HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-06, Page 5tti* *W.., THE GODERICH STAR , - _ THU URA I' . Drc. atii, Ist2a tt.Moor. 4..............,,- . ...1,-.4.1...... - ../.1.... ..........MIP •••• ............ .- A FINE SurXESS AligAtilillitVICANOICAMOIMAC/WiffilAitefig-NIMACIVIlliCfilAiNAM$41-$11Atl0i1Me Sii ig V -. K We,Zmiaefe: fiaild of knee Church . A ,, ,,„, en Were:erne, Cenittie The World's Richest Treasures from the Earth's 0 Tto,ti-=,:tc:,,,,,-,,,,;i:-:-;,.-(.2,..1,4;ii,;,-,f.,-ti,;,:;,. •sk. hrIt'S t teneeta and tee corecd. •;••"..-enve I. , ki . Jate?" elven te- t1'.1...! Wiest ;e17:-.Ittl; , Quaintest Corners Find Their Way to This Store Q , tea! tlite ibuieelse c'eeneee: tee; te ; lone 4 the eetieg :talent it lie ts i **fat, taktecedeil ard /lie r....1' ...: i; . Vi Sala," oee Le nitne'.es fee.i to te in tile*" easte. Due tem teouree,(ero is tilate re) one dee ceeddi have dope r:oc• rye r,:.,;., 9 , 9 -9. , ' et Snni Street: quite ee well, eo Mr. Where the Christmas Spirit Rei ns Su reme . ,.. . ., .. , wae geed tend the QitilaChly I'l t...(ey ne• ., .•(#i' • Weir it had to 1*.e. Va.* vileole caete , lit• teresting"eed aratielne. The *•0\oilovee. `', :low are tile eigueeeteret l'eggy Fee:. t Only from extensive stock can one hope to select Otis that are expresshe of their thought and the road to that end starts e‘en where in thisi store. PAREE Gifts of Choice Toiletries '""":'•-••••y sifor Every Iltio(4 and Need Exquisite PERFUMES of lasting and distinctive fragrance that retain their elusive odors in eaptivat. ing bottles. Bath Salts, Body Powders, Talcs, to make the bath a joyous luxury. Toilet Pedes in charming variety to grace milady's boudoir. n Here you will find in endless as- sortment the choicest imported tj and domestic Toilet Novelties as- sembled ,with the utmost camfor your selection. • Yardley „and many other. choice • Perfumes at $1.50 to $8.01). Houbigant Quelgues Fleurs,Per- fumes, per bottle $1.00, $2.25. . • 'French Perfumes in nivelty containers 25c to $1.50. Umlaut's Toilet and many other Toilet 'Waters, fa),tcy boxed at $1.00 to $1.50. ' 01=414 KODAKS-- BRowNiEstit m...1.:,41tilirflov,sTt:atgnq,livEt ; I' Llroni rindpilmili Itiarnettv,t.e; t1111;%14.,".Nel-cotze. 11511rigi i to; ; I I, girl in the svorld, Miss Itarviet Tay.. IR' 10).1 !Misr. Amelia eSe:teendort, three' .. ; times metecied and :wiping te tee- t A• , ;Attain; :11,11Ss • 11eleri Dreamen: Ruby .! , Wade, 'who. is eugaged in newspaper 11% ' work, Mir S Evelyn )31ack; Nattey1' 'Wade, au unexpeeted visitor, MiS9 .-11‘ ',Marguerite ,I.• •i Sonny -Jane • CAMERAS 2.75 to .