HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-06, Page 4.„, ••1, 4 6 PA -1,1 I 4,- it GODERICH STAR I I 1111 II 0 0 .4' irl'41. eis 0- :0" 0- 40 Jier 0 0- 0 Ott. hr h uo .01 itAltAIMAIC$114*Ceillh...elle-ellateelCeeteetiellrellreetineeirnellreelteeli AICA.ICAltrAlr e . 1 Two Wee s f T ay Nex from s t its "Oh 4 'sn„.9;;:, C.'",C,..1":,.'7,,,,r...-r,.!:„-417-11)..J‘t.a CI E,:"..-; 7,1 :6 '4',..ir).4 !jail a-qTyt, ulfr, •;14)„ $::.i.-kt ' ;1:I ‘,;,4 1.: rf,....:1!.; „iam •.$1..ro.: :--.1 tee 'teen -en Inten• 7, 7.7 ',. 2111E4 12. '3 -:;?, ;ail Aram -ea -4- elenrener. . k ,...,,,,,....,...„.„ ,u.tt4 C.:Piti.:a k.7)1,5 f...,,JJ,,,,,. I f ten.i. net nen: any anon:tten + • I1{in; .e, ly . +4a:z tt'' e.t.a. 1-eseen *ening en- en 'no en ,•-•4 !of ;t•tic be t o Tt-r.s, . ue- -0; 411 -,.tso ,k;,;ya• .til*Itfl -neat new CHRISTMAS DAY .... .•4t:',J,.... .,,,:e.tie ji,J C:P.:',-,.J., : . r',7n:. edeneet z• en" .2Z 7.-., a e -, e. neea3"-... of enteC1,110 ." W0t4 enkhe :R7,-, tJt''J.:.3 4-4,'...4.ie....en the ;nen; neenneeree I teie..i ea tge 4.C,V,12-3• eKOQI-P:73aDPI=SE0 f:C:3 fitti.i lv:.;-.5 ti.:::,:t ehe -nee lee -et -eel foe . . • . e f,,,,,,..i. e...3 genet. en...44. me.. -,,4al."-J JuJ44,-..J'1,4!;',, t7J'ZIE7 thiTai•AlZi preende. ON'T delay in doing Four Christ/Tao Shopping. Por your 'con% eni- ewe we have Vi,'Ittigc(i our our store so that everything is on (lisp/ay to help you in It -tabus your selections of Chidstinas Gifts. Dozens and dozens of pa-etty Handhereinefs and a wide range of beautiful Gifts i LADIES', CHILDREN'S, MEN'S WEAR and ACCESSORIES There isn't an intialate friend or relative n your gift list who v..ouldn't be delighted to receive a gift froni. our broad display of practical, yet lovely articles. Practical and Usefal Gift Suggestions Gloves rfs andbags Necklaces Tablecloths! Hosiery: Silk Lingerie OR THE G NTLEMEN • Belts Suspenders Caps Collars • Garters 6, Vilderwear Bail% Robes eckwear Gloves • Socks Handkerchie Arm Bands flats 44 Shirts Pyjamas ST Sweaters A appoin• in wesuggest---;Seiect Tient, FOR THE LADIES our Gifts gostunto Flowers Table Runners ,Olankets Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Bath Robes Bath Towels Linen Towels ow, as an early choice voids: di - SPECIAL VALUES IN DRUMS AND MILLINERY iho2c..21.3.m rye; seen Tee caneee teneeeney eee enne eeei enieetnce Q -4.0.e, eeen nn tne leern _Leo vdateen teige enle, tees sht ean nen en 612;.,. tInf.12C, riCZq. den e Rivet- Mennen -J. tring a neetgo.hie te4tifeca teneebeelei Anon en -earn rine /nee° neve eneen ante men:me rn nanneet iee %e'en- venee- therein:To rZ.t in a IT:itf.4-.1 'nee eneneseen -a noun Mz3nQ rented an); Lintz -4 op hattee worn. leenel vein me e noen eeesa. • After come' delay the tenven about zee natinenete acesed• "taxa cs. 1F-30 07 Minuted to the Cheinda neee <elopes* elaelewari Cent:Tape' nertain 136115 to water aot., 44. nave the- intetenang interranzien thee -.Qt-the rneeth a the /neer ns tee re kept: Jr-4MM, WW1 denTJIEJ. SZ. '11,J'athar. 1.4gitts t tbenblareis in the rival.