HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-12-06, Page 3THURSDAY. DEC. etie nes tuitimmusotesStirs.111111 CHF OODICRICH STAR PAiHkE •, • .0 1.• •••••• in. Maintenania *expenditure for tile itriliettaffipM0gfigellefeagfetligeligeltifitipi - JSeflikkired far !Wonting ityes ii 1 with 5.... 114 igitborrlood News Nuggets ..... connect and Mr. Thoi, 411e.f)ii was paid en the original am year amounted it4 *iI3,431-10 and kx, Stine!. paid $400 on the purchase of , Oa the first siga of say weakneas ot In Ho' Back h , Picked From Our Exchanges ikillid up the old beeping1 buildings tinitine were SW from the Town of Gode., tech, $750 tom tile County et Huron McEWEN1S . it *aim the back Dime* Sidney Pills Strength and $563.e0 from tile Province, 8727 ler the seat of this trouble. fur the 114h*Y.° *DIY *ad "ke tIlihtC. E, Dougan Moves to Clinton on, of Alitalteli, who twl; wsse3.433n a a a with AattICIZWSI nital Auxiliary fora the eale of tnenis w Every Day Prices I ...... be fusel, They are a remedy was received fore the Womenets Has, Mrs. Lawremee Proult Olden*, Onte The Bee. e.i, E, Deegan, the eeeitei on December -the first The hetet,: ibership tiekets in the Asscoiation, w flotations included WO front ltt . re vriitest-"L suffered. for mew. mouths I:eluded 'minister ef the Presbyterian D k".13sill 03 the :NM C3111111"ag 13 °Ile ' A,NGIER'S EMULSION is in- Stevenson, $58 from Mr. Roht. Mc- • with severe pee, in my back, I ehureh, has niov, ed with his wife and 1. c f the beet in Weetern Ontario and itlik weld not wet day er night, aud I boa family to Clinten. They are sit pres. does a leg businees Mr end Mvs, valuable for building- up he'alth Kiwi sat from Mr. Wm. enaistiesi IV . , . and MO tram the Western Conant • eertisea Neva Kidney pine ler pone On Novemlier 21st, at the home. of ' or after 'Inv serious illness. It band in the general fund and $147,46 . 0019LOCE,Rifts . . we tualeition to do seething. ent eteying 'at tbe Camenereial Inn, teside it .Iffehe 1. and strength in all run-down moue. mills Co., Ltd, The Hoeeital 14f ig Elligsey are leaving Hermit fluid Will ' "Owl day I saw - where you ad- „...Galbritithelleepherson Death of Mrs. Jecob Taylor , COntlitione and wasting diszases, Auxiliary statement shows $237.44 on I -, , in the back end I lost no time la buy- ing * box. , I have taken three boxes afternoon wedding vas ejletnnited Ellen Dyttiottd, wife of the late Jaceib -", Lainlatmi street, Kineardine. a (Inlet Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Macpherson, i Ti'ete °led itt 84 $14175 wt'S'undW' • 4 ' November 25tie followmg a stroice, . 800 t hes the mucous membraneof i tn the nate box fund. fluting the the Auxiliarie oaid 1231.70 for 41. .8 *14 fuun1 e y is, me a won .1 : hoepital supplies. $20 for* Cbristeme oe ' d D., • Taylor. The demised a oman seas m the stomach and intestines) cot-- ' vet"' rectsdigestive and bowel irreizu- eheer for nurses, 8441.63 for flow 104,. e ... fat timount of good by giving relief when Annie Gillett Macpherson was e lg. Galbraith, son of Mrs. Ebner J. Mott appetite,, overcomes hospital. and Ali.eteial Of their ee. sie ‘, ieee, • / right away." unitedly. marriage to Mr. Ellis Allen her eighty.tifth year and had reeidcd e • • in St. nferya for eleVen neat*. . Six - itarttifs, promotes a- normal; _eoveringi Stg"7,11.,._ ,-,, tkileeorating.i 14 . nee Que. a eel • of Willowdele, Ont. ' weeks previous to her death she took h. .I counts a -ere S2.102,87 for the year. • til .,-, ,i-';'. 