HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-06, Page 6•
(neiftletiT ;927 by
The feaneel -eigftRI Lt. W.
CliApTER Ill. (Continued) izeke cried arild jAy01141y. "Oh, 1be-
the wocele so far, and the voitages e _
Trembled for Year: path."
ine th4
e .11y ti:Jnrx ' 1 ..nraivt And the
seldem that SirAller3 earkle through Tr
were far reirweed. There Was ne en -
no path. There is r
Ci WKashe leal veased expozt Nib *
swer. altheugh she conCnued to # way down,"
ve "muse.
Ai Po at last, b:3s.e17 &Oteok
reeeemibility to herself, ea her lip3
I hard aud bent down to, draw the badY
highee en the sand, beyend reach et
the tide at its highest poine. She
lifted euttlaenvek 'eand and laid it
gently taek upon the breathlese
!breact, and spread her wiapy hand-
. ketellioie pitifully, over tbe nide cot
face. Teen, in if melt accession of
horror, oho ran wildly upon the reel:a
, of the cliff, clambering ever them,
struggling vh1 in ter liaGte,
and her terror was magnified IN her
flight, so that she sobbed aloudfell
•often in her foolish frowzy, and cut
• Peer ;At; bnt dianot 2eel the in
Out of tho rocks. disheveled, coiled,
her pale face streed with tears. elle
stopped to recompose herself, adinet-
ed her blouse and holt, and tried, to
wipe the telltale mallet of fear from
her face semblance of order at
„el, hove it id'
lgnieacoustt°°&in etyksbc !ant3Y beeTeei-1 Sho ran out a few store regard.
pleasure,. She forgot tr Iiiiiil trfuntiee-srircrnUtirattac4.1 r,t.31e0 °II,
struggle with the roelis, she did not
think of he torn ond bleeding bands. ready to catch hold when it came
I . nearer. Suddenly it turned, Stettin;
j was e1 toward het.. ay c ' t/ f tl
The tide was •coming it, =twin $110 saw it,. Idaho,. It was the body and eats with nervous impatience can see
falls and ehe was obliged to move of a mate The hand.s beneath the and brushed anainst two
lo Igor Weak
Mrs. Peter johnsen, Port Albezei,
813., writeate=4,I Lai been treeblee
for years with. a ticklieg ie threat
every time I To-diti dm), end at
night would cough 63 I eetill uot
aleep, and exald limelly rly work.
X weuld. cough teatil weeld
X lewd of
1)nt WOW'S '
• Pine
and after the first bottle I hied no
mere cough, and now am never with-
out a bottle of ,l)r. Weed's' in the
last, ehe ren threugh the wends, and Prieu 35e. 3 biatti°; larg° taM117 ISIP)
down thn.laneete the Cantain'slauee ll dru?8,443 an"ea3"5.
Tbe Ceptain. shecked by her whit Put up Only by The T. 'Milburn
rind frightened face even more than Lta.. Termite, Out, -
by the incoherent tale she told. ex.
tricated himself from the fold of dog - "•
• • I 'n1
water showed faintly radiant, the daughtere his baste to get Go:414.1'
1 :ire; rp1'):IIVIlijgfegix:',:
ear:Ion-you ar
down, are you not?"
i Gay eseiteo up at him, "Yee, but 1
slid right down those steep rocks. and
it is hard sliding, I aseure you, ail)
coming up, 1 will iihow sea the way
through the woods and the lane will
had you direct to the lauding, 1 go
that way. Wait for me."
Ile crossed from the piazza to the
top of the rocky eliff and waited to
back 4 Stop or two to avoid a wet.
Ong. But she could not tear 'herself face 4h0no palely'. Orating in the to- ei chair befove fibs. fainted. . handkerchief?
dood, she the inteunag waves 04411, Surging in the water. it slid up "Do tell," he chattered gentlyYou've all t
. • "ired out, Gay," he sada gee?
from the plate. Arid then, 44 SW
, on the shore, Swung at her fecto,and "dear, clear. now, what are things • gently. "You work too hard. You .
