HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-06, Page 7111RitXD4Y. D.
Warden Bays Addresses December Session
County Affairs
4-4 the Warden tor an eatiinate ot' 'bent to Good Heads Contntib*ton del' twiJitio: that eat at*antir *W-
I th,' cust ot tbo paving in the comity Tito fallowing mutton* eery in.tde..
' this ewe.. -Filed. Moroi bir J. W. tko-.•.: ire.or“trii Iti 4111ciiiiiellt hi* 'OA firandativNitt
1 FrOM the theparteneat of Eritrea- by Hugh Milt. that Mr Jo*Itit Ikkids. Ott, oii•tniA,; "glut' present iionsi•
tivn gibing the tontinuation athool Atte mealy -elected itWielike VI' tiie toateet peley., ethe ii btieee out sta•
growl. paid chili eelit All (41dOWS : ...Alined. LW placed on %tie spetfliti *ilia ,tt1/4111.41 10.0k-illk on ewe fortti....i.
at • 1,ength !Petit. SVO;t75; nreneete, *nutlet talt*cuttrti. tutittliittgivai in tilmk e tif Me, -*II:, taid tasted when agreedoriat lilltd
Wet/U.(4K,, *anent: Howitic trend- Mrlaostd deceiteert arid Milt OW tete- wile t'AiMIdieS ( hiet, nuni,mt only sot -
;unite 077 ,9 0 ; Hemmen, eieettaet cutire tonne:tier appoint: ite en n elettetien t") killitingfitliti TttillY•Yvittta,
' Zurich No. e. Hey. $41$.01,--Iiitd. chairman. -itttil.) i:Aell twenty yeat s iiii(0,, ThiS VIA*
. :Jury at the fail sissizee Oct. 3is*. to ker One the oteinbere in this cuuutil lima' et let tengee attractive tauter., ,
The presentment of the Grand Mud by Hes,irs, Ingies and Bitet :true Teday. as we have seen, out,
I Ills Lordship Juetiee Fieheien Vincit ti) Pink's' on i ecorit oar eel; ete existing eentliteine, anti our einnist -
Reeve Dodds Takes Seat at Council and Is Put on Com. Frem the tierk of Perth Count re ret ise the lee* we line eusteined nestritie eifeete to promote land sttt
tenelosing a resolution painised -ay telt thfough the death of our cetterned tietriente getting us newhere."
mittees in Place of Late Reeve Quaid county couneil at ita Ocoee., meet- collesgue, the late ttieleleMdJut1 Intthu Mr. Inlay lioints out thitt
inge—Sent to Good Road e Commis. whit represented the townehip or Me- those Bshers te he ttanentented
- . • .,. 4. It •
The December session of the Huron county hp:Tates and he thought any
County Colleen °pence on, Tuesday 1 of these was svell enougn equipped
afternoon with alethe members prese t„e.telto (nee heligente Just as ef-
netentty as those preperee. to pay.
ent Warden Hays reserved his re- Ile believed it would be a, good pol-
l -aerie -I. until the various matters the
clerk had in the way of correspond -
ewe had been dealt with and then
made- an addresa on 'county affinra
wlach showed that he bas taken a
Item interest in county business and
has made a etudy of the problems of
the county.. Mr. Hays expressed his
pleasure at tne associations he had
made in the county eounol during the
past. six years during which he had
been a member of the council. Be
hed had a 'gmater opportunity of
going into •the county affairs, than
most wardens, on 'accounz baying
given up farming, which gave bint
- moved. to .Goderich: .same nuniber as county council com-
e o mut
t b Sept. 1Sto thert the tour- She wae 2,1. eame es a shock sto 7in recent years made outstanding
• _
eion. ledlep as 'Lecke t ming t le ! itu ni .i. to nti.ti. 4 A ,.. , , . ,
Efftlit the Jail Governora" Assoviae „years. We wieli Wen to exprese oue ifolkee—used to work whieli involvee
tion asking tint cotoperstion of iturou high appreciation of the services yen= i a minimum of selfeetliatiee end It
Ceuntv council in seeking to place all demi at this board by Mr. McQuaid niative. MO^ laita'v with a few ex.