- in; Bsix,J$ as nie twine, eneenaeo trice renege condition that. the eeUIV3E7,i WMAd . • ;, 'elltarch, teem es elecee. t /nee melte certeir. imenonereents .to .the A Large Assortment to ghouse from p.ogws 44.4 eaulaann 'arta en oiel teceee. barber. this %veils ta be tionehiefele at*, liO2p, V,,VACAC.M.Ai$4iiitqt#':(4$4'iffZAMACriiI* from Dunlop's Drug Store is 8 lot „MERIRREtiOmRSEs CIGARETTES TOBACCOS CIGARS 4A".4 DRESSING CASES BRUSHES TOILET WATERS BATH SALTS DUSTING POWDERS KODAICS NA, MtN' FOUNTAIN PENS and DESK SETS ist GIFT SUGGESTIONS THERMOS /10/TLE.S k SAFETY RAZORS PIPES STATIONERY u CHOCOLATES CHRISTMAS CARDS 'Y ' • ' teen bee, Lento efeCartne,y, oetla a five yeare. Some pilieg wee driven tt " toe mew oe ten titiaeram, nere ores- end the river eentitted to a narrow- "1; flt riri -Plun13. sco. channel to nem the entrance onen w THE REXALL rORUG STORE enn 4 thatto lei Mien Caneeif %WM' htett,-* thu na-9.y tra, nehen illtiehed'and • • 1'444 niveerhe'h ek't44.e145/'n el'eaj#1?.mertrenedAcrfg4 onaInet(23:1,-., an." fair rsovpeo rnadr gn 1:u.bto)...2!-TrPacIttatoh°igue" eninnest to test az= Gederiehgot Ste gat,lit°Vdi`e13arefletatihealf..011.8101tab'llatesgelb%dena name, WatCtz did ley reading tie navinte.ggttinnellit%alrl i1litts,l,o1.40ittiterol: tvUer(lAtact la‘1.3gIttnural eialL;erb0321ro' • BEDFORD BLOCK • GODERICH 4t. ;mummy nerrezive ne mut prepared: dem.. -`itteeeanth* enell'hi:are Wenee•-‘11"-einnreten-reteNti. neeresernerrnehreenenrene'lr*"editnribtnaierente-rk.-Xt e a A, were emir toVenetia. As a riete inese ?eh. ea Imust iihe taken with consider- /raess bandied at Goderich had giowe R. Turner. In lortdean, Robert A men wete ot supucaewn erior edand a e t, as t e amount so spent le•as .te about 20,000,0ar 00 bushels, a ye, ot Kern Rodemek BtOrnsoaMlc , aolm. .,----- Tie ;reined oeservere wnose nantary mun aPPlied agahtst tbe money paid the which 15 'or 172000;000 .beshels eves MeDonald, William Somerville, Geo. 12" navai duties hae tuften themGovernment for Lendh. e ' _ . l'_for domeenie millers and, foeiters Ann Johnstone Inely Joe eTolinstone _Been _ sous parts of tee worn!. Thee luniev Tie lesese tne 4. 24-3 complamea of the balance for eneort through the Sinith, IL fL Iteid,,in L. Knox, J. W. condnionn m Lorene and able in In- thee,4`wretenied condition of po bah.- - ports of ,Montreal, St. John; bon and threatened to petition trie Portiatid and Boston. In 1 Iiiilifax, Meier, W. J. Balser, Coancilior R, e„ li Ma -mime ZnlitiOnS ere Trying to 010 5,687n f lifunnings, J. Pannebaker (Wallace, _ tormtrY Praetlealrr .1 The dining foom at the Bedford. tnnnheejt-ed--teio.--teattnda puetislied in 1840, gone, "the xeleohea that here was the zreat op. , exports 1,01„../b.34,1 Ivem st„ii Dm dor. utThisegattblieerezsats wtheen slaimItsinsudunisctriyh. 1 winastrhbeicahlttlfhliellyundieoenorsateat wooitah sit:tiers; po,ittuntey lor peopte In zee onj lend ing la.15 about AOint buehels, of underfelt; In 1876 the well Id Whet and. Stripes were both prominent re independent Among these men was „Present llghtnouse was bunt, but, as .nte to better their condition and become wheat were snIPPen. In enneeett the is eiew the W. C, P. X property was ) - , 4,11,- Lays orizsTN0 ° sunk, and at the present time there ROYAL BOW LING nk t.,npr. inllissen, a 'then OZ' consider- inere wee no light on the mere, tins Was a torma_ge of 25,000 tons of salt l eine privnte mane, woo hentrned to wee. aimplensed et As being danger- out of Goderich mitt uwa When the Jeig Inlidt November Honor Itoll .._....