$32.15 Albums and Kodak Accessories_ - (3211143"••••""•-•' Ladies: Hand Bags $1.50 td $4.50 • Bill °Folds 50e to $2 00 reetingii Cards 11 Attractive Pikes Very wide V.ariety Beautiful, Toilet Accessories ?or Christmas Gift's. • AttiiCtive Tofiet Pieces, fashioned of rose on amber, mother;of: pearl on amber,--Vieii6li-kary • ion arniiei:-* Mirrors With lank. handles,' $5 up. -• .. '•' • Pearltone Hair Brushes, 0.50 it UP. ..., „Varrienre: $44; :p.:Piecei $2.00. : Natural ]bony Brushes, $1.00, ; $1.25, $1.15. • • SETS OF 'TOILET 'PIECES Beautiful sets of Colored Pearl - tone Toilet Pieces in sets of 3 to 8 pieces for $7.95 to $25.00. ,Perfunfe Atomizer and Sets, 50c to $17.50 Boxed Stationery-, Beautiful Box Stationery, with a Quill_ Pea by 85c. "'- Boxed Stationery .25c to $500. Fancy Boxed Chocolates 40c to $5 • Thermos tioitles aad Kits $1.00 up Beautiful Sets in colors of WATERUANS and PARKER FOUNTAIN PENS and PENCILS -also singly • . Gifts for Men 'William's Shaving Set..... $1.25' Yardley's lien's Set. .$2 to $2.50 •Yardley's Sliaving Mihtary_Brushes $2 up to $7.75 Military Brush Sets up to....$10 711.1111 DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING , PARR'S GROCERY Where xou find a coutikie viol fresh stock of CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, NUTS and OIAVES A delightful assortment of cAnnEs,, CHOCGLATES, ORANGES' and other Fruits Comv, IN AND LOOK AROUND SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED for- 11`4 SPARICS ..TrIE: STORE Marmeard, the little Moss who start- HAMILTON STREET ed the VALV Miss Elsie. Ne Inter; Char- Telephone 146. les ter;-tiam StreckMitehelli the enenije Mt* W Web. enemy number two, • , -• - • „ • otrewboni Ntrs, Spit ••• uendort has de- ""`. "-- ' '• • _ • • et•!••=e-e•-e•-*' .el.• IHre Fred Wei 'Larry Run. MRS. G. M. ELLIOleT PRISENTED ed at first to give it only on tthree, e nighe, . dolpla enemy number ree, Mr. Xore• ee n.nre ee .tere. Lr ea . , _.the demure{ foe- -eieerete---deereeee---------- rte dean oor.-e-*elbe ... The leecember nail annum meetlree. thec..1.Oluild to repeat GROCERY OF SATISFACTION" GODERICH We Deliver in Town \ ed to be a inetropoldan, Mr. Colin ot the AS. M. h. ot Vietorni. it. Lniten *Hunter; Freddie Beadle, the sheik of church WU held in the schoolroom at • Orchard Centre,. Mr. Wm. Thomson. the thumb, 'With a very large attend- daya to get up a fairly prominent ed ue follows: • Beni /moo gr84 it Will Webster had had enly a few nave. The election of °dicers result - night, and It peeked house .both nights was •their reware, with ree. eeipts of approximately a lie Young Lattice! • Single Dieeeed- 11(.5q Debating. Society m the „full Parti as it was expected Jack Allen • M. hiliott; pees., Afro, R. .wgouor nenuo. ef .the. Soeiety -which ni•e:. in- • •would take.this, but one would never- Vire Kea., .Mrs. IL- Mearfeee., Mrs. C. conveneieri and, as the ;teem openeo , know Will had •,not .been protetising Young; eor. see., Mrs. Gee. &welder). several membeva of the Society are - •„ for a month. . • •. • tream., Mrs,' W.. Rieera; etrangers' (leen edited on the pialearee, and The orchestra composed . of Miss see., •Mra. Sonle.y; .Christian. Steward» pre.eently the other ruemae.i. o.eate up • Spence , Mesers. Witmer; Cartee, ship, Mee. R. 9'. .rnite boxes,through the audience arid join theie Ilenty, Palmer rind Newcombe (Mr. Mre, Toth; Rabe Band amt., Mn_ :dater menibera. • The - tollowing ia . .