7 . Q stroke end had teen confined to her . nertons depression and greatly Tii. desirability of having ttio s4. i A es i- e at ell •druegietit or , dealetai 03' 'mailed The death* rred at the 'home' of = Death of hliss Margeret Martin bet! until death claimed her. • increases vaality. prealdent of the Hospital Auxiliary q , f , / t* - ik ilimet on receipt of , her brother, JohnoAtrgnktirgTaurecteNr:. - WA Fine Garsige of tue flurea a metabei of the beard of govern- lee townelnp. ageet g5 yearo, _Mtes Mar- . _ leutuoilovith hypophosphttesof Missed- moved by' Mr« Counter und- -ea' secoeded by Rev. Ur. Ford, that the 1. IL* ' ' le: . price "by Ow T. Ma- i smith tOwrishiP, Mr. G. . N11u1031 road An emulsion of' purified pc.-tro- ors, was disenasri and a- motion wag SIT oweste nen Seaforth, hasejust com. burn Co Limited : Mertin, an esteemed eesident of thj* pleted the erection on bis fume of, , . Toronto, - . Opt. ,,,... exte of um nnest totrages netWeen - "lime dud -Soda, ANGIER'S is , meeting reoneet the Doard to emend • ' • ' litii arbeibild'aiien ill for some weeks, Stratford and Goderiele The build. pleasant to take, giveS tone toalt the eonotitution so that the Auxiliary - - ewes born in Tuelcersmith, being a ing is 20x34 011 cement foundation ehonld autonintieal — --r------ :daughter of Dm late Mr. and Mrs. - the digestive systerrt, and is talon on the Boar IY 'hove rept•esen- , * -1 LEC4A16 "WS -Jan e Martin .viech cottage roof, met is &MVO wy41,41 equally effective for children The lamented d th of Mr. C: A. . land ildaah8.. . Nairn, for mane y ars active in hos- rubber shingles. There are double twols opennin ott the eront and a ono Barrister. le -elicitor. Notary Public, Etc. 1 1...11,Mo Death removed a highly respected door ergrance on each side. The'gate ratal work, a elm er Member oft)'. lir cithen of the Bronson Line, Ray tp., Phone 07, take, The Square, Goderich. , t . Suecessor to J. L. Killoran on Saturday, Nov. 24th, in the person- ego. 3,111 aceommodatei three•cars. • of Death of laugald MacDougall board and for fourteen years treas. iii urer, was referred to Jay Mr. Connote ia • L. . * and lalLINEST M. LEE. 4 iays. Deceased...me ,h0 -it in wil, 4A. UV. 1.11 OA 414,..• utagata laAcooll- '4. • a . and a motion was made by Mayor eilt.- 'DominiOn Rifies, 46a •Bay Sfree Toronla 2 Bardstee ind•Solleitor line when quite a young lad, nearly ""..‘"h'fr 4""'""`"44"°' <44944" 4 "Wilb" b *mot township and moved to Bronson gt/t• "'""v" it" "It' """'" fifty years ago. itwob.., wi,o «untidy. .i.,tice4s,..N.i. woo to years. i.e. age VA ..sov. eta: see •was eiiiiiia•44 ei hlacEwan and %mended by Mrs. 'for- , , family an expreesion of the appreela. : 'Son of the Board of the poet' lelr, i ton. that the secretary convey to Abe i. Telephone Adelaide 403. - . - Edgai"Metratt. utast as etuay, ;see -Moue and on. cow- Nairn had taken and of condolence A quiet wedding was solemnized at Ing to teatimes i3evueu in a. xarm Mar m their -bereavement, and carried nn. _ the home of Mr. ainti Mrs. J. X. Mar- miscue wnere mg earriea ua suceedie animonsly. Mayor litacEwan enlarge. DARROW. John L. Gerber,Passees Doctotweitert "I consider Angier's. Emulsion is ens at Ole Amer toniC4 aral imerolgtla buildoni airtoinabia.4 (Sigt.)-44.D. DUDLEY E. 110Lalfia. ' Barrister': Solicitor, Notary fatt, Wingbann on Thursday, Nevem. elute eini many years, eetiout six 650 and $140. -at a eirsegites. 