-...,,,,,,. whis . Prize Winners on Monday Night and 1 fil%ntilienill. fan(iln 41..erngettettn.ligr (03. ' Z1817lav4:11)4enellaisgtrigt :laroTeefrIgit):. k IN. Wrest a living' under almost Government to cancel the (ompany's 000 bushels of grain were handled at Idaho), W. T. MurneY• KellY• 11, , eible conditions. Wilms, tney saw the riglets to tne harbor ee nue es.ern were the elevatin, and at the present time G. Johnston, R. J. Melifelien. • vaet. tracts of iert..4•4 'sand en ads nee nninedlatelY contPleted. Small& 20,000,050. ' established by Ogilvie and ,y 'tiro havehst, and bripre,,,..ed him between settlers- and the local repro- Ilutcheson, a enpacity of 600 barrels ir••••••*ve, sentatiVeS ot the CorapanY• Time was a record crowd at the ...nk with the opportunities, an. this new fet country that Galt gathered a nturiber the citizens toot advantage offnthel4e! * day was the record. In 1901 when it of the most. influential men in Lon- eentlY Paneed "Municipat Act" and. iover the capacitn Wad enlarged to the ttr. C. V. X. took the propertn „ nRiogyhatl, tlitnweitlillegiai AopileenYinng*onf, tMhennfod*urr yi. ere) .eon. AL A Aneting bed en the through inairporating the town, as ei reis of. tour were turned out niany, -1 • don (Mantling Biddulph Bros, bank...had a sPeekli Ant of karliAMent l)ett 1000 berVeis a day and new nsuo bar- new uneYs upstairs, making a total of eight alleys, and the coinpetition 'It "London Tavnrn" July 80441824, the seParate anunciPalitY free froen ane" segetiring 1o,000 nusheis- of grain u in the varieus events,of the evening , un- fared. The objeet of thrs eominany, itous Canada ConinanY woe tonne the interference .or control on the Part of day, or about three nullion ousnels was verY keen- Catada ComCa pany. nada annuany. Ahofit 100 inen were cm- Frank Townsend was the winner of der all tbe verbee noutisliee Woe the Condiany then moven their cfnces ; peeyea at the null and tee coal con. the prize for gentlemen's best'niingle same os that of any other real estrite 'levant' company,totoa:cpcureseibtillee, 3)rrnEetttliaelirds tehderIn/e84tes 56the Canada ComPanY aSue, the Buffalo and Leith; en it, Ann profit by the jnereeee en Huron RailwaYnanY elairri they mane .tt. the value of their leddinge. Lord have bad to the harl.onegronted byta Vg. Canning WAS the foreige minieter a the Ceown in ism', on condition tbat.ti k tile British Government, aiteough the. radray assume the obligation of' n utentton ‚.jran 12,000 taau atinnahy, 6e -ore and aleeof Ova prize for genie- --()per gent of Which pame by water. 'men's best three tonsecutive scores, he eargees of grain, and salt hand. making a single score of 286end a from Gocieriea meant, a .eevenue of three -game score of.874. nt tmWmtnion netters a Year to Miss Bita Phinte had the besenten railways. Ole score for the ladiee, with 106, and tc., Robert Kerr, one of our oldest nIso best for three consecutive Lord' Bathurst was handling negotie, eennpletneg the harbor work. tons with this new amnesty, nee .The taking over tbe harbor by zt 'tors, who had, sailed hafoie the gantes, 522. and Mrs. S. Moulton was s nd behind the mast and down runner up in bath events, with a sin - agreement wne entered into whereby the .. ifre'Government And bringing the in,th.e eargo hold, as the eh a mumgee of 184 and a t.h ree- Xame s core _ 0f the iro untoitsnentereditablesa11,rasneitealtedori t:ra recite- 514- remtht0overnme;tileopo4ere,sthl!isahethertersTIh4ehhrea%ti014z‘hrespondec.uehtoteThe prize wn:Imfor NCWOrnkg _. -te..nbe.eas•tern--partent inc. peOveneee --dfist- 'be- traee4:1 bY 11) ole interestedteneoyinent- of the andienee and geve, ...C. Chapman with a corfor at three shillIngs per were. Under by reference to the town records, l a second" number in resnonse to the three' coriseeutive games. of 878, and werese L. the original survey of this portion ee whielt are cormslete from 1850 to the, hearty opplause, , Capt. Malcolm MeDonald for, single kl, the Province onaseventh of the. land Present, members of the town coma- 1 Cant Carlson, bSing