HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-29, Page 12•
?Christmas Gift Suggestions
$2.75 to $10.50
Rose Bowls, Candy Jars
Cur and Sancer6, .
.Cake Plat,3„ et.
Foul England_ and India .
liNceptional 'values
Oral Trays,• $3 to $12 t
25o to $5.00
11,afeA copyright and re-
prints; all the boys'
aud girlsannuals and
Dumper Books
GAMES, Vetcraft
Made by disabled soldiers
Large assortment of Christmas Cards
for you to choose from
1 / - • .
-IT F-74. "71
•• •,• ` • ••,,,,,,••••3"-. 1 7,
Mies lifary Phillips 'spent Friday Air. Jamee McCullough, 0 the
night with her zieter, Mrs. Thomas West, is visiting at the home a his
Ferguson. sister, We. Itobt. Buchanan and
, •
Miss 'fillip Sherwood is spendingo Vier- fPlends, —
f.days in Goderigh with her eider, I Sowerby, teacher of S. S.
Mrs. Jim Ilarbour. 0, East Watvenoeh, la spending this
Mr. Lloyd ,zinn spent ,Sunday ;week et her home in Goderich twp„
his home at Delmore. Ile eePorts ue the school hi closed owing to a few
fine day there; it WO enemy here. 04se3 of amulet fever.
Miss Eva Gardiner' ia OSSiatink • =
l'ars. Will Baldwino We are.pleased e- CARLOW
to hear that Airs. Baldwin is feelhig
newhat better again. The catvassere were out on Tues.
Nomination last Monday was Well ttaY looldieg after the Maintenance,
attended Those running for reeve and Extension' Fund of the United
are _Messrs. Thomas .Sullivan rmd church,
.Tohn McKenzie; for deputy env*, Mr. and Aire. EdOLawson are mov-
Merors. Thos. Anderson and Sam, Ing to emit new farm this eyeele
sherwood. For councilors, :woe Lawton tekes poeseselon the' first of
tvere not eure whet to do at time of ;the month.
• welting. I Mr. A. Clarke is adding to the op-
pearance and CallifOrt oi his bOuse
'With new storm windows. Mr. Thos.
Shields did the work. -
Those who.are taking in the let
dock fair, Toronto, are Meesre. Jar..
vie McBride, Will "Wationi,
Young, Nile; Mr. Will Clark and Mr.
Dugal Morris.
Mr. Thos. Wilson ehIPPed hogs on
•Montlay from McGaw e Station, Mr.
Wileon is still shipping buckwheat.
, Re hue shiPPed nine carloads and the -
price paid was 81 emits per bueliel.
M., rani •Me,. 8011 and family
ited with Mr, and Mrs. Ewing on the
Oth on Sunday. They were old
oeighbors near ,Collingwood a year
or two Age. Mr. Ewing is working
for Xt. Walters.
IRove R. Cununing gave a very
forceful address on missionary' work
eo Sunday, taking. for his text.
What shelf we render unto the Lord
for all his benefits eto us?" No doubt'
the oddreeti will have a lasting im-
tail/ERICH STAR TH tlitalsGA Nov lch, leas
I II 1 n Ji I I I
N. MI 11 I
14hieNS(VN 41111KISMIlltatIrikaigOrgtril‘Alt$11CA, ICMAllt0/10,021/AX.Patainibt—Alt,-
'has Plailliag Yap
itv.4 i3;!,3 ,
I eve., AL
.. M.o. ane Mee Feel teee peel esee _ ' une.llma3 Gift 'Riving .'01
. Donahl, :wee ilizeote eV, feendae eerie •
dr. ate Mee. Jaren eice741, et A. la gore to so air many 'IV
. xi.. 4.13,1 :Niro. wcsiey Petteeee of • Han work and
lady e eieter. Alro. R. A. McLane.