jail officieLs on tbe eivi i serene list, :and ta extend our heartfelt AN'Ilifia- eeptiens. lest the qualities of the sue.,
'so thet all permant officers of On thies te his widow and family Meth° ,cessiW . pioneer or settler." Ile
icy if all hospitals in the countnwere tario jails may be eligible to receive :loss of a loving husband and father, elatms that to transtilant them to t ie ,
not sufficiently equipped to take a retiring allowanceneSene to neeetal , and to the people of his munieipality :loneliness oral hardship of frontier i
charge of any f3913 presenting itself, committee. i in the lose of a sincere friend and ferme would iwove net only ennui but i
tooequip *one hospital. At any rate A petition signed by Dr. A. Neve I esteemed cow -wilier, and that e elpy disastrous.
he thought- all hosPitals should he ten -prude, Samuel Cleave, J. A. Fai- lee this resolution be sent to Mrs. ele- With late first eontentiou that our
Paid grants in proportion to tite work eoner. John Pollock, Win. Dewar and :Quaid and familnee-Cateded. . ' land is no longer attractive, we cant ,
dren's Shelter : matters, raentioning ettunty council ,keep the Lake .Shore ' WHAT OrtilliRS SAY not altogether agree. The 11111110W .
a aCIPS of untitled land in the Cana- t
done. . e.-.....—• al, . 0•••••••••••
The Warden also -dealt 'with Chile lege of Bayfield, asking that Huron '
85 other residents of the pollee vile ,
it on a better footing, as he consider-, epen for motor traffte timing ehe tetra- ' Making V. Feel Old drous new Peeve River Country,. of- '
, tlian West. Particularly in the won- i
the steps that had been taken to Put road between Goderielt and Bayfield : *
tattliceleteintittieethod kid net, prove (Financial •1 o
' 1 st)- • --- - -e•
fer bright prospects to hint who is '
. t . . ... ......_
Roads Commission. ' - Unless a mon is um pest thirty those thousands of industrious men ,
wieung to fialeve ui the footsteps of
nd vow eatisfaetory. He thought ing winter of 1928e—Sent to (10a ' - ' -
the ehange of putting in more direct- Copy of a resolution passed by the be does not know muiet ant the ,and women who have pioneered the ,
ly under the county eouncil's control Orillta Boot of Trude asking the co- war from personal experience. We , way and who ate now enjoying the
wait a good tone and in the right dire operation of this county in an endern had in our owe office until a short fruits of their .early struggle. Brie
more time. This would probably he ewas tee large and tO0 eXPQIISIVO and vor to get the Canadian. National Ex- -white ago a very bright ,Young Aid: immigrants, einem ot whom knew ,
. eetion, but he thought the committee
U lest year in the counele having that it would be better to have tbe hibition to :change the (late of the fair thing who ri was our private secketarte next to nothing tibout fermium, lutve
Since the last meeting the touricil mrttees, or two from the C. A. S. and
had lost one of its menfhers in the two from the county council and the
death on August leth 111r, Frank Warden.
McQuaid, who had trepresented Me. Thee service the county is getting
leillop for a good mane years', for stenographie work WAS next
awl had given the affairs tif the mut- touched on, and the Warden thought
. ty very careful thought. His great this branch of our county official sere
vice was very unsatisfactory, as he
found the stenographer in the Keno of
the court clerk, which is a provincial
°film :collected the sum of nearly
te11300 from the eotnity the past year
or 1928, for &lug eounty work, for
which we received, no percentage re-
turn 'whatever, and, some steriograe
pime loolcitig tor work was deprived
ot a job. lee thought it svouid be in
the pest intexests of the county to
employ a etenographer independent
of the Pi:evince, who could take
arithitien was to be Warden but ow-
ing to bis failing 'health that posi-
tee. -non had not been his.
ten Mr. Hayes referred to the recent
erection In Goderich of •a cairn. to
commemorate the pioneees of the
Huron Tract. The Canada 'Company
in the early days owned all the land
here and owned some yet, and,. in
their plan of getting settlere in, the
opening up of the 'been Road was to
their interest and the cairn was also
• tea n historian inemoriel tbe open -
tug of that mad. But it was of a -charge ott county work and *tot for
more or less local elm:actor, and the the Judge, .crown attorney, elerk and
Warden thought it would be very treasurer, Instead of paying an office
. appropriate that the county should for this work which was not doing
put up a memorial tablet in the court county week, and he suggested the
house, as the fathers and grataifath- atelmintment of a committee to col-
' ars of the present men of the county' led information and report at the
had eIerired up the Huron. Tract, built e
Jonuary meeting of the council.