celled on, ia.ve score $54.. And Miss Rita Pleate had . was set eedde,gor aurae poposee And .eit WM- reniember that vlithitethe peat Ina birthplaceat Norway, his rIrSt 'the high Sgore for' ladiesnesingle- known uee ',Clergy ', Reserves. , Tbe - Men, a nub claim deed was veeorded s'ailing , experience as taxing place genie seere of 196in the gentle- eherde, ltd by ipsh,,,p, straehau mie, frorn , the Buffalo. and Lake Huron ' from Glifsgow, and be had been in men's three -game contest T. Prit- et1 so Inca; diattirbance over tit'e epee nailwaY relingdishing 'any (.14 311 they qv -actions/ every port in the British enure' wee runner up wari ith 836 d W. on nvtheir nano -Oat the Goeeetemenn Made. have had to water lots along ' Empire and in •rill he found more or Bisset and F. Hunt each had 829. and Ai to old eitnelnethea, trouble,i,ofrered 'the -Inerher. This wanthe 'clean- tip "less of the name spieet as in Gode. in- the single game colinetition F'. k. as a compromise, to sell the a-nrein.- 'et'tittiitairit 3114(k to the Canada rich. In 1902 when he canie ter tine. Runt was secOncl, heat *le). 34 ,* Contnallt. Meek of one million amnia •Lounrrin3ern 1887 . , and winch. had been continent he nelt sure if his, first trip For December competitori„up to g • in the wasterk'par,t of the Vrovince.r bringnit over the town for.theeast hadbeen to Goderich- this town would Christmas Mr. Lloyd IS offerina which had xecently been gennisneed 00 yearsto: the detriment of out ler- have become his home instead of Lor- . ',wiz° of a Christrans. turtney eor tile fronethelndianse and width. had -not bee improvement aine, Ohne. best three consecutive gameiounong HOP EARLY AT A . cORN E yet been Serveyed, .The priee was set This. is not an occasion to go into Czpte Montgomery of the Osler, the. ;nen and he Will also give n sub- . FI SHOP OFTEN AT THE STORE THE STORE at ono shilling per aere,and payments the full story of our' barbor workd Cent ,Thoo. Sininions of the Leonard stantial prize for the best ethree -cern 1611"Ettlin YOU ARE ;• WIIERE0YOU AREwere enerad over a Period of siXteen The detailstaken of tiow and when the hare' Miller, Mr. Smith of the Dominion seeutive game's among the ladies. years troM July 1st, 1820. This offer her n'ae over Int the DOnfinien 'Road Macninery te„ ;engineer Gold. iNvirto TO SHOP WEST VDEOF SQUARE PHONE QS OODERICH INVITED TO SHOP was accented, and the same year the government, when it was made a lug, Andrew Porter,. 1)ave tlyslop, an Hibl4k 430 nneeninnneeen 901:11,00*-- „N",W200-,,,est-z,epeeznepreereoteennetWtereneei ,Neet- etteNertatterheetegr',..*--7-...-"Seriter$0,r. loP to goteve-r the countey and make erieflets and ehaingee that have heal Presqueofsle, and j', W,, kr Per Liplielaterina Repairing aser evere ..,-...-,-.............-,- - "a report Ott What they had nought; Mane necessarer to keep peaee with others -called on. ', ; t„,. R ' ' ' . A recitation bY Billie Joe Johnil on' the Presquelem. Ile told some nenneenheenne. n e , ne. said this Wan the ' ' . ' efP""hincl• . ' • gathering anti I , . 311.$. BThatar vent crrom Dunlops report the executive tile changing "c6nditions 1.3001(1 31.. n 1 capt.e elyslep , imnoLontotrere,sented to the Govere- . A torso rallge af sample Cover. aiiquet to Masters and npneers Al n COn Ott Nivea her aeCompant- grpeRmSly responded „to the eneore. B t Grandit4ippies, sanhie and unitised, I long taitted Wednesday Night at Bedford guests on behalf of 14=n; Ferree's 43i -'?'4 alrliaenshotti4 Ilad to giVe an encore._ ,. e • • • . • ' C Y engage Dr. 