_ and other relazive3 iii the dieeelet
ea few
4 Mre, Wm. Iettle retiweed to iori
Ilion:0 tees week, eoleceing o eritieal
• operation whieli wee perforeree i
. klamilten. Ilex many friendu eve
i pkaecti to .now tieat elle is •peoeereee
r3ing favorably. ,.' _ , 1, leer Children, Mee. Deidley, of Noe
1 MI'. Mapile, et' Dundalk, lieu Leen 1 „,!.kl,keard; • and flon. Clifferd end
e teeneferred to the Diengeneen orapeollni-ocalitlea. s: sa!ulthsotiiti:.1maelite.rnient eves
i of the B31113, of Colieogyee as lodger-
' keeper, anti is now on the job. Thera lictiltfilleoateudnc5rIaileolltetniliev• italyv,iserl)arotttenneirl: 1
U3 now a staff of three, while former-
_ i ly the' e were but two, ' - I linlaw. Mr. Dunean McMillan, Of ' N
.r, mts. 3. 0., oieint is ialvino an aaa„11,3edericle. whieh .Neoe held- from his
tion sale or stook implements mutt Tlaitzee iicnsteideiriere. oilliej(tunekieillia,y,c,.tle,loov:432,i7tlivie tr.,
lienter's toola at her• reelderiee ,
, cal .. , Ut ihi6 coveuteesixth year, was ill fee
i Wednesday, Dec. 5tii, eoremenel'ne,
I I:30 p.m. Thorime Glintire,- a Sen. ', lip riarb(tiaefropuenidioads, autsiduznietehirlitcy.tclinbet!
will be' the auctioneers, -
I. Meesre. Ilavold and Stirling
. . rill. .vious to his death. Ori Friday even. •1
big he was seized with au attack of
- ford. nude Wice.11.- Reed,..„ofeeDetreit,
Handkerchief Specials
V100 Dozen Men's Hemstitched Irish Cambric lidndherchiefs with neat
woven colored border, splendid quality and cokrii wartanted.
Regular value, 250„ Each ...... •tr,r, y•• 4116
1Pr C
Wingham, eave been oceste eeitl. the
Novelty Lines
Size about 70 x,00, in Pinks, Mauves,
Blues, Browns, varied colors in Navajo
leaansiittf_t nap. _totEs, Rugs, !
Each.... ....... ......$3.75
' 'Yard wide, Pink, Mauve and Blue
grounds, with dainty printed floral •and
• neat figures, pleasing for children's
gowns, or pyjamas, at per yard...35c
Pine. British Make, in white only, I
yard$ wide; very special. On sale at
per yard. . . .. . • • • • •39c
Christmas , Spedal
This wiii tuake a Real Gift
Eara ger Wave and
Shampoo included
Make Your APPeintment garb*.
Beauty Parlor
west street Phone 20
illinery and Accessories
Li ce Hats and *Satin Hata and
° so suitable for wintei furs, also
North. Side Square Gotierich
Our Stock now .d:oinplete with the
best than money' can buy'
Ladies` Rubbers likte 1ight, soft sod endurable
neuralgie et the heart, mid epaeFical
are spending ee few days Wu week e„e„. un -atuiday „,„e„„
with relativee in the dietrict. Wm. "'„*,;„".", about
Reid called on endt; in Dungannon """" "'e°
08 W$: married to Miss Isabel Hardee
Thureday. They expect to return 460 predeceased hdni six year. iTo
to Detroit on Sunday, is survived thy two sons, leavid end
Mi. and MrE. Eimer Phillips end William, who reside in Goderleli.
' two younger hildren, Beth and For u time the late Dlr. Maelelillan
Archie, returned from ir-verY Pleeee lived on fl farm' near Aubuie, n but
ant three weeks' trip by motor to moved te Goderich about twenty -
Pointe in Easton. Ontario, including eight years ago. and fee, the pad fit,
Riligeton end Ottawa, where thee' teen year had lived retired. „The
were guests with relatives. - funeral was held on Tuesday. Rev. R.
Mrs. Janice .Foevie.r..end little eon, C. Metiermid, of Knox Presbyterian
Billie, who have been guests with thurch, conducting the service. In,
Ain and Mrs, Ilenro since the eteement was made in Colborne Ceme-
tery, the pall-bearero being four Mee,
thereeindaw, james. David. Edwend )1/4,
aud Bawler, "
Thanksgiving holiday, veturried on
Thursday to their liomb en 'Vettuleor.