roads and laid thenegotedatiens for The Warden also referred to the
t our present fine system of hIghwaYe- large expense invented in the up -keep
eeltese were the corduroY Pestle and of the provincial offices in the court
ethe early gravel roads ana the pion- house, /mil which the county. re -
ears had thown good judgment in the
teee laying out of these.
se- Mr. Hayes went. into the county
• finances:. In eammort with other coun-
ties *roll had made large pannotie
geants during the vary AnloUnting to
MOW. 001Y sis,600 a these de-
bentures were outstanding, dee in
1938. The county- had been pretty
• generous and had 'tome ounefairlY
well. In 1926 the counteniecame
Isle for e32,00(e as its share of the
highway between Goderich and Tay-
lor's Corner and in 1927 for 049.000
for the coinpletion of the road to
Clinton, ' a total of $81,000. At
the June session the council pas-
sed a bylaw•to issue ele0,000 of de-
bentures, to run fifteen years and
bear Vie per emit. Incereste ,tols
• bylaw was refused approval by the,
Ontario Railway' and Munteipai
Board on account of $5,777 of maul-
: to:were eceount beingeinctuead. The
Warden, however, thought teas
going to be a geed thing for the count
ty that that bylaw had not been ape
proved because the county was gobeg
to he able to finance without the issue
of debentures, ny arranging with the
• denattment and the bank to carry
the amount for a year. Last year
the county had paid off $67,000 and
this year $39,500, and tour or . itve
thousand dollars would be =yea, be
not isstnng debentures. It was be-
coming evident that we could not
continue et 2smill highway rate,
however, but by delaybig, taking on
more • 'construction and devoting at-
tention to maintenanee tor the time,
the amount eould be lope down.
Leaving tbe general rate as it was
and raising the highway rate a little
• would enable us to pay as we went,
and that was the only system of fin-
In addition to the einem* for
Highwees already mentitmed, an
estimate made by -the-Highways-De-
. pertinent of the amount payable by
the county on 1928 work 4.VAS e00,450.
The bank is taking care of the eV,.
000, the Government is carrying the
$49,400 at 6 per cent. until Sept.
next, and the 1928 itidebtedneas does
not 'become aue till next September.
The Warden then touched on the
con of education, and mentioned the
lad that we 'were, in his opinion,
paying too much attention to edu-
eating our young people for Univer-
sity or professional requirements in-
stead of for the toquireatents of the
greater minnber of our young people,
who should receive more praencal
education., He also teoke of theneed
of distributing school grante in pro-
• portion to population instead of the
present method where email teens
were penalized bemuse they tried to
get beyond the nellage statue. - It
was neat uhfair to tall towna like
Clinton and Seaforth villagea be-
eause they had mutation of lose
than 2,000 and give them larger
grant, white Wingliam and Owlet
rich were deprived of such grents ale
Ile referred to the indigent legis-
lation whereby the county financee
are at the mercy of a mere elecittrae
ist season. might he prolonged.—Fileff, realize that she was only seven successes of funning even in our teem
Papers regarding the admission of year a old when the war broke out
children • to • the various industrial 1'he war was nothing but a Big Par -
settee's, showing the poweva these in- ade to ben
stitutions have in collecting mainten- Every once hi a, while something'
once ehaege.--Sent to special cent- like that happens to make us feel
mittee, very very old. We could almost see
• Papers and reports -re the Working gray hairs on our head when eve
of the Mothers' Allowance A.cte—Fil- picked up the Toronto Star the other
ed. day. There was an eight column
Various reports of hospitals in One front page Areamer to the effect that
tario re a number of indigents admit, income tax is being evaded on mil-
ted during the year and the cot of noes of dollars of elanadian govern-
mittee. went bonds. Under a . sensational
maintenance.--Senb to finance tom -
headline the article began with a seri-
' A copy of 13ylave No. 12 of 1906 tence like this. "Holders itf govern -
licensing hawkers, peddiere. and petty ment bonds to the amount of e500,-
clutpmen, with suggested amends 000,000 pay no taxes en their inter-
mentn to bring the some mere UP to est, the Star learned totday."
means of travellinge-eSent to special "The Star learned toedayt" Good
:date to, agree !better •with present
heavens ! ! I What child Ants the
eommittee.• Star in the Press Gallery at Ottawa
Peom Jailer Reynolds covering the that he should only now be learning
Past six months committer:mete.— about taxtexempt Victory bonds ?