'Dun- ge" an e improve- old Godenell boy, now eaptaits et the • molt . At Ode point Reeve Tureer, char. tract, whom- the ehairmall introduced interesting stortes of the days ot.his t saiktree Within. thie Chief Officers of Winter Fleet in Port of Goderich Enter. It1.111441:11:i l!TretS:tIttst::!IttlUnC theree irst be (Ian :immense swamp. Atrsg•:.:YtintIvriftletroil Lithe 30.1)44tnolve tin. it (IIOECO calir; da hae aeno Tcoe able ku veral of the largest someone else to cover on a future ne- ster)", which I will leave to thiciedita iimheort,e0filiars1 lon%leeltlictotvG:idy6n- 'p. ike riversein the countrY, including the casion. • • lsecond on ,tne King redwara ond now ionteee street • a edelconte to the 1 euch as this Made him feel like a inii- the town, which he did in welt ehOnen Tao detincted from their purchase price The chairman then called on Mr. S. non nonars. words. ' . Lord Quitting held that the Company In Croft for an addressThe haPPY gathering . on the traffic I broke up af- sinning- Auld Lang ,Syne snortly torment of Goderlein intro- tor - DAPT. PAYETTE OP S. S. GODERICH _Meyer FlacEivan fellowed and exe was getting the land cheap enough deve PRESENTED WITH Bit:Aid& lil'es°ed nicely the pleasure of all the -at 25 cents nee etre and that no dee duced Mr. ,Croft as. C. IAL, IL agent after 2.00„otelock. e townsPeoPle in seeing so many .ves- duction should be made, .and Chief of the Lions Club. Mr., ve.i., attendanCe sets in our snug harbor, - neventeen Great Britain. had a Aver with Tur. Croft said being a vecent comer to The fallowing N e e or eighteen "Vessels were already in key., ;Lord Canning had been under Goderiche he had had to get his laore gt di* .13**(111e14 Capt. Ite le. Payette, Some Very Interesting Infofirtation of Histozy: and etr. tzociericen. Capt. J. S. Moran str port anti six or sOVekt MOre were ex- great strain 11 rr4 maeion ora the nd "cl h' Growth of This Port .. • FrtEser te. Ruesell Bithhard; Capt. tr., G. Sime pected. We called Goderich flown% treatynntal at thb stage Lord Can. ibute to the ebairman and MA t Golden Gate on account af the stream., fling had a nervous breakdown, of the W. C. F. M. for much inner- . irons, dr. Leonard B. Miller; Capt. pea far 1114.10eaf gin ni" • , motion. Prior to 1807 when the •IV* ti' 'Ivimitg°sIeryt str• Osier; Caps. 5L Sawner, str. Belgium; Capt. of golden. grain flOwing doviri the lake This was aot made public, and Lord , The largest whiter fleet (from tho " Mr. G• L. Par.SenS, manager of the to this port, which was the leading. oaderich ;was appointed to take over l Canada' Conmany came in there was W' point of view of tonnage) which ever Goderiili Elevator and Transit CO., port on the south east coast of the 31 wintered in the Port of Gednich will presided and he bad ny.e..*. townsman lake, Mr. Maawan then gave some temporarily. The Company's bank- ('.111010 Goderich is now located t how' th tho adore adnunistration of offal= no doubt an Indma trading post i • 0 . .0 • and lg.. _ nnoiwan, stn. !1.. W. Smell); Capt. . sort etr. . henna Copt constitute the Itt28.-420 fleet, end as introduce „bin -wolf and a.so, t rnar- rtos sro_oingta ,,cowhieh bail ers werealigo and approached Lord' and Mamong the first to learn of Connon gave a. lot of early Ins. . • YAM), stl• Presque sle; P. f Eagles chief 'engineer etr Goderieln moet of the vessels had arrived, nee 111333e men lotting next to , lum andwlhen ;ill r dtak this eh rt r. Croft ' dealt more with .",. . • daft's.; the 8, 8. (hAerieh, named , lt came to Mr. Persona_ own le rattle.