They were Accompauleti by tee lady's
sister, Miss Vera Bean, of liolyrood:
A Dozear undo* the AUSpleea 01 Vie
WoMou'a Guild. of St, Pohl% . (From another correspondent)
hall on Friday afternoon. of this s
can church will be held in the Parish I' Itove Irr.'n, Alp spent several dae
in Tomito fad •
weele. '
week. Refreshments will be seryed
during the afternoon and evening and j. H. .Thhestoo is unloading a ear
iii. the.evening a pregressive eucere of emel this week.
Parte? will be held. All are cordially Mr. and Mr. O. E. &Tett l'are
invited to attend, ' spenfew days at,,,:tho Royal
Mr. and Mr;. George Glenn.e tunr re- Fair, Toronto, this week,
calving the congratulations of their
friends, fendeeing, the, result of ;the • Mr. and, Mrs. T. Johnetoneog nu*
ginintal, were visitors ,with relatives
popularity canted in 'eminectlineearith in this, ontutunto. on sanday.
the Brown faele-comedy cool -Peeler
which operated Peelle parish hall last We are pleased to state that Mr,
week,, their baby,. Wester Wilfred, Robt. Taylor„ who was <mite' seriaos.
being the wiener by s 10,000 votes. ly ill !get. weak, is gradually improv -
The nrize woo a.elihnk ageourd for ihe.
$15, to be placed niethe local bank, Neit Sunday Rev. Mr. Walker, Of
Rev. Ur. Pritchardeof Mideswortie Dungannon, will take the regular
occupied the pulpit of Erskine' Pre.- serekes at. Auburn, westfteid and
byterieti church very aecePtably Denm,,hmek,
Sunday in the absence oe the pastor, ,
IRiIL ev. C._ MeDonald, who has ben lett,
; sacroaregli5:i'mwt° erirSue.vt
appointed interim moderator ler thevulago has
Ashfield Pineabetelean theme, and a false one. Aro ounce 01 prevention
vwhhao.vwseoloP:yetileshaimnge.atuhseopublpyitovleaofaaticti is Abe:apt:07 taxa PovaliOil_ dtoef44teirerlee.hom
that Rev.. C. le Ritelue woe tolled to of Mr, elms. liallare last Tueaday
Tavistoelt, where his induction took evening, in 'honor o Mr, prui Mrs.
place lost week. • Chas. elellane 'who recently entered
One of the heaviest snow -falls ever the. Pathway of wedded bliss.
seen in this district eanie on Sunday
-411P10,,••••••• 0•••••••••••••rmam ,1
Penrnan's Superior Fleeced Bloomers,
winter weight, well made and of sti-
• perior stock. Colors, Flesh, Grey,
• Sand, White. Sizes, 36 to 42. • Reg.
ok Pe garment.... , ..75e
Women's, siZe$ 6 to 8, heavy -weight
and medium, in all shades of . Sand,
---BroWns, with turn -down- ern--
. broidered tops, pull -ori and with dome
fasteners. Oa sale.... . .48o
-Disi3lai Fur4. and Far
.The Canada Fur Company will disPla) a
our store on
DECEMBER :5:th 4411 6th
A very largo atia:magnificient showing of Persinan Lamb;
Hudson Seal, french Seal, Muskrat and Many other furs
in coats for Women and Misses. You Si*e invited to
- come and.seatheitew styles and It will be art opportunity. •
foryOU to save 25 'le 35% in the priee of Any fur gar
Meat, Evexr. grarment. gu4.rankedt,,, -Remember t h e
The ; auouni business meetingof
• _ -
aftertioom -when, in the course Of a ,Itae* Baited Sabbatk school wiii betieeeeekeiereeeeregeolt/. Aarrowrolirc,,mirsartot..7-*
few hours, ovee- a foot of' the heatiti- held in the letieentent on. 'Monday oeowe•elilkwolire"reel1ftlrelleoreIW-, . ,
:Cul carne down very calmly and man. evening next, Dee. eirde All interest- --,..e_.:—....e.e......o.• ea..
tied everything. Atetet2 traffic was, ed in tele work Ara' VelualUe, ft you
-Silk and Wool of exquisite tele
hire; our greatest and best
value, All sizes for women;
all shades.. 8 to 10.