• Major at the piano) gaxe a number Worthy; pianist, Mro. Parr. •etiste of (Alert:dorm Preeident, Jose- • rg,1 of goedeseleetions end ?lis Margaret I At the conclusion 'id...the busineeit ()trine Jane Grew, Mre. J. Hunter; • Wilson sang between Arts 1 and 2 part of the meeting, the retiring pre- heeretaree Priseilla Abigail Hodge, and received a I -Marty encore. Be- sident, Mrs. Elliott, waw taken coal- Mies 61°. E. Stilkeld; treasurer, Cala- twecn the seeond and third act •pletely by onn•priee," when she was mity 'Jane Higgins, Mre. Palmer eArnold MeConnell =gond following .prceent,d VL ort culeittls anti a Rebeeca. Reehel 'Sheeny, Mrs. if: . Shaving. Mirrors . .75c. to $1.25 I his Solo George, Bill and kkl. Rove and beautiful Peer lamp, by the auXiliary, Hunt; • Tiny Shot, Mrs-. liar:even; • Soft Collar Cases.........$1 to $3. slay Thonwas gave several mouth, Mrs. Meiv •eeading the -address and trt.1101;0. . Matilda Samins, Mae . • .. son atehe piano, azur these went ever ' tion The .fellowine- is the addressi Connally; Sophia-.Steegup, Mrs. T. iletsy ilobbett, .Mrs. Senna; Char- • !, organ'selectionse with. Mr. Jas.; Thorn- ..`elre. Hawking making the preeenta- God). Patience Desire Mann, Alre. • . , . •During the °production the ro,00l;Dear Mrs. Elliottee- 1 . • • Glazier; Juliet 'Song, ibees vemente r• . , h h .• their enterteinments.• .,itgorairnaitioietirztir)(.1e illo.t.Lo)ullufotolle*Beeoluerpsreogr?diecnest olle tine Kitt, Ibre. J. te. 4nxiliam .we tiverenee; Belinda Ilitsegrass, Mrs, he has a1 a.., given. the Guild hitt; Violet Ann Ituggies, 611*N Wm.. work of Our SoeietY is very itoport. A ;splendidly with the audience, ‘. Victor' Ort op °nit , dent oe the Mese Elsie winter • We, the members of the W. V, s•:3 . eptellented Mr. Wow NVith a, toren 01 • of Victoria St: United ehureli WI1U U) SalitOler! 141'8•• Edvs'or(-13 • • • 'I I I, Cleopatra Belle Brown, Misa V, Taia VICO" appreciation. of . the assistance sitme. smile tra-a•lalt sa' aul 1 P • P \hawk og4"• • -,•-•:•sA744.---_-_- • POreables.... ..... $35 to $48.50 .Cabinets from $115'.00 Up - Victor Records . 75c Victor Album Sets, Red Seal, 6, $6..75 Christmas Records Now in Stock • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Violins, 'Ukeleles, Tenor Banjos,' Gui- tat*. MoUth Organs, Jew's Harps. All musical strings for all Instruments. MUSIC CASES Campbell's Drug Store • A TELEPHONE 90 . ;William Webster (1) 012 program of Jeous; and (0) that min- succeero of 'the affair. iege."0/0tA44010-00rekt,it.'1„t,ielee0e.e.eer4reeelrer-Atti-N1-0.11-20-7.41M00i-N4V4710`,g-XolegrerielnieeeZeTerfet&VeNtep* Itge: Toovelileti ) (1) 62,8 lateee, and. congregations eoneider The Guild are going to Aulouest • -• 8226 zeriously -the threatened dearth oof next •Wedneeday to Om the ilernhoe. • - • . Colin Hunter (3) • 82:1; candidates • for the ministry. The Hon under the etuspicee of the Anetre ',.,•••••••• (Aerial trances Brautyspot, atm Riley; Iiannalt Susanna Bigeteratuf?, 1 Natio Thomas ;14) Annie Tubb (3)----- . .. • ant, and this has been (adeptly man. 50 • '; aged by you, and we trust that your 6R • wurda of - advice. will still lee heard Mrs. Munson; Professor Make -over, Fred Sturdy; the Proofeesoe's•Aueiste ant. Bud Sturtle. • . ' • . • I Credit; • • . • yosh•erretBtitilickartrils) (3)..........,.51 .'