bore treight-a barrel -no, a sae4"-- the receding WaVOC.i :lucked at it .bat- Ninthly to? -.Lida. give Miss Gay seen a hallucination, that's all. It
s. hero some good hoe tee, VII ,go right was driftwood video,' in. Seaweed,
file little thrill of OXeltentent that ale Itliling
. her . innate repulsion, Goy down there and,-" maybe. Things- wolf looks like men
Gay watthed it euriously and felt
thrust out A BUZ resentful; unwilling ern go • hack with you and 1z3how muter the water. There ain't nobody .
wacomes with thought of treoeure band, closed her fingers firmly on the you." Gay proffered_ quickly. in the cove, Gay."
borne by the sea. ..,, flopping lapel of the coat, awl with "No, no. miss, tee's what you need, Gay brushed past him, her band on
ti r 'r r'4."e
"Treesure trove." she whisPelcoue the helpof the next incoming wave, quiet's What you need. Lida, give the door.
wilrare'rPrIze* mueriMbl'er-'-- e ew Whigh up on the send be.
NOW It swept fav fonverd on the yond the water line.
wave. Then it receded again, suck. No hope of resuscitation or that
ed beck by the outgoing water. But unfortunate. Already it was set in
-caught full at last by thesurging the rigidity of death. And ovee the
tide. it wept eloate ill to glove.- temple gaped a great -dark bullet -
"Oh* I do believe it is a see-chesteee wound, -where the stiff hair, *inning
wrapped in rugs -or -something, "'salt water, clung thickly in tho blood
---ee ,that had drenched it, the edges
, washed flabby -white. • .
- Gay turned away from it, instine-
tively recoiling, her.ratural thokight
ATWATER KENT to run nuicldy far from the terrible
sight. But as she tur,nod her 'eYes
fell on the hand that lay flung out on
the send, a long fine hand, 4 hand
that even in death suggested the
rel. 174-W for Demon.
+0•••••••••••iiiii. '
•••••••• ••••••
her some more too -I 11 take the boys "'Where you goint?" •
TilieltSDAv. Dix% Uth, iti26
You will want your car repaired. as good a*
We have the Urged, roost completely equi
pod Auto Body Repair eparturen' n Weste
Ontario and do all our•own work -
If it's a badly wrecked car or jUst 4 fender
dint let us do it and be assured of a "good as
new" job.
Drive te, sseese-Psive uut toansener
haw Innate Ira • Comer York eat Tenet ant,
1111 104 00 000.110,0 00m.r00 ... .. 00 . 0.00 ...... .0WWW10Wmpqm 011 .. r ... IIIIIrr
DEPICT; to ciescrilm vr repritient
vividly. "Ile depleted the scene in
every detail."
INDESCRIBABLE; incepahle -
being described. "Itwoe an hide.
saibable incident."
GROTESQUE:, fantastically or ad-
tily formed. "It WAS tit° gro,tesque
night:Inure of a haunting Tear."
Miner's Worm Powder* tan do no
injury to the most delicate chit&
Any child or infant in the state of
adolescence, who 'is infested with
worms can take this • preparation
-without a qualm of the stomach, end
tewi will finei in it a sure relief and a full
protection from these destructive
lar lode Pests, which are responeible for much
dared feverishly, with no thoughtdAA! assist her, descending with difficulty Of tars ones.
with Inc. We'll have to evoile it up "To the cove. To see for myself, rtqscending a Few Stens to Give Her
sieknese and great suffering to leg -
Ile 'hurried Watt an eager, brave, 011 0 OVA A wor o it, SOO CIO.
Naturally, tho Captain did not go' ',:ile rudeness of her vzords in the a feW steps to give her A hand when , _
the Pier grocery store to recount the neon there at au. Y 04 are deeming "Nice little shack." he said, tap- nub -This article says that *to -
'X ou haven't elle had gamed that height. _
direct to the cove. He went firet to siumic " her "'Orme'
grewsome tale. Then he stepped by Me. Of course there is a body in tne ping the 001110 of Ale Little, Club as MOWS feet •aris:growing 'bigger. Do
two drivers from the taxi stand. Mr. With ineffable patience, despite his it?" fate; Wotan' aire, Preying mere and
they pessed. "Were you sketching you believe it? TrffeneWell, at aille•
more their ability to till men's shoes.
the why to pick/up the Budlong boys, cove!" - ...
