HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-29, Page 8--swiiiworiimiontomoroporiiir
"is good tea"
The Orange Pekoe
is extra good
Th than, bright ilhordritim
t 4-ol, 3 '41. 414 ..••
'44 t .s eel IP, e Pslesfi
• es: ,, 1 t ceecessee geeseseeee...•
eceesitat foe cr.-0
an:1 Tin
fr.), ten mzi--
ec.nz.:Ba' tc:it
"Oh, 1,1L;1‘,1,1tr,' enet.a; aita treiee
Z e wee Lee c•ee.? feetee tacee esesci tient!
Ito tceiral u ?.D.?
.4 thhtkie rers-
' L41 0„a 413r.:1 inerseaee tto
i• teeptilatiele"
Lentlee lane aerse into a lend
;:lietevit.eve. atel eseven the Ital.
• Case Len tse *ice dee!: azid adassti
stenietn tv O :;02112.1
t "I are net reeieg te: attire ne affale
with tine lobster -men: after all. tionr.
net as stem arid client no I ea.
4 ticetea. Dealt:lee, Le ie Paieeeting."
-t.?4, v•ItSe. PARP vial at all : dimeg'st
ery day tine Conetunnity home!, on Tie dealers, or mallet' direet reeei of - CRAM MONDAY NIGHT:ter route, it weiffdaneotee tes.manna its(..inny V°31"ohitiler:, -jpositie.elyeno! . your fa,
9 are
let e endlar
- -
Feud Tile Illeehrfel
Weaeiet fiehretre Quiet' Lake,
Reek: weheene•resa Lave treinblei
renefieatlere ever easee I eine ee••
eeeebee, 'alit have Wee di tette% Vele
ee tralielee, tet veer lit;le effect
'4411eaXake fa ecear Almatitte sa'ir
lied reiteeket oittcza reartipatZon cte 4
"X get n tar:vials tied they aid no I le
worldC gosd; X have not Leen eon
V -
etieeite'ever time aegae titan;
esei we -tee, ene ese• t
eie-eere reea.
0. Tele,
'era e eas
, "jeep -see -se •••
enestettu. leaseeve-r heetsa :• ; ...ea el
waheta feauested cireteaa
Tie.e reale cave wine a lasseee
rearveleuesee eveseeseel, tea tee
it t.!': ledges ran fee cat, •
curviag aaio was; nreeng
t•he fi'2ei3 tize leee, that nee 04
eseeaL a/face-VA Gay
Felled at the Eeete even ieiegesi et it
wian stete, it would net ,'anitte Tee t
ere etiesti was- E.,eteled, and the- win.
.oea now heteeled enci lamed.
!Stinnes Gauge.' 0114 said
'Theewee thee keep themeelves iseelt- •
1.1 up reaf'd fia:nk they %vow bend of
(I eatleggora."
(Tel ereenekseede
1 deviled to give Elm ar trial. k
thimp. il,„71 X van n9w say Z
Opus.' -
Tittitte;DAV., tka
First.trep Japan teas are admittedly the finest
that come out et the land or blesses's& "SALADA"
Japan viten tea Is comprised esily litst-crep
I • I 110111.114, I I
.14,PAU -TEA,
.444444. 414 1 1
Ewa Imo the Oordeat
eery rain.Doubtful Instruction;
• GREAT FIRESTONE PRO. If the Department of Highwityrs aughter: Mother,do
1 Seuthtempten eltwings ' !l.1
roe t put the paiaot en the beak -
- Da• • yea want •
4-4-4=.4,44,4,44e4r ,
0 ORD AWAITS latorm.
AL-TralerasterA" t stetted responeibilitv e'er tlie Bluewa-• Cit
Lay Mier° henente Gay's grassy hill pripo by The Bifibum ra,,
Toronto, Oat. , tiler repairing the car the hack
awl eveee• Saturday tdelie offered its • Firestone lire Er, Rubber Co. has been quite sufticient. Tbe grour0 worlt
Tiu.% inaugarel proarem of the non for pa.ventent; good gravel is
elope wee open for bridge attl tent,
New tergiciad ehtro dinner. fa/lowed s-• •
bOtte a • 3 ^ • '••
t., _t le ..tratrit,IA...a...rez- on -t hold to TATc. . higsi oh our to- leading stations, aeuocia 1•I
Nation' D4oadeasting to( with t to the first month -of the setisait. Teen, •
ajaial, eithestra 'With rsaxaphene lie- Juba. ' -
Icompaniment, playing • the popular 0 0 0 T) short wave tranemittal lf,:ntitiewitil if eerapere are kept at work, thorned
parties, beating eifrtiee, beech par. , aomet ner, and welt au `of ..er pretee Industrie!