- thee. MAY YearS agO at the time_ qoderia with. the proposal that the the peried from 1857 when the But- .. 'sell Hubbard; dt. It. Foote, engineer, n w. exusten, engineer tar. C. Rut. after this port, it was arranged to Won, cries' of "What's the matter wail 4 Confederation 480,000 acres of trovernment give the Co rola end Pike H ma 10VerS „. FOR E7)ers ,Occas4)1.2 While we • have stressed Ain- eral and Wedding Floral Piece,' for some time, this is by no means the limit of our caterin capacity. tender a complimentary dinner to the !Personal?" 4'11cis alt right" and 'To: .wheat :werg. Itrown in Canada; this 000 acroft additional to Adiset this sup- 'WePean and do supply flowirs I• completed on. In 180 the first B.St.r•m°,smier; A. D13;ateosi engineer stle 1pr artistic" tasty ornament* ion masters and t. mei vngineen of our ;HOT n Jolly Good Fellow" came. year =4000,000 Ade% MA the Gette- rond swrune Thiq Was !Agreed (elevator was constructed dud shortly 4.10 • , eer str. Presque Isle; August Oliva. 1 anne; oulding, engine r •or any ether function nt Whith _winter fleet on Wedneeday even ng c.f i a' After the leompet Several coral -urn rich. . elevator and mill hail 'fatten -the to by the, ',oval:nicht in /82d, ialefteli_ti )rat,poryice -was inaugurated .. t ley can he appropriately /heed.. Precinct of nearly tt000,poo acres, and i 100,000 acres were thrown in for good 1 Lietwc'ell clifetrgdy. .4fisvankee, an.d;tefissl4.117,;:t:'s•tt.M. 141eludIeriliche; 1"nleaCreo‘'dttici: ,.; Arrygeo:arteettleasedrh to ailvirrwletre;.! . presentatien of the bargee to the S.S. , the petriotie taut to "The pig," owl -this week, at which the long.delayed t ity songs wero curly and then came Goderieh again stood thtrd of all kilo. measure to prevent any future claims .Dederich, the eastbound etatvoce being Wood, .'"erigineei. dr.' Maplecourt;• passim 031i e use o 0 rob., Godetich wouM be made. This. ie the i the ni,, atienal Anthem Was sung, irillt te"Dal ill ra PlePt ot groinilluolle4 ...ill regard „te Ptig Swiunp,,, first occastion since the S. S. Gotle- la little.deeeer fervor apparently than This so:chiefly of torn, bound; via Goderielt iCiipt. D. M. Wing, str. Glenross, G. L. tem easier cfer; luso:. "`ftrilln in u ing second only to PerrColhorne ' pleased the directora that they.prem. and the Inke Huron and Buffalo rail- .., rich was re -named that silo has been A uEuril on aeeintilt of the serious health and Montreal, and 4iptanding first a , ised to tilltn0 the tirst town in the !Way" for the New England States. A -arsons, Mayor • ltiacEwen, Councii- doubt. Nod Noweyro. No exprns, tune time to make the PresentatIon iluis been passing. Mrs. A. S. Mee- Lake Riven and Georgian. Bay ports. now eettlentent after Lord Goderiete 1 The charges for hauling from Chie Mr. Matswan gave some figures. of : and a prospectus was printed in Lon- eat,00 at thnt time were 21 rente a ;lor Chas. C. Lee, 3. W. Fraser, S. De shift of Croft, W. II. Iteliertson, 'F. Wooll- ent,•• sentiment more .beauti- inoport and hence this was the eppor- i condition through which Iris Majesty the property values repreSented at don giving' this information. in the bushel, but boat- only 'combo, W. M. MeLean, W. F.. Naftel, , to the master. The dialer was held Kay and Miss liennon were present . ._ ealtte4'Plit t° i Councillor. D. .SprouVemincillor Geo. at the Bedford Betel and WEN tit Crery and Miss Connor; played chantingly the harbor. When tho winter Root ' survey of the land made by Dr. Dun. fourteen thousand inishos mut