0. }edin. nonotubee irootter.t iMorretNhiaitryy.f houta d . traelrrns PHONE 27 PUblille'ANCIIII,vrMueSeTrittila dbaeurghteri Mae 22nd, when their youngest years use he meveii .o Kinearaate iss Winnifred, was united reticle. • ' '' ' • chairman of the Boned of Manage- Dti• 1.• • SPECIALIST . J. R. FORSTER. e • - ' - iffmarriage to Alvin Cameron Edgar. net.. Winghten, Rev. Sidney Payisoni offi- son of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Edgar, of • . esieew t,00rgo ihtintreadt oe Mrs. Jahn Beecroft hue., beee tee beicived priest of it. Rev. Fathee A. in, ctroeder, who Leather A. M. Stroeder Takes. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATiON reeve, and in other connoctiens. er -- 7 -es 1 ___....., • MEETING The meeting then adjourned. ment of Knox church, for yeaea n . member of the town -council and BYE, EAR-. SIOSEi THROAT rienatieu nathone :attach, Zurich, ••••••,•.•••,•••••. Pos.........014 r • Lute House Surgeon New York Deb- There passed away in vitinehans slue Itom, reheived name from the Airs. C. A. Reid, Mrs, C. F. Chapman • . As a vermicide an 'excellent pre- • thalmic and Aurai. nominal, itssistant at hospital on Tuesdav morning. Nov. Bishop os Lencion, ex tus promotion and Mt R. .1. McMehen Are New nitration. is Mother Graves' eVorm Moorefloritto Eye Hospital and Golden 27th, Mrs. John Beecroft of East Exterminator, tt has saved the lives . Squan Throat Hospital, London, Eng. Wawanosh, after a trying illnesS. from the Zurtch charge to a mueh • Members of the Board *wt... larger and more responsibl0. ileid of 3 Waterloo St., S. Stratford. Tele- Adeline McGee was a daughtee of the ,Lie e . e - There was n good attendance at the, of countless children. phone 267. _._ , late James .and Mrs. McGee. of East -Janine at al stone, tnit, nee), Win - till the folletving (lay, Tuosdar, at $ - e Y 7 THE At nine Bedford. Goderteit. iin tbe so; and left on WednesclaY of sast i anntuff meeting of the Alexandra Wawanosh, andowas ma•rieed to John 'k ‘ • • se Marine and (&.n 131 Boapttai ASSO- ' evening of third Itionday of to Zi month _Bete:weft som thirt ears ago. wee Tor tnat .piace. inc tem, pile , , s ' New Commercial Hotel Sold ea I assigned to the Zurich parish is Rev. enttion in MacKay Hell on Monday p.m. I Father Leo Power, of ,Sarnia, a evening. President 11.J.'Megnet oes DRUGLESS PnAcrmo.,-,,irtri. . „.41 The passing. , of. Biro, aone Soon, _ lad Meeting the el tion of memb-as 0 11) El .Ricii;f. Mr. Jelin Elligsen, of Exeter, sold young man taking his first charge, guinea the chair and 'efter his • open- CHIROpBACTIC his betel recently to Mr. Wm, 'Lem- 1 ,, Mrs. Snell, e.xter, Passes . ing remarks and he minutes ot the e ..-,......, 111 ttle Deere waa roceeded insle . DR. A. N. ATKINSON, MALE and FEMALE HELP iTANT .( ' • Nor. 6 • The retiring Members of the Board Iluron street Exeter, on Monday . morning, 2 th, about four . ,. were mese el, et. itorto , Mr. T. G. adropraefor and Dragless 'oernplef, EARN 525 to $50 PER iVE 4. ' o'clock sees another of the pioneer • Goderieh ,. residents of Exeter removed from its . Connen and lair. ete. V. esslie and Positions openin city and emin t Mrs. Felker having rem ed tom 0nrealee Organic and NOISTOUS Dlseases try towns. Be .an. oxpeet. ,lear - 1 midst. Possessed , of a remarkable town left another vacaneY• The len &AM:3pol ••• with Diathertne. Electra- inagnetio Bathe,' Eleotronte 'metric part time While leerning. W el constitution. she• had reached the - it u e. rantec teaching aolloevin ,great age of 88 years, A months and tiring members all •expresse their • Treatments and Chiropractio. • .1 z0 days. Born in Devonshire Eng- : desire not to be reappointed, and it • Office hours -2 ton and 'l to 9 P. m. wee traiitee isp, eingeno„ Ewa t • land, -ehe-canyeAte-Cfnmsla-aveth her rt--- • e pomted-out-that with a -change THe HEAT f=01.146 `41.4- " itATTEItY IVELOnsiG.