This will be the greatest eveat uitni
sa doubtedly tine traffic would 'justify the
would be In RXcellent Rendition. Iln-
eoug hits of the cerisen not nore than With the 'familiar and mud, loved every country in tile world,
twice removed. I'liere were auto , pinaptierintua V; her protessiou
tiee, bathing pateles. At dusk every pereonal poseesmons to sostea tile the fact tirgi7t 111:1611°Ile ebvQoertre:ItTet etmenditure_ involv!d. , •,
Printings That Pleases: Advertieing
fine niaht she conk! t•ount. the slithery rugged aueterity pt lior
parties, where dame were baiting, vine illaicipations of iong and ioveie erain
flees of andf a dozen or more shore- togs, tiay nqtiou down with comtove• of the artists taldna part in the pro. riiiiiiiiiiiii. all II it
etaretrect. and because of the number and rani: Th_nt Pave Is Star_ •Service._,_ ,...
, in a t . - " g, o 0 s era roil- lesu re rev Leisurely wort. bvery day 1 kgranklyn Bitter, • famous teller, il
has already been cloaca all that is re- -
net for alordaY evening. Decelneer
8. lime areadelea eau41.1_quired la expert, grading ,and grire for„
she went out tor a long walk thrownti
. who heads the eogram, will he heard 111
COiatir (027 ay
" But Gay did not share in the gay- the shivering littie toiest Mat burn- on the air exclusively, aa "The Voice
the eozos.metuo Li. Co. ety and the eummer holiday life of ed the cottage, and down to the ro. of Firestone.aa Bauer is Wen -known IP
, the island. She reveled la rest, in eky shore, an 4$ etrength returned. SIS a former Principal of the Ziegfield
freedom front the nervous ureesur f
I .'1
CHA.PTER. 2 (Continued) For the complacent, for the self-sa
Ver the definite hueincee of earnine tailed, for the indolent. all very we
.e liaing, she hod 4 reMUUMO.Ive eon- petiteps• but marriage and arnbitio
zeetion with the advertleing house of paemen 's.Zor cieempashment, were
urnham and More, for whom she never mesernates. Gay's first rem -
did eonventional muntinga in bright anee, tender sweet blossom a her ar-
velem at their order. Tee work not dent young womanleme, Joyously
only pald very well, 'but was varied Promised tne full fruitage of tear -
in type, usually interesting, and enter- liege "when the war is over," lay
deed the artietA virtues of a quick buried, with the soldier el no eel not
eye and finger for striking color efe tome back, And Oak's first passion
:feel% But !ways, besides this, she of grief soon subsided into a piffle-
kept on, eutlying better thinas; '30Pilleal reflection that perhape after
paintine el i all her hours • of leleure ell it was, better so, that ebe was not
tate tliteefs her heart desized. domestic, not the type for humdrum
. Villa the day she bee entered upon home life. That experience centime,
ittaNe.tutly of stenography, in her :see- ed her in 'her determination to live
e•acation, suilicient to give both soul Ale if on the gooa and idle island
teenth year, Gay had never allowed alone. Alone, but not loneay. Free.
,,,hereelf time fot a full and coleplete but not unloved.