. end that the spirit of co-operation - irhi, ritodiog. or e ese of ougiale . ... • ... "50; will still lielli us alung t? grt,slet• bachelors. with their rating in the : Below 5fee : . . • ' . . ' - , arhievements in. the Master a seiv ee•• • • • matrienonicil market was an aniusitur i,o6 `I Ireeta , Tabb eia.) .. . .. .,,.....„...,,,.54'p'i 4 o Ipitylk (of oar good .eseilleend best • • ! 'Margaret Ryan (0) • • • 54 !wishes eve 'NISI). you to..aceteepefetehitilelaiture. Messee..---Perey-Walt on, •-Le - - , , Wilinit ion. Oveightoni Pled Sale, Bud ee 1 • William Seunders (a) a3,711amp, and may yon long, be Opareti leo Sturdy end ()there WOrO varieusly Walter Newerniebe (6)... 63A '. assist iro the carrying on. of •the work, eurned as euctuatingenothilig dome, • ' Remo(' youne ' (0) 62 • is'the prayer 'of the. (Cnxiliary, ' 1 .1. munovabie, regular, et.e.. and 4114 Reginald ;Newcombe (5) .1, • I,' • 'Naomi MeDermid• (4) ale . es, ; o .. • i Moreno° MeKenzie 10) . 410.0.4 1• rermelpnrelestel 0. nen‘dv '2:t. huluttibtelO p`tr(v.1301,213t.Ttitel'es, it IrEit Ot,:,;(10:8‘%`solire• Arzoi:tcelvdera,oal it)::ienaerettiei wtiliteh .. i .11Agiablel;t stinvliporg ((26))........ ....... .. :4487,11(lotinte-lutte Was seeved. . his wonderful maehint gualutiteed to I Nancy .111eff...,.•., .,-,. • - ..,-; 43 • THE pau B1 11 OP HURON e melte you over illt0 Whittever olort of - .ene bee.ceeetireee „..e etweee the Wk. itldiV411tOi YOU. ‘visheti to bei'eend,by .LI°Yd Pinn18:" (1) "::1*:1*.:/" :*1.12:5 Rea ttagren oh tattuida, lad. on. regue meene of this woonderfel Mechanism, - Io'orni IIIA.-eCiass Average. 68% , . lar ev„sion hi. y It.w..j„ neeee. tamed Patienee Deoire Munn, wishing to be - met, come a full blown American .1Ieuuty„ . I. Honore : • ..e. ' . • , . teurcie eamerien, on 1-uesaay Margaret Groves 53• wan eeev, it.. toe liarnby, 1ee.11., 'ot. mole ant tia Mise.Phyllis Lawrenee. Eteheelyie .cojeaekate, , .., ,„ 1, e, , _ , .. '. „84,e , Piyill.• in tee upon. ' Owing to the and Atthg, 0 sonfe CalanlitY olnae •7j•5 0111(031(001., ol. tne anatwa and tan On. Nivinita011431tAcAtelltbitylgiutotieberumeye' iniatliovnise.emt . euteon of Die roade the attendance . 7,.6 .wee not quite as large as usual. The who danced a becedi d..:,.....? in e00- 73.6 kresbytery listened .w.ite intereet' to a t,umei 'TO make tt Man it table two • »A e. winkle ean4a. toe (+arch im a deeper 'Beauty:mot Tempta.tion Touehmenot 40.9 number or committee .reoorts, all af ' 10(11001; 38) 1:too) t'litlienymaSchiolitnte. otiongde •:*.er:niscnede ` • 1."'