- VULcAN- - ' age and parents when -scarcely -threesyeare of 'fl• hile--Vvsetillel-efetW-himiegrte-m- all her Totiglife Was spent ill. year te year greater interest was -and-by oppointmenteexcepting-"Monn ce , EC1BICITY. GAILiGei _WORK. , • Fi L.10aiLar47--0-P-PreE AN -15, and Thursday erten-gone and teenings. -- Moe Hours --2 to 5 land 7 Yl.9 Pa'n• IZING. ,BRICK-LATING, PL -%'L'- : created and the Board was prevented. APARTMENT etele.DINGS, Ledy In Attendance. .. the same locality, nest living a mile Residence lind °Rice -Corner South St DRESSING. . rom thlvn in ' tep en, an or a cat trent getting into a rut. This was wiTIA flAPPy TENANTS BRING. 'BARBERING AND Rept e • e e a f la t . • and Britannia Road.. .to toast. elfg demand. Write • eseptoemerie seessee from coast 65 years her horrie lias beerein Exc.. ter. , eh provided that three a the nine which intention of .the Censtitution till 10,1 AllOTIONEERING , elected members, of the board retire Won Trade SellOols Limited, now The ' deiab. or ;qrs.' James Finch /111111 -"Pt - , . .today for free .cataloone to Dont- e Death of Mrs. James -Finch ' e . - MUG. fAS GUNDItY se SON. managing and operating Hemp- f I ' ' EITIal Wh 1 . - each year. Mr. Lesslie finally agreed . -1•• . -___ . -- bin Trade •Seittiols of tianadaand . °rimer 37: MlOS i y eat ay, oc- ' - to stand for re-election as a member Ot ct• ''' 'Live Stock anti Genera/ AuctIoneers, U. S. A., both Dominion Govern- •curred at Clinton on Monday, Note of the board provided he were rellev- ‘...:y .. . In Ave..Goderleb. i mint Chertered Compaeies 26th, follothing an illness of five days. ed of the duties of treaturer. Mrs. ii.a Head OfficeLlrnited i63 KING ST, Tucitersmith in A1363 and resided in :tone seatinned: by 11iffilge f the board on metion.o eerie Hor. ;.lvir. • <4'.), • % 7 Sales ma 0 everywhere and all ;efforts DOMINION TRADE SG11100LS The deceased woman was born iii . p. A. Reid was appointed a member A- f made to give you satisfaction. „.1' TORONTO W11 Clinton for 50 nears. She was mar- n 1,,,e:/// elearmerie Sale Notes discoleted. • Eastern Breeches : ried 45 years ego he husband pre- Lesslie, on motion of Manor aelevs. e "Phone 119. "HPOBERT 110.13ERTSON. ... 4ondon Alontreol namiltoi . deceasing her in kay of this year. - hit. ft. J. matenen, on motion ,of eh% an, seconded Ay. 014' lieo. Mineola; ;7/4 . Her oarents were Mr. mid 1VIrs. Geo. * . will conduct and arrange any sale. on . Auetioneer, Eldon SI., 0oderich NiTheatlear, well known residents of ". ch p Tuckerlimith. , Parsons and gr. sionnon; and Mrs. ...' e,e,••••••*".°' e; Ottawa • • . . . a man, to na ouc tne unex. , • /eyed. portion at Mre. Fruiters zerm, the latest methods- to get best results. , "A New Salt black Per Wingbani - *See him, or drop a• card and he %All esti I on motion of hues ivteDettaid And Nir. give it . immediate ettentionFarm- e r 'Sale5. a specialty. . • Otilltott NOTARy ETC. --4.41 Nei:, BAILIE. NGTARY PUBLIC, General Conveyancing done Good Cotenanies Reoresentede *Phone No. 298. Ooderich, Ont. INSURANCE mticir.r.aw MUTUAL 1'1R1 INSUlte ERTY INSellinD. • In FARM AND nent,ATED . TOWN Ple0P- E-RAY iNstatEn. « . . . . value of oroneriv 'insured MI to wiry 133en.