Allenby, I * weather d weartness, the Capais--------- to fok. "No, I WAS aketaing,,,011 listen!'"
and followed her a- troop of a dOzOli UtlY Waited. Tor aim to come up io ward him eagerly. , A. euaten long-
er three, of the hardier native women ' said kindle'. You Awe tired, and it is her emotional etraire ' ,overwheTmed
t f• rine stamen , •
"Oh , that's all right. , I'm stilt darkly into his interested e3rep, GeY
" n Out bed tingled ln its fin- tame- in the rear, they at. lest bovine
OVOr 01040' VOOk$ $01na 'WAY% d 't d f •
frail little' figure.
ley Lano. With these enforeeniente, Atter a *ow hot running steps Gay stopped short, and turned to.
or mere small boys shouting dteeee ' ing for sympathy, for Understanding',
tions and callieg inquiries, with two '1.01 needn't go, Captain," he thereaction of one of her own kind in
emotions' of life. desire, tendernees, trudging along at a eeseeetful dise sue a hard veer-. .
ger-tiPe. the hard deecent over the reeky chits
4 Gay's eyes hung to it. epellhound, and ledges that bordered the cove.
d th I wl swept to the fitee flatting one another as best they
agaie. was tieed •face, svorti, all could, scrambling each roan to keep
good on my legs. told him the whole story: o Y
They did not speak again until that had tome to her on.the waves,
they entered the wood, when the Cap- the wound in the temple, the fine
tali', rather /diffidently, broke the se- white hands; how she had 'gone for
11 ' set into grim hard Hook; had prob.. pace with elle man abed. all alike elle• hobo, and 'returned to find 1 ..e -go e.
Ably beano handsome face ill Wel anxious for the first frightful, horrid 'You oughtn't to. live there by "By George, what a story,""he said
the heed fleody shaved. the forehead view. they etatribled (Mar the rocks, Yodraelfs Gay. Women, lia'n't no thoughtfully. "I supposes the tate
_ high, the eh% SIOnder and elear.eut greeting. swearing softly in the ha. call to live alone., It ain't accordin' carried it out while you were nevetyre
The live had been delicate and fineeached to nettle. They get queer. .They 'Veil) , you see," she admitted faire -
sal NevNew England drawl. and I
.before that last grim atixietY had the cove at last, leaning forward., get queer. They get to thiukhe ev, "the tide really. couldn't. I pulled
lorked thorn into this hard eilat, ' storing About them. thinges they get to seethe things - the bathe above the water line. 'Pio ,
,eeev .4Fluddorad buried her flee in Time they stood eveet. leith ghee)). ' ghoets an sea. You better go to tide didn't reach him. • That" the ;
the hotel, Gay, for the rest ;of the allulgeSt thine about d.
summer.. iet you off on the rest . (To be continued)
of the house. It a'n't accordhe to
natureelivht'ealone.0"--- . .. - OUR WEEKIX-LESSONS-----
Gay made no answer, hog she • IN -ENGLISH'
seliford at him, and when 'they came (B W L Gordon)
at IASt to the precipitous clittea that
bng slidinfalling, while thee Can. Words Often Misused
D9 not say- csinte ,a e.
girt the cove, she led the way; shun. 4, ss
her hmtdif. 'Mot she ,stAott on. .onl. ish nettle, ern looked -the enirth and
derilv determieeci and nalle,1" for bolo breadth of the eeve. There were
rerain'andsigaire'herel,ettn•Illehevtdee- InanY, fentalets the sand, there
riming' and reverbetattng among The W010 SeattOted toe& bite or .astee:;
Twice' that bound the cove. It 'wee wood, ehe wreek of an obi boot, there
.............................• were shelte -and seteneed end feller
- • trees, But +here was no *.dreitched
_. Mt l_l ,. sea -washed bode on the stand," no
0 uan uicKly p ' t'g,:e il rAdienblao71 ;VII ttgts..loolti
y .
u .. , from' the tsea. ' • .