Price, $1 and $1.25'
Per Pair
o e SIIOW have anything,to eay, whether lecke
gathering' -on the vvindehield, but the or kind. words, thole is, the place to
eare were not Ate(' up as the snow give thems
was very light and feathery. All , AO`most enjoyable time was silent
sorts ye/liana. 'were oil the r"ada in the basement of Bate* United
for a couple of days, but the inin on
j church laat Friday evening, whentlie
Tuesday evening tile again elenre" juilior bible eolass, eoraposed. At the
the roads of elm% 4FOUnger Married folie of the eletereh,
A pleeeant eveningwas enjoyed in met for theirbannual hueinees meet -
the basement of Erskine Presbyter. lug, After ti SUMPtiatina hut supper
lan thurch 011 Monday evening, when of wad goose ev'th,
members of the Wi1ljng 'Workers" trialialaga, the officers for the tom- ston, 1VIelda laud eVinvie Lane and teaPablY acted as president and 'the
Mi I B
time ,costunie„ • Do not ads this play.
There is fun from the time the "bust.
Ray pressing 4 the order of the 'mess meeting" etart.e until the close.
delay. nsu ,fTahmeoupslairows,aselawrimttuueathigenthAentineorw.
eers. eeos. eel:poem spent a tplaV
, mid $25oe ehoir theirs font •Mr.
liext (Immingham. Mier, the *tett- 0.
ing a Iileatemt, sociat hon Was anent
over the bench terra. by-theinetiese.
Peintrieg• 'Meet Pleasiest Achtertioitig
nat Paye IS Star Shryieee
MOP, Ct.11,4111,14t41114. Ape
son and wherever it has been given,
reeentlYin 00403-leh.- • : •has usuallet had toOfie l'ePeated. *
edise Mary Phillipe, of Toronto, The Port Albert We M. S. met in
spent the week -end with her e.i°0"`e goedly riumbers at the parsonage
Mrs. Thos. Ferguson. here on Thursday., the about 25
Misses Mary Beckett, Myrtlo Jane being present. We. Gordon very
ss on and, the feientio, Mg Year woe eleeted; President, Elsie Vint, all of Lueltnove high, study from l'New•Poths'for Old Pur -
gathered for a eOeial. evelliag* The w.' W. spaughttni toacher, 3/1,,, school, spent the week.eed at ,their tree" Waa taken. ,rey Mrs. Jas. Mce.
'Clete • Willis Mal Mks, Jahri Zoluistoe.
oeeasion wha a %ant times"' social IL D. Munro; vice pvedelent, lifro. F. homes here. Kenzie. Mre„ Bert Johnston. WINS
and much merrimerit VAS etiused by Toll; setotreas., lehe Wm: Cteeige and
the appearanee of the owe/ince worn the yegular committees, This was ., meeting; Two' additional gifts for
Me presented, which ,ineluded-songsi• nfetlie work 'Mid aline of the 'class; D. McPhee and Mr." and Mre. Geo. norted—e, leead kitchen eange for the
by Many. Ali interesting L03, 813 &limed IV ,,,, rOund WA0- coofhtence , •mr. 'and Mrs. Henry "Eon; Mies.
7- -- the mewly repaired' chord! were, re•
recitatiene, dialogues and ratlaiettl The business a :the eveoing Teeing Faegaii are in. Toronto this, week, et
; basement from Mrs. X awford,
Mrs. t. Lundy reported .the 'Auburn
. following which the eom. 'eeneluded, tebles were
puny swat? formed into groups of six dishes washed,. mar merty
denied. and Trey. P A Lundy attended. elai I
for several tottests. Prizes. were t event by all en games and emitfuneral of his youngest brother,, este.
then awierded for the "best" ens- All lied a splendid:time. 1 f "8
late Feed W. Lundy, barrister -at-;
tu hi ho
mee, w e t ease, leveret se — - - •• • aw). o tany Plain, Albeetai, at
indicating tile greatot araOliat of GODERICIt Bratnptore last TuesdeY, . I
peverty, 'file young lady's priZt, Sunday, 186, was WO:15E-B.1
I won by Mies Edna Park; that of the tell:tem hhrinstaniatr eoneert, will' lie Day at Leeleurn. Port Albert and Nile
ourig unite WAS. trwardtd to 144. MINI union 0410.1. AY e'v'enIng4 Vac- In ...and it was also their tinnikoffering
Murrny; while Bertha Jones won the! , „„ service; The officers of the. societY
guI treizegoyft.sd pltrrzhe."(13/if. arrVelr''i I Yee P.41Je3;twiwillie4leetTelein:teig:Ti<loell-iett:i; oefaetei.adveepainini8lwertntalen°31111%ft of t5f.1191.‘vD:irlik.