$3,0Se. 973.00. OFFIrenlia--,Tames Connolly, Pres!. , sleet, eioderich: .Tas. Wane, Viee-Presi- 'dent Beceliwood;_eii E. tlays, Sec.- -Treas.. Seeforth. - DiftEaratis-o, F. Steneettote Sea - .forth; .7. G. Grieve, Winthrop: 'Wm. leten, Conetanee: George elenartnev. L eh, Clinton: Wm. • ChesneY, Sea- uoltersmith i John Perris, Teuton: e 1m Bennewise.. Broadhagen; Murray 0 eon. Brueelleld. ENTS-4. W. Teo, Goderleli ; Sandy . Pr ..• IL ilinchley. Seatorth. P leybolders ean pay their mime:e- xtent., al Calvin Cutt's store, Gotierich: A. J, Mooneh's Clothing store, Mean: or J. Di Reldee Bayfield. te.-----nes• se „see- ...Lee, essessees e.s.ser, e • ees - irtgE INSUMANC1 • • Have it attended to by the ' elleflOAWAIRlini 111110111. FIRE 111$U1Alltatii .. • ' . Establlshed 0178 • . • 'timid Office; Dunoamitem Ont. ' • Wm. .7. allionmson. Auburn. Pres.; 'eahri. Wateon. Vice Pres.' James. Mr - via, hon. Direetor; Dtioctore--Wm. • MeOulllan; -St 'lletensl W. P. Wed, Ii IL No. 2, Lucknowe Harry L. Sal - held, Ciodcrielt: Alex. Nicholson. Luck-, • now; Tim Griffin. R. R. No. 7. Lnelinowi Long Distanee is making Chas. Ilewitt, Kineerdinet ttobt. Davide'. happy merchant; in some son. Dungannon. '' • towns. Don't . overlook jta liatoefee.00 perthoueand. ' great possibilities. . THOS. STOTBERS. T. G. .tri;:, • Treas. - • happy - 'merchant Never before in the history of the world has it been possible for a merchant in good , credit to do so Much businesa with so little capital locked up in stock. One important reason for the present prosperity is, that in. stead of having to buy it big otock at the beginning of each seaacm, he is now able to buy Small stocks and re. plenish them promptly by Long Distance. Keep your customete foe miles around colning to you for whatever they-eneed. In- vent ways of inducing them to visit your store or to or- der from you by 'Long Din" tante and - they tell nd • oii-yott wilt not .be seriously bothered by competition. Bropileu Bros. GOGERICH The Loadiar Femoral Direttors and Eadialiert also kainklaate Service Orderti cordially ottendea to Sit all honrs-night or day. We ere the ihspectors of tinatority In and for the County of Heroin Phones: Store 120; Residence 217. - • - 3. 111. 'Wheeler Funeral Director and • Embalmer Goderich, Ontario All csils pronnitiy attIntled to asy or night> Phones: Ptote 885; Hoes* *V* Representatives of a Canadian syn. dicate •were in Winghant recently and stated that they had a 99 -year lease onethe salt well, and purposed erecting a side block in Wingham Shelled Walnuts, per lb..... .....59c tict‘ 49c ' Shelled Almonds, per lb... , .., . It Ca aVlixed Peel, per lb. .. . .. . . ....25c Lemon Peel, per lb........... .. 1 • 1 • 0.25c Orange Peel, per lb..... ..............25c Best Citron Peel, per lb..... .. .. .. :........35c Fresh Currants, per lb; ...... .. .... . ,.....18c Oatmeal,, per lb. •. . . 5c 5-1b. Tin Syrup.... ..... ..... . . .. • 35C Salada Japan Tea, new line, t.14b. package arie The new crop , of Seedless Naval Oranges to hand, a full line at......% . . 50c per dozen Fresh Creamery Butter every day from the creaartery. Try a pound of our 59e Tea. Its a winner. Fresh ground No. 1 Blend Coffee, at per ib. .60c 4 J. 01• McEwen _ • . . • PHONE'16.