Sore,Stift, $wolle , Joints•
nSatisfied at last that their eyes did
not deceve them, Oust in very teak
men of the searching party drew to..
r relieving ail eine meet;
there as no body ,in the cove, the
Sven Cltronic heumwtic PIrtser:b on 1111 toineeralllieso gether, looked from one to
jf g another
Swellings in Knee. Elbow, semis, uud tu sust u dew seeontisit will `wl,t1 sheePish. deprecating,
Shoulder or' Finger Joint; texgler Iltels= ati4ablef-6° e°°- Lull /II) 31tt d"af us,"
It absorbs instontig„an is so eleaniaThe littleneNlIrh Its _..erreat'dolettat
•Irkid to the: Might P
y °welt. atitt stainless, that you cart rub. it *Wright " • r '
often and et therebe results ch Lea by the Gnotatin„' th‘y ttied.the
."Quiton means to• • the .fultest extent;
tern grunted' and softly swore' be- h n , complete/y. • • • ' •
north his, breath - behind her. In' the w-acierm'tnye, 'refers' to degrap, nkease .
ueTtrkehr, eitsklets:3/400014enteUe,l'unenddwfiluthugheuel"tlra; tee" totramitity. .".1 hardly see how
hand wardthe *pot where the Stony. We' 'can. do it" "I ' Palf0 • scarcely
bt"TtrItlEsnit'llor eyes widened, her . lip; iceniltretinctu. Pre7tetar.i'fiollipil it4s.s07.1r, M.. eurb', .e,r!
parted and she stared, aghast, . - '
"al -
no body on the sand* Except for the int, eki eu this se .
' The'earrtnits was right There wits,' Do not say .41 have reed most ,au
' subject." " Say "al-
thenuselves, the cove was 'void of life 1110 . . robe.- r„... * the:
as It; was void of death. Plasbos of' ..., 2:1. Irogsit:Oistein- ..
light sworn before, her •eyoe, and she ' w"D'os"-n-o4t 8-1(y7 ith'0, ,clave into the lea., ,
waved' dierilye. • . - ' .
liall t 't &wit * t t . 'et tell" , "DivOti", is the 'Preferred 11_ ,,,,
fo n -
'.ful Influence of JOINT, more t
(peek*. when the joint. i'1n-doors of the boathouse, o e my whin` snow, the .Captabt panted,: words ofteA mispronounced.
n flamed and the agony intentie. , • club itself, but atb were locked secure, and dropped down heavily on a loW Area; accent after nest a, not after
• • Being melt rowerful foneier lira- and •silent. They coiled a, few times,. rek, neenning away great beads of the 0.
I t 'In town and if. C. end lielPful results In congestion* sure +Was •she flinettannoite',r.•Ciainni" chton.,
ant, ft eantiot kelp bringing VeedY Toad halloos, but. reeeteed• no answer- persenetion avith his red handker- Cleopatra; pronounce the Ant a tin.
It*ta 111". I II* 11 t tutarten And f , hoar
Dunlop and h. a. Wigle and every se rtlatiroiatineweeits itetiteiuse,r, thart..simost aay ailed MO 0 t 4 014 F.. day pulIed herself. together, •In 'we'
1 ie it , No" said the Captem, wait his eSometionly took him away while ri 0 aftlicinad„no)oitaseignenatit‘ft" aerasthx: :rm. ,
' 0- /t .
was gone, she saki in a low voice. i Lamle pronounge the nu as in
41 was not, fooling you. I left him- . steeaff
right bee°. See, the sand is wet I Visualize. Pronounce vizh-tylalAset
from where he km." not yi.e.„0/.4pe., , .
04,:f, alliashed from file surfs" he Resuscitate. Pronounce sensus.t.
4I11111124:1;111411111r:r:; 11111111Y"i34EiFillstislelliatet as in
It is a low peke reinede, to he sure, remedy you ean bus*.
but that daesn't stop it from taking hut you must remember that it is
the kiaa, lauleness or torture out of for Pint afilietione that nets mostly
your troubled Pints. • dispensed and its" helperdness wile as-
JoInt-Ease is Um name, so called be- tnnieli you after all ordinary
eause it is compounded solely for the and. other treatments have failed.
ustud soft deciehreness. "She was
creite, her face in streaked and
white, tremblin* ail over-. She
thought ehe saw something, that's
They returned Vie- way they had
tome, and although the nien 'hung
- about the Captain'' door, hoping for
4 glimpse of the erentie New Yorker
who had sent *ern on their hard
obese for the wile geese the Cantata,
considerately, left then; -without and
. the undersigned, are open to buy all kinds t ttie, 499r hind him
ottunber again this winter. We ill pay yott good el;ile ullImm 1"Kee "leg* a -`,_'P t
price and give yop, liberal measurement and grades • gogaGlr' ss:"Q!'
