Rooth sleeping ears should be made
in advance with Canadian National
Slowly, swarm a 44 of "Beelskooleti
YOU% .he Aeteehhed hi the liessfilids.
'relief it brings to a sore, housed
throat. Sharers, sleeken and smokers
'show_ never be without it. The first
dose ewes and .1100thill the throat and
bronchial tubas -and there are 40
dam in it 75.cout Wait I At *II
dm/fiesta and seareintorsd ate/
142 fit,. Tomato
W. IL' Seater. Llielaia.
It 1
Willidtbeibtalttilf that
Warfel* distritt. •
Overlooking CirettsPerlte
:Ina b
SOO rooms: oach wiiti bath.
1, tablet, Piecee . of them will, have
fallen off be left swimming in
°A modern --4)toof Rotel.)
Rates: Q? and Aryan:1s, i your soup, but not ettough to disturb
a FamousReetaaratiteetimusie
also Coffee Slasp7
. . 1'34 proceeds to show Philemon
!fiviniEL .. • .• ... that .tt .was quite -possible. that his
, ;lave was allowed to flee from hint
' , ino orde,r that he might be given back
e. richer possession, a brothel.
instead of aslave (verges 15, 10).
IDETROIT.MI•k*Ii Then Philemon is exhorted to forgive
- the money wrong as well as the othe
- itteateee, eteeeeleameetotee ers which Onesattus had done hitne
kr,e0 says "Do this"becaute it pleases 'me"
In 'closing his appeal Paul virtually
(verse 20). "Even an Christ did for
Cook 1)7 Electricity
Wash by Electricity
hoe by rieetritity
Cheaper thous Coal or Wood
Alt eletrie Vaettunt Cleaner
removes the dust; a Ivo=
,Mt moves the dust.
We guarantee all II ydro
Lamps for 1,5o0 how,
Walk in and see display qt
The Hydro Store
Don't atter me:edict!
pain.• Mom some
rub well into the af-
fected parts, You% espest.
'nee okra* instant relief.
Poe Mint'* and pain women are readini-thinking-Atiep '
earts, ere s no mg spec a IANTsotArborlatadeeentaisilttelettalkelirmaElLealotalltrottoitk‘
rise Great Whi t e Liniment sheet it. Step by step, stage by
stage, the tew world is being create Wooleittferiseettea reteneteat tostee too leo_
us with God the Father," says Luth-
er "thus also doth St. Paul for
Oilesimus with Philemen."
We are tremendously happy to be
here. Ther e es undoubtedly great'
oppertunity for pereonal work in this
country. To anyone) coming from •
, China, where trowds throng our
emeetings, the work at first '
very slow. But the longer one Is
bere, the more convinced ono, le that
the work is solid And lasting. One
by one, they aro entering the King-
dom. and little by little the nation is '
betiding to the itifleenee of the Spirit
Chteet Youtt men d
75c and 40c
The 'Indian -detour
Grand Canyon Lint
Iiie'tpanta re maintains a special Service
Hurean, in charge of its representative at
Detroit, Michigan.
Tbis Bureau is prepared to assist in planning* winter
Southwest. Detailed information fungi about
dons, a s well* ',sightseeing trips. Cornpleteitintraries
trip to Csdifornia, Southern Arizona, orgociethero
railroad fares, tdeeper rates and hotel accommoda.
on reoucst.
California Alia-Winter EscattetiToilts -21 days -all tektite.
Ott the way-littliats.detont, Grand Canyon, Phoenix, Confer.
:eta etrul Yosemite. Return through Feather River Canyon, Royal
Gorge, Colorado Smogs tend Denver. Itave Chicago Soave
410Yrs Jen, 5.19. reit.2.16, Mardi 2.16, 1929. Ask for details.
do PR its anti moll routes below and we trill do the e
_ , thcn, Itexishiseseisseissassionnosaisorssalastaamarion•nieemineenessousuriniusiresee
itimplyearatgetoategethen meg 4eithiu or is ttivzoin g t eular
ed: and we are glad we are here to. 1 hieleilleseterw ettateseetreeeta .
help In this roagOilicent taek. May i There will be ,----,..pervens En put th.
your prayers continue for Japan, that a40 rardtt!tsboaar• y • 4 ,_ ereelee.
ehe my d
may reeve and more of a a litaXl-a - - - -----,
4102 Lftlit delahWiettilloit MEW*
' (.11001 truth, beauty and love; are eto : n
. Plitter. --,--• - - - -
PrOM Meetover more rally ht her
• ft• eteettfo. ,----
life and character. _,,,.,,...,
1 , Mrs. IL Ca Watt5 Irl The, Ming g ‘.....- tr awe- ma*
Ne5Stille) senessemossieeisteestaemeeermeatimifto.iseastftwaseest
PAG -*:v M
1111111101.110.---- aa. -aro: 111.
4 a.
S.,:41,,,,44 BRONCHITIS
tfigtfAil;41 ASTHMA '
Schaal Teacher Attacked
Not io 'err tome ago. ItenrY
eeT) anxious to so Into ene et the
profeeilone. au -474 oilier to make
enoufih money to keep up with ins
expenses. he took up school teachinir.
Well. teachinir inn 40 riNY
ill an it used tn,be. 422 ilenrr had
1,7 -work dolibly,har4 to do hie day.*
work and also UP with hie WI.
vete atudies. Mora than that, lie had i
to aware some of la* slender earning*
to hells keeu his widowed mother.