Ptitice Edward Island ibe4t-ttoie•y, tho
MawAnini. i;t1t,
Tapioca. (milk white), 3 lbs.,
t'alenat Raisins with the seeds in, lb.,
Bleached Fee;Iless „
Seeded Raisins, 3, pkgs, (15
Seedless Raisins, 2
New Currants„ per lb.
Matatiellillti Cherries, red,
Lemon and ()range Peel, per lb.....
Citron Peel, per lb.
Cut Peel, mixed, per ..... .....
Walnuts, shelled, IldIWS, per lb.. .. ..
Almonds, shelled, per .
Winter Grapes, 3 lbs.
Roney, No. 5 .....•...... — .511e
Kitchener Sauatrae, pure. pork, lb. 25e.
G $11.111
al,a0e6t e.t.a rife, 2111C
ea ape 06ef Peen cnISIC
ee 0 pane° CeP0 4•063011:
0 e
o a
e ancee tape 600211.
er na.opene060234:
33e, 20e1 met 19e
0 eneapPOPOn e 0021k
... •IPP•••litaaaa2111e
. • e • ..... • 41/10e
reason for uneMployment in
present immigeation . prospects from .IYing
But iner. Drury's belief that the
the mother country. These, together
Great. Britain consist Wetly of the with' the many advantattea possessed
city Intluotrial classes BOOMS tt), be by Canada as outlined above, eonstie
bottle out by the failure to attraet tide the basis for Mr. Drury's plea
large nuntbers of agricultural set- that a part of industrial Britain be
tiers to Canada In the past few yew -8, transferred 'in tone to the Dominion.
Too many of the newcomers have It is undeniable that sound reasoning
found thew way to our cities to join ,
breathes from the facto enunciated
with other thousands in the effere to by
eke :out it living. Agriculture has intinhoinnse.ofFodroniatanwcoert:thvboyf snitiocekledi
end copper ore, mined in the district e
their advent. of Sudbury in Northern Ontario, be
Mr. Drury sees the SQlution in the
shipped annually to Great Britain to
development of maniefacturing Indust- be refined there? If the refinery at
try on a huge scale in etanade, He
Swansea, Wales, could be moved to
points to our enviable situatioxi in
regard to Watenpowere Over twen- Ontario, together with the -
thousands of dollara be saved" in
eailte staff • of workmen, would not
ty million horsepower may be devele -
open from our present known .and transportation charges, would not
surveyed- power -sites, and. the survey
• • able living eonditions, and would not
not ecen noticeably prospered by
t0.6,6ne02-6,...pee, •
14 0. L. No. 182 will had a euchre
and &um in Masonie Hall on Friday*
• December Itle Cards at. 8.10, to he
followed hy lunch and dentin*. Geed
leuusie. Adnession couple 75e, extra
lady 25e.
. There Is not poisonous ingredient lit
Holloway's Corn Remover, and it eon
be used without danger or Winne.
is .hy no means .complete." tanadtee hundreds of woremen find more suite
AVhat child, indeed on the desk in favorable location on the trade high-
Accounta for it number of County Toronto who let the story get by ? ways of the world gives tier trans- a start 'lave been made towards re -
lieving Old Country eongestion and
High School grants and continuation Or was it deliberate? Was the Star portation facilities for tnany times
populating the empte spaeea of Can-
scliool grants based on county at- writing the story for the younger nee present number of industrial
vowel. uda ? Agabe, why should thousands
tendanee were sprit to the education .generationt telling thou something plants. Says the Writer: of foreigners be employed In the
Two petitions signed by ratepayers We wish the Star wouldn't do It. WO ssentialls of successful ndern
ti '
great numbers of British minors, the
eonimittee. •• • that would be new to most of them 1
, then, and the facilities for trade,le mines of Northern Ontatite• when
of Clinton, Hullett and Ooderich We want to eta Young, • ' industry, we . have in superlative peopleewboin we want, are langlilsh.
ways Department, m both of which kriewn as Vinegar Hill a road be. (Sinicoe Rammer) $ ti 1 food,01 I t f ' d
New Thoughts on Immigration abundance. We have within our bee-
eu a su c en or an in us- and industrial leaders of Canada and
A conference between agrieultural
eeives no returns whatever, as we do townships asking for action in keep- ders an abundant supply ae thu es. ing because of lack of work?