•'• consecravon In itSelt to ittO work De- W II. Hohors : .. ..; 11..taarYnleyFP,Crgiorrsl:' ' * Evelyn Cooper' ' - Victor Elliott (l) -Geraldine- MeEwen (1)..... ... ,.; 47.7 tore it, und to a more 'faithful too.. were tranetormed, Mr. leierinan Teel: ! - Donald ,Murition • . III. Honors.; • ' • lowing of Jesus Christ in 'every °dee iflv. out tinging An.'elgArda: .nCiluOietgOtitIttlsst ,. • ; Williain Thonton (1) . • .. . .. .. ,ga • -.Yarnell Salkeld (2) , . ...p0rtnoe.,ntrof life., Th,e lithlorei,g,141•61tiir...'NliveelnIte ilinfotiovigreAnotrl and clime ailt as . I Stewart Ferguson 03 TI -2 work of missionary education and iletherie 11,191rYe, 011 10 PloYed. a, SIPII:* urged all ministers arid leaders to toe- Pnorle $.1.010. minnah Susannah Big. -. ! Clayton Edward (3)- .. . ... . ,.,"6,7 • tgiurtin. t thtei juse,ive,$) wituir.thr reportc.of , eillitrsitaa. ro, piLascierliingb'ytti; thre,(11aeldotow-v.b‘ovIii•11,-, o Credit :- - • i • le I even , eiusa ein Ise °limy on - i Below '66% : • . • - ' ° ferenre. The life and work commit- . played or violin coke Betsy Ilobleet Alan . Pentland (8). . ral tee presented a very able and pertthhits- J4', vitilt%.11hal !1:; 3o bahepaeoreneeidteirttoirliolidn itioelerettir,tettelei: , ent report. Among (other things .1' i . 1:foonnreoma:. 1. VIVIe.-XCalYass442v*er.a.g'*; . fi. 8. : 55i. report said (1) that a proteet Is due'•••Jormation was Mies Nancy .rereee, . Lillian Ferguson • $4.. 6 divrds of individual and eoeial life ; I Pratt le iebing to become a pi.inlet, - ngainet any •lowering of our Masi. 01 01011(01 gaVe gi !I:Vita ioll. Polly JA•nA• .;. . Ilelett Zavitz ..81.ty ieli tnat ninny familles ark tile kin LA i camo out OS MiOo 601W ( 11.010.1. owl . .1, , ,. , I Mary Johnston, .. ei.. . , " .,17,,i Nevehroilleusso;In3isie, trtketruitkinistiot rileldrcut4T.ge.itolutes i tra.4a)nv(e.pitainopiajanitirt;,. sooll.?..e.n, ,Tidat:siprercd.sittetro.,, i Catherine Sale • - .I. Catherine Crorwford.I. 76.9. culture that belong to religious exer- • an eetress ,but broke the machine ito • ... •• cities and worship in the home; (3) • the proceas; not havink: given a trtith • • 1 Grace Heacke...........: ..... ...7721:03 • Pauline MeEwep . • „ a faithful support of the Sunday sellout i titer the eiciee of the entertem-. that there ought to be a far more ful story of her age. • !. Cenetta JeWell.:. " ' • •• -."""' than there ie; (4), that ehere lo an ment each .evening, the president of -..r rant( Savage...:..... ... . ... ..12.3 oinnrorld.itatott(i .rae/Vo firorroupthednge of the Guild, Mrs. J. >1. if. ?Am% I.,. for • prayer pressed the appreciation of the Guild • Margaret Ruston' 67.0 ' .684 and the kind of thing that .11unya.n of -the way the production was re - Jean Walter ! saw, of some women (Of Bedford ceived and the large attendanee. Til, ; an. Honore ; • ,, • . talking together of the deep thing:; nf Uri:. Mills the credit for 'getting the ' Lucie nerdy • (2)". .. .2.8' God; . (5), tht all n a • enimunicants. be entertainment belongs and /e.g. is eel.- I- Clayton Robertson () 8 634 urged to .he loyal to the oopirit and tainly to be congratulated' en, the 11. Honors • • • . 0, ; C,3tE/cia". I_N4, Irl..°. itErN' oirS . . '1.1.I.tinersdook .. 74.81 • Thomas Page (2) ' •IIII. Honors; • * lib?' Phrington,.., 72 6 I James Murphy (2) 74.71 Audrey Weiland (2) The fellOwing is the Standing ef.the. - Jean Hunter ., Harry 'Babb (1). .