-- • GOD-ERICHI g • nie SQUARE . _ 1 PUBLIC SCII001. BOARD Argthma Doesn't Wear Off Alone,- licTshceilopor bornot.throdt, wasfeee thin:4 oofn t isturduaby, Do not ntake the mistake of waiting - %Wooing, resent Trustees Wallace While you are waiting the disease is for asthma to wear away by itself.. 7sier„ewpsoirodi ,satnrdelyyougatairieerining datinsgtroorngoefr oftorootllitchold,2. hiNalitite:1 (Pibartshoense,h04CrIt.t, elite 1p8r5in principalofosinVd i tilt' as iercihs o oein gilled- Itttliatin oYgegt, stronger8Asthma attofierns- edDy i. tiTa-kie)n- pbaonlyaannBdaanviteor8adge,gpeiorslitsitt,ste4tifoosuoieljep511,401:646.. early, will peevent incipient condit. hours of awful suffering. ions from becoming chronic and saves deposits. bliss F. Sturdy supplied , ------• -r------ - three days for Itliss K. Watson and ADVERTISE IN THE srAn 1 Mrs. Redditt one day for Miss G. — e • eessne. , miss , mac v mar wits mina in- • _ . Sturdy and three and a half days for - - ..7*---"'-'1"--74`"."1"firfr'w--:' ate ct tit bit tionnon and lieastor Mac- The Heat Folks know the problems of eswan and Mt noniton. oy messne heating a •Ibitt store er apartment paid, 03.V. WatsonTter 0: »frreosmidenctenftereal The VVest.Street keirsons and Williams lout declined to or office building. • school showed 95 boys •enfolled and • ''"'"'"• poNrr They !glow that satisfactory heaz 75 Rirloy average attenclanee 85 and - %WM as conditions are favorable for Board are Miss Annie' McDonald, as stance Inc other members ot the • - Electrical Shop building. The new concern will have Moue. 13.J. Megam, Geo. Wilhams, toes a long way toWards making 68 respectively, 90 per cent. Penny supplied one half day . • it daily output of one hundred tone, B. J. Saults and G. IL. Parsons, and tenants contented. , Bank deposits $00.02 in i104 deposits. Miss Sturdy - We carry a good .otock ei brit will give employment to some in addition to these the county coun- And they know how to get that heat. for Miss Elliott. The secretary- • - thirty or forty hands. It is stated ea, town council and medicei society Electrical Appliances Put them in charge of your buildings, treasurer reported expenditures to , *het the machinery laid down in appoint one representative each• the • and you'll tear no more cotnpleints October 31st, $16,273, eitpenSes for • Fixtures , etc. . --- Wingham will cost around $100,000. leg8 appointments being htr, .1. W' . about cold' Dooms. November, $1,989, total to Dec. 1st, Wet Held Up •,Craigie- from the county council, We Specialize in - •$18,203. The levy for the year was .. ,, Mr. &tines J. Doyle, owner of a , Mayor alacEwan from the town coun- CALL THE $21,500, With Deeelirber payments' drug store in Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle, of Hibbert and ell and Dr. Hunter from the Medical end eabenture the levy wfil be all ea. Wiring of All Kinds 'Society. Mr. Wm. Lane was reap- ed. A cheque 'wan received from the • forth. was held up in his store on ii1.