Davidson- performed the duties of Hrs. A. Shirk,' on Friday,30th. lie Of Goderiell gave a, splendfd ad -
chairman, while the judgee were Mrs.
John Bennett, hIrs. Davidson and
Mr. James Davidson. The serving ot
refreshments concluded teverst enloY.
able. evening, the proceeds of which
Will ,g0 toward the funds of the Mis.
(Dion Band.
Woed has been received by rola.
ives 'in this district of the death, at
is home in Sault Ste. ldarie, of a A eerg enthusiaatic young People's
ortnee resident of the vicinity of societo bas New formed at Tayler's
utigannou, -in the peisoa of Mr., Corneae, with the followings officers ;
harks Edtvard Caviar*, The de. lloin Pree., Mr. II. riff; pro., Mrs.
Need Mati had been in limmital for A. Ifollnee.;, vice.pree., Grace Ilaaeke;
bout three. weeks Buffering froth, eee., Robert .Geoves: treae., Doris
heumatisuo which) the day before Roderee. Meetings will be held each
is death, struck his heave causiore Fridity night various homes during
de death. lIe eves in his ilfty-nintit the winter. It will lie kriown as Zion
iMen'st Boys' *rid Childrenva in light and heavy 'welghts. . 1
gobbets for ovary useAmloor of the fallriHly, and for bvery occasion j I)
See our Wornenta Splashersi the, all rubber OveFshoe. , -1C
Buy your Rubber. when your shoe* ere dry and get a better fit.
Boy your Rubbers at Hern's Boot Shcp and get the Bed.
Ur. Ileacono. the newly.appointed
inspector for 'West Buren, paid a
visit to 1.1rdena selmol Ofonday
The Ladies' .Aid of Zion 'ehurch,
Taylor's Cornet, will hold their regu.
tar monthly tweeting. at the home of
Mre. O. Sturdy on WednesdaY,
December 5th, at 2 o'clock.
W Hern's 'Shoe Store
dress at each Place. ,• I Con Square and Kingston
At the congeegational meeting, .Street* kap-stares) over
held iti the einirch here Tuesday of i O'er...Store
last weekeRev. Mr. soPerin- .
tendent of missions in the West. gero specialtst fig care ot,-
a fine edifress, showing thee duty and
the privilege of having a share in the permanents
missionary and maintenarice work of
the United Ohm& of Ctinada.
Plans ate valor way end practiee)
hes stetted for the Christmas soy -
vices, The chone augmented by all
the, older boys and girls of the eon. Harr Bobbing
gregation, are prepaving a flPeeial Hair mon
Cliridleas service for the Christmas ae
tree entertainment to he *held Thews- =Ye Brow Arc' wag
$asilo rreatitiOnts
day evening, Dec. 20th. The younger
boys and girls vrill also contribute a
ypa;. „Ito_ Nos, ...1),yrn- and ealsed en Young. Peaple'e Stieletye This eveek ntrecellaneous' program. - M --
" Ashfield totenehiP, end reeeired Ida the meeting vrill be held at Ur. The,women of keTile United church Plume 239 for Appointmeato
'The education at Dungannon eehool and Auetin Sturely's at 8.00. Comng e tiloate busy practising for their play, "A
3 with us OPEN EVENING'S
• !Mei. at Goilerich Collegiate Institute.
Ite tanght school at Cedar Vallee' awl
also at Canieront echool in Wed
Wawanosh prior to his going te Sault
Ste. Marie, where, for a number of
Years.. he„liad lieen'entraged in storo.
ekeeping. Re wee one of two eons ef
the late Mr. and Mee. Charles ('ac -
ear, his brother being the late /fere
beet Caesar. lie is survived by his
!wife, who was Miss Daisy Iligeing.