° ,oven,f, etob011; sZt.411M l'Pg
for your logs deltvered to our SAW mill here. n:g.vg 1)4 sticks and stones in tho
We believe it is to the interest of the farmer to 0
i Gay leaped to her feet giddily, and
cut hi s own logs and deliver them, but anyone haVi. the women fell hack, retipeetfully, to
In` g standing timber and wishing to sell on the stump, giVe7e/Itzetr, A, ga,pett
kindly see tts before you do anything and We ,will be oilot therA vast tillnd dark hairs
' glad to see you. slid long tine Itated$ oh, norkeense l-.
We will pay you spot cash for anything you have
to offer„.and as our lumber is largely manufactured.
into the finished product, it helps our own province
_ by selling to a concern. like bill's.: „
Signed -
- PHONE 23 BOX 206. -
JUNG srNG, late of London, St. Thomas
and Ingers011, begs to annonce to the public of
Godetieh and the County of iittron that he has
acquired the Restaurant, hitherto known as the
British Exchange Cafe, and will continue it
under the namf of HURON CAFE and with
entirely new management
His long experience and thorough know.
ledge of the catering business ensures to all per.
on the hest of service in all branches.
Visit the 1111Racionce and
and you wiil come again
Smiling BLUE
Flashing BLACK
'Steady GRAY •
Emotional BROWN
Ina: Color are
YOUR Eyes?
'The cense mut shape of the eyes
tell your disposition -they *Ito
tell of the Condition of your
health, You may be miming
I the bratty end spatkle of your
ryes be improper diet Itit-
revisited condition of your
lood, eluggish Itver. constiren
tion, etc., s&vs show their effects
in the *yet
If An. Otte aril with a yell** time t*
the whites- -41.o*** nein in ;Iranian
aloggiohnen, You awl ti4 s'n
Ina of artanoland pnrann. Yon
limativc Yen /Uhl Ilkoninues ?OK
101118110 tale tome
anissil. Yew eras
/040 rano PoN Om 4 irogralek
train art insporaid 11,4061
Poet aeow. etweepee peesass2 nen
• P.. --•_S fineranani ,4. .eVo,0Prarant,*21
faee. Captains do you think I'm
crazy," sfte demanded indignantly. Reservation; one le three r's.
0 r? linaint; int. Marshal: title1.
14(4 Ghee r delft think .you.rm J.,tra
enote tbe. Ingenue Om-
ens:0e" ,said stoutly. "But you mu. ttget
"No, Gay, no. I don't think you're tnine); lie. Batting; two t's.
hedn't mere to live alone. It a'n't
good for women,. makes 'an queer ;
en't atcadint to uaturt" ,
Gay smiled rather wanly. "I aim
sorry for all the trouble I have caua*
ed you. 1 am sure you know that I
• Synonyms
palaver, prattle. .. - -
Separate, segregate, detach, dig-
ital no desire to deceive you'ft
deer- connect, Assort, (I1Vide, SOVOr.
ately. L am very sorry.
Veni you 0 b seure, abstruse, mysterious,
go on'heme now, and leave'lne? I enigmatical, inscrutable, mystical.
wave my sketch pnd in my pocket, L Operation, actions Performance,
Km going to draw trio taco trent procedure, execution.,
memorg, and perhaps you will recog- Honesty, tlry.u9trlia, setinnoceyrity, eaneor, i
nine it. 1 want to ao it while it is ail ferinknese.
tresh in my thought."
The Captain demurred,. but Gay
stood firm against him, and 'hie obj,ec. "Uset a word three thnis and it is
tions dwindled: Ile went oft at last, yours." Let us hierease our VOetthU.
a sturdy little ditutc, for oil his ha.. lary by mastering tine word each day.
tY ani. his bent shoulders. 111.VtilliNstelm"EtethAilBILe5nar y'ci'y putompos;
tuniaz ixiihcotierao'clustaandsexaene taotr onmhattitl: no u nue-se. "Ininnuerable pictures
adorned the walls. •
work.. She touid see it all so vividly i GLAmotin; a delusion iraughtby
um* 110V 31(118crawled 89 0110 repro. magic spells; charm "It wits the
(weed ale Pletnro trent meti1017'-ale glemour of it all that fascinated
smalt on OA, exam below the rocen, the
limp body ni its drenched aothee, tne ,
0414 hair, the line head, the gaping EXTORTION; the aet or practiee
wound, and outitung on tlio sato the oinfitiosbttiaceini. ii,glrbey vnithrsenater,revaitoeldeneoen, oar
pate band, 10Aft• Anal and Pewetflus charge of attempted extortion."