-- Robertson auditor and a vote a • kltitV PeitY '1 aphool for $50, their contribution to - brother of Mr. joseph M. Doyle, Sea- pointed honorary aelditor and Mr. A. Home and ',School Club of Victoria Tuesday, Nov. 20th, by two bandits thanks to Mr. Robertson for his work warda the teaching of music in the who bound his face, hands and feet For Good 'cCfc.anoat schools. A resolution of thanka for with adhesive tape while they robbed Having a bad cold the treasurer, as auditor the past year was passed. • - the enerous donation wee paeeed. COTAL g PANY There is no poisonoua ing edie t ' 1 , • He remained in that condition till re- eial statement to any extent, but the him of $125 and. got away with it. Itir-Lesslie, did not. go into the linen- j - • '' B MOSTA9D a itiriveldroDityle has his money in- lieved by a tustomer -who called on printed statement was in the handa . II I over, and Rile:Int ' stared.' His 8125 was in el d rep.-ee,... and ances to be in a healthy condition of all. This shows the hospital fin- int rnone •98 Goderich Rolloway's Corn Rem .. he is none the worse for his eager- and the institution doing it good• be used without danger or injury. ..... ierice. - work.. The statement... .. Of asseta and -1 Induction at St Peter's, Luelmove* liabilities ishows a surplus of assete s .r...",4 i,„„" On Thur II 1 sday evening, Nov. 22nd, over lia,bilitiea of $55,946, represent. eseeessi the Rev. E. O. Gallagher, MA., leo., ed chiefly by the capital assets of was inducted asrector of St. Peter's building and land and plant • and cluirch at Lucknow. The induction equipment, whieh are "out down at • eervire was conducted by Ven. Arcn- $45,000 for the building and Wed and deacon Doherty, archdeacon of Perth, $0,000 for 'Vent and permanent before ' 4 full. congregation. T.he equipment. Other assets are the bal- • Rev. W.- R. Towneend preached the mice etill due on eh:' sale of the old induction sermon, and the DM Mr: hospital building of $1,490, inventory Jones read evening prayer. At the of auppliee on hand $1,530, aeeOuntS close of the induction proper, Rolf. receivable 81,200, and cash on hand of Mr. Gallagher addressed the tongre. $127. The •fiabilities re n bank lean gene% . and the other citizens' who of $500, accounts payable of $165, were, present in large numbers to toWirq to Mr. John Avery On butld- welcome him to the community. OWN. Entirely, Herbal WorksWondirson Peevish Stomachs and Lazy Bowels rho old, reliable Galtagher'o runic and Syatetri Builder .111 the opodness end tickling virtues of herle. Natureel ewn medicine, ate in this tole. No mineral drugs, ties vt Pery imam stalking 100' Tlf.Dits hack the °In ioy of living, Ciood for the nervet. Cleve up 5103treub4es-eve1t 1:ertins, Builds yen up. Held. 04 Athri Gelleglier's Herbst Household Ittroes ore, by re Campbell's Drug Stale, Coderith rorty.Three Tears In Ministry . On Sundey Ica, Rev. T. IL Brown of Seaforth, celebrated the 43rd anni- versary iff his ordination in the min- istry. Formore then a third of this time,. Mr. Brown hao been rector of • $t. ThomasAnglican church, Sea- iforthe going to that parish in 1912. _ Besides.his Work in the church, as a member of the Bead of Edueation for • many years, and for torae yore past chairman of that body, Mr. Brown meo g ntract $600, and after. adding $696 for a reserve for depreciation on buildings and $500 for it reserve' for bad debts the surplue la, as -al- ready stated. $55,946. The progress of the hospital Is ehown in the fo1.. lowing otatement t 1026 1927 1928 Collective day'e stay of patients.....3273 4870 4877 N,umber of patients treated 31$ 311 347 Receipts Mon pa- tient; ..