III* father died mune fifteen xear* ago
from tuberculosis. ill tem*, Ind
long before hie goat was reached.
IlenrY, too, had outworn hie slender
reserve of itrcnsth. Ziow to has had
to :sive Pilittlett is a timber..
ana hut lire's ambition. anti enter the
Muskoka hospital for Voniumptivee,
whcre long Ought before him. It
may hos many month* before the ex-
perienced medical 'mention and nurs-
ing he is !genius at Oda institution.
the lart hope eV *0 ramie Unfortun-
ates like him. will do their few! and
Put Win on his feet amain. .tWouldn't
You *Ike to help In this work? A,
nithscriptlon would. be raint_weleenm.
Such mar es sent to hon W. A.
milkman or A. 4. Ames. ell O011eis
Street, Toriait0 5. Ontario.
i tion so dietreseing to eight sleeper.
, Rath sawn haa a real bed -a real
. sinew: mattress -and a dozen mien-
Feted travel colweniences.
ou will .e.njoy night travel if yea
t ge thia wayotatel you get the exam
i comfort for only a swan additleuel,
!cog, , .
*Ileservailens for the Individual
. Rota eleepiog earn should be made
'In advent.° with Canadian 'National
Haw ettiapasseliker-deseribes her trip
to Montreal
Go to sleep in Toronto --and wake
up in 'Montreal. That is. the usual
schedule of paseengere who have tra-
velled to 'Montreal in one of the In.
dividual Sleeping rooms on 'the 10
and 11 o'clock Canadian National
Trains. Carefully appointed rooms
are arranged to eliminate the vihra-
Lee, Goderieli (1.20 corn. 2.20 pan.
" Clinton 0,44 eau. 2.00 pen.
" Seaforth 0.59 n.m. 8,08 p.m,
" Mitchell 7,21 a.m. ;1.35 pen.
Arr. Stratford 7.45 aan. 4.03 pan.
" Kitchener 8.40 eau,. 4.20.p.m.
" Guelph 9.04 a.m. 5.00 pan;
" Toronto 10.25 a.m. 7.30 leno
Rcturning-Leavo Toronto 7.55. -rem,
12.55 pan. and 0,05 p.m.
I Parlor Cafe Car, Goderich to Tor-
, unto on morning train, and Toronto
I to Goderich t 0.05 pen. train. No
ehange of ears between Goderich ond
Phone 8
Town Pessenger and
Tieliet Agent
4 ,.
jr..X tiTE TELEPHONE ilti$INES;S this
J. man is eetiled a - etrouldoeshooteee which
wee* :tooted 1d4t. spurt but it isn't for hinl,.
Atiy hour f the nightfie. na,y be roused from.
rlecp Soniewhere the line is down ond,, it :hi:
up, to hiin to. fix it. 'Right- away.
Usually the lineis dOwtt *because there ' has, .
been a storm. It israt inuelatun to.cling Lo tite
top of a pole with a zero 'gate taking ,yotw
breath away. •
llatINDING THE BREAK in the line is not
JL' as INtd as it used to be It used to mean that
menhad to trudge. arOng through the storin,
perhaps for .miles, Until: the bad spot was
found,. Today there are delicate instruments ,
‘which tan locate the spot. within a re*. rodS'
from aa office many .miles away.
They are so accurate that if there is a break in .
the, 180 miles of line betWeeri Toronto and
'Sarnia, a man can sit in a buildjng in Toronto,.
aini locate the spot Within a pole's length or, -
• so.. Or a man can sit in a building in Montreal',
and find a break anywhere. between 'there and
lie Carl tell the -trouble-shooter almost the very
,pole tt, go to became!, everypoli noW is Mimi-
.11.3 4o the, actual job and it means more, than
losing sleep' or itravingoliad weather. It rails - .
for very high .technieel
. ,
cables are shuttle,kad containers holding
hundreds of tightly packed wires, each fine AS
a hair. When the cable is burnt out for a
stretch, or is opened, there is aline loot:her
ettr1eesss.s. It looks like -the stuffing of a hair Ina:
,Plach of these hundreds of fine 'wires has to be
connected again to its mate in the other half
of the cable. If you can intagine youself finger-
ing those Wires at two o'clock of a stonily
wintry morning you will realize how good the
trouble-shooter has to be at hi job.
'DORMS coar mONEY asawell, as. deo
comfort. Ithe telephone systent has over
075,0(0milee of wire strung 00 pol(N qretch-
ing ;ionise 23,000 miles of country and every
ptorm hits some part of. the bystem. A big
etorin can do a great deal of damage.
Sleet has cost the telephone company as much
as a.million dollars in oney ear. elotnethriee
one storm means :Tending more dam $100,000 -
without delay. ' •
There is no time to call the directors together.
The job has to be done and the money intiet
he spent.
nie money Li ready becatvie the telephone
company has followed a volley of making
definite provLibtt for such emergenciee.
And the lob is done leceatate the telephone
intAne,s has men 444 women, like the ttrobje,
shooter, alive to the meaning of-
zwirtice and eager to keep the
telephone in the front rank of
Canadian progresa.
Punalci bu The PO Me!spitcgs Cc:epees el new& te kit goo
ctlathino et,L1 ea eareetere barmy* esti tt.. reWe