in the ease of the. JO! and the Inge. • ing open a certain portion of the road - .
pereentag,0 returns. He thought, te petitions were signed by Oliver J. thought-provolcing magazine articles,
and trial population several times great-
er than the present total Population Great Britain could surely evolve a
comprehensive plan wherdy this
we receive event the Province liberal, tween these municipalities. These In n' svries of. interestitnr-
furniture, beat, Ben, water and teare- ? Hon. E. C. Drury, former Prime Min- of Canada and a supple of raw mat- situation, which offera_ great oopor-
the county provided the office the Jervis. Albere Mole, E. A. Adams'
taleng, the Province should provide Herb Mogridge and 58 others.—Sent ister of Ontario, reCentiY offered eriais of tremendous extent and wide
to Good Roads Commission. remedied, Such Audios as those de-
tunities for exploitation, could be
the rest of the u some revelutionary suggestions dire variety.—It is clear that Canada has
veleped by Hon. Mr, Drure, mut other
p -keep as to sta. A petition of retepayers livMg on eeted- towards then,solution. of Can- a place (or millions of industrial
writerft and thinkers are leading In
tionery, books, telephone, etc. as the the Blue Water Highway between adoes Population and immigration workers and -must have them if she
in eln'trge re- Goderich and Bayfidd asking that the problem. Outstanding among them is to realize the growth that her re- .the right direetione
Province and the official
caved all the emoluments, „fees and • d b tw G d ' h d Bayfi Id wee this proposition: "The end sources of power and material war -
other income. In other words the of-
fice waa, purely, provincial l'and ren-
dered no :service to the comity and
Paid it nothing of its proteeds.
The matter of the administration
of justice in the county was itext
touched on, and., while the ,county
does not differ In this respect per, -
baps erom other -counties, be thought
the jury system or its administration
could be much improved. With the
present day ninthods of contmunica-
tiOn . it surely ,could be determined
erhether a Jury ,was required or not
before the judge- took his El eat. Dur-
ing the present year jurors had been .
called costing the -eounty ,a large .
sum, and -there was nothing for them
to do when Vey got here but to, Pei- •••
led their pay and go 'home, it very e'
undignified and costly procedure to
• say the 'east which served only to
bring ridicule on the whole system. ..
The Warden highly complimented
His Honor Judge Lewis on a recent
• sentence imposed and he thought if
more of OW sett of offenders were
dealt with in this way, tt would go
far to eheck if not stamp out 'much
of the hoodlumism and, crime so coin -
e The Warden aleo referred to the
importance of appointing a constable
,under the L. C. A., whereby tlie fines
imposed under his Investigation
would come to the Province, whereas
under the present method we are los-
ing hundreds of dollars 'every year.
He said his information was that the
county had keit $300 or more olive
At the conclusion of the Warden's
address Mr, Hill rose and in it vent
fitting. way complimented the Ware
den on hie remarks and also 11Polto
appreeiatively of the tribute paici to
the late Mr, McQuaid.
Mr. Henderson' and Mr. Meleibbon
Mee both complimented tee Warden •
•oir his address and. Presentation of
the facts of the tounty matters. .
On the matter of installing an ims '
proved refrigeration eystem in the
Howse of Refuge Mr. Otto Graham
of Wroxeter epoke to the council on
the euggestion of Mr. MeRibbon.
len Milne suggested, in discussing i
the Iloapitale Act as to admission*of 3
indigents,. that mote safeguards t •
abated be twisted on. in their admire -
Mon and that the act should be re-
vered, to that the notification to the
municipalities from wbich the lenient
_ comee should be made firm ht place
of sending the notification to the
_ county, which "may" collect half the
_ cost from tbe minor municipalities.
vile local municipalities: knew more
of the ircumetances of the cams.
tion of indigence on the part of the - The following tooreepondence evae
party seeking treatment. There read and refened to the committees
should he a fain or method of adraiss - or otherwiee disPened ole 1
f t • ffi Thi hould • be movement of nritish rant, Beatty Brea, are havine a special
e kept open or auto ea e. 5 s
petition was signed by G. E. Green- industries to CaPeela lock, stock and The lack of hydro -electric energy nhrietmas eau. of electric washers,
slade, P. It Lindsay, Leslie McClure ' barrel, capital, management and lab- and the depletion of mil mines in thrnugh their local deider here, Chas. Phone 114 'West St.