tem% IP. Gould. ,elyde W. Carter, "M. 3. Ain. erved bthe pio- ee the singing, aitl e r -y 'fi way n fine event. A very excellent , dining the serving of the banquet and goosNenquet was et :21) now mrs M. Vo -1 d amount to 5,700,000 husnels, i towns, one where Guelph tune stand" .,EO !lords *were ail in their eorgoec; ' lop in 1820, he seleeted two sites leer was a donmrag° eharge‘a $65 a "a3ri'slie, R. G. Sanderson, A. 3. MaeXay, G Men Ittld townsima a vent? liiptlY ,.tle Bit of !leaven." This selection l had another ...40?.000 bushels,in star. 1 in 1827 Dunlop end Galt %tatted, nose fell oir and very woo i gra-a W48 1 Lesslie. J. .T. llieRwen, N. Maervor, rItiephOite i'OSsir EWART prietorts of the hotel and in th(Atio th. lOy tette vatted on for a ireeta solo, ..°11.ell at 11 * busilels "014 ‘1,43 ;50* t and . eator vapacity was ai dna lin 11 Iti after the first threes die s 'The ole- the other where tile Maitlend 57 ' - Andrew Porter', Deputy Reeve J. 'W. ---e• - - --8-4?---• Craft:let J. -3191son, Gordon Maedon. oliiirit of sociability wae eoticceine. wes very muchnoppreeiated by the 'age' anothee N.,400,001) of value. clearing the first town site, whieh handled till 1892 Then the elevator 1.1. W. Boughner Oliver Johnston, Ji. .0_, ir- ...lik, 4 41 1 tor peopetty was valued tee $1,200,- ; have this changed on neemint of the for the firet time "Western Canada', eillor 'firm. Bailie, Thos. Sandy, Reeve ering of abeut etventy-five e 'to which title respon&J with "A Lit- # iia1,666; end the elevators and Mills livers flows into Lake Huron. Ear:y fin the earl)? eightie3 the gZain 412$1* ald, Ilaye :T. O. Comm, 11.V. F:LORIS 7" _ - . 000 in value. Godemi 'loyal Family. The direetore tried to Sen• !Walt leased to las. Richardson and a firm still in the bueiness, and T. F d 'It b Otirderia _ Plzwenty.faur vessels about 610,8000. I was named Guelph in honor of the - Alma 9, . Ito Mao% Com - When Trading Outside Canada youR cinlArpoidi ifIle with fttreign et amtich0, e9edited ‘ity eniisting the t; toren ex. change depavtlIWit The Canadian Ilank • t ttmurtett`e,. obuneetiims extovit Po all prtios•••, r•tt ,i:•411intelee lltroutinnit .the .1*.(114, •Onr ;twat manager can keet 'yon 'posiM wAtardilk the rapidly flirefir,nint %Alms tit beeeigii amities aqd.i *mile itAr the hansier tit lond, ti• Went 0300,; .,.toside totta4., iiitt CANADIAN BANK - OF COMMERCE fiTANaRD"BANK CA*14t*A. 000; the milt property the e.anie. , preepectus %Odell thee' had inetten 'and l grain was bevelled through this. port. ------' .Z------4•----• ----.--'-'' • ' ---- - - ... ' '-'-'"--- -- -- I And adding the harbor works, the which ehowed this town as eGoete.' Vessd cargoes . that titne 'teem; O44AMAC---MAKOIC Mavor figuree a total valuation of but town lots had been sold about 35.000 bushels and railway earn • - • - • • ' • • flat 'on entInt Itg".t e`'.(J-"Ik anent to chatt the ,t awe. It was dee' tare awry n0 tens 'or 120,000 40h.t4h0 Otld vir at hirthni, and it would take nn net of Podia. held .10,000 lbs. or fifteen tons. To- • town tind waterworke property, ler' eaSier ft5' iv* t prusifketto. I runds, t!O(10 bushels of Wheat. , Mr. Lee's. The past year the cieva- and tpalt said that the tewn on Lake ' hea.traine would eonsist of ten ears , tor hut linndien ei,000,000 bushels, i llueon which .ea would ealt Gaderieltsbr 250 tons, now le00-totis were coin - ( anti the Western Canada Flour Ming would eventually prove to te a mare Imo train tonnages over the c.N.u.. • tom: or • Ave 1n311101 bushels. Thi3 important plice than thielpit .on ace I In 189S this eIevater was-dastroyed town was proud to have "Se roots count of the location. We celebrated , by 'fire, and a citizens' committer3 of the etrerlithi,,, pit-Lk:Its *IA have the one hundretiiii keit& erearn of the Ifunctionine much as a Board of their vessels in port. The winter 1founding of Goderieh Inst yew'. At !Trade or 'Chamber of Commerce, set Meet Walt the gement in elle entevy Ode time the Welland Cottril had 'not :to wok to etelicit eipitin ea erect a ef the port ift tonnage and in value, ,hcen built. Settlers 00 vame, nett elevator and in 1898 a erib work p of ihr %teeth if net in number. We illut•b(T bad to utileed Itantdtenicerietrunted elevator Was bunt with a- Arert, raiticularly mend to have and either take the low trip threngh 'capacity of 3;00,000.bn8hrb. Int -lease Var. l'arreite k4 the 8., 14. liedetich• " the bush or go to Ittlifette cen.1 ft.c4a0ot business thininded enlargement, nne 'fir Ow nit",t ',oat* 091 Ow' blkm there take a vessei to Detroit. "Piero but lust before enlargement took His Worship referred to the tow. were no cordite:tit** at Detroit end # plate the elevator was tigain destroy- ciintineem nf Contractor Itift Felt -est settlers dabbed together r.nci tined 1,y fire in 1905, and in the eame IP ettrreieg to theme,. 134- 'twee nf ticlutenee to teke them to their detain.: yeer the fleet unit of the preecnt eke Put dredee from the teneorich to the !: ation. 'To overeorfte thilt dittWbRA tati+r la”Rt4 NUL In 1907 the Petrick rerete. which hod made Pes- the Canada. c'etinunty built Mtearrie‘, With 41131110334 eyes IO' the grain !mei- eNe the re”eninle of the $, S. Wen' which thee rolled the Geoneekb rte!.5 out of lialerich, extended their hed tne ii;•riten. eve Matthew ntaisk to eve. eee thiie thie helped ter open un tome field OW Aft , telineten (Apt, PAvette opt the, Altttor 1$3,`,1. 1, htitntino; from •GurIph to nintlerith, '1 tit W. also handle Mew's Work Shirts and Ovoralik r` . si'ioms 14,41RM Win", *n4 now /100‘ ttokk, NO of hi. pox woo\ boa the groin Dade And the flevatOV was • „ *nw," ftbkiet releiged 1911. o r 040401M-Aial.! CHRISTMAS GROCERIES OF QUALITY Owl k Starch. per pecitatte...... ........ _1, ., ,„ .116 . &eats. Reiohur, 2 S,,e. for...... .. ...,„ ......22c • . k Quick (looker Oats, (with Chine), ...........42e, k . efieltej per lb. , . . . .. . . . �O . . . ..... ... . . . .Fve, notifrotil Greneklmeil Sew, per 100 lbs.. .... -400 k4 Ieirki Seger, per `11,— . . — .........„.... ..10c novetiee Tee, par lb.. , , .„. ... , .. 0 .....7de Lew* mod Ora** Peel, per lb.... .1 ..... — ....250 ity. Demo, 2 No, for. 0 . 4 „ . . 0 0 . „ 0 , . 0 0, . `„ 23c roolonsirf of the Gothkrirh- «rant mtg.;osot *•' in Thirkes,ing ' 'OP One burttoo.. Mee. *round ittith The !neon*r wee put rArerote- or 011,1.1411+4i better hsvber * 1,1/44 "Gswienclh" etton 1.**04 Copt, Relied llonlop, A retbre41 33a401 aities 014 ittiprovett hArlw.r filt•ifitiom ?Not o341t.04•41 1.43 Repro Turnei, rontotON *lid brother of f*r. Dooto1*. fern mode An intro...Jae in busineee !.f.ted h etrto others and displae- Ibtring the. *tinter of IS34,314 in *11;4+ talletf for tho errgerient, of ed novo* the en4 of t4e dietetic room mond bar tevaaaa erre." the ntoeth of the elevator Mei* mod *ow there tell* Payette,. of water et tho entateatt. The olth tho ierroeood ferilttie, the 11,1101.P.11**111Wnafimissainsorsoyoutoi W. F. H. PRICE T.4•000. 356 GROCER Elain Ave !lee Reete pieneetrell Itivt *Ina , ine • travirer lona then four foot n rapacity of 1,000.000 boatel.. snot 1