-......, ..".'72,3 11 A li ArTilrui '43)* ••••• ** ert eb (3) ., students in the first series of exam- Robert Groves.... . , .. • .. :: ' 70.91 68,2 Bertrant .111cCreath (4). • ' - - inations of the year 1928.1929. en& Roy Parington... . , Agg Nov. 23, 1228. IsdiYhluol re. Fred Bisset (2) 68.11 credit: !toward Wifitins (3) . poris are being' sent home for per.. Delena MeCreath (1)- 66.9 . . Earl Moro (4), .... •t usal and eomtient by the parents., ITIA.ilielotanorancrke 411. • ' Mildred Wilson (2) . . ..... 03.7 The figure in brttekets nfter some . David Tobin (4) 'names indicate the number. of , Cora Culbert (3) 62.8 • Ralph Walters (2) • apers failed in. t • • James Sheardown (2) ..... • - -62.0 John it. Parsons (3) • •' Perin IA...-4Iaa itielitge1140,4 • Beatrice Campbell (1) 62.4 11.- elow 55‘pato : • .. .• .. Herbert ,Bridle.. • .... I por0(111' Il0rua (4).,.. ,. 0 ... ,111.4 73•Harold Ye° (1) " • • • "•6131 Ruth Worsen (3) Alargaret Joiner (4) • II. Honors : '•• Emily McClure- •(1)" '• 7(2 . /Ili ' -• Jean Macdonald (4).... Mane Slitelds (1) . . ....• • •71.4 William ,trunbl7. (3) • 52 Florence Boweanby' (21 57.6i Mildred Million (6) ' Edsvard Meager.. .. , . .. . ,, .,70.4 Marjorie Doer; (3) 57.4 I Victor Robertson ' (5) Robert Stoddart (1).;.........67.1 Marion Holmes. •(2) , • Dora Atkinson (2) , 56.7.1 James Parsons (5) IL Honors : , . .Edith Cornfield'. (2) •• • • 63 Raymond/ Irrennan" (21 ..... 56.bi • Ruth Murney (6) Pear) Sante (1)' • "•*** " .65 Henrietta Quaid 43) ' • 023' - 63.7 Annie Linfield (2) 624 -61.1 -Norval Anderson 62.4 Grahant McNee (6) 111139.-: 60.8 " 60.3 Evelyn •Culbert (1) ....•62.2 Credit • John Howard (2) • 59 " all William Barrow (2) 58.4 •52.1 Billiard Tremblay (1) 57A I • Keith Murison 55.61 • I•414:105 3111easdsieeliniettleAKenhyese(n2)..(6) •55.5 5554:76 • 5,7,10eituat Splotetaordoosr, (3) .5541; t.,,,, Below 55(.;, Pass • Russell Mann:ter (5)- 54.8, e••• ":,,hrt` • Nona McLeod (2) 54.7 Mary. Girvin (4) 51.7 WihflPO 46**1 51.4 • 46 e I) ..... ....5IA! 15;1 argaret Foster (4) 51.1 . Edith Priddle (4) 51.1 4; 9 Douglas roam (3) ..... Earl Elliott (4) . 63 Margaret Mitchell (3) • 55.1, 'Tames Naftel (6).... • 63.61, Phyllis Lawrence (6)• Rhea Baechler (5) •50 40 6 Sam Walter (3) 41/ Pat Page ' (2) • • • . ..... ••• • '.'...'--b" '1,01,6w 55I".;,- Pass : i / gt..,,p - . I Frances Thomson (5) Charlotte Llifingliani ,(3)-'. ' •Reginaid Castle (4) • 'Credit 1,•_. 39.4, -Arthur Freeman (5)• •/ lila Carrick (3) „ s A •• Edward . Jam/. (4) . Clara Moore (4)- - " -.5'...at' , Phil Diaset (5) 51.(4 Alma • Howell 419itlys .Shore (3) 50:3 bylvia. Salkeld 1.3 /4 ' Annie Atkinson (4) ,11forren Jances (5) ..:• • '7"• ' I ..- William .11zown (0).,., .... 0.•19 I , pkther .menwain • ' Below 55q, average. :. Go ., Arnold Craig (5). '• 4%81 Alen. MarVicar,.... '- "Oinales Johnston (4) 5/21,4 , Clayterti- Laithwelite• (5)...4 ... 1741 jecka Price. /Maw, Finnigan (4), ..../ 4- 04'ert •Itiratigan (7„)....•: ..... ,i. ...1Fi. 1 Je7sie Me(°ann rltrA011 Mae 0 -Margaret Shepherd ' (5) • ca.2 Chatkl. illell (6) 13.1 'Nancy° Clarke 53.1i Vornt 11.