Forest McClure and 35 otherstn: or, and their establishment here -un- Great Britain are cited as the under. Cs Lee,
, e .
Cleveland's Bread
Is a teniptIng complement to
any meal—dente-oils In itself
and lending eest tcr the rest a
the Menu. •
Your family will demand
twice as much of our Bread,es
any other, . Encourage them to
do so, as it is the most health-
' ful and nourishing food they
can take.
"4-U-AMeekretiellarilkAtelg ..041411104M4741VAVX• AC' 110/..gr' edigiettAlg' *
. • , , . 104‘. OlitAICAMACV. 'MAIM* AgOisit
. . . • et
donesimilat to that employed in ad- Front Messrs. Gladnian eet Stain
mitting iumatea into the House of htitet, giteeter, enclosing -bylaw clog-
Refuge, ond ,all indigents should be frig it certain roalealloevance paseed "I
treated in 411.n., own tounty lionpitals, by tenbeeme rotationand aeking eon-
The county Days liberre ttronta to - firmatitin of name.
tee. eten - From Mr. S. A. Wilkinson re trana- ,
feste of four patients fron-i the Ontario te
• e Hospital ate London to the Huron .
County Melee of Refug,e.nelleferred '
to Home of Refuge eommitteC,. • .
rola the General Accident ,Ssoure
atiee Co, teportinn beating Imileva a
Contt 'Imre and Iiouee of Re- tie •
fuge in good ellanenelelled. tvj.
Copy of resolution peered by the
• eouutv council of Stormont, Dundee leen
and enerigarry, aretifia tbiat tete:eat trek
canned front taxation in level mein- ,
tion be uftesed an that Dtoporesr
eipalitiee would not ne exempt from.ettet
eatine for county rogoo.--Sent ,
to tvcciat ..tomreittco.
4 fir! fatal br,athlt of tho Doyal
li'voal P. IV. Wiralcomboy szarewoll
Ittity aridap for a rottion of the 1,
hankie:et tratiness of the county.— qa,
'Sent to aattz..ei conaraitteN
Itighways xerlyirt to ft rennett tyte.do;Arii*,514.7k.171?,SIPH.:ZWIlimiglii7.*dr*I".w_orro...0 .
t"r:ra itepttreebt of 11617o y ;:oltt.uribkbek....bristubsylebbylbsaybifielbyelyboit- tir*vibrAtwit--4,abr.litiy• '04tst—lePt'14,110,4". 11110^.
IS ONLY: 11.5:s1-7.:0c).:f.P:IN.Q.•..._,:..._pAysi,-.-.,kwAy
N abundance of seasonable Merchandise, useful and suitable for every xnernber of the house-
hold. You are invited to visit our store and see the • many new -lines of Christmas Merchan-
dise awaiting your selection.
Initialed iAnen Handkerchiefs
Woollen Sweaters
Silk Scarfs
Silk Lingerie --"Lavender Line"
Linen Pillow Cases
"Kenwood" All Wool Blankets
Fancy Silk Bed Spreads
Linen Damask Dinner and Tea Sets
Linen Towels
Gloves—Woollen and Chamoisette
Fancy Luncheon Sets .
Silk and Wool Hose
- Bath Towels
Ali Wool 'Rise
Fancy or plain Silk Dress Length
Woollen Underwear
Phone 86
French Kid Gloves
Fancy Georgette Gloves
"Orient" Silk Hose
Griffin Lockknit lace trimmed Lingerie
Hand Embroidered Linen Handker.
"Venetian Lace", Fancy Linen
&miller All Wool Blankets
"Lavender Line" Lingerie
Linen Lunch Sets, colored border
Bridge Sets
Fancy Pullover Sweaters
Colored and Black Umbrellas
Glass Towels
rancy Cross.stitched Towels
"8upersilk" Full-fashioned Hose
Silk and Wool Hose
"Flowers", for Coat or Dress
Fancy Woollen Scarfs
Mittens and Bootees 0
Jersey Suits
Fancy Sweater Coats
"Beareloth" Coats '
Woollen Toques, white and colored
Carriage Covers
All Wool Hose
Woollen Shawls
Silk and Wool Bonnets
Fancy Bibs and Feeders
Woollen Bed Covers 0'
Silk and Wool Stocking
and many other lines
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The Cash St