*mid body reeuperation• She said she should come ti fresh awakening for
hadn't time, there was too much to her stilled affectIonej ,
learn, too much to do. Dvereher one •"Lurnley Lane, for instance," ehe '
'memorable *trip abroad, Although it thought whimsically. "Luntley . the
7 totttinued iiver a year, bad offorded lebster-mare A sten and silent ea -
her to. rest, for in addition to her tare, bronzed and bearded."
studies she had taken with ther also a aim emiled to herself as she turned
contract for a eeries -of pictures for , out the lights and slipped Into bed,•
the Sunday AlogaZinc, so that she re. ine roont woe :steeped in the essence
turned to New York at likat afire with 'of evergreen Gay slept. glad for the
.• zeal, ailatne with ambitlen, and tar silence of the Idle Island.
;lees. rested then when she went. 1Next morning she wrote a note to
But oatraged flesh and violated ,her frienal, Nancy Moore: asking to
nerves claimed their revenge :4 inlet I have her easel crated and shipped.ta
for the eleven years' defames. For . her, with her painteeehee catrvases,
fully eix montliehefore the final June ond many of the pretty metal things
torrent of heat forced her into full Of her Multi() which iveuld add to the
aurrender, she had been a prej te antni of her new home. -
auivering 'nerves thee Jangled in a
e hex spirit ot adventure quickened al- •Follies and `4 Victor recording ortist eg
e •
. an impatient city Joeging, 'her elbow. so, 414 day she tared Iartber, al- Miss V'aughn Deelmatb, noted e'en- =
II; When her easel heti paints arrived, ways with greater joy, and della trait° is wedely known as the Origi-
re 'she Installed a stndto in one corner of dermas steeper oats and rou r
"It is .tho Land of 'Leisure." she
eaded body, and when the inevitable- wrote, "the Land -o Rmotion Leisure.
Totted itself upon her. she aecepted it It is Idle Island, the World of Waste
• with a +certain Joie If she muSt rest, ed •Sifoet, the 'Center a. SlIerteee
eshe -would make tat rest a sport. If Every one is persistently intent on
• slie least go into r6tirement, the exile doing, but it is the doing of nothing
: should be a luxurious one. Perhaps at all. Soft, slow, unhurried -re"
-who linewee,-even on -a good little "Haile" It- ve.a...eo- hummt valets
- eelend of idleness. might, lurk ,some that boomed put upon the silence like
6-tin/aunt tor an ardent thongh Ilea. a neighboring. foghorn that aroused
- ging -spirit. Adventnre perhaps -GAY from themellow mildnees oracle
atonement eerteinly, or even -ah: picture. . • •
"Eoulltatcel She ran td 4 the door, startled at
- • m
Gee', ost ardent of free -soul edvo. the sudden vocal crash in the still-
' mites, decrying though elle did the nese, startled more greatly when, sites
'hampering emilnes of merriage saw the ferocious apparition at her
turned alwawee
ys sensitive heart -string hdoor. An immense mate a monsters
to the strumming lingoes of Rome of a man with n tuft of bristling or-
-Mee. ange-colored 'heard, and a great shock,
Merriage, Gay argued, wan not de- of bristling orange -colored haw, and
maned for the ambitious evoticer. a great 'round faee like a &int or.
, ,i/ 'Or -,*-*.r.4?":""*. *..-1.....m. nage, with pink vinuned pale blue
Trouble Signs le*It'ilo," he boomed again, with as
se ----e ,„ 1 In end -pink senrilerof -reeti
For Those rast 4u zigie:g:„$tizniriti,z2,a3r.„A.
- miry says lobsters."
Ilia 4der Weakness. Nervousness, "Ah. yes." A fleeting reminiscent ihri
d.go, or had more children. The farthest of these •fiattses,
lleaditehes, Frequent, Painful, Ccanty emile for the Lobatereman of hen And for sill these things, as Aunt- built at the last stand, where frre far -
Urination, Getting -up I•light% fanciest, "'You are. -the Lobsterl ahnirer gave in service, she wint Pled est and the shore -line merged, was
Tile -embarrassing tannoyarwe and Mane" • in kind. Winter • apples, potatoei,, the iLorie Pine. Beyond all Other%
gormina nnieery of Madder Weakness, "Yup. That's, me. Lumley Lane. atlaaahea" Mlles and 'canned few -fa' farther, Inghei, tdone it stood. Wed:
fed her larder Site had h .
the hie bright living. room of the walls of meg, has earned ter an international. re.,1
Love rine, and felt at peace, with the Comprising scene Beven hurt -
world. tired acres, the island had originally Stroportine these soloists will be or •
!natation, .. • a
• na .a fri. Her unusual valet; meimorixtrwtofcf-jfairerierers
Auntalmiry was her friend., Alma- been °winded. egelusively by three' the finest plidie orehestra-86 pieces] Is'
ahniry was everybody's friend.. She fanulies of sturciy seafaring stock ; -ever assembled,' .
and 13140NCHIT
the Wallaces, the IffeArellere and the Further variety is given the prO.