----Chiss Average wne jean Abell and Margaret I'llictl... 52.:r I. 'loners : were prerent for only two examine- • SIMI tion it and are not ranked. '.• . 82.4 , Vorm 111111.1.1ass Average 545 81.9 .. .. ., 183;1. xtonors : • ' t nernice Moore (6). --- ....•.Perm IC.---0Class Average 60% 51e14411 • P' 41.0 Ifouora:- *•*.1 Ihmora • MaeKaY James Sutherland. ,•1•6„0 Dorothy' :Allen (1) 763, William Sett:Maud 'Helen: Dayideon'12Y.1'..7.I......161./esecretorry was instructed to heve thi4 can chord* there. Credit :• ••• / • ;report -Printed mid distributil•tio . Jack Abell (2) * • 53,1° the ministerce in the PresbYtery that Trade in your old Wo3lier 'on a new .- (lerfton Worsell (6),e. ,..‘ 5'i4 it :ought be read .from _The.. puipitc„ ..... beatty...cieekrii: ..dining thineett O. No, winked because • or „ absence, ; Miss Clara McGowan, of Blyth..O .....--....>.....--....1.1.."...*-......L. ' , through illness, front a part -or_ all of ;member of the executive of the 'Pree- . . . of the examinations: Charlell Nat.; bytefe's Young' People() Uniorn ad - tel and Harriett Taylet. ' • dressed the Presbytery, malting an - Second Year COmnierdal eloquent plea for- the help and cooper. . • atien of .• the -ministers in ..Ie yawn Group A. GrottP average 1014 , e the Young Peoples tlidon ift seeking Marguerite Ito,binson.... - /411.5 to do. Mr. Win. Mach, of Seaford], MONDAY atid.TutsDAy . Delight Mika 87.4 also addreased the Presbytery on ,he- nie •beautiful Scenie It'ostimpolitat 144;1.; half of the Laymen -a. .AOSociattoll. l'5.4 I Reginald Fisher (2) &cep)* j'aylor. ..... 4ieerge Ross (8)•.. ........ 0110011, • 78,A I Alberta Ortaldeqton I.*. • • • • 1() Ione Ftoll ,... -,, Below 404'4.1101W : It. Ifenoro : . William -•Wilson4S1 .10t001 retiditt..... v/teillut Allister (7)• Marion Porter . Frank Ailep 41'7) .., 3tadditte Nand (1) . It'ene Johnston • - " Mabel •Vdwards ... Vertu 110.---11-2` 'Morige 62`k •. Jahn tileMehen (1) Al Manley Taylor. ... . Murray Mercantell.." - 59 1 ork:•,thie itoly.-,E•tcolt.Rat..,. I.• Ifonert• :• 1 'Carton ' 6 i ' lianglas Mialfiletat (1)- . - „St -181111, Mears : High. Jewell (1).........0.`0 -Intl Mawara ti'snderRen 921 , Heaste. Here. 0 . ....e,...... ,, ono... • rt 8 1 Wini8111 Thurrots (1)0.. 0 ...,, MAI Eltil Knight.....„.„,. .• ',./ricilit Grat..--.......,....:60.70, jc;...crill ratHis' (1)....,-.‘:84 . BeriAby .Iterelereren (2). 011. Honors : 73.7$ Lenot 0 Craig (1) Evelyn Long 70.11 e Theatre WLEE OP 'DEC. 10 to 15 • Margot et Evans Elsie Smith Lucille 11IeDonald Gertrude Lumby (1) Mable Brownlee (1) Prank Roberton (1)' •Donotity Steep 41) - l'reduetion . 80 ' Ile -called upon the laymen to takeea , . . "WHITE SHADOWS", • deeper interest in the work and evel- aft fare of the church. Itev. J. 61. Cod- based on the smsati.mat • bdek by 79.3) ling, a Grand Bend, preeented clear. Frederick O'Brien and nortrayed by a ilo 1 ly the woe!: that ought to he emote eurprising .0001:t of eapabloe soltieere. ....,„„75.1 thia winter along -the,linea of Ill-,Plig- A !movie: attraetioli at reetdae enicee . .e. . Helen Page (2) • 7I.9v tom ledueation. Bev. W. A. Lrent. MERMAII) IrOiAliDie .".."