$,142 $0,118 $8,543 - has taken an interest in the tvelfare Coat of patient per • of the young people of Seaforth, day $3,34 $2.59 $2.75 along eddeatiOnal lines •• ' - shin Leslie eornniented on the fact * Mr. F. C. Isiged Visits'at Clinton end 1 that tbough them weremore pationts . . Hohnesville treated thisyear than last the re. Mr. P. C. Mord of betacia, wee- in ceipts were smaller, due no doubt to Clinton on Monday of lag tiseek, have a greater proportion of them having ing motored np'from Torooto, where been treated in public ward, Mrs. Hinton asked weae the inopeeter'a statement of the average eoet per patient per day in the variotte hoepi. tate wee, rind Mo. Chapman wee elate to report what lsci had stated in Winghoin, namely that the overage was, $3.25. Witighatifit eoet was and the inspector bad stated that anything be1owe$3 wes too lotv. The 'freemen rented that the cog of . the flow floor waS' Included in figninng the cost per patient per day MI5 year he was attending the Royal Winter Fair, with Mrs. Elford, Miss Jean El. ford and Mr. hme Mr*. W. A. Mess, of Dundee, to visit relatives at Holmes. ville. Ilford is busy preparing for the World'e Poultry Congrees, of whieh ins is president, to be held in London, England, in 1930. Mr. E. ford experts to take over it large bomber cif Cenadians on this trip to England and the Continent, on citten- Artie Itinerary hemmer been arranged. artilit waa suggeeted the system of Att Oil that is Prized rverytehere. finning eoot per day per petient --Dr. Thomas' Ealectrie Oil wee put titight Itet VIM in alt haspia- upon the market without tiny flour-. tots. Donations tottards the cost of ish over 110,17 years ago. It wee put•the fleeeing were $431,63 hem the no to meet the w'ns cif it smell ergo •cmetieti Hoepitat Auxiliaty, $275 Hon, hut as EOM 4.11 its reerite he, !from the Gaderket Tewnship Auxin, " tame known it heti a whole continent ' hien SCO from Sainford Alm1. for it Acid. mid St ie new knoten tutit late. $131 frinn thfs Malik Leaf, I, reeled thtmebutit tWits tontcneilt., E., end $126 fiente the Alutteekte 'There it nothing equal to it, Chaptet Igoe tie front Mts. MoNet«, ••• 1/4.. Drink c,01 41 pet. /hag LOW cor'F'Er re= 111114ratAlltiettarefii0.17,11S141Jitatis--.„ .,,js.sers.ss4essly.ittos, , " • et etd" If a Estimates given on application , All Work _Guaranteed Frank McArthur Phone 82 West Street vtilSONa SIRVict DOMIN tQN Accepted • Everywher t Have You .440131., ' Tiied 1 "Tasty Bread' A lit:replied Loaf 9 0 ... _ C 24.0s. • run 10 Loa( -717' - I RPOPITEDMI011748 Special Off n.'"Per. Pound—Re:it:on on >161‘ 255 I.- Alt Dominion Stores Teas , D. s. L. BULK, g • • 45c • gl ssc nOMINO--Eleatigh lereakfait Style, Reg. 65-e lb. 55e 4 RICHMELLO-A Flevery Bleaded Tee, fteg.11.qla lb. 65. GOLDEN TIPLAIrelken °tamp Pala. Deg. thrit ' lb. 75eDOMINO . JAPAN GREEN. 45n,,irt4e4d, I y 0,1f/0%/a/ilia; aretbal: tardiasi:iwidesegt. tvje • 4 25c 'Plb• PM. 19c Ka, New Chrisimas oficaolLtootorod.cociaPAciool on4Pre:ad PC. :1:17P.tiesm 1111b. 2218:t: tbc1141i1V1811014 At),.0471, uLttb: • - CRISCO. • , 1.1e. To 2se To754 Metaretes, Invincible OLIVES. 6114.02,, Matzo . 040'11 2 Ws. 21/c ' Naha• bit ipe Mos. IlIotm..Jar Quoon'll 19e' a••••••••••• •••-- tholled Wigauls,1451414 •t Lb Me fa Shale(' Mildew Piece* - 4.,t 40...! 1)P41I1t1itto Caltfeerige ^ i e Prtrito Cootricl Attneede 'fin 2‘...:. i esierea Leers Vide Lb: 112;,. PEACHES es GamRenee; betel) 2 Lbs 2le 1 a It 3 Glee Owlets tt.lb 2114 Utah c:,s t„,or 1 Mi7Slithite'Ctiet;i00 114:4 tale Sti: 3 AOC() I Int Tey Pail Peiteut &sake 0 22a _._ _. _.,... . „ .. .11 -3 Vi-, 31Z4t Vettse,-...Uto, It1/43 ViLeresse PM* G.rtilit)*Ila SOAP101;4,34. Pomovo:v No 0S47,5 J 4 • 0 f,04#