-4. ON
Marlings, The first settler of an was gram by a wonderful oetette made up _ MAKE 11115. GILIONRIOLIS„
leirst Captain Ifirallace, had come ,tstancfl.ir for the opening Firestone
there with his soP,S, And daughters, erogeam an Monday night, Deeember IPISURANCE Sail this tall foe Southampton
his servanes boats, ana setti. 3, at 8.00 van. Eat:tern Tittle, anti fole •-Cherhouta.--Ardwerpee-Hanehung--
ad down to tarry on a wide arid pees- lowing Monday rihrlits" Ett the ethee tiverpoole-Glasaoweeor Belfast vita
perous fish and lobster tartlie, tneie't, three These concerts are bSinct Canadica: Patina Learn the pleasure*
dental to hie „sailing trade. His eitile { leered by the woken of the lemma of avoyageaboartitt luxuriousEmprese
dren had married, 'cottages sprang up Pirestene Glire-DiPped Tires.
in the woods and the, wild grawth I • --- ---regal Dachess-oreninfortable eabia
elaseiship. low fall rateenew effective.
tne grandfather of top, 'present Cap- by combining twa, great quartettes. cm/pc-FREE I/01"GL Ifr •
tain, Ho, always referred to a$ , EVerY TneInber or the family should -• •
Mutual .ife
Assurance Compaq
eVely year Was Niched. farther' anti A 4±_ir
farther hack to make way tor gala ,ei,C111116 Starnadi
dens, orchards and laevns.
Others came to. the island, some Caligula, irediereaition
for holidays, some in service, and
married, and remained. The early Medical 0.401;3092w state that neart
311n4 -tenths eae. eases of stomach
teachers a the little Public schouI
trouble, boigesttoo, sourness burning
grew old in labor,. and retired to pri- gas, bloating. eataese eters. la're due t4 14441) r'Pla° " WEV1.411114°' ons
• vate life, bat did not go itWaY. LOh- an excess ore nydvocntorto (acid in ow
Frequent litailiags.
For re -serration* 040 our twat oceof, or
I. 11.144ACKAT.. General Agent,
of Canada
htabiodisatigibt t Can.adia4 Pacific
..,,,ancuktztr TttsVgl.,exarratif..
=Mel' oniraprtlYofwebes°ioNvnaerleweonrgkaigecin ?that -11°4 -
conveniences added comfoxt island etemenonis every. stoniach sufferer x'Anfo.z. wow'
Attificiai ateesteate ate not neeooa in 11°ItIn ST.• 4 6a 'nEnTen't °al*
titoneolvleee:este:ni:iniay, trooreal hatm. Try, zenwpaergadyi.n.n.pc000rr
Insurated esib.t nuoil t k
ster trappers calm for a season, and C°Irt,'NktaT, aSilreelie stomach fining D mooNEy Aged.
re oetayea 'and D.
,lettlt,d tor life, Later, a.s ntedern tam . sours, cauSiag the disagreeable
spoonful of powder- as four tablets In lomourkir solirhate*disble everio.
built permanent homes tear tile fee; J. 1,», aSitle illgestilre aids and In -woo -
tag landing, toed crossed the, hey to -stead get frets. an4r druggist sous
their weak in the morning, and hi&
to; their leland hornes at " watsr right after marg.. This sweet- • ' ' • ''
mess, ga* Pairt. insurated Inagnesta.