•iottoni of Auburn, and a family of
- Specials in Stunning Hats for
for Winter
In Fabric which leads the rnode of to.day
i Velvet Felt, and Velvet and Silk in shades at
one becoming and correct. On FRIDAY and
SATURDAY at $3.75 and $4.75.
Corsage Flowers in NISI Shades
Yoti Aar_ Main/W.1. inVITED TO INSPECt OUR 310(
ica I meeting at Mohawk
Crossroads," to. lae given Dec. 7th,
POW ALBERT There are ild cluiraeters all in old].
Ur. Med Vrooman. of Shopparditon, . - --
vieited friende here last Thuredine
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMillen einitcd
Ur. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan on Sun -
Mx. and !Vim Neil Schram, o
Godelieh, visited the latter'n perente
on ,Sunday.
Thera will be xervices in the Angli.
ean church here on Friday evening of ;1We have just' received a
— thie week, beginning at 7.30 p.m.
I dance at the Mayoral, hall. Goderich, 1,
A, number from here attended the large assortment of
IT* de Illerciers of ihe Alexamit !telt week mid all repotted a god
. • fords, Strap Slippers, itubbers, Rubber Boots (ioloshes and - 1
Motile alai ,Geoeral Hospital t."1'.
Mr. and etre Roy Filtzley nevi eeti, 1 le
AlilKilltia : . 1 George, elso Albert end Jaaltbm Illr"it ! '''
.:4, - . „' snotore4, to (..;linton Sunday afterneeni
°and alto spent a ging, vieff with Ait'8., IL '
-I "rite Annual Meetime of elie 111K.1.• Friteley"e people in fieehwood. a
/le" will be hOd in MnehlaY •Itall,j We are very Porn!. to report Piet !,
.., Nelmen tercet entearickon ,
4111losilay Ev's, Dec. 3rd #1,2 famile are moving to their view hetet IN
Mr. and Mre., George Ashton and
t .,411,' ki (.Thorne townehip thie week.] •
at 8 o"elock, 1 tlir " i'"i . loroatly moiled by
• •
A good Picture, is more appree
dated and glees aolre Wither,
-oleasure than any other gift.
Give a Pleture to the boy Or
Orli for theireeceos—fere the
married couple, nothing could
l* Weller f'or their Um°
'10filtk"entaatit"e:tiutistP15::1;er 'happy
With a OiCtu Picture for the• s
home walls.
We hare wonderful collection
of beautiful letitatetapes, Mar.
ines, and rendes. or the ow
Masters, We have theta Ur
, up to $2100.
We Pack fREE *11 Pictures
to omit ar /sprees
Smith's Art and Gift Store -
The Home of Beautiful Pietism*
See *air dainlY livie of Cite14.
alas Ord& _
a LI c
Everywhere under all conditions there' is an insistent de-
mand for sound quality in Footwear. The Boots Shoes Ox-
nior Bndge Overshoes sold by us have strength, quality, and style that
' places thein in a class by themselves fot wear. They have
nd _Table Lamps. reliability that comes from long experience and most Careful
methods in selecting footwear that we•know tli be the very
best. In Life-lluoy Rubbers there is no irestion about qualityl,
It CA teleerially deeirable that aelerr •
Nom" pima* Sr prrAwcir, . opportunity of showing yntt the nutty kinds and stylee,
sjyte and prices, ' "they.can producct by a factory making
ow is the time to make rubber footwear exclusively. They are without exception
your selection.
.e best presure cured Mb ers the market. (-Jive us the
* an nite.,adance 40.+, no!4..!.010 !ltOultl Y,_tr,Ifih on Sands, atm -gator *hale
*textured end all members of the eeepice relied so she etoee here MT rr 4 ,,....•,--.. ,--•-•••
l4‘.f,(iOsti..nAl,O the el t -Olt Mi. ,1114 poop and it•Ipirl those- , 'J. • 'HEELER i
W , .4 NI.E.44Ait,, T. 4_4, L
CANNON, pewee to inornewhere in tb• neighbor- ' 11111MITUIE .- vermasim. macros
Pretidene, Serretary, hood of nine at tort galkivis a &to
Invroti to, rim basesa Mar* UL. itesidsses 31118,
_ * a *mot pity um+ people ane *1- Isailites Direst
• IV