•• ' Gladys Brownlee (I) ..... -71.81, nor urged upon every Member of • "MANDE'S HEIWAlltIr 'Lulu Jewell (2) . 73.3 ' Presbytery to matte 0 determined and • ,• • • Margaret Dottie (4) 72•83borough Wort to 'me the entire tot. _ ;le, Main( Grao4 (3) 012.2 (location of the Missionary and Main- WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ,F1Y1)"' CHAPIAN • 4 ' Lo 4.11(01 4/•••• ASS 12). • • • •• • • , • . • •70•4•1 4 tetiow Fund earned in hie vongreea- Ernest Crowe (3)...... ae 9 tion. Ile stressed partieularly the . Audrey Nivinn (I) Della 61urney 4.1)..... Mori? : Iklall., (1) 'P011 rr WO or the (Whet envelope. IN.11, Just before adjOurniyien t.io Peon: ttrove of a laneeeeeked larbtonotiernit. 89.g, Deed for the regular and synternatic . iiihtcenn.: qn'titn•ill.11:./.144fr eltylleintintlear telalt.ee". Holbert Graham (3) Lerne (lark (13) ...... ... -1,4.1.; draft a reeolutioin of ayraptstlay tea tread -ore. . Laerething from tl *., to ' 81.1 :b•e-tery inetrueteoe the seiletory t. Ilessed with veoti.thrills anilt• illaughs ., . i:ermait Wiwi/ .3' (31. . . - .9 t ; the King in his pyesent rerioutt eti.,fsuftleuvo. in "SKIRTS' ' • I t ,••• Alargaerite MeDonalii. (5) • • • Ala .1`ieree and to.tend tine rentoilUbittil tthhe' • PATIll'i COMEDY Irene Marsh (5) 931.11..Gbrernor Genera at Ottawa. 3 he ' 40,1 National Anthem was sung and tie ., 56.2I:besietliction pronounced -by' the. eloahe ...... „ ',Ron ws vARM DAI(Irt -- ... 55.1( ,,. a I.,,, ririn . , 4 ;!., Jean Holmes (4) • 13,3 Edith lAtattby 45) ••---*g"),••=• • Florence Kingswell (4) Nellie Bannister (61 '1.2 1• • '77.91 itintes Mt•Melim ........ ......va Attitur Brown (3) ..... ....,....69.3 , Idilfred I !ante 72.fl Dorothy Mihail (11. 6',/.3'• 74.0 Harold Taylor (I) 7,1,9, Rost: Pfrimmer (011 71.5 (wail Crassford (1) 69 69.1 .. .70.1J Iteroti.y Linklater (1) 67.4' .57.1/ Gordon tfc/9101/011 (19 60 ... .. '... :*.f.fltili 11101tte (Vs•:,tret• (II )... - .... . -01.11 1 Jema ii/cdnor (1)....„ .... ...,03.8` 0. .0..517i Man Knotritatv (I). - .. , . - 01 I, ... .6L)o Mar ;01 it% nethelinitton (2) COM , • -.. Al• 1 Kctitear 'lova (3)t9.5 • t•i! 7, Anna White ••••', Matel T112. -q Murray Hetherington W. IL ALP. Seere!ary. FRIDAY arta SATURDAY ',:: Frank 21 3318 (3) William Paltridge (5)- 32,14 4g.n,;' SPINSTERS! CONVENTION ,ii.nlIkra:lat ofiragficztcitt41717,,,tef,t0.1;7, teeM '• * 111ANGF,11 Anr'oltbri)r3:1119:91(411-9;1:17 (31:1.'00110s I'''1)611.114',114t. George' Gnitil Scoter a Real glee venerate 0. A 'macro? r to MacLean. 1 k'eon With Their Production tvIld,.. jeGairsr AP iiil-xiros(v;s613(°1)At'era" 69';6721.6, Thy Fake -eerie e•-•,-;o:ietttion felieert by 01 70.4 tIeee 11301101ee (ielottl of Et, ticosmee 44i church en Tticsday and Wedr.e .la) Dewethy nelvertnon (11) 21038 MaeLean 41) Eric Gardiner (2).* -M.% everrittgts tts. ptir/s11 ball wag rva‘t Mal 3. P, iiinterestreg and tire 3010101'odi31t388 tva• Orating- • •PriMirg. Pit 00 wry deveriy. It 01Ya5 inter.A., 91e* Conte 141111E LAW V ' • o• • '