tiOn, or eXcesS acid arab tbers/kno*ioOr,... -
ens the stomach, roiewente the *mina. GREy -AND BRue coA
(io powder or „tablet rem -never tonna • : •
While many of the later grenerae
Hens of Wallace had gone into -pro-
! fessional work and removed tin' other
e •
states, many also remained en the ise
She struggled on until she Reached land, -where they had married end in -
the Little Stritell Of Shalted t9rInanird;14" that fully half tha not
Beach. ' .p p ae inked up to-±aeople who en.toi Alois Itssals WithAIX4'
intrfeate that only the more obvfoue MAKS ,rin DLitt WATER itatiTEJ
though Alietaineire' ete -longer iveAnd- knowladgetnent. (London Free Preas7
Utause aim did what slie confide
\ 7
or roilk) 'is harmless to the stokergeb,
inexzeasive to tore ana tho most
erne nt form Of Magnesia tor etornaeh
infrPoses.. It la used, thous d
gether ear ties efalelated- or marerage, Tnera rear ef itreation.
and oftentimes bee:both, einetworic so •
was a sort. of unendoived institution
she went with the island. But. at- f
ter livinge not us we speak of work. The Island was three or more mike ,
ornta of relationship were given at- A PROVINCIAL
int for A living, she earned her keep, In, revere hardy one mile wide. As Toed maltas, the engineers of
Whenever there was fruit to eau fn. •
_ Untie Along the east, end drifting- meat of Highways are, unsurpassed
the house et a riaeive islander: 304x gradually to slow Jew valley in. Canada. When one ttuma on. to i).•
to make ot to t Icl
road und sees the sign. "Provincial
rugged Me a rook fronting the -Ate the, Provincial Governmentts Depart.'
t else* or emerald green on the bay -
Minim although not hired for the oc..- shore. A motor road led up -from the
easion, was always there, alwaya ais • famtrog, beyond the Captam's house
For fifta Years, she had Preaidell water along the shore. 13ut. leading
anti there at the tend, turmoil kid: -
the end, weitt 'Over theatleade----She efeerreterunutior....frou--rin-on
mothers went shopping, played grassy slope eit the bay.
at ite arrival of all the small extinct,- the other wan into the foreste wete
sated.otawlesAaviroorthdeF:grgremeonu.rnneNag errnforiodgein41 ditheing,foureasitisia
yina th4longirte-w,
kePt ertalleadre children whiles the woods and looking oft dawn. the
often brings "dieconiforts of old age". How man 4
• to those who really ought to be itt She told him to bring her a lobster
the very prime of life. . itavice a week.
out of ten. of folks tear middle life fifty or eixty cents."
Countkes thoueandsenerhaPe -seven 1 "Lotrateese' he Cheated, area about
are pitiful Yiethes of Headaches, Lumlea said his Woman would hall
Nervousness. Pains itt back and down them for her without extra •eharge.
...through groins, frequently but seam. Be frowned poytentously. "She'll
ty and painful urination-Gettin ' b il tl , • 4 ' • 1 I
remote. Beyond the Lone Pine, ten
count at the Pier grocers. store, hut • the peninsula of forest land :mat end -
her monthly stills were rendered, not' _ eet in eteer -reeky eliffS, 11,45 but one
to her, but to the administraten es other building. This wee known as
was right. a the Little Club house.
. Auntalmiry bad her own hank 41.- ,Tlie Little Club had been a darin
eeante•teess It was a tnnall flank sae octal venture for a groap of Port -
count,. but like the widow's ail and /and business men in the, seem when
Port -
meal it never diminished. ,but rather
i 1 t grew a at e. curiously*, now and t / • h
White; £erion;i„ if megleeted---it is
ordinarily fir, simele matter to relieve
these troubles by the pleasant how
uee of 1)r. Soueliworth's I„TRATABS,
which have been victorious in thou-
sands of eases. after other trent-
'molts have failed. -
. matter how cerions or of hew
long standing Your condition may lae
Ton can nuielibe yorOve the value of
TTP-ATADS without Id k of st f
any good druggist willeamply on ;
un absolute guarantee of eatiefneHone
or money back. If ITDATAilki brine',"
you u'ek n I sett. f
will be greatly *need. If they
not fill! satiCff.% thoir tro cost
0 IV. Tit' It. ABS testily, ,
'and ce what a differenve litey make.