1 the hand or a gentleman, hand of a ...
scholar, hand that betrayed intensity -
If feeling. It was the hand that had , gvicE
stirred (Jay most deeply, and when it gooD
lay. before ber iit her penciled
ied sket
face in her two hands and burst into
ch, ,
nervous weeping. But in a moment FROM MOTHER
1 delicate IMO • StrOng, she burher .
she controlled herself, shook away ,
i her tears crossl,y, and dittoed at her ,
[ eyes with the back eff her bard, lacks
ing the wispy handkerchief that sva3
"Is this the quiet good tittle place
they brag *bout'" she asked herself..
1"Where they come and -steal tlead
;,bedies-frorri under your very ryes"
Both tears and laughter came at the
;whimsical notion, But in spite of her
attempt tobe facetious and uneofl.
cerned, she was highly 110119115 and
quite mutton,. A itudden clear colt,
there, from behind, ttortled
her Joie frishffri.4 mreant .ind ehe
lisprang to Ivor feet, Qiite beyond
„ power of resteori as she was, the call
j; had seemed to come from the valley
I of death.
neinI vp, Aho' aaw on the plats*
of the Little club a loan who leaned
isnut over Abe railing and beckoned ta
liter. Hews, a stranger, she know at
ono of the semester people. no
native tem.
"I be yeor Pardon." he col*,
Seinen:My. "hot 11111,yot MAOAthOw
Recommends Lydia • E.
Pinichant's Vegetable, -
• T .--"t began taking
foe nerve* and
hue troublosi arid
1 nuet so / felt
Item* Wee tha
rat dose, 1 hos
told thia hist
»soothe that
atthasgh 1 am how
attpaevea and
Urfa had aims
Udn! 1'hav*
c-sassosiod reg*
asissoo Itio 0410:4.
i ram."• 160 -Bast, Id Laurier
Ave,. Toronto, Ot
Mutual Life
Assurance Company
of Canatla •
a:r.h.ty orprim WA'rEttLoo, ONT'
Lt, D. MOONEY„,Agcni
" BONO20 1
X01101 57 GObE�ICII,
ird • k •Nkri
.. 00x .... ... ...
An ideal Gift
• to the Family
Lor Christinatt
When: you consitl'er tho
beauty; the cleanliness,
the permanenco (1,1,f bald-,
woo& floors, „. the;=
arduous housework they.
do awaywith the
year-round comfort thOr
bring to all the familY...,
Why not ordtr them.
I now, SO that they canbe
laid by Christrna.q/ .
Panto Millsp Ltd,
For, Infinite and Childrea
In Use For Ciyai30 Years
Aiwats beats
- .
di s
ena 4"111 Am« Goderielt 4.1n. 411: •
1,3O Tnit Rolmeaville 10.257, •
FP"; pan, taro,
1..15 "-Sellool 7.15 Clinton 10.10 School' 8.10
Speeial 7.2ts Seaforth , 10.05 Special SAO'
2.05, 6.10 735' St Columbia' 9.50 5.05 7;50;
. 5.15 7.40 045 5.00 1.45-
.2.15 5.20 7.45 Mitchell PAO 4.55 ,T.40>,.
2.30 5.35 8.00 , Sebririgvillo 9.20 4.40 T.20,
245 5.50 8,15 Steatford • 9..10 4,25 130
gop 6.00 8;25 '" 8%0.0 ,,itp..1.m561,.,---.pilot.001
8%, • *
ItSehool speelals Watley* 'itiettclay, Wednesday, Thursday and
Priday only... Saturday night, 'coach leaves Stratfiont at 10.
•• • rAnu wisstbro at botels and ferrite gates. •,
Coach leaves Goderich from hotels,
Coatis leaves Stratford from bus depot (phone 768) and 'post eilice.
*Through. coacli. With waYs. •
SPeCial, rates to achool children attending Stratford whoa
Your New
Radio Set
You woo thebett tato
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