She e---exoectit*Ig.
&Meeting? ' GCVO echoed faintly.
'Tue.. Triereasel" Ills facetione
grin was illumineting.
*4011* Low nice!"
I "Well, • you. Unexpected. Very.
1Peon merried teventY year' now-
Nethin' dein'. All of a audden-yup,
there von avot......Sho's oiroered." ho
svinlmeeered cbeerfullee "nes afeerti
ke dVile. She eaye'it a'n't necording
o ur .
"Olt. teal Dee ma en he friAtened."
car .f.wafixotAL, att. eflan ltannene.
Are 41 there 'a hosigtal an tho Iq'
"Sho won't too to tlie hospital. She
cave tele don't tririt tlioCla newt/nee
led annease. higiity-tiehty. Peed
rather teust to the evomea cotnite hi
. .. aye.
then. Its nucleus was her hleatieal every man of means in the city had
bank account of thirty years beaore, "his own eoat „ and the Little Club
when she was obliged after a :severe boete -was their summer rendezvotte.
ilium, to give up, once and forever, As the men *f Portland took up
all actively remunerative Tabor. motoring. the vogue for, sallboatr.
No one, however, considered Aunt- inassed. Year he year the Little dull
almiry an object of charity nor Ohl in the Cove saw less and loss of eocial
elle so consider liereelf. She did life, tutd, finally.* for a period of /level%
what she could. She receivett what years, it had been evened hut once
,110 n d d
ae summer, w leo t le remnant of
i I 1 "
1.?„ t mit% Go P cried the old group cattle by motor boat for
I enthuniastically. "The' very nrinciule • a great week -end orgy of lobster,
of, goeinligrn,, eamliede. eireetive, awl emdait evae,rnmeretk forbidden Wow.-
• ti P"
Foe the last three yeara evezi thie
Bet Mrs. Andover drew herself up. buret, of &vision had bera
'coldly. "Not be any Mear'S'" -ribandoned, -and the famoue old Little
1 7
t• 44
netians broneht two' from Russia or Tile Little Club Ileum waS built luthl and.Guelph rather then risl tI
Ilighwayp one knows that ti) ()rice
They are ainativer, toe so well mark-
ed, the curves are sharper iced mere
dangerous and the grading poorer.
-Theeseiggeettereleaeerteee-tr mattes tenif
the Bittewater Hieliway, extendinet
along the lake shore Anti zrlirri4 to
Owen Sound, should' be taken overtly
the Provineial Gervernment, At i
present the Illueevater is County
alighway,No. 51. The proposal hag
been indorsed by several towrte along
the, route, and it , bar its ateritte
During Most of the season lust end-
ing -it was vennetiting a it teat to
drive 100 miles or more over this
graded, is honeytombed with deep
Potholes, and after a rain is netuallY
dartgeroue. The evtiole trouble ean
he traced to lack 'Of prover ore.
This le one of the most important
etretehee of reed in the ptovince.
Itundreds of • Western Ontario reel -
dente. and Americans, too, have sum-
mer 'mince alartg Ltik-e rfuron. andto
reach them they moot travel the Mee'
water rode. Theusande weekend
along the laUe front Sarnia to South-
ainpton seer 'Owen Sound. Next to
the two Tilailt arterial highways, the
Bluewater probable beard An melt
traffic tee any highway in the pro.
vince. remittal* tile latter part of the
'nottE1011 it Tiaeheeri fideessakV lit tint:Ail
to go 20' or 20 mike out of the way '
ittomtnevIzitrogricimeajiracideetinototssoitimrntehre liftluoen; 1
• Club' was as dead as the eldest gray Owen Sound to London. a Londoner f
Cialiant it: Ono of these' new-fangled pine in the woodlorui. , - chose the longer route through Due- '
_ _ _ _ elle ofethaaa helahevik eountriol. Wo with the natural reel: of tine shore as ' Bi water from Otrrll S0111141 to
. . : ie
__ _--- . a --"*"."" • a genered Lase, as indeed were most ' , .., e - le ee e. „e.,_ ee
- of the bland bounce along the eonst. a A
- ; the house,the swarth gave it n
A wide piatza eirelod three efileg of kb REAT,
A 0
for view and on of IVA and ekes. Gay ems'
piazzaeand sometimes went with her '
, eketthing pad, which she earricil on U
not long in diccovering thin ilesoeted . InNIC p) sAys
all eceasione, and at there, idly e
eireinir,g in the pleasant shade:
nay often leaned far out °ter tha i
Ipiazza railing. trying to eee beneath,
wiehing the dietanee were le', that
she could drop down. And then ono
, dese when her 'strength had come
agam, arvl her moet venturesera-,
mood wee neon her, she elipped undee
over rt will be a joy and a delight.
The same cannot be said. or malty of.
the county roads of Wbetetn Gatario.
Hi4-gpiN CAFE •
JUNG SING, late of London, St Thomas
and Ingersoll, begs to annonee to the public of
Godelieh and the County of' Huron that he has
acquired the Restaurant hitherto known as the
Exchange Cafe, and will continue it
wider the name of HURON CAPE and with
entirely new management.
His long expetience and thorough know-
ledge of the catering business ensures to all per.
sons the best of service in all branches.
Visit The HURON once and
and you will come again
The fererunnerof 4eide
Heat and inhale' Mk -
ant% and nth 'it on the
threat and chest.
The peat prereathe.
the tailing en the eastern eide ee the
einh hotese, anti helding with Istele
hand,, now to :the evdd inmate that
grew in the ereeicese: now to the youth
and ragged rockt themselves. !dowlv
stumbling, flailing, rplalhing, be,-6.elf I
with water in the lower plates, ut.
tiny and bruising her hands, AvI
struggled (di until she reeeheti the
eireteh et eheltered beach,
knew could ein eh* sAia A
•ocktiv. wming away the reproschful
itwinnatill. non4f ihreitfrn hands. "f Lokt
She TOW St MVP te the thee )109ve,
wire the piegit. tik.e foam, A f011
After Taking Lydia E.
' Pinkharres Vegetable
I retrtiek, Ont ---'tam tilting Lydia
II, rinkharn'a Vegetable rompouad
durin the Change
f Tote for tterklUtt
reeling% Iron ot ap•
petite and 01 gam.
strength. It is st
great tonic and 1
have taken a dozen
bottles of It It was
recommended to
by a Mead and
now I tel`01/1111.41i1
0 Sin women fee
1511 trouble* an
at thin time **
Mom W I." urtstak, It It. No, iks
Yon- hit. fhtterio,
p.m. aan, Goderich
Bead (lofts , RNA uP Imo.
1.30 . 4/.00 Hohnesville /0.25 8.25'
1.45 e oo 4.15 Cllittare ' /0.10 pcitoot 8.10
1.50 Special" 7.20 Saafertin 10.05 S eial 8.05
2.05 5.10 .„. 7135 $t ColuMbitin , 9,50 05 1,60
2.10 5.15 140 Dublin 9.45 15.00 7,46
2.1.5 ,5.20 ' 7.45 Itlitchell - • 9.40 ' 4.55 7.40
2.20 5.85 8.00 Seleriegvilte 9.25 4.40 7.25 I
2.45 5.50 tea Stretford 9,10 4.25 7.10
2.00 0.00- 8.25 0.00 • • 4.15 • 7.00
pan.' p.m. , aari, p.m. Pan:
v `1*
x •
es. xSehool sPeciale on Mendez Tue,iday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Fridey met Saturday- niglit coach leaves Stratford at 10
• p.m. Itrae atop, at to hotels and fano gates. •
Coach kaires GOderieli front hotels'.
Coach leaves Stretford front boa depot, fratone 'MO und post office. ,
.0 Through coal:4030th wayee
Special rates to school ehibiren uttending Stratford school.'
1 -40441414•I1
Your New
Radio Set
You want the 'best radio _
for your moneys Come
- in, see it and hear
*then you'llewanoto.own.
Futon Motor Sales
South St. Goderieh
11 Radio" II
1411 that you arek in